Hot translation into Russian. New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

English-Russian translation HOT

transcription, transcription: [hɔt]

1) hot; hot; warmed up; hot boiling hot ≈ piping scalding hot ≈ scalding hot I detest hot weather. ≈ I hate hot weather. You "re hot from all that exercise." Bake the cookies in a hot oven. "Bake buns in a hot oven. Syn: burning, feverish, scorching, sizzling, sultry, sweltering, torrid Ant: cold , cool

2) spicy, spicy, spicy Put some of this hot sauce on the barbecued ribs. ≈ Fields this roast with hot sauce. Syn: piquant, peppery, highly seasoned, sharp, nippy, biting, pungent

3) a) ardent, frantic; quick-tempered; passionately addicted b) excited, flushed, irritated, agitated You "d better learn to control that hot temper of yours. ≈ You'd better learn to restrain yourself. get hot c) sensual, voluptuous; immoral (about books, plays, etc.) .), obscene ∙ Syn: ardent, passionate, fervid, frenzied, feverish, stormy, tempestuous, hectic, excited, emotional, wrought-up; lustful; licentious

4) a) hot, tense; strong, sharp (mainly about conflict, etc.) The men had a hot argument about politics. ≈ The men got into a heated debate about politics. Syn: intense, violent, furious, raging, vehement, agitated, fierce, fiery b) dangerous, risky (about a place, situation, etc.) c) highly radioactive hot laboratory - a laboratory for the study of radioactive substances d) associated or affected by the proceedings with unions Officers would no longer go through a picket line to move a hot ship. - Officials no longer tried to break through the picket around the ship that sparked a dispute with the union. e) Amer.; colloquial just stolen or illegally acquired; wanted by the police (about a person)

5) decomp. fast, powerful (about the engine, especially in relation to the size of the car or plane) It was a hot little car. ≈ It was a baby with a powerful engine.

6) a) fresh, strong (about the trace, smell) hot scent ≈ fresh, hot trace Syn: strong, intense b) bright, intense (about the color) Syn: intense, vivid, glowing c) constantly used, constantly acting, " hot "(about a telephone line, etc.) hot line ≈ hot line (between) г) hot (about jazz - characterized by high expressiveness, emotional agitation; compare cool

7) close to the goal; hot on the heels The police are hot on the trail of the robbers. ≈ The police are on the heels of the robbers. Syn: very close, following very closely, in close pursuit, near

8) fresh, latest, just received Is there any hot news on the election results? ≈ Is there already the most recent information on the election results? hot from the press \u003d hot copy, hot news \u003d latest news Syn: late, latest, new, recent, fresh

9) sl. fashionable; successful; in demand This is going to be the hottest new style of the year. ≈ Apparently this will be the trendiest style this year. Syn: popular, most popular, successful, sought-after, fast-selling; attractive, good, top, excellent ∙ to get one "s water hot ≈ to boil to get into hot water ≈ to get into trouble, in a difficult situation hot number American; colloquial ≈ popular number (song, etc.) not so hot american ≈ so-so, not so hot hot potato hot money hot stuff

1) hot, hot

2) sharply, strongly

3) hot, passionate, ardent; furious, furious; irritated, agitated

4) fast syn: fast, quickly

3. noun; sl. (the hot) heavily wanted by the police .; read; see heat 2.

