Military University named after Mozhaisky. Mozhaisky Academy: pros and cons

Symbols of the Mozhaisky Academy

The Mozhaisky Academy is a military university in St. Petersburg, serious and very popular among applicants. Its distinctive feature is that it trains personnel for, first of all, for the aerospace forces. But the rest of the branches of the armed forces, and the law enforcement agencies, also draw a personnel reserve from these walls.

Should you target Mozhaika? Let's figure it out.

In this article I will not describe the official regalia of the Academy, the number of students and teachers, faculties. All this you yourself can find on the official website. I am interested in something else - is it worth it at all to enter Mozhaika, for and against this decision.

So, there are:

High competition

Simplistically, consider that there are about 2 people per place for any faculty, a little more or less.

Competition in Mozhaika:

  • For girls - 10 people per seat
  • for boys 1.5 - 3.5 (on average 2) people per seat.

Please note: among the girls there is a competition of 10 people per seat. And every year more and more girls come to the entrance examinations.

Which faculty has the biggest competition?

Oddly enough, at the faculty of secondary vocational education (3.5 people per place). SPE - faculty of secondary vocational education, with a training period of 2 years and 10 months. As they would say in civilian life, vocational school. After him they go to serve in the posts of a surveyor or surveyor, technician, head of calculation and shift. And all this in the rank of ensign. Agree, the parents of these children dream of something more.

The administration of the Academy suggests not to get hung up on all these numbers, but to focus on the admission itself. Think about your own points, not the number of applications submitted per seat.

With what points in physical training (physical training) really do?

The most important thing for admission is the category of aptitude. Places in the competitive list are ranked according to it, and the sum of points on the exam and FP do not affect so much. In fact, for boys it is possible to enter with physical scores from 25 to 100, but for girls it is necessary more, because the competition is higher.

Upon admission, three exercises are taken:

  • Boys - 3 km cross country running, 100 meters running and pull-ups.
  • Girls - running 1 km, 100 m and lifting the torso from a prone position.

Maximum in physical training you can get 100 points, if according to the results of 3 exercises you get from 195 to 300 points (the assessment is made for all three exercises). On the other hand, you can enter with minimum points - for physical training it is 25 points.

What points on the exam can you really do?

In fact, for admission, it may be enough for the USE scores to reach the lower limit. It:

  • russian 36
  • physics 36
  • math 27
  • geography 37

Why is that? Your final results are primarily determined by the category of aptitude. If you got the category (the best), then you will be ahead of those guys who have the USE much better in the lists.

But that's not all. A psychologist and his testing are waiting for applicants.


The tests are divided into groups. There will definitely be tests aimed at identifying the personality traits of a person (they will check the level of poise, normality - after all, they will give them a weapon) and motivational tests (for the desire to serve in the army and obey discipline, bosses and regulations).

If the applicant has personal achievements - for example, a TRP badge, prizes in local Olympiads, sports categories, etc. - here you need to show documents and include information in the questionnaire. These achievements do not give points directly to the USE, but affect the passage and results of testing by a psychologist.

Rigorous selection and subsequent difficulties

Prepare for all sorts of challenges. They are associated with military training in general, and with the Mozhaisk Academy in particular.

Admission restrictions

For example, children often take physical training in the rain, and if someone gets sick, they may not pass the medical examination (IHC), which has a deadline for work (you may simply not have time to recover).

Or a child travels with slight flat feet, and the medical board adds a diagnosis of arthrosis to him - and that's it, he is not suitable.

Once enrolled, cadet cadets will also face a host of restrictions on their freedom. And you need to be mentally prepared for this in advance.

Oath 2017 at the Mozhaisky Academy
  • After passing exams and tests, and before the start of training, cadets are no longer allowed to go home.
  • At the entrance selection, Spartan living conditions (almost daily rains and leaky tents, a warm shower once a week, theft of personal and valuable).
  • The use of social networks and communication on the Internet is limited.
  • Cadets of the Mozhaisky Academy are prohibited from driving a car for the entire period of study at the Academy.

Enough, or do you need more? Believe me, there will be many restrictions, starting with hairstyles and behavior habits.


In Russia, there is a national vaccination calendar, where infants begin to vaccinate while still in the hospital.

Upon admission to Mozhaika (as, indeed, to any other military university), the applicant must have a vaccination card with notes on all vaccinations prescribed by the calendar. If they are not there, do it, and the sooner the better, because many vaccinations require re-vaccination.

Without vaccinations, you will not be accepted (recognized as unfit for admission), and it does not matter whether you were allergic, or whether your mother, for ideological reasons, refused vaccinations.

Discharge by discipline

Are pranks and disobedience possible? With good academic performance, they can be expelled only for behavior. And by the way, according to the cadets, in recent years it has been customary to expel for any offense. You yourself understand how it will be offensive.

On the other hand, there are many advantages to learning here.

Advantages of the Mozhaisky Academy

Large selection of specialties

For all programs, there are about 40 specialties for which training is carried out, will satisfy even a discerning student. And about the military space fleet, for which Mozhaika is the source of personnel, there is nothing to say. In general, everyone will find a specialty to their liking.

For example - the specialty of training a specialist.

Specialties for a specialist, Mozhayka, 2018

Actually do without blat

It is quite possible to act without pull. You just need to pass the entrance examinations well, and demonstrate decent personal qualities (the role of a psychologist in the selection is really important, not just for show).

According to one of the fathers of applicants who entered in 2017, if there was an opportunity to put in a word, he would definitely use it, but this was not the case, and the son did quite successfully himself.

