How is the purchase for the military forces going. As usual they are taken into the Russian army: the scheme

The first step towards army service should be called the registration of a young man at the military registration and enlistment office. This happens after he turns 17 years old. In accordance with Russian law, the time allotted for this is the period between January 1 and the last day of March.

At the same time, your son is sent to a medical commission, during which a decision is actually made - whether he is suitable for service in the Armed Forces.

If the child has any health problems, then the parents before the medical board will need to collect the appropriate certificates confirming the diagnosis. On this basis, he will be able to receive either a delay or complete exemption from military service.

However, those who did not manage to manage this should not worry too much - the verdict of the first medical commission is not considered final, and it is not taken into account when a decision is later made to summon the young man.

After that, the young man is handed a certificate of registration, and he becomes a conscript.

Second phase

When the guy turns 18, he will have another examination. He is invited to the medical examination with a personal notice - a summons. It is handed over to him personally against receipt. It is worth noting in this regard that it should not be considered legal:

  • phone invitation;
  • transmission of the summons through parents.

Having received the notification, the young man appears at the military registration and enlistment office on the specified date and time to undergo a medical examination. The following doctors must be present on the commission:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • dentist;
  • optometrist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist.

If necessary, it is allowed to invite other specialists.

The task of physicians, among other things, includes the obligation to determine the category of fitness for each young man. His further service, in particular, will depend on this. So:

  • group "A" means that the young person is fully fit to carry military service without any restrictions;
  • "B" - there are some contraindications;
  • "B" - suitability for military service is significantly limited;
  • "G" - temporarily incapable;
  • "D" - absolutely unsuitable for health reasons.

The first two categories are recruited. The third assumes that the young man is sent to the reserve, with the issuance of a military ID in his hands. He will be drafted into the army only if a full-scale war begins.

Those who fall into group "D" receive only a deferral.

Persons with the following diseases will not join the Armed Forces:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • congenital anatomical defects;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • poor eyesight;
  • mental problems, etc.

A delay is given to those who are seriously ill, but a cure is guaranteed to occur. For example, the category "D" includes young men with fractures.

Possible problems

It is quite obvious that doctors are not able to make a diagnosis during the examination. Thus, if your son has a certain disease, he needs to write a statement, which should contain a requirement to send him for additional examination to a specialized medical institution.

In a situation when the military registration and enlistment offices refuse this, stating that they do not see any health problems in the young man, a complaint is written to the chairman of the draft board. When this does not help, then the claim is sent to his superior superiors.

If the parents do not agree with the conclusion of the doctors of the military commissariat, they have the right to send the child for an independent examination. However, you should be ready to fork out - this procedure is usually paid.

Draft board

As noted above, upon completion of the medical examination, the young man must appear directly at the draft board. This body, having read the expert opinion, makes the final decision. Here, a young man can receive, depending on his state of health:

  • deferral;
  • liberation.

Also, if it does not have significant problems, then it will be recognized as suitable.

Among other things, the above body determines which troops a conscript will serve on the basis of:

  • medical restrictions;
  • educational level;
  • available skills;
  • the young man's own desire.

If there are any circumstances that give the right to apply for a deferral, the young person will need to present supporting documents to the commission.

It is worth noting that until the young man passes the medical examination, he cannot apply for a postponement due to:

  • study;
  • the occurrence of family circumstances.

This means that if, for example, the spouse brings all the necessary papers of the husband, he will not be able to receive the release. Failure to appear at the military commissariat is considered an evasion, which is punishable by law.

The decision of the above body can be challenged by filing a complaint with a higher authority or by going to court.

If the draft board does not find reasons or does not want to release the young man from the army or grant an extension, then he is sent directly from the recruiting office to the so-called assembly point. From here, along with other fit for military service, military units will already be sent. Time begins to count down after the young man receives the status of a private.

Send to the army immediately after school

Do they have the right to call upon leaving school? Not! It is worth noting that even those young men who have already turned 18 years old are given the opportunity to enter a university. According to Russian law, after delivery final exams he will automatically have a deferral until September inclusive. This time is quite enough for admission to the institute.

Among other things, the law specifies that the right to deferment is granted to those who have received satisfactory marks in the final examinations. Thus, this category includes everyone who has passed the USE more or less successfully.

It is worth noting that a student cannot be taken away from the institute if he is a full-time student, even when he turns 20. Thus, having received a summons for a medical examination, they should not be alarmed - a medical examination and an appeal are far from the same thing.

After successfully passing the draft board, you will be told the day when you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office to be sent to the assembly point.

You will go to the assembly point in an organized manner, together with representatives of the military registration and enlistment office. You cannot go to the collection point on your own.

