The capture of Constantinople by the Turks, the fall of the Byzantine Empire. Fall of the Byzantine Empire

In the middle of the 12th century, the Byzantine Empire fought off the invasion of the Turks and the attacks of the Venetian fleet with all its might, while incurring huge human and material losses. The fall of the Byzantine Empire accelerated with the beginning of the Crusades.

Crisis of the Byzantine Empire

The crusades against Byzantium accelerated its disintegration. After the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204, Byzantium was divided into three independent states - Epirus, Nicaea and Latin empires.

The Latin Empire with the capital Constantinople lasted until 1261. Having settled in Constantinople, yesterday's crusaders, the bulk of whom were French and Genoese, continued to behave like invaders. They sneered at the shrines of Orthodoxy and destroyed art objects. In addition to the spread of Catholicism, foreigners imposed exorbitant taxes on the already impoverished population. Orthodoxy became a unifying force against the invaders who imposed their own order.

Figure: 1. The Mother of God at the Crucifixion. Mosaic in the Church of the Assumption in Daphne. Byzantium 1100

Palaeologus Board

The emperor of Nicea, Michael Palaeologus, was a protege of the aristocratic nobility. He managed to create a well-trained mobile army of Nicene and capture Constantinople.

  • On July 25, 1261, the troops of Michael VIII took Constantinople.
    Having cleared the city of the crusaders, Michael was crowned the Byzantine Empire in the Hagia Sophia. Michael VIII tried to play off two formidable rivals - Genoa and Venice, although later he was forced to give up all the privileges in favor of the latter. The undoubted success of the diplomatic game of Michael Palaeologus was the conclusion of the union with the Pope in 1274. As a result of the union, it was possible to prevent another crusade of the Latins against Byzantium, led by the Duke of Anjou. However, the union caused a wave of discontent in all segments of the population. Despite the fact that the emperor took a course to restore the old socio-economic system, he could only postpone the impending decline of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1282-1328 The period of the reign of Andronicus II.
    This emperor began his reign by abolishing the union with the Catholic Church. The years of the reign of Andronicus II were marked by unsuccessful wars against the Turks and the further monopolization of trade by the Venetians.
  • In 1326, Andronicus II made attempts to renew relations between Rome and Constantinople. ,
    however, negotiations were deadlocked by the intervention of Patriarch Isaiah.
  • In May 1328, during the next internecine wars, Andronicus III, the grandson of Andronicus II, took Constantinople by storm.
    During the reign of Andronicus III, John Cantancusin was in charge of domestic and foreign policy. It was with the knowledge of John that the military fleet of Byzantium began to revive. With the help of the fleet and the landing of the troops, the Byzantines conquered the islands of Chios, Lesbos and Phokis. This was the last success of the Byzantine troops.
  • 1355 year. John Palaeologus V became the sovereign ruler of Byzantium.
    At the same time, Galliopoly was lost to the emperor, and in 1361, under the blows of the Ottoman Turks, Adrianople fell, which then became the center of concentration of Turkish troops.
  • 1376 year.
    Turkish sultans began to openly interfere in the internal politics of Byzantium. For example, with the help of the Turkish Sultan, Andronicus IV took the Byzantine throne.
  • 1341-1425 The reign of Manuel II.
    The Byzantine emperor constantly went on pilgrimages to Rome and sought help from the West. Not finding once again allies in the face of the West, Manuel II was forced to recognize himself as a vassal of Ottoman Turkey. and go to a humiliating peace with the Turks.
  • June 5, 1439. The new emperor John VIII Palaeologus signed a new union with the Catholic Church.
    According to the agreement, Western Europe pledged to provide military assistance to Byzantium. Like his predecessors, John made desperate attempts to make humiliating concessions in order to conclude a union with the pope. The Russian Orthodox Church did not recognize the new union.
  • 1444 year. The defeat of the crusaders at Varna.
    An incompletely staffed crusader army, partly composed of Poles and mostly Hungarians, was ambushed and completely massacred by the Ottoman Turks.
  • 1405 - May 29, 1453.
    The reign of the last emperor of Byzantium, Constantine XI Palaeologus Dragash.

Figure: 2. Map of the Byzantine and Trebizond empires 1453.

The Ottoman Empire has long sought to conquer Byzantium. By the beginning of the reign of Constantine XI, Byzantium had only Constantinople, several islands in the Aegean Sea and Morea.

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After the occupation of Hungary, Turkish troops led by Mehmed II came close to the gates of Constantinople. All approaches to the city were taken under the control of Turkish troops, all sea transport routes were blocked. In April 1453, the siege of Constantinople began. On May 29, 1453, the city fell, and Constantine XI Palaeologus himself died fighting the Turks in a street battle.

Figure: 3. The entry of Mehmed II into Constantinople.

May 29, 1453 is considered by historians to be the date of the death of the Byzantine Empire.

Western Europe was stunned by the fall of the center of Orthodoxy under the blows of the Turkish janissaries. At the same time, not a single Western power really provided assistance to Byzantium. The treacherous policy of Western European countries doomed the country to ruin.

Reasons for the fall of the Byzantine Empire

The economic and political reasons for the fall of Byzantium were interconnected:

  • Huge financial costs for the maintenance of the mercenary army and navy. These costs hit the pocket of an already impoverished and ruined population.
  • The monopolization of trade by the Genoese and Venetians ruined the Venetian merchants and contributed to the decline of the economy.
  • The central structure of power was extremely unstable due to constant internecine wars, in which, moreover, the Sultan intervened.
  • The bureaucratic apparatus, mired in bribes.
  • Complete indifference of the supreme power to the fate of their fellow citizens.
  • From the end of the 13th century, Byzantium waged incessant defensive wars, which completely bled the state.
  • Finally, Byzantium was knocked down by the war with the Crusaders in the XIII century.
  • The absence of reliable allies could not but affect the fall of the state.

