Read online "Grimorium Verum or True Grimoire". Big and small keys of Solomon

© LLC "TD Algorithm", 2016

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This book is a collection of ancient grimoires. I completed the work on it and presented it to the readers in 2013. I have made several edits to this edition to bring the book into line with the original grimoires and accepted translations of similar texts. In the first edition, I put down the Russian spelling of names, which I do here too; This is largely due to the fact that in Solomon's Grimoire, Volume II, I mention many of the names given here, and therefore I do not need to do the work twice. There I decipher these names and give the reader the opportunity to check the variations of their spelling. Some new material was added to the text, and the book itself was written from a different angle. The book you are holding in your hands consists of seven parts:

1. Big key. "The Key of Knowledge", a variant of "Clavicula Salomonis", or "The Work of Solomon, called the Key of it, discovered by Ptolemy the Greek" - it refers to 1572 (one of the earliest texts of "Clavicula Salomonis"). The book indicated here was also created in the late 16th or early 17th century. Its original language is English. The book tells, like all copies of the keys, about the necessary preparations for work and the method of invoking the spirits. This version of the key is quite different from the version of Rabbi Abognazar (the most famous version in Russian-speaking countries, containing most of the key variants), which was published in the works of Papus. To my deepest regret, the translation of the Key of Abognazar as edited by Troyanovsky is partially incorrect due to the poetic approach to the text; a more accurate translation can be found in my Grimoire of King Solomon, Volume I. This version was also not used by MacGregor Mathers in his work.

The translation that I present here is a compilation of several translations that I have done over the years. Therefore, in a number of places it may differ from the original in expressions and words, but it completely repeats the essence of the ideas and these very words.

2. Small key. List of spirits to call. The list of these spirits is taken from another English Key of Solomon, also of the 16th century. We all know a list of 72 demons from Goetia. But the Goetia were written in earlier grimoires - this is one of these earlier texts I want to offer my reader. It will in some way expand the possibilities of practitioners of the goetic tradition, increasing the list of the spirits indicated there, and at the same time will help the above key to become even more working, enriching it with a list of spirits that were absent in it.

3. Truthful Petitions of the Jesuits - An interesting work on magic in 1508. The language is Latin. Does not contain methods for creating circles or tools (all this, as usual, was described in the Key, which is the essence of the ritual of the magician's ritual); this is a text on summoning spirits, where only spells to invoke are mentioned. But, nevertheless, this work is not inferior to others.

Of particular interest are spells allegedly written on behalf of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, and the summoning of Uziel. Often lists of demons and a spell to summon them are added to it. But I am not putting this part in, as the spell language is very different from the text itself. This little treatise will, it seems to me, an ideal continuation of the previous text, which will give the reader both ground for thought and, mainly, working materials for invoking certain spirits, the character of which in the grimoire itself is described by the quote of Quintus Horace Flaccus: “Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala risu Excipio "-" Dreams, obsessions of magicians, natural phenomena, sorceresses, the ghost of the night, the wonders of Thessalians, do you meet with laughter? "

4. The seal of Truth or the seal of God. There are no pentacles in this key text, which for many centuries were considered an integral part of the Key of Solomon. That is why I decided to make up for this omission with two chapters. In this chapter I describe the seal of God, which in many of Solomon's grimoires is called "The Great Pentacle of Solomon." This is an excerpt from the "Book of the Oaths of Honorius" or "the cursed book of Honorius." Here I am not giving a complete translation of the entire work. This work as a whole is very interesting, but a huge number of prayers and methods of reading them should occupy a separate book. The seal in question is "Sigillum Dei" or "Seals ???". There are also several seals from the Oedipus of Egypt, another version of the Book of the Oaths of Honorius, the Keys of Solomon and, of course, its most famous version from Enochian magic, although personally I would not associate all the seals of the Solomon school with the seal of John Dee. In addition, there are lists of incense and angels associated with different periods of time, which is also interesting information for many practitioners. This treatise is the oldest and does not belong to the Renaissance. He can date from the 13th century and, based on the text, is the father of the European Keys of Solomon.

5. Next are the seals of the ten spheres and archangels according to the Calendarium Naturale Magicum. Due to the strong curvature and poor reading of the inscriptions in the pentacles, I took apart their inscriptions and placed them separately. This step, in my opinion, is necessary in all works related to pentacles, which I adhere to throughout the book. Materials taken from the book of 1619.

6. Triptych - This chapter consists of three short grimoires that interested me when I read them. The first edition includes only two of them. The list of texts is as follows:

A. Sacred book Black Venus - the book is better known as Tub® Veneris. It was written in June 1580. The alleged author is John Dee, the famous 007 agent and creator of Enochian magic. This book is interesting for its approach to circles and the language of challenge, which, according to the author, is the very language with which the rulers of the planets themselves conjure spirits. The book tells about the invocation of six spirits that are under the rule of Venus. But the desires that can be embodied through these spirits are truly enormous. Of course, the authorship of the creator of Enochian magic is far-fetched, and the text hardly appeared before the 17th century.

B. Magical directions - a book that intersects with the previous one. It tells about the teachings of a certain Arab magician summoning five spirits who are able to fulfill most of the magician's wishes. The book was written (according to the author) by a certain abbot of the Order of St. Augustine in 1515. Again, the period of creation of the grimoire should be shifted to XVII century... Having opened the text, a person familiar with the grimoires will recognize the name of the author. If the keys of Solomon, as large works, are known to many, then the mythical author of this grimoire is indicated in a whole series of small texts and grimoires, occupying a small number of pages, but a weighty shelf in the magical library left as a legacy by generations of past seekers.

V. Herpentil - this text is a piece of a voluminous grimoire dating from 1600, relating to the system of Faustian magic, which is largely combined with the Key of Solomon. The original text is in Latin and is followed by an unrelated German grimoire, so it can be considered a finished work of summoning demons.

These three texts are controversial, many consider them a monstrous invention of some creators of grimoires, sold in the past as fashionable reading after a long era of ban. However, while working with them, I came to a different opinion: they are quite working, and the spirits described in them are quite real. Another question is that the spirits that come to the calls will be more similar to essences, some elemental spirits, but they are quite effective. In my opinion, all three of these works are the legacy of earlier grimoires, similar to the Faustian system. But several generations of illiterate census, and then the pathos and brilliance that the grimoire publishers wanted to add, led to awkward gibberish within these works.

I have provided each of these grimoires with a short summons report describing the spirits that come to the summon.

7. "Liber taurus" or "Book of the Bull". In fact, this is a kind of diary, of which the most interesting are:

- the basis of the ritual for any purpose. Preparation and dispatch of a magic operation;

- a method of invoking planetary spirits and, in particular, Olympic spirits with an explanation of the etymology of their names and a report on the call;

- planetary relationships: incense, oils, seals, etymology of the names of demons, archangels and evil geniuses with their incense. It is necessary to clearly understand that the etymology of a name is an analysis of correspondences, and I just drew parallels, and did not mean that all these spirits are equal. Incense and other correspondences refer to the creature that is hidden behind the name;

- a method of creating and consecrating incense, potions, oils and ointments. This part is placed here due to the fact that it will be needed for the integral practice of the previous treatises. I deliberately made the techniques inserted here unique so that they fit better into different grimoire systems.

