Plants - what are they? Types of plants. Leaves are distinguished by the shape of the leaf blade

The world around us is colorful and diverse. The nature that we see every day is in fact a huge kingdom, part of which is plants. Sometimes we admire them, sometimes we just don't notice, but the fact remains: plants are a separate world that surrounds us. He lives and reproduces according to his own separate laws, but without him there would be neither animals nor people.

What it is?

Surely each of us knows the names of some plants and how they look in reality. Many people can easily distinguish from acacia, from poppy. But only the science of botany can give the answer to which species, family or class this or that plant belongs, name its habitat and other nuances unknown to an ordinary person.

In fact, plants are multicellular structures, which were placed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the class of those who cannot move. As we know, plants are characterized by growth and development, but not movement in space.

There is no single precise definition of this name, but all scientists come to the conclusion that plants are a separate unique organism. Thanks to him, other ecosystems do not disappear from nature, moreover, they develop and function normally.

Plant signs

Despite the fact that there is a huge number of plants in the world (about 320,000 species, and according to other sources, there are about 350,000), there are still parameters by which almost all such organisms are classified:

  • Dense cellulose membranes inherent in cells.
  • The presence of a chloroplast with a green pigment, due to which photosynthesis occurs, and, as a result, green coloration of the leaves is observed.
  • Plants cannot move in space.
  • The growth of these organisms occurs constantly, the entire life cycle.
  • The regulation of plant life is carried out by phytohormones.

Plant diversity

As already mentioned, science knows a huge number of flora representatives. A plant species are those organisms that have some common traits that are inherited. For example, lilies of the valley are considered one-species: May, silver, Transcaucasian. Thus, not only plants are classified, but also animals, as well as other living things.

A species is united into a genus, a genus - into a family, a family - into order, an order - into a class, a class - into a department, and that, in turn, into groups. Higher plants are those organisms that have complex differentiation. They are divided into root, leaves, and stem (or trunk).

The complete opposite of the higher kingdom is the lower plants - those that live in water, do not have roots, flowers, stems. They can be both unicellular and very large, reaching 50-60 m in length. This genealogy is inherent in all plants, without exception.

There are species unknown to science, those that are discovered every year by scientists from all over the world, are studied and fall into a general classification. If there are no such organisms in this classification, a new one is created. There are also plants that are disappearing from the face of the planet. Such species are called endangered or endangered. They are listed in the Red Book.

In addition to the variety of species, plants also differ in their life form - the appearance that we are used to seeing around us. These are trees, shrubs, vines, dwarf shrubs, succulents and grasses. Each of these forms has its own structure.

What the plant consists of

Each plant has its own unique structure. It changes depending on the type. Some of them are unicellular, while others have a complex structure system. For example, a tree is a plant belonging to the highest category. It has several component parts and is one of the most difficult representatives of the flora.

Despite this, most plants consist of a root, stem or trunk (in trees and shrubs), leaves, and occasionally flowers from which fruits can develop. Some species, such as rose hips, rose bushes and acacia, have thorns. They have a protective function for plants so that they cannot be eaten by animals or damaged by humans.

Underground and aboveground part of plants

The root of the plant is the main source of vitality. It is most often found underground and nourishes the body with moisture and nutrients. Without this part, the plant will simply die. Thanks to the root, some types of plants can be propagated. Without it, they will die. For example, a fern, even if it was dug out of the ground, can grow again the next year near the place where its predecessor grew.

The stem leaves the root. On it are the rest of the parts that the higher plants have. This is an important component of living organisms, because water, minerals and vegetable sap circulate through it to leaves, flowers and fruits. If the root lacks nutrients, the stem will be lethargic and undeveloped or even die.

Aerial shoots, albeit modified, can be called buds (stem rudiments from which shoots grow), thorns (short shoots with a sharp end - rose, rosehip), antennae (grapes), cladodia (in cacti) and pseudobulbs (thickening near the ground near some orchids).

Underground stems are subdivided into rhizomes ( different types trees), tubers (potatoes), stolons (adoxa), bulbs (onions, lilies), corms (gladiolus). In some species, they serve only for reproduction, in others, they serve as a support base for leaves.

Another part that characterizes higher plants is the leaf. This is the name of the external organ that participates in photosynthesis, can retain moisture and nutrients.

Flower, fruit, seed ...

These parts of the plant are called generative, that is, reproductive. It is thanks to them that the life of the species continues on Earth. When a certain time comes for each plant, a flower appears on it, which means that this organism is ready for pollination and further reproduction. The complex structure of the flower allows you to preserve the pistils and stamens, pollinate them, so that in the future a fruit appears in its place. This metamorphosis is inherent in fruit trees and some bushes.