Not the least role in the fall of the Byzantine Empire was played by the treacherous policy of large feudal lords, as well as the penetration of foreigners into all cultural spheres of the country's way of life. To this should be added the internal split in society, and the disbelief of various layers of society to the rulers of the country, and in the victory over numerous external enemies. It is no coincidence that many large cities of Byzantium surrendered to the Turks without a fight.

What have we learned?

Byzantium was a country doomed to disappear due to many circumstances, a country incapable of change, with a thoroughly rotten bureaucratic apparatus, and besides, surrounded by external enemies from all sides. From the events described in the article, one can briefly learn not only the chronology of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire before its complete absorption by the Turkish Empire, but also the reasons for the disappearance of this state.

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General history. History of the Middle Ages. Grade 6 Abramov Andrey Vyacheslavovich

§ 30. The death of Byzantium and the creation of the Ottoman Empire

Successes and failures of the Ottoman Turks

After the conquest of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the XIV century, the Turkish sultans decided that it was the turn of Constantinople. The city had long been in the ring: Turkish fortifications were visible from the windows of the imperial palace. The Ottomans were prevented from capturing the capital of the Byzantine Empire by the lack of a strong fleet capable of blocking it from the sea.

Ottoman army on the march. Medieval miniature

There was nowhere to wait for help to the Byzantines. The terrible defeat that the crusaders suffered in 1396 at Nicopolis forced them to abandon new campaigns. Only small detachments of daredevil Europeans and the fleet of the Genoese and Venetians dared to resist the Ottomans. The inhabitants of Constantinople starved to death in the grip of the Turkish siege. It seemed that the fate of the Byzantine Empire was a foregone conclusion.

However, at the beginning of the 15th century, an event occurred that delayed the fall of Constantinople by half a century. From the east, the troops of the cruel conqueror Timur fell upon the possessions of the Ottoman Turks. He subdued Central Asia, Iran, India to his power. Now Asia Minor was next in line, but the Turkish sultan considered his army invincible. Timur replied to his arrogant message: “Show wisdom in time, think, repent and prevent the thunderbolt of our retribution. You are no more than an ant, why are you teasing the elephants? They will trample you with their feet. " In 1402, in a fierce battle, the Turks were defeated by Timur's troops. The sultan was captured and, by order of the victor, was put in a cage so that all Turks could see the humiliation of their ruler. The state of the Ottoman Turks collapsed, the siege from Constantinople was lifted.

Byzantine Empire in the 15th century

In the 15th century, Byzantium did not in any way resemble the former mighty empire. It was weakened by the struggle of the nobility, the frequent change of rulers, endless wars. The power of the emperor extended only to Constantinople and the immediate area. The rest of the empire was occupied by the Ottoman Turks. The Byzantine peasants were ruined and became dependent on large landowners. The artisans lost their former skill, the merchants gave way to the Italian traders. The imperial treasury became impoverished, and the state could no longer maintain a strong army. Nevertheless, Constantinople continued to be one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of 50 thousand inhabitants. The wealth of the city attracted the eyes of the Turkish conquerors.

Church of St. Irene in Constantinople

The last, but illusory hope of the emperor was the countries of Western Europe. Forgetting about the defeat of his state by the crusaders in the XIII century, he turned to the Pope and the rulers of Western European states for help. The Pope declared the subordination of the Byzantine Orthodox Church to be a condition of such assistance. In 1439, at a church council held in Florence, the unification of the Christian churches was announced under the supreme authority of the pope. However, not all priests and ordinary people in Byzantium approved of this decision. Many said that it was better to see Turks in Constantinople than Catholics. The resistance was so strong that the final subordination of the Catholics to the Orthodox Church was never realized.

Remember when and why the split of the Christian church took place.

The unification of the churches did not help the Byzantine emperor in his struggle against the Turks. Organized by Western Europeans in 1444, a new crusade again ended in failure.

Sultan's helmet

The fall of Constantinople and the death of the Byzantine Empire

The Turkish Sultan Mehmed II (1451-1481), nicknamed the Conqueror, threw all his strength into the capture of Constantinople. By his order, in just four months, a fortress was built on the European coast of the Bosphorus near the Byzantine capital. Now it, together with another fortress, built by the Turks several decades earlier, blocked access to Constantinople from the sea. For the decisive assault, Mehmed II at the beginning of 1453 brought two hundred thousand troops under the walls of the city. The Turks were armed with a fleet of 125 ships and formidable artillery. Especially for the assault on Constantinople, a gigantic cannon was made, firing cannonballs weighing up to half a ton.

The siege of Constantinople by the Turks. Medieval drawing

All this force was opposed by no more than seven thousand people, whom the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI managed to gather. Among the defenders of the city was a small detachment of Venetians and Genoese. The emperor hoped for the strong walls of the capital, which more than once withstood the onslaught of enemies. To secure the city from the sea, an iron chain was stretched across the Golden Horn Bay, which did not allow the enemy fleet to approach the walls of Constantinople.

How was the defense of Constantinople organized?