8. The Psalms of Solomon (?????? ??????????) I place here instead of the afterword. This is an apocryphal text, probably created in the middle of the first century AD. Due to the fact that the manuscripts that have come down to us are written in Greek, I present their originals under each psalm. The decision to place them here is due to the fact that the personality of Solomon runs through the entire book as a red line. These psalms can be used for prayers in rituals, as well as for creating pentacles, for drawing up spells. Lists of psalms exist in eight copies, including the Moscow version of the 12th – 13th centuries. I took the translation of the psalms for this book from the work of Archpriest A. V. Smirny (1896). But to synchronize them with the Greek text, it was necessary to change the numbering of the verses. Despite the identity of the text, in the translation of Myrrh, the number of verses is 333, which is very symbolic, and in the Greek text of verses I used, 293, which is less symbolic, but from the point of view of the Christian Kabbalah it indicates the passions, ascension and stay in the Trinity, forming the five wounds of Christ and his crucifixion on the cross of the four elements, the material world. The total number of Solomon's psalms is 18.

Part one. Knowledge key

Here begins the book of King Solomon, called the key of knowledge

Clavicula Salomonis. Extat latine: de legi Cabalistica: sed sophistica

Book one
Chapter one. What prayer should be said before starting work

“The Lord Jesus Christ is the beloved son of God, who sanctifies the hearts of all people in the world, dispels the darkness in my heart and kindles the candle of the flame of the most sacred love in me. Grant me true faith, ideal mercy and virtue, so that I can learn to fear and love everything given by You and keep the commandments in all matters. So that when the last day comes, the angel of the Lord can take me in the world and tear me out of the power of the devil. So that I can enjoy endless peace in the communion of saints and sit on the right side. Do this, Son of the living God, in the name of the most holy names. Amen".

"King Solomon In Old Years." Engraving. Artist Paul Gustave Dore. XIX century. “All is vanity of vanities. All vanity and catching the wind. " (Solomon. Ecclesiastes)

Chapter two. Confession before surgery

“I confess to the Lord of Gods, the Father of Heaven and Earth and the most benevolent and virtuous Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit before the holy angels and before the true crucifixion, that I was conceived in sin and sin continued after my baptism.

I confess my committed sins: in pride, in anger, in gluttony and in all the weaknesses of a sinful person, in all these sins I confess. Therefore, I pray you, all saints, to be my witnesses on the day of the Last Judgment that I have confessed my sins, and testify with me against the devil, and through this I will become free and clean from my sins. May I appear before the Highest in a righteous form in order to receive mercy and mercy. And also so that I comprehend all the spirits that I call upon, so that they can fulfill my will and desire. Amen".

Chapter three. On spells and compulsion at work

"Oh God! Almighty Father, who created all that exists, who knows all things, for whom there is nothing hidden, grant me grace, so that I comprehend the virtue of all higher beings who skillfully hid Your most holy mercy and the power of your inexpressible, highly worshiped and terrible name Echiach, from which everything the worlds shudder, and to which, under fear, all created things will obey. And grant me also the secret of all secrets, so that all spirits may be revealed before me, so that they obey me politely and fulfill my commands through Saint Adonai himself, whose kingdom may come forever and ever. Amen".

When this is done, have the caster rise from his knees and cross his arms over the pentacle, and have one of the assistants hold the spell book in front of him. Let the caster turn his gaze on four sides and, looking at the book, read the words:

"Lord my God, be for me a strong protection from all kinds of evil spirits."

And let him turn first to the east, then to the south, west and north, and in each side of the world say:

“Behold the signs and names of the Greatest, whom you feared and fear every day. Obey me through the secret of all things. "

Now you need to start conjuring spirits, as is customary in the art that he owns. They should appear quickly. But if they did not come, then call them as described below, and know that if they are chained with iron, they will come or send a messenger.

“I conjure you, Spirits or Spirit (enumeration of names), Father, Son and Holy Spirit and those who will come to judge the world, both living and dead, with fire. And I conjure you with the sacraments of Christmas and baptism, the death and resurrection of Christ, the coming of the Holy Spirit of our comforter, Saint Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, her integrity, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the birth of St. John the Baptist!

I conjure you twenty elders, nine ranks and degrees of angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, cherubim and seraphim. With all the virtue of heaven, the four animals of God, having eyes both in front and behind, and I conjure with the twelve apostles.

I also conjure you with all martyrs, Saint Stephen and all others, and all confessors, such as Saint Sylvester and all others, and all holy hermits, abbots, monks, and all holy people, all holy virgins and widows, and all holy holidays, which are celebrated before the gaze of Christ around the world, the prayers and merits of these people. Divine majesty will be our help and aid in all our work. And I conjure with all those things that exist in harmony with His Kingdom.

I conjure you by the God who was born of the Virgin Mary. God who suffered from the Jews. Who was crucified on the cross, who died and rose again. God who will come again to judge both the living and the dead with fire.

I conjure you, spirits, by all patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins and widows. Jerusalem, the holy city of God. Heaven and Earth, everything that is in them, and other shrines and parts of the world. Saint Peter, the apostle of Rome, a crown of thorns that was on the head of God, clothes about which lots were cast. By all things that can be uttered, or by the creative power of an all-powerful Creator. Holy Trinity and holy judgment, the army of heaven. Those who created things from nothing at the very beginning. Him, who came down to earth for humanity and was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from there will come to judge the living and the dead by fire.

And by the Holy Spirit the Comforter, who descended from the Father and the Son in the form of a dove, when Christ was baptized in Jordan and descended on him and on the Apostles who preached the Gospel in different languages... The three faces of God, and the unity of their worship, and the singing of those saints who do not fall silent, day or night, and still hear their loud voices saying: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory! Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is he who ascends in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

And after 100 and 44 martyrs who spoke to the world and suffered the most to the grave.

I conjure you, spirits, with thunder and all fiery things and lightning of God and others. Seven golden candlesticks, shining before the altar of the Deity, and all the miracles that were performed by the saints and angels. All the rules of the Christian church and a group of saints who follow the seven steps to the lamb. Holiness, which God chose within himself before the creation of the world, and its virtues that are pleasing to God.

I conjure you, spirits, wherever you are, by the Annunciation of Christ, the baptism of Christ, the Lord's transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord's cross, the passions of Christ, the weeping of Christ and his voice saying: “Either, Or! lama sawahfani ".

I conjure with the death of Christ, with his hands pierced with nails, with his wounds and blood, with the body of Christ, with the tomb of Christ and with bread, which he broke and gave to his disciples, saying: "For this is My blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins." And through his wonderful resurrection and all the wonderful works of God.

I conjure you, spirits, with the holiness of all plants, stones, herbs and all things that are subject to the will of the Divine. I also conjure you, spirits, by these ineffable names of God:

Asahak, Radrematas, Falcas, Anbonas, Anbonak, Bera, Boleem, Yael, Ladodok, Akatel, Koplis, Piham, Sanka, Harukara, Adonai, Barukae, Wallpaper, Imagro, God Yeshua, God who created Heaven and Earth, also sitting among Cherubim and Seraphim, and the magnificent name Tetragrammaton, who is Ian and Iot, and the holy and ineffable name Anareton. May all these spirits obey me by these names!

I conjure you, spirits, wherever in the world you are, do not hesitate any longer, whether you are in the air, in the ground or in another place, appear immediately in front of us here in order to satisfy our requirements and wishes. And I command you to appear before us so that we can command you. "

After this is done, they will surely come, but if for some reason they do not appear, let the master raise his voice and proclaim:

“Behold! Here are the signs and names, secrets of secrets! Those who dare to deny them and persist are the names of the great Conqueror who rules the whole world. Come, present before us, wherever you are, and behold this secret of secrets. Come and hear the pleasant aroma of sweet incense and respond politely to us. "

If they appear, show them the pentacle.

