Valery Bryusov - Mountain Star. My heart in the mountains

Valery Bryusov

Mountain stars


When joining ten years ago in the desert, I believed that it was forever broke up with an educated world. Take on the pen and writing memories made me events completely extraordinary. What I saw, perhaps, did not see any of the people. But even more I survived in the depths of the soul. My beliefs seemed to me non-omitted, destroyed or shocked. With horror I see how much powerful truth is that I always despised. These notes could have a goal: to warn others like me. But, they will probably never find the reader. I write them juice on the leaves, I am writing in the wilds of Africa, far from the last traces of enlightenment, under the Shalash of the Bechuana, listening to a small crash of the Moz-Oa-Tun. About Great Waterfall! Beautiful, what is in the world! In this desert one you, perhaps, bend my excitement. And I dedicate these pages.

The sky was dark blue, the stars are large and bright when I opened my eyes. I did not move, only a hand, and in a dream, a squeezing knob of the dagger, rushed to her stronger ... the moan repeated. Then I raised and sat down. Big Bonfire, from the evening laid out against wild animals, I was dead, and my Negrou of Mstega slept, bolding into the ground ...

"Get up," I shouted, "take a spear, go after me!"

We went by the direction where the moans were heard from. For about ten minutes we wandered by a mud. Finally I noticed something bright ahead.

- Who lies here without a fire? - I called. - Answer, or will shoot. - I said these words in English, and then repeated at the local Kafrian adverb, then once again in Dutch, in Portuguese, in French. There was no answer. I approached, holding the revolver at the ready.

On the sand in the puddle of the blood lay a man dressed in European. That was an old man of sixty. Its entire body was wedged by copies. The bloody mark led far to the desert; Wounded for a long time, before it fell completely.

I ordered Msteghe to dilute the fire and tried to bring the old man into the feeling. After half an hour he began to move, his eyelashes raised him, and I was not my eyes, first dull, then cleared.

- Do you understand me? I asked in English. Without receiving an answer, I repeated the question on all my languages \u200b\u200bfamiliar to me, even in Latin. The old man was silent for a long time, then spoke in French:

- Thank you, my friend. I know all these languages, and if I was silent, then for my reasons. Tell me where did you find me?

I explained.

- Why am I so weak? Did my wounds are dangerous?

- You do not survive the day.

As soon as I uttered these words, dying all the faded, his lips twisted, the bony fingers dug into my hand. His measuring speech was changed by hoarse shouts.

- Can't be! .. Not now, no! .. Pier! .. You are mistaken.

"Perhaps," I said coldly.

"Let Mr go," he dismissed deeply, "the sorcerer says everything, he heard about it from the fathers to the boy. There, in the middle of the damned desert, stands the star of the star, high to the sky. Demons live in it. Sometimes they come out of their country and devour babies in Kralims. Who goes to the desert, he will die. And it is impossible to talk about it ...

I was pretty. I lowered the Winchester and slowly passed among the sword of the crowd in the hut allotted to me. Stay in the village for the night it seemed unsafe. In addition, I understood that the damned desert could only go at night. I ordered Mstegy to prepare on the road. We took with you a stock of days for five days, a bit of provisions and everything you need for a slag to be where to hide from the heat. I buried all the burdens into two equal look, myself and Mshegé. Then he sent to tell the boss of the tribe that we go. All the village came out to accomplish us, but everyone kept at a significant distance. To the border of the desert, I walked, having fun. She climbed a month. The edges of the layers are bizarrely lit up under the lunar rays. At this time I heard someone's voice. Wrapped, I saw that the sorcerer came out of the crowd ahead and also stood on the border of the desert. Stretching his hands in our direction, he clearly pronounced the set words. That was the spell, which circumscribed us to the avengers for the fact that we are disturbing the calm of the desert.

The moon was still low, and the long shadows on the hands of the sorcerer stretched for us to the desert and a long time was clinging to our legs.

On the same day, in the evening I started the journey promised by the old man. The map of that part of Africa, which has almost been almost not investigated, was known to me much better than any European geographer ... Running forward, I am all persistently gathered information about the terrain where it was sent. At first, only the most knowledgeable people could answer me that there was a special damned desert. Then they began to meet persecution who knew about this desert various legends. Everyone spoke reluctantly about her. Through [several] days of the road, we came to countries, adjacent to the damned desert. Here, everyone knew her, everyone saw her, but no one was in her. Previously, the coughs joined the desert, but it seems that no one has returned from them.

The boy, taken by me as a conductor, brought us to the desert closest paths. Over the forest, the path went through a luxurious steppe. In the evening we reached the temporary village of the Bechuians, stretched already at the very turn of the desert. I was met respectfully, I gave me a special hut and sent chick as a gift.

Before sunset, leaving Mstga to watch the property, I went alone to look at the desert. Nothing more strange than the border of this desert, I did not see for my sovereign life. The vegetation disappeared not gradually: there was no conventional transition band from the greenery of the meadows to a fruitless steppe. Immediately for two or three seeds, the pasture turned into a lifeless stony plain. On fat soil, covered with tropical grass, suddenly laminated gray corners not that shale, not the salt marsh layers; Sharoning on each other, they formed a wild toothed plane, which went away into the distance. Cracks and rafts were snake on this surface, often very deep and up to two Arshin wide, but she herself was firm as granite. The rays of the setting sun were reflected there and Xiy from ribs and jar, blind eyes with overflows of light. But still, carefully peering, it was possible to distinguish the pale gray cone on the horizon, whose vertex sparkled like a star. I returned to the cravy thoughtful. Soon the crowd surrounded me: they gathered to look at a white man walking in the damned desert. In the crowd I noticed a local sorcerer. Suddenly, looking towards him, I sent the blood of Winchester to the level with his breast. Sorcerer petrified from fear; It can be seen, the gun was familiar to him. And the crowd fled to the side.

- And what, - I asked slowly, - Does my father know any prayers before death?

"I know," the sorcerer answered unsteadously.

"So let him read them because it will die now."

I clicked with a chicken. Negroes in the distance let the scream.

"You will die," I repeated, "because you hide from me that you know about the damned desert."

I watched the sorcerer's face to change the moods. His lips were curved, they shifted on his forehead, wrinkles were revealed. I put my finger on the "dog". It could happen that the sorcerer really does not know anything, but in a moment I would definite the trigger. Suddenly the sorcerer fell to the ground.

- I just lost a lot of blood.

I smiled:

- You continue to lose it; I could not stop the bleeding.

The old man was crying, prayed to save him. Finally, his throat went blood, and he again lost consciousness. Waking up a second time, he was calm again.

"Yes, I'm dying," he said, "you are right." It's hard now. But listen. Fate made you by my heir.

"I don't need anything," I objected.

He spoke hurriedly, bitchily; It was starting to tell his life, then led to the last events. I did not understand much. Probably, the majority in my place would consider an old man's ax. Since childhood, he fascinated the idea of \u200b\u200binterplanetary intercourse. He dedicated her all his life. In various scientific societies, he did reports on the projectiles invented by him for flight from the ground to another planet. It was raised everywhere. But the sky, according to his expression, kept his old age award. Based on some wonderful documents, he was convinced that the question of interplanetary relations was already resolved by the inhabitants of Mars. At the end of the XIII century of our christies, they sent a ship to Earth. This ship sank in Central Africa. For the assumption of the old man, there were not travelers on this ship, but exiles, bold fugitives to another planet. They did not engage in the study of the Earth, but only tried to get comfortably. Feeding himself from the savages of artificial desert, they lived in her middle of a separate independent society. The old man was convinced that the descendants of these immigrants from Mars still live in that country.

- Do you have accurate place instructions? - I asked.

- I calculated approximately longitude and latitude ... Error no more than ten minutes ... Maybe a quarter of a degree ...

All that happened to the old man after and it was necessary to expect. Not wanting to share a success, he himself went on research ...

"You will assign you to my secret," said me dying, "graduate from my work, graduate from science and humanity.

I laughed:

- I despise science, I do not like humanity.

"Well, for the sake of glory," said the old man with bitterness.

"Complete," I objected. - What do I need fame? But I still wandering around the desert and can look out of curiosity into that country.

The old man whispered offended:

"I don't have a choice ... Let it be so ... but swear that you do everything possible to go there ... that only death will stop you."

I laughed again and said an oath. Then dying with tears in his eyes uttered several digits with a trembling voice - latitude and longitude. I noted them on the goose goal. Soon after noon, the old man died. His last requested that I mentioned his name when I write about my journey. I fulfill this request. His name was Maurice Cardeaux.

Not all the difficulties of the way foresaw [I], entering into the damned desert. From the very first steps, we felt hard to go along this stony, tired soil. The feet were painfully stepped on the jar of layers; The game of the moonlight deceived the eye, and every minute we could stumble in crevice. In the air stood fine dust, cutting his eyes. The monotony of the terrain was such that we were constantly knocked out from the direct direction and circled: it was necessary to go on the stars, because Abris Mountain was not visible in the darkness. At night, it was still cheerful at night, but as soon as the sun was boosted, we were covered by unbearable. The soil rapidly rapidly and shook her legs through shoes. The air became a fiery ferry, as over a melted stove, was painfully breathing. I had to crash to break the tent and lie under it until the evening, almost without moving.

We walked this damned desert six days. Water, formerly in our furs, was very quickly spoiled, smelling the skin, made a disgusting taste. Such water almost did not satisfy thirst. By the third morning, we had a very small residue of her, muddy late on the bottom of the fur. I decided to divide this balance between us to the end, as it would have finally deteriorated during the day. On the same day, ordinary torments of thirst began: the throat got sick, the tongue became tough, big, were quickly disappearing Mirage. But the fourth night we still walked without stopping. It seemed to me that the star of the star was close, which is closer to her than back, to the border of the desert. In the morning, however, I saw that the mountain silhouette almost did not grown, everything is also unavailable. On this fourth day, I finally mastered nonsense. I began to dream of a lake in palm oasises, angle of antelope on the shore and our Russian rivers with the rayons, where you are bathing braiding branches, I dreamed a month, reflected in the sea, fragmented in the waves, and rest in the boat behind the coastal rock, where everything worried about the surf, The shaft runs out of the shaft, it foams and gets high splashes. In a dream, a vague consciousness remained, it said that all these pictures - the ghost, that they are not available to me. I longed not to dream, defeat my nonsense, but it was not enough forces. And it was painful ... But barely sun rolled up and came the blame, I suddenly woke up, suddenly got up like Lunatic, as if on the secret call. We have not yet collected a tent, as they could not carry it. But we went ahead again, stubbornly stretched to the star of the star. She attracted me as a magnet. I was liked that my life was closely connected with this mountain, which I should, should and against the will to go to her. And I walked, sometimes ran, I was shot down from the way, I found him again, fell, got up and went again. If Musthek lagged behind, I shouted at him, threatened with him a gun. She climbed a decreasing month and illuminated the mountain cone. I welcomed the mountain enthusiastic speech, stretched to her hands, begged to help me, and again went, and again it was, without a report, blindly ...

The night passed, the red sun was revealed to the right. Star on the top of the mountain caught fire brightly. We already had no tent, I shouted Mshegie so that he would not stop.

We continued to go. Probably, about noon, I fell, defeated by heat, but continued to move Clarice. I threw a revolver, hunting knives, charges, jacket. For a long time I dragged my faithful hard drive, but then I threw it. I have plenty of swollen legs on hot soil, cling to bloodied hands for sharp stones. Before each new movement it seemed to me that it would be the last thing that I would not be able to do one more. But in my consciousness there was only one thought: you have to go ahead. And I'm also plenty among nonsense, plenty, shouting with vague words, talking to someone. Once I took fishing some kind of beetles and butterflies, which, as it seemed to me, was again around me. Coming in my senses, I found out the silhouette of the mountain and again began to crawl into it. Night came, but briefly brought calmness to his freshness. Forces left me, I was exhausted to the end. The rumor was filled with a terrible ringing and roaring, the eyes all the more dense froth stood the bloody fog. Consciousness left me finally. The last thing I remember when I woke up: the sun stood low, but already painfully paved me. Musthey was not with me. The first moment I wanted to make an effort to see where the mountain. Then in the next moment I clearly shone my thought, forcing me suddenly laugh. I laughed, although from my crawled lips flowed blood, I phoned on the chin and drops falling on the chest. I laughed because I suddenly understood my madness. Why did I go ahead? What could be near the mountain? Life, water? And what if there is still the same dead, the same damn desert! Yes, of course, it is. Mustga smarter me and, of course, went back. Well! Perhaps ... Feet and bring it to the turn! And I deserved my fate. And, mowing, I closed my eyes and remained still. But my attention was awakened by something dark that I felt through the lowered eyelids. I looked again. Between me and sky Paris Korshun, the African core-vulturer. He fell prey. And, looking straight on him, I began to think how he goes down to me on the chest, turn off the same eyes that I was looking would pull out pieces of meat out of me. And I thought I didn't care. But suddenly a new thought, dazzling bright, poured all my consciousness. Where does Korean come from here? Why should he fly to the desert? Or the star of the star is close, and about her and life, and forests, and water!