In other representatives of flowering plants, it is in the flower itself, at the base of the pistil, that the ovules are located, where the seeds develop. Representatives of this type of plant are wheat, poppy and others.

The fruit of the plant is the last stage in the development of the flower. It contains many substances useful to the human body, which are necessary for normal life and development. All the fruits are studied by a special science - carpology. After all, their classification is very diverse and extensive.

It is in the fruit that the seed of the plant is often found. It is formed from the ovule and is the part through which the population of the species will continue. Plant seeds are the embryos of the future organism, which will be born in the next growth period.

Why are plants needed?

Without flora there would be no animals, no man. This is their most important role on our planet. Plants are organisms that absorb solar energy, converting it into substances useful for themselves. They are also characterized by the ability to process air. Absorbing harmful they release oxygen. Therefore, it is safe to say that thanks to plants, the entire earth's ecosystem exists.

Plants are food for animals and humans. There would be no life without them. For this reason, plants are domesticated and domesticated. After all, not all of them can be consumed, as, for example, it was with potatoes, which grew on the plantations of America in a completely unsuitable form for food. But when it was brought to Europe and domesticated, it became the main vegetable among the inhabitants of our planet.

Environmental protection

Plants are famous not only for processing harmful gas into oxygen. They also have a very positive effect on the energy production of other ecosystems. Plants are the real thing of our planet, which supports life support on it.

In addition, representatives of the flora are the main food for many herbivores. Without eating meat, they would be on the brink of survival. Therefore, these organisms are very useful for food purposes.

Moreover, they are invaluable for the soil. A tree is a plant that, with its long roots, helps prevent soil erosion and keeps river banks from shedding.

A flower is a plant that brings a lot. It is given for the holidays, grown on windowsills and admired with colorful tints and a unique aroma.


All plants play an important role in the planet's ecosystem. Insects feed on their pollen. In general, without plants, life on Earth would not exist at all.

Science, scho vivchaє svit roslin, to be botanized. In the process of practical activity of people, knowledge about botany appeared, and in an hour it was accumulated in steps. Zbir roots, cybulin, bulb, you can take a cobbled step in the process of bringing people into the world of growing dews. lіkarski, viznachati mіstsya іkh growth, lines of іbrannya, preparation and specialties іberіgannya, root, as well as those, how to eat roslin, which soil is guilty of buty, and how roslin did not grow up all the necessary health life.

The hour of the emergence of botany yak galusi of science can be carried up to 200 - 300 rocky before our era. In the ancient times Aristotle (384 - 322 rr .. BC. E ..) Ta Theophrastus (371 - 286 rr .. BC. E ..) there were many revolutions. It is the merit of the systematization of the information about the growth of the growing line, of the budov, as well as of the particularity of their cultivation, of the zones of growth, of storing it in the state.

Botany in a bittersweet roslin є science, scho includes a free galuzei. The main reason for the rightness of the field is that you can see the skin of the dewline, okremo, and also your spirits, that you can make the steppe at your heart. A great obsyag of materials to be developed in botanical sciences - a warehouse around the parts of roslin, especially for their growth, for mutual relations with new ones; the order of the rise in natural zones, especially the evolucy of representatives of the kingdom of the Roslin, change of mind for the appearance of a majestic collection of unique roslin, classifying them for different signs, the possibilities of rational storing, especially valuable for the government of the roselin, and the holding of the advancement for the cultivation of previously unknown fodder, vegetable, fruit and likarsk roselin. An urgent problem of the protection of natural resources, including roslin (especially of wild and wild species). The balance of the spіnotas of the roslin is shaped by a stretch of a thousand years, thus, the destruction of the spirits of the knowledge of one from the roslin is the creation of the vision of nature.

To carry out the pre-adolescent robots, the development of experimental methods and techniques, such as microscopic (electronic and light) and calculating technology, are widely used. Mа mіsce tіsniy vzaєmozv "the language of botany with the other sciences - lisivnistvom, zoology, agronomy, medicine, chemistry, geology.

Tse root, stem, leaf, leaflet and leaf, or rather tse tree, chagarnik and grass. The very roots of the roots, the stems of the leaves of the dewdrop grow. Axis chomu root, stem and leaf are called organs of grazing. For additional quotations, the growth of the fruit can grow. In some words, the quotation that plid is called the organs of reproduction. Up to the trees and chagarniks, there are large dewlines from trees with "yany stalks. The grasses may sap and green grasses" yany stalks, which in their own currents are monotonous, yard and large.

