"I remember the golden time ..." F. Tyutchev

No later than April 1836, the poet Tyutchev wrote and dedicated poems to married Amalia - a lyrical hymn to the transience of happiness and being, which, according to Nekrasov, "belongs to the best works of Mr. Tyutchev, and indeed of all Russian poetry." It's a poetry "I remember the golden time ...". They are not about love, but about the memory of it, about the past meetings of Fyodor and Amalia in a lovely land above the Danube, on a hill in the suburbs of Regensburg.

The Danube was noisy somewhere near Munich, in the heart of Bavaria. He made a noise, making his way through the eastern slopes of the Black Forest. Here, in Munich, in the middle of 1822, the secretary of the Russian embassy arrived - an untitled nobleman Fyodor Tyutchev, who was nothing special and was not even registered in the staff of the diplomatic corps. Tyutchev was just starting his diplomatic career and was very pleased with his position.

In addition, he immediately attracted attention with his intelligence, insight, wit, education and refined erudition. Only recently he graduated from Moscow University.

And then one day in one of the secular societies, he saw a girl of striking beauty. In the spring of 1823 Tyutchev fell in love with the still very young Amalia von, the royal daughter. With her, he spent the most beautiful days of his youth in Munich. Later he dedicated his poems "I remember the golden time" to her, which were later classified as masterpieces. She was about 15 and he was 19 years old.

On one of the first dates, Amalia suggested “Theodor (that was the name of Fedor by the Germans), today I will

i'll show you the place where apple trees bloom before everyone else in Munich! " - and her legs in small shoes briskly slid down the stairs.

Amalia brought him to the river bank. On a steep slope towered the ruins of an old estate, and nearby was a blooming apple orchard, all in the pink rays of the setting sun. “Here is the garden. Isn't that good? " - chirped Amalia. Fedor admired his companion and the semi-wild romantic landscape around him and could not decide everything: which creation of nature is more perfect - apple trees, strewn with white and pink, or a girl in a pale yellow dress, fresh as a May morning?

- Do you want, Theodore, to swear to each other that until our death, whenever we have to see apple trees in bloom, we will remember each other: I - about you, you - about me? - suddenly suggested Amalia.

- I swear, my fairy! - Fyodor immediately responded and knelt down in front of her. Taking the hem of her dress, he pressed it to his lips.

It is with such romantic events that took place in 1823 that the appearance of the poem is associated "Ii remember the golden time " (1834, 1836) 24 51. True, it was written and published 13 years after these events.

All Amalia and Theodore could afford was to exchange neck chains. Amalia was ordered to marry the secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission, Baron Alexander Sergeevich Krudener. On August 31, 1825, 17-year-old Amalia became known as Baroness Krudener. Amalia and the Baron had no illusions about each other. Their marriage was originally a union of convenience, but each had its own reason. Fyodor and Amalia fell in love with a friend, but were forced to leave Tyutchev could not immediately forget Amalia:

In 1851, Alexander Sergeevich Krudener died. A year later, Baroness Krudener became Countess Adlerberg, and Nikolai Vladimirovich Adlerberg immediately adopted Amalia's son, little Nike. In her forty-odd years, Amalia finally found the happiness that she had dreamed of since her youth, since she was separated from her first love - Fyodor. Amalia and Fedor kept the warmth of youthful meetings for the rest of their lives.

The gallery presents researchers of F. Tyutchev's creativity, who supported by their research the family tradition, according to which the poem "I remember the golden time ..." was addressed by F. Tyutchev to Baroness Amalia Krudener.



P.V. Bykov

K. V. Pigarev

- a poet who wrote many beautiful poems. He wrote a lot about love, devoting his works to the women he loved, the memories of a beautiful past. It is love lyrics that take a significant place in his work. Among his love poems, we will single out the work I remember the golden time, which we met recently and are now writing, making poems I remember the golden time.

The history of the creation of the poem

If we talk about the history of the creation of the poem, it is known that the poem I remember the golden time Tyutchev wrote in 1834. He devotes this poem to his first hobby, a sweet and lovely girl, whom the author first met when he was a little under twenty, and she was about fifteen years old. It was Australian Amilia von Kruder. Young people had mutual feelings, so they liked to spend time together, as evidenced by Tyutchev's poem.

Poem I remember the golden time Tyutchev

From the title and from the first line, we understand that this work is the writer’s recollection of the past beautiful days, when he spent his evenings with his first love. Yes, their relationship did not work out, but wonderful moments were captured in their memory. In the work, the author recalls a separate evening when the lyrical hero, together with his young fairy, as the author calls the heroine in the poem, walked by the river. A poem about love, so in every line you can feel tenderness and love.