Immediately on my cores ran a streast strength. I jumped to my feet. Closely close to the high mountain, and from the side of her faithful Musthek fled to me. He was looking for me and, seeing, shouted joyfully:

- Mr.! Let Mr go! Water is close, I saw her.

I jumped to my feet. I rushed forward with wild jumps. Mstega fled after me, something loudly shouting. Soon it became clear to me that in the middle of the damned desert there was a huge brand, in which the mountain was standing. I only stopped at the edge of the cliff over this hollow.

The amazing picture opened before us. The desert broke up with a plumb of more than a hundred seeding depth. Below, at this depth, the plain of the correct elliptic form was spread. Little diameter Valley was a vert of ten; The opposite edge of the cliff, as high as shelter, was clearly visible behind the mountain.

Mountain stood in the middle of the valley. The height of the mountain was three times than the height of the cliff, maybe reached half-breed. The form of it was correct, cone-shaped. In several places, the shape of this was broken by small ledges, accounted for around the whole mountain and the terraces. The mountain color was dark gray, a few with a brown tint. At the top, it was possible to consider a flat platform, on which something brightly sparkled as the golden edge.

The valley around the mountain was visible as on the plan. It was all covered with luxurious vegetation. First, near the mountain itself, the groves were cut, cut through narrow alleys. Then there was a wide belt of fields, which occupied most of the entire valley; The fields of these worms have just plowed the earth, since August was a month; There and Syam korozdili their streams and tubes converging in several lakes. At the very edge of the cliff, the palm forest belt began, expanding in the narrow bays of the ellipse; The forest was divided into sections with wide overlooks and someone consisted of old trees, and something else from the young frightened.

We were visible and people. In the fields everywhere we visited a bunch of blacks who worked measly, as if on the team.

Water! Greens! People! What else we needed. Of course, we did not admire the view of the country for a very long time, I barely glanced her eyes, I didn't even understand clearly all the wonders of this picture. I only knew one thing: that the torment is over and the goal is achieved.

However, another test was coming. It was necessary to descend on the sheer cliff in a hundred seeding depth. The cliff in its upper part consisted of the same lifeless shale formations as the desert. Below the latter soil began, shrubs grew, grass. We descended, clinging behind the protrusions of the layers, behind the stones, for spiny branches. The crooks and eagles were circling over us, nests near the ledges. Once my stone slipped out of my feet, and I hung on one hand. I remember my hand struck me, who was gone, on which all muscles and veins performed. I cut off in three from the ground again and this time fell. Fortunately, the grass was high, silky. I did not break, but I still lost consciousness from the blow.

Mustga led me to feel. Nearby was a source, covered with dashest stones, who flew into the middle of the valley. A few drops of water returned me to life. Water! What bliss! I drank water, I breathed fresh air, was lying through juicy grass and looked at the sky through the fan greens of palm trees. I do without thinking, without thought was given to the joy of being.

The noise of steps returned me to reality. I jumped to my feet, sick myself for might forget. In one instant, the vortex swept in my mind the consciousness of our position. We were in the country inhabited by an unknown tribe, no language nor the customs of which we did not know. We were dismissed by the suffering of a grave path and long starvation. We were without weapons, because in the desert, I dispersed everything, everything is even a gun, even your inseparable stiletto ... But I still did not have time to take any decision as a bunch of people appeared on the clearing. One of them was to be tickling in a grayish cloak, the rest were naked Negros of the Bechwaan type. Apparently, they were looking for us. I moved to meet them.

- Hello the lords of this country! - I said loudly and clearly at the adverbs of the Bechuians. - Wanderers ask you a shelter.

Words your own as possible, I explained signs. With my first words, negros stopped. But immediately, the man shouted to them in the raincaster, too, in the Becchuan, although with a special reprimand:

- Slaves, obey and execute.

Then five people with an aggravated roar rushed at me. I thought I was want to kill me, and met the first to the fist's first blow that he rolled down the ground. But I was not able to deal with several enemies. I was poured and tightly knitted with special belts. I saw what the same did both with Mstegy, who was not worn. Then we raised and suffered. I understood that it was useless to shout and talk, and just noticed the road.

We have long carried the fields, perhaps, and an hour. Everywhere there were a bunch of working blacks, who stayed surprised at our approach. Then they carried us through the fishing line near the mountain. In the mountain itself, a dark arch leading in her subsoil was visible. We were deposited under its yellow vaults, and the way began on stone aisles, poorly illuminated by rare torches.

In narrow spirals, we descended somewhere down, and I was re-made dampness of the cellar or graves. Finally, I was thrown on the stone floor in the darkness of the underground dungeon, and I stayed alone. Mxta was taken somewhere in another place.

At first I was stunned, but gradually recovered and began to inspect my premises. That was a dwarf carved in the heart of the mountain; In length and width, it was a solar and a half, in a height of a little higher human growth. The dungeon was empty - there was no bed, nor straw, no mugs with water. Laying, thoroughly threw me, chopped the entrance to a heavy daze stone, which I could not move. I tried to loosen my ways, but it was not for me. Then I decided to wait.

From the book "Star of the Apocalypse", from "CenterPoligraph", 2012 "There are many prophecies about the appearance of a terrible celestial object (Typhon) in the future of our planet and terrible cataclysms that will occur at this time. Predictions about the appearance of a star nearby There are a lot of land. Most of the prophecies are outlined allegorically or with the help of the Ezopov language. I will give only those predictions in which the appearance of a typhon or dragon (neutron star) is open to our planet.

Star class "Propeller" on the background of the starry sky. Heto-Daxi artifact.

Prophecies from the Bible Kolbrin. In the Bible, Kolbrin, which until 1184 was kept in the library of Abbey Glastonbury (England), contains surprisingly accurate information about the appearance next to our planet of an unusual celestial object, which is called the destroyer. After the fire in the abbey, the book disappeared without a trace. And only in our time was discovered and published in Sydney (Australia). The Bible consists of 11 books. It is believed that six of them were written by Egyptian scribes after the outcome, five other - Celtic priests after the Nativity of Christ. But, most likely, this is an ancient Indian document, which describes the cataclysm, which occurred in the distant past, and there is a warning for all mankind that the destroyer (star) will return again. I will give only a small part of this curious document:

3: 1. People have forgotten the days of the destroyer. Only wise know where she was gone, and that she will return to his appointed hour.

3: 2. He walked around the sky on the days of anger and here is his subject. It was like a fluttering cloud of smoke, which glowed in red. Limbs ( protuboyrans - approx. author. ) stand out against the background of limb. His mouth was the abyss of which flew fire, smoke and hot ash.

3: 3. When the centuries will pass, well-known laws affect the stars in heaven. Their methods of change, there is movement and restlessness, they are not constant. Large reddish light will appear in the sky.

3: 4. When blood drops fall to the ground, the destroyer will appear, the mountains will open and begin to explode fire and ash. Trees will be destroyed and living beings are absorbed. Waters will light the earth, and the sea will boil.

3: 5. Heaven will burn brightly and reddish with a copper tinge above the face of the earth, with the subsequent days of darkness. The new moon will appear, destroy and fall.

3: 6. People fall into madness. They will hear the pipe and the battle cry of the destroyer and will look for refuge in the dungeons. Fear will eat their hearts and their courage will flow from them, like water from a broken jug. They will be absorbed by the fire of anger and exterminated by the breath of the destroyer.

3: 7. So it was in the days of the heavenly anger, which passed, and so will be during the jet of day when he comes again. The time of its appearance and care is known only to wise.

These are signs and times to precede the return of the destroyer: hundreds and dozens of generations should go to the West and the peoples to appear and disappear, people will fly like birds and swim in the sea like fish, people will talk to each other about the world, hypocrisy and deception will be On every day, women will be like men, men as a woman, passion will be a toy in the hands of a person.

3: 8. The people of Magi will rise and fall. And their tongue will be forgotten. The country of lawmakers will manage on Earth and will go into oblivion. They will conquer four quarters of the Earth and will talk about the world, but bring war. The nation of the seas will be big than any other, but it will be like an apple with a rotten core and will not be durable. The people of merchants destroy people creating wonders and it will be his victory. High will fight low, north south, east with the West, and light with darkness. People will be divided into races and their children will be born in others. Brother will fight brother, husband with his wife. Fathers will not learn their sons anymore, and sons will be fighting. Women will become common property for men and they will not treat them with respect.

3: 9. Then people will with evil hearts. They will look, not knowing that, and uncertainty and doubt will disturb them. They will have great wealth, but will be poor in spirit. When the heavens shook and will move the earth, people grant from fear and horror will come to them. Messengers will appear. They will come quietly like a thieves to the graves, people will not recognize what they are, people will be deceived, they do not recognize that, the destroyer came.

3:11. In those days, people will have a great book in front of themselves, wisdom will be open. Few will endure the hour of testing. Some fearless survivors will survive and only persistent will not find their death.

3:12. The Great Eternal God, who established the test for a person, be merciful to our children on the day. A person must undergo great suffering, but not forking him unjustifiably ...

4: 1. The guards of the Universe, who are watching the destroyer, how long will your last permanent vigility continue. About mortal people who do not understand this where you will hide yourself in the days of fear and death when heaven will be torn and the sky will crack in half, on days when children become gray.

4: 2. This is what will be visible. This is what your eyes will contemplate. This is the body of extermination that rushes at you. This is a big fiery body, a flaming head with many mouths and moving eyes. The terrible teeth will be seen in shapeless mouths and the terrible dark belly will glow from the lights inside. Even the most resistant person will tremble and his guts will be released, because it is a thing that is not clear for people.

4: 3. It will be a huge clay and wrapping sky multicolor cloud burning earth widely opened mouths. It will come down and move along the surface of the earth to capture all with their yawning jaws. The greatest warriors will fight against him in vain. His fangs will fall in the form of horrible ice blocks. Huge stones will be discarded on people fractioning them in red powder.

4: 4. Great salty will rise by a roaring loop and its streams will burst on the ground. Even the heroes among mortals will be covered by madness. Like moths that fly to their own death to the burning flame, and people will hurry to their own destruction. The flame will come and destroy all the works of a person, water will estimate what remains. Death dew will fall softly as a gray carpet on the purified land. People will scream in madness: "Oh there is any creature that will save us from this horror will save from the gray dew of death."

5: 1. The body of death is called the destroyer, he was seen in Egypt and in all lands near him. Color, bright and fiery. With the appearance, changing and unstable. He spinned like a spiral, like water pouring in a reservoir from an underground source. All people said that this is her most terrible appearance. It was not a big comet or dull star, it was like a flame fiery body.

5: 2. His movement was slow and arrogant, smoke curvatures were circling under it, which hid the face of the Sun. There was a bloody red, which changed, as she crossed his path.

This led to the death of people and destruction at his approach to sunrise. Disasters captured the land, the gray rain of the ash led to numerous suffering - hunger and diseases. It blessed the skin of people and animals until they became dressed with ulcers.

5: 3. The earth trembled and hesitated, the hills and mountains moved and swore. Dark smoke filled the heavens and spread over the ground. The great roar of the living people who flew to them on the wings of the wind. It was a cry of a dark lord, the lord of fear. The thick cloud of fiery smoke passed over people and went terrible hail of hot stones and fiery coal. The body of death dramatically stuck in heaven and the sky threw a bright zipper. Water in the river rivers turned back when the Earth began to roll. Big trees threw up and down and broke like a branch. Then, the voice like ten thousand of the pipes was heard over the desert and from his burning breathing were burned whole countries and mountains melted. The sky itself is roaring as ten thousand lions in agony, and bright bloody arrows crossed the sky. The ground scattered like bread on the focus.

5: 4. This is a description of the body of death, which is called the destroyer when he appeared in the long time. It is described in old records that have been preserved little. It is said that when he will again appear high in the sky, the cracks of the earth will open like nutty, roasted on fire. Then the flame will come to her surface and will jump like a fiery devil with black blood. The water inside the Earth will dry, pastures and treated fields will be absorbed by fire, and they and all trees will become white ash.

5: 5. The body of death will be like a rapidly rotating fiery ball, which scatters fine flame appendages, and has a fiery loop. It will close the fifth part of the sky and send the cake of the snipe-like fingers down to the ground. Before that, the sky looks scary, it diverges and dissipates away. Noon will not be brighter than the night.

