Volcanic winter. Nuclear, volcanic and meteorite winter: causes, consequences and a way of survival

In 2017, Europe may cover the so-called "volcanic winter" caused by the eruption of the Volcano of Bourdarburg in Iceland.
Against the background of the rapidly developing environment at the Middle East theater of hostilities, as well as political confusion in US leadership circles, humanity did not pay attention to one, it would seem unavailable.

November 19, 2016, the Meteorological Bureau of Iceland recorded three underground jolts with a maximum magnitude of 4.3 points on the Richter scale in the northeastern part of the caldera of the most powerful volcano of Iceland - Baurescredburg, which "woke up" in May of this year. European specialists who observe the behavior of this volcano build optimistic forecasts, stating that the active eruption phase will come no earlier than in 20 years, leading historical chronicles in evidence.

Despite the positive mood of Western seismologists, the experts conducted a study of data. Analysis of the information received has shown that the frequency and intensity of underground jokes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bourdarburg volcano increases in proportion to the activation of another powerful Icelandic Volcano Catla. Since September 2016, a fourfold symmetrical increase in the underground jolts of two volcanoes has been registered.

This state of affairs is due to the geographical location - both volcanoes are located at a distance of only 130 km from each other, as well as directly above the tectonic fault connecting the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates (Fig. 1).

Recall, Vulcan of Bourdarburg (Nordurland-Eystra region, height of more than 2000 m, the depth of the crater is 700 m.), In addition to the revitalization of the chain reaction of the Catla volcano (volcano in the south of Iceland, the height is 1512 m, the diameter of the caldera is 10 km.), Is able to generate large Explosions with the VEI-6 index on 8 ball explosion balance. For comparison, after such an explosion will be an eruption, the consequences of which are comparable to the use of nuclear, i.e. There is a so-called "volcanic winter" effect - reducing the temperature on a planetary scale.

Most likely, in the next three months the frequency and the intensity of underground jolts will only grow. It is worth noting that with an increase in the jolts to 6 points on the Richter scale, the Glacier over the Volcano Baurescurburg will give a crack (enough 200350 meters), which will provoke the active phase of the eruption. As a result, the volcano will begin to melt, boil and explode, which will lead to an emission of small quartz and volcanic particles of volcanic ash at a height of more than 11,000 meters, as well as about 150 million tons of sulfur dioxide (much more than the total amount of modern world industry produced in year).

Also as a result of emission to the atmosphere for 3-5 days, the cloud of volcanic ash, carried out by the southeast wind, will spread more than 3500 km from the epicenter of the eruption, which will cause:
a) the most powerful air transport crisis in Europe. The engines of passenger aircraft flying over 5000 meters will be stuck when heavy particles of volcanic ash are hooked in the turbine. European countries will be forced to mitigate transport plans throughout the continent, which will significantly hit the economy of these countries. Losses of states will reach more than $ 500 million per day. For comparison, the entire geopolitical combination of Washington in Ukraine cost $ 5 billion;
b) the fallout of acid rain. Poison sediments will affect all European countries, Baltic States, Belarus, as well as the European part of Russia. The total damage to agriculture will be caused by more than 2.8 million $ weekly;
c) The microparticles of volcanic ash have the wrong form that when a person gets into lightness contributes to their abandonment. This will lead to a sharp increase in mortality. With the duration of the eruption of more than 3 weeks, mortality will exceed 130 thousand people daily.

Such a plot development remains only a matter of time. The fact is that the official data for 2016, obtained from NASA satellites, show an increase in the speed of simultaneous pressure on the tectonic spill under the state of Iceland. Drifting from the south to the north an African tectonic plate at a rate of 5.5 cm / year, and from the west North American presses to the south, at a speed of 3.5 - 4 cm / year.

If we bring a summary conclusion, given the geopolitical situation on the world stage of diplomacy, the socio-economic chaos, which occurred with the above development of the plot, will affect all the spheres of human life, including the life of the person himself.
Given the migration of Middle Eastern refugees to Europe throughout 2016, the death rate for the cataclyism approaches 200 thousand people daily. A significant part of deaths will have to have children, as well as the elderly generation of 60 years.

However, we note that there is a positive side of this event, if we take into account the geopolitical component. There is a possibility that the crisis in Europe will play on the hand to the opposition forces in Germany and France on the way to power in 2017, which will pay attention to their compatriots on the incompetence of the existing authorities in the help of citizens during the natural cataclysm.

