English dictionary of irregular verbs turn off. Phrasal verb TURN

The word turn translates to "turn" or "turn". But adding to this word little words - prepositions, we change its meaning.

Turn back, turn out, turn in - let's figure out these combinations! In this article I will tell you how to say "turned out" or "appeared" in English and will pleasantly surprise you with how the meanings of phrasal verbs with turn are related to each other.

10 meanings of phrasal verbs with turn in English

Read about what phrasal verbs are, as well as some of the subtleties associated with them, in this article.

We continue to look at phrasal verbs! Our hero today is turn. By itself, this word means "to turn" or "to turn". This original meaning is still traced in many phrasal verbs, which makes them more or less logical, and therefore easy to remember.

Let's take a look at 10 of the most common ones.

1. Phrasal verb turn back

Transcription and translation: / [ten back] - turn back, return

Meaning of the word: Go back the way you came. Or: make someone turn back


We can perform this action ourselves, or we can force someone. For example: I think I left my passport at home, I have to to return (turn back). Or: Policemen blocking the road made us turn back (turned us back).

Examples of:

He turned back when he remembered that he hadn "t locked the door.
is he turned backwhen he remembered that he had not locked the door.

We won "t make it to the city in time before the nightfall! We have to turn back!
We won't make it to the city before dark! We should turn back!

2. Phrasal verbs turn down and turn up

Transcription and translation:
/ [ten d'aun] - turn down music, TV, radio, etc.
/ [ten up] - turn up music, TV, radio, etc.

Use: Turn down is quieter, turn up is louder. For example: Please turn down (turn down) TV, it's almost midnight! is he done louder (turned up) music so as not to hear the train noise.

Examples of:

Ben asked the taxi driver to turn down the radio.
Ben asked a taxi driver to do quieter radio.

Can you turn up the volume, please? I can "t hear a thing!
Could you to enlarge sound, you are welcome? I hear nothing!

3. Phrasal verb turn down # 2

Transcription and translation: / [ten d'aun] - refuse, refuse something

Meaning of the word: Deny someone or refuse something, say no


If we use it with a person, then this is "to refuse someone", if with an object - "to refuse something." For example: Dan proposed to Julia, but she refused (turned him down). Unfortunately I have to refuse (turn down) from your proposal.

Examples of:

They offered to pay for me but I turned them down politely.
They offered to pay for me, but I am polite refused.

Several publishers had turned down my book before I finally managed to release it.
Several publishers refused from my book until I was finally able to release it.

4. Phrasal verb turn up # 2

Transcription and translation: / [ten up] - appear somewhere

Meaning of the word: About a person - to arrive somewhere. About the subject - unexpectedly found


Used with both people and objects. for instance: My glasses suddenly found (turned up) in my pocket. You you will come (turn up) to the party tomorrow?


5. Phrasal verb turn in

Transcription and translation: / [tion in] - submit, hand over something to someone who is above you in position

Meaning of the word: Submit a document or work to a superior person


This word is more typical of American English. Examples: City dwellers filed (turned in) a petition to the mayor. The teacher asked the students hand over (turn in) work on time.

Examples of:

When you "re done, turn in your questionnaire to the assistant.
When you're done hand over your profile to the assistant.

He turned in his report to the director.
is he passed your report to the director.

6. Phrasal verb turn into

Transcription and translation: / [ten `intu] - turn into someone or something, turn someone or something into something else

Meaning of the word: become something else.


Become someone or something else, or turn someone or something into something else

We use both how to "transform" and how to "transform". For example: The rain turned the ground into a swamp. The kitten, rescued by Sean, turned into a giant lynx in a few months.

Examples of:

Water turns into steam at 100ºC.
Water is turning in pairs at 100 degrees Celsius.

If you don "t take care of your garden, it will turn into a jungle!
If you don't care for your garden, he will turn into the jungle!

7. Phrasal verbs turn on and turn off

Transcription and translation:
/ [ten on] - turn on the appliance;
/ [ten of] - turn off the appliance.

Use: turn on - enable, turn off - disable. For example: He included (turned on) the computer and sat down to work. You are welcome, turn off (turn off) phone at the time of the movie show.

Examples of:

I don "t know how to turn off the alarm!
I do not know how switch off alarm!

Can we turn on the air conditioner, please?
We can turn on air conditioner please?

8. Phrasal verb turn on ___

Transcription and translation: / [ten on] - suddenly attack someone, turn against someone, pounce

Meaning of the word: Suddenly attack someone: both physically and mentally (start criticizing, take the opposite place in an argument, etc.). For example: All friends applied vs Jack ( turned on Jack) when he decided to leave Ann. Pirates attacked on your captain ( turned on their captain) when it became clear where the ship was sailing.

