Topic the weather. Description of the weather in English: words, phrases and example texts

Seasons and Weather - Seasons and weather

Weather changes during the year. So people usually divide it into four seasons.


Winter is the coldest season of a year. It begins in December. This is the time when lakes and rivers start covering with ice and the first snow begins to fall. When there is a lot of snow in the streets and the ice is strong enough, people often go outside for their favorite winter amusements like skiing, skating, sledging and throwing snowballs.

The end of December is the conclusion of a year itself, and a new year comes with January. In this month frosts strike harder and blizzards unleash their natural rage. It usually lasts until the middle of February and then changes into slight thaw periods. The weather becomes rather warm and sunny and we can feel the spring approaching.


In March blizzards can strike again, and the sky is often covered with dark clouds. But it doesn "t last for long, and by the end of March grim sky brightens and you can see blooming flowers and trees.

This is the time when nature begins to wake up from its winter sleep. April brings total rejuvenation to the woods, fields and meadows. Animals leave their lairs and birds come back to their homeland. In May the sunshine becomes brighter and hotter while days become longer. But the beginning of May is famous for its heavy rains and thunderstorms.


Although summer is the hottest season of a year, the weather is often cool and rainy in June. Trees start fructifying while woods and fields become abundant in berries.

In July it is getting hotter and drier. During this period people usually spend time by the sea, lakes and rivers. They eat ice cream and have cold drinks, saving themselves from the heat. The weather usually remains unchanged till the end of August.


It is usually still warm in September, but nights become cooler and longer. Days are often rainy and foggy. In the beginning of October cold winds start blowing and leaves are getting yellow and red and then begin to fall.

Autumn is also a harvest season. Vegetables, fruits, wheat and rye are cropped at this time. In November early frosts begin and the hoarfrost appears on the ground and trees. Birds start flying away to the south and animals make preparations for the wintertime.

The weather changes throughout the year. Therefore, the year is divided into four seasons.


Winter is the coldest time of the year. It starts in December. At this time, lakes and rivers are covered with ice, and the first snow falls. When there is a lot of snow on the streets and the ice is already strong enough, people often go outside to go skiing, skating, sledding and playing snowballs.

The end of December is the end of the year, the new year begins in January. This month, the frosts are getting stronger and the blizzards are more violent. This weather usually lasts until mid-February, followed by short periods of thaw. The weather is getting quite warm and sunny, and you can feel the approach of spring.


Blizzards can continue in March, and the sky is often obscured by clouds. But this does not last long, and by the end of March the gloomy sky clears up, the first flowers appear, fruit trees bloom.

At this time, nature wakes up from winter sleep. In April, forests, fields and meadows come to life. Animals leave their winter dwellings, and birds return to their native lands. In May, the sun shines brighter and hotter, the days are lengthening, but the beginning of May is famous for showers and thunderstorms.


Although summer is the hottest time of the year, June is often cool and rainy. Fruits ripen on trees, and many berries appear in forests and fields.

In July, the weather becomes hotter and drier. During this period, people usually spend time on the seashore, lakes and rivers. They eat ice cream and drink cold drinks to escape the heat. This weather usually lasts until the end of August.


In September, the weather is still warm, but the nights are getting cooler and longer. The days are often rainy and foggy. In October, a cold wind begins to blow, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off.

Autumn is also the harvest season. At this time, fruits and vegetables are harvested, rye and wheat are harvested. In November, frost sets in, frost appears on the ground and trees. Birds fly to warm countries, and animals prepare for winter.

Everybody knows there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are nice and every season has its color: spring for example is green, summer is bright, autumn is yellow, winter is white. Every season has its advantages.
Winter lasts for three months: December, January and February. The temperature in winter is low. It is frosty, and it often snows. Rivers and lakes are frozen. Everything is white with snow and it "s a merry time for both children and grown-ups, they can go skating and sledging, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time.