The author describes a beautiful landscape, where among the ruins of the castle, not far from the river, his beloved stood and peered into the distance. She enjoys life, because she is so fleeting. I would like to take as much as possible from her, enjoy the surrounding landscapes, sunsets and sunrises. And now the sun is setting below the horizon, warming the heroine with its last rays. The wind blows her dress, and also tears off the petals of blooming apple trees, which lay on the girl's shoulders. The day was burning out, the river was noisy. Another day has passed. The author draws our attention to how fleetingly moments fly by, days and our life fly by.

I remember the golden time
I remember a sweet land in my heart.
The day was getting dark; we were two;
Below, in the shadows, the Danube was rustling.

And on the hill, where, whitening,
The ruin of the castle looks into the distance,
You were standing, little fairy,
Leaning on mossy granite,

Infant foot touching
The wreckage of the century-old pile;
And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye
With a hill and a castle and you.

And the wind is quiet in passing
I played with your clothes
And from the wild apple trees color by color
On the shoulders of the young he swung

You gazed carelessly into the distance ...
The edge of the sky was smokily extinguished in the rays;
The day was burning out; sang louder
River in the darkened banks.

And you with careless gaiety
Happy seeing off the day;
And sweetly fleeting life
A shadow flew over us.

Analysis of the poem "I remember the golden time" Tyutchev

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev in Russia became known thanks to the efforts of Baroness von Krudener, who offered the Sovremennik magazine a selection of his poems. More than once the poet wrote poems about herself, among which a special place is occupied by "I remember the golden time."

The poem was written in 1836. Its author is 33 years old, he is a chamberlain, a Russian diplomat in Germany, a family man. It is dedicated to Amalia Krudener, the poet's youthful love. The girl's parents had already chosen a groom for her, but this could not interfere with the romantic feeling of the young poet. This affection, which became friendly, persisted for many years. Amalia came to say goodbye to the dying poet, which utterly shocked him. “I remember the golden time” was created in the days when, after a long break, F. Tyutchev again saw Amalia. By genre - elegy, in size - iambic with cross rhyme, 6 stanzas. The lyrical hero is the author himself. His memory reproduces with photographic accuracy the "golden time": the day was dark, mossy granite, the Danube was rustling in the shadows. It was spring: wild apple trees sang on the shoulders of the young. Together, at the serene hour of their life, at its dawn, and at sunset, they looked into the distance. It seemed that they understood each other perfectly, and all nature welcomes their feeling, and there is always happiness ahead.

The landscape is typically German: the Danube itself, the ruins of the ancient Donaustauf castle, granite boulders. And among this peaceful picture is a young fairy, the poet's beloved girl. The image of the wind is important: the quiet wind played with your clothes in a passing. He also becomes a metaphor for the fleeting "fleeting life". The shadow is also symbolic: in the first stanza, the river rustles in the shadows, in the last - the shadow of irrevocably leaving time flies over unsuspecting lovers. Finally, this day is coming to an end: the edge of the sky was smokily extinguished in the rays, the day was burning out. Impressions from him will forever remain in the heart. The pensiveness of the intonation is emphasized by the ellipsis: you gazed carelessly into the distance ... The future seemed cloudless, life was very long. By the way, the poet himself at that moment was looking at the girl, and not into the distance. The expression "golden time" is a vivid epithet, a metaphor, and a paraphrase, and a phraseological unit. Epithets: sweet land, infant foot, carefree gaiety, happy day. Impersonations: the wind played, the river sang, the sun hesitated, saying goodbye, the ruin looks out.

Impressions of youth are one of the brightest pages in the life of F. Tyutchev. European romanticism and falling in love became the basis for the elegy “I remember the golden time”.

“I remember the golden time” - these are the memoirs of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, clothed in a poetic form. A brief analysis of “I remember the golden time” according to the plan shows all the expressiveness of this beautiful work, revealing its artistic features to the pupils of the 10th grade. Analysis can be used in literature class to provide deeper material.

Brief analysis

History of creation - the poem was written in 1836, when memories of ten years ago were stirred up in the poet's soul.

Poem theme - memories of youthful love.

Composition - single-part, the whole work is a whole memory of the lyric hero.

Genre - love lyrics.

Poetic size - iambic pentameter.

Epithets"Golden time", "sweet land", "mossy granite".

Metaphors"Sweet edge to the heart", "the day is burning out", "the shadow of fleeting life".

Impersonation“The Danube was noisy”, “the ruin was looking”, “the sun hesitated, saying goodbye”, “the wind played”.

