Oleg grigoriev is a poet for children. Children's poems

Oleg Evgenievich Grigoriev was a very charming person, who was distinguished by a sharp mind and sobriety of judgment. Throughout his life, this man tried himself in various fields. He worked as a musician, artist and writer. He was especially good at writing children's works.

The first children's collection entitled "Freaks" written by Oleg Grigoriev was released in 1971. In it, he showed funny, naughty and life-filled heroes. The poet's poems were loved by students, schoolchildren, and even the smallest children.

Creativity of Grigoriev O.E. has always been close to folklore. Many of the poems now known as "the creativity of the people" were created by Oleg Grigoriev.

The next book by the writer "Growth Vitamin" did not receive such stormy approval. The authorities considered it dangerous for young people, although it was written in a fun and harmless way. Unfortunately, this collection was never published. This moment became a turning point in the life of the writer, as he desperately needed support, which he never received.

Grigoriev's work has always been original. Poems have always been created on the basis of some unreal events. There was a lot of black humor and references to death in its various forms.

Not many contemporaries of Grigoriev O.E. could call him one of the best writers of his time. However, at present, his poems are becoming more and more popular.

For a long time I have had his book, one of my favorites. And then I got caught documentary about him, a very good film. Here - I am sharing beautiful - both poetry and film.


People come from the stars,
Therefore, they walk upright.
The stars attract people
The earth is flattening
And the stars stretch.

The holster dangled on its side,
Behind him, his father's checker clinked.
Everything in front of me was laughing
And behind everything was crying.


Once Seryozha and Olya
Hit the magnetic field.
Scared parents
They were barely demagnetized.

And here is the movie.
(video taken from lukomnikov_1 in post

I took paper and pen,
Drew an iron
Tore a piece of paper, threw it into a bucket -
There was a knock in the bucket.


Felt boots on the fence
Drying upside down.
So these boots
We were soaking down our feet.


Petrov lay with his mouth open
In a sweatshirt on the back
And from top to bottom Cuban rum
I had to pour.


I said to the girl meekly:
- Sorry for the tactlessness,
But your bust and torso and gait
They reminded me of antiquity.
She answered me with a sigh:
- Sorry, but your addition
Reminded me of an era
Decline and decay.

Children threw logs at each other,
And I stood and took in the impressions.
One of the logs hit me -
There are no more impressions.

I went to Vyshny Drago,
Clockwork bought a spinning top.
Houses lying on the floor
I spin my whirligig.
I used to live alone, howling
And now we two howl.


What do you think,

Where is the best place to drown?

In a pond or in a swamp?

I think that if you drown

It's better in compote!

Even though it's sad

But at least delicious!

Prokhorov Sazon

Sparrow fed.

Threw them a loaf -

I killed ten of them.


I dressed myself in a coat

And he touched his nose with his sleeve.

I decided to punish the coat

And without a coat I went for a walk.

My friend Valery Petrov

Never bit mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes did not know about it

And Petrov was often bitten.

I'll go home and tell my mom

That the moon is trapped by two houses

Open the door for a minute
The wasps will sting us!
- Let you in for a minute.
And you will sit for an hour.
We go in a detachment with discipline,
As if the whole street was mined.

What if the world is promoted more strongly?
- Think about your grandmother, what will happen to her.


I ate lunch two portions,
My proportions are distorted.

On a stool - baturet
The children were sitting - stupid,
Dangling feet with feet
Swearing with many hands.

Four-armed legs
The macaque goes to the tree,
Four-legged hands
She rips bananas from the branches.


Sit in the closet -

And as long as possible:

The gray city will become

Just dazzling.


A glass shone in Ivan's hand
Nirvana was approaching to Ivan.


To express everything at once, I punch my pelvis with my fist.



Striped wasp
Straight out of the jam
It flew into my eyes
Needed for sight.

To my home from distant lands
This bird was in a hurry
Through the sands and the ocean
To hurt yourself at home.

I asked the electrician Petrov:
- Why did you wind a wire around your neck?
Petrov doesn't answer me,
Hangs and only shakes with bots.