hot, hot - * weather hot weather - * air heated air - * water hot water - * soup hot soup - * poker hot poker - * asphalt hot asphalt - * spring hot spring - * spell heat period - * countries hot countries - * iron molten iron - * hot test special - * work technical ) hot processing - * blast hot blast - * storage (special) storage of materials in a hot state; storage in a heated warehouse - * ductility hot ductility - burning * scalding; scalding hot - boiling * hot as boiling water - * to the touch hot to the touch - I like my tea * I like tea to be hot - I am * I'm hot - to make * warm up; warm up - running made me * running made me feel hot - he is * with fever he has a strong fever, he burns all over (technical) heated, overheated - * snare (medicine) hot loop, moxibustion loop hot, passionate - * anger rage. frenzy - * temper irascibility - * tears burning tears - * blush thick paint (of shame) - * at work completely absorbed in work - * baseball fan passionate baseball fan - the * blood of youth hot youthful blood hot, excited; irritated - * words harsh expressions (in an argument) - * with rage in the heat of anger; angry - to get * over an argument to flare up in an argument - to grow * over smth. indignant with something passionately addicted - * on playing cricket addicted to cricket - to be * upon a topic with ardor to talk about something - to be * upon a cause with enthusiasm to devote himself to some business - I "m not so * on it (colloquial) I do not particularly strive for this (being) in a state of creative upsurge, inspiration - finish writing that story while you "re still * finish writing that story while you" re still * finish the story until the inspiration is gone hot, tense - * сontest tense struggle (in competitions) - * buttle hot battle, fierce battle - in the * test part of the battle in the very fire (battle); in the midst of battle - * argument heated argument - * and strong resistance furious resistance - * job urgent work - a * time hot days - in * haste in a terrible rush; like a controversial fire, causing fierce controversy; burning, topical - * issue topical issue fresh, recent; just received or arrived - * news last news - * copy (Americanism) last message, sensational news (in the newspaper) - * tip (spoken) first-hand information, latest information - * from the press just printed; fresh (about a book, a newspaper issue, a message) - * from the front just from the front - * treasury bills (financial) treasury bills of the last issue (in the UK) - * scent fresh trail haunting, following on the heels - to be * on the track of smb. hot pursuit of smb. - * chase fresh pursuit - * pursuit fierce pursuit; pursuit on the heels; (legal) right of pursuit (of a border violator, a special ship that violated the territorial waters) (colloquial) close to the target - you are getting * you begin to guess, you are approaching the target; hot! (in the game) spicy, spicy, special containing a lot of pepper - the mustard is too * mustard is too hot - this sauce is too * there is too much pepper in the sauce - the ointment is * this ointment causes a burning sensation bright, sharp, flashy (about color) - * pink hot pink - * yellow poisonous yellow voluptuous, lascivious, sensual, filthy, obscene - * number (Americanism) a dashing song, a risky pop number; sex bomb - * dancer dancer in a brothel; performer of obscene dances - * piece (slang) slut, whore; sex bomb exciting, thrilling (sweetly) passionate (about jazz or swing) - * jazz exciting rhythms of jazz dangerous, risky; inconvenient - * situation dangerous situation - * pilot (aviation) reckless man, daredevil (about the pilot) - * сargo dangerous cargo (owned by a company that does not resolve the conflict between the administration and workers) (physical) highly radioactive - * chemistry chemistry of highly active substances - * laboratory "hot" laboratory, laboratory for research of highly active substances - * material highly radioactive substance - * atom high energy recoil atom, "hot" atom - * (dry) rock "(dry) hot rock" (possible source of energy) (slang ) high-speed, high-speed - a * new jet plane a new high-speed jet aircraft, constantly operating, maintained in constant readiness - * telephone line emergency telephone line - war news kept the wires * in anticipation of news from the front, the communication lines were continuously switched on (slang) (only what) stolen, illegally acquired or stored; smuggled - * goods stolen or smuggled goods - * oil stolen or illegally extracted oil - * jewelry stolen jewelry - * check a fake check heavily wanted by the police; hiding from justice - the * test criminal in town criminal, whose name is the first among the wanted in the city (slang) excellent, wonderful; attractive - not so * so-so, not so hot - * team is a strong team - * player is a first-class player - * opponent is a worthy opponent happy, successful - the cards are * for me tonight today I am lucky in cards successful, popular - * favorite universal favorite (at the races) - Frank Sinatra was the * test singer of the 1940s in the forties the most popular singer was Frank Sinatra fashionable, fast-selling, running (about the product) - the * test car ultra-fashionable car - that shirt was a * item last summer last summer these shirts were in great demand - * ticket ticket at a speculative price ridiculous, ridiculous - that "sa * one! what nonsense !, it's ridiculous! incredible, impossible in gram. meaning noun (slang) intensely wanted by the police\u003e * war hot war (as opposed to cold)\u003e the * place (slang) hell, hell\u003e * hair (Americanism) (slang) electric chair\u003e * seat (colloquial) difficult position; (Americanism) (slang) (jargon) ejection seat\u003e * corner difficult position; the position of the cornered; (slang) third finish (baseball)\u003e * Scotch (Americanism) whiskey with hot water\u003e * tiger (university) (jargon) beer with sherry and spices\u003e * with grog or rum with hot water and sugar\u003e * air (slang) windbag ; bragging; eyewash; throwing dust in the eyes\u003e * potato (Americanism) burning question\u003e * issue (Americanism) (stock) stocks that sharply rise in price (immediately after they appear on the stock exchange)\u003e * and * straight from the stove; in the heat of the heat (about food)\u003e * under the collar furious, indignant, out of control\u003e to get one "s water * boil\u003e to get into * water to get into trouble; to be in an unpleasant position\u003e to make a place too * for smb. to smoke someone from where\u003e the place is getting too * to hold him here it is dangerous for him to stay, he will have to get his feet out of here\u003e don "t make it too *! do not exaggerate!; do not bend! hot, hot - the sun shines * hot the sun shines hot, passionate\u003e to give it * to smb. warm up smb. give someone a heat\u003e to get it * get it in the neck\u003e to blow * and cold constantly change their views to warm up. heat up, heat up, kindle, inflate; intensify vivify, infuse new life