This creates many scary disasters. This information about the destroyer referred to in the old records, read with anxiety in the heart, knowing that the body of death should return at the appointed time. It would be foolish to leave all this unnoticed. People say: "Such things will not happen today. Maybe the Most High Great God will not allow what will be so. "

But, undoubtedly, this day will come and, in accordance with its nature, a person will be unprepared. "

IN Vishnu Puran This is said about Pralia ( Late light), which will be caused by a shiva-destroyer: "At the end of thousands of the periods of the four centuries that constitute the day of the brother, the Earth is almost exhausted. The eternal cherry takes the aspect of Rudra, the destroyer of Shiva and combines all creations with him. He acts in the seven rays of the sun and drinks all the waters of the planet; Having evaporating all moisture, it desires all the land. Oceans and rivers, streams and small streams - all evaporate. Saturated by this abundant moisture seven sun rays, due to the expansion, become the seven of the sun and, in the end, ignite the whole world. Hari, the destroyer of everything that is, which is the messenger of time, calery, burns, finally, the land. Then the outer, becoming a janner, exhales the clouds and rain. " Kn. VI, ch. 3.

In the ancient Indian epic " Mahabharat", In the book" Moksha Dharma "(" Fundamental Liberation "), the sage pike describes the death of the world, which will come at the beginning of the next sophistic (epoch):" I will talk about the absorption taking place at the end of the day (Manu), at the beginning of the south ... The sun and the seedlane flame (maybe neutron star) buys in the sky and the universe is filled with heat - the world is flames. Movable and fixed creatures filling the Earth will enter the state of the Earth, after breathing. And when all the moving and stationary will decay, the earth will appear without grass, without trees, like a spin of the turtle. When the water takes the property of the Earth - the smell, then the raging, the penetrating water will occur, they are in motion, this universe filling. When the water property abscesses light into itself, then, having lost its quality, the water calms down in the light. When the flame languages \u200b\u200bwill hide the sun, which is among the sky, then the sky, filming this fire, dies. And when the property of light, the image, the wind will absorb, then the great wind will rise, the fire subsides. Faceless, devoid of smell, taste, Kasanya, the whole world, filling the hum, the sound will reside. "

In Dialog, Janaki and Yajnyavkia ( Mahabharata, XII, 298 - XII, 306) Mention of the second "unmanifested" sun, which will cause a flood and burn all living on Earth:

1. Listen to me and about the absorption of worlds.

2. As the creatures absorbs, again and again<их> Right, initial and endless brahma, eternal and indestructible.

3. Here, noticing that the day ends, and<погрузив> The mind in the night's sleep, Mr. "Unventing" encourages the "egotic" husband.

4. Then a prompting "uncompressed" streaming sun, divided by twelve parts, burns, like fire.

5. Quickly burning the flame of four types of living beings: born alive, out of the egg, from sweat and from the sprout, about the king!

6. All this, motionless and moving, is destroyed as in hand, and the earth from beginning to end becomes bare as a spin of the turtle.

7. Then this is the sun, infinitely mighty, smelting without the rest of the whole world, instantly and to the end fills it with rapid water. "

In the text of Mahabharata (MKB.3.186) it is said that on the outcome of the last south, seven suns will dry the sea and fiery streams from the sky, burn all the living; The fire will fed the universe, then the shower will fool it with a flood.

IN " Book Siville, "sUPPISALSILIFILE ERITENSKY REPLY MUCH MENTLY MUCH PERFORMING IN THE REGION OF THE Mysterious Object, which will bring innumerable disasters to all mankind, and after this terrible test, the time of the terrible court will come: "God, the abode of which in the sky will turn the heaven, as we turn the book, and the whole sky with his various luminais falls on Divine Earth and the sea; And then the infinite waterfall of the raging fire will be collected and the land and the sea will eat, and the heavenly arch, and the stars, and all the created turns into a single molten mass and will completely evaporate. And then there will be no more shining, sparkling orbits, nor night, nor dawn ... nor spring, no summer, no winter, nor autumn, when, "the star will flash in the West, which will be called comet sending people a sword, hunger and death. Whole cities will disappear in the abnumbs who opened in the ground, or will be destroyed by fire falling from heaven. "

The fourth year, when the star shines big,

Land that will destroy one for the sake of revenge

Song 5 (155,156).

Unfortunately, on this line, the text ends (lacuna) and the continuation of this prediction we will no longer know. But the mention of a terrible star is available in other songs of Sivilles:

Star flames at the occasion - she will adopt comet -

The bearer will be the battles, hunger, death,

The death of glorious leaders and other people famous.

There will be the greatest mortals then the signs:

The flow will stop Tanais in Meotid the jet of the multi-way,

Dried up his bed fertile will be a lot of

In the lake of water they stick through a variety of small ducts.

Song 3, 334-340.

Siville Eritrean also calls this heavenly body "fiery circle":

Fireproof wheels from the thread of the Great will come out,

Hard to crush it will be seizure of the cases of lawless;

And then will give away from everywhere crying and wall,

Bitter will be terrible and fathers and children of unreasonable,

And mothers, and babies, still nursing breasts.

Tears not to spit it never, and miserable screams

Nobody will hear, even though they sound everywhere:

So, tormenting in the dark of the deep tartar, will become

Screams they emit in vain and in mournful grounds

Three times they will pay for all the evils committed by them,

Flame of hot palima, the teeth they wander,

Thirst the strongest causes the torment evil

And they wish to die then, but no longer be able to:

Will not calm their death, and the night will not give a breather.

Long of the Most High God to pray they will be in vain -

And he will turn away the Lord his face to not see them anymore:

For after all, he would not be lost seventeent

For repentance, the Virgo Holy was asked for them.

Those who did good and was always fair

Famous for whom the sodel and faithful mind argument -

Angels of these people will raise over the scary stream

Flame and will lead them to the light and to life careless ...

Song 2 (295-316).

Fireproof wheels - a neutron star quickly expanding around its axis.

Great flow - space.

Seven centuries - Probably seven millennia.

True crushing it will be the convicts of the fairness - Increasing the strength of attraction on our planet as a result of the addition of the forces of land and neutron stars. On the earth's surface facing the star at the same time a decrease in the force of attraction will be observed.

The world, from the waters of dilding, escorts a terrible song.

Time will come, and the air above you will suddenly stir up

God the great anger rushes from the sky to the ground.

True time will come when the people are talked

Song 1 (159-164).

The world, from the waters of destruction, carries a terrible song - World flood caused by a huge tidal wave.

Crushing the dental then and the crying is universal,

The sun will die of shine, and dance stars hovering,

The sky will be drilled as a scroll, Merzian's moon will fade away

The valleys will be sneaming, the hills will turn into lowland.

More heights on earth destructive will not be

General will take the plain and mountain ridges;

Studge marine will not affect vessels; Earth ships

And the sources of rivers and stormy water runs out.

Terrible shame of unfortunate paying and peace of flies,

The abyss, in the soil, we will show Tartara Chaos,

And before the heavenly throne of the Lord, all people will come together.

From the sky, the fluxes of fire and sulfur suck on the ground.

Song 8 (231-243).

Sky will be drilled like a scroll- In biblical sources, the Quran, in predictions of various prophets, words are repeatedly used: "The sky will be drilled as a scroll." Probably, under these words, Sivil implied a terrible catastrophe when, under the influence of a neutron star, our planet will be shifted towards this massive object. On the other side of the Earth and its poles, the air almost disappears for several hours.

Do not enjoy the Indians and the brave people of Ethiopians!

For when the wheel of the heavenly axis, Capricorn

Stars, Taurus, run around the center in the constellation Brothers -

Virgo, on the sky, going, and the sun, turning continuously,

Their dance will behave all over the Heavenly Sport -

There will be a terrible fire that covers the whole land

In the battle of Heavenly, nature will be updated, will die,

Weching the world I wrote, on fire the country of Ethiopians!

Song 5, 206-213.

Wheel of heavenly axis - The ancient Greeks existed the concept of the existence of an invisible axis, which permeates our planet, like the axis of the wheel. On the rim of this wheel there are 12 zodiac constellations.

Brothers constellation - Constellation of twins. Currently, the Northern Geographical Pole ( axle wheel) Directed on the Polar star, which is located in the constellation a small bear. Sivila predicts that as a result of the terrible cataclysm, the earth's axis will shift in the constellation of twins, that is, about 60 degrees from its modern position. The consequences of such a movement, if it occurs fast enough, will be the most catastrophic.

Mount, about the grief to you, unhappy evil sea?

All of you Flame will be fed, people will destroy the waves -

For such a fire on Earth cares that water

Will be fire, drown and earth will be cutlessly thwart,

They will force the mountains to burn, keys, and streams.

The world with the death of people wonderful appearance will lose

In torment, burning, then the unfortunate sky will not see,

Full stars, but it will all look out with fire.

Quickly they will not die: under the fading flesh in the flame

The souls will be gone to the continuation of many centuries.

So, evil flour torture, the law will know the Lord -

The one is always fair ...

Song 7, 129-139.

Libyan Sivila (VIII-II centuries BC) also warned about the appearance of a star near our planet: "The beginning of new disasters that will come after another war, God will notice an unusual heavenly sign:" And God will then give a great sign: because it will break up star, similar to a burning cross, sparkling and shining everywhere from the height of the shining sky, a considerable number of days is long: because from the sky he will show a wreath of victory to people who won him; "Then the Testo on the fire carriage will eats from the sky, and after his arrival on Earth there will be a triple sign of the end of life around the world ... Mount to those who will go to the sea on the waves of the sea! Mount to all people who will have to survive those days! Ground darkness drops to endless land in the East and in the West, in the south and in the north. "

Mentioned about the taper star and in prophecy Gellespontsky Silila (VIII-II centuries BC) "It will be seen how all the stars fall into the sea will appear new constellations, and the luminous comet will be called star. It will be a terrible badge of trouble, which will bring war and meat grinder of battles. "

In the book Ezra repeatedly mentioned " scary star", Which will bring a lot of disasters to sinful humanity: Flood, storms, destruction and as a result of hunger, disease, war:" Tell out loud people of my words of prophecy that I will present in your mouth, says the Lord; And make them written were on the Charter, because they are true and true.

Here, I will bring, the Lord says, on the circle of earthly disaster: the sword and hunger, and death and the harm for the fact that the wickedness of people desecrated the whole earth, and their destructive things were overflowing ...

I will ignite Egypt and the foundation of it, affected by the penalty and the dwelling, which God will bring him. The agricultures cultivating the land will ignite because they will look at the seeds from rust and from hail from a terrible star.

Highness of the century and those who live in it, for the sword approached and the extermination of them, and the people will rise to the people for war, and swords in their hands. People will be made non-permanent and, some others, overcome, await about the king of their own, and the bosses - about the progress of their affairs within their power.

Wishes a man to go to the city, and does not afford, because, because of their pride, the city will be mad, the houses will be ruined, fear will attack people.

A person does not complicate over his neighbor, betraying their houses on the ruin of the weapon, breaking their property because of hunger and many troubles. (BN 2: 1.2, 5,6, 12-19).

Here, the clouds from the East and from the North to the south, and the appearance of them is very Grozen, filled with ferocity and storms. They will face themselves, and overthrow many stars on the ground and the star of them; And there will be blood from the sword to the womb, and the litter of the human - until the camel saddle; Fear and thrill will be on earth.

Everyone will be horrified that this ferocity will see, and improve. After that many times, the storms from the south and the north and part of the West are raised, and the winds will rise from the East and open it and the cloud that I hung up in anger; but starappointed for intimidation during the eastern and western wind damn. And clouds, great and strong, full of ferocity will rise, and Starto frighten all the land and residents of her; and shed at any place, high and elevated, terrible star, fire and hail, swords flying and many water to fill all fields and all sources with many waters. And flood the city, walls, and mountains, hills, and wood in the forests, and grass in the meadows, and their bread plants; And they will be launched to Babylon and crush it; will gather to him and surround it; Space star.and rage on him. And the dust and smoke will rise to the very sky, and all the circle will mourn it, and those that will remain subject to him will serve the fact that fear. " (KN.2: 34-45).