I hit a corner.
This means that the world is not very round.


Climbing the stairs home, Petrov counted eight steps, going down the stairs

down - counted only seven.

"Disorder" - decided Petrov and turned to the janitor.

It can't be, - said the janitor and climbed eight steps up.

And now down, - said Petrov.

One, - says the janitor, - two, three, four, five, six, seven ... What is it? Where is the eighth step? ..

Disorder, - he decided and turned to the policeman.

Let's figure it out now, - said the policeman. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, - and climbed the stairs.

Now down, said the janitor.

Once, - the militiaman counts the steps, - two, three, four, five, six, seven ... What a mess? Where is the eighth step?

The chief civil engineer was summoned.

It can't be, - said the civil engineer. - Here, probably, you are making some mistake, - and climbed eight steps up.

And now down, - said the policeman.

Once, - the civil engineer counts the steps, - two, three, four, five, six, seven ... What is it? - he said. - This is not provided for in our project.

We decided to demolish the ladder altogether.

Now, when Petrov goes home, he jumps up eight steps, and when he leaves the house, he jumps seven steps down.


and another cartoon based on O. Grigoriev


(from Wikipedia)
Oleg Evgnevich Grigriev (born December 6, 1943, Vologda Oblast, RSFSR, USSR, died April 30, 1992, St. Petersburg, Russia) - Soviet poet and artist, representative of the Leningrad underground. PEN-club member.

Russian drinking poet.

He started as an artist, but was expelled from the art school at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin (now - the Academy of Arts) in Leningrad.

O.E. Grigoriev worked as a watchman, fireman, janitor, etc.

In 1961 he composed a quatrain: "I asked the electrician Petrov ...". Such verses were popularly called "Sadistic rhymes."

"Author "I asked the electrician Petrov, why did you put a wire around your neck" (yes, yes, this masterpiece has an author!) wondrous poet and artist Oleg Grigoriev he was imprisoned for parasitism and was persecuted in every possible way. But just ten years after his death in 2002, he was awarded a memorial plaque.
It says that he lived in this house.

And it was necessary to write one of his most wonderful poems on it:

Sit in the closet -
And as long as possible:
The gray city will become
Just dazzling. "

Garber NM, How to write in the XXI century ?, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2013, p. 329.

“… Poet Oleg Grigoriev, a talented follower Kharms and oberiuts, - an illustrative example of a drunken Russian writer. We did not talk about this very common path, so I will give a biography of Grigoriev in a little more detail.
In his youth, he "did not defend himself as a painter" and in the early sixties was expelled from the art school at the Academy of Arts. He was expelled because he painted wrong and wrong, was mocking and scandalous, had a special look that captures the funny and tragic illogicality of life.
In general, the man was talented - in particular, he had a fine ear for music and could masterfully reproduce arias from operas. Writing poetry, I got used to the role, like Arkady Raikin, but he was a child and an eccentric by nature - he lived and wrote with this look.
As a result of the incompatibility of this view with the Soviet regime, Grigoriev worked as a watchman, stoker, janitor, became a poet, composed a “children's folk” poem about the electrician Petrov, and in 1971 published the first book of children's poems and stories called “Freaks”, which became popular.
Several of her works were used for issues of the Yeralash magazine, and many of her poems were included in St. Petersburg city folklore. Grigoriev saw adults through the eyes of children, and children through the eyes of adults, which ensured his popularity on both sides.
The miniature format of the poems was easy to remember, the ditty paradoxicality caught on, and the veracity of the description of the idiocy accumulated in society won over:

“You're just a coward.
There's no one here
Calm and quiet.
Why tremble? "
That's what dad said ...
But, leaving the hall,
And dad was trembling
And my mother was trembling.

