Nogliki population. Sakhalin Notes

The dream to visit distant and mysterious Sakhalin lived in me for a long time. And now it has finally come true! No matter how contradictory it may sound, my wife and I decided to go there quite spontaneously, without any preliminary program. After all, the main goal was to stay with our friends living in the north of the island - in the village of Nogliki (80 photos).

To the main air gates of the island, to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, we flew from Khabarovsk with the Avrora airline. By the way, some of the rules of this carrier did not seem very convenient to me. So, if the luggage consists of more than 1 bag, then you need to pay extra: for the second place - 2 thousand, for the 3rd and above - 6 thousand each. And this is regardless of the dimensions of the things or the fact that the total weight of the luggage within the normal range (23 kg for economy class). Therefore, in order to save on the transportation of a tripod and a spinning tube, I had to carry them with me as hand luggage. Well, that's it, mind you...

Immediately from the airport, we went to the railway station, bought tickets for the evening train, and before departure, took a short walk around Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. It was doubly comfortable that we had our own guide around the city. This is Alexandra, who was returning home to Nogliki after our expedition to Bolshoi Shantar.

Twelve hours on the train passed quickly. We fell asleep almost immediately, and by morning we were already there.

We were met by Maxim and Natasha and we drove to Sashuli's house, where we dropped anchor.

View of the platform in Nogliki.

Quick reference:
Nogliki - urban-type settlement, the final station of the Sakhalin branch railway. Population - 9971 people. (2015). It is located on the right bank of the Tym River. Due to the increased seismic activity in the village, low-rise buildings predominate. The main city-forming enterprise "Katanglyneftegaz". The settlement is the center of the oil and gas industry of Sakhalin. By the way, to some extent, one can even say that the beginning of oil production on the island began thanks to our fellow countrymen.

As you can see, the first steps in this direction have already been taken.

We walked through the park. Everything is planted with birches. It is very pleasant to play.

Old buildings.

As you understand, each source had its own separate name.

There is an exposition dedicated to the life and life of the first settlers of Sakhalin, various materials on archeology are presented.
You can get acquainted with the fauna of the region.

Flag of Nogliki

Coat of arms of Nogliki

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Sakhalin region
urban district Nogliki
PGT with 1960
Postcode 694450
Chapter Viktor Andreevich Sereda
Telephone code +7 42444
Center height 10 m
OKATO code 64 232 551
car code 65
Population ▼ 10,718 people (2010)
Timezone UTC+11
Coordinates Coordinates: 51°49′00″ s. sh. 143°07′00″ E  / 51.816667° N sh. 143.116667° E d. (G) (O) (I) 51°49′00″ s. sh. 143°07′00″ E  / 51.816667° N sh. 143.116667° E d. (G) (O) (I)

Nogliki is an urban-type settlement, administrative center municipal formation "City district of Nogliksky" of the Sakhalin region of Russia.

Population - 10718 inhabitants (2010).

It is located in the northeast of Sakhalin Island, on the right bank of the Tym River, 9 km from its confluence with the Nyisky Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Railway station, airport.

The settlement is dominated by low-rise buildings due to increased seismic activity.



1959 1970 1979 1989 2002 2010
2197 5213 7130 11546 10729 10718


Opened on September 17, 2007, the director of the Nogliki airport is Roman Tuchin. The airport began to work with the acceptance of charter flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, delivering shifts for work on the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects, and the acceptance of helicopters serving offshore platforms on the Sakhalin shelf.

Since 2011, regular flights have been operated on the route Khabarovsk - Nogliki. Since May 24, 2011, they have been carried out by the Yakutia company.