Prophet Avvakum So he recorded the divine vision of the star in his book, mentioning mysterious "rays". Perhaps - this is X-ray or gamma-radiation of the neutron star: "I was guarded on my guard and, standing on the tower, watched to find out what he would say in me .... And the Lord answered me and said: write down the vision and draw clearly on the scrubles so that the reading could easily read. For the vision refers to a certain time and speaks of the end and does not deceive; And walking and slowed down, wait for him, for it will certainly come true, it will not fail ... the shine of it is like sunlight; From the hand of his rays, and here the cache of his power! He became - and shake the earth; I looked - and the thrill was led by peoples; Century Mountains broke up, the primitive hills were falter; His paths are eternal. Sad I saw the tents of Efiopic; Shocked tents of the land of Madiam. Did the river smelled, Lord, your anger? Is it on the river - the indignation of yours, or at the sea - your rage .... Seeing you, the mountains rushed, rushed water; The abyss gave his voice, highly raised their hands; The sun and the moon stopped in place in their pre-light of flying arrows, before the shiny of your sparkling spear. " (KN. The prophet Avwakum 2: 1-3, 3: 4-11).

Mentions the ancient dragon (neutron star) and John theologian In his "apocalypse":

The third angel inast, and fell from the sky big star, burning like a lamp, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the sources of water.

This name star sagebrush; And the third part of the waters was worried, and many of the people died from the waters, because they were bitter. Perhaps in this prediction we are talking about a neutron star, which in the future will bring innumerable disasters to all mankind.

The third angel poured his bowl of his rivers and sources of water: and blood became.

The fourth angel was inferior, and the third part of the sun was amazed and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars, so the third part of them was eclipsed, and the third part of the day was not light - as well as nights.

The fourth angel poured his bowl in the sun: And it was given to him to burn people with fire.

And it's a strong heat of people, and they hung the name of God having power over this ulcers, and did not intend themselves to give him fame.

Fifth Angel Vastorobil, and I saw star., fallen from the sky to the ground, and Dan was her key from a stingy abyss.

She challenged the stray of the abyss, and went out smoke from a stove, like smoke from a large oven; And the sun was performed and the air from the smoke from the storage room.

Allegorically mentions in his prophecies about the battle in the sky between the sun and the seven-headed dragon John Chrysostom: "And now there was a war in the sky. The god-like sunny face and his bright, cloudy messengers fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his gloomy, the thunderstorms fought against them, but did not resist, and there were no place in heaven.

And turned down at this time (passed through Meridian - approx. N. Morozova) Big Dragon Ancient snakes, called a slander and an individual, the share of all the dwelling land, began to descend in his daily rotation to the horizon along with his deaths ... ".

IN Korana This is said about the cataclysm, during which irreversible changes of our shining will occur ("the sun will be twisted") and the earth's atmosphere ("the sky will be smaller"), as a result of the gravitational effects of the neutron star. Mentioned in the prophecy and the flood ("sea"), as well as the catastrophic changes in the surface of the Earth ("the mountains will move from the places"): "In the name of Allah of the gracious and merciful. When the sun will be twisted, and when the stars are shuffled, and when the mountains are moving from the places, and when ten months pregnant camels will be unattended, and when animals gather, and when the seas are transported, and when the souls are connected, and when they are buried alive, will be asked For whatever sin, she was killed, and when the scrolls turn out, and when the sky is smoothly, and when hell will be deepened, and when heaven will be approximated - he learns the soul that she prepared. "

SURA 81. Twisting 1-14.

A particularly accurate prediction of the future cataclysm is available in one of the versions " Physiologist"(Collection of narratives), in which it specifically indicates the reason for the future end of the world - Horgon's jellyfish, that is, a neutron star. I will cite the text of the "physiologist" on the list of the XVI century: "Oh Horny (Gorgon). Virgoni seems to be blamed red and harmnica. The authorities of the head of the very essence of Zmey, and the vision of her death. He plays and laughs during his .... In all, Dinnier Heri will bring, yes, Sia is driven, it will begin to call the name of the LVA and others from the person from a cattle and poultry and Zmey, the Glagolyutsee: go to me. Yes, Eliko will hear them to go to her, to go to her and seeing Yu I am emir. Taco Boe Measure all the tongue to all the beast. Which way to catch (see) Yo Volkhv. Of course, it is driven by the cunning from the stars, he is driven by the same, and it's aise in the place of Egypt. She will begin Zwati squeeze from the LVA and other animals. Even will give the language of Volkhvov (prophecy), will call it the verb: the fastest to the pit on the spot and put his head in Nu, but I do not see it and I will die, and bring it to you. " In this last offer, the physiologist apparently proposes a rescue recipe for humanity, that is, to burn under the ground. Who "and does not see the chapter of it will not die." The prophecy ends with the following words: "And you are a human, have the meaning to the Lord, and beautify the opposite forces."

There is a description of the future catastrophe and in writing Eschila "Prometheus chained" (translated S.Solovyov), which will be caused by the Typhon returned from the black depths of the cosmos:

"Fine monster - Typhon

Born earth. On all the gods

He rebelled: Ship and whistle from jaws

Threatened the throne of Zeus, and from the eye

Sparkled fire frantic gorgon,

But Zeus is a steady arrow -

Flaming lightning struggle

Its for this boath. To heart

He was awesome and thunder killed

All the power in it ...

But breaks out of black depths

Stream devouring flames

And destroy wide fields

Sicily Beautiful ...

Commodian (III century) Latin early Christian poet warned mankind about the appearance in the starry sky "Fire Chariot", that is, a neutron star.

After that, the war, war, hunger, sinister signs,

So mix together that the mind will shake.

Then suddenly thunder from the sky pipe,

The sound that shakes the hearts everywhere.

And then they will see the fiery chariot among the stars,

And the running fire, hearing the peoples of the fire.


Sheikh al-muffid (Mind in 1022) in the book "Kitab al-Irshad" (the life description of 12 Imamov) mentions the appearance of a star in the sky, which will be one of the signs of the vessel hour: "in the east will appear star, luminous in the same way as the moon shines ... A color will appear in the sky and spread from the horizon to the horizon ... The fire will appear in the east for a long time, staying in the air for three or seven days ... Sunrise in the West - one of the things that should happen ... Between the sunset at noon and the time of evening prayer, the sun will still remain ... Euphrates will burst in such a way that the water rises to the streets of Kufa ... people for their disobedience will be a fire, which will appear in the sky, and redness that will cover the sky. "

Abbess Hildegard Bingenskaya(1098-1179) about future disasters: "Even before the comet arrives ( probably neutron star - approx. S.V.), many nations, with the exception of the righteous, will be erased from the face of the Earth the need and hunger. The Great People Living Ocean ( America), populated by people of different tribes and generations, will be ruined with an earthquake, hurricane and tidal waves. It will be divided, and most will be under water. This people will see many more misfortunes at sea. He will lose his colony in the east between Tigrome and Lv. With its huge pressure of the comet, so much water will turn out of the ocean that it will flood many countries and cause poverty and different diseases. All coastal cities will be flooded, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves. Most of the living creatures will die, and even those who can escape will die from terrible diseases. And it will not be left in any of these cities of a living person in God's ignition. "

Prophecies of the French chronicler Rigorda From Saint-Denis (12th century): "At that time, a very strong wind will rise from the sea, which will unail horror in the heart of people. It will raise sand and dust from the surface of the earth until the trees and towers will cover ... and the thunder and voices and the shaking of the Earth will be heard in the air, which will be horror in the heart of people, and all countries will be covered with sand and dust ... A hurricane will rise with West side and cover all countries, Egypt and Ethiopia ..., as well as land of Rome.

After the time of the winds, five wonders will come true one after another.

First, the wise man will appear in the east, disassembled in secret wisdom, that is, the wisdom that needs a person. It will be a justice carrier and will learn the laws of truth. And he will return people to true bushes from the darkness of ignorance, from the unbelief on the path of truth. And he will return sinners to the right path. And will be counted to the prophets.

Secondly, a person will come out of Elama and will gather a lot of great strength (Daniel 11: 1), and will lead a big war against peoples (Zechariah, 14), and he will not live long.

Thirdly, he raises over other people and says that he is a prophet. He will come with a book in his hand and say that he was sent by God and the prophets of him. He will introduce a lot of nations in error and many will not remain indifferent to his teachings. But what he prophesy about, falls on his head. And he will not live for a long time.

Fourth, comet will be visible in the sky stars, that is, with a tail or loop. And this will mean the apocalypse of destruction, excitement and cruel unrest. And there will be no rain and the earth will dry. And terrible wars will begin, and blood flows on the East. Because of the Khovar River, it will reach the end of the West. And truly righteous will be oppressed and will suffer from persecution. And the church will be destroyed.

Fifth, there will be an eclipse of the sun, like the color of the fire, until the sun hits. And during the eclipse, there will be such darkness on Earth, as at midnight, when there is no lunar light ... ".

About the mysterious "heavenly luminaire", which will appear in the sky of the Earth, mentioned the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392) Saint, the greatest devotee of the land of Russian. In one of the Fridays of the Christmas post of 1387, his favorite student Micah recorded this prophecy: "My time will come, when heavenly shine to the ground rushes, and then you will come to fulfill the will of the deadlines. And the hates will be saviors, and defeated will lead the winners. And the three roots divided by a curse will grow up with love, and they will not be sent out of their tribe. Tatars and Jews will be cursed before the period, and they will curse Russian land. When your bones are destroyed by destroying, the three curses will be time and invisibly visible will become the throne, clothed with crowns and persvers. And where you attach a ring, there will be my hand and Vladyka. "

Medieval predictor astrologer Ranoo Nero In his prophecies, this describes the appearance of the second sun and the new satellite of our planet on the sky, which may be captured by the Earth during the passage of the neutron star in the Earth's Orbit area: Bowl of Light will rise in heaven and confuse him with the sun. But his light is cold, cold rays of Selena (Moon).

"There will be two Suns and two moon in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a flaming hell. On Earth it will not be possible to live. Only in the air and underground will be salvation by living. Eight underground cities will be built. From the mountains there will be spinal vertices. People will be able to live only in the mountains. Many people will be sealed from the light of two suns; Huge waves will rise. They flood half of the earthly solid and then roll back (tidal wave - approx. S.V.). In the north of snow and ice melted. On the poles will appear extensive blooming lands; The new moon will be less than the size and closer to the ground than the old moon. The new moon will also be clearly visible from the ground as old.

When people see the light of two suns and two messengers in the sky, then Antichrist - Satan will come to Earth - Satan on a horse with three heads. The new sun will patronize the religion of Satan. "

Prophecies Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) On future cataclysms. His prophecies are allegorizing and encrypted somewhat unusual way. The meaning of the text in its foresights clearly does not correspond to the headline or the end of the prophecy. If only read the "middle" part of the paragraph, discarding everything too much, then the hidden essence of the predictions will be more clear.

Perhaps in the following predictions we are talking about the appearance of a neutron star (" comes from the sky someone"), Displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth, as well as the catastrophic consequences of the star caused by the level of the surface, the seizure of the part of the earth's crust, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere of our planet.

Prediction No. 1010. Someone will come from the sky, who will change most of Africa, visible to this sky from Europe, and that part of Europe, (which is visible) from Africa, and parts of Scythian provinces are mixed together in a great coup.

1012. "It will be seen how all the elements that mixed in a great coup are running to the center of the world, then to the sky, and when it from the southern countries, they carry them to the cold north, sometimes from the east to the west, and so from the same hemisphere ( hemisphere land - approx. S.V.) to another. "

943. There will be great winds, about which Eastern winds will be made by Western, and half the afternoon, they mix with the run of winds, will follow him in many countries ( the impact of the attraction of the star to the Earth's atmosphere, as a result of which the strongest hurricanes will begin on the entire planet).

942. Will be seen as the trees of the great forests of brand and blue, Aphenin and Atlanta run through the air from the east to the west, from the north to south; And they will carry the great many people through the air. Oh, how many vows! Oh how many dead! Oh, how many parting friends, relatives! And how many people who will no longer see their edge, nor their homeland and who will die without burial, with bones scattered in different parts of the world!

910. Many will die from the screams of the head, and their eyes will mostly jump out of the orbits ...

875. Many, too hastily relenting breathing, lose sight, and soon all feelings.

Perhaps in prediction No. 910 and No. 875, Leonardo da Vinci predicts the death of people due to a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure as a result of the capture of part of the earth's atmosphere neutron star.

1011. The greatest mountains, although remote from the sea shore, will be removed from his place ...

1007. Most of the sea will run away to the sky and will not return for a long time ( capture of land hydrosphere).

1017. And many land and water animals will rise between stars ...

923. He will rapidly fall on Earth, the one who gives us food and light ( increase solar activity).

924. Trees and shrubs of the Great Forests will turn into ashes.

951. In the end, the land will redden from the heat of many days, and the stones will turn into ashes.

912. Water animals will die in boiling water.

1009. There will be many such that will grow on our own ruins ...

982. People will sleep, and eat, and dwell between trees born in the forests and fields.

996. Dead people will pass through their own guts.

895. Many will make guts with their homes, and will dwell in their own guts ( hunger).

884. There will be a lot of people who will fresher their mother, turning her skin on it ... ".

Francois Rabla (1494-1553) - French humanist writer in his novel "Gargantua and Pantagryel" left such a riddle-prophecy for the future generation, which refers to the Protestant "Yersi" in France, revolutions, countless wars, upcoming tectonic cataclysm, a flood, and What is noteworthy, the writer mentions the next appearance of the titon.

