Gianni Rodari the story of the creation of Cipollino. "The Adventures of Cipollino" main characters


CIPOLLINO (Italian Cipollino) is the hero of D. Rodari's story “The Adventures of Cipollino” (1951), a brave onion boy. The image of Ch. In to a large extent a new version of Pinocchio, the famous hero of K. Collodi. He is just as direct, touching, good-natured, restless, but at the same time not capricious at all, not at all willful and much less trusting. He never deceives anyone, firmly keeps his word and always acts as a defender of the weak.

Ch. Looks almost exactly like all the boys. Only his head has the shape of a bulb with sprouted green arrows instead of hair. It looks very nice, but it is bad for those who want to drag Ch. For his green forelock. Streams of tears immediately begin to run from their eyes. Ch. Himself cried during the action of the story only once: when the soldiers of Limonchiki arrested Pope Cipollone. "Back, silly!" - ordered Ch. to a tear, and it never appeared again.

Ch. Was not afraid of the formidable gentleman Tomato and boldly stood up for his offended godfather Pumpkin; he deftly put the dog Mastino to sleep so that Pumpkin's godfather could take his house. Ch. Is courageous and knows how to make friends. The spiteful Tomato manages to put the baby in prison, but thanks to his ability to be friends, Ch. Not only gets out on his own, but also saves those innocently languishing there, including his father.

The formidable cavalier Tomato lost to the little daredevil, thanks to whom Countesses Cherries escaped from their palace, Baron Orange went “to the station to carry suitcases,” and the Countess's castle turned into the Children's Palace.

The image of Ch., Despite the apparent fabulousness, is very true. All actions and reactions of the hero are psychologically reliable. Before us is a living boy from a simple family, endowed with the best of human qualities. But at the same time it is an image-symbol of boyish courage, childhood friendship and devotion.

Lit .: Brandis E. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari. M., 1965.

O. G. Petrova

Literary heroes... - Academician. 2009 .


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    Cipollino ... Wikipedia

    - “CIPOLLINO. CIPOLLINO ", USSR, MOSFILM, 1972, color, 86 min. An eccentric tale. Based on the book of the same name by Gianni Rodari. The storyteller is played by the Italian writer Gianni Rodari. The last role in the cinema of Vladimir Belokurov. Cast: Gianni Rodari, Sasha ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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    Cipollino - neskl., m. (fairy tale character) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

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Cipollino - main character the fairy tale Le avventure di Cipollino by Gianni Rodari, first published in 1951.

Soon the book was translated into Russian, and Soviet children fell in love with the cheerful and courageous fairy-tale character. Russian kids still get to know this cheerful, resourceful boy, translated by Zlata Mikhailovna Potapova, edited by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

In 1961, the Soyuzmultfilm studio released an animated film directed by animation director Boris Dezhkin; in 1964 a filmstrip about the adventures of Cipollino appeared; and in 1973 a musical comedy directed by Tamara Lisitsian with Sasha Elistratov in the title role was released. Moreover, in 1974 the ballet for children "Cipollino" was staged to the music of Karen Khachaturian and the libretto by Gennady Rykhlov, the premiere of which took place at the Kiev State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. T.G. Shevchenko (National Opera of Ukraine).

Cipollino is an onion boy, and his name speaks from the Italian "cipolla", ie "bow". He looks like an ordinary boy, only his head is in the shape of a bulb, and green arrows stick out instead of hair. Together with all his numerous relatives, he lives in a fabulous country, all whose inhabitants resemble fruits or vegetables. On the pages of the fairy tale, the evil gentleman Tomato, the unlucky godfather Pumpkin, Professor Pear, the arrogant Countess Cherries and their nephew, the little Count Cherry, Prince Lemon and his Lemon soldiers, the clever lawyer Green Peas, the master Grape, the girl Radish and, of course, Father Cipollino , old Cipollone.

Once Cipollone accidentally stepped on

leg to the softened Prince Lemon, and then he was considered a dangerous rebel and sentenced to life imprisonment. So Cipollino learned that in the prisons of his country there were completely honest people who were oppressed by the rich, and decided to free his father and his comrades. Cipollino and his friends will have to experience many adventures, but at the end of the story, the evil and stupid rich and their henchmen flee the country, and Cipollino and his friends build a new happy life. Unsurprisingly, this story was so popular in the Soviet Union.

However, Cipollino is able to please himself. This is a lively and resourceful boy from a simple poor family who knows firsthand what difficulties are, but never gives up and does not hang his nose. He is a loyal friend and always keeps his word, he is brave and courageous, and even Cipollino can turn grief into a driving force. He cried only once when the soldiers took old Cipollone to prison, but after that he immediately set to work, pondering how to save his father from an unfair sentence.