~ hot; hot; hot; boiling hot boiling

~ irritated; to get hot get hot, get annoyed

to get into ~ water get into trouble, into a difficult situation; to make a place too hot (for smb.) smoke (smb.) water: to get into (or to be in) hot ~ get into trouble (com. of one's own fault)

~ highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances; to get one "s water hot boil

hot inf. see heat ~ hot, hot, etc. ~ Amer. colloquial poor ~ close to target ~ highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances; to get one "s water hot boiling ~ hot; hot; hot; boiling hot boiling ~ American language boiling ~ dangerous (for life) ~ spicy, spicy ~ ardent; passionate ~ hot, excited ~ irritated; to get hot to get hot, irritated ~ fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) deciphered latest news; hot from the press just printed ~ passionately carried away (on); temperamental ~ American deciphered just stolen or illegally acquired ~ warm (about color) ~ sl (the ~) heavily wanted by the police

~ fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) col. last news; hot from the press just printed

~ highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances; to get one "s water hot boil laboratory: ~ laboratory; hot laboratory" hot "laboratory (in which work is done with danger to life)

~ money fin. "hot money" (capital exported abroad out of fear of its depreciation, etc.); hot money; hot war bloody war money: hot ~ hot money

~ stuff infl. whore, whore; hot potato is a sensitive topic; to drop (smth.) like a hot potato

~ fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) col. last news; hot from the press just printed

~ stuff infl. indecent anecdote; pornographic literature ~ stuff rasp. dangerous man ~ stuff infl. great worker, player, performer ~ stuff inf. whore, whore; hot potato is a sensitive topic; to drop (smth.) like a hot potato to drop, to drop (smth.) ~ stuff inf. heavy artillery fire

~ money fin. "hot money" (capital exported abroad for fear of its depreciation, etc.); hot money; hot war bloody war

to get into ~ water get into trouble, into a difficult situation; to make a place too hot (for smb.) smoke (smb.)

~ number Amer. colloquial popular number (song, etc.); not so hot Amer. so so, not so hot

New large English-Russian dictionary. New big English-Russian dictionary. 2011

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

Also, the meaning of the word and translation of HOT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "HOT" in dictionaries.