Examples of:

Dave "s a trained serpentologist: I" m sure his pet boa won "t turn on him.
Dave is a trained serpentologist: I'm sure his home boa won't will attack.

The gang members turned on each other when their boss got arrested.
Gang members pounced on at each other when their boss was arrested.

9. Phrasal verb turn over

Transcription and translation:[tɜːn ˈəʊvə] / [ten `ouwe] - turn over, turn over

Meaning of the word: Lay on the other side or lay on the other side


You can do the action yourself, or you can force someone. For instance: Flip (turn over) pancakes when they are fried. is he overturned (turned over) on the other side and snored.

Examples of:

He finished writing and turned over the paper.
we set out prove our theory.

It "s hard to turn over when you "re sleeping in a sleeping bag.
Complicated roll overwhen sleeping in a sleeping bag.

10. Phrasal verb turn out

Transcription and translation: / [ten `out] - to be

Meaning of the word: Unexpectedly turn out somehow


Use this word with a sign. For example: weather in Tokyo turned out (turned out) good. As Hayley's boss turned out (turned out) quite capable.

If you want to use it with an object (turned out to be someone), then this should be done through turn out to be ___. For example: My new neighbor ended up musician ( turned out to be a musician). The "posh limousine" my brother was talking about ended up a used Cadillac ( turned out to be a secondhand Cadillac).

Examples of:

She turned out to be a very understanding person.
It turned out a very understanding person.

The end result of our research turned out interesting.
The end result of our research ended up interesting.

That's all:). As you can see, most of these verbs involve some kind of movement - often circular. Of course, there are other phrasal verbs with turn - and new ones will surely appear in the future. However, with the help of these ten it should already be easier to understand what is at stake. Hope the article was helpful!

Assignment task

Insert the desired word in the gap. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. During the night, puddles ___ in ice.
2. We had to ___ when we realized we were at a dead end.
3. Better not to ___ at an uninvited party.
4. ___ please light, I can't see anything.
5. When are you going to ___ your coursework?
6. All ___ on Tom when he proposed his risky plan.
7. ___ radio, I can't hear what they are talking about!
8. He ___ from their job offer.
9. Neil ___ a reliable friend and helped me in difficult times.
10. ___ phone if you don't want to be disturbed.
11. She ___ an envelope to read the address.
12. After examination, my cat is ___ healthy.
13. I had to ___ TV when neighbors started banging on the wall.

Anyone who has been studying English for a long time will sooner or later have to deal with phrasal verbs, which are very difficult to remember at first. But gradually (taking into account hard study, of course) you will still remember all the basic combinations, and this article will help you in mastering one of them - the phrasal verb turn. All that is required of you is careful reading.

Verb meanings

Turn - "to rotate (to), to turn (to)". Other meanings of this word are presented in the table.

Phrasal verb The values
to turn against oppose / push anyone against
to turn (a) round 1) turn, changing the direction to the opposite; 2) move someone or something, forcing to change the direction to the opposite; 3) make changes for the better
to turn somebody away refuse to let, not allow
to turn away refuse to help anyone
to turn back 1) fold a part of something so that it covers another part; 2) change plans; 3) return to the original position
to turn down 1) reject (request, order, etc.); 2) reduce the amount of light, electricity, sound, heating, etc. produced.
to turn in 1) hand over someone (including yourself) to the police; 2) exchange; 3) achieve excellent results; 4) go to bed
to turn into change into something else
to turn off 1) turn off, cut down; 2) cause boredom or dislike in someone; 3) turn, change direction
to turn on 1) include; 2) attack (especially through criticism) someone; 3) have something in priority
to turn on the charm use a charm
to turn out 1) come with the purpose of watching or taking part; 2) produce something in large quantities and at regular intervals; 3) have a certain result; 4) to be; 5) turn out, turn over; 6) forcing someone to leave a place
to turn over 1) transfer (including control); 2) turn over (Xia)
to turn round 1) turn something bad into something good; 2) consider, discuss from the other side
to turn to 1) focus on one thing (often on something new); 2) contact someone in order to get something (for example: advice, help)
to turn up 1) arrive at the place; 2) appear suddenly; 3) show up, open up (about the possibility); 4) increase the amount of something (especially heating or sound)

Sentences with the phrasal verb turn

To better understand how the phrasal verb is used in speech, we offer several examples:

  1. Her own children turned against her. “Her own children rebelled against her.
  2. I turned around to see the owner of the voice. I turned to see who the voice belonged to.
  3. They turned into enemies despite being friends for so long. “They became enemies despite being friends for so long.
  4. She suddenly turned up right behind me. “She was suddenly right behind me.
  5. I turned round everything he said so as to make his speech less stupid in our mother "s eyes. - I turned everything he said inside out to make his speech less stupid in our mother's eyes.