If not, have the master hit the air on four sides, hissing at the same time. Then he will say in a clear voice:

“Behold! I conjure you, I call you, I invoke you with the power, greatness and strength of the name Hel. I conjure you and command you to the magnificent Berlayans, great and just saints, so that you do not hesitate and come without any noise or without a terrible look.

I conjure you and command you with authority by the One who said, and this is holy, as well as by all His names. In the name of Adonai, Eloi, Elyon, Sabaoth, Shadai. I also command you with this book and with all its might, that you come to us in not a terrible guise, but in a charming form. We conjure you by the power of the names Yud and Vav, which Adam heard and with whom he spoke.

Or the name Gong, which Noah heard and with which he spoke after the flood.

And the names I, H, X, which Abraham heard and recognized the almighty God.

And by the name of Jud, which Jacob heard from the angel who spoke to him, and who fled from his brother Esau.

And by the name Echiach-Asher-Echiach (in the text "Hely, Ane, Heye"), which Moses heard on God's Mount Horeb and was able to speak with God, and hear God Himself speaking in flames.

And by the name Eloe, which Moses named, and all the dust of the Earth shook and the midge was among the people, oxen and all cattle in the lands of Egypt, destroying them and their fields.

And by the name Asher Echiah, which Moses called and sent all kinds of insects to Egypt to destroy their fruits.

And by the name Fyson, which Moses called, and darkness fell for three days throughout Egypt, and everyone froze in mortal fear.

And by the name Arimon, and in the name of the name Arimon, which Moses proclaimed at midnight, and all the firstborn of the land of Egypt were killed.

And in the name Hemaron and in the name of the name Hemaron, which Moses uttered, and the black sea parted, and he led the children of Israel through it from captivity.

And by the name Simagogion, which Elijah called, and the heavens gave rain, and the lands bore fruit.

And by the name Athanatos, which Jeremiah called before the captivity of Jerusalem.

And by the names Alpha and Omega, which Daniel named, and destroyed Baal, and smote the dragon.

And the name Emmanuel, which was heard by three youths, whose names are Sidrah, Misach and Abdenago, who sang in the fiery cave, where they did not suffer.

With all these names and all the other names of the Almighty, the Only and True God, to whom you were cast down from the upper throne to the places of execution, we conjure you and command you to Those who said, and it became so, the one to whom every creature obeys. And we conjure you and command you by the angels stewards of Heaven, the providence of Almighty God and the wisdom of King Solomon, which he received from the Almighty God. Appear peacefully before us to fulfill our desires.

I conjure you by the most holy names Yud He Vav He (in the text of "Joth, Hebay"), which are written in the Hebrew letter, and the holy name Premeumaton, which Moses called, and the bottom of hell swallowed up Dathan and Abiram.

© LLC "TD Algorithm", 2016

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This book is a collection of ancient grimoires. I completed the work on it and presented it to the readers in 2013. I have made several edits to this edition to bring the book into line with the original grimoires and accepted translations of similar texts. In the first edition, I put down the Russian spelling of names, which I do here too; This is largely due to the fact that in Solomon's Grimoire, Volume II, I mention many of the names given here, and therefore I do not need to do the work twice. There I decipher these names and give the reader the opportunity to check the variations of their spelling. Some new material was added to the text, and the book itself was written from a different angle. The book you are holding in your hands consists of seven parts:

1. Big key. "The Key of Knowledge", a variant of "Clavicula Salomonis", or "The Work of Solomon, called the Key of it, discovered by Ptolemy the Greek" - it refers to 1572 (one of the earliest texts of "Clavicula Salomonis"). The book indicated here was also created in the late 16th or early 17th century. Its original language is English. The book tells, like all copies of the keys, about the necessary preparations for work and the method of invoking the spirits. This version of the key is quite different from the version of Rabbi Abognazar (the most famous version in Russian-speaking countries, containing most of the key variants), which was published in the works of Papus. To my deepest regret, the translation of the Key of Abognazar as edited by Troyanovsky is partially incorrect due to the poetic approach to the text; a more accurate translation can be found in my Grimoire of King Solomon, Volume I. This version was also not used by MacGregor Mathers in his work.

The translation that I present here is a compilation of several translations that I have done over the years. Therefore, in a number of places it may differ from the original in expressions and words, but it completely repeats the essence of the ideas and these very words.

2. Small key. List of spirits to call. The list of these spirits is taken from another English Key of Solomon, also of the 16th century. We all know a list of 72 demons from Goetia. But the Goetia were written in earlier grimoires - this is one of these earlier texts I want to offer my reader. It will in some way expand the possibilities of practitioners of the goetic tradition, increasing the list of the spirits indicated there, and at the same time will help the above key to become even more working, enriching it with a list of spirits that were absent in it.

3. Truthful Petitions of the Jesuits - An interesting work on magic in 1508. The language is Latin. Does not contain methods for creating circles or tools (all this, as usual, was described in the Key, which is the essence of the ritual of the magician's ritual); this is a text on summoning spirits, where only spells to invoke are mentioned. But, nevertheless, this work is not inferior to others. Of particular interest are spells allegedly written on behalf of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, and the summoning of Uziel. Often lists of demons and a spell to summon them are added to it. But I am not putting this part in, as the spell language is very different from the text itself. This little treatise will, it seems to me, an ideal continuation of the previous text, which will give the reader both ground for thought and, mainly, working materials for invoking certain spirits, the character of which in the grimoire itself is described by the quote of Quintus Horace Flaccus: “Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala risu Excipio "-" Dreams, obsessions of magicians, natural phenomena, sorceresses, the ghost of the night, the wonders of Thessalians, do you meet with laughter? "

4. The seal of Truth or the seal of God. There are no pentacles in this key text, which for many centuries were considered an integral part of the Key of Solomon. That is why I decided to make up for this omission with two chapters. In this chapter I describe the seal of God, which in many of Solomon's grimoires is called "The Great Pentacle of Solomon." This is an excerpt from the "Book of the Oaths of Honorius" or "the cursed book of Honorius." Here I am not giving a complete translation of the entire work. This work as a whole is very interesting, but a huge number of prayers and methods of reading them should occupy a separate book. The seal in question is "Sigillum Dei" or "Seals אמת". There are also several seals from the "Oedipus of Egypt", another version of the "Book of the Oaths of Honorius", "The Keys of Solomon" and, of course, its most famous version of Enochian magic, although personally I would not associate all the seals of the Solomon school with the seal of John Dee. In addition, there are lists of incense and angels associated with different time periods, which is also interesting information for many practitioners. This treatise is the most ancient, and does not belong to the Renaissance. He can date from the 13th century and, based on the text, is the father of the European Keys of Solomon.

5. Next are the seals of the ten spheres and archangels according to the Calendarium Naturale Magicum. Due to the strong curvature and poor reading of the inscriptions in the pentacles, I took apart their inscriptions and placed them separately. This step, in my opinion, is necessary in all works related to pentacles, which I adhere to throughout the book. Materials taken from the book of 1619.

6. Triptych - This chapter consists of three short grimoires that interested me when I read them. The first edition includes only two of them. The list of texts is as follows:

A. The Sacred Book of Black Venus - the book is better known as Tub® Veneris. It was written in June 1580. The alleged author is John Dee, the famous 007 agent and creator of Enochian magic. This book is interesting for its approach to circles and the language of challenge, which, according to the author, is the very language with which the rulers of the planets themselves conjure spirits. The book tells about the invocation of six spirits that are under the rule of Venus. But the desires that can be embodied through these spirits are truly enormous. Of course, the authorship of the creator of Enochian magic is far-fetched, and the text is unlikely to have appeared before the 17th century.