The quality of education

Most graduates, including recent years, are satisfied with their education.

A good academy and one of the few where they teach what you need! But a very tough discipline, expelled for any mistake!

Cadet Review 2017

Graduates have a real opportunity to advance to high ranks and positions. For example, among the graduates are the former Deputy Defense Minister (Vladimir Popovkin), the famous pilot-cosmonaut (Yuri Sharygin), the Lieutenant General and Chief of the General Staff (Stanislav Suvorov) and many other famous persons.

As a start to their careers, all graduates will be assigned to serve as an officer.

As you can see, there is where to start and where to aspire.

Living conditions

During the main training, the cadets live in the barracks. Living conditions are quite acceptable, everything is clean, adapted for life.

Mozhaisky Academy. Barracks

Good dining room (according to the reviews, they are fed quite well), renovated barracks.

Canteen at the Mozhaisky Academy, St. Petersburg

The presented photos from the official materials of the Academy demonstrate what the cadets will have to face.

Cultural leisure

Don't forget that this is St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia. The Academy is "friends" with all sorts of museums, exhibitions, theaters, and students regularly and in an organized way visit cultural sites.

In general, the child will not only receive a military specialty, but will also have cultural leisure in St. Petersburg, which may especially interest children from the provinces (well, their parents).


We will not take into account those who have a negative attitude towards the army and military education, and who were not accepted, or were sent home after training. The rest of the reviews about the Mozhaisk Academy are mostly positive.

If we summarize the responses of applicants and cadets of Mozhaiki, we get the following picture.

They speak positively about:

  • quality of education
  • barracks and living conditions
  • culturally - organized leisure

Neutral or Good:

  • food


  • strict selection on admission
  • poor living conditions in the camp for applicants
  • too strict discipline, with deductions for offenses
  • old part of the material base for training

I hope you now have a better understanding of what you will have to face.

If you like Peter, you have chosen a military career for yourself, and one of the faculties of Mozhaika lies to your heart - go for it. Moreover, you will be able to enroll in another university in parallel, or to enter while studying in civilian life - upon admission they will ask for a copy of the certificate, the original can be taken and brought after the order.

Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky

Military Space Academy
named after A.F. Mozhaisky
International name

Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

Former names

Military Engineering School

Year of foundation
A type


Head of the Academy

Stanislav Stanislavovich Suvorov

The doctors
Legal address

197082, St. Petersburg, Zhdanovskaya st., 13


Coordinates: 59 ° 57′23 ″ s. sh. 30 ° 17′01 ″ in. etc. /  59.956389 ° N sh. 30.283611 ° E etc. (G) (O) (I)59.956389 , 30.283611

The Federal Military State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaisky" is a higher military educational institution located in St. Petersburg. Named after A.F. Mozhaisky.

The Russian Empire

Creature. Military Engineering School

  • January 16, Decree of Peter I 2467. Named in paragraphs. … 17. To multiply the engineering school, namely: to find a master from the Russians who would teach tsifiri, or send to the tower for this teaching; and when they finish Arithmetic, teach Geometry as much as it is necessary before engineering, and then give the Engineer to teach Fortification.
  • March 17, Decree of Peter I 3330. Personal, announced from the Military Collegium. On the establishment of the Engineering Company in St. Petersburg. The great sovereign pointed out: to establish an Engineering Company at St. Petersburg, and in the second company to take from Moscow the Engineering Company of all students as many as there are in that school; and the Engineer, who at this school is assigned to teach schoolchildren, with their proper tools and with everything they have.
  • - The engineering school was transferred to a wooden house on the banks of the Petrovka River (later - Zhdanovka)
  • 1733 - Buildings on the St. Petersburg side that belonged to the Count, Field Marshal Burkhard K. Minich (at that time - the President of the Military Collegium, the head of all military engineers of Russia) were transferred to the Engineering School.

Artillery and Engineering Gentry (noble) School

  • May 12 - Decree of Empress Elizabeth on the creation of a united artillery and engineering gentry (noble) school. Engineer-captain M.I.Mordvinov was approved as the head of the united gentry school.
  • 1758 August 22 - The Artillery and Engineering schools were merged into one military educational institution - the united (united) Artillery and engineering gentry school (the Artillery school was transferred from the Liteiny Dvor to the Engineering Dvor, to the Petersburg side).
  • 1758 - M.V. Lomonosov reads lectures on physics at the joint Artillery and Engineering School.
  • 1761 - MI Kutuzov graduates from the united artillery and engineering school of the gentry. Natural talent allowed him to finish school in a year and a half, instead of the required three.

Artillery and Engineering Gentry Cadet Corps

  • October 25 - By the decree of Catherine II, the Artillery and Engineering School was transformed into the Artillery and Engineering Gentry Cadet Corps. Engineer-Lieutenant Colonel M.I.Mordvinov became the first director of the AISHKK.
  • 1775 - The Greek Gymnasium was founded at AISHKK.
  • 1792 - The Greek Gymnasium was transformed into the Corps of Foreign Co-Believers, or the Greek Cadet Corps (closed by Paul I in 1796).
  • 1783 - Major General PI Melissino was appointed director of the Artillery and Engineering Gentry Cadet Corps.
  • 1783 - AA Arakcheev graduated from the Artillery and Engineering Gentry Corps with a gilded silver medal.
  • 1797 - Artillery and Engineering gentry cadet corps graduated from the future founder of rocketry in Russia, Lieutenant General A.D. Zasyadko. It was about him that Emperor Alexander I said: "Thank God, there are officers who serve out of one honor!"