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  • HOT - I. ˈhät adjective (hot ter; hot test) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hāt; akin to Old High German ...
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  • HOT - / hɒt; NAmE hɑːt / adjective, verb ■ adjective (hot ter, hot test) TEMPERATURE 1. having a high temperature; ...
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  • HOT - I. hot 1 S1 W2 / hɒt $ hɑːt / BrE AmE adjective (comparative hotter, superlative hottest) [Language:…
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  • HOT - adj., V., & Adv. adj. (hotter, hottest) 1 a having a relatively or noticeably high temperature. b (of food or ...
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  • HOT - I. adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a cold / warm / hot spell ▪ There was a very cold spell in late November. a ...
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  • HOT - INDEX: 1. objects / surfaces / liquids 2. food / drink 3. room / place / weather 4. warm, but not hot 5. when you feel hot 6. clothes that ...
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hot hot; hot; hot; boiling hot boiling hot irritated; to get hot to get hot, to get irritated to get into hot water to get into trouble, in a difficult situation; to make a place too hot (for smb.) smoke (smb.) water: to get into (or to be in) hot hot get into trouble (com. through his own fault) hot highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances; to get one "s water hot boil hot read. see heat hot hot, hot, etc. hot American unraveling bad hot close to the target hot highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for research of radioactive substances; to get one" s water hot boil hot hot; hot; hot; boiling hot boiling hot amer. colloquial bored hot dangerous (for life) hot spicy hot ardent; passionate hot hot, excited hot irritated; to get hot get hot, get irritated hot fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) col. last news; hot from the press just printed hot fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) col. last news; hot from the press just printed hot passionate (on); temperamental hot Amer. colloquial just stolen or illegally acquired hot warm (about color) hot sl (the hot) intensely wanted by the police hot fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot litter (or news) col. last news; hot from the press newly printed hot highly radioactive; hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances; to get one "s water hot boil laboratory: hot laboratory; hot laboratory" hot "laboratory (in which work is performed with danger to life) hot money financial" hot money "(capital exported abroad for fear of its depreciation, etc.) speculative foreign capital; hot war bloody war money: hot hot "hot" money hot number American popular number (song, etc.); not so hot American so-so, not so hot hot stuff debauched slut, whore; hot potato is a delicate topic; to drop (smth.) like a hot potato to refuse, to give up (from smth.) hot fresh; hot scent fresh, hot trail; hot rubbish (or news) latest news; hot from the press just printed hot stuff colloquial obscene anecdote; pornographic literature hot stuff colloquial dangerous person hot stuff colloquial excellent worker, player, performer hot stuff colloquial slut, slut; hot potato sensitive topic; to drop ( smth. ) like a hot potato give up, give up (from smth.) hot stuff inf. heavy artillery fire hot money fin. "hot money" (capital exported abroad out of fear of its depreciation, etc.); hot money; hot war bloody war to get into hot water get into trouble, into a difficult situation; to make a place too hot (for smb.) smoke (smb.) hot number Amer. colloquial popular number (song, etc.); not so hot Amer. so so, not so hot

  1. adjective
    1. hot; hot; hot;
      boiling hot boiling

      Examples of using

      1. "It" s too hot, "he said.

        It's too hot, ”he said.

        What Katie did at school. Susan Coolidge, p. 4
      2. The Coco Bongo Club. Hottest new joint in town.

        Club "COCO BONGO" It just opened recently.

        The Mask (1994-07-29) movie subtitles, p. 1
      3. Most lived in tenements, many without hot and cold running water.

        Most of them lived in rented apartment buildings without running water.