Winter brings us a lot of wonderful holidays: New Year "s Day with its New Year Tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, the Snowmaiden and Father Frost. We also celebrate such holiday as Christmas. I think these are the most favorite holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The Sun is warm, the sky becomes blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birds "songs. The trees and the grass are green. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilac, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. So nature returns to life.
The three summer months are June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruit and vegetables. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. It is a very good season for holidays and vacations. We can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good summer rest autumn comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather at the beginning is still fine. It is rather warm in the day-time, but it is already cool at night. The sun is not so warm as it is in summer. Autumn is the season of harvesting. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are in our gardens. In October and November is already cold. It often rains.
As you can see, it "s rather difficult to say what season is the best one, because as I have already said, every season has its own advantages. But nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And it" s no wonder because i like fresh spring air and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also like to walk along the streets in spring and watch how nature awakens from its long winter sleep and returns to life.

  • advantage - advantage;
  • grown-ups - adults;
  • snowdrop - snowdrop;
  • lilies of the valley - lilies of the valley;
  • daffodil - yellow daffodil
  • valley - valley;
  • violet - violet.
Everyone knows that there are four seasons a year. These are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are good, and each season has its own color: spring, for example, green, summer - bright, autumn - yellow, winter - white. Each season has its own benefits.
Winter lasts three months: December, January and February. The temperature is low in winter. Often frost and snow. Rivers and lakes are freezing. Everything is covered with white snow, and this is the most fun time for both children and adults, you can go ice skating and sledding, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time. Winter brings us many wonderful holidays: New Year with its Christmas tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. We also celebrate a holiday like Christmas. I think these are the most beloved holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The sun is warm, the sky turns blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birdsong. Trees and grass are green. There are many beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilacs, tulips and violets are the first spring flowers. Thus, nature comes back to life.
Three summer months - June, July, August. It's hot in summer, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are many beautiful flowers. This is a very good season for vacations and vacations. You can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good autumn holiday, summer comes. September, October, November are the autumn months. The weather is still good at the beginning. Quite warm during the day, but cool at night. The sun is not as warm as in summer. Autumn is the harvest season. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits in our gardens. It's already cold in October and November. It rains often.
As you can see, it is rather difficult to say which season is the best because, as I said before, each season has its own advantages. But nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And this is not surprising, because I love the fresh spring air and I love the beautiful spring flowers. I also love to walk the streets in spring and watch nature wake up from its long hibernation and come back to life.

Sometimes, people don’t know what they could talk about, especially if there is a language barrier between them. But there are some simple topics, which could be discussed even if you have small knowledge of the language you try to speak or culture, religion and some personal interest of your interlocutor. One of these topics is weather.

The weather is uncertain, but people learned to forecast it. We can see the forecast on TV or in the Internet. Scientists get all data from planes, ships, space stations, etc. This information doesn’t let us forget to take an umbrella or a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid a flue.

In the place where I live it’s very changeable and variable. Sometimes it’s not possible to predict the weather with no mistakes because it’s changing all time in spite of all special forecasts. It could bring cold and mist, rain and sunshine, thunder and clear sky on the same date. My city is situated in European part of the country and it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

We have four seasons there. The summer isn’t too hot but so oppressively warm. Autumn brings a grand variety of rains, draughts and winds. When it starts it looks amazing: gold woods, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of the October it's getting muddy and gloomy. Winter is mild and brings a lot of snow. The spring comes with green grass and birds, which come back from the southern countries.

There are a lot of English proverbs and idioms about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they first talk about weather”, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, “fair-weather friends”, etc. There also many quotations of famous writers about the weather. My favorite one is quotation of M. Twain: "It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain."


Sometimes people don't know what to talk about, especially if they are separated by a language barrier. But there are several conversational topics that can be discussed, even if you do not know the language in which you are trying to speak, or the culture, faith and personal interests of your interlocutor. One of these topics is the weather.

The weather is very fickle, but people have learned to predict it. We can see her forecast on TV or on the Internet. Scientists obtain all data using aircraft, ships, space stations and much more. This information keeps us from forgetting to take an umbrella or wear a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid the flu.

In the place where I live, the weather is changeable and varied. Sometimes it is impossible to predict it accurately, because, despite special predictions, it is constantly changing. She can bring cold and fog, rain and sun, thunder and clear cloudless skies on the same day. My city is located in the European part of the country and is considered the most beautiful city in Russia.