B. Magical directions - a book that intersects with the previous one. It tells about the teachings of a certain Arab magician summoning five spirits who are able to fulfill most of the wishes of the magician. The book was written (according to the author) by a certain abbot of the Order of St. Augustine in 1515. Again, the period of the creation of the grimoire must be shifted to the 17th century. Having opened the text, a person familiar with the grimoires will recognize the name of the author. If the keys of Solomon, as large works, are known to many, then the mythical author of this grimoire is indicated in a number of small texts and grimoires, occupying a small number of pages, but a weighty shelf in the magical library left as a legacy by generations of past seekers.

V. Herpentil - this text is a piece of a voluminous grimoire dating from 1600, relating to the system of Faustian magic, which is largely combined with the Key of Solomon. The original text is in Latin and is followed by an unrelated German grimoire, so it can be considered a finished work of summoning demons.

These three texts are controversial, many consider them a monstrous invention of some creators of grimoires, sold in the past as fashionable reading after a long era of ban. However, while working with them, I came to a different opinion: they are quite working, and the spirits described in them are quite real. Another question is that the spirits that come to the calls will be more similar to essences, some elemental spirits, but they are quite effective. In my opinion, all three of these works are the legacy of earlier grimoires, similar to the Faustian system. But several generations of illiterate census, and then the pathos and brilliance that the grimoire publishers wanted to add, led to awkward gibberish within these works.

I have provided each of these grimoires with a short summons report describing the spirits that come to the summon.

7. "Liber taurus" or "Book of the Bull". In fact, this is a kind of diary, of which the most interesting are:

- the basis of the ritual for any purpose. Preparation and dispatch of a magic operation;

- a method of invoking planetary spirits and, in particular, Olympic spirits with an explanation of the etymology of their names and a report on the call;

- planetary relationships: incense, oils, seals, etymology of the names of demons, archangels and evil geniuses with their incense. It is necessary to clearly understand that the etymology of a name is an analysis of correspondences, and I just drew parallels, and did not mean that all these spirits are equal. Incense and other correspondences refer to the creature that is hidden behind the name;

- a method of creating and consecrating incense, potions, oils and ointments. This part is placed here due to the fact that it will be needed for the integral practice of the previous treatises. I deliberately made the techniques inserted here unique so that they fit better into different grimoire systems.

8. The Psalms of Solomon (Ψαλμοι Σολομοντος) I place here instead of the epilogue. This is an apocryphal text, probably written in the middle of the first century AD. Due to the fact that the manuscripts that have come down to us are written in Greek, I present their originals under each psalm. The decision to place them here is due to the fact that the personality of Solomon runs through the entire book as a red line. These psalms can be used for prayers in rituals, as well as for creating pentacles, for composing spells. Lists of psalms exist in eight copies, including the Moscow version of the 12th – 13th centuries. I took the translation of the psalms for this book from the work of Archpriest A. V. Smirny (1896). But to synchronize them with the Greek text, it was necessary to change the numbering of the verses. Despite the identity of the text, in the translation of Myrrh, the number of verses is 333, which is very symbolic, and in the Greek text of verses I used, 293, which is less symbolic, but from the point of view of the Christian Kabbalah it indicates the passion, ascension and stay in the Trinity, forming the five wounds of Christ and his crucifixion on the cross of the four elements, the material world. The total number of Solomon's psalms is 18.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 22 pages) [available passage for reading: 15 pages]

Big and small keys of Solomon. A Practical Guide to Magic

© LLC "TD Algorithm", 2016

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This book is a collection of ancient grimoires. I completed the work on it and presented it to the readers in 2013. I have made several edits to this edition to bring the book into line with the original grimoires and accepted translations of similar texts. In the first edition, I put down the Russian spelling of names, which I do here too; This is largely due to the fact that in Solomon's Grimoire, Volume II, I mention many of the names given here, and therefore I do not need to do the work twice. There I decipher these names and give the reader the opportunity to check the variations of their spelling. Some new material was added to the text, and the book itself was written from a different angle. The book you are holding in your hands consists of seven parts:

1. Big key. "The Key of Knowledge", a variant of "Clavicula Salomonis", or "The Work of Solomon, called the Key of it, discovered by Ptolemy the Greek" - it refers to 1572 (one of the earliest texts of "Clavicula Salomonis"). The book indicated here was also created in the late 16th or early 17th century. Its original language is English. The book tells, like all copies of the keys, about the necessary preparations for work and the method of invoking the spirits. This version of the key is quite different from the version of Rabbi Abognazar (the most famous version in Russian-speaking countries, containing most of the key variants), which was published in the works of Papus. To my deepest regret, the translation of the Key of Abognazar as edited by Troyanovsky is partially incorrect due to the poetic approach to the text; a more accurate translation can be found in my Grimoire of King Solomon, Volume I. This version was also not used by MacGregor Mathers in his work.

The translation that I present here is a compilation of several translations that I have done over the years. Therefore, in a number of places it may differ from the original in expressions and words, but it completely repeats the essence of the ideas and these very words.

2. Small key. List of spirits to call. The list of these spirits is taken from another English Key of Solomon, also of the 16th century. We all know a list of 72 demons from Goetia. But the Goetia were written in earlier grimoires - this is one of these earlier texts I want to offer my reader. It will in some way expand the possibilities of practitioners of the goetic tradition, increasing the list of the spirits indicated there, and at the same time will help the above key to become even more working, enriching it with a list of spirits that were absent in it.

3. Truthful Petitions of the Jesuits - An interesting work on magic in 1508. The language is Latin. Does not contain methods for creating circles or tools (all this, as usual, was described in the Key, which is the essence of the ritual of the magician's ritual); this is a text on summoning spirits, where only spells to invoke are mentioned. But, nevertheless, this work is not inferior to others. Of particular interest are spells allegedly written on behalf of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, and the summoning of Uziel. Often lists of demons and a spell to summon them are added to it. But I am not putting this part in, as the spell language is very different from the text itself. This little treatise will, it seems to me, an ideal continuation of the previous text, which will give the reader both ground for thought and, mainly, working materials for invoking certain spirits, the character of which in the grimoire itself is described by the quote of Quintus Horace Flaccus: “Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala risu Excipio "-" Dreams, obsessions of magicians, natural phenomena, sorceresses, the ghost of the night, the wonders of Thessalians, do you meet with laughter? "

4. The seal of Truth or the seal of God. There are no pentacles in this key text, which for many centuries were considered an integral part of the Key of Solomon. That is why I decided to make up for this omission with two chapters. In this chapter I describe the seal of God, which in many of Solomon's grimoires is called "The Great Pentacle of Solomon." This is an excerpt from the "Book of the Oaths of Honorius" or "the cursed book of Honorius." Here I am not giving a complete translation of the entire work. This work as a whole is very interesting, but a huge number of prayers and methods of reading them should occupy a separate book. The seal in question is "Sigillum Dei" or "Seals אמת". There are also several seals from the "Oedipus of Egypt", another version of the "Book of the Oaths of Honorius", "The Keys of Solomon" and, of course, its most famous version of Enochian magic, although personally I would not associate all the seals of the Solomon school with the seal of John Dee. In addition, there are lists of incense and angels associated with different time periods, which is also interesting information for many practitioners. This treatise is the most ancient, and does not belong to the Renaissance. He can date from the 13th century and, based on the text, is the father of the European Keys of Solomon.

5. Next are the seals of the ten spheres and archangels according to the Calendarium Naturale Magicum. Due to the strong curvature and poor reading of the inscriptions in the pentacles, I took apart their inscriptions and placed them separately. This step, in my opinion, is necessary in all works related to pentacles, which I adhere to throughout the book. Materials taken from the book of 1619.

