Catar castles in France Montsegeur of the castle height. France

"Cursed place on the Holy Mountain," the folk legends about the pentagonal montsegeur Castle.The south-west of France, where it is located, is generally a country of wonders, abounding with majestic ruins, legends and legends about the "Knights of honor" Parsiffal, the Cup of St. Grail and, of course, the magic Monsagur. On their mystical and mysteriousness these places are comparable except with German Broken. What are the tragic events of Montsegeur with his glory?

"Then I will open you," the hermit brought. "The one who is appointed to sit at this place is not yet conceived and is not born, but will not pass again, as the one will be conceived, which will take the deceased seat, and he will add to the Holy Grail."

Thomas Malory. Death Artur.

In 1944, in the course of persistent and bloody battles, the Allies occupied the positions of the position. Especially many French and English soldiers flew on a strategically important height of Monte Cassino, trying to take possession of the Musegury's castle, where the remains of the 10th German army sat down. Osada Castle lasted for 4 months. Finally, after massive bombardments and landing of the landing, the allies went to the decisive assault.

The castle was destroyed almost to the base. However, the Germans continued to resist, although their fate has already been solved. When the soldiers of the Allies closely approached the walls of Montsegeur, something inexplicable happened. A large flag with an ancient pagan symbol - Celtic cross mounted on one of the towers.

To this ancient Germansky ritual, they usually resorted only when they needed the help of the Higher Forces. But everything was in vain, and the invaders had no longer could help.

This case was far from the only in the long and full mystical mysteries of the castle history. And she began in the VI century, when on Mount Cassino, who was considered a sacred place from the pre-Christian times, the monastery was founded by Saint Benedict in 1529. Cassino was not very high and rather came to the hill, but her slopes differed in a steep - precisely on such mountains in the old days, impregnable castles were laid. No wonder in the classic French dialect, Monsenhep sounds like Mont-sur - reliable mountain.

850 years ago, one of the most dramatic episodes of European history was played in the castle Monsagur. The Inquisition of the Holy Throne and the Army of the French king Louis IX almost a year was the siege of the castle. But they did not manage to cope with the two heretic-catarma, sessions in it. The defenders of the castle could repent and leave the world, but instead chose to voluntarily climb the fire, thereby kept their mysterious faith clean.

And to this day there is no unambiguous answer to the question: where in South France penetrated qatari heresy? The first of her traces appeared in these parts in the XI century. In those days, the southern part of the country, which was part of the Languedoc County, Storing from Aquitaine to Provence and from the Pyrenees to the Cresses was practically independent.

Rules of this extensive territory Raymond VI, Count Toulouse. It was nominally considered the Vassal of the French and Aragonian kings, as well as the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, but for meaningful, wealth and strength did not inferrect any of his suzerens.

While Catholicism dominated the north of France, in the possessions of Counts of Toulouse, a dangerous Qatari heresy spread. According to some historians, she penetrated there from Italy, which, in turn, borrowed this religious doctrine from Bulgarian Bogomylov, and those from Majaeev Malaya Asia and Syria. The number of those who later called Qataram (in Greek - "clean"), multiplied as mushrooms after the rain.

"There is no one God, there are two who dispute domination over the world. This is the God of Good and God evil. The immortal spirit of mankind is directed towards the God of good, but his bright shell reaches to the dark God "- so they taught Qatar. At the same time, our earthly world, they considered the kingdom of evil, and the world of Heaven, where the souls of people live - the space in which the goodness triumphs. Therefore, Qatar easily parted with life, rejoicing the transition of their souls to the possession of good and light.

In the dusty roads of France, strange people in the pointed caps of chaldean star, in the rope rope, Kathara preached their teaching everywhere. The so-called "perfect" mission took on such an honorable mission - the devotees of faith, who granted a vow of asceticism. They completely broke out with the same life, refused property, adhered to food and ritual prohibitions. But they were discovered all the secrets of the teachings.

The other group of Qatar treated the so-called "profans", that is, ordinary followers. They lived the usual life, cheerful and noisy, sinned, like all people, but at the same time, the few commandments who were taught by "perfect" were reveled.

A new faith especially willingly took knights and know. Most noble families in Toulouse, Languedoc, Gasconia, Rusillion became her adherents. They did not recognize the Catholic Church, considering it by the generation of the devil. Such a confrontation could end only bloodshed ...

The first clash of Catholics with heretics occurred on January 14, 1208 on the banks of the Rhone, when, during the crossing, one of Ramunda Ramunda violently wounded the papal nunition. Dying, the priest whispered his killer: "Let the Lord forgive you, as I forgive me." But the Catholic Church did not forgive anything. In addition, French monarchs have long had a rich Tulum county: both Philip II, and Louis VIII dreamed to join the richest lands to their possessions.

Count Toulouse was declared a heretic and follower of Satan. Catholic bishops threw the cry: "Catar - vile heretics! It is necessary to burn them with fire, so that the seed is not left ... "For this, the Holy Inquisition was created, which Dad subordinated to the Order of the Dominicans - this" PSAM Lord "(Dominicanus - Domini Canus - Lord Dogs).

So the crusade was declared, which was first sent not so much against the inners, how many against Christian lands. Interestingly, the question of a soldier about how to distinguish catares from good Catholics, the papal legate Arnold Yes Sato replied: "Kill everyone: God recognizes His!"

Crusaders devastated the blooming south edge. In the city of Bezier, having bent the inhabitants to the Church of St. Nazari, they killed 20 thousand people. Katarov cut out entire cities. Land Ramunda Vi Toulouse was taken from him.

In 1243, only ancient Monsenographer remained the only stronghold of Qatar - their sanctuary, turned into a military citadel. Almost all the surviving "perfect" gathered here. They did not have the right to wear weapons, as in accordance with their teaching it was considered a direct symbol of evil.

Nevertheless, this small (in two hundred people) the naked garrison of almost 11 months beat off the attack of the 10,000th troops of the Crusaders! The fact that happened on a tiny patch on the top of the mountain, it became known due to the preserved records of interrogations of the surviving defenders of the castle. They make in themselves the amazing history of courage and perseverance of Qatar, which still amazing the imagination of historians. Yes, and mystics are enough in it.

Bishop Bertrand Marty, who organized the castle's defense, well understood that his surrender was inevitable. Therefore, before Christmas 1243, he sent two faithful ministers from the fortress, who carried out a certain treasure of Qatar. It is said that it is still hidden in one of the numerous grottoes in Fua County.

On March 2, 1244, when the situation of besieged became unbearable, the bishop began negotiations with the Crusaders. He was not going to pass the fortress, but he really needed a delay. And he received it. In two weeks, the respite be dedicated to drag the heavy catapult on the tiny rocky platform. And the day before the castle, an almost incredible event occurs.