We have four seasons. Summers are very hot, but too stuffy. Autumn brings a huge variety of rains, drafts and winds. When she first arrives, she looks amazing: golden forests, honey grass, a cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of October it gets dirty and cloudy. The winter is mild and brings a lot of snow with it. Spring comes along with green grass and birds returning from southern countries.

There are many English proverbs and fixed expressions about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they start talking about the weather,” “There is no bad season, there is inappropriate clothing,” “friends only in good weather,” and much more. There are also many famous aphorisms about this. My favorite quote is from Mark Twain: "Better read the weather forecast before praying for rain."

How to describe the weather in English

Perhaps we will start this article with the famous song "Nature has no bad weather" ... Indeed, it is. Someone likes rain, someone likes the sun, someone loves frost.

The weather is a favorite topic of conversation among the British. Of course, it does not always rain here, but the English weather is characterized by strong instability, that is, in the morning the sun can shine, and after an hour it is already raining with might and main.

We hope this article will help you learn to speak about the weather in English as well as Prince Charles does.

How to describe the weather in English?

Word weather usually requires an article in English the:
the weather is fine today.
If the word is preceded by an adjective, the article disappears:
I like fine weather.

In order to describe the weather outside the window, the British use the construction “ it is”:
It`s sunny - sunny, It`s rainy - rainy.

Suggestions " it's raining"," It is snowing "are translated into English as follows: it`s snowing, it`s raining... In this case, we used to show that the action is happening at the moment.

Note: Read the grammar rule: The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense /

If you want to say that it usually snows or rains in winter, then you should use: It snows in winter (this is a common occurrence for you). It rains in autumn (this happens often, this is a characteristic phenomenon for autumn).

Note: Read the grammar rule: The Present Simple Tense /

Russian " What is the weather today?"Matches English" What is the weather like today?«.

And before you start memorizing the words below, check out the board game that will help you master the most common weather vocabulary.

  • English Board Game: Weather Calendar

Under the custom, we selected the vocabulary on the topic "Weather", which was divided into topics:

  • Words, adjectives and verbs in English on the topic "Weather" with translation
  • Words on the topic "Climate" in English with translation
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word "Rain". Describing rainy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word "Snow". Describing snowy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word "Fog". Describing foggy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word "Sky". We are talking about the sky.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word "Wind". Describing windy weather.

English words related to "Weather" with translation

weather forecast [‘weðəˌ’fɔːkɑːst] - weather forecast;
temperature [‘temp (ə) rəʧə] - temperature;
weatherman [‘weðəmæn] - meteorologist;

thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔːm] - thunderstorm;
thunder [‘θʌndə] - thunder;
lightning [‘laɪtnɪŋ] - lightning;
shower [‘ʃəuə] - shower;
fog - fog;
heat - heat;
wind - wind;
frost - frost;
snow - snow;
sunny [‘sʌnɪ] (day) - sunny (day);
dull (day) - cloudy (day);
cool (day) - cool (day).

humid [‘hjuːmɪd] - humid (about the climate);
dry - dry (about the climate);
mild - soft (about the climate);
continental [ˌkɔntɪ'nent (ə) l] (climate) - continental (about climate);
warm - warm, hot (about the climate);
lovely [‘lʌvlɪ] - lovely (about the weather);
changeable [‘ʧeɪnʤəbl] - changeable (about the weather);
dreadful [‘dredf (ə) l], [-ful] - terrible (about the weather);
unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪ’dɪktəbl] - unpredictable (about the weather);
temperate climate - temperate climate;
genial climate - mild, temperate climate;
kindly climate - good, favorable climate;
arid climate - dry climate;
tropical climate - tropical climate;
hot / torrid climate - hot climate;
rigorous climate (severe) - harsh, cold climate;
freakish climate - unstable climate.

excellent - excellent;
clorious - delightful, glorious
cuperb - wonderful
adverse - unfavorable;
sweltering - sultry
boiling - very hot
scorching - scorching, sultry;
atrocious / vile - disgusting;
inclement - harsh
nasty - rainy;
freezing - very cold, freezing;
foul - disgusting, disgusting;
raw - dank;
humid - wet;
muggy - Warm and moist, suffocating
sultry - sultry, stuffy;
mild - Moderate
settled - constant;
unpredictable - unpredictable;
changeable - changeable;
fierce - frantic
frosty - frosty
stormy - thunderous, stormy;
unseasonable - out of season;
A spell of… weather - a period of such and such weather.

to let up - pause (about rain), improve;
to warm up - warm up;
to hold out - stay the same, continue;
to keep up - continue, stay the same;
to deteriorate - deteriorate;
to worsen - to get worse, worsen;
to remain - remain the same;
to allow / permit - allow;
to prevent - prevent.

