Hans christians andersen flint summary. Andersen Hans Christian fairy tale "Flame" (Klyukhina)

Andersen's Tales ( summary which are presented in this article) have won the sincere love of readers and are very popular all over the world. The writer gained fame after published in 1829 a fantastic story entitled "Walking trip ...". Since what year have Andersen's tales become famous? You can read a summary of the best of them in this article.

A few words about the creation of his fairy tales

The real creative breakthrough in the creation of literary works begins in 1835. It is this date that is significant for his tales. In the 1840s, his collection "A book with pictures without pictures" was published, which confirms his inherent talent. Andersen's fairy tales won success and fame with incredible speed. A summary of the favorite works was retelling to each other by devoted readers and looked forward to new works. In 1838 the second edition of fairy tales was started, and in 1845 - the third. By this time he was already very famous throughout Europe. In 1847 he visited England where he received a warm and cordial welcome. In the second half of the 1840s and in subsequent years, the writer worked with particular diligence and published plays and novels, cherishing the dream of becoming famous as a playwright. But all is in vain. Andersen's tales (a brief summary of which is on everyone's lips), although they brought him fame, at some point in his life he began to despise them. However, he continues to write them. The most recent tale was created in 1872 on Christmas Eve. In the same year, the writer fell out of bed, hurt himself badly, and could no longer recover from his injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875.


  • "Flint".
  • "Road friend".
  • "Thumbelina".
  • "Storks".
  • "Princess on the Pea".
  • "Bad boy".
  • "Chamomile".
  • "Mermaid".

  • "Angel".
  • "Collar".
  • "Ugly duck".
  • "Buckwheat".
  • "Girl with matches".
  • "Spruce".
  • "Bride and groom".
  • "From the window of the poorhouse."
  • "Bell".
  • "Red Shoes".
  • "Water drop".
  • "Linen".
  • "Little Fat".
  • "Ole Lukkoye".
  • "Shepherdess and Chimney Sweep".
  • "Jumpers".
  • "Swineherd".
  • "The Snow Queen".
  • "Nightingale".
  • "From the ramparts".
  • "Old house".
  • "Happy family".
  • "Neighbors".
  • "Shadow".
  • "Hill of Forest Spirits".
  • "Anne Lisbeth".
  • "Merry disposition".
  • "Everything has its place."
  • "Hans Churban".
  • "A yard cock and a weather vane".
  • "Two girls".
  • "Jewess".
  • "There is a difference!"
  • "Ib and Khristinochka".
  • "Stone of Wisdom".
  • "Something".
  • "Bell pool".
  • "How good!"
  • "Swan's Nest".
  • "At the edge of the sea".
  • "On the dunes".
  • "The dumb book".
  • "The last pearl".
  • "Feather and Inkwell".
  • "Under the willow."
  • "Lost".
  • "Sleep".
  • "Heartbreak".
  • "Piggy bank".
  • "Skorokhody".
  • glory ".

Late period

  • "Godfather's Album".
  • "In the nursery".
  • "Ven and Glan".
  • "Two brothers".
  • "Twelve passengers".
  • "The Maiden of Ice".
  • "Moving day".
  • "Dryad".
  • "Bishop of Berglum and his relatives".
  • "Toad".
  • "Green crumbs".
  • "Golden Boy".
  • "Who is the happiest?"
  • "Comet".
  • "Butterfly".
  • "In the poultry yard".
  • "Peyter, Peter and Peyre".
  • "Psyche".
  • "Snowdrop".
  • "Bird of folk song".
  • "Silver coin".
  • "Fairy tale".
  • "Snowman".
  • "Hidden - Not Forgotten."
  • "Old Church Bell".
  • "The gatekeeper's son".
  • "The fate of the burdock".
  • "Auntie".
  • "Rags".
  • "What can you think of."
  • "The Flea and the Professor".
  • "Children of the Year".
  • "Days of the week".
  • "The daughter of a giant."
  • "The Evil Prince".
  • "Picture".
  • "Gate key".
  • "Queen of the Blizzards".
  • "Lizochka at the well".
  • "What Old Woman Johanna Told About".
  • "Shepherd boy tending sheep".
  • "Dance, doll, dance!"
  • "Twin brothers".
  • "Great grandfather".
  • "Rose flower".
  • "The Tale of Wives".
  • "Fairy Tales in Verse".
  • "Mascot".
  • "Auntie Toothache".