In that terrible day when Typhon Rebellious

And began, pride is buried,

Throw the Mountain Mountains to the Ocean.

So, the earth for a brief moment

Will undergo such big destruction,

That those who could enslave

It will not be more powerful.

Then the hearts will be wanted

Commit to this long match

Because the above stream

Forced everyone to put on the nurse.

However, before escape,

Still good to see everyone

Fire, spilled in the sky,

To dry the flowing water.

When will the events of these days be held,

Yes, there will be alone

Wealth and Manna Heaven

Awarded abundantly and wonderfully

Others will turn into the poor.

So, now, when, in the end

Coming I interpreted you,

Any of you learned your destiny.

I kept the word.

Oh how happy

Who is to the end of such a live!

Mother Shipton (1488-1561), which, at birth, was given the name Ursula Sautel, and later for the witchcraft, called the "Yorkshire Witch", prevented future descendants about the upcoming disasters. She predicted two devastating cataclysm, which to survive humanity. In the first prophecy, the pipe sound is mentioned, caused by contacting the inner core with the Mantia of the Earth, and as a result of this, the destructive earthquake. In the second part of the prediction, the "fiery dragon" is referred to, that is, the neutron star, which was called that was called in the countries of Southeast Asia, as well as Indians of Central America.

The storm begins the roaring ocean, in the darkness.

Gabriel will rise in heaven and earth.

The death of the world of old he will protrud in his horn

And the world will come to be born a period.

And the slam dragon Heavenly arch cross

Six times, the old world will die.

I hear how the trembling earth cried

From these six harbingers finals,

Seven days and seven nights will be so.

Anyone will see this sign.

Podium will break the foot of the mountains.

The earth will express up to the coasts.

Husband from the flood will run away

Raving sister and daughter and mother.

And blood streams with thousand hands,

And burns land all around.

When a dragon tail from heaven will leave

I will forget the reset husband, and the anger will pass it.

And again the dragon will bring his flame

And on the slices of the tail all the Earth breaks.

All oceans deeply go

And the king, and the slave - everything will die from thirst.

Water will return, light disquires darkness,

Slices of land will come together. Will so!

At the edge of the world where the chestnut blooms

He will recover the people from the former wounds.

Leaving herring and taking only water, bread,

Go to search for fate.

Who will survive from them who will not die

Lent a new human race.

But will be cursed, the rest of the days will be

Among the rotting bodies of animals, people.

And new land that gets out of the seas

That, the former, will be softer, land and clean

Free from human defects and passions.

She takes out a new genus of people.

Will be afraid of this new light

Dragon's tail flame for many years.

But time will wipe the memory, it will wipe off.

You do not believe me? But it will be so!

While this kind of this will not wait for the best days,

Silver snakes arrive from heaven.

He will sweep the unprecedented people

What will bring part of their blood to the world.

Earth variations alien to the people

Give the mind to a new human race.

And mixes with him to show

How to live, love and help.

Their children will clearly see the essence of things.

That wonderful gift will change the life of people.

With their mind and kindness

It will come to our Earth a century.

Burning Dragon Tail - sign such

Padena Spirit, all human sins ...

Everything is patient in the mountains runs out

And ash breaks out, as a reproach.

Earth will rotate the city in the country,

Which is not still known to me ...

And then, as this sign appears,

My prophecy then happens.

My crypt burns, and the Spirit will free.

« Six times cross"There are disasters caused by the rapprochement of Typhon with our planet will continue for six days. In Akkadian and Babylonian clinical texts, it is mentioned that the Flood in the "Year of the Great Dragon" lasted seven days. Perhaps the neutron star when it occlude with our planet will be on a longer distance from the ground, and the consequences of its gravitational impact will be not so catastrophic, compared to the disasters, which has occurred in the distant past. According to the predictions of the "Yorkshire Witch" in " finale"Lights will come, and the dead will rise from coffins.

And again the dragon will bring his flame - According to approximate calculations, the average speed of the neutron star in its orbit is about 1 km / s., That is, it moves very slowly. Earth, rotating around the Sun at an average speed of 29, 76 km / s, after 1 year and four months will catch upwards, which will not have time to leave the limits of the earth orbit. There is a re-convergence with this terrible celestial body.

Michelle Nostradamus In his Almanahs and katrains, it repeatedly mentions the emergence of an unusual object in the sky of the Earth, which will bring innumerable disasters to all mankind. Usually, in order to hide the meaning of its prediction, it encrypts names and toponyms using anagrams. But in Almanae for 1562, he openly calls the culprit of future cataclysms on our planet - Typhon.

LXXII. June. Monstrous sign Event is terrible and incredible: Typhon will plunge into the confusion of evil Which will then be suspended on the rope, And most immediately exist.

In Almana, in 1561, Nostradamus openly reports the causes of earthquakes on the entire planet during this period: "You should be able to fear an earthquake, which will happen to the inhabitants of the East and Southerners at the same time. Cosmaya Star, which will produce this earthquake, straight to our limits (i.e. France - approx. S.V.), not without a big campaign of war of war" Most commentators of Katrenov Nostradamus believe that under (" cosmata star") The Prophet meant a comet, but if he mentioned comets, then called them in his katsins and almanacs" tauty stars" Astronomers sometimes call these celestial bodies "visible nothing." With their huge sizes, they have a small mass compared to the Earth and no significant gravitational impact on our planet can not.

In his work "Century", the prophet in several katrains predicts events that should occur during the passage of a neutron star next to our planet.

To the north will appear

Not far from (sign) cancer cosmaya Star.

Susza, Siena, Beotia, Eretria.

The great Rome dies, the night disappeared.

In "Messages Heinrich II", Nostradamus describes how civilization may die when the earth's shift can die: " There will be signs in the spring and extraordinary changes after, moving peoples and mighty earthquakes ... and will be in the month of October the great shift of the globe and it will be such that many will think that the earth has lost its natural movement and will soon plunge into the abyss of eternal darkness soon».

Russian Clearway Vasily Monaco about the appearance of the star. The Prophet was born in Moscow in 1660. During the reign of Peter I of the Great, in the Orthodox monastery at the city of Wedge. Predicted the events of the future during the "Divine Ecstasy", which were recorded in prose. He died in 1722. Perhaps the manuscript of the Russian monk was taken abroad after his death. I discovered copies of the prophecies The Italian writer Renzo Bashker and published in the book "The Secrets of St. Petersburg - the future of Russia and the world in the prophecies of Vasily Monaco", 1992

"Eagle in the sky of Russia of God's mother. Will appear awful star. From her sinister light will burn the forest. Many worship the star at this time. Golden idols will be thrown into dust with blood rich. Will wash the stairs of the blood of the nurses. The flock of wolves will be controlled by three jackals from the ground outside the rivers. Poor, poor church. The star of the blood will be no less fierce than the eagle. Slavery will remain. Only the name will change ...

End of war and the beginning of the war hearts. This time, in Russia, the Mother of God, the time of suffering and hatred, slavery and curses will begin ...

When sacking will be accepted, star blood will start ( remote) Tool. Will be seen for the last time. Will passes a lot of time to the stars falling on the ground (meteorites?). You will live during the horror days, because you will see that the star was a monstrous beast with six heads and twelve horns. The light will not be shyang. Big blood, malicious smell of corpses. "

"The star will disappear, and the moon will appear, the crescent will rely on the Kremlin. It will be the time when the land of a big river river will wear clothes of war. Nowhere in the world will not be about. Earth sweeps to cleanse the person and human mistakes. The world will be divided into five parts ..., then grace originates in the Urals, where the procession of love will begin.

White land will write a death story. Black Earth will write a history of life. Moscow, without Constantinople and Rome, will be an orphan. The moon will darken, like the souls of people. Holy Rus still lives in catacombs.

The Holy Night carries the Holy Sword, the Great Wars will begin. Everything will happen when people will celebrate the world. Many will be demolished on the graveyard from wounds and hunger when the flag of the moon will fly over the Kremlin ...

"The day comes when you find the Black Sea from the Urals, and the Caspian Sea at the Volga height, because everything will change .... There will be new mountains and rivers. New plants and stones. The angel of the Lord is imposing his breath of life. The earth will be like a peeled fruit. Many rivers and seas will disappear, new rivers and the sea will rise from the ground. The relics of the Holy Mother will find on the sand of the Black Sea and in the mountains of Kiev.

When all nations on Earth change, then there will be a true fraternity, few survivors will come off the mountains and hug away, because the new breath of life will not come from the sea, but from the mountains. When three epochs are completed, a person will return to the caves to learn to live. "

Prophecies of St. John (Giovanni) Bosco(1815-1888). The famous Italian priest, the patron saint of homeless children and students, founded the monastic society of St. Francis Salsky (now known as the Salesians of Don Bosco). Ranked saints, canonized April 1, 1934. John spoke of himself: "Do not call me the Prophet, until the events that I predicted are happening."

In some predictions, an unusual heavenly object, which will appear in the sky of our planet, are compared with the second moon. Mention of this phenomenon and John Bosco: "These events should come one after another. They are inexorab. But the Queen of the Heavens will appear. The power of the Lord in her hands. She will scatter his enemies, like a cloud ... Then a fierce hurricane will begin. Injustice will end. Sinners will find their end. And before that, two rainbow moon, as in the full moon, will rise above the globe. The Grand Priest will see the bride of his king dressed in solemn clothing ... ".

In the next quotation of John Bosco, it is possible that we are talking about the second sun (neutron star), which, with maximum convergence with the Earth, will shine as our shining: "Around the world, the sun will seem so bright that such people have never seen. Flame languages \u200b\u200bwill be devastated to the scene of the feast. Before that day, there was no such Sun ever and would not see him again until the very end of the days.

It will be a dark night. People will not be able to understand which way to go to return to their homes. Suddenly, a bright light will appear in the sky, which will light down the travelers, as if it was noon. "

Bruce V. Ya. (1873-1924) - one of the largest Russian writers of the first quarter of the XX century, the poet-symbolist, undoubtedly had the ability to foresee the future. In September 1905, Bryusov wrote a poem "Lick Jellyfish", where the poet symbolist predicts the emergence of a neutron star (Gorgon Medusa) next to our planet:

Medusa Lick, Face Threcking, Got up above the dark days Gaze - bloody, gaze - burning, Hair - Snake's plexes. This is chaos. In chaos black We are entitled, as in the breakdown, the path. We argue with il, we are submissive, We can not get away from the way! These days of fire and blood, What they are alive in Wild Brad Creek Creek, Creek Cross Clear you, poet! ... The world is cherished, the world is beautiful Flexs in the abyss of the fatal. Be singing a storm power - Here is the desired lot your. With thunder close voice muse Ancient chaos friendly with her. Hello, Hello, Medusa Lick, There, over the distant days.

Famous English writer Herbert Wells.Which in his works with amazing accuracy predicted many technical achievements of the future, wrote a prophetic story "Star", where he describes the appearance of an unusual object in the solar system: "It was dazzling white and very beautiful. In many places of the globe, a pale ring was noticed around the new star. She became noticeably more ... The star grew. She grew up with a formidable constancy, an hour from the hour; With each hour she approached the midnight Zenit and became brighter and brighter, until he turned the night a day. If the star moved to the ground not by the curve, but in a straight line, and if she had not lost his speed under the influence of the attraction of Jupiter, she would have to fly the abyss, separated her from the Earth, in one day, but she moved along the curve, and It took her as much as five days to get closer to our planet. The next night, when the star rose over England, she was the magnitude of a third of the lunar disk, and the thaw all intensified. Going over America, the star was already a magnitude almost with the moon, but unlike the moon, she blinded and booted. And where she boosted, he began to blow a hot wind, and in Virginia, Brazil and in the valley of the River St. Lawrence, she glistened through the clubs of thunderstorms, sparkling purple lightning and dumping unprecedented hail. In Manitobe, a thaw began and a devastating flood began. On all the mountains, snow and ice and ice began to melt on this night, all rivers, originating in these mountains, fed, and boiled, and soon trees, corpses of people and animals dragged. Water rose with the constant constancy, illuminated by the ghostly glitter, and finally left the shores and jumped after the running population of river valleys. On the Southatic and Argentine coast, the tides were higher than ever in the memory of people, and in many places, the storms drove water on a lot of miles deep into the mainland, flooding whole cities. For the night, he became so great that the sunrise seemed approaching the shadows. Earthquakes began; They rolled throughout America, from the polar circle to Cape Mountain, smoothing the mountain slopes, cutting the earth, reaching the house and fences to crushed stone. After one such mighty cramps collapsed half of the Kotopakh and poured the liquid stream of lava, such a deep, wide and fast, that he reached the sea in one day.

