Strange sounds in the sky. Mysterious sounds in the sky of Iran

Knocked from above: why strange sounds scare people around the world

Military exercises, earthquakes, or something more terrible - witnesses from all over the world talk about deafening sounds, reminiscent of either the roar of a powerful engine, or a thunder of enormous power. "360" tried to figure out where the mysterious noise came from, which is sometimes not only heard, but also felt.

Sound for no reason

A mysterious buzz in the air worries people from all over the world. Social media users write about inexplicable sounds coming from nowhere. Sometimes they are not only heard, but also felt - a palpable tremor passes through the windows and shakes buildings. This year alone, 64 cases of "sound eruptions" were recorded, according to The Sun. Deafening claps with no apparent source were heard by residents of the United States, Australia, Great Britain, the Middle East and Finland.

In some cases, sources of noise have been identified - powerful sound waves can be created by a meteorite "burning" the Earth's atmosphere or a combat aircraft accelerating to supersonic speed, but most of the incidents remained unsolved.

Back in May, the night peace of the residents of the small Welsh town of Abergavenny was disturbed by strange clapping, and one of the women who heard the sound nearly died of a heart attack, the local newspaper Abergavenny Chronicle wrote.

I almost had a heart attack. At first it seemed like fireworks or a shotgun shot. But no, the sounds were even louder. Maybe like a tank jerked at full speed. My husband said that these are mini-meteorites falling to the ground - have you ever heard such nonsense?

is a resident of Abergavenny.

Sounds in Wales have not yet been explained - military pilots did not fly over the city, the object from space, according to local government services, also did not fly.

Loudest in the world

On November 14, the story of the mysterious cotton was repeated first in the US state of Idaho, and the next day on the other side of the country - in Alabama.

A particularly loud noise disturbed the residents of Alabama. It was so strong that it shook some houses and shook windows in other places, according to the Metro newspaper. Around 21:00 local time, police in the small town of Lakewood received reports of a loud explosion. The patrol went to the scene, but found no trace of the incident.

Government departments acknowledged the fact of cotton, but could not give an exact answer as to what caused it. A nearby U.S. Air Force base has not reported any night flights, and satellite surveillance has found no evidence of an explosion or fire.

As noted by the local office of the US National Weather Service, their sensors did not show even a small earthquake in the area. “We have no answer, we can only guess together with you,” the agency added on its Twitter, suggesting again that everything should be blamed on a supersonic plane or a meteorite.

The last "sonic attack" in the United States happened on Monday night in Colorado. Some of the eyewitnesses considered what they heard to be a test of a new secret weapon or the arrival of aliens, the CBS television channel reports. This time, one of the local departments responsible for oil and gas production in the region put forward a working theory: the cotton supposedly happened due to an incident with an empty oil storage - due to pressure overload, its hatch was blown off, which could lead to loud noise.

Creak of the Earth

In late September, abnormal noises invaded the lives of the inhabitants of Slovakia, wrote "Komsomolskaya Pravda". As if a thousand-voiced brass band was playing in the sky or "Jericho's trumpets" were singing, the journalist Vladimir Lagovsky described the strange phenomenon. According to him, he personally observed a similar anomaly in Russia.

Yes, I myself have heard something myself several times. In the suburbs, at the dacha. I heard different things. It sounded like a huge jet engine was suddenly turned on at full power. It was as if some gigantic reservoir burst, from which compressed air burst out with a whistle. It seemed that somewhere nearby a pile of stones was being dumped from the body. Only there was nothing like that in the neighborhood

- Vladimir Lagovsky.

Experts, including specialists from the NASA space agency, are trying to pinpoint the exact cause of the "sonic attacks". Possible explanations include controlled explosions, unusual weather events such as an electric storm or thunderstorm, large meteorites high in the atmosphere. All theories have not yet been supported by any evidence. The most popular versions are some kind of super-powerful aircraft or vibrations of the earth's surface.

But tremors capable of causing such a sound in recent times did not have. Alexei Zavyalov, head of the laboratory of continental seismicity and seismic hazard forecast at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, confirmed this to the 360 \u200b\u200bwebsite. The seismologist is inclined to believe that not very adequate people can hear such sounds. Massive auditory hallucinations have indeed occurred in history, although in this case there is no reason to doubt the mental health of the eyewitnesses.

The sound of the aircraft is usually even, most often it is clear where it comes from, besides, such a noise is familiar to most people, the sound engineer David Ghazaryan dismissed in a conversation with "360" the "supersonic theory".

“All flying objects have their own specific sound, some decibels, more than which it cannot be. We hear them everywhere, everywhere, always, ”the specialist explained. In his opinion, abnormal noises may be of natural origin.

Mysterious sounds are caused by processes in the bowels and oceans of the Earth, Alexander Semyonov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, told 360.

“There is a change in the structure of the Earth. Roughly speaking, it starts to creak. This is especially noticeable in geologically stressed points like the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth begins to make such a sound, this phenomenon is very powerful, someone can take it for a trumpet voice from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. Probably, these are the harbingers of some catastrophes ”. - summarizes Semenov.

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What is this terrible and mysterious sound that was heard on August 28, 2017 in the city of Astara, Iran?

Prayer of the imam? A new kind of propaganda from Tehran? Or something unknown? In any case, this is incomprehensible and frightens the residents!

The video below was recorded on August 28, 2017, in Astara, a city in Iran on the Caspian Sea coast, near the Azerbaijani border.

Here is another video of the same sounds:

Israfil - in the Islamic religion, the herald of the Last Judgment, will have to announce the beginning of the end of the world by blowing into a huge pipe.


When I watched the video, the phrase "the trumpets of heaven" came up in my head, and I found the following information on it:

Strange trumpets from the sky around the world since 2012 disturb the inhabitants of our planet ... what is it? a sign or a natural phenomenon? Or maybe this is a warning? Definitely worth thinking about!

As you can see, the sound is the same, the timbre is the same.

These sounds are described both in the Bible and in the Koran.

In the New Testament, the Trumpet Voice is mentioned in the Revelation of St. John the Theologian (ch. 8).

Seven angels trumpet after the removal of the seventh seal from the sealed book, after each trumpet voice, calamities occur on Earth, affecting third parts of the earth and heaven:

The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mingled with blood, and fell to the ground; and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up.
The second Angel sounded his trumpet, and as if a great mountain blazing with fire fell into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the animate creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships perished.
The third Angel sounded his trumpet, and a large star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the sources of waters. The name of this star is "wormwood"; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died of the waters, because they became bitter.
The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and the third part of the sun and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars were struck, so that the third part of them was eclipsed, and the third part of the day was not bright, just like the nights.
And I saw and heard one Angel flying in the middle of heaven and speaking with a loud voice: woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on earth from the rest of the trumpet voices of the three Angels who will trumpet.

The last trumpet sound heralds the end of times and the Last Judgment.

Also, the last trumpet sound is mentioned in the epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corithians:

I tell you a secret: not all of us will die, but everything will change suddenly, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet; for it will sound the trumpet, and the dead will rise incorruptible, but we will change.