Even a brief summary of the tale "Thumbelina" by Andersen makes it clear what an amazing idea lies at its heart.

The woman could not have children and turned to the witch. She advised her to plant a seed of a tulip. The woman did so, and a miracle happened. An inch-tall girl appeared. The nutshell became her cradle, and the tulip petal became her boat. But Thumbelina did not live long in this house. The girl's real adventure begins after she is kidnapped by the Toad for his ugly son. The fish saved her. The May beetle liked the beauty, but the relatives did not appreciate his choice, and he left her. A sad baby falls into the hole of a field and very greedy mouse, which advised her to marry a mole. Foreseeing the dull life underground, Thumbelina went out to say goodbye to the sun and the swallow, which she had been caring for all winter. She invited her to fly away with her. The girl agreed, and they flew to warm lands. On the flower, she met the king of the elves, who proposed to her. Finally, Thumbelina found her prince.


One day a soldier met a witch. She offered to go to him in a hollow guarded by terrible dogs, where he could collect a myriad of jewelry. For this she asked to bring her a flint. He did everything, but he did not give the flint, but cut off the head of the adviser. He soon skipped all the riches from the hollow, losing all his new friends. One day he used a flint candle. A dog appeared that could fulfill three wishes.

One day he wanted to see the princess. The dog complied with his request. In the morning, the girl told her mysterious dream.

On another occasion, the queen tied a bag of cereals on her daughter's back, which fell on the road. The soldier was tracked down and sent to prison. On the day of the execution, the soldier asked the shoemaker to bring him a flint, for which he gave him 4 copper. He wanted to light a cigarette. After clicking the flint, three dogs appeared at once. They threw the audience so high that people crashed to the ground. The soldier was released and asked to marry the princess. The invited dogs were also sitting at the wedding table.

A nightingale lived in the forest, which charmed with its singing. The emperor ordered to find him and bring him to the palace. The subjects carried out his decree. The bird was settled in the palace, and it sang so that the emperor felt deeply and cried. The nightingale became very popular. Once japanese emperor sent a colleague a golden nightingale with precious stones. He could sing one song from the repertoire of a live bird. A year later, the nightingale broke down, and it was turned on only once a year. Five years later, the emperor fell ill, and there was no one to have a bird. And then a real nightingale arose and with his song saved him from death. But he asked not to break the toy.

Thus, Andersen's tales are popular all over the world. Their number and variety of fascinating subjects confirm the author's genius. He wrote them from 1835 until his death. The reviewed summary of the fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Andersen (as well as "Flame" and "Nightingale") testifies to interesting plots.

The plot of the fairy tale "Fire"

A soldier, returning from the war, meets a witch on the road, who tells him about an old tree and a hollow in it, where treasures are hidden. They are guarded by three dogs in three rooms, each of which contains a chest with coins: in the first - with copper, in the second - with silver, in the third - with gold. For information, the witch asked to bring her a flint, which her grandmother left in the hollow. To deal with the dogs, she gave him a magic apron.

The soldier climbed into a tree, dealt with the dogs, collected a lot of gold coins and found a flint. When the witch did not want to tell why she needed it, he chopped off her head. And he went to the city, where he began to live on a grand scale. There he also learned about the beautiful princess, which the king keeps in a huge copper castle. And all because the king was predicted that she would marry a simple soldier.

Since the soldier littered with money left and right, they quickly ended, and the soldier had to move to the closet. He didn’t even have money for a candle, and he remembered about the stub in the flint. When he hit the flint, a dog appeared in front of him, which was in the first room. She was ready to fulfill any of his wishes. Then he realized that if you hit the flint once, the first dog will appear, if two - then the second, if three - then the third.

