Mysterious anomalies on the moon. On our satellite there is life? Moon anomalies

In the catalog of lunar anomalies published by NASA in 1968, more than 579 most mysterious observations made over the four centuries and have not received any explanations to today. Among them are moving geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, cylinders, crosses, triangles and more complex designs), the disappearance of crater, the appearance of "walls", bright flashes of light, color trenches lengthened at a speed of 6 km / h ... what is it ? Let's try to figure it out.
Let's start with photographic confirmations. On one of the photos you can see a light spot on the surface of the moon. It was solved on the Terminator itself (the boundary of the light and shadow), the south-west of the craters. The shooting was carried out using a 108 mm refractor installed in one of the villages of Northern Greece. In total, seven negatives were obtained on Kodak 2415 film with various excerpts. The assumption of the film defect was rejected in the course of negativity studies by the experts of the Athenian laboratory of Kodak, as well as experts of the Laboratory of the Saloniyk University.
The stain looked somewhat elongated (22,5х18 km), was at an altitude of less than one kilometer and there were no more than 16 seconds. What was it? By the way, the pictures of the anologous phenomenon between Adams and Haze crater were obtained in the USSR for another January 11, 1978.
It is not clear that the famous researcher of the planets I. I. Schreter watched on October 12, 1785. Let us give the floor to him: "After five hours on the border of the dark lunar disk and in fact in the center of the sea rains completely suddenly and quickly appeared a bright flash of light, which consisted of many single, individual small sparks that have exactly the same white light as the illuminated side of the moon , and all the time moving along a straight line facing north, through the northern part of the rains and other parts of the lunar surface, bordering it from the north, and then through an empty part of the field of view of the telescope. When this rain of the world passed half of the way, such a flash appeared in the south exactly above the same place. The second flash was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of such little sparks, which flashed away in the same direction, exactly in a parallel direction to the north ... Changing the position of light to intersection with the edge of the field of view of the telescope took about two seconds. The total duration of this phenomenon is four seconds. "
With the help of simple calculations, we can establish that the objects disappeared into the cold sea. Thus, the path passed by objects will be 530-540 kilometers. Knowing the distance and time for which the objects of it overcome, we can get their speed. It was ... 265-270 km / s. Colossal speed, isn't it? After all, in order to break away from the Earth and fly to the planets of the solar system, the earth's rocket requires the speed of only 17 km / s. However, apparently, such a speed for UFOs is not new. For example, April 27, 1998, the Golding fighters flew to the interception of UFO, approaching Denmark from the North Sea. But soon after the beginning of the interception, the object increased the speed to 10.5 km / s and quickly left the chase.
Yes, it is possible to have a mistake in the rate counting, but its order will be exactly the same. We can make a mistake even more only if we take for the lunar objects of the phenomenon occurring in the earth's atmosphere, watching only their projections on the moon. But the appearance of two meteor (for example) of the ROOV over the same projection point of the moon for a short time is a phenomenon, such quickly striving for zero that the theory of probability is simply resting.
In 1874, Czech astronomer Shafirik observed the luminous object moving along the lunar disk, then flew into space.
What it was - remains a mystery ...
On July 10, 1941, Canadian Walter Haas noticed in a telescope a tiny luminous spot with a size of 0.1 angular second, moving across the lunar surface. It appeared west of Gassendi's crater and moved almost exactly east to disappearance in the short wall of the crater. The brightness of the object was constant along the entire path, the stellar value of the stain is estimated in +8. The duration of the flight was about one second, the speed is at least 116 km / s. Approximately 5.41 Walter saw the south of Grimaldi another, but a weaker stain.
On September 31, 1967, American Astronaut Harris watched a bright spot moving at a speed of 80 km / h in a sea of \u200b\u200bcalm. In mid-August 1955, V. Yaretenko from Odessa observed a luminous body into a telescope, in size similar to the third magnitude star. It flew over the moon parallel to its edge at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius. Flying a third of the circumference in 5 seconds, the UFOs along the steep trajectory dropped onto the lunar surface.
Strange, but it is periodically observed on the moon ... Evening dawn. In fact, the dawn is a purely atmospheric phenomenon, and its appearance on the airless satellite of the Earth looks fantastic.
The first signs of the evening dawn in the ends of the horns of the lunar sickle were noticed by March 24, 1762 by I.I.Sreter. Since then, dawns, as well as fogs (i.e., water suspension on a practically anhydrous surface!) Dozens of times were described on the moon. V. Belsh, at the beginning of the twentieth century, wrote: "Attentive observers argue that they have repeatedly seen in the holes on the moon and over deep rafts the appearance of some haze, like fog. Items that are clearly visible at another time seemed sometimes, under the same observation conditions, as if erased or covered with some curtain. If these observations are correct, it is difficult to find another explanation for them, except for the occurrence of water vapor in separate places. "
On the night of April 14, 1932, about 10.30 of the Pacific, Astronomer A.V. Goddard noticed the strange absence of all white spots and parts in Crater Plato. At 10.57 there appeared a white spot, which was distributed in the northeast direction until he reached the crater shaft. It appeared and moved, like a cloud of steam, but, given its fast movement and the size of Crater Plato, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe independent movement of vapors is unacceptable.
Moon - a strange satellite
Our natural satellite is a rather strange heavenly body. The coincidence of the isotopic composition of the lunar and earth elements added another argument in favor of the hypothesis about the origin of the moon as a result of the collision protochered with the heavenly body of the size of Mars that occurred about 4.5 billion years ago. Shards, resulting from this clash, and formed the moon. Interestingly, it took only 100 years to do this - the term on cosmic standards microscopic.
If we look at the night shone even with the naked eye, it is easy to distinguish between the two types of fields: light - mainland, occupying 83% of the lunar ball area, and dark-sea (as they thought before), which are 17%. The main students are characterized by a higher reflectivity, since they are composed relatively light rocks, have significant irregularities and multiple crater sizes and the degree of safety of the shaft. The sea is relatively even areas covered by lava flows of damp markets of basalt type, with fewer crater.