And the star promoted over the Pacific Ocean, having a pale moon in Kilwater and dragging, like a train, thunderstorm storms and a growing tidal wave, which hardly rolled over her, foaming, overlooking one island after another and thickening people with them. And finally, this bubbling terrible wall is fifty-feet heights, illuminated by dazzling light, persecuted by a hot wind, with hungry warmed up all Asian coast and rushed into the mainland of China's plains. For short minutes of the star, now more hot, huge and brighter than the hottest sun, with merciless clarity illuminated an extensive densely populated country, her cities and villages with pagodas and gardens, roads, unbarrible cultivated fields and millions of lost dreams of people in the helpless fear of losing in We have a new heaven, and then all the growing rocus of water has been granted. The same fate has suffered many millions of people on this night: they fled, and not knowing where, choking, with the fear of the consciousness, and the rapid white wall of water got up behind.

And death fell.

China was filled with a blinding white light, but above Japan, Jawa and all the islands of East Asia, a big star rose a dim fire ball, because volcanoes, welcoming it, threw huge pillars of steam, smoke and ashes into the air. The top was hot gases and ashes, below - the fierce flows of the lava, and the whole earth shuddered and buzzed from the jolts of the earthquake. Soon they began to melt the eternal snow of Tibet and Himalayas, and water for tens of millions of deepening, converging beds rushed to the plains of Burma and Industan. The woven crowns of Indian jungle were burning in a thousand seats, and in water boiling at the base of the trunks, dark bodies floated and still weakly moved in the light of bloody flames. In the blind horror, countless human crowds rushed along a wide waterway to the last hope of humanity - to the open sea.

A star with terrifying speed became now more and more hotter, everything is brighter. The ocean under the tropics stopped phosphorecate, and the pairs of the ghostly swirl were smoking on the dark, raging shafts, on which the stains of the stains of the stains of the ships.

And then something amazing happened. Those who in Europe expected the sunrise of the star seemed that the land stopped rotating. Everywhere - on the open vertices of the hills and on the plateauxes - people who saved here from flooding, swearing houses and mountain collapse, in vain, expected this sunrise. An hour passed the hour in a volatile expectation, and the star did not eat everything. Again, people saw the ancient constellations, which they considered disappeared for themselves forever. In England it was hot, but the sky was clear. Although the land shuddered incessantly, but in the tropics, Sirius, Chapel and Aldebaran were shouted through the veil. And when I finally got a big star - almost ten hours later than before, "the sun almost immediately rose after her, and in the center of the white heart, the stars were visible black Disc.

The star began to slow down his movement, passing over Asia, and suddenly, when she hung over India, the light bold her. The entire Indian plain from the mouth of Indea to the mouth of Ganges was a shallow glittering lake, over the surface of which the temples and palaces, dams and hills were raised, black from their people. On each minaret, the bunches hung people and one after another fell into muddy water, when heat and fear finally overwhelmed them. Above the whole country was a continuous cry, and suddenly the shadow squeezed on it, the shadow was blocked, and the cold wind began, and the clouds were swamped, generated by air cooling. We looked up at a star, almost blinded people noticed that a black disk is crawled on it. Between the star and the land passed the moon. And as if in response to plenty of people who appealing to God, in the minute of this respite in the east with a strange, inexplicable speed emerged. And the star. The sun and the moon, all together, rushed across the sky.

And soon those who have been waiting for the appearance of a star in Europe for so long, saw how she climbed almost simultaneously with the sun; For some time both shining rapidly rushed across the sky. Their movement slowed down, and finally they stopped, dragging into one brilliant flame in Zenith. The moon no longer darkened the stars, and she could no longer be distinguished in the bright shine of the sky. And although most of the survivors looked at the heaven in the dark disdequate, generated by hunger, fatigue, heat and despair, still there were people who felt the meaning of these phenomena. Star and the Earth agreed at the closest distance, sailed nearby, and the star began to be removed. It has already decreased, faster and faster completing his rapid flight to the Sun.

Then they thicked up clouds and hid the sky, and the thunderstorms wrapped the whole world with fire tissue lightning; Throughout the land, such a shower sheds, which people never seemed yet, and where the volcanoes spew the red flame to the Baldakhin clouds, the dirt flows hung from the sky. Everywhere, the water retreated with plains, leaving the mud and tina ruins, and the Earth, as the seaside after the storm, was littered with all sorts of clouds and corpses of people and animals. Water returned to the bed for many days, washing the soil, trees and houses, laundering huge dams and pulling deep ravines. These were the Days of Mrak, who changed the days of the star and the heat. All this time and for many more weeks and months continued continuous earthquakes.

But the star was held, and people who were driven by hunger, gradually gathered with courage and returned to their destroyed cities, to devastated residents and filled fields. Those few courts who managed to escape from storms approached the shore, semi-dyed, carefully keeping their way among the new rocks and shames that grew up in previously familiar harbors. And when the storms subsided, people noticed that everywhere days were hotter than before. The sun became larger, and the moon, decreasing to one third of its former value, makes his turnover around the Earth for eighty days.

Our task is not included talking about new fraternal relations between people; About how the laws, books and cars were saved, about the strange change, which took place with Iceland, Greenland and the Buffinov Gulf coast: these places were such places that the sailors who saved there were hardly believed to believe their eyes. It will not be told here about how, as a result of warming, people settled to the north and south, closer to the poles. It was only the story of the emergence and disappearance of the star. "

Baba Sanushi Credo Mutam (1921-?), The keeper of the culture of the Zulus tribe (South Africa), about the future of the cataclysm caused by the appearance of the second "Sun": "I will tell the great legend of our people. At one time, many thousand years ago, terrible starBehind her view called Mu-sho sho-no, a star with a very long tail, appeared close in our sky. She approached so close that the Earth turned over the Kuwarka, and, that was the sky, it became the bottom, and the fact that was the bottom, became hege. The whole world turned upside down. The sun rose in the south and ran out in the north. Then burning black rain drops like molten resin, burned all living on Earth, who could not escape. After that, a terrible waterflow came, accompanied by the winds of such strength, which destroyed all the distant mountains. And after that there were huge pieces of ice, more than any mountains. And the whole world was covered with ice for many generations ...

This is the great story of our ancestors. And they tell us that this disaster will happen again, and very soon. Since a big star that melts our sun, is going to go back on the day of Red Bull ... ".

Yakut shaman Satuok Egorov Even at the beginning of the 20th century, it was predicted: at the end of the last millennium, everyone will try to return to the old, everyone will look for lost and what they themselves destroyed. But returned all the old will be impossible. Because new toyon will pray to the icons of the former God.

But soon terrible things will be performed. From the sky will fall hot stones, a large tailed tailed to the ground star. There will be great changes. People will not respect each other, with a cry, the right and unnecessary ... Human nature, his mind will work out, people will all be irritated and intolerable towards each other. It will be a terrible phenomenon on Earth.

The sky and the celestialists will be angry with people, why the sky will become hot and red. People will destroy the Divine Shell of the Earth, which is why the air will become liquid and tasteless. "

The phenomenon of the Virgin Mary In Germany (Heede). From November 1, 1937 to November 3, 1940, Maria was four children through which she warned humanity about future disasters. Prophetic messages of the Virgin about the appearance in the sky " stars Hell":" I am a sign of living God. I pushed the sign in front of the children. The star of hell will come after my warning and rake above the hell ...

The world will have to eat to the bottom of the divine anger for his countless sins, because of which the holy heart of Jesus hurts. The terrible anger of the star of hell and cause terrible devastation, because he knows that this time is close ...

In letters Mahatm (Shambhala teachers) is mentioned about the unusual celestial object, the dimensions of which are significantly less than its mass, possibly neutron star: "... Raja-Star (King Star) is just behind Jupiter, which none of the mortals saw the physical eye during this Circle. If it could be discovered, it would seem through the best telescope power to increase the diameter of 10,000 times yet a small, immeasurable point, darkening the brightness of any of the planets; however, this world is a thousand times more (probably implies a lot of stars - approx. S.V.) rather than Jupiter. Strong excitements of the atmosphere of Jupiter and even its red spots that are so intriguing in recent science, depend:

The first is from movement and second - from the impact of this Raj star. In its present position in space, no matter how little it was, metal substances, of which it is mainly drawn up, apply and gradually turn into air-shaped fluids ... becoming part of its atmosphere. "

Raj-Sun is invisible, but the rays carry it into himself the terrible force (X-ray and gamma radiation of the neutron star - approx. Author.). The approach of the luminaries will cause hurricanes, eruptions, the coup of the poles, but there will be no us on Earth. We all move on to the fourth dimension, except for "black" and bad. " (Letters Mahatm. Letter No. 92).

Prediction Elena Roerich On the appearance of the invisible sun: "Space phenomenon will soon become apparently ... This phenomenon will probably be a few moments, but will continue throughout the seven days." (Roerich E.I. From the letter dated 21.06.52)

"Fullba is occupied by an unusual banner. Near the invisible shone as an immense circle shone, the rays ran along the edges of him. The horror fellows flew into the caves, suffered by the radiance of the sign ...

And this phenomenon will come soon. The invisible shine is a new sun, which will pass through our solar system and will seem on the moment to hide billions of years before their new visiting.

But you can imagine what perturbations will produce these appearances in the atmosphere not only the nearest luminaries, but in the entire solar system! ". (Roerich E.I. From the letter 06.12.48).

I.I. Shaposhnikov From the city of Salsk Rostov region, which receives information from the aliens, reports: "My night guests from other worlds," says Shaposhnikov, "insist that I informed about the essence of our conversations in a row. They say: "In this - your mission ...". I have to transfer to all people of the Earth that the "Second Moon" arrival in the earth's skies will occur very soon. And this celestial body can destroy everything alive on the planet, if the "second moon" does not reflect on time. After all, it will drag and the atmosphere and the water from the oceans. She will have a very powerful gravitational thrust, or the force of attraction. "The Second Moon" will not collapse to the ground. It will take place in dangerous intimacy from our planet. It will be a few days to shine in the sky like a new moon ..., the greatest in the history of troubles - earthquakes, supervogany will begin on Earth.

Famous healer from the city of Bryansk Maria Larionova Reports such information obtained during the experiment conducted by A.K. Priveima: "Voice" says some kind of heavenly body flies over the earth. Not over Russia. Not. And over the United States. And terrible destruction is possible there. Flood, earthquake ... Oh, I see "picture"! Earth rotates. Heavenly body is approaching her. The voice says the moment of maximum rapprochement will .... I hear badly! Speak louder! It will be when the Earth turns out to be turned to the body by its sidelines on which - America. "

Some seams in their visions identify this mysterious celestial body (star) with a comet. Clairvoyant Aryim Vogt He wrote in 1950: "I stood on the seashore and suddenly saw a huge wave of water approaching towards the shore. I was like far from the globe. Looking down, I saw scary otlbleski. I saw numerous particles fall on the ground. I watched the next vision on Earth. Wars, chaos ... Another time I saw from published a burning land. This vision has grown and grew. I thought: what to do? And did not find a response. At this time, a bright object was approaching to Earth, and something told me that it was a comet, and particles falling on the ground are particles of comets. "

Italian Orpho Angeurchchi In 1953, it was predicted: "Earth will threaten some comet that at first it will be possible to observe from the Earth as a glowing point. Then the catastrophe will come. "

Sarah Hofman I tried to endorse the life of suicide in 1979, but it was returned from the world to finish her earthly life. Sarah showed the end of the world and what it would be. She describes her vision "... I saw four visions. The strongest earthquake in the central part of the United States of America. It was devastating, it seemed that the earthquake ruined the country into two halves in the Mississippi River. The fallen faults in the ground were huge and completely absorbed this area. Cracked widths with mile open and earth falls. It seemed that everything was swallowed.

Then the water dropped from the Mexican Gulf, despicable everything in its path to the Great Lakes. Only they were no longer lakes, they became part of the inner sea.

Then I saw a number of gigantic earthquakes that turned the whole land. These were not separate concussions, but a global catastrophe. Because of these earthquakes, water appeared on earth all over the world. Huge walls of water fell on the coast. Previous cataclysms and tsunami may seem insignificant compared to this ...