Low winters were replaced by snow-covered spring and switched to the snow-cold "summer" months. For three years without summer, three years without a crop, three years without hope ... for three years, forever changed humanity.

It all started in 1812 - "turned on" two volcanoes, La Sufrier (O. Sent-Vincent, leveled Islands) and AVU (O. Sangir, Indonesia). The volcanic relay continued in 1813 by Suwanosidnes (O.Tokara, Japan) and, in 1814, Mayon (O. Lonson, Philippines). According to scientists estimates, the activity of four volcanoes reduced the average annual temperature on the planet by 0.5-0.7 ° C and caused serious, albeit local (in the region of its location) damage to the population. However, the Indonesian Tambor became the final cause of the mini-version of the ice age 1816-1818.

On April 10, 1815, the Vulcan of Tambo began on the island of Sumbaba (Indonesia) - in a few hours the island of 15,448 km2 was completely covered with a layer of volcanic ash and a gun meter. Atmosphere of the Earth, the volcano was thrown at least 100 km3 of the ash. Tamboy activity (7 points from the maximum 8-volcanic explosive index) led to a decrease in the average annual temperature for another 1-1.5 ° C - ash rose to the upper layer of the atmosphere and began to reflect the sun's rays, acting like a dense gray cord on a sunny day . Modern scientists call the eruption of the Indonesian Stratovulkan Tambor in the largest over the past 2000 years.

However, high volcanic activity is not all. "Oils in Fire" added our star - the sun. Years of intensive saturation of the atmosphere of land with volcanic ash coincided with a period of minimum solar activity (minimum of Dalton), which began in approximately 1796 and ended in 1820. At the beginning of the 19th century, less solar energy came to our planet than before or later. The lack of solar heat reduced the average annual temperature on the surface of the Earth by another 1-1.5 ° C.

Due to the small amount of thermal energy of the water of the water and oceans, they cooled at about 2 ° C, which completely changed the usual cycle of water in nature and the wind rose on the continents of the northern hemisphere. Also, according to the testimony of the English captains, the Eastern Coast of Greenland appeared a lot of ice torosa, which was previously never before. It suggests itself - in 1816 (perhaps even earlier - in the mid-1815) there was a deviation of the warm ocean flow of Gulf Stream, heating Europe.

Active volcanoes, a weakly active sun, as well as the cooling of ocean and seawater reduced the temperature of each month, each day in 1816 by 2.5-3 ° C. It would seem - nonsense, some three degrees. But in the industrially undeveloped human society, these three "cold" degrees caused a terrifying Catastrophe of a global scale.


In the 1816 and the next two years, European countries who have not yet recovered after Napoleonic wars have become the worst place on Earth - cold, hunger, epidemics and acute fuel shortages collapsed. Two years of harvest was not at all. In England, Germany and France, feverishly bored grain around the world (mainly the Russian Empire), the hungry riots passed one by one. The crowds of the French, the Germans and the British walked warehouses with grain and endured all stocks. Grain prices soared tenfold. Against the background of the constant riots, the mass arson and the robberies of Switzerland, a state of emergency and the curfew in the country have introduced.

Summer months instead of warmth brought hurricanes, endless rains and snow blizzards. The major rivers of Austria and Germany left the shores and flooded significant squares. The title epidemic broke out. For three years, over 100 thousand people died without summer in Ireland. The desire to survive is the only thing that moved by the population of Western Europe in 1816-1818. Tens of thousands of citizens of England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Holland sold the property for a scentual, threw everything sold out and fled to the Ocean on the American continent.

North America.

In March 1816, winter did not end, the snow raped and stood frosts. In April-May, America covered endless rains with a hail, and in June-July - frost. Corn crops in the northern states of the United States hopelessly died, attempts to grow at least some grains in Canada were fruitless. Newspapers in need promised hunger, farmers massively scored cattle. Canadian authorities voluntarily opened grain warehouses for the population. Thousands of residents of the American northern land reached out to the south - for example, Vermont staff almost dislike.


The provinces of the country, especially Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, were influenced by the mighty cyclone. The endless rains went a few weeks in a row, and the summer nights of the rice fields were shot frost. Three years in a row every summer in China was not at all summer - rains and frosts, snow and hail. In the northern provinces from hunger and cold killed buffaloes. A country that is unable to grow rice due to a sudden harsh climate and floods in the valley of the Yangtze River, hungry.