Cosmonauts and research apparatus, having flipped in our satellite, did not give us any sensations about the opposite side of the Moon. However, why none? Of great interest is a giant shock structure with a diameter of 2500 kilometers on the back of the satellite. For the first time, she was noticed in the pictures delivered to the Earth by the Soviet automatic station "Zond 6" in 1968. Soon, thanks to the American Clementine probe, it became clear that this is the most significant education on our natural satellite. It was already time to paint the pool of the South Pole - Eitken, since the center of this area lies between the Crater of Eitken and the southern pole of the Moon. The depth of this giant basin is about 12 kilometers. To date, this is the largest of all shock formations known to us in the solar system. Its diameter exceeds 2/3 of the diameter of the moon! The collision of our natural satellite with a body that thormed the South Pole pool - Eitken, occurred at the earliest stage of the history of the Moon, about 4 billion years ago. Most likely, the body hit in this place penetrated to a depth of 120 kilometers, reaching the upper mantle. Whether this body is slightly larger, the moon could split into many fragments, forming an asteroid belt around the Earth.
But, as it turned out, there are unaffected on the moon. Let's focus on this.
Many sense caused a photograph of the Crater Picard AS 10-4421, made during the flight "Apollona-10". With a careful consideration of the snapshot in the midst of the back of the wall, two parallel shadows resembling the arches are visible to the right of the brilliant fragment, rented over the shaft into the crater. What is this - real buildings or the game of shadows? The answer could only give a snapshot made under a different angle. And they did! In the photo AS 10-4417, the Picard crater was removed under a slightly large tilt angle and rotate approximately 9 degrees counterclockwise, if you count by the type of AS 10-4421. And what? The picture is the same arches, but at a different angle.
The American satellite LUNAR ORBITER-3 and the crew "Apollo-14" (December 1970) moved a few shots of a huge letter S on the surface of the moon. What is this soil erosion or artificial education? Perhaps, there is something to say to Astronauts Allan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell with Apollo-14, then departed to crater Fra Mauro for research. They ... got lost in it and returned to the ship after, according to the calculations of the flight control center, they ended with them. Astronauts did not explain to anyone (at least the public), how they managed to get back, in fact, from the world.
Before that, on April 13, 1970, an oxygen cylinder exploded aboard Apollo-13, and the astronauts had to unfold and fly home. It will not be worth saying that the landing towards the area of \u200b\u200ball the same crater Fra Mauro and the subsequent tests there nuclear bombs.
Strange lunar crater
Numerous lunar riddles include, first of all, relatively shallow craters of a huge diameter. According to the current concepts, they arose on the moon as a result of natural phenomena - the falls of meteorites, asteroids, comet or wivnanic activity. However, Mora believes that there are convincing data, according to which the mentioned craters could occur both as a result of nuclear explosions, in millions of times more powerful than the explosions of modern hydrogen bombs. The fact is that we still do not know for sure, which was the reason for the emptying of the surface of the moon and the appearance of such gigantic esters in such a huge amount on it. Many American scientists recognize that such education was supposed to cause some kind of mysterious cataclysm of an incredible destructive force.
Famous English Astronongilbert Fielder, together with a group of colleagues, conducted a statistical analysis of the number and arrangement of crater on the surface of the moon. The results of the analysis show that the crater covers it is not chaotic, as it should be in natural origin, and they are grouped into a kind of complexes. In some cases, the craters are located in pairs, in the other form a clearly pronounced chains, in the third - as if they lie in the tops of the rectangle.
Steam craters are formation of the same sizes. Moreover, if their average diameter grows, the distance between them also increases. This phenomenon is difficult to explain, based on the natural origin of the craters. If we assume that atomic war was carried out on the moon, then such funnels falling on its surface could be created. Obviously, to achieve the greatest effectiveness of the devastating effect, more powerful bombs were reset at a greater distance from one another.
Many crater equal values \u200b\u200bform chains stretching in a straight line in a specific direction. It very much resembles chains from the funnels from American bombs, which were discharged in Vietnam Bombers in-52.
Craters located in the corners of rectangles are also the same in size. And in this case, the more their diameter, the farther they are from each other. Sometimes the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a rectangle takes not one thousand square kilometers. In the case of atomic war within such geometric figures, every life would be completely destroyed. It also suggests an analogy with our reality. There are modern intercontinental ballistic missiles that carry divided nuclear warheads on the ChCtyra, whose flight paths are programmed after separation so that they fall in the corners of the imaginary rectangle.
It is known that about 90% of all craters on the side of the moon are concentrated on the elevations and on the so-called continents, and within the seas there are very few of them. This fact is difficult to explain from the standpoint of "common sense", is well consistent with the hypothesis of the nuclear war that happened in ancient times. If there were water in the lunar "seas" in those days, then a reasonable life was focused on land, both along the shores of the seas and in the depths of the continents. There and reset bombs.
Another mystery of suchlune crater, as quiet, Copernicus, Aristarkh, are the "rays" diverging from them, which stretch on a slight hundred kilometers and crossed the neighboring crater. Some scientists believe that the Mentioned Craters could have formed the millennium ago as a result of air nuclear explosions, since the bowls of these crater still have an increased level of radioactivity. And when NASA specialists during eclipses examined the lunar surface with the instruments reacting to infrared radiation. It turned out that these craters allocate more heat than the neighboring areas of the surface of the Moon. Taken astronomers, like Fielder, Noiseker and Baros, for a number of years, they argued that the "rays" stretched from the lunar craters are very similar to those that diverge from the funnels. Formed after the experimental air nuclear explosions in Yukka FLETS. Of course, these scientists believed that the similarity was random, and that the furrows. Dissolved from lunar crater. There were due to a certain unknown natural phenomenon.