Nevertheless - or precisely because of this - in the early 1970s, Grigoriev was sentenced to two years "for parasitism" and sent to forced labor - he was building a plant in the Vologda region. Grigoriev said that in any verse there must be "force of impact", otherwise he will become infinitely weak.
This did not threaten his poetry - from the Vologda exile, in addition to the collection of butterflies that captivated him there, he brought a poem:

"With a shaved head,
In striped shape,
Communism I'm building
Crowbar and shovel. "

He was released ahead of schedule, in 1975 he already took part in the famous exhibition in the Nevsky Palace of Culture, but he still began to drink and is becoming incompatible not only with social life, but also with everyday life.
Nevertheless, in 1981, his second children's book, "Vitamin of Growth", was published in Moscow. However, the poems from it caused outrage among some representatives of official literary circles, in particular among Sergei Mikhalkov.
Grigoriev, without knowing it, showed the stereotype of the thinking of the apologists of the totalitarian system and how easily and cheerfully it is destroyed. As a result, Oleg i failed in the Union of Writers of the USSR, and then in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published an article "What are the sparrows to blame?", subjecting Grigoriev, along with two other poets, to sharp criticism.
And although in 1985 Leonid Desyatnikov wrote a one-act classical opera for children "Growth Vitamin", in 1988 the cartoon of the same name was shot, and in 1989 Grigoriev's new book "The Talking Raven" was published, the "Lefty effect" was already irresistible - Oleg drank:

What do you think,
Where is the best place to drown?
In a pond or in a swamp?
- I think that if you drown,
It's better in compote!
Even though it's sad
But at least delicious!

In the same 1989, the poet received a second conviction ("for brawl and resistance to the police"), but the writers' defense reduced the punishment to a suspended sentence.
The drunkenness inevitably continued, and in 1992 Grigoriev died of a perforated stomach ulcer, refuting his own poem:

“Death is beautiful and just as easy,
Like a way out of a moth's chrysalis. "

Garber NM, How to write in the XXI century ?, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2013, p. 360-362

O.E. Grigoriev influenced what the St. Petersburg "mitki" call their work ...

Grigoriev Oleg Evgenievich

Oleg Grigoriev's poems are often mischievous, such as the story of poppies and crayfish or umbrellas; are kind when he talks about good peoplelike a postman; are angry - read carefully the poem "Buck". Only indifferent and smooth his poems can not be called. Each has a "zest" - a funny surprise, surprise.

And behind a funny joke, Oleg Grigoriev sometimes hides a serious thought. It is not only laughter that causes, say, the empty chatter of a passer-by with a man who has fallen into a pit. There is something to think about. The author as if asks the reader: "Have you ever been like this?"

In his first book, the poet also included short prosaic jokes, which, like poetry, are unlikely to leave you indifferent ...

Poppy seller

I sold crayfish.

Then came up

Poppy lover

And he was indignant

Seeing crayfish:

You seem,

They were selling poppies

And you have here

Solid crayfish.

So what? -

The seller said. -

Is it all the same

Boiled crayfish

As red as a poppy

In my opinion, so

How do you think?

Yes it is, -

Said the poppy lover. -

Even though I'm not a lover of crayfish

But since there are no poppies today,

Then give me a bouquet of crayfish.

On the tablecloth



and won't

will return


Therefore I,


shoved it

in pocket,

from the pocket,

Young sailor in sailor suit

I went to the river bank.

He took off his sailor suit like a sailor

He took off his nautical shoes

I undressed like a sailor,

He sneezed like a sailor

Fled like a sailor

And he dived like a soldier.

A neighbor came to Petrov,

Said: -Petrov, hello .-

Petrov said: - It's great.

Sit on the stool.

The neighbor cheered up

Said: -Look, Petrov,

How did your shoe open:

He is ready to eat me! -

Petrov got up a little,

Said: -Yes, it is .-

And threw it out the window

Broken shoe.

The neighbor was not surprised

Said: -Look, Petrov,

Your jacket is worn out

Shoulder to Sleeve.

Petrov got up a little,

Said: -Yes, it is .-

And threw it out the window

Shabby jacket.

The neighbor was not surprised

He said, crushing his beret:

See how tilted

Your old stool.

Petrov grabbed the leg

What the neighbor called

And threw it out the window

Neighbor and takes.

I opened my umbrella

In front of:

Wonderful time!

Stuck under my arm

The second umbrella.

It was pouring rain

Like a bucket.