2nd Cadet Corps

General plan of the site and buildings of the 2nd Cadet Corps, 1835

A battalion of cadets of the 2nd cadet corps with a banner in front of the main (later - church) entrance of the corps building, early 50s of the 19th century

  • 1800 March 10 - Decree of Paul I On naming the Artillery and Engineering Cadet Corps the 2nd Cadet Corps (2 KK).
  • 1805 March 21 - Alexander I approves the decision: to have the 1st and 2nd cadet corps as military educational institutions for obtaining higher military education (the number of cadets 2KK - 1000 people. The duration of training is 5 years).
  • 1807 March 14 - the Volunteer (Volunteer) Corps was created at 2 KK.
  • 1808 - The Volunteer Corps was renamed into the Noble Regiment at the 2nd Cadet Corps.
  • 1812 June-December - pupils of the 2nd cadet corps take an active part in the Patriotic War of 1812.
  • 1825-1826 - 36 pupils of the 2nd Cadet Corps and the Noble Regiment were involved in an investigation into the case of participation in the secret societies of the Decembrists.
  • 1832 January 1 - The Noble Regiment was separated from the 2nd Cadet Corps and became an independent military educational institution.
  • 1850-1855 - In the 2nd cadet corps, N. G. Chernyshevsky works as a teacher in the subject of Russian literature with interruptions.
  • 1861 - in the 2nd cadet corps physical geography and chemistry is taught by a 27-year-old master of physics and chemistry D.I.Mendeleev.

2nd Military Gymnasium

  • 1863 May 17 - the 2nd cadet corps was reorganized into the 2nd military gymnasium.
  • 1865 - at the 2nd military gymnasium, two-year Higher Pedagogical Courses were created to train teachers for military gymnasiums in Russia.

2nd Cadet Corps

  • 1882 June 22 - transformation of the 2nd military gymnasium into the 2nd cadet corps
  • 1910 January 31 - Emperor Nicholas II imperially commanded: "The Sovereign Emperor Deigned to give the 2nd cadet corps seniority from the day ... January 16, 1712"

2nd Cadet Emperor Peter the Great Corps

  • 1912 January 16 - By the highest order of the military department "For long and fruitful activity" the 2nd cadet corps was named after Emperor Peter the Great (2nd cadet Emperor Peter the Great corps). 2KK is 200 years old.
  • 1918 February - the 4th Soviet Petrograd Infantry Courses are located in the buildings of the 2nd Cadet Corps
  • 1919 May 24 - a school for training aviation technicians for the Red Air Fleet was formed in Kiev, in September it was transferred to Moscow and renamed into the Moscow School of Mechanical Technicians of the KVF, in May 1921 it was relocated to Petrograd and renamed the Petrograd School of Technicians-Mechanics KVF

Military Technical School of the Red Air Fleet

  • 1922 December - in the buildings of the 2nd cadet corps, the Petrograd school of mechanic technicians of the KVF is located and renamed into the Military-technical school of the Red Air Force.

Leningrad Military-Technical School of the Red Army Air Force

  • 1924 June - The Military Technical School of the Red Air Fleet was renamed the Leningrad Military Technical School of the Red Army Air Force.
  • 1924 September - by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 224/25 and the Chief of the Red Army Air Force No. 593, on the basis of the Kiev military school of the KVF and the Yegoryevsk school (until 1918 - the Gatchina aviation school), the Military-theoretical school of the KVF was created and was located in the buildings of the former Pavlovsk school (street Red Kursant, 21).

1st Leningrad Military Aviation Technical School named after K.E. Voroshilov

  • 1938 May - The Military-Technical School of the Red Army Air Force was transformed into the 1st Leningrad Military Aviation-Technical School named after K.E. Voroshilov.

Leningrad Aviation Technical Improvement Courses for the Red Army Air Force

  • 1939 November - The 1st Leningrad Military Aviation Technical School named after K. Ye. Voroshilov was transformed into the Leningrad Aviation Technical Advanced Training Courses for the Red Army Air Force. In August 1941, the courses were evacuated to Magnitogorsk, from where in May-June 1945 they were transferred to Riga, eventually becoming the Riga Red Banner Higher Engineering Aviation Military School named after I. K.E. Voroshilov.

Leningrad Air Force Academy of the Red Army

  • 1941 February 25 - the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the reorganization of the aviation forces of the Red Army"
  • 1941 March 3 - in pursuance of the decree, the orders of the People's Commissar of Defense were issued:
    • №0072:

b) To form, by April 1, 1941, on the basis of the Leningrad Institute of Engineers of the Civil Air Fleet, the Leningrad Air Force Academy for the training of engineers for operation, special equipment and airfield construction for 2000 people of variable composition:

at the Faculty of Engineering… 1000 people.

at the faculty of special equipment ... 500 "

at the Faculty of Airfield Construction ... 600 "

c) Set the term of study in both academies for 3 years. To reduce the training period without lowering the qualifications of the graduated engineers, for which the academies should be staffed with technicians and mechanics with secondary education and at least two years of practical work in combat units.