In the early 60s of the twentieth century, a curious study conducted a group of Soviet astronomers led by Dr. E.L. Krinov. Based on the number of asteroids and meteorites available within the solar system and the comets flying into it. As well as counting the average number of such celestial envoys reaching land. These scientists came to the conclusion that over the past millions of years the largest number of all celestial bodies that could fall on the moon. Does not exceed 16.000. Overnight only the largest lunar craters far exceeds this value.
Thus, it turns out that contemporary classical science is not able to explain why almost ideally round lunar craters (they are also called circus) with diameters reaching hundreds of kilometers have a relatively small depth; Why the location of many craters is clearly ordered; Why the number of crater on the moon is much greater than that number. Which would correspond to their natural origin; Why, finally, most crater focuses on the hills, and there are very few on the plain sites (in the seas).
In the late 70s, another hypothesis appeared, which caused real shock in scientific circles. Her in his book "Moon - our mysterious spacecraft" was outlined by two Soviet scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov. According to the hypothesis, it is not a natural celestial body at all, but is a hollow inside the design created by some highly developed civilization, which brought it into orbit around the Earth as an artificial satellite in unreasonably distant past.
The assumption, at first glance, absolutely incredible, however, on the basis of it, you can answer many remaining so far without answering questions about the moon. So, if the moon was deliberately brought into orbit around the Earth, it becomes clear why this orbit is an almost perfect circle, equal to both the fact that, unlike the orbits of all other messengers existing within the solar system, The orbit of our moon is outside the Equatorial plane of the Earth.
The striking data was obtained and during the analysis of samples of lunar rock rocks. First, it turned out that titanium, circus, beryllium and yttrium in them are contained in a percentage significantly more than in the earth's lithosphere and what, on average, in the entire universe. It is noteworthy that these elements are indispensable components when creating heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials used, in particular, when building spacecraft and rockets.
Secondly, the age of lunar mountains, determined on the basis of radioactive decay, was from 5 to 7 million years, and for some samples - 20 million years. And this is despite the fact that the age of the solar system, and, consequently, the Earth is estimated at 4.6 million years!
Thirdly, in the samples revealed the relatively high content of radioactive isotopes of uranium and thorium, which, in principle, can only be explained by the consequences of nuclear explosions.
Finally, all the astronauts sitting on the moon found on its surface in large quantities of the vitreous mass, and the crew "Apollo-17" in December 1972 delivered samples of orange glasses from the crater of shorts to the ground. During the press conference held in a month of the press conference, William Pinni, the head of the research service of the center of manned flights of NASA in Houston, on this occasion said: - I can not imagine how these pieces of orange glass could be formed as a result of volcanic activities. And at the same time on earthly polygons where experimental nuclear explosions are conducted, it is often possible to detect similar fragments of stained glass.
Moon - hollow satellite?
It was found that over the lunar seas there are areas (diameter up to 200 kilometers or more), in which significant changes in the gravitational field of the moon are observed. These are the so-called Makson. The presence of Makson confirmed, in particular, the measurements made by the crew of the American ship "Apollo-8" during the lunch of the moon in December 1968. Moreover, such local amplifies of the lunar attraction are so tangible that they violate the trajectory of the flight of automatic probes, launched on incense orbits. This fact, as well as the calculation of the average weight weight of the moon and the analysis of its movement, performed by NASA's employee Gordon McDonald, confirm the assumption that the moon is a spherical body, hollows inside. In addition, there is a large size It should certainly be caused by the emergence of unbalanced forces, which affect the nature of the movement of the lunar ball. However, the effect of this convexity compensates for some changes in the mass distribution inside the moon.
Amazing experimental data were obtained during the flight to the Luna of the next expedition on the Apollo-13 ship in April 1970. When the third stage of the Apollo-13 carrier rocket was separated and fell to the moon, the entire surface to the depth of 40 km was fluctuated almost three and a half hours! According to one of the scientists of NASA, the moon behaved like a huge hollow gong.
Strange objects on the moon
Legends about the existence of moon cities appeared, probably, at the same time as the emergence of the first major cities on Earth. But legends legends, and some European astronomers in the XIX century argued in their writings that they saw the ruins of such cities on the moon. American astronomical magazines published photos and drawings of pyramids, domes and bridges, which scientists observed on the surface of our night shone. And the Polish researcher and writer Jerzy Zhulawsky in its three-volume description of the moon "on a silver ball" even indicated the exact coordinates of the ruins of one of the lunar cities, which was at sea of \u200b\u200brains. It is possible that he himself saw these ruins in a telescope during a visit to the University of Astronomical Observatory in Krakow, where he often visited when collecting materials for his monumental labor.
The magazine "Sky and Telescope", published by the University of Garbus University (USA), in May 1954 placed an article with a description ... Bridge, photographed on the surface of the moon and connecting two mountain range near the sea of \u200b\u200bcrises. According to the scientific editor of the New York Gerald Tribune newspaper John about Nile, as well as English astronomers, H.P. Yukins and Patrick Mura, the bridge is really depicted in this photo, and not a random reminiscent of his cliffs. According to Wilkins, this bridge had a length of about 20 km, and the Polish journalist and researcher Robertlesnyakevich adds that the bridge was tumped over the surface of the moon by 1600 meters, and its width was about 3200 meters. Truly Cyciscopic Food!
It is not possible to explain natural causes and the presence on the moon of white dome-shaped elevations with a diameter of up to 200 meters. They were already detected more than two hundred, and the most amazing thing is that sometimes they disappear in one place and appear in another, as if moving through the lunar surface. A large number of "domes" focuses near another mysterious element of the lunar landscape - an ideal straight "wall" of about 450 meters high and a length of over 100 kilometers.
On the plain surfaces of the sea and the ocean of storms there are separate rocks of the rocks. Among them are distinguished by monoliths in the form of giant spiers and pyramids that are superior in height of any terrestrial designs. Their presence and form confirm, in particular, photographs made from the side of the Soviet station "Luna-9".