In April, the Turks began continuously attacking and firing cannons at the walls of the city. However, the Byzantines repulsed all attacks. Then the Sultan ordered to drag the ships by land across the isthmus, bypassing the extended chain. When the Turkish fleet found itself in the Golden Horn near the city walls, its defenders and residents realized that the fall of the capital of Byzantium was inevitable. The decisive assault began on May 29, 1453. To the piercing sounds of trumpets and flutes, the Turks launched an attack. The cannonballs of the giant cannon punched a large breach in the wall, and the enemy rushed into the city. Emperor Constantine fought on a par with his soldiers and died with weapons in hand, illuminating Byzantium with the last ray of glory. Constantinople fell, many of its inhabitants perished. The Sultan announced that he owned the walls and buildings of the city, and he gave the rest to his soldiers to plunder. A witness to the events wrote that the robbery lasted three days, and there was not a single warrior who did not become rich thanks to the captured booty and slaves.

Mehmed II's entry into Constantinople. Artist J.-J. Benjamin Constant

The capture of Constantinople by the Turks marked the end of the thousand-year history of the Byzantine Empire, the heiress of Rome. The city was renamed to Istanbul by the Turks and became the capital of their state. Many Orthodox churches were looted and destroyed, and the Hagia Sophia was turned into a Muslim mosque. Later, the sultan ordered to collect the surviving residents of Constantinople and Christians from other conquered regions and populated the empty city with them.

Ottoman state

By the end of the 15th century, a vast Muslim Ottoman Empire had emerged on the lands of the former Byzantine Empire, Asia Minor and the Balkan countries of Serbia and Bulgaria. A significant part of its population was made up of Christian peoples - Slavs, Greeks, Armenians. The Turks did not seek to forcibly convert them to Islam and entrusted the administration of these peoples to the Christian clergy.

At the head of the Ottoman Empire was the sultan, who had unlimited power. He was the supreme ruler of the life and property of his subjects. The Sultan owned all the land in the state. He even considered his relatives to be his slaves. In order to prevent unrest in the state and to strengthen the power of the monarch, Sultan Mehmed II issued a law allowing the heir to the throne to kill his brothers "for the welfare of the state." The sultan ruled with the help of ministers and officials, the first of whom was the grand vizier. He led the government, which the Turks called divan. The Sultan himself was not present at the meetings of the divan, but he often secretly watched the officials from another room through the lattice, called the "Eye of the Sultan".

Sitting sofa. Medieval miniature

The nobility of the clan did not play an important role for promotion in the civil service. The main posts at the Sultan's court were occupied by his slaves. Many of them were still children captured or taken away from their Christian parents. Such slaves were converted to Islam and brought up in special court schools in the spirit of unquestioning obedience to the Sultan. Slaves, who, thanks to their abilities, achieved a high position at the court, could not inherit their positions and wealth. This saved the Sultan from rivalry from the nobility. An important role in the Ottoman state was also played by the Muslim clergy, who had vast lands at their disposal.

Conquests of the Ottoman Turks in the XIV-XV centuries

Name the countries conquered by the Turks by the end of the 15th century.

Ottoman Turks constituted a minority of the population of the empire. To maintain the unity of the state, they needed a strong combat-ready army. It was based on equestrian warriors, who received the right to collect part of the taxes from peasants in one area. On the first order, the horsemen were to appear with their servants in the army of the Sultan. Unlike the Western European feudal lords, they were not the owners of the land and could not transfer it by inheritance.

The most combat-ready part of the Turkish army was janissaries. They were distinguished by their courage, special devotion to the Sultan, and the protection of the sovereign consisted of them.

Let's sum up

The successes of the Ottoman Turks, who by the end of the 15th century subjugated the whole of Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula, confirmed that their army was the strongest in Europe and Asia, and the Ottoman Empire was the most powerful state in the Muslim world. The Christian peoples of the Balkans for many centuries fell under the rule of the Turkish conquerors.

Janissaries - infantry in the Ottoman army, recruited from Christian boys, brought up in the spirit of Islam. 1402 Defeat of the Ottoman Turks by Timur's army.

1439 The decision of the Florentine Council to unite the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

1453 Fall of Constantinople.

1. What were the reasons for the death of the Byzantine Empire?

2. What events delayed the fall of Constantinople?

3. How was the administration of the Ottoman state organized?

4. How was the army of the Ottoman Empire organized? How did the position of the Turkish mounted warriors differ from the position of the Western European knights?

5. What was the position of the Christian peoples of the Ottoman Empire?

1. Continue filling in the table "Events of the XIII-XV centuries in Asia Minor and the Balkans".

2. Using the text of the paragraph and illustrations, compose a story about the storming of Constantinople.

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§ 30. The death of Byzantium and the creation of the Ottoman Empire Successes and failures of the Ottoman Turks After the conquest of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the XIV century, the Turkish sultans decided that it was the turn of Constantinople. The city has long been in the ring: from the windows of the imperial palace

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§ 19. The Crisis of the Ottoman Empire Sultan Selim III and Attempts at Reforms The decline of the military power of the Ottoman Empire began in the middle of the 17th century. In the second half of the 18th century. strengthened Russia, having conquered the Crimea, came to the shores of the Black Sea, and the Ottoman Empire had to push back its

From the book General History. History of Modern Times. 8th grade author Burin Sergey Nikolaevich

§ 19. The Crisis of the Ottoman Empire Sultan Selim III and Attempts at Reforms The decline of the military power of the Ottoman Empire began, as you remember, in the middle of the 17th century. In the second half of the 18th century. strengthened Russia, having conquered Crimea, reached the shores of the Black Sea, and the Ottoman Empire had to

In the late Middle Ages, Byzantium fell, and in its place appeared a new aggressive power of the Turks - the Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire arose in the west of Asia Minor from the possessions of Sultan Osman (1258-1324). In Byzantium at this time there was a sharp internal struggle. The Ottomans, helping one of the pretenders to the throne, made a number of campaigns to Europe. For this they received a fortress there in 1352. From this time on, the Ottomans began to conquer the Balkans. The Turkish population is also being transported to Europe. The Ottomans captured a number of Byzantine territories, after the victory over the Serbs in the Kosovo field in 1389, they subjugated Serbia and Bulgaria.