6. Triptych - This chapter consists of three short grimoires that interested me when I read them. The first edition includes only two of them. The list of texts is as follows:

A. The Sacred Book of Black Venus - the book is better known as Tub® Veneris. It was written in June 1580. The alleged author is John Dee, the famous 007 agent and creator of Enochian magic. This book is interesting for its approach to circles and the language of challenge, which, according to the author, is the very language with which the rulers of the planets themselves conjure spirits. The book tells about the invocation of six spirits that are under the rule of Venus. But the desires that can be embodied through these spirits are truly enormous. Of course, the authorship of the creator of Enochian magic is far-fetched, and the text is unlikely to have appeared before the 17th century.

B. Magical directions - a book that intersects with the previous one. It tells about the teachings of a certain Arab magician summoning five spirits who are able to fulfill most of the wishes of the magician. The book was written (according to the author) by a certain abbot of the Order of St. Augustine in 1515. Again, the period of the creation of the grimoire must be shifted to the 17th century. Having opened the text, a person familiar with the grimoires will recognize the name of the author. If the keys of Solomon, as large works, are known to many, then the mythical author of this grimoire is indicated in a number of small texts and grimoires, occupying a small number of pages, but a weighty shelf in the magical library left as a legacy by generations of past seekers.

V. Herpentil - this text is a piece of a voluminous grimoire dating from 1600, relating to the system of Faustian magic, which is largely combined with the Key of Solomon. The original text is in Latin and is followed by an unrelated German grimoire, so it can be considered a finished work of summoning demons.

These three texts are controversial, many consider them a monstrous invention of some creators of grimoires, sold in the past as fashionable reading after a long era of ban. However, while working with them, I came to a different opinion: they are quite working, and the spirits described in them are quite real. Another question is that the spirits that come to the calls will be more similar to essences, some elemental spirits, but they are quite effective. In my opinion, all three of these works are the legacy of earlier grimoires, similar to the Faustian system. But several generations of illiterate census, and then the pathos and brilliance that the grimoire publishers wanted to add, led to awkward gibberish within these works.

I have provided each of these grimoires with a short summons report describing the spirits that come to the summon.

7. "Liber taurus" or "Book of the Bull". In fact, this is a kind of diary, of which the most interesting are:

- the basis of the ritual for any purpose. Preparation and dispatch of a magic operation;

- a method of invoking planetary spirits and, in particular, Olympic spirits with an explanation of the etymology of their names and a report on the call;

- planetary relationships: incense, oils, seals, etymology of the names of demons, archangels and evil geniuses with their incense. It is necessary to clearly understand that the etymology of a name is an analysis of correspondences, and I just drew parallels, and did not mean that all these spirits are equal. Incense and other correspondences refer to the creature that is hidden behind the name;

- a method of creating and consecrating incense, potions, oils and ointments. This part is placed here due to the fact that it will be needed for the integral practice of the previous treatises. I deliberately made the techniques inserted here unique so that they fit better into different grimoire systems.

8. The Psalms of Solomon (Ψαλμοι Σολομοντος) I place here instead of the epilogue. This is an apocryphal text, probably written in the middle of the first century AD. Due to the fact that the manuscripts that have come down to us are written in Greek, I present their originals under each psalm. The decision to place them here is due to the fact that the personality of Solomon runs through the entire book as a red line. These psalms can be used for prayers in rituals, as well as for creating pentacles, for composing spells. Lists of psalms exist in eight copies, including the Moscow version of the 12th – 13th centuries. I took the translation of the psalms for this book from the work of Archpriest A. V. Smirny (1896). But to synchronize them with the Greek text, it was necessary to change the numbering of the verses. Despite the identity of the text, in the translation of Myrrh, the number of verses is 333, which is very symbolic, and in the Greek text of verses I used, 293, which is less symbolic, but from the point of view of the Christian Kabbalah it indicates the passion, ascension and stay in the Trinity, forming the five wounds of Christ and his crucifixion on the cross of the four elements, the material world. The total number of Solomon's psalms is 18.

Part one. Knowledge key

Here begins the book of King Solomon, called the key of knowledge

Clavicula Salomonis. Extat latine: de legi Cabalistica: sed sophistica

Book one
Chapter one. What prayer should be said before starting work

“The Lord Jesus Christ is the beloved son of God, who sanctifies the hearts of all people in the world, dispels the darkness in my heart and kindles the candle of the flame of the most sacred love in me. Grant me true faith, ideal mercy and virtue, so that I can learn to fear and love everything given by You and keep the commandments in all matters. So that when the last day comes, the angel of the Lord can take me in the world and tear me out of the power of the devil. So that I can enjoy endless peace in the communion of saints and sit on the right side. Do this, Son of the living God, in the name of the most holy names. Amen".

"King Solomon In Old Years." Engraving. Artist Paul Gustave Dore. XIX century. “All is vanity of vanities. All vanity and catching the wind. " (Solomon. Ecclesiastes)

Chapter two. Confession before surgery

“I confess to the Lord of Gods, the Father of Heaven and Earth and the most benevolent and virtuous Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit before the holy angels and before the true crucifixion, that I was conceived in sin and sin continued after my baptism.

I confess my committed sins: in pride, in anger, in gluttony and in all the weaknesses of a sinful person, in all these sins I confess. Therefore, I pray you, all saints, to be my witnesses on the day of the Last Judgment that I have confessed my sins, and testify with me against the devil, and through this I will become free and clean from my sins. May I appear before the Highest in a righteous form in order to receive mercy and mercy. And also so that I comprehend all the spirits that I call upon, so that they can fulfill my will and desire. Amen".

Chapter three. About spells and compulsion at work

"Oh God! Almighty Father, who created all that exists, who knows all things, for whom there is nothing hidden, grant me grace, so that I comprehend the virtue of all higher beings who skillfully hid Your most holy mercy and the power of your inexpressible, highly worshiped and terrible name Echiach, from which everything the worlds shudder, and to which, under fear, all created things will obey. And grant me also the secret of all secrets, so that all spirits may be revealed before me, so that they obey me politely and fulfill my commands through Saint Adonai himself, whose kingdom may come forever and ever. Amen".

When this is done, have the caster rise from his knees and cross his arms over the pentacle, and have one of the assistants hold the spell book in front of him. Let the caster turn his gaze on four sides and, looking at the book, read the words:

"Lord my God, be for me a strong protection from all kinds of evil spirits."

And let him turn first to the east, then to the south, west and north, and in each side of the world say:

“Behold the signs and names of the Greatest, whom you feared and fear every day. Obey me through the secret of all things. "

Now you need to start conjuring spirits, as is customary in the art that he owns. They should appear quickly. But if they did not come, then call them as described below, and know that if they are chained with iron, they will come or send a messenger.

“I conjure you, Spirits or Spirit (enumeration of names), Father, Son and Holy Spirit and those who will come to judge the world, both living and dead, with fire. And I conjure you with the sacraments of Christmas and baptism, the death and resurrection of Christ, the coming of the Holy Spirit of our comforter, Saint Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, her integrity, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the birth of St. John the Baptist!

I conjure you twenty elders, nine ranks and degrees of angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, cherubim and seraphim. With all the virtue of heaven, the four animals of God, having eyes both in front and behind, and I conjure with the twelve apostles.

I also conjure you with all martyrs, Saint Stephen and all others, and all confessors, such as Saint Sylvester and all others, and all holy hermits, abbots, monks, and all holy people, all holy virgins and widows, and all holy holidays, which are celebrated before the gaze of Christ around the world, the prayers and merits of these people. Divine majesty will be our help and aid in all our work. And I conjure with all those things that exist in harmony with His Kingdom.