At night, four "perfect" descend on a rope from a mountain of 1200 meters high and carry a certain bundle. Crusaders hurriedly equipped pursuit, but the fugitives were dissolved in the air. Soon two of them appeared in Cremona. They proudly told about the successful outcome of their mission, but that they managed to save, unknown so far.
Only unlikely doomed to the death of Qatar - fanatics and mystics would be to risk life for gold and silver. And what car could carry four desperate "perfect"? So the "treasure" of Qatar was another property.

Monsenographer has always been for the "perfect" holy place. They built a pentagonal castle on top of the mountain, asking for the previous owner, Ramon de Pirellai, permits to rebuild the fortress in their drawings. Here, in the deep secret, Qaray made their rites, they kept sacred relics.

Montsegon walls and ambrusuras were strictly focused on the countries of light like Stonehenge, so "perfect" could calculate the days of solstice. The castle architecture produces a strange impression. Inside the fortress there is a feeling that you are on the ship: a low square tower at one end, long walls, blocking a narrow space in the middle, and a stupid nose that resembles the caravel strollers.

In August 1964, speleologists on one of the walls found some badges, notches and drawings. He turned out to be a plan for a subterranean walking from the foot of the wall to the gorge. Then the course in which skeletons with alabards found were opened. New Riddle: Who were these people who died in the dungeon? Under the foundation of the wall, the researchers discovered several interesting items with katari symbols inflicted on them.

The buckles and buttons were depicted bee. For "perfect", she symbolized the secret of fertilization without physical contact. A strange lead plate was also found with a length of 40 centimeters, folded by a pentagon, which was considered a distinctive sign of the apostles "perfect". The Qatar did not recognize the Latin Cross and deified a pentagon - a symbol of dispersion, spraying of matter, the human body (here, apparently, from where the strange architecture of Monsenseur).

Analyzing it, a prominent specialist in Qataram Fernan Niel emphasized that it was in the castle itself "the key to rites was laid - the mystery that" perfect "took with them to the grave."

Until now, there are a lot of enthusiasts who are looking for in the vicinity and on the mountain Kassino buried treasures, gold and jewels of Qatar. But the most researchers are interested in the shrine, which was saved from the crop of four bravery. Some suggest that the "perfect" owned a famous graveyle. After all, it is no wonder and now in the Pyrenees you can hear such a legend:

"When the walls of Montsegeur still stood, Qarase guarded the sacred grail. But Montsegeur was in danger. Rati Lucifer is located under its walls. They needed a Grail to conclude him to the crown of their Lord, from which he fell, when the fallen angel was defeated from heaven to the ground. At the time of the highest hazard for Montsegeur, the pigeon appeared and his beak split the mountain Tabor. The keeper of Grail threw a valuable relic in the mountain sip. The mountain closed, and the Grail was saved. "

For some gravity, this is a vessel in which Joseph Arimafi gathered the blood of Christ, for others - a dish of a secret evening, for third - something like a horns of abundance. And in the legend about Montsegeur, he appears in the form of a golden image of Noeva Ark. According to legend, the Grail had magical properties: he could cure people from severe ailments, to open secret knowledge in front of them. The sacred grail could only see the pure soul and heart, and he hit the great misfortunes on wickedly.

Mount Montségur (Château de Montségur) In terms of my trips to Provence, it was indicated as a place for a mandatory visit.

It is believed that in ancient times there was a temple of the Sun, later in the era of the gloomy Middle Ages Montsegury became a fortress (the very name of the mountain and translates as "non-conflicted") and the last refuge of Qatar - alternative Christian teachings, the followers of which were destroyed during the Albigoian Cross Treasury () .

However, attracted (and, by the way, continues to attract) Montsegeur of the wanderers and mystery seekers by the fact that, according to local legends, it was here that the Garlary bowl was kept, well, or at least it was here that she was seen the last time.

Many in the legend believe, for example, researcher Otto RAS - the author of the book "Crusade against Grail", inspired Dan Brown to writing the novel "Da Vinci Code", spent several years in the mountains in the mountains, trying to find out how truthfully an ancient legend.

In the photo: a stone with the names of the Crusaders carved on it

It is almost impossible to get to Montsegeur without a car. The path to an impregnable fortress lies on the roads of less steep mountains located in a significant distance from the routes of any public transport. Mountain itself, when you find yourself at her foot, looks like a large bump. You can only go on top on foot, narrow trails for cars are not intended.

Officially, the entrance to Monsenseur is open until 19.00, in practice, this means that a person in a booth, located in the middle of the walking lifting, up to seven o'clock in the evening sells tickets to the fortress. At 19.00 his working day ends, he leaves home, and the entrance to Montsegure becomes free; That is why, with the onset of twilight, the number of people who want to climb on the mountain is not reduced, but on the contrary increases, and it is still more pleasant to climb on top with the onset of evening.

In the photo: Raise to the top of Monsengeur

Overcoming the first, the most attachment of the lift, we turn out to be on the fire field. It received his speaking name after the events of March 1244, when it was here that more than 200 Qatar were burned - the last defenders of the Montsegeur fortress.

When in 1208 dad of incenti III announced the beginning of the cross campaign against Albigoe Yersi, in Provence and Languedoc numbered about a million people confessing this creed.

In the photo: Catarizisism distribution map in Europe

Being in fact the followers of the teachings of Christ, Qatar believed that our world - the creation of hands is not God, but Satan, we live more than once, but constantly reincarnated after death in other bodies (which is why many Qatars were vegetarians), paradise can only be achieved In the event that you remove all the earthly, then the person leaves the chain of reincarnations and is attached to the paradise - the world created by God.

For more than a decade of Cross Wars, the Army of Rome managed to destroy the population, confessing Qataritzism, almost all cities of southern France, and at the same time establishing a later "glorified" the Inquisition of Witches.

The last followers of Qataritzism took place in the fortress of Montsegury, which at the beginning of the wars tried to take the leader of the army of Pope Simon de Montfor, but he could not have succeeded. In the summer of 1243, the cross army again went to the assault of Montsegeur (the reason for this was the murder of the father's opponents of several inquisitors). Mountain took into a dense ring, and the defenders of the fortress were in siege. Montsegure lasted in a siege position of the year, such a long term is explained by the fact that the defenders of the fortress knew the secret trails, allowing to supply provisioning in the castle.

However, the cross army was able to approach the walls of the fortress, and on March 16, 1244, Monseniur was forced to surrender. The Crusaders offered Catar with pardon, if they renounce their convictions, but those who wanted to do it were not found. Now at the site of the mass execution is the Qatari cross, resembling the tragedy.