History of creation

This verse is closely related to the name of Amalia von Krudener, who was Tyutchev's youthful love. And the girl reciprocated the poet, gladly going for walks with him and showing her favor with long conversations. Such behavior of his beloved gave Fyodor Ivanovich courage, and he came to ask her hand in marriage. However, the parents of the beauty, who believed that they were related to the imperial surname, refused him. Deeply wounded, the young man stopped visiting their house and saw Amalia only 10 years after parting. This meeting awakened in him the happiest memories, which he embodied in a poem written in 1836.

Poem theme

Memories of a wonderful youthful feeling - that's what Tyutchev embodied in his work. The past is seen by the lyrical hero not through a foggy haze, but simple and clear: that was the time when he was happy, in love, and therefore everything seemed to him even better than it really was.


The structure of the poem is one-part. Fyodor Ivanovich consistently recreates the picture of the past, first describing the exposition - the Danube, rustling at the foot of the hill, the ruins of the castle and two young people who walk along them. He practically does not say anything about the girl, describing her indirectly. You can understand that she is young and so beautiful that even the sun hesitates saying goodbye to her.

The work ends with an idyllic picture filled with carelessness: the wind flutters the dress of the lyric hero's companion, who simply looks into the distance. They are young, they feel good together, they enjoy life and each other's company.


This work belongs to the genre of love lyrics, subtle and soulful. Although Fyodor Ivanovich describes the past, there is no sadness in it - it was so beautiful that even memories of it can be extremely light and warm.

Researchers of Russian literature of the 19th century did not distinguish Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev in a special way. He was published infrequently, he liked to use various pseudonyms. From this he was not familiar to the general public. And only after the publication of an article by Nekrasov in one of the magazines, where he gave a description of each novice poet, Tyutchev was noticed.

This was followed by the support of Turgenev, who helped the aspiring poet publish his first collection. In the same year, 1854, Turgenev himself wrote a positive article about Tyutchev's poems. But Fyodor Ivanovich, despite his unique and wonderful works, could not become a hero of his time, since he himself did not strive for fame, and all his poems did not correspond to the poetic laws of versification of that time.

The history of the creation of the poem "I remember the golden time ..."

Little is known about Tyutchev's poem "I remember the golden time ..." But it is precisely established that it was written in 1836 and was dedicated to a beautiful woman, a real secular beauty - Baroness Amilia von Krudener.

Their first meeting took place when they were still quite young people, practically children. So, Fedor Tyutchev at that time was barely eighteen years old, and Amalia was 14 years old. This unexpected meeting took place in Munich.

The girl by birth was considered the illegitimate daughter of the famous count, the German aristocrat M. Lerchenfeld. But she bore a different surname - Sternffeld. She knew that she was the cousin of the Russian empress.

As soon as the young Tyutchev saw Amalia, he immediately fell in love with her. She reciprocated him. Therefore, they so much enjoyed spending time together, strolling through the ruins of the castle or wandering away from the noisy company. It is known that they were so strongly attracted to each other that at some point they also exchanged baptismal chains, which they wore around their necks.

Amalia in any of her years looked just great, but nature gave not only this gift to her. She was always grateful to Tyutchev for the feelings that she once experienced, therefore, in the days when the poet was dying, she again came to him. The poet-philosopher was so shocked by these, that in his letter to his daughter he described this visit in detail:

"Yesterday I experienced a moment of burning excitement as a result of my meeting with Countess Adterberg ... In her face the past of my best years appeared to give me a farewell kiss."

He was very pleased that this beautiful woman always remembered him and in moments when he needed moral support, she was next to him.

I remember the golden time
I remember a sweet land in my heart.
The day was getting dark; we were two;
Below, in the shadows, the Danube was rustling.
And on the hill, where, whitening,
The ruin of the castle looks into the distance,
You were standing, little fairy,
Leaning on mossy granite.
Infant foot touching
The wreckage of the century-old pile
And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye
With a hill and a castle and you.
And the wind is quiet in passing
I played with your clothes
And from the wild apple trees color by color
On the shoulders of the young he swung.
You gazed carelessly into the distance ...
The edge of the sky was smokily extinguished in the rays;
The day was burning out; sang louder
River in the darkened banks.
And you with careless gaiety
Happy seeing off the day; And sweetly fleeting life A shadow flew over us.

The plot of Tyutchev's work

This work by the lyricist was written 13 years after their separation. And when he met, Fedor recalled a lot: walks along the old suburbs, the banks of the beautiful and wide Danube.

Unfortunately, there is practically no information about what happened to the poet-philosopher and the young girl, but Tyutchev himself perfectly recreates this picture in his work, saying that he perfectly remembers that "golden" time. The lyricist claims that the land where he was so happy remained forever in his memory. The day quickly rolled towards sunset, but that was not the point, since they were together. They secluded themselves from the whole world to where the Danube was noisy, and on the hill, like a white spot, stood an ancient ruined castle. Amalia stood there like a fairy, leaning on the coastal granite. Her young and beautiful feet brushed against the wreckage. And the sun, like a person's life, quickly disappeared saying goodbye to all these pleasant memories.

