Dictionary of obscene words in English.

As you know, English profanity is based on the word f * ck. This does not mean that all English mat is limited to the verb "copulate." Just as its Russian counterpart has many single-root words meaning a wide range of feelings and various phenomena, the word f * ck is the basis for a large number of phrasal verbs and idioms. Below are the most common phrases with the word f * ck, the knowledge of which will allow you to better understand live spoken English.

F * ck! - Damn it!
F * ck it! - To hell! Do not! Do not mind it! Do not pay attention!
F * ck it! - Damn it! (Expression of fear or surprise)
F * ck - Fuck [something]! F * ck this place!
F * ck it all! - To hell with all of it! Or like this: F * ck them all! - They all go!
F * ck the world! - Everything has failed!
I don’t give a f * ck! - I do not care!
Who gives a f * ck? - Who cares?
F * ck you! - Fuck you!
F * ck me! - Wow!
F * ck away! - Get out!
What the f * ck! - What the heck!

The most common obscene phrasal verbs:

f * ck about - to be promiscuous, show off
f * ck somebody about - ignore someone
f * ck around - do nonsense, spray, play around.
f * ck somebody around - to fool someone or treat badly
f * ck off - lag behind, dump. F * ck off!
f * ck off - to be lazy or lazy
f * ck somebody off - to annoy or tire someone
f * ck over - to act dishonestly
f * ck somebody over - to deceive, to use a person
f * cked out - tired, old, unusable
f * ck up - to fail, fail, screw up ...
f * ck up somebody (f * ck somebody up) - hurt or upset someone.
be f * cked up - to be spoiled, worried or screwed up.
f * ck somebody down - let down, substitute. You f * cked me down!

And some more meanings of this amazing word:

f * ck somebody's mind - to rinse someone's brain
get f * cked - to be deceived. I got f * cked by that asshole
f * ck somebody - not only to make love, but also to cheat.
f * ck with somebody - tease, annoy, interfere
motherf * cker - son of a bitch
f * cking - not only means "fucking", but can also be used in front of any part of speech to give an emotional coloring, not necessarily negative. You’re so f * cking beautiful!- You are damn beautiful!

In interrogative sentences, the f * ck can be used after the words where, what, why, who, etc., symbolizing surprise or a burning desire to know the answer to the question. Who the f * ck are you? - Who are you?

The meanings of many obscene expressions are very vague and depend on the situation. For example, the word f * ck up, in addition to many verbs, can also mean the nouns "loser", "confusion", "mistake" and others. Or take the word ratf * ck. A word can have a variety of meanings (usually something bright, incredible), be guided by the context. But with the use, you should be more careful - first you should carefully listen to in what cases and how such words are used.

Learn English mat, and in a decent society you will never allow yourself to make ignorant statements that "we have hundreds of swear words, but you have one." Instead, you will demonstrate real proficiency in English by screwing a couple of appropriate turns on the occasion, and when some bigot makes a remark to you, you will proudly answer: F * ck the politeness! You’re f * cking me off, dude! Who the f * ck are you to lecture me?

As you can see, in order to swear well in English, one word is not enough - you need to be able to competently combine it with other, ordinary words. The britlex.ru visual dictionary is the easiest way to memorize the five thousand most common words of English language.

We do not advise non-women and especially impressionable people to study this article.

Now you have really pissed me off, asshole! - Now you really got me, freak.
You are filthy bastard! - You vile bastard! (you are a lustful goat)
Bone factory's the right place for you! - Your place is in the cemetery!
Don’t be such a knockhead! - Don't be such a dumbass!
Get out of here! - Getting out of here!

Give him a knuckle sandwich! - Hit him in the teeth!
Go chase yourself! - Make me look for you for a long time!
Go to blazes! - Get out of here!
Go to hell with all your blankety - Get out of here with your damn jokes!
Go to soak yourself! - Get out of sight!
I crap on what you say! - I do not care about all your words!
I'll blow your brains out! - I'll blow your brains out!
I'll kick in your guts. - I'll shake the soul out of you.
I'll make a hamburger out of you. - I'll make a cutlet out of you.
I’ll pin your ears back another time! - Next time I'll rip off your ears!
I’ll sooth you in no time, you creep! - I'll calm you down quickly, bastard!
Shut up your trap! - Close the bread pan!
Stop bugging me! - Better not bother me!
Stop chapping me! - Do not make me angry!
You’re a real rattlebrain! - You're just a cretin!
You’re a worm, man! - Oh, you filthy worm!
You’re like a pain in the neck. - You are like a thorn in my eye.
You’re so soft! - Your brains are completely melted
Have you’ve snapped? - Are you crazy?

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This may be the most obscene article that you will read on our blog, but if you want to understand how to swear (more precisely, how not to swear) in English, then keep reading.

Cursing in every language is not just a manifestation of weakness and bad habit, it is an expression of a wide variety of human emotions: anger, aggression, weakness, frustration, disappointment, surprise, and even delight.

I am sure that each of you understands what is at stake. And if, after accidentally spilling tea on a computer with a written diploma, you still have humble patience, then you must pay tribute - your endurance can be envied.

How often do we encounter curses in foreign language? Almost no film is complete without flowery expressions, which sometimes quite accurately reflect the picture of what is happening. Now we are not talking about situations when the picture is filled with a stream of interjections, from which one wants to hide in an empty room.

Mat is, first of all, a layer of vocabulary that you need to know in order not to use it. It may sound silly, but there are people who study swear words and write diplomas on these topics. And they definitely have something to tell.

Precise, often short, 4-letter expressions are associated with sex or the natural needs of a person. AT english language swear words are often called 4-letter words... With only one word f * ck, you can find expressions that, when translated into Russian, acquire a huge number of shades:

F * ck it! - To hell! Do not pay attention!
Who gives a f * ck - Who cares?
F * ck off - dump, ditch, fall behind
F * ck up - to fail, to fail
F * ck somebody's mind - brainwash, brainwash, "open" the brain

Also, the word f * ck can be used as an adjective f * cking before any part of speech to add additional emotional coloring. I wonder what the meaning of this f * cking may not always be negative. When you meet a beautiful girl, “You are f * cking beautiful” can unwittingly come off your lips, and in such a situation it is not necessary to concentrate on the swear word.

Using such "eloquent" english words and expressions, be sure that you are doing it right, because in such a familiar sphere there are certain rules for the use of lexicon. So, for example, after question words (what, who, where, why, etc.) use f * ck may indicate a burning desire to know the answer to the question:

What the f * ck are you doing here? - What the hell are you doing here?
Who the f * ck are you? - Who are you anyway?

Please note that the meanings of swearing can be rather vague, so often such obscene language can emerge even where you do not expect it at all. So, the expression f * ck up can be translated completely neutral - as "confusion" or "mistake".

Sure, f * ck - one of the most universal and common words, but you should not think that there are no other words in the English language. Among 4-letter words, you can still distinguish co * k, cu * t, sh * t... If you want to learn more about slang, check out Internet Slang Dictionary & Translator, The Free Dictionary, or teeming with goofy and offensive words.