He again had a lot of money and he wanted to see the princess. He called the dog and asked to bring him the princess. It was at night, and the dog brought a sleeping princess to him, which he could not resist and kissed. About which she, as a dream, told the king and queen over morning tea. It seemed strange to them, and they assigned a lady-in-waiting to guard the sleeping princess, who followed where the dog was taking the girl. Not immediately, but in the end, the soldier was identified and sentenced to death.

While in the dungeon, he asked the boy who was running past the window to bring him a flint. Ascending the scaffold, he asked for his last wish - to light a pipe. And, taking the opportunity, he called all three dogs that saved him from the gallows.

As a result, the soldier married the princess, and they lived happily ever after.

Year: 1935 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: The soldier is a brave warrior, the Witch is an old woman, the Princess is a beauty.

A soldier walking home from service with empty pockets meets a witch. She needs help and she cunningly persuades the soldier to go down into a deep hollow for coins and flint. The soldier takes out flint and money, kills the witch and becomes rich for a while. Once again, poverty helps him unravel the mystery of the flint, which controls three huge dogs. Dogs help the soldier solve his problems, marry a princess and become a king.

A work, telling about the difficult fate of the protagonist (poverty, long-term military service, returning home without a single coin in your pocket, meeting with a witch, learning wealth and again poverty) teaches readers not to give up, not to complain and not to be discouraged under any circumstances. And resourcefulness, ingenuity and kindness will always help to triumph of justice.

Read the summary of Ognivo Andersen

The soldier returns home after many years of service. Goes merrily, not a penny in your pocket. An ugly witch who gets in the way offers him a deal. She gives him an opportunity to get rich, and he gives her a flint. To do this, the serviceman needs to climb a tree, go down into the hollow, open three rooms with wealth in turn and deal with the dogs guarding the coins, sitting them on the witch's blue checkered apron.

The soldier does everything as the old woman taught him and, filling his pockets, a satchel and everything that is possible exclusively with gold coins, prepares to get out of the hollow. The witch reminds of the old flint. The soldier returns and takes him.

Upstairs, the soldier and the witch have an argument. The old woman refuses to reveal the secret of the flint. The soldier, leaving the flint for himself, chops off her head and continues on his way straight to the city.

The soldier stops at the best inn, in the best rooms, eats the best food, dresses in the best clothes, and makes many friends. Treating a soldier as a noble master. The soldier knows about a beautiful princess who lives under guard in a copper castle. Protecting the princess from prying eyes because of the prophecy. She must marry a simple soldier.

The soldier does not count gold coins. A rich and fun life quickly ends, friends disappear, and the servant has only two pennies and a flint.

Late evening. The soldier has nothing to buy a candle. He remembers about a candle stub in a flint. A soldier strikes him to light a fire, and instead a dog appears at the door, guarding a chest of copper coins. The soldier guesses what kind of secret he keeps the flint, and why the witch needed it. With one blow, the first dog appears, with two - the dog guarding the silver coins, and when the soldier struck three times - the dog from the room with the gold coins appeared in front of him. Dogs bring him money. He is rich again.

The soldier still dreams of seeing the princess. At night, one of the dogs obeys his order, delivering the sleeping princess directly to his room. The soldier kisses the girl. In the morning, the princess recounts a funny nighttime adventure and kissing like a dream.

By order of the queen, the maid of honor remains in the princess's chambers and watches over her abduction. The maid of honor marks the path with crosses. The dog, noticing this trick, draws many crosses elsewhere.

The royal retinue sets out in search of a soldier, but returns with nothing.

Night. And again the dog comes after the princess. She does not notice the bag of cereals on the girl's back. By the grains scattered on the road, the soldier is found and taken into custody.

For such a daring act, a serviceman is sentenced to death. The day of the judgment is coming. The soldier bribes the shoemaker's assistant and he brings him a flint.

The gallows outside the city. The soldier expresses the last innocent desire of the condemned. He asks permission to smoke. Using this trick, the soldier takes the flint and with it calls the dogs to him. Faithful dogs they easily deal with the offenders of the soldier. The royal council and judges fly into the air, followed by the crowned heads.