In 1952, a sequel to the tale, "Cipollino and Soap Bubbles" (Cipollino e le bolle di sapone), was published, but it was not translated into Russian and is practically unknown in the countries of the former Soviet Union (Soviet Union).

When the magazine "Funny Pictures" was published in 1956, Cipollino became one of the members of the Club of Merry Men, whose heroes appeared not only on the pages of this popular children's magazine, but also in numerous cartoons about their adventures.

Cheerful and restless, Cipollino has become a favorite literary character for many generations of readers. Young readers follow the amazing adventures of a brave, fearless hero with enthusiasm, forgetting that Cipollino and his big onion family are just an invention of a talented writer, the fruit of his unbridled imagination.

Mischievous Onion Boy

The brave onion boy from the tale-tale of Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" helps the inhabitants of his country free from the power of the cruel prince Lemon. The restless and good-natured little boy never deceives anyone and protects the weak.

He is the same as all the boys. But it is difficult for someone who decides to drag his forelock. Streams of tears immediately begin to run from the eyes of the offenders. Cipollino himself only cried once, when Prince Lemon's soldiers arrested his father. But the brave little boy was not afraid to speak out against them, he made many friends. and they liberated the country from cruel rulers.

Before the readers - an ordinary boy from a simple family, endowed with the best qualities: honesty, courage. It has become a symbol of friendship and dedication for young readers. Strong of the world this was seen in the fairy tale as a political message, and for a long time in many countries this book was banned.

But in the USSR this tale gained wide popularity. In 1953, it was translated into Russian, and soon a cartoon and a film-tale about a cheerful and good-natured little onion boy was shot. And there would hardly be a person who did not know who wrote “Cipollino”.

The Italian writer knew how to intertwine real life and fantasy so that young readers saw in him a good-natured and cheerful wizard who plays an exciting game with them.

How were the plots of fairy tales born?

Rodari wrote his famous story at the end of the forties. She became a reflection of that time. The difficult post-war years, poverty everywhere, many did not always eat their fill. But the one who wrote “Cipollino” tried to tell the children that even when everything is bad and it seems that nothing can be changed for the better, there is no need to despair. There will definitely be a way out.

The heroes of the story about Cipollino had real prototypes. Of course, he denounced not specific people, but human vices - hypocrisy, greed, greed and ignorance. The fact that Rodari did not like in people most of all, he ridiculed in his works. He was especially annoyed by individuals who did not want to improve themselves and get to know the world around him.

In Rodari's works, literary critics are looking for a deep meaning, they draw parallels between real images and events of those years. For example, the XX Congress of the CPSU is said, allegedly, in a fairy tale about Jelsomino. Friends and colleagues of the writer say with pleasure that B. Mussolini, who was the Prime Minister of Italy in those years, can be guessed in Prince Lemon.

In fact, whoever wrote The Adventures of Cipollino was very fond of children. While still working in the newspaper "Unita", Rodari came up with a special section for the youngest readers. She and her colleagues wrote rhymes and counting rhymes for children. The rubric was named “Linopicco” (from “piccolino” - small). He enjoyed writing for children.

Rodari was a very observant person, and fairy tales came to him spontaneously. He could hear women talking about what they bought in the market. Something from the conversation caught on - the plot is ready. The wife of the writer said that this is how Cipollino was born.

In order not to forget an interesting plot, Rodari always carried a notebook and a pen with him. If an idea came to mind, he could immediately sit down and start writing. He told the invented plots to others in order to see their reaction. Paola's daughter was often the first listener. Gianni watched how she listened to him, what she reacted to, what questions she asked. And the writer decided what to do with the plot further - to correct or leave it as it is.

Other tales of Gianni Rodari

In Italy Rodari was known for a long time as a journalist. He gained worldwide fame as a writer after translating his works into Russian. Over time, in the homeland of the writer, his works began to be included in the school curriculum. In 1967 Rodari was recognized as the best writer in Italy. And in 1970 a remarkable author - the one who wrote the fairy tale "Cipollino" and many other fascinating stories for children - received a high award for his works, the Gold Medal. Andersen. Rodari came up with some more wonderful fairy tales.