    • No. 081 on the appointment of the Commission for the reception from the Leningrad Institute of Civil Air Fleet engineers of personnel fit for service in the cadres of the Red Army, as well as buildings, training laboratories, workshops and all available equipment.
  • 1941 March 27 - the order of the NKO of the USSR No. 0812 announced the establishment of the Leningrad Air Force Academy of the Red Army.
  • 1941 March 27 - the following faculties were created: engineering, special equipment, aerodrome construction; twenty-nine departments; two associate professors.
  • 1941 March 27 - the following departments were created: the theory of aircraft engines, design of aircraft engines, aerodynamics, design and strength of aircraft, technology and repair, aviation materials science, technical operation of aircraft and motors, electrical equipment, radio engineering, electrical engineering and electrical machines, aeronautical equipment, airfields, construction arts, engineering structures, fortifications, associate professor of hydraulics, associate professor of geodesy, the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, tactics, chemical weapons, small arms and cannon weapons, physical education, higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, structural mechanics (strength of materials), foreign languages, graphics (department imaging methods - from March to July 1941), machine parts and the theory of machines and mechanisms.
  • 1941 June 26 - in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army No. ORG / 1 / 525232ss, a 3-month training course for engineers was formed at the Academy.
  • 1941 June 27 - in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the spacecraft No. ORG / 1 / 525232ss at the academy, training courses for engineers were formed.
  • 1941 June 30 - in accordance with the directive of the Office of the Higher Educational Institution of the KA No. 47867, the Academy switched to curricula with a training period of two years.
  • 1941 July 24 - directive of the General Staff of the spacecraft No. ORG / 1 / 538100ss was received on the evacuation of the Academy to the capital of the Mari ASSR, Yoshkar-Ola. On August 1-4, the academy was evacuated until 1945.
  • 1941-1945 - in educational buildings and course buildings (buildings of the 2nd and Pavlovsk cadet corps), there were a military hospital, army property depots and military units.
  • 1942 February 3 - in accordance with the directive of the Air Force Commander, the Academy switched to curricula with a training period of 3 years.
  • 1942 June 18 - in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the academy switched to peacetime curricula with a training period of 4.5 years with the defense of diploma projects and passing state exams.
  • 1942 December 17-20 - the All-Union 1st Scientific and Technical Conference (STC) was held at the Academy.
  • 1943 January 25 - the first defense of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences by senior teacher A.P. Melnikov took place at the Academy.
  • 1943 February 15 - in accordance with the order of the NKO of the USSR, the academy formed advanced training courses for teachers for schools.
  • 1943 December 19-22 - the 2nd All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference was held at the Academy.
  • 1944 January 3 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force KA No. 4 based on the results of combat and physical training in 1944, the Academy was awarded the first place among the Red Army Air Force academies.
  • 1944 April 27 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the Academy with the Order of the Battle Red Banner - a symbol of military honor, valor and glory.
  • 1945 May - the Academy returns from evacuation to Leningrad and is located in the buildings and structures of the former 2nd Cadet Corps.
  • 1945 July 9 - by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Academy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for outstanding achievements in training highly qualified aviation personnel.
  • 1945 December 2-5 - the 3rd scientific and technical conference was held at the Academy.
  • 1946 February 20 - the following faculties were created at the academy: engineering, aerodrome construction, electrical special equipment, radio engineering, postgraduate studies and a preparatory course.
  • 1946 February - the Academy was the first in the system of higher educational institutions of the Air Force to establish a radio engineering faculty.

Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy

  • 1946 August 6 - Order of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 044 established a new name for the academy from September 1, 1946 - the Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy.
  • 1946 August 6 - in accordance with the order of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 044, the Academy from September 1, 1946 switched to curricula with a training period of 5 years and 8 months: the number of adjuncturists was established - 80 people
  • 1948 - the Academy switched to new training programs, the study time for the study of jet technology was significantly increased.
  • 1949 October 5 - the Military Scientific Society (VNO) of students was created by the order of the head of the Academy. The Charter of VNO was put into effect.
  • 1953 December 7 - in accordance with the order of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief, the Department of Atomic Weapons was established at the Academy.

Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1955 March 19 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 42 of the Academy, a new name was established: the Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (LKVVIA named after A.F. Mozhaisky).
  • 1958 March 21 - a monument to the outstanding Russian researcher and inventor Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky was unveiled on the territory of the Academy.
  • 1959 September 10 - the beginning of the study and introduction into the educational process of knowledge about space, about space technology. For the first time, a seminar on cosmonautics was held at the Academy.
  • 1960 - by the beginning of the 60s (for 1945-1960) the Academy completed 736 research works, trained 21 doctors of sciences and 413 candidates of sciences.
  • 1960 - by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of April 11 and by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Missile Forces of April 24, the academy was transferred from the Air Force to the Strategic Missile Forces
  • 1960 September - the out-of-town training center (ZUTs) in the village of Lekhtusi was established at the academy.
  • 1960 - the order of the head of the academy No. 912 introduced the "Regulations on the military-scientific society of students".
  • 1961 March 23 - by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Rocket Forces, the Academy was awarded a Diploma for the good organization of inventive work.
  • 1961 May 25 - by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 0133, following the results of the All-Army review-competition for the best state of rationalization work, the Academy was awarded a Diploma and the first Prize.
  • 1961 July 1 - the Academy produced the first (next serial number 33) graduation of military engineers for the Strategic Missile Forces.
  • 1961 - the first in the country scientific and technical conference to assess the prospects for the development of space technology and space exploration was held at the Academy.
  • 1961 September - advanced training courses for engineers (KUIng) were transformed into higher academic courses (VAK)
  • 1962 June - for the first time in the history of higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, the scientific computing department (NVO) of the academy was created (on the basis of the calculation and computing bureau at the NIO).
  • 1962 August 21 - in accordance with the directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, the faculty of distance learning was created at the academy.