In the sky

Clouds exploded.

The third took

Just in case.

Umbrella fourth

Stuck it in the side

So that I'm on the side

Don't get wet.

The fifth umbrella

On the back,

So as not to blow

In my back.

And the sixth hole umbrella

I opened over my head.


Gena said to Katya:

If you are attacked, tell me I'm for you

i will intercede.

Thanks, but no one attacks me, - answered

It's a pity, - said Gena.

Then he persuaded Vova to attack Katya.

How to attack this? - asked Vova.

Take away the briefcase, push it into a snowdrift, throw it over

collar of snow.

So that I stood up for her.

Look you! - said Vova. - Look guys,

teaches me to attack a person in order to protect him later.

The children attacked Gena and pushed him into a snowdrift.

Katya came up:

Did you attack one? Well stop

right now!

The children felt ashamed, and they parted.

And Gene Katya said:

If you get attacked, tell me I'll be for

intercede for you.

Two brothers are lying on the couch.

We will put things in order in the apartment today, - says

Yes, yes, says the second, order. Let's take a broom

and a rag, wash the floor and clean up on the shelf. Mom will come

from work and see the order. I wonder what mom will say?

She will say: "Well done, put things in order!"

No, she will say: "Well done, put things in order!"

No, she will say: "They put things in order, that's great!"

Mom came home from work.

Come on, march into the yard, you ugly! Again

make a mess!


Two boys stand against the school.

Should I go to school or not? one asks.

Go, so go, says another.

Or maybe it's better to take a walk? - said the first.

Walk, so walk, - said the second.

And if it gets from your parents?

It hits, so it hits.

No, it's better to go to school.

To school, so to school.

What if they give us two marks?

Twos, so twos.

Let's go for a walk today.

Walk, walk like that.

The teacher was going to school. I noticed the guys, asks:

Well how. are they going to school or where?

To school. Of course, to school, - said the first.

To school, so to school, - said the second.

And the boys went to school.

Misha walks along the garden alley, sees on the ground

a brand new scooter is lying. With rubber tires and

with a pedal on the rear wheel.

"I wish I was like that!" - Misha thought. Thought and

Why did you, - he says, - wanted someone else's thing

to assign?

Misha almost sat up in surprise.

I, - he says, - just thought about it, and

did not want to appropriate. Now, if the scooter was nobody's

then another matter.

Or maybe he's nobody's, said the old man. - Take it

and leave. - He said so, turned and left.

Misha looked around - no one was there. Sat on

bench against the scooter, sits.

A little boy came running with a hippopotamus under his arm.

Uncle, give me a ride!

Please, - said Misha.

The boy rode, put the scooter next to Misha

and running.

Other children came running. Everybody rolled and thanked

Misha. Misha alone didn't skate. I sat there until the evening.

"Well, he thinks," as if the old man said no at the scooter

host ".

I just wanted to take the scooter, like some boy

goes. Overgrown, looking like a repeater.

Hey guy. Is this your scooter?

No, not mine, - said Misha.

Not yours, then mine. I have it in the morning

lost. - I took a scooter and left.

Did you dig a hole?

Did you fall into the pit?

Are you sitting in the pit?

Are you waiting for the stairs?

Cheese pit?

Like a head?

So alive?

Well, I went home.

Boiling water was poured into the tank.

The tank was locked.

Do not raise it in any way -

Our tank is heavy like a safe.

Near a mug on a chain -

Try, unhook.

The tank is sealed, walled up,

Screwed into the floor, chained to the wall.

Remains to the tank

Bind the dog.


Get up off this couch

Otherwise, there will be a pit.

Don't walk on the carpet -

You will wipe a hole there.

And don't touch the bed -

the sheet can be wrinkled.

And you don't need to touch my wardrobe -

Your nail is too sharp.

And no need to take books -

You can break them.

And don't get in the way ...

Ah, wouldn't you better leave?

I carried home

Bag of sweets.

And then to meet me

He took off his beret:

Oh, hi!

What are you talking about?

Bag of sweets.


So candy.

And the compote?