  • Average wind speed - 3.8 m/s
  • Relative humidity - 77.3%
  • Average annual air temperature - 0.8 °C
Average daily air temperature in Nogliki according to NASA
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec Year
17.5°C 15.3°C 9.4°C 1.4°C 3.7°C 9.4°C 13.1°C 14.7°C 10.8°C 3.5°C 7.1°C 15.2°C 0.8°C
Climate Noglik
Index Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec Year
Absolute maximum, °C 0,0 2,8 7,2 17,8 28,9 28,9 28,9 28,9 27,8 17,8 7,8 0,0 28,9
Precipitation rate, mm 38 23 28 38 69 81 66 109 74 58 46 48 678
Average temperature, °C 18,3 16,7 10 1,1 5,0 9,4 12,2 14,4 10,6 3,3 7,8 17,2 1,1
Absolute minimum, °C 38,9 37,8 30 20 7,2 2,8 0,0 2,2 3,9 15 26,1 35 38,9
Average maximum, °C 14,4 12,2 4,4 3,3 10,0 14,4 16,7 18,9 15,0 7,8 4,4 12,8 3,3
Average minimum, °C 22,8 21,1 15 5,6 0,6 5,0 7,8 10,0 6,1 0,6 11,1 21,1 5,6


Some believe that this is an ethnonym that owes its origin to the self-name of one of the clans of the Sakhalin Nivkhs "Noglan", and from this it is deduced historical name their camps are "Noglvo", or in the Russified version "Nogliki". Others believe that in its fundamental principle it is a hydronym, and associate the appearance of the name of the settlement with the small Nogliki River, the right tributary of the Imchin River, which, in turn, flows into the Tym River in its lowest reaches. In modern pronunciation, these names are, of course, a distortion of the original ones, because the Nivkhs called the river Nogly-ngi, and their camp, which was once located on the site of the present regional center, was called Nogl-vo. The name of the river is associated with numerous surface oil shows in its basin and means "smelling river"; from the words "nogla" - fragrant and "and" - river.

The status of an urban-type settlement has been since 1960.

Economy and industry

The economy of the region is based on the use natural resources. The main city-forming enterprise of OGPD Katanglyneftegaz is OOO RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz.

Power industry: On November 18, 1999, the Nogliki gas power plant with a capacity of 48 megawatts was put into operation.

Communication: five-digit city telephone numbers. The main operator of fixed telephony is the Sakhalin branch of OAO Dalsvyaz. There are 3 GSM cellular operators: MTS, Beeline and MegaFon.

Enterprises of the forestry, fishing, and construction industries operate.

internal division

  • UZhD area
  • Central District.
  • District Kolkhoz-Vostok.
  • District Nogliki-2

    Nogliki- Nogliki, an urban-type settlement in the Sakhalin Region, the center of the Nogliki District, 660 km north of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Located on the island of Sakhalin, on the river. Tym. Railroad station. The population is 11 thousand people. Founded in 1929. Since 1960, the village ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    An urban-type settlement, the center of the Nogliki district of the Sakhalin region of the RSFSR. Situated on the right bank of the river. Tym, 9 km from its confluence with the Nyisky Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Railway station. Timber industry, fishing… Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Nogliki 2- 694452, Sakhalin, Nogliki ...

    Nogliki station Korsakov Nogliki Far Eastern Railway d ... Wikipedia

    Nogliki RUPS- 694450, Sakhalin, r.ts. Noglikskogo ... Settlements and indices of Russia

    The narrow-gauge railway Okha Nogliki is the largest narrow-gauge railway of 750 mm gauge in Russia in terms of the length of a single line and former USSR(however, the Alapaevskaya narrow-gauge railway has a large total ... ... Wikipedia

The dream to visit distant and mysterious Sakhalin lived in me for a long time. And now it has finally come true! No matter how contradictory it may sound, my wife and I decided to go there quite spontaneously, without any preliminary program. After all, the main goal was to stay with our friends living in the north of the island - in the village of Nogliki.