Russia (Russian Empire). Three ruin and hard years for the countries of Europe, North America and Asia in Russia were surprisingly soft - neither power nor the country's population simply noticed anything. Even on the contrary, all three years - 1816, 1817th and 1818 - the summer in Russia passed much better than in other years. Warm, moderately dry weather promoted good grain yields, by bought by the poor states of Europe and North America. The cooling of the European seas along with the possible variation of the direction of flow Gulf Stream only improved climatic conditions in Russia. However, the echoes of the events of three years without summer still touched Russia. In 1830-1831, two waves of cholera epidemics rode on the Russian Empire, which appeared in 1816 in Indian Bengal. Expeditionary troops returned to Russia, several years participating in Asian wars with Persians and Turks. Together with them, a cholera came, from which in two years they died (official data) 197,069 citizens of the Russian Empire, and all sick 466,57 people.

Three years without summer and events that developed during this period had an impact on many generations of earthlings, including you, blog readers

Dracula and Frankenstein.

Rest at the Lake Geneva (Switzerland) in May-June of the 1816 company of friends, among whom were George Gordon Lord Byron and Mary Shelley, was completely spoiled with dark weather and constant rain. Because of the bad weather, friends were forced to spend evenings in the fireplace hall of Villa Diodeati, filmed at the rest of the rest by Lord Byron. They were entertained by reading aloud ghost stories (the book was called "Fyshmagorin or History of Ghosts, Phantom, Spirits, and Other."). The experiments of the poet of Erasm Darwin, who studied the effect of a weak electric current on the organs of the dead human body was also discussed, according to rumors in the 18th century. Byron offered everyone to write a small story on a supernatural theme - there was nothing to do. It was then that Mary Shelley came the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel about Dr. Frankenstein - later she admitted that the plot had dreamed of her after one of the evenings at Villa Diodeati.

Lord Byron told a short "supernatural" story about Augustus Darwell, which forth the blood of his beloved women. Dr. John Polidori, hired by the Baron for his health carefully, carefully remembered the plot of the Vampire story. Later, when Bayron fired Polidori, he wrote a short story about Lord Rutwhea, calling her "vampire". Polidori deceived English publishers - said that the vampire story was written by Byron and Lord himself asked him to bring a manuscript to England for publication. The newsletter in 1819 became the subject of litigation between Bayron, who denied the authorship of the Vampire and Polidori, who argued the opposite. One way or another, it was the winter summer of 1816 that was the cause of all subsequent literary stories about vampires.

Opium wars.

The English fleet attacks Chinese warships ....... Three years, without summer, he was seriously struck by Chinese farmers in the southern provinces of the country traditionally growing rice. Under threat of hunger, the farmers of South China decided to grow an opium poppy, because he was unpretentious and guaranteed to bring income. Although the emperors of the Qing dynasty are categorically forbidden to cultivate an opium poppy, farmers ignored this ban (bribed officials). By 1820, the number of opium addicts in China increased from the previous two million to seven million people and the emperor Doguan banned the import of opium to China, smuggled in exchange for silver from the colonies of Great Britain and the United States. In response, England, France and the United States began a war in China, the purpose of which was an unlimited import of opium into the Empire of Qing ............................. Superphosphate fertilizer. Darmstady Son Pharmacist Yustus von Libih survived three hungry years without summer, when he was 13-16 years old. In his youth, he was interested in Petardians and actively experimented with the "runday" mercury (Fulminat mercury), and since 1831, remembering the harsh years of the "volcanic winter", took up deep studies of organic chemistry. Libich background has developed superphosphate fertilizers, significantly increasing grain yields. By the way, when Indian cholera fell into Europe, it happened in the 50s of the XIX century, it was Ustus von Libih that developed the first effective medicine from this disease (the name of the drug is FleischInfusum).


Observing a complex situation with oats for the horses that pretended in 1816, the German inventor of Karl von Draz decided to build a new type of transport. In 1817, he created the first prototype of modern bicycles and motorcycles - two wheels, a frame with a seat and a T-shaped steering wheel. True, there was no pedals from the bike with a bicycle - Sedoka was offered to push out from the ground and slow down on the turns of his legs. Karl von Derez is most famous as the inventor of railway dross, named after him.