2. What to take with you?

You need to bring the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription (it is withdrawn, and in exchange for a personal signature a military ID is issued);
  • a certificate of the presence of a military specialty (if any);
  • driver's license (if any).

You will also be checked for serviceable and appropriate clothing and footwear.

What else you can take with you, check with your military registration and enlistment office.

3. What happens at the collection point?

They usually spend a day or two at the collection point. There is a distribution of conscripts by combat arms and military units. Officers from military units recruits are selected on the basis of an interview and personal file data.

During this time, you need to go through a medical examination again.

You will be given uniforms and travel bags with shampoo, shaving accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap and other necessary accessories.

If you have not cut your hair short in advance, you will get your hair cut at the collection point.

At the assembly point, all conscripts must be fed. There should also be organized the sale of essential goods.

At the assembly point, educational and cultural work is carried out with the conscripts: they are told about the history of Russia, military service, the oath.

After you will be sent in an organized manner to the military unit.

4. What payments and benefits are given to a soldier?

All military personnel receive a salary. If you have received military specialties or are in command of personnel, then you can count on an increase.

When you transfer to the reserve, you will be given military transport documents that can be exchanged at the station for a free ticket home.

Even before the end of military service, a soldier can conclude a contract and enroll in a conscript.

Young men who have served in the army can:

  • enroll in state universities and out of competition colleges if they successfully pass the entrance exams;

"Do your eyes see well?"
Member of the medical board.

"How you fucked me up, take what you have."
Soldier - "clothes" on the distribution board.

"Needles, scissors, porn, vodka, deodorants - we hand over everything."
Soldier - "checking" on the transit.

1. Previous on the topic.

To be sent on a business trip is a big profit.

2. Distribution point. Personal experience.

The topic "how to behave in the military registration and enlistment office and at the distribution center" was sufficiently discussed in the previous posts of the series. In today's issue - photos and videos straight from the field.

Farewell to friends. A reason to think about your surroundings.

Departure from the recruiting office. Did you pass everything for travel?

At the door of the "distribution". We are assured that everything will be fine.

Upon arrival at the "distribution room" you will have to go through an extreme medical examination, for the most part it is by going through it that you will finally find out where you are going to serve and live.

Interview after the medical examination. As you can see, they are normal guys, no crying clowns with complaints that they are already beginning to be beaten and humiliated.

This is how the average hall looks like, where parents and conscripts are told that everything will be fine with them and are advised how to behave in the army.

Such conversations for the most part are exemplary and are conducted only for the first set of conscripts. Distribution of gifts - pens, notepads and calendars, although it looks silly, but calms down future soldiers a little.

Upon arrival at the "hotel" prior to distribution, you will be examined for integrity and quantity, and your bags will be examined for prohibited items and other other substances.

At some "distribution centers" the inspection and "shmon" are carried out by soldiers. Others have the police.

Immediately after that, you can wander around the "hotel" a little and lie down on hard Spartan beds. And what - it's time to get used to difficulties and hardships.

So I decided on a bed.

"Hotel" as it is.

"Numbers" are sorted out, stress is sprayed with attempts to joke.

As soon as the "merchant" comes for you, you will go with him to the clothing warehouse, where you will hand over your civilian vestments and receive army uniforms. What to do and how to choose a uniform I wrote

My sister and I are wearing the outfit I just got. The stressful situation pressed on me and I suppressed attempts to cheer me up, I am sad about this now.

Sergey from Serpukhov and I are going to sail with the "merchant" to the reception center of military unit 03523.

So the minibus arrived in time ...

Then we got on the train and caught the glances of summer residents, Moscow office plankton and grannies.
Having got off the train, we moved to an army UAZ "loaf" and went straight to the unit. The car was cold and shaking, as if driving through bombed-out places. Russia, cho.

Arriving at the place and passing through the checkpoint, I never realized that I was in the army. Realization came much later. All these days in the receiver of military unit 03523 were rather perceived as some kind of reality show, from which I just want to leave. Really, there was such a dull feeling.

PS - in the next post I will expand on the topic "army and girls", wait for Wednesday.

The contractor Alexander, who himself has experience in recruiting a new recruit, at the request of the editorial board, wrote about how the recruitment of young recruits to various military units takes place.

In connection with the beginning of the next draft, the editors of the site asked me to write something for the recruits, so I will share my experience in the selection of young recruits. I am already, so this time I'll just briefly retell the list of things:

1) cheap phone with charger
2) wash accessories
3) food for a day
4) money
5) cigarettes (if you smoke)

After a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if you are recognized as fit, they will tell you when you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and on that day you will be taken to the regional assembly point. There will be formed teams to be sent to military units. The assembly point is a secure facility, there are military personnel who will keep order and will not let friends and parents there. There you will undergo one more medical examination and will wait for assignment to the team. After the medical examination, you will be taken to a waiting room (this is a room with benches and a table), where officers will come and conduct an interview. I recommend discipline and silence, but I understand perfectly well that this will not achieve anything.

