Analysis of children's poetic work by grigory palonshchikov. Children's book museum - LiveJournal

Georgy Afanasyevich Ladonshchikov (1916-1992) - Russian poet, translator. Born June 8, 1916 in a peasant family in the village of Kamenka, Smolensk district, Smolensk province. His talent as a poet manifested itself in early childhood. He learned to play the accordion early and amused the children and adults in the yard with his ditties.
At school, with his poems, he repeatedly proved his literary talent.
Since all his childhood, Georgy Ladonshchikov lived and worked in the countryside, his poems are about nature, animals, labor, harvest.
Studied Ladonshchikov at the Hydraulic Engineering and Polygraphic Schools. But then the war began. He became a signalman on the Leningrad front, was a fighter in the Estonian partisan detachment "Kotkas".
After the war, he began to work at the Moscow telephone center, where over 25 years of work from an apprentice of an assembler he became an engineer.
Chance helped him become a poet. Once Ladonshchikov had a chance to fix the phone of a famous children's poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. And during their conversation, it turned out that the cheerful signalman not only knows the works of Marshak and other children's authors, but also writes poetry for children himself. Marshak liked the poems. It was he who advised Georgy Afanasyevich to seriously engage in poetry.
At first he wrote fables, humorous and satirical poems for adults. And in 1951 Ladonshchikov published a book of poems for children "Little Masters". He graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Leningrad Institute. M. Gorky. Since 1958 - a member of the Writers' Union. Ladonshchikov is the author of collections for children: "Winter Pictures", "Circus", "Going to the Country House", "Who is Faster?", "Grinder", "With Your Own Hands", "Timoshkin's Pets", "In the Beaver's Studio", "Yegorka -fisherman "," Scooter "," What we saw in the forest "," Between pines and birches "," The sun pleases the earth ", books of ditties for children" Balalaika played ", a collection of fables" Capricious bull ", poetic tales" Like a gentleman he envied the blacksmith "and" About a gosling, a broom and a brood hen ", a collection of songs for children" Not only a joke "(Moscow, 1959-81).
Ladonshchikov also translated works from Mordovian (I. Kishnyakov), Tatar (J. Pinyasov), Chuvash (L. Agakov), Karachaev (M. Khubiev) and other languages \u200b\u200binto Russian.

Today, under the heading "Forgotten names" we are talking about the wonderful Children's Poet.
Meet who are not familiar ... remember who forgot -
Georgy Afanasievich Ladonshchikov

(1916 - 1992)

Georgy Afanasyevich Ladonshchikov was born on June 8, 1916 in the village of Kamenka, Smolensk province in a poor peasant family, he lost his father early.
From early childhood, he helped the elders with housework, worked in the fields, and from the age of eight he was babysitting with his nephews.
But his talent as a poet manifested itself in early childhood.
He learned to play the accordion early, and amused the children and adults in the yard with invented ditties. Ditty

"Kolya is quarreling with friends,
uses his fists.
The bully under the eyes
bruises don't go away "

written by him just at that time.

Ladonshchikov studied at the Hydraulic and Printing Schools until the war broke out.
During the Great Patriotic War, he was a signalman on the Leningrad front, a fighter in the Estonian partisan detachment "Kotkas".

After the war, he began to work at the Moscow telephone center, where, over 25 years of work, from an apprentice to a fitter, he became an engineer.

But you will never believe how Georgy Ladonshchikov became a children's poet!
So, he worked at the Moscow telephone exchange as an installer.
The profession, to be sure, is necessary, especially since the phone can go awry on anyone.

"And then one day, - said Valentin Berestov, - he repaired the telephone of the famous Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. And it turned out that the cheerful signalman not only perfectly knows the verses of Marshak himself, and in general children's poetry, but also writes poetry for children himself! ".

Try to imagine what this means: Marshak himself liked the poems!
And it was Marshak who advised Georgy Afanasyevich to seriously engage in poetry.
Ladonshchikov comes from a village, from a peasant family, so his poems, as a rule, are about rural children, whom he, according to the same Berestov, loved and knew very well.

Georgy Afanasevich graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Leningrad Institute. M. Gorky.
Since 1958 he has become a Member of the Writers' Union.

In 1951 his book of poems for children "Little Masters" was published.
And then there were such collections of poems for children: "Winter Pictures", "Circus", "We are going to the dacha", "Who is faster?", "Grinder", "With our own hands", "Timoshka's pets", "In the beaver's workshop", "Egorka the Fisherman", "Samokat", "What We Saw in the Forest", "Between Pines and Birches", "The Sun Pleases the Earth".
He also wrote a book of ditties for children "Balalaika played", a collection of fables "Capricious bull", poetic fairy tales "How the master envied a blacksmith" and "About a gosling, a broom and a brood hen", a collection of songs for children "Not only a joke".