In 1402 the Ottomans were defeated by the ruler of Samarkand Timur. But the Turks managed to quickly regain their strength. Their new conquests are associated with the Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror.In April 1453, a Turkish army of 150 thousand men appeared under the walls of Constantinople. They were opposed by less than 10 thousand Greeks and mercenaries. The assault on the city took place in May 1453. Most of its defenders fell in battle. Among them was the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus. Mehmed II declared the city his capital under the name Istanbul.

Then the Turks took over Serbia. In 1456 Moldova became a vassal of Turkey. The Venetians were defeated. In 1480, Turkish troops landed in Italy, but could not gain a foothold there. After the death of Mehmed II, the conquests in the Balkans continued. The Crimean Khanate became the vassal of the Sultan. Hungary was later captured. Poland, Austria, Russia and other countries were subjected to devastating raids. Turks began conquests in Asia and North

Changes in the internal life of European states.

In addition to tires, Europeans had to endure other disasters in the late Middle Ages. In 1347, a plague epidemic ("black death") hit the continent. The plague inflicted the greatest damage on the common people. Thus, the population of France has almost halved.

The decline in population has led to a decrease in the need for food. The peasants began to grow more industrial crops, which were then sold to urban artisans. The freer the peasant was, the more successful he acted in the market, the more income he received and the more he could bring profit to his lord. Therefore, after the epidemic in many countries the emancipation of the peasants from serfdom accelerated.In addition, the reduction in the number of workers increased their value, forcing the feudal lords to treat the peasants with great respect. However, most of the lords set huge ransoms for the liberation of the peasants. Rebellions were the answer.

Particularly large peasant demonstrations took place in France and England, where the situation became aggravated in connection with the Hundred Years War. In the north of France in 1358 an uprising broke out, which received the name Jacqueria(Noblemen contemptuously called the peasants Jacques). The rebels burned down feudal castles and exterminated their owners. The Jacquerie was brutally suppressed. In England in the spring of 1381 a peasant uprising broke out. The roofer became its leader Wat Tupler.The peasants killed the tax collectors, destroyed the estates and monasteries. The peasants were supported by the urban lower classes. Entering London, Tanler's troops dealt with the hated nobles. At a meeting with the king, the rebels put forward demands for the abolition of serfdom, corvee, etc. The uprising was also suppressed. Despite the defeats, peasant uprisings accelerated the liberation of the peasants.

The formation of centralized states in the Faction and England.

In France, a decisive step towards strengthening central power was taken by the king Louis X!(146! - 1483). In the course of long wars, the king defeated the powerful Kir-lom the Courageous,duke of Burgundy. Part of Burgundy, Provence, Brittany were annexed to the king's possessions. Many areas and cities have lost their swap privileges. The States General have lost their importance. The number of officials has increased. The creation of a standing army, service in which was paid for by the king, made the feudal lords (nobility) more and more dependent on him. The nobility, although they retained some of their possessions, lost their former independence. France entered the 16th century as a major centralized


Internal strife also took place in England. which ended with the strengthening of the king's power. In 1455, a war broke out between the Scarlet and White Roses between the supporters of the two branches of the ruling dynasty: Lancaster and Mink. It led to the death of a significant part of the large feudal lords. In 14Q5, the king came to power Henry VII Tudor(1485 - 1509). Under him, the central government has significantly strengthened. He achieved the dissolution of the troops of large feudal lords, executed many, and took the lands for himself. Parliament still met, but everything was decided by the will of the king. England, like France, turned into centralized state.In such a state, the entire territory is really subordinate to the central government, and administration is carried out with the help of officials.

Medieval culture. The beginning of the Renaissance

Science and theology.

Social thought in the Middle Ages developed within the framework of the Christian faith. The Bible was the highest authority. However, this did not exclude heated disputes on a variety of issues. Philosophers were looking for general patterns of development of nature, human society and their relationship with God.

XI century was the time of birth scholasticism.The subordination of thought to authority is inherent in scholasticism. One of the scholastics formulated the thesis that philosophy is the servant of theology. It was assumed that all knowledge has two levels - the supernatural, given in revelation by God, and "natural", sought by the human mind. "Supernatural" knowledge can be gained by studying the Bible and the scriptures of the church fathers. "Natural" knowledge was sought by the human mind in the writings of Plato and Aristotle.

In the XII century. the confrontation between different directions in scholasticism led to open opposition to the authority of the church. Headed it Pierre Abelard,whom his contemporaries called "the most brilliant mind of his age." Abelard put understanding as a necessary precondition for faith. Abelard's opponent was Bernard of Clairvaux.He was one of the most prominent representatives of medieval mysticism. In the middle of the XV and. struck at scholasticism Nikolay Kuzansky.He insisted on separating the study of nature from theology.

A peculiar phenomenon of medieval science, which was ^ intertwined with faith, became alchemy.The main task of all alchemists was to find a way to transform simple metals into gold, allegedly with the help of the so-called "philosopher's stone". The discovery and improvement of the compositions of many paints, metal alloys,;: drugs belongs to alchemists.

Development of education.