Moon anomalies

Roads, river bed ???

2) There are river beds, there is a road (very long, here part)

3) continuation of the road from the picture 2

4) some road / river structure in the north

5) funny in the north

6) Road in the south (?)

7) Some Retouch (2 black squares)

8) road / rivers in northwest

9) more, yuz

And let them say that this is all the nature of ...

The moon was always a mystery in the sky over humanity from the beginning of time! And always caused a lot of interest to her. So, the 10 strangest facts and anomalies of the Moon, which you may not know.

In recent years, several complete eclipses of the sun occurred. Our moon is the only famous Moon, which is so coming with its "master." The size of the moon is about one quarter of the Earth. The diameter of the moon is 400 times less than the diameter of the Sun. But the moon is also 400 times closer to our planet than the sun, and it moves on the perfect circular orbit around us. Lovers of the theories of the conspiracy will tell you that the reason is simple: the moon "artificial", and its size is the result of intelligence and designer work.

2. It is half

In 1969, scientists were very surprised when seismic equipment on the moon recorded an echo when landing the Apollo-12 ship. The moon buzzed with a bell tower for more than an hour. During the next mission, when landing a heavier ship, the effect was even more, and "ringing" lasted more than three hours. Is it says that the moon is hollow?

3. Moon crater extremely strange

The moon is literally dressed as craters, and they are surprisingly the same in terms of their depths, which in principle should not be. Another space anomaly? Most likely. But for those who claim that the moon is artificial or a hollow, it only confirms their conspiracy theories. One such assumption suggests that under the rocky lunar surface there is an "inner sheath" from some metal material that can evenly distribute the strength of the strike.

4. On the moon there are a lot of "artificial" designs

NASA says that "artificial" lunar buildings are only optical illusions. However, NLO enthusiasts declare, this is an irrefutable proof of the operation of an alien reason. One of these anomalies is the so-called "tower", towering above the surface of the moon. Its height is 11 km by approximate estimates.

5. The moon here "brought"

There is no doubt that without the moon, earthly life will change catastrophically. However, many ancient Scriptures allegedly record those times when she was not yet on the sky. It sounds insane, but is it possible that the moon is an artificially created design, derived to precisely calculated orbit and intended for stabilizing the conditions on Earth?

6. This is the result of the extraterrestrial mind

If an unknown ancient (and very brilliant) civilization was not engaged in the target placement of the Moon, the only logical assumption will be an idea about the work of extraterrestrial reason. Researcher David ICA argues that the moon is an artificial satellite that transmits signals from Saturn to Earth, creating a "matrix" of our reality. Sounds too fantastic? Or not?

7. The rotation of the moon is also very unique

We all heard about the dark side of the Moon, which is not visible to us. However, it would be more accurate to call this part of the "Farm Party", since the moon is still rotating. She takes 27.3 days to one circle around the Earth and 27 days for a complete turn around the own axis. This is a "synchronous rotation" and makes one side of the moon always for us invisible. I wonder what is there at all?

8. Alex Collery and his "Letters with Andromeda"

The author, researcher and contactac Alex Collery argues that revealed the real history of the moon. He allegedly received "telepathic reports" from aliens, living in the constellation "Zenet". According to the collee, the moon was a huge spacecraft, which arrived here millions of years ago and bringing "reptile hybrids and the first people to Earth." Inside the moon are the remains of ancient alien bases after a large-scale war, which was carried out 113 thousand years ago.