Ladonshchikov also translated works from Mordovian, Tatar, Chuvash, Karachai languages \u200b\u200binto Russian.

About books--

To date, ONLY ONE book by this author is on the shelves! -
We need to somehow correct this injustice !!!

I have already shown Ladonshchikov's books in my magazine -

In the Favorite Museum, they laid out such books by Georgy Afanasyevich -
- Who let down whom?

And now I will show you the book "Who is faster?" ... or rather, TWO VERSIONS of a book with drawings by ONE artist :)

And the 1956 version will go first.
Paperback book, A4 format, 24 pages, 200,000 copies.
The artist in books and 1956, and 1955 alone - Veniamin Nikolaevich LOSIN .

The second option is 1955.
Paperback book, A4 format, also 24 pages, and also - 200,000 copies.

Georgy Ladonshchikov's unusual literary talent was discovered at a very young age, when the author, in order to amuse his friends and adults, told ditties. Since then, Georgy Afanasevich begins his creative way, the main purpose of which is to maintain the spirit of the people. Ladonshchikov, like many, was not spared by the war, forcing him to set foot on the defense of his homeland, but the nightmares of battles fail to capture the consciousness of a persistent nature. The chance itself helps him to develop as a poet, finding himself, Georgy Ladonshchikov continues to work hard after the first publishing house. Many poems for adults and children come out from under his pen, captivating more and more new admirers.

The poet's works are invariably filled with light and description of the native lands, so dear to the heart of Georgy Afanasyevich. He praises the victory of labor and positive emotions over grief and despondency, without falling into despair even in the most difficult situations. The sensual coloring of his poems easily conveys to the reader the emotions and encouraging thoughts that formed the basis of the work. Ladonshchikov's special style, which originated in his youth, makes poems loved by more than one generation, recalling the value of nature and the world around him.

Georgy Afanasyevich Ladonshchikov (1916-1992) - Russian poet, translator. Born June 8, 1916 in a peasant family in the village of Kamenka, Smolensk district, Smolensk province. His talent as a poet manifested itself in early childhood. He learned to play the accordion early and amused the children and adults in the yard with his ditties.
At school, with his poems, he repeatedly proved his literary talent.
Since all his childhood, Georgy Ladonshchikov lived and worked in the countryside, his poems are about nature, animals, labor, harvest.
Studied Ladonshchikov at the Hydraulic Engineering and Polygraphic Schools. But then the war began. He became a signalman on the Leningrad front, was a fighter in the Estonian partisan detachment "Kotkas".
After the war, he began to work at the Moscow telephone center, where over 25 years of work from an apprentice of an assembler he became an engineer.
Chance helped him become a poet. Once Ladonshchikov happened to fix the phone of the famous children's poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. And during their conversation, it turned out that the cheerful signalman not only knows the works of Marshak and other children's authors, but also writes poetry for children himself. Marshak liked the poems. It was he who advised Georgy Afanasyevich to seriously engage in poetry.
At first he wrote fables, humorous and satirical poems for adults. And in 1951 Ladonshchikov published a book of poems for children "Little Masters". He graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Leningrad Institute. M. Gorky. Since 1958 - a member of the Writers' Union. Ladonshchikov is the author of collections for children: "Winter Pictures", "Circus", "Going to the Country House", "Who is Faster?", "Grinder", "With Your Own Hands", "Timoshkin's Pets", "In the Beaver's Studio", "Yegorka -fisherman "," Scooter "," What we saw in the forest "," Between pines and birches "," The sun pleases the earth ", books of ditties for children" Balalaika played ", a collection of fables" Capricious bull ", poetic tales" Like a gentleman he envied the blacksmith "and" About a gosling, a broom and a brood hen ", a collection of songs for children" Not only a joke "(Moscow, 1959-81).
Ladonshchikov also translated works from Mordovian (I. Kishnyakov), Tatar (J. Pinyasov), Chuvash (L. Agakov), Karachaev (M. Khubiev) and other languages \u200b\u200binto Russian.

Ladonshchikov Georgy Afanasevich - Russian Soviet poet.
Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1976). Born into a peasant family. Graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (1960). Participant of the Great Patriotic War... Published since 1934. In 1951 he published a book of poems for children "Little Masters". The topic of labor, moral and ethical and patriotic education the younger generation are devoted to the book "Who is Faster?" (1945), "Grinder" (1958), "With Your Own Hands" (1960), "Summer is in full swing" (1963), "Stuffed Pea" (1966), "Scooter" (1969), "About Big and Small" ( 1979), "Dispute at the birdhouse" (1972), collection of works. humorous poems "... And joke with love" (1972), collection of works. poems "Tea with jam" (1976).
Translates poetry and prose from the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR.


Horrible dream

Once Upon a Dirty Pig
What was urine screeched sleepily.
He had a terrible, terrible dream:
As if he washed his face with soap ...
And in reality I get dirty sometimes
Soap and water scare.