Boldin autumn

A.S. Pushkin. Three autumn months of 1830, Alexander Sergeevich spent in the village of Boldino not in his will - because of the cholera quarantine installed in Moscow by the authorities. It was the Vibrio cholera who muttered during an unusual drought, sharply replaced by continuous autumn rains and caused the spill of the Gang River, and after 14 years, the appearance of the brightest works of Pushkin - "Evgeny Onegin", "Tale of the Pop and his Bald worker, "etc.

Such is the story of three years without the summer, which occurred at the beginning of the XIX century and caused by a number of factors, including the eruption of stratulkana of the Tambo. It remains to be reminded to you that the seven-dollar cells are far from the most significant volcanic problem of earthlings. Unfortunately, there are much more dangerous volcanic objects on Earth - supervulkanas.

  • Volcanic winter is the cooling of the planetary climate due to the pollution of the atmosphere by ash in the process of a particularly large eruption of the volcano, entailing the emergence of the anti-ship effect. Ash and sulfur gases, of which sulfate aerosols are formed, after ejection to the level of the stratosphere, they are distributed as covered throughout the planet. Because of this, the radiation of the Sun is much greater than usual, shielded by the atmosphere, which causes the cooling of the global climate. (A similar effect that can be caused by a hypothetical nuclear war is called nuclear winter.)

    The de facto effect of the volcanic winter takes place after each volcanic eruption, however, it becomes truly tangible when the eruption reaches 6 points on a volcanic exposure scale scale (VEI), and more. For example, after the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano on the Philippine Island Luzon in 1991 by meteorologists, a temporary drop in the average temperature of the earth was recorded by 0.5 ° C.

    More severe consequences led to the eruption of the Tambor volcano on the island of Sumbawa in 1815, which has reached 7 points on the scale of eruptions. During the year, it caused a decrease in the global average temperature by 0.4-0.7 ° C, and in some areas - by 3-5 ° C, which in Europe was accompanied by frosts in mid-July, because of which 1816 was called contemporaries by contemporaries Without summer. Up until 1819, the unusual cooling was the cause of fault and hunger and contributed to migration waves from Europe to America.

    Presumably, a similar event took place in the 6th century, when in 536, 540 and 547 three strong eruptions caused the onset of the lateant glacial period.

    For Russia, the greatest consequences may have had an eruption of the Peruvian Volcano Wajnaputin in 1600, which some researchers consider the cause of cooling, promotion and great hunger in 1601-1603.

    According to one of the theories, the eruption of the Toba volcano on the island of Sumatra 74 thousand years ago was the reason for the reduction of the whole earthly population of the ancestors of modern people to about 10 thousand individuals, and the simultaneous superimbursion of the Fleggle fields on the Apennines, Kazbek and Volcano Holy Anna in the South Carpathians About 40 thousand years ago, perhaps the reason for the extinction of the Neanderthals, then from Gibraltar in the south of the Pyrenean Peninsula to the cave of Okladnikov in Altai about 12 thousand individuals, of which 3,500 are female.

Connected concepts

Milankovich's cycles (are named after the Serbian astrophysics of Milutina Milankovich) - fluctuations in the reach of the land of sunlight and solar radiation over large periods of time. Milankovich's largest cycles explain the natural climate change on Earth and play a large role in climatology and paleoclimatology.

The eruption of the volcano is the process of emitting a volcano to the earth's surface of the splits, ashes, an outpouring of a magma, which, is emissions to the surface, becomes lava. The volcanic eruption can have a time period from several hours to many years.

Global cooling is the process of gradual cooling of the Earth; A hypothesis that postulates global cooling of the surface of the Earth and its atmosphere up to its glaciation.

The change in the climate of the Arctic includes an increase in temperature, a decrease in the area and thickness of sea ice, the melting of the Greenland ice shield.

Glyatiizostasiya (from Lat. Glacies - "Loda", Dr. Greek. Ἴσος - "equal", "the same" and στάσις - "state") - very slow vertical and horizontal movements of the earth's surface in the territories of an ancient and modern glaciation. The lowering and raising of often large areas of land and continental shelves are consequence of the impaired of the isostatic equilibrium of the earth's crust when the glacial load appears. The phenomenon is manifested in the north of Europe (especially in Scotland, Fennoscandia ...

Supercontinental cycle - time interval between consistent associations of the entire planet sushi into a single continent. Science found that the earth Cora is constantly reconfigured: its blocks move relative to each other, which leads to moving, collision and decay of the continents. At the same time, it is not known whether the total number of continental bark is changing. One supercontinental cycle lasts from 300 to 500 million years.