- dermal roslin can be found in its protoplasm, nucleus, vacuole with cell juice, and shell. The clinker has a thin, slightly perforated shell, through the yak it can be easily seen with the "indestructible eye" of the inner vst the clitine - the protoplasm. A large, rounded speech is in the middle of protoplasm - the whole nucleus. Protoplasm does not remember all cells of that space, which is not occupied by protoplasm, like a cell's juice - a vacuole. As a result of the cell's juice, it becomes even more abundant, as a result of which the vacuole will store the entire celline, and the protoplasm has deprived a thin ball of the shell of the cell from the middle.

- it is covered with a smooth, blinking shchіlnoy shkіrkoy on yakіy you can easily discern a small scar, itself in the mіsci of the scar the nasіnnya bulo is fastened to the stool bob. Shkilna shkіrka grabbed up to quiet feast, as long as it does not germinate, when germinated, the shkіrka grows. From the inner part of the nasin is virosta the head of the nasin is the embryo (new roslina).

- obviously, in the first hour of its emergence, the seedling can live without the necessary soil, so that it can live with organic and mineral words, which are stored in our country. Ale stocks of life-giving rivers are not indefinite in the world of sprout growth. What do you need to talk lively? Excellent ground. The very soil behind the help of the roots of the growing line, yes, the ability of the seedlings to get wet, and the necessary living words for growing.

є Another important organ of the growth. For the help of the roots, the roslin grows in the ground, soak in the ground water and breaks down in the water of mineral salt. The head root grows from the germinal root. From the head root come from the common roots. The appendages grow on the stems.

to be stored in two parts - a whole leaf blade and a petiole. For the help of the petiole, the leaf is attached to the stem, ale varto respects, it is not the dermal growth of the petiole. For example, deyaki polovi roslini, such as a lion, or roomy roslini, such as scarlet, may produce leaves without petioles. The stench is attached to the stem only with a leaf blade, and on the top of the petiole they are called sessile. On the leaf plates it is even better visible, especially from the lower side, veins. The veins pass from the leaf blade to the petiole.

an even more important organ of the dewline, along the stem of the oversupply of old-fashioned speeches, that leaf of the dewline stretches to the svitla. In addition to the stems, there are spare organic speech. The stalk grows at the top of its top, the plant grows to match and grows the cambium. The stalks of the growths are even more versatile, so there are above-ground and subterranean stalks, as well as trees "yanisty and grasses" yanisti.

- zavdyaki kharchuvannyu, dikhannyu and grow-up - growling grows, ale more prodovzhuvati sv_y kind, roslina is guilty of growing. Growing grows can grow in different ways - vegetative, insect. It is practically unwise to re-evaluate the state value of the growth of roslin. Aleksei zavdyaki new ways of propagation of roslin in people the ability to remove the number of necessary roslin, as well as cover the fields, take care of the foliage.

Not all of the information about dew and tree... Nadal You should be aware of the abundant tsikava and corian information about the stem, about the oversupply of speeches in the roselin, about the versatility of the stems and the main groups of roselin.

As people are victorious, they know a lot about us, and in more detail the price of “how to give people a growl” is easy to see in the statistics.

Yak lyudin vikoristovu roslini?

Let me tell you about the vicorian roslin by people, since it’s possible to explore the five main spheres, de ludin’s right after the vicorist roslin:

  • Yak produce food;

For the first time, it became apparent that the people were put up to the roslin, since they thought they were going to take it, and that was it. Fruits and bulbs, seeds and roots, young grasshoppers and growers formed a significant part of the race of ancient people. At the same time, there is a need for a rise in the growth of the growth of the old and of the unfortunate ones. So much more quickly the tight and straight link of people with the roses, as all the knowledge accumulated about the new types of roses, and also by way of ways of rejecting the fire and tied with him a lot of winter snow.

  • Dzherelo sirovini for industry;

Roslin is often vikoristovuyut yak vyhіdniy material abo sirovin. Derevina, bavovna and іnshі fibers, as well as removing from roselin rubber, cellulose, roselinnі oils and fats, tanning words and barvniki are still more needed for bagatokh galuzei of the national government.

Yak likarski zasobi;

Yak lykarski zoby roslini play an even more important role. The houses about the likars' power of the Roslin were taken from the people of the rich capital. These are the kind of speeches to take revenge on in the bagatokh roslinas, and we know, which injecting a stench on the organism of people.