9. Ancient texts talk about the period "to the Moon"

For example, Aristotle wrote about Arkadia, mentioning that it was "before the moon existed in the sky above the earth." Similarly, the Apolloony Rhodes spoke about the time, "when not all the balls were still in heaven." The Colombian tribe Chibcha retells its oral legends: "In the earliest times, when the moon has not yet been in heaven." There are also Zulussky legends that the moon was pulled through a large distance. There is something to think about!

10. Operating base

Alex Collery is not the only person talking about the existence of the bases on the moon. A recent statement about the presence of an operating military base was made by Dr. Michael Salla, who cooperates with the Chinese Space Agency in the preparation of the mission to the moon. His comments were even more strange that NASA was actively bombed such bases to hide their presence on the moon.

There are many descriptions of observations of mysterious phenomena on the moon. There are versions about what is the moon. The most curious, common and fairly believable are two of them:

1) The Moon is an aliens raw material base in which they miner minerals. Supporters of this version argue that the peak of the activity of mysterious phenomena on the moon comes at the time of arrival at the Luna of the next batch of UFO for the export of raw materials.

2) Moon is a gigantic space research base of aliens of artificial origin. The adherents of this version are confident that a huge space station for incomprehensible reasons failed and found a refuge near the Earth, becoming her companion.

There is an opinion that our planet has another 10 thousand years ago there was no satellite. This is justified by the fact that the moon is not indicated on any of the ancient cards of the starry sky.

In a powerful telescope, you can see more than 500 thousand lunar craters. The largest of them is called Bayia, its diameter is about 300 km., And the area is a little more of the Square of Scotland.

Dark stains visible to the naked eye on the surface of the moon are called seas. There are no water in them, but millions of years ago they filled them with volcanic lava. Some of them are quite large, for example, the ocean storms are more Mediterranean.

There is no air or water on the satellite. There is soil to such an extent dry that nothing can grow on it. But the researchers found that, in the land delivered to the Earth, the sodes of the lunar soil plants can grow.

Unlike the earth's surface, which all the time changes water with the action of water and wind, the surface of the moon remains unchanged. Footprints that were left on the moon astronauts "Apolon" ships will be visible at least 10 million years.

On the surface of the mysterious moon, many buildings were found, which do not cause doubts about their artificial origin.

"Some partially destroyed objects on the lunar surface cannot be attributed to natural geological formations," they consider specialists - "there is a complex organization and geometric structure in them."

Astronomom from Japan In the 1990s, with the help of a 800-fold telescope, several times managed to remove huge moving objects on the camcorder, with a diameter of about 20-50 km.

Sensation was the message of Richard Howgeland - the former NASA officer. He argued that she took out photographs made during flights to the Moon "Apollon 10" and "Apollo 16". On the photographs you can see various buildings in the form of bridges, towers, stairs and spiers that go to the bottom of the crater.

American engineers of Vito Sakkii and Leicester Hughes in 1979 saw in the library of the Houstonian department of NASA shots of the moon surface. They had a city image with various mechanisms and buildings. There was even a pyramid similar to the ancient Egyptian. Snapshots also visible aircraft that flew over the city or stood on the starting sites.

In the area of \u200b\u200bCrater, strange terrace-like developments of rock soil were quietly discovered. Concentric hex generations and the presence of tunnel entry on the terrace slope cannot be explained by natural processes. This is more likely to open the development of the ore breed.

A sensational article was published in the New York Times: "A man's skeleton was discovered on the moon." The newspaper refers to astrophysics from China Mao Cana. This, he was shocked by the entire scientific world in 1998, presenting a picture at the conference in Beijing, where on the lunar surface it was clearly able to see a footprint. Now the astrophysicist introduced the sciences of the pictures where the skeleton of man is visible.

Display on the lunar surface such small details, technically possible. Modern optics allows the texts of the headers detachable on the ground with the Earth orbits. But that's why the "reliable source in America", which Mao Cann refers, is not in a hurry to officially disclose these pictures.

Even in the early 70s, the XX century, the sensation bypassed the whole world. The American satellite "Viking-1" took place Mars and photos were obtained from it where it was clearly able to see cone-shaped buildings. Not far from them were carved from the cliff a giant human face. By appearance, they clearly had artificial origin.

1715, May 3 - the famous astronomer E.Luville watched the lunar eclipse in Paris. About nine thirty GRINVICH, he noticed from the western edge of the moon "some outbreaks or instant shivels of light rays, as if someone had spoiled the powder tracks, with which the mines of slow motion explode.

These light outbreaks were very short-term and appeared in that in another place, but always from the side of the shade (land). This message is set out in the memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, 1715

The paths of the observed luminous objects were curved. The eyewitness himself believed that she was observing a thunderstorm on the moon - for that time it was more believable. This fact itself says nothing in favor of the presence of representatives of the MC. But there are a number of observations of glowing mobile and stationary objects on the moon, which we are not yet able to explain. Thus, the described phenomenon cannot be explained by the projection of the meteors on the lunar disc in the earth's atmosphere. At the same time with E.Luville in Britain, the famous E.Galli was observed in Britain (philosophical works of the Royal Society in London, 1715).