No compote.

No compote

Do not need…

Are they made of chocolate?

Yes, they are made of chocolate.

I am very happy.

I love chocolate.

Give me some candy.

For candy.

And that one, and that, and that ...

The beauty! Delight!

And this one, and that one ...

No more?

No more.

Well hello.

Well hello.


Chairman Vova

I wanted to take the floor.

While getting up,

Lost my word.

Got up from the chair

And sat down again.

Then I got up again,

I wanted to say something.

But I decided to remain silent

And he didn't say a word.

Then he got up.

Then he sat down.

Sat-stood up

Sat-stood up

Sat up

And sat down again.

Without taking a word.

Sergei has no patience

He eats jam with his hands.

Seryozha's fingers stuck together

The shirt has grown to the skin.

Do not take your legs off the floor,

Do not take your hands off your feet.

Elbows and knees stuck together.

Jam stuck to his ears.

A pitiful sob is heard.

Sergei stuck to himself.


Will you be home?

I will be at home.

Okay, I'll come to you.

Come in, but only without Tom.

Who is Tom?

One freak with a wide mouth

However, he is not familiar to you.

So, I'm waiting for you tomorrow at six.

OK, I'll come.

Just don't take Tim with you.

Who is Tim?

Yes, we once studied with him.

So huge with a big belly.

However, you are not familiar with him either.

So, I'm waiting for you tomorrow at six.

Wait, do you have a new suit?

No, I only have one jacket.

Very bad, if so.

Listen, tomorrow at six

Don't wear this jacket.

Better sit at home.

And say hello

If you meet Tim and Tom.

Boy you didn't see passed

is there a goose? A big goose with red legs.

I haven't seen the goose.

Have you not seen a goose followed by a goose?

No, I haven't.

Have you seen a goose followed by a goose

with three goslings?

Of course I did. They went to that pond over there.


There were two pipes in the yard.

Children climbed into one pipe and fell asleep there. Came

workers, loaded the pipe on their shoulders and carried it to the construction site.

It's hard, - says one, - you need to rest.

The workers stopped near the river, lowered the pipe

on the ground and sat down to smoke.

One hit the pipe with the key and says:

Uh! And the pipe is cracked.

Yes, - says another, - a worthless pipe. Come on

let's throw it into the river.

They swung the pipe and threw it into the river.

And the children got enough sleep, got out of the chimney and went to

houses. They slept in another pipe.


Kolya is sitting on a log and eating an orange.

Slice by slice. Petya comes.

Delicious? - asks Petya.

And how, - Kolya answers.

Eh, - says Petya, sitting down side by side. - If

i had an orange, I would definitely share it with you.

Yes-ah-ah, - said Kolya, finishing his orange, - it's a pity,

that you don't have an orange.


Misha is walking down the street, he sees-

tinker solders a leaky pan.

Uncle, what are you doing? - Misha asked.

I'm digging a hole, 'answered the tinker.

Uncle, what are you doing? - asks Misha.

I'm digging a hole, ”answered the grinder.

Uncle! Are you digging a hole?

I sharpen my knives!


Children buried a cat.

The cat was seen off crying

To the ringing of saucepan lids.

Fat uncle on the balcony

Shaved my thick chin

A safe, thin razor.

As this uncle saw,

That a cat is buried below

Says: "Here it is!"

Says: "They bury the cat"

Says: "Just think!

I would never have thought:

The cat is seen off crying

To the ringing of pot lids. "

Of the larger children

Says to him: "Not a cat"

The middle one also states:

"We bury, but not the cat."

The smallest cub

Says through tears: "Birdie.

This cat ate a bird

We caught this cat

And we carry it in a box

All the guys for show. "

"Well!" Exclaimed the fat uncle.

That's it! "- and laughed.

Says: "I've seen a lot,

But this is the first time! "


Man with umbrella

I wanted to enter the house.

But with a huge umbrella

And open, besides,

As he realized later,

You cannot enter the house.

A closed umbrella is another matter.

With a closed umbrella

Easy to enter the house.

You can even three of us

Moreover, on top of each other.

