Clifford Chance CIS Limited. Clifford Chance, International Law Firm

K: Companies founded in 1802

Clifford Chance in Russia

Clifford Chance opened its office in Russia in 1991. The Russian office is located in Moscow.

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Clifford Chance story

Clifford chance began operations in London in 1802. Merger into London companies " Clifford turner"And" Coward chance»Formed a company "Clifford Chance" in its current form.

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Clifford Chance excerpt

- How, you raised! Look, smart, ”one shouted in a hoarse voice.
Then a thin, pale soldier with a neck tied with a bloody roll came up and in an angry voice demanded water from the gunners.
- Well, dying, or what, like a dog? - he said.
Tushin ordered to give him water. Then a cheerful soldier ran up, asking for a light in the infantry.
- Fire hot in the infantry! Happy to stay, fellow countrywomen, thank you for the light, we will give it back with a percentage, - he said, taking away the blushing firebrand somewhere into the darkness.
Behind this soldier, four soldiers, carrying something heavy on an overcoat, walked past the fire. One of them stumbled.
"Look, devils, they put some wood on the road," he grumbled.
- Ended up, why wear it? One of them said.
- Well, you!
And they hid in the darkness with their burden.
- What? hurts? Tushin asked Rostov in a whisper.
- It hurts.
- Your honor, to the general. They are standing in the hut here, - said the fireworks, going up to Tushin.
- Now, my dear.
Tushin got up and, buttoning his greatcoat and recovering, walked away from the fire ...
Not far from the fire of the artillerymen, in a hut prepared for him, sat Prince Bagration at dinner, talking with some of the chiefs of the units who had gathered at his place. There was an old man with half-closed eyes, greedily gnawing a lamb bone, and a twenty-two-year-old flawless general, flushed from a glass of vodka and dinner, and a staff officer with a personalized ring, and Zherkov, restlessly looking around everyone, and Prince Andrey, pale and with pursed lips eyes.
In the hut there was a French banner that had been taken in the corner, and the auditor with a naive face felt the fabric of the banner and shook his head in bewilderment, perhaps because he was really interested in the look of the banner, and maybe because it was hard for him hungry to look at lunch, for which he did not have an appliance. In a nearby hut there was a French colonel taken prisoner by dragoons. Our officers crowded around him, examining him. Prince Bagration thanked individual chiefs and asked about the details of the case and about the losses. The regimental commander, who introduced himself at Braunau, reported to the prince that as soon as the case began, he retreated from the forest, gathered the woodcutters and, letting them pass by him, with two battalions, stabbed and overthrew the French.
- As I saw, Your Excellency, that the first battalion was upset, I stood on the road and thought: "I will let these pass and meet with battle fire"; and did so.
The regimental commander wanted so much to do this, so he regretted that he had not had time to do this, that it seemed to him that all this was for sure. Even, maybe, it really was? Was it possible to make out in this confusion what was and what was not?
- And I must note, your Excellency, - he continued, recalling Dolokhov's conversation with Kutuzov and his last meeting with the demoted one, - that the private, demoted Dolokhov, before my eyes, took a French officer prisoner and especially distinguished himself.
- Here I saw, your Excellency, the attack of the Pavlogradites, - anxiously looking around, Zherkov intervened, who did not see the hussars that day, but only heard about them from the infantry officer. - Crumpled two squares, Your Excellency.
Some smiled at Zherkov's words, as they always expected a joke from him; but, noticing that what he was saying also leaned towards the glory of our weapons and the present day, they took a serious expression, although many knew very well that what Zherkov was saying was a lie, not based on anything. Prince Bagration turned to the old colonel.
- Thank you all, gentlemen, all the units acted heroically: infantry, cavalry and artillery. How are the two guns left in the center? He asked, looking for someone with his eyes. (Prince Bagration did not ask about the guns of the left flank; he already knew that at the very beginning of the case all the guns were thrown there.) “I think I asked you,” he turned to the officer on duty at the headquarters.

salary, trainings, corporate events

eerie atmosphere, the management does not care at all, setting up work is a standard thing, it is disgusting to go to work, those who got a job in the 90s really took root. The atmosphere and relationships between people are just awful, with professionalism in half - the trouble is complete. Everyone is trying to "cover up" themselves so that they don't hang some kind of jamb on you. In case of difficulties, no one looks for a possible way out ...

12.10.12 14:38 moscow cityAnonymous,

white 3P, non-rigid work schedule, excellent office

The first impression (it's deceptive))) is a friendly and professional team, but, unfortunately, in fact, there are very few highly qualified specialists, moreover, in all departments and spheres, as well as for many years of work, everyone has a personal dislike. Mostly people work who, knowing english language got accustomed to the group in the 90s ....., they do something "on the machine", but no knowledge ...

05.07.12 23:11 moscow cityAnonymous,

What's in store for you? Three stages: a meeting with HR, a conversation with two or three lawyers, a final conversation with a partner. The passage of the first stage depends solely on the level of your English. Stage two - oh ... Indeed, a lottery. Get ready for the questions of the area that the department is doing in which you want. The office is gorgeous.

Meeting with HR You will have to wait 40-50 minutes to understand your place. At the same time, she will pass by you several times back and forth with an upturned nose. The meeting will be held in a close company of 6-8 people, the same applicants as you, in a stuffy room without windows. We are moving on to the second stage. Each comes across his own. I had two girls and a boyfriend. Each from its own department. One ...