The history of scientific research of climate change has its starting point on the beginning of the 19th century, when scientists first learned about the glacial periods and other natural changes in the climate of the Earth in the past, and for the first time they discovered the greenhouse effect. At the end of the 19th century, scientists began to argue that human emissions of greenhouse gases can change the climate. After that, many other climate change theories were put forward, for example, under the influence of volcanic activity and due to the change of solar ...

A number of factors will be determined: an increase in the luminosity of the sun, the heat of the thermal energy of the Earth's core, perturbations from other bodies of the solar system, tactonics of plates and biochemistry on the surface. According to Milankovich's theory, the planet will continue to be subjected to the olelition cycles due to the change in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the tilt axis of the rotation axis and the axis precession. As a result of the continuing supercontinental cycle, the tactics of the slabs will probably lead to the formation of the supercontinent ...

Cenozoic glaciation, or Antarctic glaciation began 33.9 million years ago at Eocene-oligocene border and continues. This is the current worsening of the Earth. Its beginning is noted by the formation of antarctic glacial shields. Late Cenozoic Ice Age got its name due to the fact that it covers approximately the second half of the Cenozoic Era to the present.

The maximum of the last glaciation (the abbreviation LGM is often used) is the maximum amount of iceclocks during the last glacial era, which took place 26.5-19 thousand years ago.

Hypothesis of a methanhydrate gun (eng. Clachrate GUN HYPOTHESIS) - a generalized name for a series of hypotheses that the growing ocean temperature (and / or drops its level) can run a sudden release of methane from the deposits of methane hydrates under the seabed, which, due to That methane is a strong greenhouse gas, in turn, will lead to a further growth of temperatures and the further destabilization of methane hydrates - as a result, the launch of the self-sustained process, in the same extent, the unexpected ...

Summer is a period of vacation, midday heat, fruit abundance, ice cream and soft drinks. Time of Mains, Short, Mini Skirts and Beach Bikini. Only in the middle of the second decade of the XIX century there was no summer.

Low winters were replaced by snow-covered spring and switched to the snow-cold "summer" months. For three years without summer, three years without a crop, three years without hope ... for three years, forever changed humanity.

Family Irish are trying to escape from flooding

It all started in 1812 - "turned on" two volcanoes, La Sufrier (O. Sent-Vincent, leveled Islands) and AVU (O. Sangir, Indonesia). The volcanic relay continued in 1813 by Suwanosidnes (O.Tokara, Japan) and, in 1814, Mayon (O. Lonson, Philippines).

According to scientists estimates, the activity of four volcanoes reduced the average annual temperature on the planet by 0.5-0.7 ° C and caused serious, albeit local (in the region of its location) damage to the population. However, the Indonesian Tambor became the final cause of the mini-version of the ice age 1816-1818.

The eruption of the volcanic of the tagbora

1815 On April 10, 1815, the volcano of the Tambo began to erupt on the island of Sumbawa - for several hours, the island of 15,448 km2 was completely covered with a layer of volcanic ash and a gun metering thickness. Atmosphere of the Earth, the volcano was thrown at least 100 km3 of the ash.

Tamboy activity (7 points from the maximum 8-volcanic explosive index) led to a decrease in the average annual temperature for another 1-1.5 ° C - ash rose to the upper layer of the atmosphere and began to reflect the sun's rays, acting like a dense gray cord on a sunny day .

Modern scientists call the eruption of the Indonesian stratulkan of the Tambor in the largest in the last 2,000 years. However, high volcanic activity is not all. "Oils in Fire" added our star - the sun. Years of intensive saturation of the atmosphere of land with volcanic ash coincided with a period of minimum solar activity (minimum of Dalton), which began in approximately 1796 and ended in 1820.

At the beginning of the 19th century, less solar energy came to our planet than before or later. The lack of solar heat reduced the average annual temperature on the surface of the Earth by another 1-1.5 ° C.

The average annual temperatures in 1816-1818 (based on the materials of the site CRU.UEA.AC.UK)

Due to the small amount of thermal energy of the water of the water and oceans, they cooled at about 2 ° C, which completely changed the usual cycle of water in nature and the wind rose on the continents of the northern hemisphere. Also, according to the testimony of the English captains, the Eastern Coast of Greenland appeared a lot of ice torosa, which was previously never before.