  • For decorative purposes;

Well, what about us not to like to decorate your life, a flower bed or a garden with beautiful quits or roses? The stench will give you a special calm and warmth.

What kind of roslin? If there were dews on the earth? Yakimi boules of nipersha dews on the earth? How could a tree grow? Why do the leaves grow like a tree?

What kind of roselin?

So I want to be able to adapt to the power supply chain: roslin is a price for growth. It’s, obviously, not a science, but one was guessed right from the rice grown rice. Roslina consistently improved her body. Clitini, rostashovani on the stems and roots, spread continuously, the stench "pratsuyut" uprodovzh the whole life of the growth.

From the knowledge of me: having reached the singing party, the tree of aging. Ale take intercourse of the living space, the growth is not visible: the cattery's cambia are all the same to go, wanting to die again.

Effort to grow up to provide additional "attachments" for living. The stench soak up the mineral speech from the water. The more it grows and the growth of the root grows, the more beautiful it is to live the roselin.

Roslin, on vidminu see tvarin, little rukhomi. The stench can be oversaturated, ale in the same way. Liani wrap around the support and inodi "overlap" in one place on the inshe. The Sonnyashnik turns his sheet of paper next to the Sonny. The curl is curled that curls its pelus. If a large grower lives on one place, all of its life (and only one hundred, and one thousand rockiv, like a sequoia).

That head of the growing line from the live, smut її significance on Earth is the value of photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, during the interaction of sleepy light, driving in carbon dioxide, acid and folding organic speech, such as protein and nucleic acid, are established. Photosynthesis is deprived of the day, with sleepy light, at the skin green leaf, grass and naval at the water, so they swim in the oceans of the water or are attached to the bottom. Prior to photosynthesis, all organisms are healthy, but greens are replaced by a chlorophyll pigment and a group of other carotenoid pigments.

Life on Earth will be taken care of by the Sontsya on the land line and the ocean.

Ale and with his bend of the growth, continue to grow life on Earth. When folded, the roslin grates are visible in the coal, which, near the viglyad, in carbon dioxide, goes into the atmosphere. When dispensed, water is also used. The aim of the elements is to become victorious with new generations of roslin.

In the course of a thousand years, the growth of the Roslin was made and the root, and the brown copalini: peat, stone, vugilla, naphtha.

If there were dews on the ground?

Most of the happy students vvazayut that the planet Earth was formed three years earlier for half a million years. Found lattices of various organisms have been found in rocks that may be 3.8 milliard rocks. Bacteri-anaerobias with the first slugs of the Earth, tobot organisms, were not victorious, they couldn’t be victorious for a wild kissen, which had not yet boiled in the atmosphere.

Vvazhaєte, for the first time the process of photosynthesis "pishov" in bacteria. Photosynthesis is a valuable natural process, if, with the interaction of sleepy light, driving in carbon dioxide, an organic speech and vilny kisen become established.

The first simplest one-liners of water growth and mushrooms appeared close to 2 million years ago. The development of life on the Earth, growing and growing, and growing in the process of photosynthesis.

Scientists vvazhayut that blue-green water growth (the whole name, and not just a color) and mushrooms are the first representatives of the rose-tree light on the Earth. Tse lower roslini.

More than 2 milliards rocky in that time, the first ground-growing lines were made of moss, as we can bachit at a time in gray minnows.

Close to 400,000,000 rubles to that date, the folds of the growing line were growing. The stench smelled of fancy ferns. Fern-first, mali root, stem and leaf. Tse vzhe signs of vishny roslin.

Dinosaurs appear for an hour. The growth of the growing line was multiplied by the plant.

The pines and conifers of the tree appeared in less than 300,000,000 years. The group of trees is composed of numerical representatives, such as pine, yalin, smereka, cedar, modrina and ін. All the trees of the tree have their own cones.

The first quarter of the rose line was 150,000,000 rubles in that volume. The good fortune was taken away from us, and gave them great victories, sporadically with the roslin, who were not so kindly taken away from us. This has become more and more both for the number, and for the views. Our days have wider growing lines everywhere.

Yakim Bully Nipersh Roslini on the Ground?

Voseni 1912 p. bilya village of Rhine in Scotland, the Silskyy Likar W. McKee, for the sake of great satisfaction, was also engaged in geology, having broken the seeds from the rocks and rapt, and miraculously saved the roslinny grates. On the bare thin stems sat podovgasti bags with the same walls. Yak with "yasuvalasya zgodom, tse bula found dew on the Earth. Vona lived close to 415 million years ago." They called kuksoniya.