Leningrad Military Engineering Red Banner Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1963 January 4 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 06 of the Academy, a new name was established: the AF Mozhaisky Leningrad Military Engineering Red Banner Academy (AF Mozhaisky LWIKA).
  • 1967 September - Higher Academic Courses (HAC) converted to Academic Courses (AK)
  • 1967 October 30 - For the first time in the world, the automatic docking of the spacecraft "Kosmos - 186" and "Kosmos - 188" was carried out with the help of an onboard rendezvous system, in the creation of which scientists from the academy took part.
  • 1970 August - the department of tactics, history of military art and combined arms training was created, since 1987 - the department of tactics and general military disciplines, since 1993 - the department of command and control of troops and tactics, since 1995 - the department of general tactics.

Military Engineering Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1972 April 18 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 54, the new name of the academy was established - the AF Mozhaisky Military Engineering Academy of the Red Banner.

Military Engineering Institute named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1973 October 15 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 0091, the Military Engineering Academy named after AF Mozhaisky was reorganized into the Military Engineering Institute of the Red Banner (VIKI) named after AF Mozhaisky.
  • 1973 - in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated October 15, academic courses (AK) were transformed into officer courses (OK).
  • 1974 - following the results of the All-Army Review on the introduction of technical innovations, the institute was awarded first place and the first prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces was awarded.
  • 1976 - a methodological center was established at the institute.
  • 1977 - the museum of the institute was awarded the Certificate of Honor and the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces for great work on military-patriotic education.
  • 1978 December 27 - for the achievement of the highest results in the All-Union public review of the work of student (cadet) design bureaus the Institute was awarded the First Prize.
  • 1982 August - by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the A.F. Mozhaisky VIKI was removed from the subordination of the Strategic Missile Forces State Committee and transferred to the GUKOS.


A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Institute

  • 1991 February 25 - The A.F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Institute of the Red Banner was renamed into the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Institute.
  • 1991 August 27 - by the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces officer courses were transformed into the faculty of retraining and advanced training of officers.

Military Engineering Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1993 April 27 - by order of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 711P and by order No. 241 of May 7, 1993 the AF Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Institute was reorganized into the AF Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Academy.
  • 1993 August 31 - September 5 - the first International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS'93) was held in Moscow. The Academy became a MAKS'93 diploma.
  • 1993 September 9 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 01289 Lieutenant General Leonid Denisovich Kizim was appointed head of the academy.
  • 1994 September 22 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 311 - January 16, 1712 was declared the Day of the establishment of the AF Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Academy.
  • 1994 - the museum of the Academy for active participation in the propaganda of the history of the Academy and the Military Space Forces was awarded the Diploma and Pennant of the Commander of the Military Space Forces.
  • 1995 February 8 - the head of the academy approved the "Regulations on mentoring in the academy."
  • 1995 March 20-21 - at the academy under the leadership of the General Staff, with the participation of the command of the Aerospace Forces, the All-Russian military-scientific conference was held on the topic "The role and place of the Military Space Forces in modern operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
  • 1995 August 22 - 27 - the second International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS'95) was held in Moscow. The Academy became a MAKS'95 diploma.
  • 1995 December 10 - by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 123, October 4 was established as the Day of the Military Space Forces.
  • 1996 April 1 - the search club "Cosmos" was created at the Academy on the basis of the search teams Kosmos-1 and Kosmos-2.
  • 1996 April 11 - by order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1883, the Peter the Great Military Space Cadet Corps was created.
  • 1996 October 4 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation announced: October 4 is a professional holiday - the Day of the Military Space Forces.
  • 1996 - the Academy was issued a license No. 16G-940 for the right to conduct general educational activities in the field of vocational education.
  • 1997 19 - 24 August - the Academy-participant of the third International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS'97, which is taking place in Moscow.
  • 1997 November 6 - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 397, measures were determined for the reorganization of the military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It was ordered to prepare a project for transforming the academy into the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering University.
  • 1998 April 1 - the museum of the search club "Cosmos" was opened at the academy.

Military Engineering and Space University named after A.F. Mozhaisky

  • 1998 August 29 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1009 "On military educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" Military Space Engineering Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky was reorganized into the Military Space Engineering University, and on September 16 the corresponding order of the Minister was issued Defense of the Russian Federation No. 417.

State educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky"

  • 2002 November - in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2002 No. 807, the Military Space Engineering University was renamed into the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaisky."

Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

  • 2008 December - in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 1951-r, the State educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" was renamed into the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education The AF Mozhaisky Military Space Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

  • 2011 September - in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2011 No. 1639-r, the type of the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was changed to the federal state budgetary military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

  • 2012 July - in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2012 No. 422-r, the type of the federal state budgetary military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was changed to Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Academy structure

Head of the Academy - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Major General, Stanislav Stanislavovich Suvorov


  • Faculty of Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Structures (1 faculty) Departments: (11); spacecraft and upper stages (12); designs of launch vehicles and rocket engines (13); launch and technical complexes of rockets and spacecraft (14); cryogenic technology and thermostating systems for rockets and spacecraft (15) navigation and ballistic support of space vehicles and the theory of flight of aircraft (16).
  • Faculty of control systems and computer technology (2 faculty) Departments: Autonomous control systems (21); electrical equipment (22); electrical engineering and electrical measurements (23); electronic computing technology (24); software (25); automated systems for the preparation and launch of rockets and spacecraft (26); automation and electronics (27); modeling and application of space systems and complexes (28);
  • Faculty of Radio Electronics (Faculty of 3) Departments: transmitting devices (31) receiving devices (32) optoelectronic systems (33) telemetric systems (34) space electronic warfare (35) digital devices (36) antenna-feeder devices (37)
  • Faculty of ground space infrastructure (4th faculty) Departments: engineering support and camouflage (41) special structures of rocket and space complexes (42) life support systems for ground space infrastructure objects (43) power supply of ground space infrastructure facilities (44)
  • Faculty of collection and processing of information (5 faculty) Departments: optoelectronic devices and systems (51) meteorology (52) software for computers and automated systems, computer security (53) cryptography (54) radio electronic systems (55) complex radio electronic systems ( 56) integrated electronic control (57)
  • Faculty of automated control and communication systems (Faculty 6) Departments: Metrology and Operation of ACS (61) automated control systems for spacecraft (62) space communications (63) automated command and control systems (64) automated information processing systems (65)