Then I saw that the strongest hurricane began on Earth. When the wind arose, people hid in the caves and rafts rocks to escape from him. Hurricane was terrible, he pulled the trees and everything around. The whirlwind seemed to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed that everything was smattered with this wind. I understood without asking that the great earthquake all over the world and the hurricane was somehow caused by a massive object as a planet, or something that went very close to the ground ...

Then I returned back into space and observed the surface of the earth at a distance. Then I saw this huge fireball, which was two or three times more than the Earth, and passed next to our planet. He was extremely bright red and golden light embraced all the earth. When I saw it, I asked: "What was it." I realized that this is the burning of the Earth, which is described in Scripture. I know that before this happens, Jesus Christ will appear on earth and divide people on good and bad ... ".

Visions of american clairvoyant Raymond Aguilera (1991) Claimed by God himself (from his "book of prophecies"). The prophet in his predictions repeatedly mentions the appearance of an unusual cross-shaped star on the sky, which will bring innumerable disasters to all mankind:

Vision of Raymond. July 1990. I constantly see a cross with a circle of stars around his top. This vision appeared again and again for about two weeks.

July 6, 1992 . I see a bowl of light, or a star, I don't know where it goes from, but she is striking the planet Earth. This is a pretty big star, maybe a meteorite looks like a bowl of light. It's all.

Hear me, my sons and my daughters. This is your god. This is your god. He will burn the world star, piece, kunk stars ("Koskom" - quite accurate definition of a neutron star, which is the residue of a supernova explosion -Approx. author.).

Hear me! Hear me! Hear me! In a thousand and many years, through a thousand and many years, a piece, a piece of stars from the sky, from the sky. It will come. It will come ( Perhaps this paragraph indicates the approximate period of cataclysm - the amount of thousands of years equals 2000 and plus "many years"?)

Star goes. A piece of stars. See, here it goes. I love you so much. I love you so, my sons and daughters, with all my heart, I love you. But the chance, the chance is only once, only once ...

You will be frightened. There will be many earthquakes, many storms, many signs, many signs, ocean, the ocean will move up and down, up and down.

Look at the ocean. Look at the ocean, and ice, and the ocean ice will move. It will move, ice oceans, ice of the north and south, south. Ice will move because I said signs, there will be signs ...

Look at the signs. Look at the signs, my sons and daughters, a piece of stars goes here. He is already coming. It approaches the time I told the fathers of your fathers. Because I told the truth, and the truth will be. Because I am the only God of all, and there will be, and will be. Because I have always been, before anything existed, with my son and the Holy Spirit.

April 1992 gd, ball, the ball goes. He goes so fast. Here is a ball that will close the world. Why? Why? This is the mystery that I will not open you in any way. Because time on the outcome, time on the outcome, in order to happen what happens. When they knock on the door, you will not know who there. You will be frightened because the devil is looking for you like a dog seeking bone. Here is the dog, dog, with naked teeth and stench from mouth, for your flesh ...

July 7, 1992 the star is on the way. She will hit and hit the atmosphere with such a force that you will know that the end came.

On May 7, 1997, the Lord gave me a vision of outer space. I saw a black whirlwind, spinning on the surface of the planet Earth. While I watched, I saw how the white cloud appeared, and the white cloud became more and more. And it covered the entire planet so that the planet could not be seen.

You remember that I tell you now. Here is a ball right. He will hit you on the head of the Devil star. And you will not be able to remove the star. The devil will eat you. What a shame, what a shame, my sons and my daughters, with love, with love, I tell you the truth. What a shame, here is a bowl, with a star. "

On September 29, 2000, then the Lord showed me a telescope to observe the stars. Then the Lord said: "Look at the sky, look at the sky, because very soon you will see the arrival of the star."

The phenomenon of the Virgin and Jesus Christ Veronica Luchen(New York), which she was within 25 years. The Most Holy Virgo repeatedly warned that if we do not return to compliance with the laws of morality and morality, then almost all of humanity will be destroyed when the redemption ball appears.

Vision of Virgin Veronica Luchen (1988): "I, your mother, I am terribly oppressed by this knowledge of the troubles that will come to humanity. I see the ball away from me, a big ball that appears next to the sun. This ball is similar to the second sun in the sky. But it will be a bowl of destruction. I tell you, my children, we must return to the pious lifestyle and be ready hunger and suffering.

Father eternal says: "Looking for, my daughter." And pointed far into the sky with a look. Human's eyes have not yet can perceive what is there, but there is a ball, "unknown origin" - for humanity.

But this is known to me - this is a ball of redemption.

Do not be afraid of my daughter, you have to see it, as it is important. Within a century, this ball will return to the human race.

My child, I raised you with my pain and illness, so that you told the whole world, prepare now. Otherwise it will be too late.

Also, demand, immediately, so that all the people of the earth come to harmony, and Rome say, see and see what a lie in the dioceses.

The vision of Jesus Christ: "It is sad, but this is not avoided ..., two large punishments must be installed for humanity: the distress of the war and the ball of redemption. How soon, you ask? Not all is equal when this time comes. Are you ready now? This will happen quickly and comes at you unexpectedly. Then two suns should appear on the horizon. Fear will cover the hearts of many. This fear will come from knowledge that you rejected warnings from heaven and did not act. "

Veronica: "I see the sky, it becomes very, very red, almost orange, red-orange. And it shines so brightly, which hurts eyes. And I see this huge ball. In the center, he is almost dark. I do not know what it consists of. Now he begins to change the color, becomes foggy-purple, orange. Now it moves at high speed. And when there is a quick movement across the sky, its parts are broken. Currently he passes behind the sun. I see a huge ball of the sun. This is a fireball. Near another fireball. His piece fell off and falls in the sun. And there. Oh! This is an explosion. I can not watch…".

Veronica: "I see this ball again. It seems that it changes the color. This is a huge ball. It is white on the one hand, but when it turns, it is shown orange and red. Now he sometimes shoots, I think it's like fire. Now he quickly moves across the sky. The ball has a very long jet of smoke and vapor ... It is extremely big. "

Veronica Luchen: "Oh, my God! I feel like I choke. A huge black ball is approaching in the sky. And it has a dark tail. I have never seen anything like that. He is a terrible future! It will bring you death! He has a terrible look. He madly spins in the sky. It seems that he moves along the curve and goes down, as if above the trees. Oh, this is a terrible spectacle! Oh, mother of God! ".

Vision of Veronica Luchen of July 25, 1973: "I see a big globe hanging in space. This is a globe. I see another big ball that is moving fast. From the chapter, a long tail of atmospheric gases is departed. It is very big and long. From the distant distance I see that the ball like the sun. It glows in red. Now the tail is directed from the sun. The ball seems to be moving around the sun, but no, now it deviates.

And now the ball goes to the ground. I see that he is spinning like a top. He passes near the ground, and the tail is directed from the sun. The ball is next to the ground, and the tail drifts on the ground. I now see ocean water. I see the water that rises up, and the earth is immersed in water. "

Venus Veronika Luchen: "I see a terrible celestial body, it looks like a semblance of a bowl of fire. It scares! It now pulsates and does not seem to have no control, as if it was not in one place. Other, which looks like a comet, was separated from him, something left to the left. "

Vision dated April 14, 1984: "Now I see that a huge ball appears in the sky next to the sun. It looks like two large sun in the sky. But the ball on the right has a tail and he begins to spin around the sun. He moves and frustrating furiously, accompanies this ball. He is now going back towards land. The ball hit once, and something happened. And here he goes to another part of the globe, he completely changed his way and strikes the globe. I see now that the whole bottom of the world in fire ...

The fire appears on one side of the globe. I see this area. There is a flame and a big hole, ah, she captures half of the globe into her hole. It's all. The world is amazed by a large fiery ball. Oh, it's terrible. I feel his heat.

Veronica: "I see this star in another perspective - there is a lot of rings around it. This is a huge body with rings around him. I do not know what it is, star, planet? And it seems to go crazy. Jumps up and down, moves back and go ... Ah! If she continues his way, then capture the moon. Oh! Oh my God. It seems that this is the body of the star that came nowhere ... ".

Veronica: "I see this big ball again ... it turns into all directions. Now I see a big, huge stone that falls into the water. When it falls into the water, it rises very high. The sound of the blow, as if it was a bomb. It caused the waves, they rose very and very high, and I see several ships that fall down. This rock is immersed in what looks like the ocean. I see three or four vessels that drown with her. This is like a whirlpool. "

Vision dated November 1, 1974: "My child, you will feel warm, unusual warmth. Know that this is the time of heavenly punishment from his son. Bright light will shine all night as day. Hell turn your winter in the summer. Yes, my child, the heavenly body will overthrow a large amount of heat to your land. "

September 13, 1975: "In the solar system there is a bowl of death, which is approaching land. He is unusual origin. Those who will discard knowledge of supernatural grace will comprehend close punishment! When it appears in the middle of the solar system, everyone will be covered by fear. Many will run to hide, recognizing the anger of their God.

The bowl of the ransom will come and bring his shell from the fire to the ground! Many will die in a large redemption flame. As it was in the time of Noah, it will be on your land, the punishment is much more than any punishment directed against humanity! This is punishment, my children, trial time ... and cleaning humanity. "

Vision dated July 1, 1985: "My children, I warn you, I want you to remember the instructions that I gave a few years ago. I warned you that you would keep a good stock of canned food in your homes ..., they will support you in the days of great punishment. It will be a fireball that will ignite many chemicals that are designed to destroy countries.

The world is covered by the onslaught of destruction, but few of you have the opportunity to understand what happened. People run forward and backward, trying to run from punishment. Do not look back, my children, on the black corpses that lie among your roads, and also do not touch them or you die.

I want everything on Earth to know that drought, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes are only minor disasters, compared with the number of lost people who will die during a large punishment. Good and bad people must die together, the child is mine ... ".

Vision dated August 14, 1973. "I see a planet with the outline of the mountains. This is a globe. This is a very large world globe, very big. Awful, ah! This ball passes nearby.

Veronica: "I see the road. I see people saving themselves. Their clothes in rags. It seems as if they were amazed by some fragments that broke their clothes and bodies. But worse than all that is outside of roads. I see body and corpses scattered through the streets and houses. I see water burns. I see the fusion threads that rise above and above, flushing the coastal shores by the sea. "

Vision dated June 12, 1976: "There will be extremely tall waves, which the cities will take care of them. Buildings accumulate with foundations. Air heats up to high temperature. The atmosphere of darkness and darkness will be fatal for all mankind ...

True I tell you how the night replaces the day, darkness will come to humanity. "

Veronica: "Ah! Oh my God! I see I see this ball. He rotates very quickly ..., I see a picture. Yes, this is the earth. Oh! Oh my God! I see the water rises very high above the ground and houses. The sea hits and fills the buildings .... I still see that the buildings are demolished. I see people. They are very frightened and scatter in all directions. Virgo Maria: "My child, I have to show this sad scene."

A vision of March 18, 1973: "Then it will be on the land of darkness. The oxygen content will decrease in the air. Then there will be no light ..., the heat will be intensified. "

A vision of September 24, 1976: "No one will avoid retaliation of redemption ball. The consequences should remain in the body of each man, every woman and every child - on your land. "

Probably the impact of X-ray and gamma star radiation - (approx.).

Vision dated May 30, 1978: "Many warnings were given to humanity, but they went unnoticed and were rejected. Scientists will not warn humanity about this catastrophe. Will your people science find a way to stop the ball atonement. I tell you: "No!" ...

Vision of Jesus Christ: "Now let's talk about the rupture, my children. For, when the night turns into a day, and the day will turn into the night, the time will come when you scream about mercy, but it will be too late. The ball of redemption will take three quarters of mankind from the ground.