Since the XI century. the rise of medieval schools begins. At first, instruction in schools was conducted only in Latin. Thanks to the knowledge of Latin, scientists from different countries could freely

communicate with each other. Only in the XIV century. schools with teaching in national languages \u200b\u200bappeared.

The basis of education in the Middle Ages was the so-called "seven liberal arts". They were divided into two levels: initial, which included grammar, dialecticsand rhetoric,and the highest, which included astronomy, arithmetic, geometryand music.

In the XII-XIII centuries. with the growth of cities, urban schools gained strength. They were not subject to the direct influence of the church. Schoolchildren became carriers of the spirit of free thought. Many of them wrote witty poems and songs in Latin. Especially got in these songs the church and its ministers.


The scales that existed in some cities were transformed from the XII century. at universities.This was the name of the union of schoolchildren and teachers for the study and protection of their interests. The first higher schools like universities appeared in the Italian cities of Solerno (medical school) and Bologna (law school). In 1200, the University of Paris was founded. In the XV century. there were already about 60 universities in Europe.

Universities enjoyed extensive autonomy, which was bestowed upon them by kings or popes. The teaching was conducted in the form of lectures and disputes (scientific disputes). The university was subdivided into faculties. The youngest, compulsory for all students, was artistic faculty.The "seven liberal arts" were taught here. There were three senior faculties: legal, medicaland theological.The basis of education in many universities was the works of Aristotle, which became known in Europe through Muslim Spain. Universities, as centers of knowledge, have played an important role in cultural development.

Architecture. Sculpture.

With the growth of cities, urban planning and architecture developed intensively. Residential buildings, town halls, guild scrap, shopping arcade and merchant warehouses were erected. There was usually a cathedral or castle in the center of the city. Scrap with arcades was built around the main city square. Streets diverged from the square in different directions. Scrap lined up along the streets and embankments in 1 - 5 floors.

In the XI-XIII centuries. dominated in European architecture romance skip style.This name arose because the architects used some of the building techniques of Ancient Rome. Romanesque temples are characterized by massive walls and vaults, the presence of towers, small windows, and an abundance of arches.

Cathedrals in the Gothic style began to be built from the XII century. in northern France. Gradually, this style spread throughout Western Europe, remaining dominant until the end of the Middle Ages. Gothic cathedrals were built by order of city communes and emphasized not only the power of the church, but the power and freedom of cities. In the Gothic cathedral, light, openwork walls seemed to dissolve, giving way to tall narrow windows decorated with magnificent colored stained-glass windows. The interior of the Gothic Cathedral is illuminated by the light of stained glass windows. Rows of slender pillars and the powerful rise of pointed pointed arches create a sense of uncontrollable movement upward and forward.

Gothic sculpture had tremendous expressive power. Human suffering, purification and exaltation through them are reflected on the linden trees and in the figures. Painting in Gothic cathedrals was represented mainly by painting on altars.

The invention of printing.

The invention of the printing press revolutionized not only books, but also life.

the whole society. The creator of the European method of printing is considered a German Johannes Gutenberg.His method (printed set) made it possible to obtain an arbitrary number of identical text prints from a form composed of letter -movable and easily replaceable elements. Gutenberg was the first to use a press to obtain an impression, developed recipes for printing ink and alloy for casting letter.

The first printed page of Gutenberg dates from 1445. The 42-line Bible (2 volumes, 1282 pages) became the first complete printed edition of Europe in 1456. Gutenberg's discovery made the book, and with it knowledge, much more accessible to a wide range of literate people.

Early Renaissance.

In the XIV-XV centuries. in the culture of Europe, great changes are taking place associated with the unprecedented rise of science. literature, art. This phenomenon is called Revival (Renaissance).Renaissance figures believed that after the death of antiquity, a period of decline began - the Middle Ages. And only now the revival of ancient education, science, culture begins. The birthplace of the Renaissance was Italy, where much about tancient heritage and where the educated people from Byzantium fled, fleeing from the Turks. Since the XIV century. lovers of antiquity developed ideas humanism(recognition of the value of a person; century as a person, his right to free development and manifestation; of his abilities). Later they themselves began to be called humanists.Florence, Venice, Milan became centers of humanism.

One of the leading trends in the first half of the 15th century. was civil are humane.Its founder was Leonardo Bruni,the highest official of the Florentine Republic. He translated from Greek into Latin a number of works by Aristotle, and he wrote his own works, including "History of the Florentine people."

Another outstanding Italian humanist of the 15th century. Lorenzo Vallaclearly raised the question of the relationship between secular culture and Christian faith. Culture, Balla believed, is one of the aspects of spiritual life that does not depend on the church. It reflects and directs worldly life, encourages a person to live in harmony with himself and the world around him.

A different direction in the Italian humanism of the 15th century. represented creativity Leona Baptista Alberti.He was a thinker and writer, art theorist and architect. Alberti's humanistic concept of man is based on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Cicero and Seneca. Her main thesis is harmonyas one of the basic laws of being. Both the universe and the inner world of man are subject to the laws of harmony. Humanist

He affirmed the ideal of active civil life, in which a person reveals the natural properties of his nature.

Unlike humanism, which began to take shape in the second half of the 14th century, painting, sculpture and architecture took the path of innovation only in the first decades of the 15th century. At this time in Italy a new type of building is being formed - palazzoi villa(urban and suburban dwelling). Simplicity of the facade, perfection of proportions, spacious interiors - these are the characteristic features of the new architecture.

Florence became the center of painting during the Renaissance. In the second half of the 15th century. artists are looking for principles of construction perspectivesfor image three-dimensional space.During this period, various schools were formed - Florentine, North-Italian, Venetian. A large number of currents arise within them. The most famous painter of the Early Renaissance was Sandro Bpttichemi.