It suggests itself - in 1816 (perhaps even earlier - in the mid-1815) there was a deviation of the warm ocean flow of Gulf Stream, heating Europe. Active volcanoes, a weakly active sun, as well as the cooling of ocean and seawater reduced the temperature of each month, each day in 1816 by 2.5-3 ° C.

It would seem - nonsense, some three degrees. But in the industrially undeveloped human society, these three "cold" degrees caused a terrifying Catastrophe of a global scale.

Flooding in suburb

Paris europe. In the 1816 and the next two years, European countries who have not yet recovered after Napoleonic wars have become the worst place on Earth - cold, hunger, epidemics and acute fuel shortages collapsed. Two years of harvest was not at all. In England, Germany and France, feverishly bored grain around the world (mainly the Russian Empire), the hungry riots passed one by one.

The crowds of the French, the Germans and the British walked warehouses with grain and endured all stocks. Grain prices soared tenfold. Against the background of the constant riots, the mass arson and the robberies of Switzerland, a state of emergency and the curfew in the country have introduced. Summer months instead of warmth brought hurricanes, endless rains and snow blizzards.

The major rivers of Austria and Germany left the shores and flooded significant squares. The title epidemic broke out. For three years, over 100 thousand people died without summer in Ireland. The desire to survive is the only thing that moved by the population of Western Europe in 1816-1818. Tens of thousands of citizens of England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Holland sold the property for a scentual, threw everything sold out and fled to the Ocean on the American continent.

Farmer on the field with deceased corn in the US state of Vermont North America.

In March 1816, winter did not end, the snow raped and stood frosts. In April-May, America covered endless rains with a hail, and in June-July - frost. Corn crops in the northern states of the United States hopelessly died, attempts to grow at least some grains in Canada were fruitless. Newspapers in need promised hunger, farmers massively scored cattle.

Canadian authorities voluntarily opened grain warehouses for the population. Thousands of residents of the American northern land reached out to the south - for example, Vermont staff almost dislike. China. The provinces of the country, especially Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, were influenced by the mighty cyclone. The endless rains went a few weeks in a row, and the summer nights of the rice fields were shot frost.

Three years in a row every summer in China was not at all summer - rains and frosts, snow and hail. In the northern provinces from hunger and cold killed buffaloes. A country that is unable to grow rice due to a sudden harsh climate and floods in the valley of the Yangtze River, hungry.

Hunger in the provinces of the Chinese Empire Qing

India (At the beginning of the XIX century - Colony of Great Britain (East India Company)). The territory of the country, for which the in the summer, the monsoons are common (winds that follow the ocean) and pouring rains, was under the influence of the cruel drought - monsoon was not. Three years in a row drought at the end of the summer was replaced by multi-weekly showers.

A sharp climate change contributed to the mutation of the cholera vibrio - in Bengal began the severe epidemic of cholera, which swept half of India and quickly moving to the north. Russia (Russian Empire).

Three ruin and hard years for the countries of Europe, North America and Asia in Russia were surprisingly soft - neither power nor the country's population simply noticed anything. Even on the contrary, all three years - 1816, 1817th and 1818 - the summer in Russia passed much better than in other years.

Warm, moderately dry weather promoted good grain yields, by bought by the poor states of Europe and North America. The cooling of the European seas along with the possible variation of the direction of flow Golf Stream only improved climatic conditions in Russia.

The emperor Nicholas first stops a cholera riot in Moscow

Expeditionary troops returned to Russia, several years participating in Asian wars with Persians and Turks. Together with them, a cholera came, from which in two years they died (official data) 197,069 citizens of the Russian Empire, and all sick 466,57 people. Three years without summer and events developed during this period had an impact on many generations of earthlings, including you, readers of the Swador blog. See yourself.

Dracula and Frankenstein. Rest at the Lake Geneva (Switzerland) in May-June of the 1816 company of friends, among whom were George Gordon Lord Byron and Mary Shelley, was completely spoiled with dark weather and constant rain. Because of the bad weather, friends were forced to spend evenings in the fireplace hall of Villa Diodeati, shot at the time of rest with Lord Byron.

The film "Frankenstein" Mary Shelly

They were entertained by reading the stories about ghosts (the book was called "Phantasmagorina or the History of Ghosts, Phantom, Spirits, and Other."). The experiments of the poet of Erasm Darwin, who studied the effect of a weak electric current on the organs of the dead human body was also discussed, according to rumors in the 18th century. Byron offered everyone to write a small story on a supernatural theme - there was nothing to do.