        Subtitles for the video "What it takes to live a good life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness. Robert Waldinger," p. 2
    2. ardent; passionate
    3. hot, horny

      Examples of using

      1. Then all of a sudden there was a tremendous explosion of oaths and other noises-the chair and table went over in a lump, a clash of steel followed, and then a cry of pain, and the next instant I saw Black Dog in full flight , and the captain hotly pursuing, both with drawn cutlasses, and the former streaming blood from the left shoulder.

        And then again: - If it comes to the gallows, then let everyone hang out on it! Then suddenly there was a terrible explosion of curses, the table and benches fell to the floor with a crash, the steel of the blades clinked, someone cried out in pain, and a minute later I saw the Black Dog running as fast as he could towards the door. The captain was chasing him. Their daggers were bared. The Black Dog was bleeding from his left shoulder.

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, p. 10
      2. He was hot as a firecracker.

        Sparks were pouring out of it!

        Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, p. 12
    4. irritated;
      to get hot get hot, get annoyed
    5. passionately addicted (on); temperamental

      Examples of using

      1. One night-it was on the twentieth of March, 1888-I was returning from a journey to a patient (for I had now returned to civil practice), when my way led me through Baker Street. As I passed the well-remembered door, which must always be associated in my mind with my wooing, and with the dark incidents of the Study in Scarlet, I was seized with a keen desire to see Holmes again, and to know how he was employing his extraordinary powers. His rooms were brilliantly lit, and, even as I looked up, I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him. To me, who knew his every mood and habit, his attitude and manner told their own story. He was at work again. He had risen out of his drug-created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem. I rang the bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been in part my own.

        One night - it was March 20, 1888 - I was returning from a patient (since I was now back into private practice) and my journey took me to Baker Street. As I walked past the familiar door, which in my mind is forever connected with the memory of the time of my matchmaking and with the dark events of Etude in Crimson, I was seized with a burning desire to see Holmes again and to find out what problems his wonderful mind is working on today. Its windows were brightly lit, and looking up, I saw his tall, thin figure, which twice flashed in a dark silhouette on the lowered curtain. He quickly, swiftly walked around the room, his head lowered and his hands behind his back. To me, who knew all his moods and habits, his walking from corner to corner and his whole appearance spoke volumes. He went back to work. He shook off his drug-induced foggy dreams and unraveled the threads of some new mystery. I called and was escorted to a room that was once partly mine.

        The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Scandal in Bohemia. Arthur Conan-Doyle, p. 2
    6. fresh;
      hot scent fresh, hot trail;
      hot litter (or news) colloquial news;
      hot from the press just printed
    7. hot

      Examples of using

      1. Sex is something I really don "t understand too hot.

        In general, I am not good at these sexual matters.

        Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, p. 62
      2. He had sinus trouble and he couldn "t breathe too hot when he was asleep.

        He had sinusitis, and he could not breathe properly in his sleep.

        Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, p. 39
    8. spicy, spicy
    9. warm (about color)
    10. , colloquial - disastrous
    11. american, used in the USA , colloquial - zaboristy
    12. american, used in the USA , colloquially - just stolen or illegally acquired
    13. dangerous (for life)
    14. highly radioactive;
      hot laboratory laboratory for the study of radioactive substances;
      to get one "s water hot boil;
      to get into hot water to get into trouble, in a difficult situation;
      to make a place too hot for smb. colloquially smoke smb.;
      hot number american, used in the USA colloquial popular number (song, etc.);
      not so hot american, used in the USA so-so, not so hot;
      hot stuff spoken a\u003e excellent worker, player, performer, etc .; b\u003e dangerous man; in\u003e heavy artillery fire; r\u003e indecent anecdote; pornographic literature; d\u003e whore, whore;
      hot potato is a sensitive topic;
      to drop smth. like a hot potato to give up, to give up;
      hot money financial "hot money" (capital exported abroad for fear of its depreciation, etc.); hot money;
      hot war bloody war
  2. adverb - hot, hot, etc. (see hot 1)
  3. noun, slang; jargon - (the hot) heavily wanted by the police
  4. verb, colloquial - see