Next - a long campaign in the mountain along the narrow paths laid out by stones. During the rise, it becomes clear why Simonu de Montfor, who took all the fortresses in the district, could not conquer Monsensegure: the catapults, who were the main tool of the bombing of the fortress walls, so simply do not shine. Yes, and in the Crusaders managed to surround the walls of the castle only after the traitors showed them the secret trails, not knowing which to climb is almost unrealistic.

From the fortress, some ruins were now left: lizards laid out of gray stones, where lizards live, and the founding of the tower, "the time he had begun what was started by the Crusaders, and the invaders on the orders of the Roman's Pope destroyed the fortress almost to the ground.

In the photo: Montsegeur fortress walls, preserved to this day

It is believed that it is behind these walls that the beautiful Virgo Esklarmond kept an ancient relic - the sacred grail, however, when the fortress fell, the Grail Crusaders was not found. Locals tell the legend that on the night before the storming of the fortress of the subsoil of one of the mountains opened, and Eklarmond threw a cup of Grail in their depths, after that the girl turned into a blueberry and flew to the east.

However, even crusaders did not believe in the truthfulness of this legend. They need to think, not without reason it was believed that on the night before the assault, several people with a treasure descended on the sheer wall of the fortress and took place in the surrounding forests (this version is set out in the Soviet film "Careset Mary Medici"). One way or another, since then no one has seen the Grail, and no one even knows exactly how it looks like.

We met near the walls of the fortress. The view that opens from the top is especially beautiful in the evening day: the sun, going down, Golden Green Makushki Mountains, over which flies are swallows, lightly szing fog, rising from the earth, twisters a shrill blue sky with a silver translucent veil. Despite all the tragic events that occurred here, Monsensegur does not impress the gloomy place. Rather mysterious and immensely sad.

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Julia Malkova - Julia Malkova - Founder of the project site. In the past, the chief editor of the online project and the chief editor of the site I'm talking about traveling for your own pleasure and pleasure readers. If you are a representative of hotels, tourism office, but we are not familiar, you can contact me by email: [Email Protected]

Then I will open you, "the hermit brought.
- the one who is scheduled to sit at this place,
still not conceived and not born, but will not pass again,
How will the one that will take
The dedicated seat, and he will add to the Holy Grail.

Thomas Malory. "Death Arthur"

"Damned place on the Holy Mountain," this is said in folk legends about the pentagonal castle of Monsensegur. The south-west of France, where he is, is generally a country of wonders, abounding with majestic ruins, legends and legends about the "Knights of honor" Parsiffal, Cup and, of course, Magic Monsagur. For their mystical and mystery, these places can be compared unless with the German broken. What tragic events may be Montsegeur with his glory?

1944 - In the course of persistent and bloody battles, allies were able to take off the positions of the Germans. In particular, many French and English soldiers were killed on a strategically important height of Monte Cassino, trying to take possession of Montsegon's castle, where the remains of the tenth German army were settled. The siege of the castle continued for four months. In the end, after massive bombardments and landing of the landing, the Allies went to the decisive assault. The castle was destroyed almost to the base.

But the Germans did not cease to resist, although their fate has already been solved. When the Allied troops came close to the walls of the Montsegeur, something unexplained happened. A large flag with an ancient pagan symbol - Celtic cross mounted on one of the towers. It was usually resorted to such ancient German ritual only when the help of higher strength was needed. But everything was in vain, and the Nazis had no longer helped.

The incident was far from the only one in the long and full mystical mysteries of the castle history. And it began in the 6th century, when on Mount Cassino, who was considered a sacred place from the pre-Christian times, the monastery was founded by the Saint Benedict in 529. Cassino was not very high and most likely looked like a hill, but her slopes differed in a steep - precisely on such mountains in the old days, impregnable castles were laid. No wonder in the classic French dialect, Monsenhep sounds like Mont-sur - reliable mountain.

850 years ago, one of the most dramatic episodes of the history of Europe was played in the castle of Monsengure. The Inquisition of the Holy See and the Army of the French king Louis IX during almost a year he was the siege of the castle. But they did not manage to cope with the two heretic-catarma, sessions in it. Defenders of the castle could repent and leave with the world, but instead chose to voluntarily climb the fire, thereby kept their mysterious faith clean.

And to this day there is no unambiguous answer to the question: Where did Katari heresy penetrate into South France? The first of her traces appeared in these parts in the XI century. At that time, the southern part of the country, which was part of the Languedoc County, Storing from Aquitaine to Provence and from Pyrenees to the Crestes, was practically independent. Rules of this extensive territory Raymond VI, Count Toulouse. It was nominally considered the Vassal of the French and Aragonian kings, as well as the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, but for meaningful, wealth and strength did not inferrect any of his suzerens.

While Catholicism dominated the Northern France, in the possessions of Counts of Toulouse, a dangerous Qatari heresy was increasingly distributed. According to some historians, it penetrated there from Italy, which, in turn, borrowed this religious doctrine from Bulgarian Bogomylov, and those from Majaeev of Asia and Syria. The number of those who later called Qatarami (in Greek - "clean"), multiplied as mushrooms after the rain. "There is no one God, there are two who dispute domination over the world. This is the God of Good and God evil.

The immortal spirit of mankind is directed to the God of good, but the bright shell stretches to the dark God - the catar was taught. With that, our earthly world, they considered the kingdom of evil, and the world of heaven, where the souls of people live - the space in which the goodness triumphs. Therefore, Catar easily parted with life, rejoicing the transition of their souls to the possession of good and light.

In the dusty French roads, strange people in the pointed caps of chaldean star, in the rope rope, the cathars were preached everywhere. The so-called "perfect" mission took on such an honorable mission - the devotees of faith, who granted a vow of asceticism. They completely broke out with her old life, refused property, adhered to food and ritual prohibitions. But they were discovered all the secrets of the teachings.

The other group of Qatar treated the so-called "profans", that is, ordinary followers. They lived a simple life, cheerful and noisy, sinned, like all people, however, at the same time, those few commandments who were taught by "perfect" were revroving.

A new faith in particular willingly took knights and know. Most of noble families in Toulouse, Languedoc, Gasconia, Rusillion became her adherents. They did not recognize the Catholic Church, considering it by the generation of the devil. This confrontation could only end the bloodshed ...

The first clash of Catholics and Hehetics occurred on January 14, 1208 on the bank of the Rhone, when, during the crossing, one of Ramunda Ramunda Vi strikes a spear of a festal wound with a papal nunition. Before death, the priest whispered his murderer: "Let the Lord forgive you, as I forgive me." But the Catholic Church did not forgive anything. In addition, French monarchs have long had a rich Tulum county: both Philip II, and Louis VIII dreamed to join the richest lands to their possessions.