It's another matter if the house itself is closed.

If the house is closed

And the umbrella is open

And it's raining outside

And you shiver

I need to close the umbrella

And open the house

And come home

If the house is not a stranger.

But with a closed umbrella

To stand in the rain

Moreover, without a cloak,

Yes, when thunder rumbles

Yes, when the house is closed

And a stranger, besides,

Everyone understands

Not very nice.

Man with umbrella

Turned around

Opened my umbrella

And went beyond the horizon.

Trembling Verses

In a locked room

Something flinched

As if hit

Somebody someone.

Trembling dad

With a trembling hand

Shivering mom

I took a lead.

Trembling door

Opened into a dark room

There is a trembling cat

He was trembling on the bench.

Quivering glass

They trembled in the windows

Quivering drops

They ran across the windows.

Sat on the frame

Shivering mouse.

Dad said to mom:

“Why are you trembling?

You're just a coward.

There's no one here

Calm and quiet.

Why tremble? "

That's what dad said ...

But, leaving the hall,

And dad was trembling

And my mother was trembling.


This postman was not old

And the postman was not sick

But he fell into a puddle

The postman fell into a puddle

But he picked up the bag in time

And kept above the water

Himself wet from head to toe

And I saved letters from water

Nice guy, postman

It is a pity that he fell into a puddle ...

Old, weak grandmother

I left the key at home.

An old grandmother called

But he did not open her granddaughters.

Old grandma hooted

She banged her fist at the door,

The oak door has collapsed

The neighbor in the kitchen gasped,

A neighbor swung in a chair

Fell out of bed with granddaughters

A saucepan fell from the shelf

And grandma's little key.


What do you think,

Where is the best place to drown?

In a pond or in a swamp?

I think that if you drown

It's better in compote!

Even though it's sad

But at least delicious!

Slavochka is sitting on the fence,

And under him on the bench is Borenka.

Borenka took the notebook,

I wrote: "You are a fool, Slavochka."

Slavochka took out a pencil,

I wrote in my notebook: "You are a fool."

Borishche took a notebook

Yes, as Slavish will crack on the forehead.

Slavishcha took the bench

Yes, how Borishcha will crack in the sheish.

Slavochka is crying under the fence.

Borenka is crying under the bench.

A car was driving through the city. On the bend

the car shook so that the person sitting in the back

flew into the open window of the nearest house.

The room was closed.

There was a cat on the table.

As soon as a person appeared in the room, the cat climbed under

Kitty, kitty, - said the man and also crawled under the bed.

But then footsteps were heard outside the door. Person

scared, got out from under the bed and climbed into the closet.

Several people entered.

One says:

Here it is! Take it!

Others took the closet and carried it. When the closet

stopped, the first one said:

Well, now let's go get the bed.

And the people left.

And the man opened the closet door, went out into the street

and went about his business.

The tinker bought a bed. But strange

business, when the tinker lay down on it, there was

extra space, and there was not enough room for legs. at first

the tinker wanted to complain, but then changed his mind: he sawed off

extra part of the bed and soldered to the missing one. Now

the tinker is sleeping peacefully - the excess has disappeared behind his head

the place is where to put your feet.

Oh, these glaziers for me-

glass blowers! Glaziers supplied me with glass.

What kind of glass did they put me?! Oblique, crooked,

with bumps, with blisters. You look through it into a distorted

the world and you see: instead of human figures that

building a house, figurative chelogurs who milk the stroma.

Instead of workers in overalls walking home

some Rambinsons in care, coming for me.

I'm under the crack. They are kochinyagami in a motorcycle.

I from them on the balls to the hub, through the helipad

on the spool. They follow me along the whites, twirling with two hands

and waving his fist.

And towards the boules with a chepura at the festivities. I'm in chepur

flop with a head. I got cleansed. And they go by

The Rambinsons are in care.

did not recognize me, did not understand anything.


Climbing the stairs home

Petrov counted eight steps going down the stairs

down - counted only seven.

"Disorder" - decided Petrov and turned to the janitor.

It can't be, - said the janitor and got up

eight steps up.