To the main air gates of the island, to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, we flew from Khabarovsk with the Avrora airline. By the way, some of the rules of this carrier did not seem very convenient to me. So, if the luggage consists of more than 1 bag, then you need to pay extra: for the second place - 2 thousand, for the 3rd and above - 6 thousand each. And this is regardless of the dimensions of the things or the fact that the total weight of the luggage within the normal range (23 kg for economy class). Therefore, in order to save on the transportation of a tripod and a spinning tube, I had to carry them with me as hand luggage. Well, that's it, mind you...


Immediately from the airport, we went to the railway station, bought tickets for the evening train, and before departure, took a short walk around Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. It was doubly comfortable that we had our own guide around the city. This is Alexandra, who was returning home to Nogliki after our expedition to Bolshoi Shantar.



Twelve hours on the train passed quickly. We fell asleep almost immediately, and by morning we were already there.


We were met by Maxim and Natasha and we drove to Sashuli's house, where we dropped anchor.


View of the platform in Nogliki.


Quick reference:

Nogliki is an urban-type settlement, the terminal station of the Sakhalin branch of the railway. Population - 9971 people. (2015). It is located on the right bank of the Tym River. Due to the increased seismic activity in the village, low-rise buildings predominate. The main city-forming enterprise "Katanglyneftegaz". The settlement is the center of the oil and gas industry of Sakhalin. By the way, to some extent, one can even say that the beginning of oil production on the island began thanks to our fellow countrymen.So, there is information that the Yakut guide Filipp Pavlov near Okha in the winter of 1878-1879. in one of the oil pits he collected a bottle of "kerosene-water" and brought the collected oily liquid to the merchant A.E. Ivanov, who served in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.Knowing the value of oil, Ivanov sent a petition to the Governor-General of the Amur region for a thousand acres to be allocated to him for oil exploration. Ivanov did not wait for an answer: the petition was sent to the authorities only three years later, when he was no longer alive.Ivanov's daughter was married to a retired lieutenant of the fleet G.I. Zotov, who filed a petition for the withdrawal of oil lands indicated in Ivanov's application. On November 15, 1888, his request was granted, and in 1889 an expedition led by L.F. Batsevich. It was he who, in 1890, compiled the first geological description of the oil-bearing region of Nogliki, and also explored the oil-bearing areas in Katangli and near the Nabil Bay.Subsequently, several more expeditions to the area took place. In 1892, the well-known shipowner M.G. showed interest in Sakhalin oil. Shevelev. He equipped the expedition of the technician S.O. Malennikov to the Nogliki River, where a well was laid, brought to 138 meters.The name of the settlement comes from the name of the river - a tributary of the Tym of the second order. It is translated from Nivkh as "stinking river" (associated with numerous surface oil shows in its basin from the vicinity of which the development of the village began).

On the way, we stopped at a local market, bought Krasniki syrup (bugs) for a sample, wandered through vegetables, potatoes, greens. By the way, plant growing is not developed in Nogliki. Basically, everything is brought from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, as well as the village of Tymovskoye. We were told that the Tymskaya Valley had a completely different microclimate, and in Soviet times record harvests of potatoes and vegetables were periodically obtained here, and the Tymovsky District itself was originally considered agricultural.


After a short rest, we went to the seashore. People sunbathed, fished, but no one swam in the sea. The water is ice cold.





Here, Maxim's son-in-law, Alexei Mikhailovich, joined our company with his faithful friend, or rather girlfriend Bonya.



Since there was a mass move of pink salmon, fishing nets were everywhere. The catch is taken to fish processing enterprises, of which there are several in Nogliki. During the fishing season, people come here to work from all over Russia. Locals are also involved in the work process. So, some state employees from Noglins specially go on vacation during the Putin season in order to earn extra money. The pay is good, but the work is hellish. Not everyone will be able to stand at the conveyor from morning to yesterday and fish with tons of fish. Maybe someday I'll go there specifically in order to shoot a photo essay about it.



And here is Maxim with Natasha.


From here we went straight along the shore towards the Nabilsky Bay.