It was then that Mary Shelley came the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel about Dr. Frankenstein - later she admitted that the plot had dreamed of her after one of the evenings at Villa Diodeati. Lord Byron told a short "supernatural" story about Augustus Darwell, which forth the blood of his beloved women. Dr. John Polidori, hired by the Baron for his health carefully, carefully remembered the plot of the Vampire story.

Later, when Bayron fired Polidori, he wrote a short story about Lord Rutwhea, calling her "vampire". Polidori deceived English publishers - said that the vampire story was written by Byron and Lord himself asked him to bring a manuscript to England for publication. The newsletter in 1819 became the subject of litigation between Bayron, who denied the authorship of the Vampire and Polidori, who argued the opposite. One way or another, it was the winter summer of 1816 that was the cause of all subsequent literary stories about vampires.

John Smith Jr

Mormons. In 1816, John Smith Junior was 11 years old. Because of the summer frosts and hunger threats, his family in 1817 had forced to leave the farm in Vermont and settled in the town of Palmyra, located in the west of New York. Since this region was extremely popular in various kinds of preachers (mild climate, abundance of flock and donations), Yuni John Smith completely plunged into the study of religion and near-theligious rites.

Years later, at the age of 24, Smith published the Book of Mormon, later founding the religious sect of Mormon in Illinois. Superphosphate fertilizer. Darmstady Son Pharmacist Yustus von Libih survived three hungry years without summer, when he was 13-16 years old. In his youth, he was interested in Petardians and actively experimented with the "runday" mercury (Fulminat mercury), and since 1831, remembering the harsh years of the "volcanic winter", took up deep studies of organic chemistry.

Libich background has developed superphosphate fertilizers, significantly increasing grain yields. By the way, when Indian cholera fell into Europe, it happened in the 50s of the XIX century, it was Ustus von Libih that developed the first effective medicine from this disease (the name of the drug is FleischInfusum).

English Fleet Attacks Chinese War Ships

Opium wars. For three years, without summer, he was seriously struck by Chinese farmers in the southern provinces of the country traditionally growing rice. Under threat of hunger, the farmers of South China decided to grow an opium poppy, because he was unpretentious and guaranteed to bring income. Although the emperors of the Qing dynasty are categorically forbidden to cultivate an opium poppy, farmers ignored this ban (bribed officials).

By 1820, the number of opium addicts in China increased from the previous two million to seven million people and the emperor Doguan banned the import of opium to China, smuggled in exchange for silver from the colonies of Great Britain and the United States. In response, England, France and the United States began war in China, the purpose of which was unlimited import of opium into the Empire of Qing.

Dresin Bike Karl Background Dza

Bicycle. Observing a complex situation with oats for the horses that pretended in 1816, the German inventor of Karl von Draz decided to build a new type of transport. In 1817, he created the first prototype of modern bicycles and motorcycles - two wheels, a frame with a seat and a T-shaped steering wheel. True, there was no pedals from the bike with a bicycle - Sedoka was offered to push out from the ground and slow down on the turns of his legs. Karl von Derez is most famous as the inventor of railway dross, named after him.

Boldinskaya autumn A.S. Pushkin. Three autumn months of 1830, Alexander Sergeevich spent in the village of Boldino not in his will - because of the cholera quarantine installed in Moscow by the authorities. It was the Vibrio cholera who muttered during an unusual drought, sharply replaced by continuous autumn rains and caused the spill of the Gang River, and after 14 years, the appearance of the brightest works of Pushkin - "Evgeny Onegin", "Tale of the Pop and his Bald worker, "etc.

Such is the story of three years without the summer, which occurred at the beginning of the XIX century and caused by a number of factors, including the eruption of stratulkana of the Tambo. It remains to be reminded to you that the seven-dollar cells are far from the most significant volcanic problem of earthlings. Unfortunately, there are much more dangerous volcanic objects on Earth - supervulkanas.

What consequences for humanity may have an eruption of supervolkan.

In the history of the Yellowstone Volcano everacted three times. For the first time it happened about 2 million years ago. Then, as a result of the eruption, the mountain ranges broke up, and volcanic ash covered a quarter of North America.

Magma emissions rose to a height of 50 kilometers. The second eruption happened more than a million years ago, and 640 thousand years have passed since the third. It was much weaker than the first, however, due to him, the top of the volcano collapsed and the well-known caldera of Yellowstone volcano was formed.