Formation of the Old Russian state

Lecture 8. The main features and stages of development of the Eastern Christian

Civilization. West and East in the heyday of the Middle Ages.

Basic concepts:

Order; parliament; Renaissance; reconquista; hussites; taborites; scholasticism; alchy; humanism.

Lecture text.

Eastern Roman Empire.

From the IV century. the center of the economic and cultural life of the Roman state moved to the East. The best architects, jewelers, and artists lived in Constantinople. In special workshops, handwritten books were made, decorated with magnificent miniatures. Throughout the early Middle Ages, the empire remained entirely a maritime power.

The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire included territories with ancient agricultural traditions. Free and semi-free peasants continued to play a significant role in agricultural production, in contrast to the West, where slave labor was widespread. Relying on the economic power of the state, the eastern emperors managed to repel the attacks of the barbarians.

The Byzantine Empire reached its peak during the reign of the emperor Justinian(527-565). Justinian tried to restore the Roman Empire and all its former borders. In 534, under the blows of his troops, the state of the pandas in North Africa fell. Then the war began with the Ostrogothic kingdom.

Justinian also waged war with the Visigoths in Spain, where he achieved significant successes. It seemed that dreams of rebuilding the Roman Empire were about to come true. But the rule of the Byzantines, their restoration of the former order and heavy taxes everywhere caused discontent. Justinian's conquests proved fragile. So, almost all of Italy was soon captured by the tribes of the Lombards, who created a kingdom there.

During the reign of Justinian, "Code of Civil Law" -collection of Byzantine laws. It included the laws of the Roman emperors II - they could begin to fully count "; thus, having expelled the Jews," the Christian peoples in a known way themselves delivered to their enemies, the Turks, weapons, thanks to which the latter were able to prepare them [the Christian peoples] defeat after defeat and humiliation for humiliation ".

In particular, the Jews, controlling all eastern trade and customs, "acquired great wealth, which even then delivered power," and through the sultans successfully influenced European politics, Gretz writes. (Here we must take into account the international character of the Jewish financial power, on which most of the Western European courts depended.) "The power [of the Jews] was really so great" that the Christian states "turned to them with entreaties ... to set up the Sultan in favor of the war" against one or another of their rivals. At the same time, the rich Jewess Grazia Mendesia, who belonged to the banking house, whose debts were "the German emperor and the ruler of two parts of the world, Charles V, the king of France and many other princes", "enjoyed influence, like a queen ... She was called Esther of that time" ... In addition, "Jewish women ... achieved great influence under the sultans Murad III, Mohammed IV and Ahmed I through the harem. Esfir Kiera stood out among them ... she handed out state posts and appointed military leaders." “The Christian cabinets did not even suspect that the course of events that involved them in their cycle was set in motion by the Jewish hand,” the Jewish historian confesses.

However, most of all, the Byzantine bishops and the Emperor were guilty of the fall of the Second Rome, who went with Rome in 1439, hoping for the help of Western Christians promised under this condition in the defense against the Mohammedans. But no help was provided by the West. Moreover, although the union was broken in 1450, Byzantium was left without God's help when the Turks besieged Constantinople.

On May 23, six days before the fall of Constantinople, a three-hour lunar eclipse occurred on the full moon, covering the city with complete darkness and weakening the spirit of the besieged. The next day there was another terrible sign: “On Friday night the whole city was lit up with light, and seeing this, the guards ran to see what had happened, thinking that the Turks had set the city on fire, and cried out loudly. When many people gathered, they saw that in the dome of the Great Church [St. Sophia] of the Wisdom of God, a huge flame shot up from the windows, and for a long time the church dome was enveloped in fire. And all the flame gathered together, and an indescribable light shone, and ascended to heaven. People, seeing this, began to cry bitterly, crying out: "Lord have mercy!" When this fire reached the heavens, the heavenly doors were opened and, having received the fire, they were closed again ... ". On the night of May 28, “the air thickened in height, hung over the city, as if mourning it and dropping, like tears, large red drops, similar in size and appearance to buffalo eyes, and they remained on the ground for a long time, so people wondered and came to great despair and horror "(" The Tale of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 ").

On May 29, the Turks who burst into the city killed the last Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus (he was skinned, stuffed and sent in the form of a scarecrow to other Turkish possessions as a victorious trophy), killed many people, destroyed and desecrated temples. According to legend, in the church of St. Sophia the service went on until the last minute, and in front of the eyes of the enemies who burst in, the last priest, along with the sacred vessels, hid in the southern wall of the church that had opened before him. The Orthodox believe that he will remain behind the wall until the Orthodox worship service is resumed in the church.

From the moment of its Baptism, Russia was the religious province of Byzantium. The fall of Constantinople prompted Russia to recognize itself as a successor - keeping the truth of Orthodoxy and keeping the world from the rampant forces of evil.

During the years, Constantinople was the main geopolitical goal of Russia, promised by the allies in the Entente, but they calculatedly betrayed the Russian Tsar ... Will a cross ever be erected on St. Sophia? .. Will the prediction written on the tomb of St. Tsar Constantine, that first the Muslims will conquer and destroy Constantinople, but later “the peoples of Rus, together with the participants, will defeat all Ismail” and, led by their Tsar, liberate Constantinople? .. (Interpretation of the inscription in 1421 by Senator G. Scholarius).

In 1930, the Turks renamed Constantinople Istanbul ...

Meeting of two fallen Romes ...