  • In 1952, The Adventures of the Blue Arrow was published. The fairy tale is about the Christmas journey of a toy train. The main characters of the book are children of the poor, who are often left without gifts, even on such a holiday as Christmas. The heroes of the book will have an adventure on the Blue Arrow train. They will find new friends, will bravely fight enemies. Courage and honesty will help them overcome difficulties.
  • "Jelsomino in the land of liars." The story, published in 1959, tells the story of a boy named Jelsomino with a very loud voice capable of breaking down walls. The boy goes on a journey and ends up in the Land of Liars, in which, by order of the king, all inhabitants of this country are obliged to lie. And the boy takes everything into his own hands.
  • The fairy tale "Cake in the Sky", written in 1966, tells about unusual subjectwho once landed on a hill at Trullo. It turned out to be cake. Huge, with whipped cream and nuts, chocolate and candied cherries. The girl Alice, the mischievous heroine of the fairy tale, became the character of several more Rodari's fairy tales.

Peru this author owns such works as "Once upon a time there was Baron Lamberto", "Jeep on TV", "Tramps", "Train of Poems", as well as other stories and stories. Whoever wrote "Cipollino" and introduced young readers to the resourceful, brave onion boy, created other unforgettable characters. Rodari's heroes invariably teach their little readers lessons of goodness, honesty, and justice.

Author biography

Giani Rodari (the one who wrote "Cipollino") was born in the town of Omegna on Lake Orta on October 23, 1920, where his parents came to work from the province of Varese. Gianni was an uncommunicative child. He was left without a father early. Baker Joseph died of pneumonia when little Gianni was ten years old. The mother returned with the children to Gavirat, her native village, where the family lived until 1947.

Studied Rodari in theological seminary. There, children from poor families were taught and helped with clothing and food. Gianni's health since childhood was weak, and in order not to be bored at home, he read a lot, learned to play the violin. At the age of seventeen, Rodari received a teaching diploma and began working as a teacher at the school.

During the war, Gianni was a member of the Resistance, joined the Communist Party. In 1948 he got a job as a journalist in the newspaper "Unita" and then began writing books for children.

Gianni met his future wife in 1948 in Modena, where he came to the parliamentary elections as a correspondent. Maria Teresa worked there as a secretary. In 1953 they got married, in 1957 their only daughter Paola was born.

Worldwide recognition

The characters of fairy tales received world fame during the lifetime of their creator. In the film-tale about the brave little onion boy, Gianni Rodari himself also starred - the one who created the touching and restless hero; the one who wrote "Cipollino". The author played himself in the film.

Boy Ciccio - a character in Rodari's poems and fairy tales, became the hero of the cartoon "Boy from Naples". The animated film Absent-minded Giovanni is based on the fairy tale La passeggiata di un distratto. "The Adventures of the Blue Arrow" also did not go unnoticed and served as a plot for two cartoons.

The stories about Cipollino and Jelsomino were screened. The fairy tale "Cake in the Sky" formed the basis for the film and opera of the same name. An asteroid discovered in 1979 is named after the famous writer who gave the world wonderful heroes.

In which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were not lucky in life.

What can you do: where there is a bow, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack, slightly larger than a box for garden seedlings. If the rich people happened to get to these places, they wrinkled their noses in displeasure, grumbled: "Fu, how it carries onions!" - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

Once the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried about the smell of onion hitting His Highness's nose.

- What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

- You can spray the poor with perfume! - suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately dispatched to the outskirts to perfume those who smelled of onions. This time, the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. The cans contained: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollona, \u200b\u200bhis sons and all relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up and sprayed them well with cologne from head to toe. From this fragrant rain, Cipollino, out of habit, had a severe cold. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear how a long-drawn trumpet sound came from a distance.

It was on the outskirts that the ruler himself arrived with a retinue of Lemons, Lemons and Lemons. Prince Lemon was dressed in all yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell rattled on his yellow cap. The Lemon courtiers had silver bells, and the Lemon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells were ringing incessantly, so the music was great. The whole street came running to listen to her. The people decided that a roving orchestra had come.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. Both of them got a lot of jolts and kicks from those who pressed from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not resist and shouted:

- Back! Siege back! ..

Prince Lemon was alert. What is this?

He walked up to Cipollona, \u200b\u200bdignifiedly stepping over his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

- Why are you shouting "back"? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they rush forward, and you don't like that, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered in the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel. He needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately, one of the Lemonchik soldiers directed a telescope at Chipollone, which was used to observe the troublemakers. Each Lemonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

“Your Highness,” he muttered, “but they’re pushing me!

“And they will do it very well,” thundered Prince Lemon. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “His Highness thanks you for your expressions of loyalty and for the zealous kicks you give each other. Push harder, push with might and main!

“But they’ll knock you down, too,” Cipollino tried to argue.

But now another Lemonchik directed a telescope at the boy, and Cipollino thought it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows did not push too hard against the front ones. But the Elder Chamberlain looked so fiercely at the negligent that in the end the crowd was agitated like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had hefty calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the heavenly stars without the help of the court astronomer. Ten Lemonchik soldiers rushed from all sides at the unfortunate Chipollone and handcuffed him.

- Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - called the poor old man, looking around in confusion, when the soldiers took him away.

Cipollino at that moment was very far from the scene and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It's good that he was caught in time,” said the idle talkers. “Just think, he wanted to stab His Highness with a dagger!

- Nothing of the kind: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? It can't be!

- Don't you hear the shooting?

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of a festive fireworks display in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away in all directions from the Lemon soldiers.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that his father did not have a machine gun in his pocket, but only a small cigar butt, but on reflection, he decided that the talkers still could not be argued, and prudently kept silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see badly - this is because a tremendous teary tear welled in his eyes.

- Back, silly! - Cipollino shouted at her and gritted his teeth so as not to roar.

The tear was frightened, backed away and no longer appeared.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but also for many, many years after his death, because there were cemeteries in the prisons of Prince Lemon.

Cipollino got a date with the old man and hugged him tightly:

- Poor you are my father! You were thrown into a jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits! ..

- What are you, what are you, son, - his father interrupted him affectionately, - but the prison is full of honest people!

- And why are they in prison? What wrong have they done?

- Absolutely nothing, son. That's why they were planted. Prince Lemon decent people not to my liking.

Cipollino became thoughtful.

“So it’s a great honor to go to jail?” - he asked.

- It turns out so. The prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but Prince Lemon has the opposite: thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

- I also want to be an honest citizen, - said Cipollino, - but I just don't want to go to jail. Be patient a little, I'll come back here and free you all!

“Aren't you relying too much on yourself? - the old man smiled. - This is not easy!

- But you'll see. I will achieve my goal.

Then some Limoniltka from the guard appeared and announced that the meeting was over.

“Cipollino,” his father said at parting, “now you’re big and can think of yourself. Uncle Chipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go to wander around the world, learn your wits.

- How can I study? I have no books, and there is nothing to buy them.

- It doesn't matter, life will teach. Just keep your eye on it - try to see through and through any rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

- And then? What should I do then?

- You yourself will understand when the time comes.

- Well, let's go, let's go, - Lemonishka shouted, - enough to talk! And you, raggy, stay away from here, if you don't want to go to jail yourself.

Cipollino would answer Limonishka with a mocking song, but he thought that he should not go to jail until you have time to get down to business properly.

He kissed his father hard and ran away.

The next day, he entrusted his mother and seven brothers to the care of his kind uncle Cipolla, who was a little more fortunate in life than the rest of his relatives - he served as a gatekeeper somewhere.

A cheerful and brave onion from sunny Italy named Cipollino in the 1950s became a symbol of the victory of an oppressed people over those in power. With a children's book, which is distinguished by a bright artistic originality, the Italian raised absolutely non-childish questions. Life values, justice, friendship - there was a place for everything on the pages of the work about the adventures of vegetables and fruits that came to life.

History of creation

The Italian writer Gianni Rodari was one of the supporters of communism. An advocate of the poor and an adherent of social justice, in 1950 he took over as editor of the children's magazine Pionier and began to create for children with his own hand. To begin with, he published a collection of funny poems, and a year after he headed the publication, he presented the kids with the fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino".

The book glorified the Italian communist, especially in the Soviet Union, which is quite understandable - the author put on an allegorical form of large landowners and Sicilian barons, who opposed the poor people.

The work came to Russia in 1953 on the initiative, who sympathized with Rodari and patronized him in every way. The Russian poet-storyteller himself took up the editing of the Italian story translated by Zlata Potapova. Heroes immediately after the appearance on the shelves of Soviet bookstores won the hearts of children. Since then, the book with colorful pictures has been published in millions of copies and even entered the school curriculum.

The story, which does not lose its relevance to this day, is far from magical works, is devoid of fairies, miraculous transformations and phenomena, therefore it is ranked among everyday social fairy tales. The characters rely only on their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and correct calculation. The main idea is to show the injustice of the oppression of the unprotected segments of society. However, in the tale there was a place for a whole scattering of problems. The story turned out to be fascinating and kind, consists of 29 chapters, which are crowned with a collection of heroes' songs.

Biography and plot

The restless little boy Cipollino lives in the Lemon Kingdom on the very outskirts of the city. A large onion family lives in poverty in a wooden shack the size of a seedling box. Once the head of the family, Pope Cipollone, accidentally stepped on the leg with a corn to Prince Lemon, who decided to visit this part of the state. The angry ruler of the country ordered to imprison the clumsy onion father in prison for many years. Thus began the exciting adventures of Cipollino and his comrades.