Count Toulouse declared a heretic and follower of Satan. Catholic bishops threw the cry: "Catar - vile heretics! It is necessary to burn them with fire, yes so that the seed is not left ... "To do this, they created the Holy Inquisition, which Pope subordinates the Order of the Dominicans - this" PSAM Lord "(Dominicanus - Domini Canus - Lord Dos). So declared a crusade, which was first sent not so much against the inners, how many against Christian lands. It is curious that the question of the soldier on how to distinguish the catar from good Catholics, the papal legate Arnold da Sato said: "Kill everyone: God recognizes yours!"

The crusaders were devastated by the blooming south edge. In only the city of Bezier, having bent residents to the Church of St. Nazaria, they killed 20,000 people. Katarov cut out entire cities. Land Ramunda Vi Toulouse was taken from him.

1243 - only ancient Monsenographer remained the only stronghold of Qatar - their sanctuary, turned into a military citadel. Here, almost all the surviving "perfect" gathered. They did not have the right to carry weapons, since in accordance with their teaching it was considered a direct symbol of evil.

And yet, this little (in 200 people) the naked garrison of almost 11 months beat off the attack of 10 thousandths of the Crusaders! The fact that happened on a tiny patch on the top of the mountain, it became known due to the preserved records of interrogations of the surviving defenders of the Montsegure castle. They make in themselves the amazing history of the courage and perseverance of Qatar, which to this day amazing the imagination of historians. Yes, and mystics are enough in it.

Bishop Bertrand Marty, who organized the castle's defense, well understood that his surrender is inevitable. Therefore, before Christmas 1243, he sent two faithful servants from the fortress, who carried out a certain treasure of Qatar. It is said that it is also located in one of the numerous grottoes in Fua County.

1244, March 2 - when the position of the besieged became unbearable, the bishop began negotiations with the Crusaders. He did not want to pass the fortress, but he was very necessary to postpone. And he received it. In two weeks, the respite be dedicated to drag the heavy catapult on the tiny rocky platform. And the day before passing the castle there was an almost incredible event. At night, four "perfect" descended on the rope from the mountain of 1200 meters high and took care of a certain bundle.

Crusaders immediately equipped with pursuit, but the fugitives were dissolved in the air. Soon, two of them appeared in Cremona. They proudly told about the successful outcome of their mission, but that they managed to save, unknown to this day. Just hardly doomed to the death of Qatar - fanatics and mystics - would ride life for gold and silver. And what car could carry four desperate "perfect"? So the "treasure" of Qatar was another property.

Monsenographer was always for the "perfect" holy place. They built a pentagonal castle on top of the mountain, asking for the previous owner, Ramon de Pirellai, permits to rebuild the fortress in their drawings. Here, in the strict secret, Qatar held their rites, stored sacred relics.

The walls and ambrusuras of Montsegeur were strictly focused on the countries of light like, because the "perfect" could calculate the days of solstice. The architecture of the Montsegon Castle produces a strange impression. Inside the fortress, the feeling appears that you are on the ship: a low square tower at one end, long walls, blocking a narrow space in the middle, and a stupid nose that resembles the caravel belt.

1964, August - speleologists on one of the walls found some badges, notches and drawings. It was an underground plan, coming from the foot of the Wall to the Gorge. Then they opened the move itself in which skeletons with alabards were discovered. New Riddle: Who were these people who died in the dungeon? Under the foundation of the wall, the researchers found several curious items with katari symbols affixed on them. There was an image of a bee on buckles and buttons. For "perfect", she symbolized the secret of fertilization without physical contact.

A mysterious lead plate was also detected with a 40 cm long, folded by a pentagon, which was considered a distinctive sign of the apostles "perfect". Catar did not recognize the Latin Cross and deified a pentagon - a symbol of dispersion, spraying of matter, the human body (here, probably from where the strange architecture of Monsenseur). Analyzing it, a prominent specialist in Qataram Fernan Niel stressed that it was in Montsegury's castle itself "the key to rites was laid - the mystery that" perfect "took with them to the grave."

And in our time there are a lot of enthusiasts who are looking for in the vicinity and on the most mountain Cassino buried treasures, gold and jewels of Qatar. However, the most researchers are interested in the shrine, which was saved from the crop of four winds. Some believe that the "perfect" owned the legendary holy grain. After all, not in vain and now in the Pyrenees it is possible to hear such a legend:

"When the walls of Monsenhera still stood, Qarase guarded the Holy Grail. But Montsegeur was in danger. Rati Lucifer is located under its walls. They were needed by the Grail to re-conclude it to the crown of their Lord, from which he fell, when the fallen angel was defeated from Heaven to Earth. At the time of the highest hazard for Montsegeur, the pigeon appeared and his beak split the mountain Tabor. The keeper of Grail threw a valuable relic in the mountain sip. The mountain closed, and the Grail was saved. "

For some vessel, in which Joseph Arimatesky gathered the blood of Christ, for others - a dish of a secret evening, for the third - something like a horns of abundance. And in the legend about Montsegeur, he appears in the form of a golden image of Noeva Ark. According to legend, the Grail had magical properties: he underwent people from severe ailments, to open secret knowledge before them. The Holy Grail could only see the pure soul and heart, and he wrapped his great misfortunes on wickedly. His owners found holiness - who in the sky, who on earth.

Some of the scientists believe that the Mystery of Katar was to know the hidden facts from the earthly life of Jesus Christ. They allegedly had information about his earthly wife and children who, after the Savior's crucifix, were secretly shipped to the south of Gaul. As the legend says, the Blood of Jesus was collected in the sacred grail. In this took part of the Evangelskaya Magdalene - a mysterious person, which, perhaps, was his wife. It is known that she got to Europe, from which it follows that the descendants of the Savior and gave rise to the Meroving Dynasty, that is, the genus of Holy Grail.

According to legend, after Monsengeur, the sacred Grail was delivered to Montreal de-CO Castle. From there he moved to one of Aragon Cathedrals. Then he was allegedly taken to the Vatican. But no documentary evidence is not available. And perhaps, the sacred relic again returned to his sanctuary - Montsegur? After all, there is no reason to Hitler, who dreamed of world domination, so stubbornly and purposefully organized the search for Holy Grail in Pyrenees. German agents explored all abandoned castles, monasteries and temples, as well as mountain caves. But everything was in vain ...

Hoped to reverse the course of war. But even if he managed to take possession of them, it would hardly have to save him from defeat, as well as those German soldiers who tried to protect themselves in the walls of Monsenheur with the help of the ancient Celtic Cross. After all, according to the legend, the wrong custodians of the Garlary bowl and those who sow evil and death on Earth, overtakes God's wrath.