... Our ship departed from the Grafskaya pier of Sevastopol along the same route as. On the second day we approached Istanbul (Constantinople for us) in the middle of the night. From the upper deck, a majestic sight opened up. The ancient Bosphorus was full of lights and seethed with its marine life: it, narrowing closely in this place, flowed through a narrow neck between Europe and Asia, without stopping for a minute, even at night: privatized gifts of nature flowed from Russia - oil, ore and metals, fertilizers , forest; towards - goods made from these raw materials.

A blood-red crescent moved with us over the right bank, furrowing Europe with its lower horn; the Asian side gazed silently from the darkness at this symbolic picture of the current intra-European ethnic process ...

Deftly got used to the side of a boat with a Turkish pilot (the service is obligatory for a thousand dollars), and now our deck is already moving past the quarters of Pera (the area on the north side of the Golden Horn Bay). Also, three quarters of a century ago, a flotilla of 126 army ships filled with refugees came here. Among them was a man, in whose footsteps we decided to go on this journey: Markov colonel Vladimir Ilyich Yanyshev, my wife's grandfather, who had already won many awards for. Formally, Turkey lost it, but in this case, the winners and the defeated changed places: for several days the Russian ships were not even allowed to approach the coast, the mass of people on the decks soaked in the November rain. How many humiliations the Russians had to endure then, who had lost their homeland forever ...

General Wrangel (the successor to the official Russian government from and) demanded respect for the Russian army, which made a huge contribution to the victory of the allies over the Central Powers: “I am somewhat perplexed how doubts can arise, for the principle on which the power and the army are built has not been destroyed by the fact abandonment of Crimea ”. But the Entente has already concluded a secret alliance with the Bolsheviks. French Prime Minister Clemenceau said that "Russia no longer exists." The ships, all the money and property of the White Army were confiscated by the French "to cover losses." The British insisted on the immediate repatriation of emigrants back to Soviet Russia (where at that time the Crimean terror of Bela Kun and Zemlyachki was going on: many tens of thousands of people were shot) ...

“Even more than physical deprivation, we were pressed down by complete political wrongdoing. No one was guaranteed against the arbitrariness of any agent of power of each of the Entente powers. Even the Turks, who themselves were under the arbitrary regime of the occupation authorities, in relation to us were guided by the right of the strong, "wrote N.V. Savich, Wrangel's closest employee.

“On the Bosphorus there are English dreadnoughts with giant cannons. Troops in French, English, Greek uniforms pass through the streets, and the Russians, lost in the crowd, are equated with those whom blacks disperse with sticks at the gates of the International Bureau, seek shelter in shelters, food in free canteens ... ", two others testify. eyewitness (V.H.Davats, N.N. Lvov. "Russian army in a foreign land". Belgrade, 1923).

It was impossible for refugees to obtain a visa to other countries. “A difficult existence began when a person was completely absorbed in worries about his daily bread, about lodging for the night, about how to somehow get funds for his family. It was hard to see old, honored people with military distinctions selling various trinkets on Pere, a Russian girl in restaurants, children speaking Russian, at night on the streets, abandoned and run wild ... ”. Any job was welcome: “The former chamberlain peeled potatoes in the kitchen, the governor-general's wife stood behind the counter, a former member of the State Council herded cows ... The wives of officers became laundresses, hired servants. It was reprehensible to show up in a good suit, to dine in a fancy restaurant. Only speculators could afford it. " Lieutenant Colonel Yanishev's wife Nadezhda Alekseevna sold bouquets of flowers in the Pere ...

That humiliation of 1920 also had a symbolic historiosophical connotation. Indeed, for the Russians it was not Istanbul, no one called it that, but Constantinople-Constantinople - the fallen imperial capital of the Second Rome, from which we took over its universal retaining vocation. How many centuries have we dreamed of raising the cross on Hagia Sophia again and how close this moment was more than once! .. But every time this was not allowed by our "Christian" "allies", who eventually overthrew our Orthodox monarchy, in particular, so as not to to give her Constantinople as the promised reward ... The Third Rome could not resist due to our sins, and the fourth will never happen - there is no one to take over the heavy imperial burden of Christian statehood. Therefore, it was impossible to surrender before the approaching kingdom of the Antichrist.

“We drank the cup of national humiliation to the bottom ... We understood what it means to become people without a fatherland. The whole point of the army was that, as long as the army was there, we had the hope that we were not doomed to get lost in the international crowd, humiliated and insulted in our feelings of Russians. "

And therefore - “A Russian national miracle has happened, which amazed everyone without exception, especially foreigners, infected those who were not involved in this miracle and, which is especially touching, unrecognizable by those who performed it. The scattered, spiritually and physically exhausted remnants of the army of General Wrangel, who retreated into the sea and were thrown in the winter on the deserted coast of the broken town [Gallipoli], in a few months, under the most unfavorable conditions, created a strong center of Russian statehood in a foreign land, a brilliantly disciplined and spiritualized army, where soldiers and officers worked, slept and ate side by side, literally from the same cauldron - an army that abandoned personal interests, something like a mendicant knightly order, only on a Russian scale - a size that attracted everyone who loves Russia with its spirit. "

As Savich later wrote: “In this way, the foundation was laid for the moral education and renewal of the spirit of a large group of Russian people, who carried on their shoulders all the burden of the internecine war, which suffered final defeat and exile, but did not lose its spirit, remained morally intact, not broken by misfortunes. She hardened in trials and on it the words of the poet were justified: so heavy mlat, breaking glass, forges damask steel. Fate helped Wrangel forge the moral strength of thirty thousand Russian people. "

These people were not destined to see Russia. The Gallipoli miracle, which lasted about a year, was the last feat of the Wrangel army. But they were to have a decisive influence on the formation of the Russian political emigration.