List of faculties since September 1, 2011

  • Faculty of Aircraft Construction (1 faculty) Departments:
    1. quality control and testing of weapons, military and special equipment;
    2. Spacecraft and interorbital transportation means;
    3. launch vehicle designs;
    4. launch and technical complexes;
    5. filling equipment;
    6. navigation and ballistic support for the use of the spacecraft and the theory of flight of aircraft
  • Faculty of Rocket and Space Complex Control Systems (Faculty 2) Departments:
    1. autonomous control systems;
    2. onboard electrical equipment and power systems of aircraft;
    3. management of organizational and technical systems for space purposes;
    4. onboard information and measuring systems;
    5. automated systems for the preparation and launch of space rockets.
  • Faculty of radio-electronic systems of space complexes (3 faculty) Departments:
    1. transmitting, antenna-feeder devices and CEB facilities;
    2. space radio engineering systems;
    3. space radar and radio navigation;
    4. telemetry systems and integrated information processing;
    5. department of Networks and Communication Systems of Space Complexes;
    6. receiving devices and radio automatics.
  • Faculty of Terrestrial Space Infrastructure (4th faculty) Departments:
    1. operation and design of buildings and structures;
    2. operation of technical systems and life support systems for surface and underground facilities of the RKK;
    3. heat and ventilation;
    4. operation of power supply facilities for special-purpose facilities.
  • Faculty of collection and processing of information (5 faculty) Departments:
    1. optoelectronic control devices;
    2. technologies and means of geophysical support of troops;
    3. engineering analysis;
    4. space electronic control.
  • Faculty of information support and computer technology (6 faculty) Departments:
    1. information collection and processing systems (former department 53);
    2. information and computing systems and networks (former department 24);
    3. mathematical and software (former 25th department);
    4. complexes and means of information security (former department 35);
    5. information and analytical work (former 55th department);
    6. subject-methodical commission "Psychological actions";
  • Faculty of topogeodetic support and cartography (7 faculty) Departments:
    1. topogeodetic support;
    2. cartography;
    3. higher geodesy;
    4. phototopography photogrammetry;
    5. metrological support of weapons, military and special equipment.
  • Faculty of Rocket and Space Defense Means (Faculty 8) Departments:
    1. missile attack warning devices;
    2. anti-missile defense equipment;
    3. space control devices;
    4. tactics of units and subunits of missile defense.
  • Faculty of automated command and control systems (faculty 9) Departments:
    1. system analysis and mathematical support of ACS (troops);
    2. technologies and means of technical support and operation of the ACS (by troops);
    3. technologies and means of integrated processing and transmission of information to the automated control system (by troops);
    4. ACS of space complexes;
    5. Antimissile defense ACS.
  • Faculty of retraining and advanced training


Pushkin Branch of the Military Space Academy

The branch originates from a military school, formed on May 17, 1941, to train specialists for air surveillance, warning and communication units (VNOS).

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, according to the accelerated program, the school conducted 29 graduations, trained about 2000 officers. For great services in the training of officers, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 23 of February 22, 1968, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Almost 30 years after its creation, the secondary school was reorganized into a higher one, and in 1977 it began to train engineers for the Rocket and Space Defense Troops, which are now part of the Russian Space Forces.

The branch employs about 20 doctors and more than 100 candidates of sciences, including 18 academicians of the Russian branch academies of sciences, several honored workers of science and technology of Russia.

Here, purposeful research work is carried out within the framework of fundamental search, planned-order, contractual research and scientific and technical cooperation agreements with military units, industrial organizations, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and institutions of the Higher School.

The branch of the Academy trains specialists in the interests of the Space Forces in the following specialties:

  • software for computer technology and automated systems;
  • computers, complexes, systems and networks;
  • power supply.

In 2007, the branch was reorganized into the Military Institute of Systems and Means for Supporting the Troops of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (VI SISOV VKA), in 2011 - into the 8th Faculty of the Academy.

Cadet Corps

Tuchkov Buyan, where the cadet corps was located

Military Institute (topographic)

In 2006, the enlargement of the Military Space Academy. A.F. Mozhaisky. In accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the A.I. Antonov Military Topographic Institute (Military Institute (topographic)) was included in the Academy. In 2011, the institute was reorganized into the 7th faculty of the academy.

Cherepovets Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2008 No. 1951-r, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Institute of Radio Electronics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with the subsequent formation on its basis of a separate structural unit. Head of the branch in Cherepovets - Major General Anatoly Grigorievich Predius (until July 2011).

Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces

Patch of the Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces, 2005

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2008 No. 1951-r, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was renamed and reorganized in the form of joining the state educational institution of higher professional education " Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces "with the subsequent formation of a separate structural unit on its basis.