The people rejoice and ask the soldier to become their king by marrying a princess.

The triumphant procession drives up to the brass castle, from where the princess comes out. She likes the offer to become a queen. The wedding has been going on for eight days. Among the guests were three dogs with large eyes.

Picture or drawing Flint

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Returning home, the soldier met a witch. So she sent him to the hollow, where in 3 rooms of 3 chests, guarded by terrible dogs, he could collect coppers, silver and gold, after placing the dogs on an old woman's checkered apron. For this she asked to bring her the flint that was there.

Having done everything according to the instructions of the old woman, the soldier chopped off the counselor's head and took the flint for himself. Having missed all the money, and at the same time, having lost all new friends, the soldier again lived in poverty. One day he lit a candle that was attached to the flint - and a dog appeared in front of him from the first room ... It turned out that with each blow of the flint, a dog appears from that very hollow. The soldier healed again on a grand scale.

One night he wanted to see the princess. The dog brought a beauty; in the morning the girl told the king and queen her dream, in which she seemed to be riding a dog and the soldier kissed her. The next night, the lady-in-waiting, by order of the queen, tracked the princess to the gates of the soldier's house, and put a cross on these very gates. But the dog saw the mark and placed crosses on all the neighboring gates. The next time, the queen tied a bag of cereals on her daughter's back, which fell on the road. The kidnapper was found and imprisoned.

On the day of the execution, the shoemaker's apprentice brought the soldier a flint for 4 copper. The last desire of the criminal was to smoke - after the click of the flint, all three dogs appeared, which began to throw the entire honest audience so high that, falling, people broke. The soldiers asked the lucky man to be king and to marry the princess. Dogs were also present at the wedding table "and made big eyes in surprise."

Andersen's fairy tale "Flint" was written in 1835. In a fascinating and at the same time instructive work, the author managed to harmoniously interweave reality with fairy tales. This is a story about goodness, perseverance and faith in your own destiny.

main characters

Soldier - a gallant serviceman, resourceful, decisive, cheerful fellow.

Other characters

Witch - the ugly old woman, with the help of which the Soldier got hold of a flint.

A princess - a beautiful girl the Soldier fell in love with.

King and queen - the parents of the Princess.

The brave soldier was returning home from the war. Suddenly before him appeared "an old witch - ugly, disgusting: her lower lip hung down to her chest." She offered the soldier a deal that was difficult for him to refuse.

To make a lot of money, a soldier had to climb a hollow, go down into a dungeon, in which three huge dogs guarded chests with copper, silver and gold coins. Dogs cannot do harm if placed on a checkered apron belonging to a witch. Having done this, the soldier could take money "as much as his heart desires." In return, he had to bring the old woman an old flint, which her "grandmother, when she went down the last time" in the dungeon had forgotten.

The soldier agreed and did everything as the witch ordered. When “his pockets, and his boots, and his knapsack, and his cap were stuffed with gold,” he went upstairs and chopped off the witch's head.

The soldier felt like a rich man and healed on a grand scale - he settled in the best hotel, ordered the most expensive food, "dressed beautifully and made a lot of friends." When all the money ran out, the soldier had to move into a cramped room, and “none of his friends came to visit him.”

One day a serviceman lit a candle with a flint, which he got in the dungeon. Suddenly, one of those dogs that he met in the rooms with gold appeared in front of him. He ordered her to get some money, and she obeyed her new master.

The soldier recovered well again - he moved into beautiful rooms, dressed up, "and all his friends immediately recognized him and fell terribly in love with him." One night he "wanted to see the princess to death," and the dog fulfilled his wish.

The next morning, the princess confessed to her parents that she had a strange dream in which a huge dog brought her to a soldier, and he kissed her. The king and queen managed to track down where their daughter began to disappear at night. The soldier was quickly found and imprisoned.

Before the execution, he asked the king for permission to light a cigarette, and snapped his flint three times. Immediately, all three dogs from the dungeon appeared and overtook people with such fear that they asked the soldier to become their king and marry the "beautiful princess." At the wedding feast, the dogs "also sat at the table and goggled."


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