Almost 80 years have passed since then, but the Russian cause, unfortunately, has not been crowned with due success. Although the Jewish-Bolshevik regime fell, it was replaced by the Jewish-democratic one: the snake only changed its skin, eluding historical responsibility. And visiting the modern Muslim Istanbul-Constantinople, you endure a lot of comparatively instructive things. This is not only an introduction to the survival of the White Army. This is also an introduction to the meaning of history.

In the very abolished name of the Second Rome, in its desecrated temples turned into mosques and museums with majestic mosaic frescoes - disfigured by barbarian spears, in the dark ruins of its towers and defensive walls overgrown with grass - which could not resist the wild guttural horde - in all this only in 1920, but for us in 2002, too, the bitterness of our great Orthodox historical loss shone through. A parallel with the fall of our Third Rome involuntarily came to mind - only it is now overgrown with grass, but with the fetid jungle of overseas advertising, however, with the same packs of stray dogs. And where is our White Army, our Russian Gallipoli before an even closer end of the world? ..

It is useful for every Russian person to visit the great city lost by the Orthodox - Constantinople - as a reminder of the transience of everything earthly. A reminder that all great things end in ruins if it no longer serves the Plan of God ... A reminder that we have only a very small chance left for this. And that he stayed only with us Russians. Only we are alone, as long as we are Orthodox, even if there are only thirty thousand of us around ten righteous people, we can still perform our Russian miracle -. And therefore we are obliged to set ourselves this goal as a national idea, no matter what.

Discussion: 21 comments

    God save, dear Mikhail Viktorovich, for this article. We will certainly publish it in our "Far Eastern Monarchical Bulletin".

    Well, if even after 80 years
    the bravest Russian people
    do not dare to say aloud the name of the enemy,
    destroyed both directly and indirectly
    Second and Third Rome
    (and the First Rome too)
    what hope for revival
    can I still talk?

    What to hope for
    when the Talmud special forces
    and teams of Israeli snipers
    host throughout the territory
    our occupied homeland,
    shooting in advance
    future Minins and Pozharsky?

    When both the presidential apparatus and the Duma
    the garter clogged with overt and covert agents
    Talmudic Wall Street?
    And the people are maliciously DESTROYED
    morally and physically?

    If our leaders do not explain to our peoples:
    "Here he is - the enemy!"
    then with whom will the peoples fight?
    From whom to free our ruined land?

    To become a "Savetsky" Russian again requires a small effort, churching and vigilance, if not, then at least internal emigration. These are just some of the ways to improve the national feeling, especially for those suffering from cosmopolitanism.
    It is necessary to study the experience of Russian emigration, cat. it will be useful to everyone who wants to be Russian, not nominally, but in spirit.
    Indeed, in fact, despite the numerical superiority,
    Russians, as if a national minority despised, no one reckons with them and will not reckon with them. And all because that does not honor the Faith of the ancestors, does not observe the customs and traditions of its ancestors, does not preserve its ancient culture, etc. etc..
    servant of God Alexander
    Baden-Baden RPCZ

    In my opinion, you are still in the same Gallipolia to this day!


    To the author of the anonymous response "Shouldn't I name the Rockefellers out loud?"
    Do you think that M.V. Nazarov, author of "Letters 500-5000-15000-25000" and Ch. ed. of this site "does not dare to say aloud the name of the enemy who destroyed both directly and indirectly the Second and Third Rome"?
    Here you, my dear sir, did not even dare to indicate your name. And it is not for you to make such reproaches.

    It should be added that a very useful film archm has recently attracted attention. Tikhon (Shevkunov) about the fall of Byzantium, drawing parallels with modernity.

    I have published the book "Genocide of the White Race". The departure from Christianity and from its honor swept the whole of Europe. In my opinion, Russia fell not so much from the pressure of Zwapad from outside, as from the Masonic agitation from sodium. Perhaps a second book will come out. If we understand the reasons, then we will get married, although the time is short. Freedom is awareness.

    I completely agree that our goal is to establish the Russian Order, which will turn our long-suffering country into a camp of saints and a city of lovers. Glory to Russia!

    After reading, I realized once again how much it is good to be Russian !!!

    The last Byzantine Emperor Constantine 11 Palaeologus.

    Few people know, but after all, Christianity divided Rome. It's just that at some point the Latin and Christian faiths could not be in the ode of a large empire.

    Whoever will bless my people and I will bless him, and whoever curses my people I will also curse. Maybe we should take the words of our Lord our God more seriously. I treat the Russian people and Russia with great love and bless you. I love and bless the Jewish people and Israel at the same time. Try it and you will bless the Jewish people. I assure you will receive God's blessing and love the Jews and Israel. Trust my sincerity because I experienced it myself. Thank you for attention.

    Your motivation is good. But you inattentively read the words of God in the Holy Scriptures and, apparently, are not familiar with the teaching of the Christian Church. The Jews were the people of God for the incarnation of Christ the Messiah, but they rejected both the coming Messiah, the Son of God, and God the Father: "You know neither Me nor My Father ... Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the desires of your father." (John 8: 19,44). “The kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and it will be given to a people bearing its fruits” (Matt. 21: 41-43). Christians have become such a successive people of God. This is the basics of Christian teaching. See: The Jews are waiting for "another" Messiah-Moshiach, which will be the Antichrist, who will come only for the Jews for their worldly domination, for "Gd created the world for the Jews." We are praying for the conversion of the Jews, not blessing the Jewish state and religion.