The bishop and deacons barely managed among the roar, clagging of weapons and groans of the wounded to walk from one dying to another to make a suicide rite. Bernard Roene, Catalan Pierre Ferier, Sergeant Bernard from Carcassonne, Arno from Ventsa died on this night "in consolation". The last effort of the garrison threw the enemy back to Barbakan. Given the peculiarities of the location of the battlefield, literally hanging in the void, you can guess that the number of dead has exceeded the number of wounded, who managed to get to the castle.

Nutrow after the tragic night from the wall of the fortress, horn. Raymont de Perella and Pierre-Roger de Mirpua requested negotiations.

Negotiations began on March 1, 1244. After more than nine months of the siege, Monsenseur capitulated. Crusaders, who are exhausted by a long siege, were not traded for a long time. The capitulation conditions were as follows:

Defenders of the fortress are in her for another 15 days and free hostages.

They are forgiven all crimes, including Avignonette.

Warriors can leave, taking weapons and things, pre-confused by the Inquisitor. They will be superimposed with the easiest repentance.

All the rest, which are in the fortress, will also be released and will be easily punished if they renounce heresy and shift before the inquisition. Those who will not stop fire.

Montsegon's castle goes to the ownership of the king and church.

The conditions were, in general, not bad, it would be difficult to achieve the best: thanks to the resistance and heroism, the people of Montsegeur managed to avoid execution and life imprisonment. Members of the massacre in Avignonte guaranteed not only life, but also freedom.

Why did the church in his representative who participated in the siege agreed to forgive such a terrible crime? After all, the guilt of the killers Guiloma-Arno should equate to the fault of heretics. Most likely, the soil has already been prepared if both sides have come so quickly by agreement on this issue. Negotiations, which, through the messengers, without the end, led with the deposited Count Toulouse, were to concern, among others, and the Avignontet.

In fact, the graph during the siege period led the active negotiations with the dad, seeking to remove the excide on him the other day after the massacre in which he declared himself innocent. At the end of 1243, Dad Innokentius IV recalled the sequence of Brother Ferier, stating that the Count is his "faithful son and a loyal Catholic." Relief, imposed by Archbishop Narbonne, was shot on March 14, 1244, two years earlier than the capture of the Royal Army Monsensegure. Perhaps the coincidence of the dates is randomly, but it is possible that there was a close relationship between the demarches of the graph and the fate of Montsegeur's people, especially Pierre-Roger de Mirpua, who was very interested in the prosperous development of graphical affairs. The Count asked precipitated to keep as long as possible in order to send them reinforcement (he didn't even think about it), but in order to deserve forgiveness for Avignonet. The testimony of Montsegeur people could compromise very many at the bottom (including the graph itself), but no one was touched.

On the other hand, the personal valor of the defenders and the need to finally finish with the siege, which would still stretch, did not get the deposited forgiveness, could force the south of Dez Arrsis to put pressure on the Archbishop and Brother Ferier. The French were obviously not inclined to overestimate the political crime, which was the avinth murder. Perhaps they began to understand the situation in the country and the feelings of the local population. Montsegeur soldiers defeated and had the right to respect the enemy.

In Montsegeur, imprisoned a truce. Fifteen days of the enemy were not allowed into the fortress; Fifteen days, according to this word, both sides remained at their positions, without trying neither to flee or attack. The bishop of Dujn was dismantled, the clocks were no longer fused along the earthen shaft, and the soldiers did not need to be in combat readiness all the time. The last days of Freedom Montsegury lived peacefully - if it is possible to call the world to expect separation and death under the non-primary observation of the enemy from the tower in a hundred meters from the castle.

Compared to those tragic hours that they had to be survived, for the inhabitants of Montsegeur, the days of peace came. For many of them they were the latter. It remains only to be lost in guesses, why stated this deferment, only extending the unbearable existence of the inhabitants of the castle. Maybe it was explained by the fact that Archbishop Narbonsky could not take responsibility for justifying the killers of the inquisitors and found it necessary to report to dad? Most likely, the postponement was asked themselves the deposited, to still be with those whom they will no longer see. Or maybe (and this opinion adheres to F. Niel), Bishop Bertrand Marty and his comrades wanted before his death for the last time to celebrate the holiday, which they corresponded to Easter. It is known that Qatar was celebrated this holiday, because one of the great posts they preceded Easter.

Can we argue that under this title meant the Manichaean Beta Holiday, which also comes at this time? No document allows us to establish this with confidence, besides, as we have already observed, in the ritual of Qatar, persistently and generously quoting the gospel and the epistles of the Apostles, there is not a single mention of the name of Mani. Did this religion have two different covenants and was not whether consolamentum,which was worshiped by the highest sacrament, a religious act intended only for the uninitiated? It is difficult to agree with such an assumption. The doctrine of Qatar, Manichaean at the doctrine, was deeply Christian in shape and ideological expression. Qatar worshiped with Christ exclusively, and no place for any mani in their cult remained. And, nevertheless, we have lacking data to understand what is this holiday - Easter or Boy?

It is very likely to and humanly it is clear that before parting forever, the perfect and warriors spent themselves with this invaluable respite. They did not ask anything superfluous, but it would be very difficult to achieve more.

The hostages were released in the first numbers of March. According to the information obtained during interrogations, it was Aro-Roger de Mirpua, an elderly cheval, a relative of the garrison chief; Jordan, son of Rimon de Perella; Ramon Marty, Bishop Bishop Bishop; The names of the rest are unknown, the hostage list was not found.

Some authors believe that Pierre-Roger de Mirpua left the castle shortly before the end of the truce, signing the act of surrender in advance. This assumption is unlikely because, according to the testimony of Alza de Massbank, on March 16, Pierre-Roger was still in the fortress. It is known that then he went to Mongillar, and then his trail is lost for ten years. The silence, which was surrounded by his name, served as a reason for accusations, if not in betrayal, then in desertion. However, for the winners it would be logical to declare a unwanted presence in the fortress of the main instigator of the Avignonetskaya massacre and ask him to get out as soon as possible. The man who opened the desire to drink wine from the Skull Gilome-Arno, could count on mercy, so to speak, only on occasion. Eleven years later, the royal judicial investigator mentioned him as "Faydite, deprived of possessions for the use of heretics and their defense in Montsegury Castle." Civil rights returned to him no earlier than 1257. It is difficult to believe that such a person can enter into any intercourse with the enemy.

It turns out that Pierre-Roger de Mirpua and his father-in-law Ramim de Perella before the end of the truce were in the fortress along with most garrisons, families and hehetics, which refused to renounce and, according to the conditions of surrender, were to climb. They devoted their fifteen days to religious ceremonies, prayers and farewell.