Phrasal verb turn: exercises

Exercise # 1. Match the phrasal verb with its translation.

Exercise # 2. Match the phrasal verb turn with its translation.

Exercise number 1.

Exercise number 2.

Hopefully, you can now confidently use the phrasal verb turn.

Turn can be safely attributed to one of the most common words in English. In many cases, it is used as part of various structures, as part of phrasal verbs, or set expressions. In this article, we will look at the basic meanings of the verb and noun turn, phrasal verbs with turn, as well as expressions with this word.

Meanings and forms of the verb Turn

Unlike many common verbs, turn is correct. Accordingly, changes according to general rule: turn - turned - turned.

In dictionaries you can find more than two dozen meanings of the verb turn, I will give the main ones:

1. Turn (s) - in direct or figurative meaning.

Turn left, then right - Turn left, then right.

She turned from herself and learned to listen to others ’needs. - It turned away from myself and learned to listen to the needs of others.

2. Rotate (s), that is, turn (s) around an axis.

Synonym: to rotate - to rotate.

The earth turnson its axis once every 24 hours. - Land turns around the axis every 24 hours.

The wheels started to turn... - Wheels started rotate.

3. Transform, move into another state.

The model turned actress. - Model became an actress.

He turned traitor. - Is he became a traitor.

4. Change color.

Synonym: to become - to become.

Her face turned red. - Her face blushed.

My trees' leaves turned a yellow. - Leaves of my tree turned yellow.

5. Increase in age. Used as "fulfilled" in Russian.

He turned thirty. - Him turned thirty.

When I turned 16, I inherited the family minivan. - When I turned sixteen, I inherited a family minivan.

Basic meaning of the noun Turn

Also note the main meanings of the noun turn.

1. Turn.

Wrong turn. – Turn not there.

2. Turn to do something, move.

It's your turn to cook. - Now yours turn prepare.

consist of a verb + preposition / adverb. Phrasal verbs are not just combinations of words, but independent semantic units, they should be perceived as whole words.

Phrasal verbs with turn are very often used in colloquial speech. Here are a few common ones.

Basic phrasal verbs with TURN

  • Turn on

1) Switch on the device, device:

Turn on the printer. - Turn on a printer.

2) Attack someone:

The neighbors dog turned on me. - On me attacked neighbor's dog.

3) "Start", cause sexual arousal, sympathy, inspire, cheer up.

Everything she does turns me on... - All she does is me turns on.

We made a deal and the result turned me on... - We made a deal and the result is me inspired.

  • Turn off

Turn off the device, device.

Turn off the light in the room. - Turn off light in the room.

  • Turn up

1) Turn up the volume:

You can turn up the volume on your computer without bothering anyone. - You can to enlarge volume on your computer without disturbing anyone.

2) Appear, declare, come (about a person),

She didn’t turn up for class today. - She's not today came to the lesson.

They never turned up... - They never came.

3) To be found (when something is missing, and then it is finally found).

My wallet turned up behind the nightclub but it was empty. - My wallet found behind a nightclub, but it was empty.

  • Turn down

1) Decrease volume:

Can you turn the music down? - You can to do music quieter?

2) Refuse an offer, invitation, etc.:

They offered her the job, but she turned it down... - They offered her a job, but she is from her refused.

He turned down the dessert as he had already eaten too much. - Is he refused from dessert because I have already eaten too much.

  • Turn around

1) Turn around, turn around:

Don’t turn around! - Not turn around!

2) Significantly improve something that was previously difficult:

The new strategy turned around sales. - New strategy significantly increased sales.

  • Turn in

1) Submit, submit something (e.g. documents):

Don’t forget to turn in your homework. - Do not forget hand over homework.

2) Hand over, snitch, lay someone:

My friend has been arrested and turned me in... - My friend was arrested and he got me passed.

I’m not going to turn you in... - I'm not going to you hand over.

3) Go to bed:

I turned in early. - I went to sleep early.

  • Turn out \\ turn out to be someone

1) Turn out to be someone, something (in the end):

Usually a phrasal verb turn out used in two types of structures:

and) It turned out that + subordinate part - It turned out that ...