The same meteor cannot be projected onto the lunar disk simultaneously in Paris and in London. In addition, meteors would be observed throughout the disk and not grouped near his western edge.

1738, August 4 - at 16 thirty in Greenwich on the Moon disk appeared something similar to zipper. (Philosophical works of the Royal Society of London, 1739).

1842, July 8 - During solar eclipse, the moon disk occasionally crossed bright stripes. This is noted in the Calendar of the Longitude Bureau for 1846.

1870 - Britim watched "Lightning" on the Moon (Astronomical Register, 1870).

"I worked in the yard of our house and accidentally looked at the moon. She was very beautiful - a clearly defined young moon, and I looked at her when unexpectedly some flashes of light cut the darkness, but definitely within the shaded part of the moon ... I am not mentioned about your observations, I called my wife so that she also paid attention to Young moon ... She said: "Oh yes, I see a lightning on the moon" adding that she appeared within the lunar disk. We observed another 20 or 30 minutes, during which the phenomenon was repeated at least six or seven times. This entry was made at 7 h. 40 min. In the afternoon on June 17, 1931. " Observation author - J. Giddinga.

Astronomers of the Observatory Mount Wilson, to which Giddinga sent a letter, did not take observation seriously - it contradicted their ideas about the Moon. After 15 years, the report on this observation was sent by the author to the authoritative scientific journal "Sayens", where the message was published.

One and a half centuries earlier, on October 12, 1785, a well-known researcher of the planets I.I.Sreter observed such a phenomenon:

"After 5 hours on the border of a dark lunar disk and in fact in the center of the sea rains ... A bright flash of light appeared quite unexpectedly and quickly, consisting of many single, individual small sparks, having exactly the same white light as the illuminated side of the moon, and all the time moving Along the straight line facing north, through the northern part of the rains and other parts of the moon surface, bordering it from the north, and after the empty part of the field of view of the telescope. When this rain of the light passed half of the way, this kind of flash of light appeared in the south exactly above the same place ...

The second outbreak was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of such small sparks, which flashed away in the same direction, precisely parallel to the north ... Changing the position of light to intersection with the edge of the field of view of the telescope took about 2 sec., Total duration This phenomenon is 4 seconds. "

Unfortunately, the Schretcher did not mark the disappearance of a glowing phenomenon. But he pointed out the direction and the starting point, from which, approximately by defining the current to stop observing the object as a sea of \u200b\u200bcold (the path passed by objects will be approximately 530-540 km), we will be able to approximately calculate the speed that will be equal to 265-270 km / sec.

This is an incredible speed! For comparison, let's say that the earth rocket flying to the moon has a speed of about 12 km / s, to other planets of the solar system - about 17 km / s. We do not pretend, of course, the accuracy of the rate counting, but in any case, the order of this magnitude will be exactly the same!

The speed can be much less only in one case - if we are dealing with the projection on the moon of the phenomenon occurring in the earth's atmosphere. But the appearance of two of the same meteoric ROOV on the same point over the same point of the moon for a short time - the phenomenon is absolutely incredible. It is impossible to explain the fact that both objects appeared above the same surface of the moon surface.

In 26 issuance (1942), the journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada published the following message Walter Haas:

"On July 10, 1941, I observed an almost full moon after a 6-inch reflector with an increase of 96 times ... I saw a tiny luminous spot, which was moving across the surface of the moon. It appeared to the west of Crater Gassendi ... and traveled almost exactly east to disappearance from Gassendi's short wall. The speech was significantly less than the central peak of Gassendi, and its angular diameter did not exceed 0.1 angular second. The brightness was constant along the entire path, the stellar value of the stain is estimated in +8.

The duration of the flight was about one second. About 5 h 41 min, I saw a weaker spot somewhere South Grimaldi. The end point of the movement was clearly visible, there the stain was strikingly defined, and we could respectively eliminate the explanation of the phenomenon by imposing on the lunar disk of a certain terrestrial object, which is low in the atmosphere, because he would move through the entire field of view of the telescope ... The speed relative to the moon was the least 63 miles per second (116.676 km / s). "

Meteorite This phenomenon is also impossible to explain, since meteors never keep in flight a constant brightness, in addition, the projection of the beginning and end of the trajectories of two meteorites on the lunar disk is also not possible. The most important objection is that the meteorite of the 8th Star value when removing 100 km (typical distance), has an angular dimensions of more than two orders of magnitude exceeding the angular dimensions of the observed object.

In particular, often moving objects observed over the sea of \u200b\u200bcalm. In 1964, different observers saw them in the same area - south or southeast of the Ross D Cratera - at least four times. A summary of such messages was published by NASA in the "chronological catalog of the message about lunar events" (1968). Objects looked blond or dark spots that moved to dozens or hundreds of kilometers in a few hours. These cases cannot be explained by the dust clouds raised by a meteorite blow, because the drop in the meteorite leads to a symmetrical soil emission. There are other reasons for not allowing objects of the clouds of dust or erupted gases.

1964, May 18 - Harris, Cross and Others for 1 hour 5 minutes, were observed over the sea of \u200b\u200btranquility of a white spot, which was moving at a speed of 32 km / h. Over time, the stain has decreased in size. If it consisted of dust or gas, it could only increase. In addition, the lifetime of the spot 10 times exceeded the existence of an artificial gas cloud ejected by a rocket, and 5 times - clouds raised when landing the globe on the lunar surface.