Common common phrases on the topic "Weather" in English with translation

A change in the weather - Change in the weather.
In all weathers - In any weather.
The vagaries of the weather - Whims, vagaries of the weather.
Whatever the weather - Whatever the weather.
Nice weather for ducks! - A good owner will not let the dog out into the street!
It's a bit wild out there! - The weather is raging!
What’s it like outside? - How is it outside?
Weather forecast - Weather forecast.
No precipitation expected. - Precipitation is unlikely.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word "Rain"

Many people have an opinion. that in England there are constant and uninterrupted rains all year round. Of course it is not! In fact, England is not the rainiest country in Europe. It rains mostly evenly throughout the year. The duration is about a couple of minutes, but a maximum of half an hour.

rain - rain;
thunderstorm - thunderstorm;
slush - slush;
driving - pouring;
pouring - heavy rain;
lashing - lashing;
heavy - strong;
occasional - irregular
steady - lingering;
gentle - weak
patchy - in places;
intermittent - intermittent;
overnight - night;
persistent - continuous;
outbreaks of rain - short periods of rain;
dry interludes - a period of dry weather.

to beat - to beat;
to drip - to drip;
to drum - to drum;
to fall - to fall;
to lash - lash;
to patter - to knock;
to pour down - pouring like a bucket;
to splash - splash;
to trickle - trickle down;
to set in - charge;
to cease - to stop;
to let up - pause;
to continue - continue.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word "Snow"

Snow in England is not a frequent occurrence, depending on the region, but it does happen nonetheless.

a snowfall - snowfall;
a snowflake - snowflake;
an icicle - icicle;
a snowstorm - blizzard, snow storm;
an ice storm - blizzard, ice storm;
a snowman - snowman;
a snowdrift / a snow bank - a snowdrift;
black ice - ice, ice;
sleet - rain and snow;
bitterly cold - burning frost;
frostbite - frostbite.

havy - strong
thick - thick, strong;
light - light;
damp - wet;
crisp - Creaky, crisp
powder / powdery - snow crumb, fine;
drifting - swept by the wind;
swirling - whirling;
newly fallen - freshly fallen;
melting - melting;
frozen - frozen.

to be covered in - to be covered;
to cover smth up - cover;
to pile up - to pile up, layering;
to settle - to linger (do not melt);
to swirl - whirl.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word "Fog"

Britain, Great Britain, United Kingdom - it's all England. But few people know that England has another name Foggy Albion. This name fully corresponds to the almost daily weather in this amazing country.

mist / fog - fog;
dense - thick
heavy - strong;
thick - dense;
slight - weak;
dark - dark;
gray - gray;
white - white.

to be cloaked in - to be shrouded, covered;
to be covered in - to be covered;
to be shrouded in - to be shrouded;
to be wreathed in - shrouded in a misty haze;
to loom out - appear, appear in the fog;
to shine through - weakly break through the fog;
to disappear into - to disappear;
to lie - to lie;
to come down - go down;
to float - floating on the surface of the water;
to roll - to wrap;
to obscure - obstruct the view, obscure.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word "Sky"

Unfortunately, the sky in England evokes sadness, it is constantly gray. But, fortunately, in such a great country, besides the sky, there is something else to see. For example, attractions.

Note: You can get acquainted with the sights of the UK and not only in the section "Life in Britain".

clear - clear;
open - open;
cloudless - cloudless;
sunny - sunny;
cloudy - in the clouds;
overcast - overcast;
sullen - gloomy
starry - starry;
azure - azure
pale - pale;
leaden - lead.

