Tests know the Ukrainian language. Tests zno online

An online trial test is a great way to gauge your chances of passing the college entrance qualification exams. On our site, we have collected tests in all disciplines that are provided for by the assessment program, and also distributed them over the years. With our help, you can not only try your hand at solving certification problems, but also prepare well for the real assessment. Evaluation on the site is absolutely free - you just need to go through a simple registration procedure.

Types test items ZNO online fully correspond to the real tests that you will have to pass. The assignments were developed taking into account the Program for passing external independent assessment approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The tests are divided by discipline, and each of the groups contains subsections with sets of questions by year. You can use both the newest options and those developed based on the tasks of other years.

All ZNO tests online on our website consist of a specific set of questions, the answers to which must be given within a specified time. Typically, certification assignments are divided into three or four blocks:

Search for the only correct option from several proposed;

Composing logical pairs;

Choosing a sequence from a number of statements;

Specific answer in the required format.

The blocks may differ depending on the subject, but the general sequence is about the same. After passing the test, you will receive a certain score, which will depend not only on the number of correct answers, but also on the complexity of the block. The maximum possible number of points in each discipline is own - in full accordance with the rules of real assessment of the corresponding year.

To take the ZNO tests online, you can choose any profile subject, which you need to enter the university - we have a full range of disciplines. You can go through them in any order, but for a more objective assessment of your knowledge, we advise you to start with the older ones, and end with the latest ones.

With the help of our website, you will not only find out how ready you are for external assessment, but will also be able to improve your knowledge and close the gaps. To go through the ZNO online with us means to contribute to the consolidation of the material, especially with regard to the simple visual perception of questions and correct answers. Even if in real testing you forget a moment, you will most likely be able to answer correctly simply by visual memory - the more often you pass our tests, the better you remember.

You can prepare well for ZNO not only with the help of trial tests, but also with the help of specialized courses on our website. The courses are made in the format of video lessons, and the best teachers of various disciplines took part in their development. The training is focused on maximum efficiency, and the video courses are made in such a way that the material is presented in an easy and understandable form, which saves time.