1967, September 11 - the Montreal Group of Observers and P. Zhan noticed the body in the sea, looking by a dark rectangular spot, purple at the edges, moving from the west to the East for 8-9 seconds. The body ceased to be visible near the terminator, and after 13 minutes. Near the crater Sabin, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe movement of the spot, the yellow color flashed on the split second.

After 20 days, again in the sea of \u200b\u200bcalm, Harris noticed a bright spot, which was moving at a speed of 80 km / h. It should be noted that after a year and a half in the same area, in a hundred kilometers of Eastern crater Sabin landed Apollo 11.

Has the fact that the first spacecraft dropped in this area? Did it send him NASA there specifically to learn the nature of anomalous phenomena?

And here is another curious fact. The lunar soil in the landing area of \u200b\u200bApollo-11 turned out to be partially melted. The melting could not be made by the engine of the landing unit. According to Professor T.Gold, who considered various explanations of this phenomenon, not earlier than 100,000 years ago, the soil was exposed to light 100 times brighter than solar. Such a soil melting was not found in places of other landings of lunar expeditions. As can be seen, a rather small part of the surface was exposed.

Apparently, the height of the source above the lunar soil was small. But what source? Of all the samples brought from the moon, only one-selected crew of Apollo-12, landed at 1,400 km from the landing site of Armstrong and Oldrina - was melted (sample 12017).

And here are two more cases of observing such objects on the moon. This is what V. Yaremchenko observed from Odessa:

"It happened in 1955, somewhere in the middle of August. I studied in the sixth grade, was fond of astronomy. Having built a telescope from the drainage tube, examined the crater on the surface of the moon with interest. The telescope turned out not so that a thin colored halo was lit around the moon, but an increase was sufficient to consider countless lunar crater, mountains and the sea in detail. Curious boys crowded around me, they were asked to see the telescope.

It was about eight in the evening when I made another Junc to the "pipe". "Wow, what mountains ... there is something flies!" - Suddenly shouted the boy. I immediately pushed him aside and himself feckled to the eyepiece. Over the disk, in parallel to its edge, at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius flew a luminous body similar to a star of the z-th magnitude with ordinary observation. Flying a third of the circumference, (it took 4-5 seconds.), The body on a steep trajectory fell to the surface of the moon. Of course, it was not a projection of a meteorite falling on the ground. The body was quite large and ... manageable! And no artificial satellites in those years have existed yet. "

The historic site of the Bagheir - the mystery of the story, the mysteries of the universe. The riddles of the Great Empires and Ancient Civilizations, the fate of the disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of the special services. The history of wars, the riddles of battles and battles, intelligence operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life of Russia, the riddles of the USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - all that is because official history is silent.

Learn the secrets of stories - it is interesting ...

Now read

After Constantinople fell in 1453, the Black Sea for many three centuries turned into the Turkish Lake. At sea and its shores hung Turks and their allies, such as the Crimean Tatars. Challenge the challenge in this domination was solved except that Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks who act suddenly and bravely, like Zardi Flibistra.

Martial elephants and battle chariots are sometimes called antiquity tanks. And although the effects of infantry and cavalry of the enemy under the skillful leadership of military leaders were able to reduce the effectiveness of such "tanks" almost to zero, elephants and chariots have repeatedly demonstrated their crushing power on the battlefields.

In the fall of 1942, experts from the management of imperial railways came from Berlin to Stalingrad - for the reconnaissance of the area for the construction of a section of the transcontinental highway. Announced the author of the article told his longtime familiar, veteran of military counterintelligence B.V. Strokes.

"... The famous Shaman from the genus was intended to become a hollow tambourine, with a lot of copper suspension, the fussiness of the diseases eliminated to become wishing, with a circular hat-suspension, with a cross-shit-cross, we wonderfully become worse, - we were rushed," exactly so in the traditional Yakut folklore describes the beginning of the sacred ritual of initiation in shaman.

January 31, 1943 in Stalingrad Commander of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht General-Feldmarshal Friedrich Paulus, together with his headquarters, gave rise to the troops of the 64th Army of Lieutenant General M. Shumilova. On the same day, the second rank officer of the Stalingrad grouping of the Wehrmacht was captured by the second rank - commander of the 51st Army Corps General Artillery Walter von Zeidlitz.

Marshal USSR Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher in the history of the Soviet Army entered as "the innocent victim of Stalin's arbitrariness." We will not forget that rewriting history is our traditional national fun, and in different periods of our lives, the same person could have been for us a hero or villain, the Savior of the Fatherland or his traitor. VC. Blucher - just one of these figures. Historians still have to be dealt with and dealt with the fate of Vasily Konstantinovich, the final verdict should bear the time itself, and it will probably not be very soon. We will look at the fate of Marshal more closely.

Even in the harsh times of the Middle Ages, the seafarers tried not to execute: it was too long and difficult to learn on a good Morker. The experienced sailor was valued by the weight of gold, which, however, did not interfere with the ship executives (trade, executors - on the fleet of different countries, this position was called differently) in the era of the sailboats to tear their service as Sidorovye Goats. But the death penalty to the sailors was still quite rare. To do this, it was necessary to commit a really terrible crime.