We made a short stop at the Aslanbegov Strait. A small rivulet flowed into the sea, not far from the mouth of which they stumbled upon someone's absurdly set net.


Soon her owners appeared.


When asked about the catch, one of the boys rushed somewhere into the bushes and dragged a fish from there.


Already approaching the bay, we managed to get stuck in the mari. Fortunately, the release from moss captivity did not take long. Alexey pulled our car to a safe place without any problems.


Sergey Nikolaevich Balakan

Based town with Center height Population Timezone Telephone code Postcode car code OKATO code
K: Settlements founded in 1930

The settlement is dominated by low-rise buildings due to increased seismic activity.


Some believe that this is an ethnonym that owes its origin to the self-name of one of the clans of the Sakhalin Nivkhs “Noglan”, and hence the historical name of their camp is derived - “Noglvo”, or in the Russified version “Nogliki”. Others believe that in its fundamental principle it is a hydronym, and associate the appearance of the name of the settlement with the small river Nogliki - the right tributary of the Imchin River, which, in turn, flows into the Tym River in its lowest reaches. In modern pronunciation, these names are, of course, a distortion of the original ones, because the Nivkhs called the river Nogly-ngi, and their camp, which was once located on the site of the present regional center, was called Nogl-vo. The name of the river is associated with numerous surface oil shows in its basin and means "smelling river"; from the words "nogla" - fragrant and "and" - river.

Russian Orthodox Church

  • Holy Vvedensky Orthodox Church, built in 2002.

Famous people

  • The composer A. V. Novikov was born in the village.
  • The famous writer Vladimir Mikhailovich Sangi lives in Nogliki.

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  1. Population Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. [Nogliki: time for big changes. - Vladivostok: Rubezh Publishing House, 2005. ISBN 5-85538-019-X]
  3. . .
  4. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  5. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  6. . .
  7. . .
  8. . Retrieved 2 January 2014. .
  9. . Retrieved July 28, 2014. .
  10. Sakhalin Region. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2011-2016
  11. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  12. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  13. . Retrieved 2 August 2014. .
  14. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  15. Kommersant with reference to RIA Novosti


  • Nogliki- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

An excerpt characterizing Nogliki

- Give me a thimble from there, young lady.
– Will it be soon? - said the count, entering from behind the door. “Here are the spirits. Peronskaya was already waiting.
“It’s ready, young lady,” said the maid, lifting a hemmed smoky dress with two fingers and blowing and shaking something, expressing with this gesture the awareness of the airiness and purity of what she was holding.
Natasha began to put on a dress.
“Now, now, don’t go, papa,” she shouted to her father, who opened the door, still from under the haze of a skirt that covered her entire face. Sonya closed the door. A minute later, the count was let in. He was in a blue tailcoat, stockings and shoes, perfumed and pomaded.
- Oh, dad, you're so good, lovely! - said Natasha, standing in the middle of the room and straightening the folds of smoke.
“Excuse me, young lady, excuse me,” the girl said, kneeling, pulling at her dress and turning the pins from one side of her mouth to the other.
- Your will! - Sonya cried out with despair in her voice, looking at Natasha's dress, - your will, again long!
Natasha stepped aside to look around in the dressing-glass. The dress was long.
“By God, madam, nothing is long,” said Mavrusha, who was crawling along the floor after the young lady.
“Well, it’s a long time, so we’ll sweep it, we’ll sweep it in a minute,” said the resolute Dunyasha, taking out a needle from a handkerchief on her chest and again set to work on the floor.
At that moment, shyly, with quiet steps, the countess entered in her toque and velvet dress.
- Wow! my beauty! shouted the Count, “better than all of you!” He wanted to hug her, but she pulled away, blushing, so as not to cringe.
“Mom, more on the side of the current,” Natasha said. - I'll cut it, and rushed forward, and the girls who were hemming, who did not have time to rush after her, tore off a piece of smoke.
- My God! What is it? I don't blame her...
“Nothing, I notice, you won’t see anything,” said Dunyasha.
- Beauty, my darling! - said the nanny who came in from behind the door. - And Sonyushka, well, beauties! ...
At a quarter past eleven we finally got into the carriages and drove off. But still it was necessary to stop by the Tauride Garden.
Peronskaya was already ready. Despite her old age and ugliness, exactly the same thing happened with her as with the Rostovs, although not with such haste (for her it was a habitual thing), but her old, ugly body was also perfumed, washed, powdered, also carefully washed behind the ears. , and even, and just like at the Rostovs, the old maid enthusiastically admired the outfit of her mistress when she went into the living room in a yellow dress with a cipher. Peronskaya praised the Rostovs' toilets.
The Rostovs praised her taste and dress, and, taking care of their hair and dresses, at eleven o'clock they got into the carriages and drove off.