On the life of the inhabitants of Montsegeur in these tragic fifteen days, we know only the fact that the inquisitors managed to ask at the immediately interrogated witnesses: accurate, miser details, whose touching the soul of the greatness cannot obstruct the intentional dryness of the presentation. First of all, this is the distribution of the property of convicts to death. As a sign of appreciation for the care of heretic Ramim de Saint-Marten, Amel Ekart, Klaman, Taparelle and Gille Pierre brought Pierre-Roger de Mirpua Many day in a convolution from the blanket. The same Pierre-Roger Bishop Bertrand Marty gave oil, pepper, salt, wax and a piece of green canvas. Other values \u200b\u200bof harsh elder did not own. The rest of heretics presented the garrison chief a large amount of grain and fifty cameras for his people. Perfect Raymond de Kük gave the Sergeant to the Gille Ademara to the Mere of Wheat (it was believed that the provisional stored in the fortress belonged not to the owners of the castle, but the Church of Qatar).

The elderly Markezia de Lantar gave all his property to his granddaughter Philippe, Wife Pierre-Roger. The soldier was gifted by Melgorsky Su, wax, pepper, salt, shoes, wallets, clothes, felt ... to everyone than the perfect, and each of these gifts, undoubtedly acquired the character of the shrine.

Next, in the testimony of questioned it was about rites, in which they had a chance to attend - and the only thing they were asked about in detail - this consolamentum.On this day, when the very fact of the connection with the Church of Qatar meant a death sentence, at least seventeen people made such a choice. There were eleven men - all cheval or sergeants - and six women.

One of the women, the Cuba de Perella, the daughter of perfect Markezia and the mother of a paralyzed girl, perhaps already adopted consolamentum,for a long time I was preparing for this serious step. She decided only at the dawn of the last day of the truce. Prefering to take flour for faith, she broke up with her husband, two daughters, grandchildren and son. Ermengard D "Yassat was one of the noble ladies of the region, Gulelelm, Bruna and Arsenidida - the wives of Sergeants (the last two came to the fire in the eleventh hour with her husbands completely voluntarily). All of them were young, like their husbands. Perhaps older was Wife Beranta de Lavelenet, Gulielm.

From Chevalé consolamentumduring the truce accepted two: Gille de L "Il - heavily wounded a few days before - and Raymont de Martilyano. The rest - Sergeants Raymont-Gille de Tornabua, Braziyak de Calavello (both took part in the Avignonetskaya Rubber), Arno Domark (husband Bruna), Arno Dominic, Gille de Narbonna, Ponce Narbon (Arstendida's husband), Joan Per, Gilome Du Puy, Gilome-Jean de Lordat and, finally, Raymont de Belvis and Arno Teului, rose to Monsen, when the situation was already hopeless As if such a dangerous way was done to become martyrs. All these soldiers could leave the castle with military honors and with proudly raised head, but they preferred them to be driven, as a cattle, tied to the knitters of his twigs and burned side by side with mentors by faith .

We know about these mentors, except that Bishop Bertrand, Raymont de Saint-Martin and Raymon Egyire committed a rite consolamentumabove those who asked about it, and distributed their own property. There were about 190 people perfect about 190, however, it is known that 210 or 215 heretics were burned in Monsensegure, and those whose names we can call with certainty were simple believers who accepted the appeal at the last moment.

The dust-a quarter of the surviving soldiers of the garrison was ready to die for faith not in the rustling of enthusiasm, but after a long day of conscious training. Nobody canonize the martyrs of the victim of the victim, but these people whose names recorded only in order to witness their appeal to the blacklist, the status of martyrs.

At least three of the perfect, who were in the fortress at the moment of surrender, were avoided. It was a violation of the contract, and learned about it only after the occupation of the castle by the French. On the night of March 16, Pierre-Roger ordered Yeretics Aven Ekartu, his companion South Pootven and the third person, whose name was left unknown, descend down the rope down from the eastern edge of the rock. When the French entered the castle, these three were in the dungeon and avoided the fate of their brothers. They had to endure and reliably hide what remained from the Treasures of Qatar, and find a cache with money hidden by two months earlier. In fact, Pierre-Roger de Mirpua and his knights left the castle last, after Qatar and after women and children. They had to remain the owners of the fortress until the last moment. The evacuation of treasures was successful, and neither three heretics nor the treasures themselves did not find.

"When the heretics left the castle of Monsensegur, who had to return the church and the king, Pierre-Roger de Mirpua delayed in the same castle of Amelie Ekarta and his friend south, heretics; And while the rest of the heretics were burned, he hid, he hid, and then gave them to leave, and did it so that the church of heretics did not lose their treasures hidden in the forests. The fugitives knew the place of the cache. " B. de Laveranet also claims that A. Ekart descended by the rope, Puwen and two more who were sitting in the dungeon when the French entered the castle. Montsegeur fell, but the Church of Qatar continued the struggle.

With the exception of these three (or four), the person who was ordered a dangerous mission, none of the perfect could, but may not want to avoid the fire. As soon as the terrestrial term, the Seneshyal and his knights, accompanied by the church authorities, appeared at the castle gates. Bishop Narbonsky shortly before this was rebuilding. The church was represented by Bishop Albi and Inquisitors Brother Ferier and Brother Duranti. The French have done their job and promised life to everyone who fought. Now the fate of the defenders of Montsegeur depended only from the church tribunal.

Leaving the fortress, Raymont de Perella left his wife and younger daughter. Fathers, husbands, brothers and sons learned the law so well, during the centuries, he brought unskilled heretics on the bonfire and severely tightened them from loved ones, which was learned to perceive it as a logical result of the defeat and see the manifestation of blind rock in it. How did you distinguish those who were no forgiveness? Perhaps they marked themselves, holding away from others. In such a situation, it was useless to be able to interrogate and force them to recognize what they did not try to hide.

Gille Pyiloransky writes: "In vain urged them to appeal to Christianity." Who and how did they call them? Most likely, the inquisitors and their assistants with a separate group brought out of the fortress of two hundred and excess heretics, along the way for the pro forma, expressing the censure. At the dawn of the daughter of Korbi de Perella, Philip de Mirpua and Arpaida de Ravat, said goodbye to his mother, which a few short hours appeared in front of them as perfect. Arpaida, not daring to go into the details, gives us a horror of the moment when her mother, together with the rest, launched towards death: "... They were kicked out of the castle Monsagur, like herd of animals ...".

At the head of the group of sentences was the bishop of Bertrand Marty. Heretics were chained, and they were mercilessly dragged on a steep slope to the place where the fire was cooked.

In front of Monsagur, on the southwest slope of the mountain - almost, this is the only place where you can go down - there is open Polyana, which is now called the "field burned". This place is located less than two hundred meters from the castle, and the path to it is very cool. Gille Pyiloransky says that heretics burned "at the foot of the mountain", and maybe this is the field burned.