And now down, - said Petrov.

One, - says the janitor, - two, three, four, five,

six, seven ... What is it? Where is the eighth step? ..

Disorder, - he decided and turned to the policeman.

Let's figure it out now, - said the policeman. - One,

two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight - and climbed

up the stairs.

Now down, said the janitor.

One, - the militiaman considers the steps, - two. three,

four, five, six, seven ... What's the mess? Where

eighth step?

The chief civil engineer was summoned.

It can't be, said the civil engineer. - Here,

you are probably making some mistake - and climbed to

eight steps up.

And now down, - said the policeman.

One, - the civil engineer counts the steps, - two,

three, four, five, six, seven ... What is it? - he said.-

This is not provided for in our project.

We decided to demolish the ladder altogether.

Now, when Petrov goes home, he jumps on

eight steps up, and when he leaves the house, he jumps

seven steps down.

Dogs fought in the market

Onlookers came running to fight.

To break through to the dogs

Began to beat wallets.

The onlookers were so torn

That the dogs scattered!

I walked against the wind with my nose.

Remained snub-nosed for life ...

The chef was preparing dinner

And then they turned off the light.

The cook takes the bream

And put it in the compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron

He puts jam in the oven

Mixes the soup with a cabbage soup,

Beats coals with a ladle

Pours sugar into the broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette,

When the light was fixed!

Floor polisher, floor polisher!

You shouldn't have rubbed the floor with a brush!

I'll walk on the parquet floor

Slip and fall!

So as not to slip

And you can't break your neck

You don't need a floor with a brush,

And rub with a grater!

If you put a glass on a glass, and

put another glass under the glass, you will have:

two glasses under a glass,

one glass on two glasses,

two glasses on one glass,

one glass under two glasses,

glass on glass, glass under glass,

and the third glass between two glasses.

But if you do not put the glass on the glass, but under the glass

another glass, you will only have a glass, a glass and a glass.

The summer resident took a wallet and a basket,

I went to the forest to buy raspberries.

Returned home, did not bring anything:

There are berries, there are no sellers!

Oleg Evgenievich Grigoriev (1943-1992) - Russian poet and artist.

Born on December 6, 1943 in evacuation in the Vologda region. After the war, he moved to Leningrad with his mother and brother. He painted from early childhood, and had to become an artist. He studied at the art school at the Academy of Arts, was expelled from it in 1960. He has maintained friendship with many famous artists today. He worked as a watchman, fireman, janitor.

In 1971, he published the first book of children's poems and stories called "Freaks", which became popular; several works from it ("Hospitality", "Orange") were published in the magazine "Yeralash". Many of his poems were included in St. Petersburg city folklore.

His poems are distinguished by aphoristic, paradoxical, elements of absurdity and black humor, which is why he is often placed on a par with Kharms. However, Grigoriev differs from them in greater spontaneity, sincerity and childish vulnerability.

In 1981, his second children's book, Vitamin Growth, was published in Moscow. In 1985 Leonid Desyatnikov wrote a one-act classical opera for children, for soloists and piano "Growth Vitamin" eponymous poem Oleg Grigoriev. In 1988, a cartoon of the same name was shot based on the same poem (directed by Vasily Kafanov).

His next book, The Talking Raven, was published in 1989 during perestroika. Six months before his death, he was admitted to the Writers' Union.

He died on April 30, 1992 in St. Petersburg from perforation of a stomach ulcer. He was buried in St. Petersburg, at the Volkovskoye cemetery, and in the house on the street. Pushkinskaya, 10, a memorial plaque with his name was opened.

After his death, several colorfully designed books with his works were published, including translations into German and French.

List works of art by the author from the collection of our library.

Grigoriev, O. E. Talking Raven [Text]: poems / Oleg Grigoriev; artist G. Yasinsky. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2016. - 63 p.

