Biology crossword on the basis of ecology. Ready crossword puzzle on ecology - on the topic "General"


Horizontally: 1. A method for studying relationships in ecosystems. 2. Abiotic factor. 3. The state of long rest in animals. 6. The response of organisms to the length of the day. 11. Complex of small organisms suspended in water. 12. Forest floor. 14. Fish. 15. Microorganism - the destroyer of organic residues. 16. Physiological process developmental arrest caused by low temperature. 17. A species of herons listed in the Red Book.

20. An organism that synthesizes organic matter from inorganic compounds. 22. Biogeocenosis. 23. A set of measures aimed at preserving a particular species. 26. Isolation based on any signs. 27. Prevailing in the process evolutionary development a set of plants and animals that inhabit one territory and mutually influence each other. 28. Destruction of the surface layer. 29. The environmental factor that forms the atmosphere. 30. Mineral plant nutrition. 31. Factors causing changes in the genotype.


Horizontally: 1. Experiment. 2. Water. 3. Hibernation. 6. Photoperiodism. 11. Plankton. 12. Tier. 14. Ide. 15. Reducent. 16. Rest. 17. Ibis. 20. Autotroph. 22. Dubrava. 23. Security. 26. Selection. 27. Biocenosis. 28. Erosion. 29. Air. 30. Nitrogen. 31. Mutagens.

Vertically: 1. Ecology. 3. Light. 4. Rhythm. 5. Tolerance. 7. Catching. 8. Sanctuary. 9. Saprophage. 10. Humus. 13. Phenologist. 18. Biomass. 19. Shooting. 21. Cycle. 23. Cleaning. 24. Anabiosis. 25. Habitat.

1. The science of the laws of the relationship of organisms, species, communities with the environment.

2. A temporary state of the organism, in which life processes are slowed down to a minimum and all visible signs of life are absent.

3. Adaptation of animals to the transfer of the winter season.

4. The need for organisms to periodically change a certain length of day and night.

5. The factor where there is a direct human impact on organisms or their impact through a change in the habitat.

6. The limit of endurance, beyond which the existence of an organism is impossible.

7. The adaptive property of a perennial plant (in winter), which is characterized by the cessation of visible growth and vital activity, the death of aerial shoots in herbaceous life forms and leaf abscission in arboreal and shrub forms.

8. Factors when living organisms interact and influence each other.

9. Abiotic environmental factors associated with the supply of solar energy, the direction of the winds, the ratio of humidity and temperature.

10. The factor most favorable for the body.

11. Factors interacting with the body as separate elements of the environment.

12. Factors of inanimate nature: climatic, soil, orographic (relief).

13. Photoperiodic response of organisms to changes in the seasons.


Completed by: student of the group KSH-41 Voevodina Lyubov Yurievna.


1. The state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests

3. The upper boundary of the earth's shell at an altitude of 50-55 km

4. The process of consistently introducing ideas for the conservation of nature and a sustainable environment in the fields of legislation, management, technology development, economics, education, etc.

5. Bearer of rights and obligations for rational use natural resources and environmental protection

6. The collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye

7. The procedure for the use of forests established by law, ensuring the fullest use of the useful properties of the forest in the interests of the development of social production and the needs of people

8. The process of negative modification of the environment - air, water, soil - through its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms

11. The totality of all forms and types of water resources use in common system nature management

12. Assessment of the level of possible negative impacts planned economic and other activities on the environment natural environment and natural resources

13. Document confirming the level of quality environmental characteristics of housing, land and water bodies

14. An integrated system for observing the state of the environment, assessing and predicting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors


2. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not possess the properties of natural objects

5. The totality of all forms of human impact on the natural environment, including its development, transformation and protection

9. The totality of all water resources of the Earth

10. Document, which is a statement on the use of forests in accordance with the forest development project


Horizontally: 1. A method for studying relationships in ecosystems. 2. Abiotic factor. 3. The state of long rest in animals. 6. The response of organisms to the length of the day. 11. Complex of small organisms suspended in water. 12. Forest floor. 14. Fish. 15. Microorganism - the destroyer of organic residues. 16. Physiological process - developmental arrest caused by low temperature. 17. A species of herons listed in the Red Book.