While at the top perfect was preparing for death and said goodbye to friends, part of the sergeants of the French army was engaged in the last siege work: it was necessary to ensure the proper bonfire for the burning of two hundred people - the approximate number of sentences called them in advance. "From the stakes and straw," writes Pyloransky Gilly, "the panelisade was built to extinguish the place of the fire." The many knitting twigs, straw and, possibly wood resin, were demolished inside, because the spring tree is still raw and poorly burns. For such a number of sentences, most likely, there was no time to put posts and tie people to them one by one. In any case, Pyiloransky's Gille mentions only that they were all driven into a parisade.

Patients and wounded simply threw on the ohaphki of the twigs, the rest, perhaps they managed to find their loved ones and connect with them ... and the Montsegeur's mistress died near the mother and a paralyzed daughter, and the wife of sergeants - next to her husbands. Perhaps the bishop managed among the groans of the wounded, clagging of weapons, the screams of the executioners, growing a fire, and the guarantee singing of the monks to turn to their flock with the last word. The flame broke out, and the executioners were pulled out from the fire, which was escalating from smoke and heat. For a few hours, two hundred living torches turned into a pile of blackened, bloody bodies, still pressing each other. Over the valley and the castle sailed a terrible smell of burned meat.

The defenders, remaining in the castle, was visible from above, how the flame of a fire was engaged and grew, and black smoke clubs were covered. As the flame has decreased, caustic, nauseous smoke thickened. By night, the flame began to slowly fade. Soldiers scattered around the mountain, sitting by the fires near the tents, had to see red spilos, made through the smoke. This night and descended on the ropes from the rock of four who were responsible for the preservation of the treasure. Their path passed almost over the place where the monstrous bonfire was made, fed by human flesh.

Second day in Carcassonne. In the morning Ives drove for us, our goal is the famous castle of Qatar, Montsegeur Castle. On the way to the castle, we drove into one interesting plazo place.

According to the legend, the inhabitants living in the valley went to the service a few miles of settlement to the monastery on the mountain, but one day one monk saw a fireball in the sky, the locals decided that there was a sign from heaven and built on the site of the fiery bowl. Women's monastery At the bottom of the valley.

Top view really opened amazing. In the morning there was a fog, but, under the rays of the Sun, the fog dispelled and, our gaze opened a picturesque valley.

After some time, we saw as a Catholic priest led a group of children on a tour, we even managed to take a picture with him.

We walked a little by the town of Fanjo and noticed that in all the towns, through which we passed, many closed shutters.

At home, everywhere are low, it is usually clinging tightly to each other, along the only road running through this town. We would have such settlements, with such a numerical, called villages, villages ...

Drive any such city and surprise him silence, a fierce, but! With this stunning clean, comfort and lack of homeless dogs and cats))) Dogs met a lot and all sorts, but everything is on a leash and with the owner, but the cats with the collar and the bell. Well, a lot of non-residential premises, or the owners after the end of the holiday season, moved or at home are non-residential? Yves could not give an intelligible response. After a couple of days, we learned that Carcassonne - South of France, is considered a depressive area, there are no large enterprises here, so young people leave for the north and the West of the country, and the retirees live here. I would like to retire to live in such a depressive place ...))

All eight days traveling in France we met, you will not believe, mostly traveling retirees. They lead an energetic, healthy lifestyle. But, moreover, many of them have the opportunity to travel around the world. And then, long autumn - winter evenings, they are going to the company for a glass of wine and share with each other impressions and memories of their trips)).

Why are we not possible? Why I have no opportunity to delay yourself to a retirement account, how do you do in the West? Yes, because "during the path" ... and economic cataclysms it will evaporate in inflation, and we have such a salaries that there is no possibility to postpone. Why, for 23 years now, we can't organize a stable economy? Already the whole generation has grown !!! I do not think that our children will face better. Sadly to realize it.

Sorry, I was distracted.

Walking in a small Fangend, we went to his temple, I have long noticed that they have a completely different energy than our churches. Other - strict, majestic.

Then we drove along the town of Mirpua, the same cozy, even homely, a lot of greenery and again - at home with closed shutters ... There are tourists on the excursions here, as it is famous for its buildings from the tree, which is already 1000 years old! Imagine? It turns out that it has strength due to the fact that (sorry) was pulled out in the urine of cattle. And here this very cow is a monument. More Mirpua is famous for its Bazarchik, they sell environmentally friendly vegetables, fruits, greens. Pay attention to prices. We did not see the crisis and did not feel.

We arrived in the town on the eve of the festival of apples, the locals dressed up with apples of animal figures. Apples are such appetizing that I could not have kept and asked for us a few pieces. Here, in the center they have shopping shops of those whom we call individual entrepreneurs)). In each store, its range, and the hostess immediately sits and something sews something, masenite. We noted with Lena immediately - the absence of Chinese))) and the Chinese range. Everything is somehow homely, family cozy, residents are sitting, drinking wine, tea, learn unhurried conversations ...

The amazing atmosphere of calm, well-being ... And believe me, such well-being and harmony we saw not only in this town.

Here, too, your temple, one of the largest. What I liked, here and in subsequent temples everywhere there are layouts that tell the story of the construction of a temple, for example from the 10th century to the present day. It is very interesting to observe how they were modified, from simple to majestic. And the energy inside is such that you feel the thrill, admiration, but also feel like a slave of God ...

All this preface to the most important journey is the castle of Qatar, the castle, where Maria Magdalene spent the last eight years with the daughter of West.

After the death of Christ, Magdalene left the Earth, took her most expensive in the world. She left, leading to her baby - daughter Vesta, which was at that time just four years. And her eight-year-old Son of Lamodar secretly took the Knights of the Temple to Spain, so that he would, by all means, remained alive and was able to continue the great genus of his father.

Maria was born in the magician valley, she was from the Meroving Dynasty.

Merovinging - Northern Russes who came to learn free francs (francs - free) Military Take, the Board of the country, politics and science.

They were called correctly - merindicia. We are in Ra - Inglia.

We, the children of the RA, carrying the light in the native, pristine inglia. Then these words were intentionally simplified and it began to sound like merctionings. It was the magician and sorcerer dynasty.

Pupils of Mary people called Qatarad, which is translated as clean.

Paradise to this word gave her decoding, and I also like it: ka - spirit, Tara - Beregina Land Russian.

They were monks, strict morals, with pure thoughts, worked a lot, helped everyone. The doctrine of Mary Magdalene, whose adherents they were, rushed into the world. Love for people, rejection of evil. Qatar was holy in their hearts a true chronicle of Radomir's life and swore to preserve his wife and children, whatever it would be worth it. For which later, 2 centuries later, everything was paid to life.

You can read more and more about it in detail in the Book of Svetlana Levashova "Revelation" or just find information in the internet. I must immediately admit that I read the book Svetlana three years ago in the internet, it creates a load for the eyes, so I read only its first part, and then the subsequent information simply went through my eyes, looking for places where it was told about the crystal - the knowledge of the gods . We all then were fond of the search for crystals)). Therefore, I did not know the details of the death of Magdalena and Qatar.