The official homeland of tank buildings around the world is considered to be United Kingdom. And in fact it is not. The first project of tank caterpillar, as well as a tank directly, appeared in Russia at the end of the XIX century. It is noteworthy that his author became the undeservedly forgotten son of the Great Chemist - Vasily Dmitrievich Mendeleev.

Space I was always interested in a person, and the moon, as the closest object, became the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, as part of the NASA Ranger program, the first shots of the moon were obtained from a close distance and the collection of information was launched to prepare for the man's flight to the moon. Since then, the number of photos have grown steadily, and with them the number of lunar mysteries grew. What did not find professionals and lovers in the pictures of our neighbor ...

A strange object over the horizon of the moon, shot by "moonport-2".

In different places of the Earth's satellite, traces left, presumably rolled boulders.

The first photos of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, their collection is replenished until now.

The object of smaller size in this picture, the one that has done a longer track, somehow rose from the crater before continuing the way down the slope.

This snapshot was made using Google Moon: on the back of the satellite near the sea of \u200b\u200bMoscow, with a strong approximation, a strange object can be seen - seven points located at a right angle.

This image was shot by the camera Hires Space Station "Clementine". The building affected by erosion has a clearly rectangular anatomy.

And this is a crater shot on the back of the moon, which is rather similar to the hole in the surface. This type of crater was called "colt colors", and UFologs suspect that this is nothing more than the remains of underground lunar structures.

Crater on this photo and has a rectangular form at all, which contradicts the laws of nature.

These are Cratos Messier and Messier A. Also a strange form similar to what the tunnel connects them.

The nimbler, made by the American Lunar Orbiter probe on the back of the moon. In a sea of \u200b\u200bcrises, near the Crater Picard rises an amazing "tower" resembling an artificial structure.

Skeptics believe that this "lunar tower" is simply a defect of the film processing, but judging by the increased fragment of the snapshot object seems quite real.

The second find "Lunar Orbiter" raises even more disputes: the picture number LO3-84M is visible a strange structure with a height of almost two km.

Clearly distinguishes the shadow of the object and its unevenness in the reflected light, as if it was made of glass.

Anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in a lunar crater found modern virtual archaeologists at one of the photos of the "Apollo-10" mission, which are in open access.

Lovers of the mysteries believe that the lens hit the entrance to a kind of dungeon.

And this is a snapshot of the relief, reminiscent of the ruins on Earth.

On October 30, 2007, the former head of the photo service of the Lunar laboratory NASA Ken Johnston and the writer Richard Chogland arranged a press conference in Washington, reports of which immediately appeared in all world news channels.

They stated that at one time the American astronauts found the ruins of the ancient cities and artifacts talking about the existence on it in the distant past of some highly developed civilization.

And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the moon.

The Chinese moon satellite Changj-2, launched on October 1, 2010, found these objects.

The pictures published Alex Collery, which is known for retelling the messages coming from the space from aliens.

Here are still pictures of the surface of the moon, which captures the structures of an interesting form.

Some design.

Relief of an unusual form.

In the picture you can explicitly allocate the outlines of the buildings.

Another object, apparent artificial.

A similar radiance on the dark side of the moon was noticed repeatedly.

And this stone strange form is very similar to the skull.

Unidentified object on the surface of the moon.

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper "New York Times": "The human skeleton was found on the moon." The publication refers to astrophysics from China Mao Kana, who presented this photo at the conference in Beijing.

NASA has announced these frames made by cameras that were installed on EBB and Flow satellites, one of which and flew over the object of the rectangular shape.

Newly moon "buildings".

Not so long ago, Ufologists from the Secure Team 10 team discovered the "tank" on one of the pictures of NASA.

A popular American ufologist under the Nick Streetcap1 found a "baz of aliens" in the pictures of the reverse side of the moon made by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

This is a snapshot of the surface of the Moon, published by the former NASA employee Ken Johnson: in his center you can see the mission mission "Apollo", and in the left part there are several mysterious points.

Most of the points are located smooth parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

New NASA studies have shown that there are mysterious swirling patterns from light and dark spots on the moon. They are found more than in hundreds of different places on the entire surface.

On November 25, 2015, an astronomer named Dennis Simmons imprinted in his picture with a telescope International Space Station, which should be at an altitude of about 400 km from the surface of the Earth, but for some reason it is right near the moon.

There, the station was captured by another Australian Tom Haredine, who shot on November 21, 2015.

It turns out that either the ISS flew to the moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object similar to the earth station.

Many noise on the network was made by footage, on which it is clearly seen that "Alien" wanders on the surface of the moon.

On September 15, 2012, one of the astronomers of amateurs published a video on a network, where you can see how a whole pack of small luminous objects, breaks away from the surface of one of the crater.

UFOs over the lunar surface was found on the frames made by the "Apollo-10" mission.

And this huge oblong "alien ship" "buried" the nose into the lunar soil apparently, with an unsuccessful landing.

This object with the "tail" of light discovered UFologs on the frames of the Apollo-11 mission.

UFO resembles a shell or flying ship.

This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth's satellite.

A photo of an unusual object over the moon horizon was made by a pilot from the "Apollo-17" mission Herrison Schmidt.

The "straight wall" is the same name of a perfectly smooth education for almost 75 km long.