I conjure you by the God who was born of the Virgin Mary. God who suffered from the Jews. Who was crucified on the cross, who died and rose again. God who will come again to judge both the living and the dead with fire.

I conjure you, spirits, by all patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins and widows. Jerusalem, the holy city of God. Heaven and Earth, everything that is in them, and other shrines and parts of the world. Saint Peter, the apostle of Rome, a crown of thorns that was on the head of God, clothes about which lots were cast. By all things that can be uttered, or by the creative power of an all-powerful Creator. Holy Trinity and holy judgment, the army of heaven. Those who created things from nothing at the very beginning. Him, who came down to earth for humanity and was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from there will come to judge the living and the dead by fire.

And by the Holy Spirit the Comforter, descended from the Father and the Son in the form of a dove, when Christ was baptized in Jordan and descended on him and on the Apostles, who preached the Gospel in different languages. The three faces of God, and the unity of their worship, and the singing of those saints who do not fall silent, day or night, and still hear their loud voices saying: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory! Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is he who ascends in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

And after 100 and 44 martyrs who spoke to the world and suffered the most to the grave.

I conjure you, spirits, with thunder and all fiery things and lightning of God and others. Seven golden candlesticks, shining before the altar of the Deity, and all the miracles that were performed by the saints and angels. All the rules of the Christian church and a group of saints who follow the seven steps to the lamb. Holiness, which God chose within himself before the creation of the world, and its virtues that are pleasing to God.

I conjure you, spirits, wherever you are, by the Annunciation of Christ, the baptism of Christ, the Lord's transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord's cross, the passions of Christ, the weeping of Christ and his voice saying: “Either, Or! lama sawahfani ".

I conjure with the death of Christ, with his hands pierced with nails, with his wounds and blood, with the body of Christ, with the tomb of Christ and with bread, which he broke and gave to his disciples, saying: "For this is My blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins." And through his wonderful resurrection and all the wonderful works of God.

I conjure you, spirits, with the holiness of all plants, stones, herbs and all things that are subject to the will of the Divine. I also conjure you, spirits, by these ineffable names of God:

Asahak, Radrematas, Falcas, Anbonas, Anbonak, Bera, Boleem, Yael, Ladodok, Akatel, Koplis, Piham, Sanka, Harukara, Adonai, Barukae, Wallpaper, Imagro, God Yeshua, God who created Heaven and Earth, also sitting among Cherubim and Seraphim, and the magnificent name Tetragrammaton, who is Ian and Iot, and the holy and ineffable name Anareton. May all these spirits obey me by these names!

I conjure you, spirits, wherever in the world you are, do not hesitate any longer, whether you are in the air, in the ground or in another place, appear immediately in front of us here in order to satisfy our requirements and wishes. And I command you to appear before us so that we can command you. "

After this is done, they will surely come, but if for some reason they do not appear, let the master raise his voice and proclaim:

“Behold! Here are the signs and names, secrets of secrets! Those who dare to deny them and persist are the names of the great Conqueror who rules the whole world. Come, present before us, wherever you are, and behold this secret of secrets. Come and hear the pleasant aroma of sweet incense and respond politely to us. "

If they appear, show them the pentacle.

If not, have the master hit the air on four sides, hissing at the same time. Then he will say in a clear voice:

“Behold! I conjure you, I call you, I invoke you with the power, greatness and strength of the name Hel. I conjure you and command you to the magnificent Berlayans, great and just saints, so that you do not hesitate and come without any noise or without a terrible look.

I conjure you and command you with authority by the One who said, and this is holy, as well as by all His names. In the name of Adonai, Eloi, Elyon, Sabaoth, Shadai. I also command you with this book and with all its might, that you come to us in not a terrible guise, but in a charming form. We conjure you by the power of the names Yud and Vav, which Adam heard and with whom he spoke.

Or the name Gong, which Noah heard and with which he spoke after the flood.

And the names I, H, X, which Abraham heard and recognized the almighty God.

And by the name of Jud, which Jacob heard from the angel who spoke to him, and who fled from his brother Esau.

And by the name Echiach-Asher-Echiach (in the text "Hely, Ane, Heye"), which Moses heard on God's Mount Horeb and was able to speak with God, and hear God Himself speaking in flames.

And by the name Eloe, which Moses named, and all the dust of the Earth shook and the midge was among the people, oxen and all cattle in the lands of Egypt, destroying them and their fields.

And by the name Asher Echiah, which Moses called and sent all kinds of insects to Egypt to destroy their fruits.

And by the name Fyson, which Moses called, and darkness fell for three days throughout Egypt, and everyone froze in mortal fear.

And by the name Arimon, and in the name of the name Arimon, which Moses proclaimed at midnight, and all the firstborn of the land of Egypt were killed.

And in the name Hemaron and in the name of the name Hemaron, which Moses uttered, and the black sea parted, and he led the children of Israel through it from captivity.

And by the name Simagogion, which Elijah called, and the heavens gave rain, and the lands bore fruit.

And by the name Athanatos, which Jeremiah called before the captivity of Jerusalem.

And by the names Alpha and Omega, which Daniel named, and destroyed Baal, and smote the dragon.

And the name Emmanuel, which was heard by three youths, whose names are Sidrah, Misach and Abdenago, who sang in the fiery cave, where they did not suffer.

With all these names and all the other names of the Almighty, the Only and True God, to whom you were cast down from the upper throne to the places of execution, we conjure you and command you to Those who said, and it became so, the one to whom every creature obeys. And we conjure you and command you by the angels stewards of Heaven, the providence of Almighty God and the wisdom of King Solomon, which he received from the Almighty God. Appear peacefully before us to fulfill our desires.

I conjure you by the most holy names Yud He Vav He (in the text of "Joth, Hebay"), which are written in the Hebrew letter, and the holy name Premeumaton, which Moses called, and the bottom of hell swallowed up Dathan and Abiram.

If you do not do our will, we will curse you with the victorious power of the name Premiumaton even in the very depths of hell, and we will send you to the farthest parts of it if you continue to persist with our words. May it be so. May it be so. May it be so. Amen".

If so far they have not appeared, let the caster create a small cross on the forehead and say:

“Again I conjure you! You, spirits, wherever you are, you must come to see the sanctified sign and the names of the most powerful Sovereign and Conqueror, and I compel you to obey us. And through him, we force you against your will through all the true things that have been mentioned in this work. Or let there be a flame that burns you constantly. And there will be words through which the whole world shudders, stones are crushed, the waters freeze, and the flame stops burning. "

Now, if they were bound with iron chains, they will certainly come or send substitutes. If they did not come, let the master cheer up his assistants and, addressing in turn to the four cardinal points, strike the air. Then he should kneel with the assistants facing east and say in a contrite voice:

“Where are you, spirits who were once Angels of the nine ranks? Come and behold the heavenly signs and the untold names of our Creator and the names of the angels who were with you once. We conjure you over and over again and command you with the great conqueror, the mighty and strong name of God Hel, who is magnificent, glorious, virtuous and terrible. We conjure you and command you to appear before us without delay and intimidation. "

If now they do not obey and do not appear, let the master check all his circles and, having pulled out a knife from the ground, make a cross for them in the air. Then have the operator whistle to all four cardinal directions, kneel down facing north, and say:

“In the name of Adonai, Elyon, Sabaoth, Shadai, who is the Lord God, the Supreme God and the Almighty Ruler, we pray that we can create what we want, and that all the works of our hands flourish. And so that the Lord at this hour and at all the rest be in our minds and hearts. "

Having said this, he should stand up and spread his arms, as if he wants to hug the air and say:

“Again we cry out and conjure you with signs here present. Flames can be extinguished with them, and the whole world is created at the mention of them. And they correctly express their Creator and pray to him in accordance with the truth like this:

Veriton, Adurion, Birareto, Gayriton, Haimerion, Kelemia, Heamagi, Rehnaya, Iapmegia, Aderian, Malchia, Manna, Ghana, Roahia, Laba, Kosiya, Boalia, Derenia, Kanko, Galgala, Bahe, Baja, Bahauya, Katia Geredia, Neira, Pentokhachia, Aratana, Redosta, Kalchia, Semeforab, Anare, Nero, Yoosar, we conjure them with their glory and invoke you through the blessed God himself and his endless empire, the glory and holy name of the holy faith of Adonai, Eloi, who speaks, and By the Lord God of hosts.