Monsenseur is 1200 meters above sea level, it rises on top of the mountain and visible from afar. This is the Castle-Sanctuary, the Temple of the Sun, Observatory.

Previously, the locks - the fortresses put on the live points of force, it was well felt here in Monsen. The castle attracted to himself and called, I looked at him with interest and thought: what did you prepare for me for the secret? What do you want to tell?

In front of Mount, we saw a pedestal with the Qatari Cross and the inscription from 1244:

"We, Qatara, followers of the teachings of Christ and never become Catholics."

Nearby we saw three huge stones surrounded by four birch. I came up, put my hands and greeted them, and in response he heard: do not distract us ...

I laughed, there was no such thing, usually stones are easy to come to contact. Well, no, so no ...)) We took a picture of the foot of the mountain, and the French began, and the French were already descended to meet us.)) Along the path, we met a lot of lizards, Katar Knowers.

The castle is built of five walls (the number five was sacred for Qatar), with slots, in which the rays of the sun are penetrated during the day, so the castle is lit by the sun all day.

With Lena and Yves, I quickly committed this climb, I released paradise and light. In the castle, we all scattered, studying every corner. The castle is small in size, I went and tried to imagine - how they lived here ... I studied, worked ... Loved ... From the top of the mountain, our gaze was revealed to the amazing view of the magician Valley.

At one moment met with paradise, she insistently became asking me: Ira, do you have thoughts about our work here? What do you suggest?

I will say honestly - there was no thoughts, I wanted to simply dissolve in these vibrations, the sun shone, Iv with Lena sat on the pebbles, and I really wanted to take up and lie down to merge with this space. It is difficult to describe. I lay down and made a request: Do we need to work here?

In response he heard: they do not work in the cemetery ...

The answer was surprised at me and pleased at the same time, I did not want to do anything, but just lie and listen to the surrounding space.

Suddenly, a vision appeared - a castle, clouds, smoke from fires, at the wall of the castle two groups of Qatar - 4 and 5 people. They stand clinging to the wall and ... sing! I heard a melody!

With surprise, I tried to listen to it, realizing that this is a farewell song of Qatar before his death. It was an understanding that they should burn, alive ... I listened and listened, trying to remember that later, if you bring where to hear - learn this melody. In the throat there was a lump of tears, this vision and song were real. I said goodbye to them and suddenly heard - remember, you are one of us!

I got up trying to calm down, I decided to walk a little further and see what's there behind the stones, and I had a back and gave me in the back of the back - remember, you are one of us ... Do not forget ... Do not forget ... Do not forget ... Even now I am writing these words I worry everything again ... again com in the throat.

Seeing, just below, among the stones, I sat down to come to my senses and instantly in front of me the portal opened, in it I saw the eye, and this is a faithful sign that I can ask a question and immediately get the answer for him.

I asked the first thing that occurred to: at the expense of me and Qatar - true information?

Received an instant answer: yes!

Lenochka approached, I told her about the portal and offered to make any request too.

From her words, she asked: did I ever live here?

Answer: Yes, you lived here, otherwise I would not get here with this group.

Question: Can I do these knowledge on?

Answer: You can not, but should!

Exciting information, we began to look for our companions - Paradise and Svetlana, and found them at the descent from Monsen. I noted about myself that the light looked pale, even with some kind of yellow. Paradise said that during the rise Svetlana became very bad, the head was spinning, weakness in the whole body, she almost losing consciousness. Paradise all this time she poured it, planted into the shadow, drove to water and the light became easier.

I looked at the light, she shared with me that she, as if, was not allowed from the mountain ...

I: You did not work out something in the past, did not finish, and you did not accidentally led here the second time. You should do it now.

Light answered, smiling: I know, last year, with a group of metatronians, I didn't even rose to the mountain. And I feel that I had to go with you and this is here, in the castle of Monsenseur.

I advised the light to ask a question about your condition here and ask what she keeps her here?

He told them about their vision, the light confirmed: Yes, they were all burned.

I shook and sank in my chest, we began to descend, and in my head I continued to sound the farewell song of Qatar.

I shared with light information about this song, she became interested: can you die? How does it sound?

I am not a master of singing songs, but if you ever hear, I will definitely find out. And Svetlana began to tell that for some reason she wanted to download a melody into the phone. She turned on her, and I am surprised to learn to learn fragments from the song Qatar. No, of course, it was another music, a different tonality, but something elusive of them was common .... What chords, the combination of notes (I do not know how to say it).

Here we caught up with the Lenochka and began to share my feelings - in those distant times she was among these Qatar, and she "leaving" the last thing ... She now wanted to go the last in our group, and she had a strong desire in the castle - Spin walls.

I instantly flashed the picture - I see how they stand - clinging to the backs of the wall ...

And in the head of Lena during the rise of the mountain, the melody sounded, and she put it on it. You, obviously, have already guessed - she was very much like the one that I heard, or rather, again elusive these few notes ... I started shook me and the tears were shuffled, I again worried about the picture of the death of Qatar.

Everyone went down, and we were delayed with the light, she did not receive a response to his question, and I decided to help her. We sat down, took the hands, I use my master - the technique, led Svetlana ...

Very quickly, I saw: the sun, the mountain, I see the young one about 19 years on the other side of the mountain. He stands clinging to the rock and looks up ... there are people. I feel his fear and feeling of guilt. I understand - he betrayed them! Rather, I sold, for very big money.

I told Svetlana about my vision, having silent about the feelings, but she felt everything herself and said it out loud: I betrayed them.

I will not describe in total in detail, but both we were crying, asked for forgiveness from each other, and then I saw the lightning, lightning discharges in the sky! And I felt - Kathar has no evil and resentment. They said - it should have happened, we were doomed, it was inevitable.

We are with a light, both crying, hugged, and calming down, continued the descent with another mood, it became easier to the soul.

Below, at the foot of the mountain, looking at the castle again, I could not have kept and shouted: Montsegon, I love you!

A little snack, we went on, through a small town, which is located at the foot of the mountain, in the valley burned. I learned this on arrival home, from Ineta, like what Qatar really died as a result of betrayal. The church paid a huge money to one of the local shepherds, and he showed them a secret path.

But, because, at the moment of my visit, I did not know this !!!

On the way, we met an interesting cave, the river flowed out of her. Yves said it is the cave of the disappearing water. We did not understand anything, and I hurried from curiosity to go to the cave on the bridge. Here I was overtaken))), the water level in the cave began to rise very quickly, I did not have time to jump and knocked my legs. It was an interesting sight ...

France - Montsegeur Castle