20. An organism that synthesizes organic substances from inorganic compounds. 22. Biogeocenosis. 23. A set of measures aimed at preserving a particular species. 26. Isolation based on any signs. 27. Formed in the process of evolutionary development, the totality of plants and animals inhabiting one territory and mutually influencing each other. 28. Destruction of the surface layer. 29. The environmental factor that forms the atmosphere. 30. Mineral plant nutrition. 31. Factors causing changes in the genotype.

Vertically: 1. The science of the laws of the relationship of organisms between themselves and with the environment. 3. Abiotic factor. 4. The annual cycle of growth and development. 5. The ability of organisms to tolerate the deviation of environmental factors from optimal conditions.


Horizontally: 1. Experiment. 2. Water. 3. Hibernation. 6. Photoperiodism. 11. Plankton. 12. Tier. 14. Ide. 15. Reducent. 16. Rest. 17. Ibis. 20. Autotroph. 22. Dubrava. 23. Security. 26. Selection. 27. Biocenosis. 28. Erosion. 29. Air. 30. Nitrogen. 31. Mutagens.

Vertically: 1. Ecology. 3. Light. 4. Rhythm. 5. Tolerance. 7. Catching. 8. Sanctuary. 9. Saprophage. 10. Humus. 13. Phenologist. 18. Biomass. 19. Shooting. 21. Cycle. 23. Cleaning. 24. Anabiosis. 25. Habitat.

The word "crossword" came to us from of English language... It was formed from two words: "cross" and "word", that is, "intersecting words" or "crossword". A crossword puzzle is a puzzle task in which a figure divided into squares must be filled with letters horizontally and vertically. At the beginning of the 20th century, the crossword puzzle appeared in the United States, and it began to be called the game of the century. Children of primary school age are offered small crosswords that can be the content of environmental activities. Whoever solves his crossword first is the winner. Crosswords can be either thematic or mixed.

Crosswords, puzzles, entertaining tasks help to increase the effectiveness of learning, improve the assimilation of information. Students should be warned in advance about the upcoming work with crosswords and asked to repeat the main material of the textbook.

Thematic crosswords for younger students

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Rivers"

Write the names of the rivers in the required cells of the crossword puzzle.

Vistula, Pechora, Don, Ural, Dnieper, Danube, Volga, Po, Congo.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the theme "Oceans and seas"

Enter the names of the oceans and seas in the required cells of the crossword puzzle.

Quiet, Atlantic, Okhotsk, Japanese, Mediterranean, Barents, Azov.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Animals"


1. A beast whose dwelling is called a "hut".

3. A large northern animal with large canines.

6. Waterfowl.

9. Snow leopard.

12. Small predatory animal.

13. Wild pig.

14. The name of the wolf - the leader of the pack from the "Jungle Book" by R. Kipling.


1. Pet.

2. Forest fur animal.

4. An animal that the inhabitants of the North ride.

5. The longest-necked animal.

6. Gray forest predator.

7. The name of the cat from S. Mikhalkov's story "A Cat's Tale".

8. The striped relative of the horse.

11. A group of animals living and hunting together.


Horizontally: 1. Beaver. 3. Walrus. 6. Otter. 9. Irbis. 12. Weasel. 13. Boar. 14. Akela.

Vertically: 1. Ram. 2. Squirrel. 4. Deer. 5. Giraffe. 6. Wolf. 7.Dusya. 8. Zebra. 10. Brem. 11. Flock.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Fish, birds, animals"


8. Pet.

9. Furry animal.

10. Humpbacked hare.


1. Bird of prey.

2. Siberian deer with large antlers.

3. Large predatory fish.

4. Animal used for riding.

5. Bamboo bear.

6. Ostrich species.

7. Aquarium fish.


Horizontally: 8. Cat. 9. Squirrel. 10. Agouti.

Vertically. 1. Hawk. 2. Maral. 3. Shark. 4. Horse. 5. Panda. 6. Nanda. 7. Gourami.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Insects"


3. Who kills him,

He sheds his blood.