But the breeze continued to play, touching the beautiful girl's clothes, her beautiful shoulders. The look of the lyrical heroine looks carelessly into the distance. Tyutchev's description of nature is wonderful! The day drew to a close and its last rays slowly faded away. But this only amused and amused the beautiful heroine. And how this day, glorious and sweet, also ran through the whole life of the heroine herself, and the author of these delightful lines.

Despite the feelings, more than friendly, Tyutchev was denied marriage. It was not a good match for Amalia. Therefore, she soon marries Baron Krudener. Shock and grief was experienced then by the subtlest lyricist, he even fought with someone in a duel. But this story had a good ending. All her life Amalia helped the poet, providing him and his family with some services. The poet was sometimes embarrassed, but he could not refuse. It always seemed to him that this beautiful and kind woman is very unhappy in marriage.

Soon Tyutchev, thanks to Amalia's efforts, is looking for a new object of inspiration, and she herself, having married a second time, leaves him. But life gave them two more unforgettable meetings.

Analysis of the poem

Many critics noted that this Tyutchev poem is an imitation of foreign poetry - Heine. But knowing the author's personal history and his unusual writing style, one cannot argue so unambiguously.

In terms of its content, Tyutchev's poem is very intimate. The author tells in it what memories from the past, after meeting with Amalia, suddenly came to life in his soul. He remembered past feelings and experiences when he was deeply in love with this woman. As the subtlest lyricist, he wants to show his reader how strong and deep love for a woman can be.

The composition of Tyutchev's poem consists of three parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. Already in the first part, the lyricist shows that his hero returns in his dreams and dreams to the past, which he himself calls the "golden" time. It was this time that was happy for him, because he himself loved very much. In the second part, the poet-philosopher goes on to describe nature. He describes spring, since it is she who is very similar to the youth of the person himself.

Autumn, which the lyricist describes, is the time of the present period in the life of the hero, when love is a thing of the past and he can only remember what was in his life. But spring awakens new feelings in a person's soul, fills with energy, even rejuvenates. In conclusion, the hero meets again with the woman he once loved and he comes to life, his soul becomes younger.

Tyutchev's happiness lies in a quiet and peaceful evening, in incredible beauty and picturesque sunset, in a beautiful spring flowering of wild apple trees. The theme of time stands out from the whole plot: this is the day that ends, and therefore the sun is already burning so slowly and dimly. For the author, every minute is dear when this happiness lasts. The happiest day is the day of love. But time constantly passes without stopping. The irreversibility of time in Tyutchev's poem can be seen by glancing at the castle, from which only ruins remain.

Artistic and expressive means of Tyutchev's work

Many researchers of Tyutchev's work noted that in his poetic creation "I remembered the golden time ..." the author uses a German syntactic turn. In Russian, they don't speak or write like that. Uses the author and pronouns, but only in the plural, indicating that his love story can happen to anyone.

The poet uses words with diminutive suffixes. This is how he shows the power of love for the woman he is talking about. Makes him realize that this is a reality that he is still trying to mistake for a dream. The poetic dimension of Tyutchev's work is iambic tetrameter. Many literary critics of that time, poets and writers noted the melodiousness of the poem "I remember the golden time ...", which is achieved by the fact that the author uses a variety of means of expressiveness of literary speech.

The author uses many expressive means of speech to show the beauty of the beloved woman and the time when he was happy:

⇒ Epithets: if the wind is warm, if there is thunder, then, according to the author, it is distant, but the earth is confused in the lyrics.
⇒ Metaphors: the poet's beautiful flame fringed, but the same troubled earth in the lyrics was drowned in radiance.
⇒ Comparison: the dust of the lyricist flies, and even like a whirlwind.

Critical assessments of Tyutchev's creativity

Tyutchev's work could not leave many critics indifferent. So, Dobrolyubov noted the simultaneous sultry and severity of his works, which reflect all moral issues. Tolstoy argued that all of Tyutchev's lyrics are serious and thoughtful, that the poet-philosopher never jokes with his muse.

Everyone believed that it was Tyutchev's work that became the beginning of the poetry of romanticism in Russia. Many critics treated the poetry of the lyrics negatively, called him a victim of chaos, and his lyrics - the poetry of the night. Bryusov was the first to study Tyutchev's work and came to the conclusion that he was an unusual beginning of symbolism. Turgenev argued that those who did not read Tyutchev's lyrics, respectively, did not feel and did not know what poetry was.

Indeed, in order to learn to feel the beauty of the word and soul, you need to touch the work of the great poet - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.