Natasha had not had a moment of freedom since the morning of that day, and had never had time to think about what lay ahead of her.
In the damp, cold air, in the cramped and incomplete darkness of the swaying carriage, for the first time she vividly imagined what awaited her there, at the ball, in the illuminated halls - music, flowers, dances, sovereign, all the brilliant youth of St. Petersburg. What awaited her was so wonderful that she did not even believe that it would be: it was so inconsistent with the impression of cold, crowdedness and darkness of the carriage. She understood everything that awaited her only when, having walked along the red cloth of the entrance, she entered the hallway, took off her fur coat and walked beside Sonya in front of her mother between the flowers along the illuminated stairs. Only then did she remember how she had to behave at the ball and tried to adopt that majestic manner that she considered necessary for a girl at the ball. But fortunately for her, she felt that her eyes were running wide: she could not see anything clearly, her pulse beat a hundred times a minute, and the blood began to beat at her heart. She could not adopt the manner that would have made her ridiculous, and she walked, dying from excitement and trying with all her might only to hide it. And this was the very manner that most of all went to her. In front and behind them, talking in the same low voice and also in ball gowns, the guests entered. The mirrors on the stairs reflected ladies in white, blue, pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their open arms and necks.
Natasha looked into the mirrors and in the reflection she could not distinguish herself from others. Everything was mixed in one brilliant procession. At the entrance to the first hall, a uniform rumble of voices, steps, greetings - deafened Natasha; the light and brilliance blinded her even more. The host and hostess, who had been standing at the front door for half an hour and saying the same words to those who came in: “charme de vous voir,” [in admiration that I see you] also met the Rostovs and Peronskaya.
Two girls in white dresses, with identical roses in their black hair, sat down in the same way, but the hostess involuntarily fixed her gaze longer on thin Natasha. She looked at her, and smiled at her alone, in addition to her master's smile. Looking at her, the hostess remembered, perhaps, her golden, irrevocable girlish time, and her first ball. The owner also looked after Natasha and asked the count, who is his daughter?
- Charmante! [Charming!] – he said, kissing the tips of his fingers.
Guests were standing in the hall, crowding at the front door, waiting for the sovereign. The Countess placed herself in the front row of this crowd. Natasha heard and felt that several voices asked about her and looked at her. She realized that those who paid attention to her liked her, and this observation calmed her somewhat.
“There are people like us, there are worse than us,” she thought.
Peronskaya called the countess the most significant persons who were at the ball.
“This is a Dutch envoy, you see, gray-haired,” Peronskaya said, pointing to an old man with silver gray curly, abundant hair, surrounded by ladies, whom he made laugh at something.
“And here she is, the Queen of Petersburg, Countess Bezukhaya,” she said, pointing to Helen entering.
- How good! Will not yield to Marya Antonovna; see how both young and old follow her. And good, and smart ... They say the prince ... crazy about her. But these two, although not good, are even more surrounded.
She pointed to a lady passing through the hall with a very ugly daughter.
“This is a millionaire bride,” said Peronskaya. And here are the grooms.
“This is Bezukhova’s brother, Anatole Kuragin,” she said, pointing to the handsome cavalry guard, who walked past them, looking somewhere from the height of his raised head over the ladies. - How good! is not it? They say they will marry him to this rich woman. .And your sousin, Drubetskoy, is also very entangled. They say millions. “Well, it’s the French envoy himself,” she answered about Caulaincourt when asked by the countess who it was. “Look like some kind of king. And yet the French are very, very nice. There is no mile for society. And here she is! No, everything is better than all our Marya Antonovna! And how simply dressed. Charm! “And this one, fat, with glasses, is a worldwide freemason,” said Peronskaya, pointing to Bezukhov. - With his wife, then put him next to him: then that jester of peas!
Pierre walked, waddling his fat body, pushing the crowd apart, nodding right and left as casually and good-naturedly as if he were walking through the crowd of a bazaar. He moved through the crowd, apparently looking for someone.
Natasha looked with joy at the familiar face of Pierre, that pea jester, as Peronskaya called him, and knew that Pierre was looking for them, and especially for her, in the crowd. Pierre promised her to be at the ball and introduce her to the gentlemen.
But, before reaching them, Bezukha stopped beside a short, very handsome brunette in a white uniform, who, standing at the window, was talking to some tall man in stars and a ribbon. Natasha immediately recognized a short young man in a white uniform: it was Bolkonsky, who seemed to her very rejuvenated, cheerful and prettier.
- Here's another friend, Bolkonsky, see, mom? - said Natasha, pointing to Prince Andrei. - Remember, he spent the night with us in Otradnoye.
– Oh, you know him? Peronskaya said. - Hate. Il fait a present la pluie et le beau temps. [It now determines rainy or fine weather. (French proverb, meaning that he is successful.)] And such pride that there are no borders! I followed papa. And he contacted Speransky, some projects are being written. See how the ladies are treated! She's talking to him, and he's turned away,” she said, pointing at him. “I would beat him up if he did the same to me as he did to these ladies.