In addition, we conjure you and compel you by the power of the Sun and the Moon and the stars, and know that if you do not arrive in a peaceful form without any distortion, you will not find peace, day or night, wherever you are. You will be thrown into a lake of sulfur, we will burn you, and you will suffer forever. Also, if you do not appear now, you will be deprived of your authority. And also we conjure you with these names - Bel and Eeyore, Eeyore, Eeyore, who is God, and through this name Wow, Wow, Wow, which means “I am who I am”, and finally we conjure you all the sacred names of God, so that you virtuously appear before us in a peaceful manner. "

When this is done, you will see that they have come and their overlords are like greatest people step forward. And, having seen the master, they will obey him in everything.

After you have told them everything you wanted, you need to command everyone to return to their places and say:

"May peace be between you and me (us)."

Having completed everything in this way, have the caster read the Gospel of St. John and the 12 points of faith. Then everyone should step out of the circle and wash their faces with holy water.

Remember that spirits should not hesitate and be impolite. If there is a similar appearance, write their names on paper and smudge it with earth. Make a new fire and place sulfur in it, saying:

"I conjure you, fire, By the one on whom the whole world rests, so that you burn these spirits after my words, so that they feel it constantly."

Place the piece of paper on the fire and continue:

“Cursed and profaned be you for malice! May you not rest in one hour, not in a single day or in a single night because you did not obey my words, which were spoken with the Almighty Creator of all things, whose names are:

Ametenetone, Io, Ahak, Pater, Ha-Meforash, Hallelujah, Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Dalet, He, Vav, Zayn, Hat, Tet, Yud, Kaf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Pe, Tsadi, Kof, Resh, Shin, Tav.

We curse and exaggerate you from all your powers and powers, with the victorious power of these names we send you to burn endlessly in the fire of sulfur for ever and ever. "

Then they obey. Then write down their names again and fumigate. Ask them what you want and say what you want. You can also consecrate a book or other thing.


In the text, among a number of obvious distortions, 20 elders are indicated; referring to the 24 elders from the Revelation of John. The martyrs, 100 and 44 in number, are apparently 10,000 martyrs of Nicomedia and Forty Martyrs of Sebastia.

Most likely, here (and in chapter 24) only the first chapter of "In principio erat Verbum" - "In the beginning was the Word". This makes this text very similar to the first chapter of Genesis, which begins with the words "In principio creavit" - "In the beginning I created." It is the first chapter of Genesis "Bereishit bara Eloim eit hashamayim veyt haaretz" indicated by Mathers because of his desire to draw on the Key to the text that Solomon wrote personally. And at the same time, the tradition of reading from the first chapter of the Good News of John is present in a good half of the orders that have survived in Europe since the Renaissance.

The twelve points of faith are:

1. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, all visible and invisible.

2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, from the Father born before all ages, God from God, Light from the Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, through whom everything was created.

3. For the sake of us, people, and for the sake of our salvation, who descended from heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and became a Man;

4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffering and buried,

5. Risen on the third day according to the Scriptures,

6. Who ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father,

7. He who comes again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord Life-giving, from the Father and the Son who proceeds, Who, together with the Father and the Son, deserves worship and glory, Who spoke through the prophets.

9. And into one, Holy, Ecumenical and Apostolic Church.

10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

11. I'm waiting for the resurrection of the dead

12. and the life of the next century. Amen.

Goetia is part of the ancient magical treatise Lemegeton, the earliest manuscripts of which date back to the 17th century. According to ancient scriptures, King Solomon imprisoned 72 demons, sealed them with a secret seal. The demons were released back, but each of the legendary seals still has power over one or another demon. The legendary king and magician Solomon used demons in his practice, thanks to which he became known as a legendary demonologist. For those wishing to read the grimoire "Goetia" Small Key of Solomon - we provide a complete list of all seals of demons.

Sigils, magic seals, demons of King Solomon - short description 72 demons sealed by Solomon

The demons of "Goetia" are 72 spirits with which the demonologists of the Middle Ages mainly interacted. Each of the princes of Hell was responsible for a separate sphere of human life. So, for example, some demons were asked to gain knowledge, others - to predict the future achievement of wealth and love. The first of 72 spirits was Baal, who ruled over 66 legions of hellish spirits.

Attention! The methods of summoning a demon described in Goetia (Lemegeton) no longer work, because they have long been published in the public domain. Anyone wishing to contact demons, the Devil to find their desires - leave a request by e-mail [email protected]website 100% guarantee. Deal with the devil.

Goetia is of great value as a historical monument of demonology. Modern witchcraft methods differ significantly from their past counterparts, now no longer working "Goetia", Lemegoton and other grimoires.

The image shows the Grimoire Lemegeton, Goetia, the small key of Solomon (original from the archives of the Order of Satan) - in this article you will learn how to summon a demon using the keys of Solomon.

Complete list of Goetia demons

There are 72 spirits described in the Goetia. Their full list:

1. King Baal
2. Duke Agares
3. Prince Vassago
4. Marquis Samigina

5. Governor Marbas

6. Duke Valefort

7. Marquis Aamon

8. Duke of Barbatos

9. King Paymon

10. Governor Buer

11. Duke Gasion

12. Prince Sitri

13. King Belet

14. Marquis Leraye

15. Duke Eligos

16. Duke Zepar

17. Count and Governor Botis

18. Duke Bazin

19. Duke of Sallos

20. King Purson

21. Earl and Governor Marax

22. Prince and Count Ipos

23. Duke of Aim

24. Marquis Naberius

25. Earl and Governor of Glasea-Labolas

26. Duke Bune

27. Marquis and Count Ronove

28. Duke Berit

29. Duke Astaroth

30. Marquis Forneus

31. Governor Foras

32. King Asmodeus

33. Prince and Governor Gaap

34. Count Furfour

35. Marquis Markhosias

36. Prince Stolas

37. Marquis Phenex

38. Count Halfas

39. Governor Malphas

40. Count Raum

41. Duke of Focalor4

42. Duke Vepar

43. Marquis Sabnock

44. Marquis Shaxx

45. King and Count Vine

46. \u200b\u200bEarl Bifrons

47. Duke Uwall

48. Governor Haagenti

49. Duke Crocell

50. King Furcas

51. King Balam

52. Duke Alloses

53. Governor Camio

54. Count and Duke of Murmur

55. Prince Orobas

56. Duke of Gremory

57. Governor Ose

58. Governor Ami

59. Marquis Oriax

60. Duke Wapula

61. King and Governor Zagan

62. Governor Wolak

63. Marquis Andras

64. Duke Haures

65. Marquis Andrealfus

66. Marquis Kimeyes

67. Duke Amdusias

68. King Belial

69. Marquis Decarabia

70. Prince Seire

71. Duke Dantalion

72. Count Andromalius

Images of the demons of Goetia, according to the description of the Lesser Key of Solomon, Lemegothon. When the ancient manuscript was published for the general public, it lost its former strength, so the demons of Goetia freed themselves from the influence of the seals and would not answer their summoner.