In 2011, the branch was disbanded. In August 2011, all the cadets were transferred to St. Petersburg, while the officers worked until October 2011.

Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense


Kutuzov M.I.,
graduate of 1761
Arakcheev A.A.,
graduate of 1783
P. P. Konovnitsyn,
graduate of 1785
Zasyadko A. D.,
graduate of 1797
Meller-Zakomelsky P.I.,
graduate of 1769
F. F. Buxgevden,
graduate of 1770

Kozen P.A.,
graduate of 1796
V. G. Kostenetskiy,
graduate of 1788
Mitkov M.F.,
graduate of 1806

Other notable alumni of the Academy:


Over the years, the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy taught:

  • Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich (the first Russian scientist)
  • Danilovich, Grigory Grigorievich (educator of Nicholas II, general of infantry)
  • Melissino, Pyotr Ivanovich (first Russian general from artillery)
  • Mendeleev, Dmitry Ivanovich (creator of the periodic table of chemical elements)
  • Rumovsky, Stepan Yakovlevich (the first Russian scientist-astronomer, student of Euler)
  • Dobrolyubov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (Russian writer)
  • Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Gavrilovich (Russian writer)
  • Rynin Nikolai Alekseevich (one of the organizers of the Leningrad Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion (GIRD))
  • others

see also

  • Mozhaets - a series of training satellites designed at the Military Engineering and Space University. A. F. Mozhaisky



  • A. N. Polivanov "The fiftieth anniversary of the 2nd Moscow Emperor Nicholas I Cadet Corps." - 1899.
  • Zaikovsky K. Reminiscence of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich // Historical Bulletin, 1886. - T. 24. - No. 4. - P. 112-119. - sketches of the summer life of students.
  • A. P. Ezhov Academy during the war. - L.: LVIKA them. A.F. Mozhaisky, 1976 .-- 122 p.
  • Red Banner Military Engineering Institute. A.F. Mozhaisky. Essays on history. 1941 - 1981 - L.: LVIKA them. A.F. Mozhaisky, 1981 .-- 304 p.
  • O. M. Pavlenko Oceanic supports of space bridges. - St. Petersburg: VVM, 2011.
  • Salov V.N. In the service of the Fatherland. - St. Petersburg: VIKA im. A.F. Mozhaisky, 1995 .-- 22 p.
  • O. N. Sazonov, N. S. Novikov, T. N. Fedorov. Under total. ed. L. D. Kizima History of the Military Engineering and Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (1712-1998). Military history work. - St. Petersburg: VIKA im. A.F. Mozhaisky, 1999 .-- 1167 p.


: 57 ° 36′25.48 ″ s. sh. 39 ° 52'39.4 ″ in. etc. /  57.60708 ° N sh. 39.877613 ° E etc. (G) (O) 57.60708 , 39.877613

Yaroslavl Branch of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy
(YaF VKA them. A. F. Mozhaisky)
Former name before - Yaroslavl Military Technical School of the Air Defense Forces of the country
before - Yaroslavl Radio Engineering School of Air Defense of the country
before - Yaroslavl Anti-Aircraft Missile School of the Air Defense Forces of the country
before - Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command Air Defense School (YAVZRKU Air Defense)
before - Yaroslavl Anti-Aircraft Missile Institute of Air Defense (YAZRI Air Defense)
before - Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense (YaVZRU Air Defense)
Year of foundation
Rector head of the school Colonel A. A. Ilinykh
The doctors 6
Professors 10
Location Yaroslavl
Legal address 150001, Yaroslavl, Moskovsky prospect, 28.


On October 15, 1951, the Yaroslavl military-technical school of the country's air defense forces was created under the code name "military unit 71543", located in an architectural complex, which since 1797 housed various military, including educational, institutions. In December 1965, the school was renamed into the Yaroslavl Radio Engineering School of the country's Air Defense, and in April 1968 - the Yaroslavl Anti-Aircraft Missile School of the country's Air Defense Forces.

On July 9, 1970, the school was transferred to the category of higher military educational institutions and renamed into the Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command Air Defense School with a training period of 4 years. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the school was given the honorary title "named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution."

In 1993, the school switched to a five-year term of study. In 1997, an adjunct was opened there to train its own scientific and pedagogical personnel. In 1998, the school was renamed the Yaroslavl Anti-Aircraft Missile Institute of Air Defense.

In 2005, the institute was renamed into the Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense (Military Institute).

In 2010, due to the military reform, there was no recruitment of students, there were rumors of closure. But in the fall of that year, it became known that the YaVZRU Air Defense, unlike many other military universities in the country, would not be closed and would become the only one where air defense specialists would be trained and one of four who train officers for the Air Force and Air Defense. The complex of buildings that was closed on Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya Street was transferred to the school.

On September 12, 2010, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia performed the rite of consecration of the house church in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky at the Yaroslavl Air Defense Forces.

In August 2011, the cadets of the St. Petersburg Military School of Radio Electronics were transferred to the Yaroslavl VZRU of the Air Defense to continue their studies, who continued their studies in their specialties of the Air Force RTV.

State of the art

Training is conducted in six military specialties within the framework of three civilian specialties with higher professional education - "Electronic systems", "Automated processing and control systems" and "Computers, complexes, systems and networks".

YaVZRU Air Defense is a basic military educational institution of the Russian Armed Forces, which trains specialists for air defense missile systems of the Air Force and anti-aircraft missile units of the Navy on the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system and regimental control systems.

The personnel of the school takes part in parades of troops on Red Square on Victory Day, starting in 2009.