Suddenly everything stirred, the crowd began to talk, moved, parted again, and between the two parted rows, at the sound of music playing, the sovereign entered. Behind him were the owner and mistress. The emperor walked quickly, bowing to the right and left, as if trying to get rid of this first minute of the meeting as soon as possible. The musicians played Polish, known then for the words composed on it. These words began: “Alexander, Elizabeth, you delight us ...” The sovereign went into the living room, the crowd rushed to the doors; several faces with changed expressions hurried back and forth. The crowd again retreated from the doors of the drawing room, in which the sovereign appeared, talking with the hostess. Some young man with a confused look was advancing on the ladies, asking them to step aside. Some ladies with faces expressing complete forgetfulness of all the conditions of the world, spoiling their toilets, crowded forward. Men began to approach the ladies and line up in Polish pairs.
Everything parted, and the emperor, smiling and out of time leading the mistress of the house by the hand, went out of the doors of the drawing room. He was followed by the owner with M.A. Naryshkina, then envoys, ministers, various generals, whom Peronskaya called incessantly. More than half of the ladies had cavaliers and were walking or preparing to go to Polskaya. Natasha felt that she remained with her mother and Sonya among the smaller part of the ladies pushed back to the wall and not taken in Polskaya. She stood with her slender arms lowered, and with a measuredly rising, slightly defined chest, holding her breath, with shining, frightened eyes, she looked ahead of her, with an expression of readiness for the greatest joy and the greatest grief. She was not interested in either the sovereign or all the important persons that Peronskaya pointed out - she had one thought: “is it really that no one will come up to me, is it really that I will not dance between the first, is it possible that all these men who now, it seems that they don’t see me, but if they look at me, they look with such an expression, as if they say: Ah! it's not her, so there's nothing to see. No, it can't be!" she thought. “They must know how I want to dance, how well I dance, and how fun it will be for them to dance with me.”