St. Petersburg School of Osteopathy. Eastern European School of Osteopathy (Vesho)

Many schools have been established to spread knowledge of osteopathic medicine osteopathy, mainly of a national character. Dr. Andrew Still, Founder osteopathy, was extremely popular in the United States and was the first to create a school osteopathyin Kirksville in 1892. His school osteopathy hosted students from all over the country, from Canada and Europe. Dr. Still's student John Martin Littlejohn later founded the British Osteopathic School in London (1917), now known as the British School osteopathy... French school opens in the fifties osteopathy under the leadership of Paul Jeny, in 1964 she moved to Great Britain: first to London, then to Kent. It is she who is now known as the European School of Osteopathy.

European School of Osteopathy (ESO)

At the moment, the European School of Osteopathy is considered a recognized leader in the training of professional osteopathic doctors, its graduates work all over the world and are widely known. The success of the school is based on strict adherence to the principles and concepts of osteopathy, extensive clinical practice and great international connections, which allows it to accept students from different countries for training and practice. In addition, ESO is engaged not only in the training of osteopaths, but also in postgraduate education, increasing the professionalism of specialists. At the moment, the European School has everything you need to improve the skills of doctors. Interestingly, the defense of diplomas at the end of school in England is awarded in the presence of a representative royal family, as in England, Prince Charles of Wales oversees osteopathy.

Russian Higher School of Osteopathic Medicine

Russian School of Osteopathy ( osteopathic medicine) was created in Russia in 1994 and became the first in our country educational institutiontraining specialists. The first graduation took place in 1997, the second in 1999. The main teaching staff was drawn from the specialists of the Paris Osteopathic School, the defense was carried out in Geneva, Switzerland. At the moment Russian higher school osteopathic medicine(RVSHOM) successfully operates in several regions of the country.

Russian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine (RAOMed)

History of the Russian Academy osteopathic medicinebegan with a collaboration between Russian specialists and the European School of Osteopathy in 1996. Initially, a system of four-year part-time education for osteopaths was developed, which is distinguished by the high quality standards inherent in British medicine in general. The entire educational process and certification are controlled by the ESHO. The presence of links with the Clinic of Osteopathic Medicine allows to ensure the practical orientation of all training. At the moment, RAOMed accepts for training all persons with higher medical education, medical students and persons with secondary medical education (as an experiment).

Institute of Osteopathy, North-Western State Medical University and St. Petersburg State University

First licensed public education on osteopathy in Russia

Institute of Osteopathy, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Northwestern State medical university) and St. Petersburg State University (St. state university) - the first state educational institution, began teaching osteopathy in Russia in 2000. Over the years, the institute has managed to create a strong pedagogical corps, consisting of more than 20 talented teachers, known both in Russia and abroad. Among them are candidates and doctors of sciences, authors of many scientific works and books on osteopathy. This, as well as the presence of a state license and accreditation, allows the Institute of Osteopathy to maintain a high level in the training of osteopathic doctors.

The training is conducted in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Samara, Vladivostok, Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Main indications for osteopathic treatment

- preparing women for childbirth
- backache
- joint pain
- hyperactivity in children
- headache
- dizziness
- herniated disc
- diaphragmatic hernia
- biliary dyskinesia
- delay of psychomotor and speech
development (ZPRR)
- the consequences of surgery
- perinatal encephalopathy (PEP)
- sciatica
- birth injury
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- scoliosis
- tailbone injury
- injuries of the cervical spine
- hearing loss
- fibroids of the uterus and ovarian cysts
- consequences of traumatic brain injury

Romanovsky Konstantin Viktorovich Born in 1971. Place of birth Omsk, in 1997 graduated from the Omsk State Medical Academy, medical faculty. 1998-2007 doctor-urologist of the Clinical Medical-Surgical Center (formerly MSCh-10) In 2010 he graduated from an internship in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" Since 2007-2011 he studied at the Russian Higher School of Osteopathic Medicine, in St. Petersburg. Doctor of Osteopathy - thesis on the topic: "THE APPLICATION OF OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT IN URINE CONTENT IN WOMEN OF WORKING AGE"

Russian Graduate School Osteopathic Medicine

  • Russian Higher School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • The Higher Russian Osteopathic School, from the walls of which more than a hundred trained certified osteopaths graduate each year, collaborates with the best foreign osteopathic centers (from the USA, France, Canada, Great Britain and other countries). Our graduates have an excellent opportunity to undergo an internship abroad, attend professional seminars on osteopathy, in which the best practicing specialists from all over the world take part, as well as to defend a doctoral or candidate dissertation.

The history of our school began with the first seminar on osteopathy from the “pioneer” of osteopathy and an osteopathic teacher. Since then, we have been growing together with our students.

Opened more than 8 branches in Ukraine and the near abroad.

We are unique with national teachers and structured curriculum!

We already have the first graduate of osteopaths who have completed the full program. Their professionalism is ours dignity! Osteopaths Association

Theoretical and practical training programs at WESHO include:

  • 600 hours of training in 3 years.
  • non-stationary additional training for working people is three years, totaling 60 days of contact training. Classroom training is conducted once a month for 3 consecutive days for 10 months a year, which is complemented by internships and independent work. The volume of practice under the direct supervision of a supervisor is 280 hours during the training period. On independent work given 600 hours.
  • additional anatomy and human physiology are provided.
  • after each level there is an opportunity to take an exam. ... ...
  • at the end of each seminar, a personal certificate is issued, and at the end of the training you receive a diploma from the East European School of Osteopathy.
  • practical and theoretical support during the intersessional period.

The training will be interesting for doctors of various profiles, rehabilitation therapists, masseurs, yoga instructors, trainers, athletes, as well as all people who are interested in and not indifferent to their health.

Level qualification basic training:

A basic level of - 150 hours;

- Practitioner - 300 hours;

- Specialist - 450 hours;

- Thesis - additional 150 hours.

*After passing each module, an exam is passed with the presentation of the corresponding certificate of qualification.

** Writing thesispassing the general exam. After the decision of the examination committee, presentation of a diploma for the completion of the specialization "Osteopathy".