Which of the laughter is the strongest, why do people walk upright and can you hear silence? Surely you can't wait to find out the answers to these very, very important questions! The funny and witty lines of Oleg Grigoriev, to which it is impossible to remain indifferent, will share with the children and their parents the readers of everyday wisdom and tell about the most different and sometimes extraordinary incidents that can happen to everyone, for example, if you go on an excursion to a flower garden or start studying yoga. And the unique drawings by Gennady Yasinsky will give readers more than one multicolored armful of smiles!

Grigoriev, O. E. Mischievous verses [Text] / Oleg Grigoriev; comp. Mikhail Yasnov; formalized. Nikolay Vorontsov. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2010. - 92 p.

The collection includes the most popular poems by the St. Petersburg poet Oleg Grigoriev (1943-1992). Once, during a meeting with the guys, one of them asked him: "How tall do you weigh?" He, without hesitation, answered: "Meter seventy kilograms." Opening the book by Oleg Grigoriev with illustrations by Nikolai Vorontsov, you seem to start playing a fun and witty game.

Grigoriev, O. E. Sazon and Baton [Text] / O. Grigoriev; artist I. Novikov. - Moscow: White City, 1997 .-- 44 p.

Funny poems are written in the spirit of a humorous magazine for children and adults. Awesome wit. Grigoriev jokes about neighbors, friends and relatives, about a loaf, pie and wasps. From a simple daily picture, you can draw the correct logical conclusion. Can not argue. And it's funny.

The author makes fun of human vices: stupidity, lack of assembly, greed and bad manners. You should not go to neighbors whose steps cannot be taken. There is also no need to criticize them out loud. Grigoriev jokes about where it is better to drown, how to deal with bad grades and how best to crumble a loaf of sparrows. ,

The work of the artist Igor Novikov is simply excellent, the sense of humor matches the poetry. Recommended for fun reading at home, in the evenings and during holidays.

Grigoriev, O. E. Chehard [Text]: poems for secondary school age / Oleg Grigoriev; fig. Alexander Florensky. - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 2013 .-- 45 p.

This book contains selected poems for the children of the wonderful poet Oleg Grigoriev (1943-1992). Incredibly funny and witty, bright and memorable, paradoxical and absurd, they will not leave indifferent young readers and their parents! Each one contains riddles and mysterious transformations. The poems of Oleg Grigoriev - an author who never wanted to grow up himself - are truly alive: they jump, jump, fly and somersault. And the illustrations by Alexander Florensky accurately and delicately continue this game with the reader. It turns out funny, fun and very interesting.

Grigoriev, O. E. Chudaki and others [Text]: poems / Oleg Grigoriev; fig. C. Islands. - St. Petersburg: DETGIZ: DETGIZ-Lyceum, 2006. - 123 p.

How to read this book? At first, the font with which the poems are printed will be large, large - for those who have just learned or are still learning to read. In the next section, the font is smaller, in the next - even smaller, and so on. The publishers expect that you will read this book for a long time - and while you are reading, you will mature a little and already read it on your own from cover to cover, and the book will live next to you for more than one year. The last section, "A Christmas Carol," is again in large print. So that now you yourself read these poems to your little sisters or brothers! Compiled by Mikhail Yasnov. Color illustrations S. Ostrov.

Grigoriev, O. E. Wonderful people [Text] / Oleg Grigoriev; artist S. Bordyug and N. Trepenok. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 127 p.

The collection includes the poems of a talented children's poet, who had an original, peculiar view of ordinary things.

Grigoriev, O. E. Ticklish Poems [Text] / Oleg Grigoriev; [artist. uncle Kolya Vorontsov]. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka: Azbuka-Atticus, 2011. - 78 p.

Who is Oleg Grigoriev? Poet. Artist. A prominent representative of the Leningrad underground. Direct, sincere and vulnerable Person. And also - the author of this book.

Who is Nikolai Vorontsov? Homework cartoonist. Prize-winner and laureate. A lover of buns. And also - the funniest artist in the world and the author of illustrations for this book.

What happens if you add illustrations by Uncle Kolya Vorontsov to the poems of Oleg Grigoriev? The result will be a wonderful book full of cheerful spontaneity, play and mischief. Expand it on any page and make sure that it is simply impossible to stop laughing. Because these are very TICKY POEMS!