During the interview, officers will ask about the family, what you were doing before the call, about your desire to serve, about your plans for the future, about expectations, about your convictions, about education, they may ask you smart questions. I don’t think it’s worth lying or not saying anything about something, because, firstly, the officer will have a personal file, and secondly, any deception will come out. If you do not want to serve, then it is better to say about it right away.

After the interview, when you are assigned to the team, you will be put together, and it is better to stick together with your team. The next day you will be given a uniform - this will be your first day as a soldier. From the moment the form is issued, an officer or sergeant will be with your team, who will accompany you to the unit. They will answer questions, help with stuffing in a duffel bag, and explain how to wear a uniform. From this moment on, it is better to listen carefully and memorize everything that the accompanying people say. You can ask them where you will be taken, call your parents and tell them about it.

After a while, you will be taken to the station, where you can chat with relatives and friends. If you saw your parents and friends, then you don't have to run to them right away, wait for the officer's instructions, then go up to him and tell him that they have come to you, and try not to go far. I would also advise you not to be photographed in military uniform, because in a year you will look at your photos, like a university graduate at a first grader, but then whatever you want.

Then you will be put on a train and you will go to the unit. On the train, it is worth observing discipline, not disturbing the peace of other passengers, listening to the instructions of the officers. And you don't have to spend all the money on the train, as they will come in handy in part.

Determination of the type of troops
The type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is determined on the basis of a study of citizens who are not in the reserve. They study all citizens liable for military service to be called up for military service and their rational distribution according to the types, branches of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies (clause 22 of the Instruction, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 02.10.2007 N 400).

The study of citizens who are not in stock is carried out in two stages (paragraph 25 of the Instruction).
The first stage is the study of all citizens who were recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions based on the results of initial military registration. The study is carried out from the moment of the initial military registration until the citizens reach the age of 18 years.
The second stage is the study of citizens who, according to the results of the first stage of the study, are subject to conscription and do not have the right to exemption from military duties and conscription, to a deferral from conscription. This stage is carried out during the preparation and implementation of events related to their conscription (after citizens reach the age of 18).

Citizens are studied by accumulating and systematizing information about their state of health and physical development, psychological and moral-business qualities, education, vocational training, marital status.

In the course of the study, documents are analyzed containing information about a citizen, including those received from organizations where he works (studies), from medical institutions, internal affairs bodies, inquiry bodies, preliminary investigation bodies and federal courts, civil registration bodies, public organizations, in which citizens are trained for military service, from organizations that operate residential premises, and educational institutions in which citizens are trained in military registration specialties.

Individual conversations are also conducted with the citizen, his parents (other legal representatives), teachers educational institution, in which he works or studies (paragraph 24 of the Instructions).
In addition, when studying citizens, the training received by them in military-patriotic youth and children's associations is also taken into account (paragraph 2 of Art. 14, Art. 15 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ).
The military commissar, based on the results of the first stage of studying citizens, preliminarily determines the type of troops where a citizen can be sent for military service upon conscription (paragraph 14 of the Instruction).
According to the results of the second stage, the military commissar draws up a list of studies of the conscript, in which a conclusion is made on his preliminary assignment to a certain branch of the Armed Forces (clauses 27, 28 of the Instruction).
During the call for military service, professional psychological selection (testing) is carried out against citizens. Based on evaluation psychological qualities and taking into account the education and professional preparedness of the recruits, a specialist in professional psychological selection (an employee of the military commissariat department) makes a conclusion on the advisability of distributing them according to the branches of the Armed Forces (clause 37 of the Instruction).
When making a decision on conscription, the conscription commission reasonably determines the branch of the Armed Forces, where the citizen will be sent for military service (paragraph 51 of the Instruction).

Determination of the place of military service

The specific place of military service is determined at the city assembly point by the draft board of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation when sending a citizen to the Armed Forces.

Conscripts who have children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), but who do not have the right to a deferral from conscription, are, if possible, sent to military units of the Armed Forces for military service , other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within the established norms of conscription of citizens for military service for the corresponding municipalities. In this case, the citizen must submit to the draft board documents confirming these circumstances (paragraph 38 of the Instruction).
Citizens have no other grounds for choosing a place of military service.

Prepared based on material
lawyer Trignin V.G.,
Moscow Bar Association
"Military Bar Association"