After a meeting with an imprisoned relative, the boy realized that only innocent people were in prison, and also received an order from his father to “walk around the world”, gain experience, and see how people live. During the trip, Cipollone told his son to pay special attention to the swindlers in power.

Lukovka set off on a hike across the boundless country, on the way seeing the poverty and lack of rights of his compatriots. Poor godfather Pumpkin g

he is a lord Tomato from a small house, which has occupied a piece of the master's land, the godfather Blueberry makes ends meet, having only halves of scissors, threads and a needle from everything acquired, the peasants are starving, sending carts of food to the palace of the Countess Cherry, besides, they pay for air and try to learn to breathe less. Cherries are going to impose another tax - on precipitation.

But Cipollino, having enlisted the support of friends, including Fasolinka, Professor Grusha, Master Grape and others, decides to help the people. A fight against injustice is unleashed, which ends in complete victory: the flag of Freedom is proudly fluttering on the tower of the castle, and the building itself has turned into a palace for children, where a cinema, rooms for games and drawing, and a puppet theater are equipped.

The tale of the class struggle has a dynamic plot and a whole range of wonderful images. Positive and negative characters from the plant world show the relationship between people of different classes. Rodari managed to convey complex things simple language, give the work a unique artistic style.

Films and productions

In Russia, Cipollino managed to go beyond the paper edition. Onion (the meaning of the name in translation from italian) went to television - in 1961, based on the work, a cartoon was released under the direction of Boris Dezhkin, where she voiced the main character.

The gallery of the book's characters is richer than the "cast" of the Soviet cartoon. So, in the story of an Italian communist there are heroes who do not belong to flora, for example, Mole, Bear, Spider. The cartoonists left only the characters "from the garden", and even then not all of them. I had to say goodbye to reduce the time of the film with Orange, Parsley, Peas.

After another 12 years, Tamara Lisitsian delighted young viewers with a fairy tale film "Cipollino". In the musical comedy, the character is embodied by Alexander Elistratov. The film starred such stars of Soviet cinema as (Countess Cherry), (Prince Lemon), (attorney Peas).

Even Gianni Rodari himself got into the cast - the writer was assigned the role of a storyteller. Tamara Lisitsian was the wife of one of the leaders of the Italian Communist Party, so she personally knew Rodari. That is why the author suddenly appeared in her picture.

In 2014, connoisseurs of literature and theater were outraged by the staging of a children's play based on the work of Rodari, directed by Ekaterina Koroleva. From the script of the musical fairy tale, the plot, where the heroes arrange a revolution, disappeared. Prince Lemon simply listens to the people, an insight descends on him, thanks to which the sovereign cancels unjust laws and remains in power. The author of the play explained the decision to redraw the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian writer as follows:

"We left the social acuteness in the play, but since I am terribly afraid of any revolutions, the revolution will take place in the minds of the heroes."

Ban in Russia

Five years ago, Russian society vigorously discussed the topic of restrictions that the government imposed on some books, films and cartoons. Gianni Rodari's tale "The Adventures of Cipollino" is included in the list of malicious literature that is not recommended in Russia for reading by children under 12.

The ban is imposed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", which entered into force on the Day of Knowledge in 2012. In the story of the adventures of the Italian onion, the lawmakers saw an episodic depiction of violence.

  • Since the end of the 50s, the hero of the Italian story joined the ranks of the "Club of Merry Men", which lived on the pages of the magazine "Funny Pictures". The children were entertained by a company from Cipollino, Dunno, Buratino, and later they were joined by Karandash and Samodelkin.

  • The talented musician Karen Khachaturian was invited to write the music for the cartoon about the brave Cipollino. Then no one even suspected that the work would result in another new work. The composer confessed: the fairy tale fascinated him so much that it never left his head. Karen Khachaturian recalled:
"For some reason, each character appeared to me now in a dance."
  • 12 years later, the amazing, sincere music for the ballet in three acts "Cipollino" was born. And the brilliant destiny of the production of Heinrich Mayorov began, which since 1974 has successfully traveled on the stage. The composer became famous all over the world, and ballet became one of the best in contemporary art, aimed at children.
  • Gianni Rodari first found success in Russia and only then, in 1967, at home. For his "fabulous" works, the writer received a prestigious award - the Hans Christine Andersen Medal.


“It is quite possible to live in peace in this world. There is a place for everyone on earth - for bears and for bulbs. "
“Don't be angry, don't be angry, Signor Tomato! From anger, they say, vitamins disappear! "
“And, in my opinion, today is a very successful day. We have a new friend, and this is already a lot! "
“Here you go, you can lick this piece of paper. It is sweet, a caramel with rum was wrapped in it a year ago.