Yellowstone National Park.
One of the geysers of the Yellowstone Park

Given the periodicity of previous eruptions, which happened on average every time in 600 thousand years, many talk about the possibility that the following may happen in the near future.

If this happens in fact, the consequences can be unpredictable. Depending on the intensity of the eruption, they can be both not very serious and disastrous, which are able to entail the death of thousands of people and the onset of volcanic winter. The latter can happen if the ashes and sulfuric gases spread to the globe and will prevent the sunshine to get to the surface of the planet. As a result, humanity will not be able to grow plants on Earth, so there will be little food for the world's population.

However, how real is the threat, it is now difficult to say for sure. It is known that during 2018 the activity of geysers, which is directly related to the processes in Magma, has increased significantly in the region. So, for example, the highest Geyser Stamboat in the world for 2018 everacted 32 times and broke his own record. Prior to that, the maximum number of eruptions in one year was 29.

However, in general, three factors are influenced by the functioning of geysers, among which, in addition to the processes in the volcano, also the amount of water, which comes to them, and the streptkur of the mountain channels for which it is moving.

According to Michael Poland, the head of the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory, during the last time inside the volcano there was no significant geological change. However, several previous years were issued atypically snowy, so the cause of the abnormal activity of geysers is most likely an increase in the amount of water coming to them.

However, it is confidently to say which processes occur inside the volcano is quite difficult. And although many scientists consider the possibility of volcano eruption so far unlikely, NASA scientists have already created a strategy to prevent a disaster.

How Nasa strives to cope with the volcano

The yellowstone volcano is a huge heat generator, the power of which can be compared with six industrial power plants. The more temperature rises inside the volcano, the more gases it produces. As a result, Magma is intensively melting, and the area above the magmatic storeroom begins to rise. When the temperature reaches a certain mark, the explosion becomes inevitable.

The NASA Space Agency in 2017 created a strategy that could help humanity to avoid a possible catastrophe. It is to cool the volcano before it starts to present a real danger. Make it planted with water.

Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone volcanic caldera

However, it is quite difficult to implement this in practice and expensive. In addition, according to Brian Wilcox (Brian Wilcox) from the NASA reactive laboratory, the use of such a large amount of water only to cool the volcano is a rather controversial solution, because in the world there are regions where it is disastrously lacking.

It is possible to solve the problem to solve the problem if you drift two holes on both sides of the volcano and pour water in a strong pressure there. This will gradually reduce the temperature of the magma. It is noteworthy that if you create a hole on top of a tank with magma, this is the opposite can provoke an eruption.

There are also no guarantees that these actions will have a long-term effect. However, NASA scientists hope that the plan will encourage other scientists to look for new ways to prevent danger.

Other dangerous volcanoes

Yellowstone volcano is not the only one, whose eruption can have catastrophic consequences. A total of about 20 supervolkanov on earth. The eruption of one of them happens on average once every 100 thousand years.

One of them is located in the Long Valley, USA. His caldera is 32 kilometers long and 17 kilometers wide. Under its own surface, he has so much magma that his eruption can be equal to the one that happened 767 thousand years ago - then 584 cubic kilometers of substance fell into the atmosphere. For comparison, during the eruption of the Saint Helez volcano of 1980, which was one of the largest in the 20th century, this amount was only 1.2 kilometers.


Among the most dangerous supervulkanov is also Indonesian, located under the lake Toba. The last time he erupted 74 thousand years ago. Then it led to a substantial cooling, which lasted as many as 10 years. Indonesia and India Square were covered with a layer of ash, and the population of both people and animals was significantly reduced.

Another powerful volcano is also located in New Zealand under the lake Taupo. For the first time he began to erupt 300 thousand years ago. On the account of the Taupo, the last eruption of the volcano, which happened about 26.5 thousand years ago and threw about 1,200 cubic pumice kilometers and ashes in the atmphosphere. Since then, 28 less large-scale eruptions happened.

There are also supervolkans in Japan and Russia. However, the only one who threatens Europe is phlegrey fields. His caldera is located not far from Naples. It has an area of \u200b\u200babout 100 square kilometers. It includes 24 crater and volcanic hills, among which the volcano of the Solfatar.

Since 2005, scientists have noticed that the pressure under the surface in the Fleggle fields began to increase. In 2012, they raised the level of threat from green to yellow and began to carefully track the terrain. The last time the volcano was erupted in 1538. Then this happened for eight days. In the result of the eruption, the volcanic cone Monte Nuovo was formed.