It turned out that he was right. - It turned outthat he was right.

It turned out that information was incorrect. - It turned outthat the information was correct.

b) [Someone / something] turned out to be [someone / something] - Someone / something turned out to be someone / something

In the end, he turned out to be a handsome prince in disguise. The previous prince turned out to be a frog. - In the end he ended up disguised as a handsome prince. Previous prince ended up frog.

The report turned out to be false. - Report ended up wrong.

2) To produce, release:

The factory turns out two hundred machines a day. - Company releases two hundred machines a day.

3) Turn off the light:

He turned out the lights and went to bed. - Is he turned off light and went to sleep.

  • Turn away

1) Turn away:

Look at me, don’t turn away... - Look at me, don't turn away.

2) Deny someone, not letting in, “expanding”, that is, not allowing someone to enter:

He was turned away from the nightclub because he was wearing trainers. - Him were not allowed to a nightclub because he came in a tracksuit.

  • Turn to

Ask for help:

She had nobody to turn to when her husband died. - She had no one to visit ask for helpwhen her husband died.

  • Turn against

Turn away from someone and turn against (figuratively), from a friend to an enemy:

Former allies turned against them. - Former allies turned against them.

Friends turn against friends. - Friends turn against friends.

  • Turn into

Transform (s), alter into something:

Water turned into ice. - Water turned into into ice.

Their friendship quickly turned into conflicts. - Their friendship is fast turned around conflicts.

Fixed expressions, idioms with the verb and noun Turn

  • It's your turn - your turn, your move (in the game).

Now it's your turn to show initiative. - Now your turn take the initiative.

  • Take a turn - turn, make a turn.

It looks like we took a wrong turn... - It seems we are not there turned off.

  • Things turn around - things are going for the better, the situation is changing for the better.

Slowly but surely, we’re seeingthings turnaround... - We see how slowly but surely things are going for the better.

  • Turn the other cheek - turn the other cheek (the meaning is the same as in Russian).

He will turn the other cheek instead of fight. - Is he turn the other cheek instead of fighting.

  • Take a new turn - take a new turn.

The game took a new turn in the third period. - A game took a new turn in the third period.

  • Take a turn for the better \\ worse - Change for better / worse.

His career took asudden turn for the better... - His career suddenly changed for the better.

Three years ago his finances took a turn for the worse... - Three years ago, his financial situation worsened.

  • Turn on a dime - turn around abruptly (both literally, for example, about a car, and in a figurative sense)

Dime is a small dime, literally the expression means “turn around on a coin,” that is, in a very limited space.

This new sports car can turn on a dime... - This new sports car can do sharp turn.

The economy is not likely to turn on a dime between now and the end of the year. - The economy is unlikely to do flip flop before the end of the year.

John's life turned on a dime when he immigrated to Italy. - John's Life turned sharplywhen he immigrated to Italy.

  • Turn stomach - cause nausea, turn inside out.

What he found in his car turned his stomach... - What he found in his car, turned him inside out.

Their food turns my stomach... - Me nauseous from their food.

  • Turn a blind eye to something... - Close your eyes to something.

One must also not turn a blind eyeto facts. - You can't close your eyes to the facts.

Local authorities turned a blind eyeto unsafe practices. - Local authorities closed eyes for safety violations.

  • Turn a deaf ear to something \\ someone... - Ignore, not listen, ignore.

I asked Alan to help me, but he turned a deaf ear to my request. - I asked Alan to help me, but he ignored my request.

  • Turn (something) to one’s advantage - to turn something to your advantage.

He had become a popular public figure and turned this to his advantage when he started a new career in politics. - He became a popular public figure and turned it to my advantagewhen he started a new career in politics.

  • Turn one's hand to - do something new.

After Anna finished writing a novel, she turned her hand to screenplays. - After Anna finished writing the novel, she took up scripts.

  • Turn of the century - the turn of the century.

Radio was invented at the turn of the century... - Radio was invented at the turn of the century.

The city was built around the turn of the century... - The city was built around turn of the century.

  • Turn over a new leaf - radically change for the better.

Wilson managed to persuade her to return, promising to turn over a new leaf... - Wilson managed to convince her to return by promising change for the better.

  • Turn over in his grave - roll over in the grave.

Pushkin must be turning over in his grave... - Pushkin must be turned over in the grave.

  • Turn turtle - turn upside down (literally or figuratively)

The car has turned turtle... - Car turned upside down.

The world economy turned turtle in 2008. - In 2008 world economy turned upside down.

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