More than a few surplus kuksonii and similar roslin (chlorneophyta, rinii, psilophyta) were known in the Czech Republic, the USA, and Western Siberia. All of them were called rinophytes, after the name of the Scottish village of Raina.

Admittedly, the first growth of the growing line inhabited in the logistic mice and the boules similar to the growth rate, but not on the modern growth line. The stench did not smell at the root or leaf, the bagatokh did not have a solid stem with supporting tissues. Kulki with spores mali tovsti stinki, up to 4 mm The stems are known to have food.

Nybіlshoyu bula rіnіya. The height is up to 50 cm, and the thickness of the stem is close to 5 mm. Obviously, in the swamps, there are spravzhny khashi riniy. The stem at the rіnіya ended with a makivka, the argument was distilled. The tsi "amnosti" for the disputes reached 12 mm.

Psilophy went from the beginning. They already have a bulo rіvne, a straight stem. Psilofit bouv u decilka developed vischiy for rіnіyu. From the bare stem came the hairs of the hairs. At the shkіrtsі of the stem, there are prodigals, and the thorns on the surface of the boole are wedged with thorns up to 2-2.5 mm. Bichnі gіlki ended with "powers" in the form of elips, de bouly argue.

Yak to grow a tree?

Yak and all living things, trees need vitality for growth. Yak tree yogo? From the ground, the roslin gained water and mineral salts. For the second time - dykoxide in carbon, and the green leaves of the tree re-crush the sleepy energy into starch, sugar and cellulose. At the same time in the atmosphere you see kissen. This is a chemical process that will prevent the growth and development of the tree.

Between the tree and the bark of the tree, there is a thin ball of clitin - cambium. At the same time, there are new clients. That, when they come to the inner part of the cambia, they make the tree, and the bark on the outside.

The diameter of the tree grows steadily, and the tree does not fall through the bark. Vona go, go and go.

The tree grows uphill and wide. On the tip of the skin gilka є klitini, it is possible to share. The stench is filled with new leaves, and the stench itself will podovzhuyut.

At the hour of the rise, the gilkers trust. New cells become solid, similar to little pieces, step by step transforming into brunka. The price of the brunettes is easy to pick up on the trees. The hinges of the brunks will open or fall off, and the steam will start to grow.

On the sprіzі of the tree we can see the last growth of light and dark smog. The light of the smog is stored from the larger cells after the size, approved by the attachment and the early years. The dark smuggles are stored for the smallest cells, which have grown more and more. The stench was pretended to be like a lita. For їх size it is possible to notice about "m tree, which has set itself up for a rik, and a small part of a dough comes from a tree.

Schob roslina bullet healthy, oh, come forth, do not finish the good vitality and sanctification. Even more important stosunki mіzh roslins in ugrupuvannі. The tree grows more beautifully, as mushrooms settle on these roots: birch trees - in birch fox, bili - in dibrov, and buttermilk - in a dairy. This is also called symbiosis.

Leaves and roots of deyaky trees, for example, bird cherry, feline, pine, oak, see the words, how to drive the growth of the sus. To that, the pine trees and dibrovi are so clear, there are not thick pines there.

Most of the green trees do not shed their cover in the face of cold weather. Tse vіdbuvaatsya step by step stretching out to the rock, so that the stench is expected to become covered with greenery.

Autumn leaf fall is extremely important for the life of the lisu. Having fallen out of leaf to serve as kind, zapobіgaє vimerzannyu roots.

Why vossen leaflets in a funny way?

Yaky garniy lis naprikintsi Veresnya! There is a young birch leaf on the smith of a green pot. And the maple and oak stand black in the green and in the red shats.

Why do you need to vossen the leaves to make a delicious barbecue? Zgadaimo, with its green color of the stink of goiters, I see a green pigment in them - chlorophyll. (Especially rich in carotene in carrots)

A bit of pigment is not washed out, and chlorophyll is deprived of greens. From the cold days of lively speech, accumulated from the leaves of trees, it should come at the gilka that stovbur. Oscillations of the collection of lively speeches are drawn back, chlorophyll is laid out. For the first time, they’ll keep them at the leaflet, and remember them. І mi nasolodzhumosya rozmaittyam zabarvlennya trees.

Closer to autumn, the base of the skin leaf will form a thin ball of light-roses "of the smallest cells. After breaking through the leaf, there will be a scar on the pagon, which will appear on the large misplaced leaf.