Misha the master

Misha fixes the sockets himself,
All the neighbors know Misha,
Often asked:
- Help!
- If we can,
We will help, -
He always answers ...

In our house, the tiles are warm
No slack in wires.
All calls at our entrance
They make a pleasant ringing ...
Misha is a true master:
He knows the matter for sure.


Bright sunny weather
Glad, glad kids.
Only Zina walks something
Sad in the morning:
Asks the sun to close
Remove the rays from the clouds.
A cloud asks to appear
Wet everything in the world.
Looks to the blue sky
And to the blue horizon ...
What's wrong with the girl?
Mom bought her an umbrella!

Alenka's pictures

Inserting a colored film
Into the camera
Alyonka arrived
Once in the zoo.
Alyonka learned
Shoot in a photo circle ...
Click - and it turned out
Jumping squirrel.
She took off her waking up
There is a boar family in the bushes,
How the hippo bathes
In a big concrete bath
How fresh clover ate
Kangaroo mother.
I managed to remove the hedgehog
Although he was in a hurry to the hole.
Then to the fence of the lioness
Alyonka came up
But take off, adjust
Couldn't take long.
The lioness looked proudly
On a black photo box
Covered her muzzle with her paw
And pretended to be asleep ...
To the elephant Alyonka
From the lioness came up:
Elephant with a baby elephant
I took it off at breakfast.
I took off an owl on a branch
By the tree is a donkey
An evil hyena in a cage
There is a goat on a boulder,
And like guinea pigs
Meet the wolf cubs ...

And the rest of the pictures
Not yet printed.


- Cornflower, cornflower,
Tell me frankly
Why do you love so much
Grow among the rye?
Would you be in the meadow
Not the last flower
And in the field they consider
Weed you.

- Among the bright colors
I will fade in the meadow.
Only in the rye am I so
I can be beautiful.
Here I really am
As a guest
But still
On fine days by me
Admiring rye.

My friends from A to Z

I love our kindergarten.
It's full of guys.
They are all my friends.
Everything, everything, everything - from A to Z!
They are in the yard now
I will introduce you to them:
Alla watering the flowerbed
Borya gives water
Vera plants a cherry
Galya sings a song;
Dima inflates the ball,
Eve plays with the Hedgehog,
Zhenya sculpts pies
Zoya cuts letters
Ira walks with a short Y;
Kolya is building a house with a pipe
Lyonya fixes a dump truck,
Masha waves her hand to me
Nadia is cleaning the samovar;
Olya dresses up a doll,
Petya is spinning like a top
Raya embroiders an apron,
Sasha boasts of a butterfly net;
Tanya throws the ball into the net,
Ulya looks at the sky,
Fedya gives her a candy
Haritosha, sitting, asleep;
Caesar walks on the bench
Charlie is dancing on the board
Shura Shchukina ruler
S displays on the sand.
The girl knows b and b and so.
Emma raises the hoop,
Yura feeds the pigeons
Yasha looks and considers
How many friends have I called.


The clouds are floating somewhere
There is silence over the river.
Vovka together with his younger brother
There she is!
The float dived under the shore.
The fisherman pulled the rod.
How so?
Doesn't believe in eyes:
On the hook is his worm.
“It was a good bite!
What didn't the fish take?
Know, smart, -
Vovka thought. -
Or she was experienced. "
And the little brother praises Vovka:
- Well done, did not miss!
How great you are
How clever
I caught a worm in the river!

Talk about birds

Once Petya Borya met.
Boris Pete began to boast:
- Wow, I know a lot of nests!
I know where the goldfinch is, where the blackbird is,
I know where the owls live! ..
- If you know - shut up!
Do not chat! -
Petya noticed. -
Be useful to them even with this!

Native nest

Song Swallows
Over my window
They mold, mold a nest ...
I know, soon in it
Chicks will appear
Will start to wail
They will be parents
Moshkara wear.
The little ones will fly
In the summer from the nest
Fly over the world
But they always
Will know and remember
What's in the native land
The nest will greet them
Over my window.

About myself and about the guys

The sun disappeared behind the houses
We leave the kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in chorus,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What we ate
What we read in kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And in detail about everything.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

Winter pictures

The sun warms the earth weakly
Frost crackles at night.
In the yard of the snow woman
The carrot nose turned white.

Under a birch on a hillock
The old hedgehog made a mink
And under the leaves lie
Two young hedgehogs.

The squirrel hid in a hollow -
It is both dry and warm,
Stock of mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat in a year.

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps, as if in the house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And, like a little one, it sucks.

Cautious fox
I went to the stream to get drunk
Bent over, and the water
Immobile and firm.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole:
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Partridge in the meadow
Snow is dug without a shovel.
And to the insidious enemy
Do not notice them in the snow.