A patch of… is a piece.
To clear up - to clear.
To lighten - to lighten.
To cloud over - to be covered with clouds.
To brighten - to clear up.
To darken - to darken.
To turn gray - become gray.
To be streaked with smth - to be painted with some color.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word "Wind"

The wind in England is constant. He is everywhere and everywhere. Cold, wet ...

fierce - frantic
gale-force - storm;
high - strong wind;
stiff - fierce;
strong - strong;
terrible - terrible;
light - light;
moderate - moderate;
slight - small;
blustery - exuberant
gusty - impetuous
biting - shrill
bitter - sharp
brisk Fresh
chill - cool
icy - icy;
howling - howling;
favorable - tailwind;
gust of wind - a gust of wind.

to blow - to blow;
to blow up - play out;
to sweep (through) smth - take away;
to howl - howl;
to moan - moan;
to roar - roar;
to whistle - to whistle;
to increase - to increase;
to pick up - gain strength;
to rise - rise, rise;
to die down - calm down, calm down;
to drop - stop.

An excellent assistant in the study of vocabulary will be Thematic cards “Seasons. Weather. Nature ". Suitable for work at school, on individual lessons and at home.

Weather / Vocabulary (words) "Weather" in English or learning to describe the weather

"When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather."
When two Englishmen meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel johnson

Hello! Who else but the British can talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp, foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often, the British, meeting with friends on the street, first of all say such phrases:

- It "s splendid weather, isn’t it? - Lovely weather, isn't it?

- What a terrible day! - What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable for communicating with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of "small talk", probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions, without causing controversy and disagreement. Let's and we will look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons - different weather for everyone!

Expressions about the weather at different times of the year





Phrases and expressions about weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and phrases in English related to weather will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Snow (snow)

Wind (wind)

Cloud (cloud, cloud)

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let's see how to support the dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • tell about the weather in your hometown, etc.

Here are some similar dialogues about various similar conditions.

The first topic of the dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

- Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hi Nick! What a nice day!
- Hello, Kate! Oh, indeed, the weather is fine!
Hi Kate! Oh, actually, the weather is wonderful!
- We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
There was a downpour this morning. I thought it was going to be terrible weather today.
- Yeah! Now it doesn't look like rain.
Yes! But now it doesn't look like it will rain.
- It is sunny and probably about 20 ° C.
Sunny and probably around 20 ° C.
- Enjoy yourself, Kate.
Have a good time, Kate.
- Thank you!

The second topic of the dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

- Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
- Hi, Ann! What’s the forecast for today?
Hi En! What is the weather forecast?
- I didn’t weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
I don't know today's weather forecast. But it's cold today.
- Yes, also the sky's overcast. It looks like rain.
Yes, the sky is also covered with clouds. Seems it will rain.
- The sun’s just gone in.
The sun disappeared.
- We have to go back.
We must go back.
- I agree. I don’t want to be wet through.
I agree. I don't want to get wet.
- Let "s hurry! It’s starting to rain. It’s necessary to keep the rain out.
Let's hurry up! The rain begins. It is necessary to shelter from the rain.
- That sounds like thunder!
It looks like thunder too!
- The bus stop is very close. Let’s go.
Bus stop nearby. Let's go.

The third topic of the dialogue:

Overseas friend's phone call in winter

- Hello, John!
Hi John!
- Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice chanced.
Good afternoon, Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you okay? I think your voice has changed.
- I "ve caught a cold.
I caught a cold.
- Oh! I forgot that now it’s so cold in your country.
ABOUT! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
- It "s very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
Very cold. Plus, strong winds blow.
- What`s the temperature?
How many degrees?
- It`s 12 degrees below zero.
12 degrees below zero.
- Is it snowing?
- No, now it isn’t.
No, it doesn't go now.
- But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
But there was a blizzard 3 days ago.
- It "s difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
It's hard to imagine such weather conditions

The fourth topic of the dialogue:

First spring fresh morning

- Good morning, dear neighbor!
Good morning dear neighbor!
- Good morning, Ann! What a nice morning!
Good morning En! What a wonderful morning!
- The sun is coming out. It will be a sunny day.
The sun is peeking out. It will be a sunny day.
- I there are no clouds in the sky. I think it will not be rain.
There is not a cloud in the sky. I don't think it will rain.
- I hope so, but it's a windy day. We have to dress warmly.
Hopefully, but it's windy today. We must dress warmly.
- I agree. Now it is easy to catch cold.
Agree. It's very easy to catch a cold right now.