5. Red, but not a horse,

Horn, but not a ram,

They don't like at home

And they won't buy it at the bazaar.

6. Behind the stove and under the floor

Small insects sing loudly.

7. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle.

9. Not a bird, but flies,

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody teaches

And sits on us.

10. Who has the sting at the end of the tail?


1. Fashionista in a bright dress,

Huntress for a walk.

Flutters from flower to flower,

Tired - resting.

2. Not a fisherman, but lays out nets.

4. The little toiler flew after the doctor.

8. Flies - roars, scares everyone,

He bites a horse and a cow.


Horizontally: 3. Bedbug. 5. Cockroach. 6. Cricket. 7. Mosquito. 9. Fly. 10. Scorpio.

Vertically: 1. Butterfly. 2. Spider. 4. Bee. 8. Gadfly.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the theme "Teremok"

Guess who lives in the house.


2. The coat is soft,

Yes, the claw is sharp.

5. Little boy

In a gray Armenian

Sneaking through the yards,

He collects crumbs.

8. Not a bird, but flies,

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody tames

And sits on the nose.

9.From the meadow under the fence

A chain of mountains approached.

Someone entered the garden cunningly:

I spent a meth underground

12. During the day he sits like a blind man,

And only evening - for robbery.

13. What kind of spring birds like to walk and feed behind the plow?

16. Not an animal, not a bird, afraid of everything, catching flies and splashing into the water.


1. Spinning, chirping, bustling all day.

3. Because of you I beat myself, because of myself I beat you, my blood will be shed.

4. Small, reddish, beautiful and shaggy tail,

He lives on a tree and gnaws at nuts.

6. Cries in the swamp, but does not come out of the swamp.

7. Branches are worn. Clay is being dug.

A dam is being built on the river.

At the dam here and there

They live in round houses.

10. This beast is somehow strange:

The neck is like an arrow at a crane.

11. In a dark hut live nigella,

They knit lace without knots and loops.

14. What a forest animal:

Got up like a post, suction

And stands among the grass -

Are the ears bigger than the head?

15. All day on the water, and you can't get enough water.


Horizontally: 2. Cat. 5. Sparrow. 8. Fly. 9. Mole. Owl. 13. Rooks. 16. Frog.

Vertically: 1. Forty. 3. Mosquito. 4. Squirrel. 6. Kulik. 7. Beavers. 10. Giraffe. 11. Bees. 14. Hare. 15. Duck.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Natural phenomena"


1. It will knock in the sky -

You can hear it on the ground.

5. Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung.

6. No arms, no legs,

And climbs into the hut.

7. Curled, curled a white swarm,

Sat down on the ground - became a mountain

8. In the evening flies to the ground,

Night remains on earth

Flies away again in the morning.


1. Peas scattered

Seventy roads.

No one will pick it up:

Neither the king nor the queen

Neither the maiden is red.

2. Across the blue sky

The white goose swims.

3. Through the fields, through the meadows

There is a high arc.

4. Between heaven and earth

The fire arrow flies.

5. The eagle flew

Across the blue sky.

I spread my wings

The sun is overcast.


Horizontally: 1. Thunder. 5. Fog. 6. Cold. 7. Snow. 8. Dew.

Vertically: 1. Hail. 2. Cloud. 3. Rainbow. 4. Lightning. 5. Cloud.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the topic "Animal nicknames"

Kotofey, Terenty, Kryak, Martin.

Animal nicknames

Enter the names of the animals in the required cells of the crossword puzzle.

Pudik, Barsik, Pestrushka, Gena, Daughter, Gnedko, Mu-mu.

Animal nicknames

Enter the names of the animals in the required cells of the crossword puzzle.

Piggy, Karkusha, Mousei, Byashka, Kvak, Yashka, Manka.

Crossword with answers for elementary school on the theme "Animals of the forest"

Enter the names of the forest animals in the crossword puzzle.

Squirrel, bear, elk, wild boar, lynx, raccoon, hare, wolf, hedgehog, badger, fox.

Crossword to the topic "Pets"

Write the names of the pets in the crossword puzzle.

Horse, goat, dog, cat, rabbit, sheep, cow, pig.