Solomon's Great Key

Clavicula salomonis- one of the most famous magical manuscripts, valuable information about the preparation and conduct of magical rituals to summon the Dark Forces. Eyewitnesses tell the following about their experiences.


The Most Reliable Keys of Solomon, which describe the innermost secrets of the Natural and Supernatural; but it is necessary to please the Demons too.

Grimorium Verum or True Grimoire


[First part]

Second part

The third part

Rare and Amazing Magic Secret

Arthur Waite. Black Magic Rituals: Grimorium Verum or True Grimoire

Grimorium Verum or True Grimoire

The Most Reliable Keys of Solomon,

which describe the innermost secrets

Natural and Supernatural;

but it is necessary to please the Demons too.

Translated from the Hebrew Plaingiere, Dominican Jesuit,

along with the Collection of Curious Secrets.

Alibek the Egyptian in Memphis 1517

Text published from the French edition Chez Alibeck, l "Egyptien: Memphis, 1517. (69 pages). Missing marks and seals supplemented from the Italian edition LA CLAVICOLA DEL RE SALOMONE Amato Muzzi Editore 1880.


Here begins the Sacred Kingdom (Sanctum Regnum), which is called the Kingdom of Spirits or the Keys of Solomon, a wise necromancer and Jewish rabbi.

In the first part various combinations of symbols are given that evoke forces, spirits, or more precisely, devils with different possibilities for the manifestation of their powers. You can call them when you want and force them to talk about what you need, and this will not cause you any concern, and they themselves will also be pacified, because these creatures do not give anything just like that. In addition, you will find in the first part an explanation of how to send back these spirits, air, earth, water or infernal, in accordance with their affiliation.

In the second part study the most natural and supernatural mysteries that are performed by the power of Demons. You will learn how to use it without cheating. In the third part.

In the third part you will find here Key to work and how to use it. But before proceeding with these questions, it is necessary that you recognize the following symbols.

[First part]

This is where the key to work begins

There are three forces - LUCIFER (lucifer), BELZEBUT (Beelzebuth) and ASTAROT (astaroth). You must cut their characters in reverse (reverse) order so that printing can be done in due time. Videas et facies. Crede mihi, nihil preter mittendum. Look and do; trust me, it all goes a long way, nothing should be overlooked.

You must have these symbols with you. If you are a man, in your right pocket, they should be inscribed with your own blood or that of a sea turtle. You must write the first letters of your first and last name in two semicircles. If you wish, you can carve symbols on an emerald or ruby, stones that patronize the Spirits, especially the Spirits of the Sun, the wisest, friendlier and better than the rest.

If you are a woman, then wear the symbol on the left side or between your breasts as an ark [for the holy relics]; and be sure (this applies to any gender) apply or cut these symbols on the day and hour of Mars.

Follow the rules of the spirits, and then they will obey you. At the very beginning there is an explanation, in the chapter describing spirits, and it is necessary if you are engaged in similar work, read very carefully and remember that these powerful and high-ranking entities have special power and greatness and obey only their own proxies and close friends, by concluding an Agreement or by means of special characters at will SINGAMBUT (singambuth) or his Secretary. Beware, reader or operator, lest some spirit find you unprepared.

RABIDANADAS (rabidanadas) - the one through whom we will transmit to you information and perfect knowledge of how to summon, conjure and compel him [obviously, SINGAMBUT is meant - at. transl.] to obedience, which you will see in the key that we will reveal to you later, and which will become the prototype of the contract that you will have to conclude with the spirit, in accordance with the character and temperament of the one who wished to invoke it. You will face great difficulties, for ... Sic volo, sic jubeo, sic pro ratione voluntas. ("This is how I wish, this is how I command, for this is the striving of my mind").

The tangled and dark places of things will become more than understandable if you accompany them with an explanation: non dico per me, sed etiam per subjectos, quia illud spectat Rabidinadap, il est, faciendum est jussu illius. ("For with my mouth I do not speak, but the one who walks before Rabidinadap himself and who expresses his will to the world").

Then you have to light the fragrant incense and anoint it [obviously, the key is a "type of contract" - approx. transl.] ex proprio tuo cruore, ("own blood"), or the blood of a kid (lamb), in this place cum invocatione spirituum orientalium ("calling out to the Spirit of the East").

Ut illud sit hoc in opere inclusum minimo clarum in doctis (For your work to bring minimal, but clear benefit), you definitely need to be prepared for minor pain, with all the precautions, of course, hoc in promptis apparebit (“and then this will manifest with ease "), etc.

There are only two types of contracts, implicit and explicit.

You will learn both and learn to distinguish one from the other if you read my little work. Find out, however, that there are several kinds of good spirits and a few — albeit very few — of evil spirits.

But even if you enter into a contract with a spirit who is quite ready to serve you, be careful. Something must remain with you, for quia amicus fiet capitalis, fiet inimicus (“He who makes a friend his leader, creates an enemy out of him”).

Spirits are higher and lower. The highest are called LUCIFER, (Lucifer), BELZEBUT (beelzebuth), and ASTAROT (Astaroth). The first of them [LUCIFER] is the emperor. They rule over all spirits.

Inferior, servants LUCIFER (lucifer) live in Europe and Asia. BELZEBUT (beelzebuth) lives and rules in Africa. ASTAROT (astaroth) lives in America. Each of them has two main servants who, at the behest of the emperor, send their assistants to all corners of the world: "and vice versa, they send those who complete the work."

Spirits do not always appear in the same guise, this is because they create themselves from secret matter, which is the essence of all types of matter, therefore they need to borrow a body in which they can appear before us. So they can choose appearance and a shape that suits them. Beware, however, lest they scare you.

LUCIFER (lucifer) appears in the guise of a handsome boy. When he gets angry, he blushes. But there is nothing terrible in his appearance.

BELZUBUT (beelzebuth) sometimes appears in frightening forms, for example, in the guise of a monstrous calf, sometimes in the form of a goat with a long tail, but more often in the form of a fly of enormous size and size. When he gets angry, he spews fire and howls like a wolf.

ASTAROT (astaroth) appears in black and white, usually in human form, but sometimes as a donkey.

Here are three symbols LUCIFER (lucifer) located under his Circle:

The following [Symbols] belong to BELZEBUTU (beelzebuth)

and ASTAROT (astaroth), and are located under their own Circles:

All that is needed to invoke the Spirits is to call them with the help of symbols that they will notice. When you wish to receive something from them, invoke them as indicated in the Third Part. aliter frustra laborares (otherwise your work is in vain). Turning to the servants, the two servants of Lucifer are THE WAY OF SATANAKIA (put satanakia) and AGALIERAP (agalierap). Have BELZEBUTA (beelzebuth) this - TARKGIMAKH (tarcgimache) and FLERUTY (fleruty). Their symbols are as follows.

Two servants ASTAROTA (astaroth) - SAGATANA (sagatana) and NEBIROTS (nebirots). See their symbols:

In addition to the above, there are other Demons subordinate to the Duke SIRAHA (syrach).

There are eighteen more and their names are as follows:

I. CLAUNECH (claunech).

II. MUSISIN (musisin, in the Italian edition of 1880 - Musofin).

III. BEHOUD (bechaud, in the Italian edition of 1880 - Bechard).