Among graduates:

Doctors of sciences V.D.Korolev, F.G. Seyranyan, R.A.Savushkin, A.I. Oksenkrug devoted themselves to military science.



The Military Space Academy is a leading military educational institution that trains specialists for the Space Forces, other types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

Today the academy has significant scientific potential. As of January 1, 2009, the Academy employs: 117 doctors of sciences; 633 candidates of sciences; 89 professors; 264 associate professors; 27 honored scientists of the Russian Federation; 6 honored workers of higher education of the Russian Federation; 6 honored inventors of the Russian Federation; 36 members of international academies and academies of the Russian Federation; 16 laureates of the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The academy has 6 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses, in which over 150 doctoral and master's theses have been successfully defended over the past five years.

The education that graduates receive at the Military Space Academy fully meets the requirements that are imposed on officers during military service. The academy trains officers in 40 military specialties, many of which have no analogues in our country.

The main task of the academy is to train highly qualified officers with deep engineering knowledge for units and subunits of the Russian Space Forces, to conduct scientific research in the interests of the Space Forces, which have the most advanced rocket and space systems that have incorporated the latest achievements of modern science at the beginning of the 21st century. They require a professional officer with broad technical erudition, a patriotic officer.

The entire system of educational, scientific and educational work of the command of the academy and the teaching staff is subordinated to the fact that a graduate of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy has a high intellect, has the necessary moral qualities, a high general culture, has formed such a system of values \u200b\u200band ideals that would allow him to conscientiously and successfully fulfill his military duty.

Graduates of the academy are specialists in rocket and space complexes, solve state-level defense tasks, numerous applied and fundamental scientific problems, ensure the operation of spacecraft and launch vehicles.
Among the graduates of the academy is the chief of armaments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Vladimir Popovkin. The first representative of the Space Forces to fly to the International Space Station, Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut Colonel Yuri Shargin is also a graduate of the Academy.


Contact Information:

Company details:

Checkpoint: 781301001

OKPO: 07726295

OGRN: 1027806893168

OKFS: 12 - Federal property

OKOGU: 1313500 - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75103 - Federal state budgetary institutions

OKTMO: 40394000000

OKATO: - St. Petersburg, Districts of St. Petersburg, Petrogradsky


Legal successors:

Legal predecessors:


Main (according to OKVED rev.2 code): 85.22 - Higher education

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

18.12 Other types of printing activities
18.13 Printing plates manufacturing and preparatory activities
51.22.3 Launching space rockets and putting space objects into orbit
55.90 Activities for the provision of other places for temporary residence
58.11 Book publishing
58.13 Publishing newspapers
58.19 Other types of publishing
60.10 Activities in the field of radio broadcasting
60.20 Activities in the field of television broadcasting
62.01 Computer software development
71.12 Activities in the field of engineering surveys, engineering and technical design, construction project management, construction control and supervision, provision of technical advice in these areas
71.12.4 Geodetic and cartographic activities
71.12.44 Activities related to the collection, processing and preparation of cartographic and space information, including aerial photography
71.12.51 Activity of the observational hydrometeorological network
71.12.62 Activities in the field of metrology
72.19 Other scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences
74.30 Translation and interpretation activities
74.90.9 Information security activities
82.30 Organization of conferences and exhibitions
85.21 Vocational secondary education
85.22.2 Higher education - specialty
85.22.3 Higher education - Master's degree
85.23 Training of highly qualified personnel
85.41.9 Additional education for children and adults other, not included in other groups
85.42 Professional additional education
85.42.1 Motor vehicle driver training schools
86.10 Activities of hospital organizations
91.01 Libraries and archives activities
91.02 Museum activities
93.11 Activities of sports facilities
93.29.2 Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools
93.29.9 Other entertainment and entertainment activities, not included in other categories

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 088012002570

Registration date: 03.06.1992

PFR body name: State Institution Management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Petrogradsky District of St. Petersburg

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 7067847318873


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 780606424378071

Registration date: 31.03.2019

FSS body name: Branch No. 7 of the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 7197847655438

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 06.04.2019

According to from 11.10.2019, according to TIN, the company is in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 13.04.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 234

Operator name: State educational institution of higher professional education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Operator location address: 197082, St. Petersburg, st. Zhdanovskaya, 13

Personal data processing start date: 28.06.1993

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: St. Petersburg

Purpose of processing personal data: Managing the personal files of cadets, contract servicemen, civilian personnel

Categories of personal data: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, education, profession, nationality, health status,

List of actions with personal data: Collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use of personal data in an electronic database and on paper

Personal data processing: mixed, without transmission over the internal network of the legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data"

Cross-border transmission availability: no

According to dated 10/14/2019, according to TIN, he is the founder (co-founder) of 2 media (s):

dateRegistration numberNameThe form
17.06.2011 Bulletin of the Academy named after A.F. Mozhaiskyprint media newspaper
20.07.2011 Proceedings of the A.F. Mozhaiskyprint media compilation


roomdate ActivitiesScene
LSZ0016490 17334N05.07.2019 Development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) devices, information systems and telecommunication systems protected with encryption (cryptographic) devices, works PROVISION OF ENCRYPTION OF INFORMATION MAINTENANCE encryption (cryptographic) VEHICLES INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, protected with encryption (cryptographic) means (except IF maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) facilities, information systems and telecommunications systems protected with encryption (cryptographic) means, is performed for the needs of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur)
2293 29.07.2016 Educational activities licensed by the Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) | EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES (except for the specified activities carried out by non-state educational institutions located on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center) | Activities of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of higher education

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