Pole predictions Angeha which is in a state of meditation put on the tape recorder of his visions, where it is said about the consequences of the passage of a certain cosmic body next to the Earth (dots between proposals - pause in the tape recorder): "In recent years, our planet shakes more and more large-scale natural disasters - floods, earthquakes, I see a cosmic cataclysm and a worldwide catastrophe on Earth, which probably marks the end of the space cycle. I see the red fire pillars and smoke, piles of stones. Destroyed cities ... Destroyed New York, Brazil, Tashkent. I see how the earth's bark burst. Whole villages and settlements fall into huge cracks. Disappears from the surface of the earth Manhattan. In Texas, there is a city of Dallas in the ruins ... Dark, almost dark sky ... disappears under water Los Angeles ... California turns into an island ... Cuba is connected to the mainland ... The Mexican Bay becomes land. Bering Strait is no longer, it connects with Chukotka ... Europe. Italy crushing into a number of islands. Sardinia plunges into the sea ... The Mediterranean Sea turns into a lake ... Large territories in France are flooded ... The British Islands are connected to Europe ... Holland and Belgium under water ... Moving mountains in Switzerland, the city of Lausanne ... Huge destruction in Paris ... disappears from the face of Rome Pope dies ... Berlin and Brno in the ruins ... Flooded by the coast of Norway and Switzerland, the city of Malmo under water ... a significant part of Stockholm is destroyed, there is no longer the island of Liding ... The water level rises sharply ... the sky is flarelled in it ... some kind of huge cosmic body rushes next to the ground, and its surface to dive, crawl at the top of ... ice on the north pole melting ... In the center of Europe, the earth's bark burst ... Big destruction in the Alps, the city of Innsbruck ... The Vltava River is widely ... The River Vltava is wide ... It begins to flow into low ... Countries of Hamburg, Szczecin, Kolobrzeg, Peremuelund, Slupsk, Gdansk ... Huge destruction of the Vistula ... on Mazovian Hills calmly, in the central part of Poland, small destruction ... an explosion in the Urals ... The surface of the Black Sea is much increased ... There is a flow of water from the Caspian Sea, at the same time it rises to the top, and the sea ceases to exist .. Only small islets remain ... Delivered Murmansk and Vladivostok ... Himalayas are immersed in the sea bumping ... Sushya appears in the midst of Atlantic ... In Australia and New Zealand, only small tectonic shifts ... only some high-rise buildings are destroyed, in these areas of land damage the least ... This cataclysm lasts a week ... The next week the water begins to subscribe ...

Mankind is experiencing huge shocks ... Hunger armed gangs, murders, epidemic. The world gradually calms down ... The technological era goes into the past ... Indigenous changes in the mentality of people ... The role of heavy animals is increasing ... the abundance of fish ... Humanity enters into a new era of its development, it becomes the path of virtue ... people have an insight, they appeal to God, first place It comes out humidity, goodwill. The era of good begins on Earth ... the boundaries between states disappear ... Humanity creates a new world language, in which all people can communicate with each other. The climate on the entire globe becomes much more favorable, the average temperature rises. "

Berta Dudde (1891-1965) Born in Legnica (Silesia). Since 1937, he began to receive revelations with the help of "internal voice." I predicted the difficult fate of all mankind, in particular, the appearance of a star next to our planet.

Prediction No. 7421. The powerful earthquake shakes the Earth as spiritual and earthly. The Earth will be in shock that people did not experience from the beginning of this era ... time rushing with seven-year steps, approaching you the last day. And then a long night will follow for everyone who did not use the day to pray for the salvation of the soul. Only some will survive during the last day. And only some will be allowed to live on a new land ...

The star is approaching at high speed to the ground. You still do not know about it because of a long distance, on which the star was still still, but you will see it. Then there will be big unrest, because everyone recognize the threat that this heavenly body carry the earth, but no one can do anything to prevent danger. "

6313. "It will be a new star that is inevitably approaching the Earth with an unusual course. People are aware of all new features of the star when it will observe her movement. They recognize this danger to the Earth, and on the other hand, they will not want to believe in the coming destruction, because they have not yet experienced.

6324. Listen, what I will say you: "The right sign of the end of the world is the appearance of a star that goes to the ground, strangely ..., your eyes are not seen, because it is accompanied by an impenetrable fog that surrounds her ...

A terrible natural disaster, people are waiting for you in front of the end of the world - the overall restructuring of the earth's surface, which will lead to countless victims. I again and again point to it so that you know, my words are true and come true! ".

When joining ten years ago in the desert, I believed that it was forever broke up with an educated world. Take on the pen and writing memories made me events completely extraordinary. What I saw, perhaps, did not see any of the people. But even more I survived in the depths of the soul. My beliefs seemed to me non-omitted, destroyed or shocked. With horror I see how much powerful truth is that I always despised. These notes could have a goal: to warn others like me. But, they will probably never find the reader. I write them juice on the leaves, I am writing in the wilds of Africa, far from the last traces of enlightenment, under the Shalash of the Bechuana, listening to a small crash of the Moz-Oa-Tun. About Great Waterfall! Beautiful, what is in the world! In this desert one you, perhaps, bend my excitement. And I dedicate these pages.



The sky was dark blue, the stars are large and bright when I opened my eyes. I did not move, only a hand, and in a dream, a squeezing knob of the dagger, rushed to her stronger ... the moan repeated. Then I raised and sat down. Big Bonfire, from the evening laid out against wild animals, I was dead, and my Negrou of Mstega slept, bolding into the ground ...

"Get up," I shouted, "take a spear, go after me!"

We went by the direction where the moans were heard from. For about ten minutes we wandered by a mud. Finally I noticed something bright ahead.

- Who lies here without a fire? - I called. - Answer, or will shoot. - I said these words in English, and then repeated at the local Kafrian adverb, then once again in Dutch, in Portuguese, in French. There was no answer. I approached, holding the revolver at the ready.

On the sand in the puddle of the blood lay a man dressed in European. That was an old man of sixty. Its entire body was wedged by copies. The bloody mark led far to the desert; Wounded for a long time, before it fell completely.

I ordered Msteghe to dilute the fire and tried to bring the old man into the feeling. After half an hour he began to move, his eyelashes raised him, and I was not my eyes, first dull, then cleared.

- Do you understand me? I asked in English. Without receiving an answer, I repeated the question on all my languages \u200b\u200bfamiliar to me, even in Latin. The old man was silent for a long time, then spoke in French:

- Thank you, my friend. I know all these languages, and if I was silent, then for my reasons. Tell me where did you find me?

I explained.

- Why am I so weak? Did my wounds are dangerous?

- You do not survive the day.

As soon as I uttered these words, dying all the faded, his lips twisted, the bony fingers dug into my hand. His measuring speech was changed by hoarse shouts.

- Can't be! .. Not now, no! .. Pier! .. You are mistaken.

"Perhaps," I said coldly.

"Let Mr go," he dismissed deeply, "the sorcerer says everything, he heard about it from the fathers to the boy. There, in the middle of the damned desert, stands the star of the star, high to the sky. Demons live in it. Sometimes they come out of their country and devour babies in Kralims. Who goes to the desert, he will die. And it is impossible to talk about it ...

I was pretty. I lowered the Winchester and slowly passed among the sword of the crowd in the hut allotted to me. Stay in the village for the night it seemed unsafe. In addition, I understood that the damned desert could only go at night. I ordered Mstegy to prepare on the road. We took with you a stock of days for five days, a bit of provisions and everything you need for a slag to be where to hide from the heat. I buried all the burdens into two equal look, myself and Mshegé. Then he sent to tell the boss of the tribe that we go. All the village came out to accomplish us, but everyone kept at a significant distance. To the border of the desert, I walked, having fun. She climbed a month. The edges of the layers are bizarrely lit up under the lunar rays. At this time I heard someone's voice. Wrapped, I saw that the sorcerer came out of the crowd ahead and also stood on the border of the desert. Stretching his hands in our direction, he clearly pronounced the set words. That was the spell, which circumscribed us to the avengers for the fact that we are disturbing the calm of the desert.

The moon was still low, and the long shadows on the hands of the sorcerer stretched for us to the desert and a long time was clinging to our legs.


On the same day, in the evening I started the journey promised by the old man. The map of that part of Africa, which has almost been almost not investigated, was known to me much better than any European geographer ... Running forward, I am all persistently gathered information about the terrain where it was sent. At first, only the most knowledgeable people could answer me that there was a special damned desert. Then they began to meet persecution who knew about this desert various legends. Everyone spoke reluctantly about her. Through [several] days of the road, we came to countries, adjacent to the damned desert. Here, everyone knew her, everyone saw her, but no one was in her. Previously, the coughs joined the desert, but it seems that no one has returned from them.

The boy, taken by me as a conductor, brought us to the desert closest paths. Over the forest, the path went through a luxurious steppe. In the evening we reached the temporary village of the Bechuians, stretched already at the very turn of the desert. I was met respectfully, I gave me a special hut and sent chick as a gift.

Before sunset, leaving Mstga to watch the property, I went alone to look at the desert. Nothing more strange than the border of this desert, I did not see for my sovereign life. The vegetation disappeared not gradually: there was no conventional transition band from the greenery of the meadows to a fruitless steppe. Immediately for two or three seeds, the pasture turned into a lifeless stony plain. On fat soil, covered with tropical grass, suddenly laminated gray corners not that shale, not the salt marsh layers; Sharoning on each other, they formed a wild toothed plane, which went away into the distance. Cracks and rafts were snake on this surface, often very deep and up to two Arshin wide, but she herself was firm as granite. The rays of the setting sun were reflected there and Xiy from ribs and jar, blind eyes with overflows of light. But still, carefully peering, it was possible to distinguish the pale gray cone on the horizon, whose vertex sparkled like a star. I returned to the cravy thoughtful. Soon the crowd surrounded me: they gathered to look at a white man walking in the damned desert. In the crowd I noticed a local sorcerer. Suddenly, looking towards him, I sent the blood of Winchester to the level with his breast. Sorcerer petrified from fear; It can be seen, the gun was familiar to him. And the crowd fled to the side.

Brucery Valery

Mountain stars

Valery Bryusov

Mountain stars


When joining ten years ago in the desert, I believed that it was forever broke up with an educated world. Take on the pen and writing memories made me events completely extraordinary. What I saw, perhaps, did not see any of the people. But even more I survived in the depths of the soul. My beliefs seemed to me non-omitted, destroyed or shocked. With horror I see how much powerful truth is that I always despised. These notes could have a goal: to warn others like me. But, they will probably never find the reader. I am writing their juice on the leaves, I am writing in the wilds of Africa, far from the last traces of the enlightenment, under the Shalash of the Bechuana, listening to a small crash of the Moz-Oa-Tuna (* 1). About Great Waterfall! Beautiful, what is in the world! In this desert one you, perhaps, bend my excitement. And I dedicate these pages.

The sky was dark blue, the stars are large and bright when I opened my eyes. I did not move, only a hand, and in a dream, a squeezing knob of the dagger, rushed to her stronger ... the moan repeated. Then I raised and sat down. Big Bonfire, from the evening laid out against wild animals, I was dead, and my Negrou of Mstega slept, bolding into the ground ...

Get up, "I shouted," take a spear, go after me! "

We went by the direction where the moans were heard from. For about ten minutes we wandered by a mud. Finally I noticed something bright ahead.

Who lies here without a fire? - I called. - Answer, or will shoot. "I said these words in English, and then repeated at the local Kafrian adverb (* 2), then once again in Dutch, in Portuguese, in French. There was no answer. I approached, holding the revolver at the ready.

On the sand in the puddle of the blood lay a man dressed in European. That was an old man of sixty. Its entire body was wedged by copies. The bloody mark led far to the desert; Wounded for a long time, before it fell completely.

I ordered Msteghe to dilute the fire and tried to bring the old man into the feeling. After half an hour he began to move, his eyelashes raised him, and I was not my eyes, first dull, then cleared.

Do you understand me? I asked in English. Without receiving an answer, I repeated the question on all my languages \u200b\u200bfamiliar to me, even in Latin. The old man was silent for a long time, then spoke in French:

Thank you, my friend. I know all these languages, and if I was silent, then for my reasons. Tell me where did you find me?

I explained.

Why am I so weak? Did my wounds are dangerous?

You do not survive the day.

As soon as I uttered these words, dying all the faded, his lips twisted, the bony fingers dug into my hand. His measuring speech was changed by hoarse shouts.

Can't be! .. not now, no! .. Pier! .. You are mistaken.

Perhaps - I said coldly.

Let Mroon goes, he dug down, "the sorcerer will say everything, he heard about it from fathers yet a boy. There, in the middle of the damned desert, stands the star of the star, high to the sky. Demons live in it. Sometimes they come out of their country and devour babies in Kralims. Who goes to the desert, he will die. And it is impossible to talk about her ...

I was pretty. I lowered the Winchester and slowly passed among the sword of the crowd in the hut allotted to me. Stay in the village for the night it seemed unsafe. In addition, I understood that the damned desert could only go at night. I ordered Mstegy to prepare on the road. We took with you a stock of days for five days, a bit of provisions and everything you need for a slag to be where to hide from the heat. I buried all the burdens into two equal look, myself and Mshegé. Then he sent to tell the boss of the tribe that we go. All the village came out to accomplish us, but everyone kept at a significant distance. To the border of the desert, I walked, having fun. She climbed a month. The edges of the layers are bizarrely lit up under the lunar rays. At this time I heard someone's voice. Wrapped, I saw that the sorcerer came out of the crowd ahead and also stood on the border of the desert. Stretching his hands in our direction, he clearly pronounced the set words. That was the spell, which circumscribed us to the avengers for the fact that we are disturbing the calm of the desert.

The moon was still low, and the long shadows on the hands of the sorcerer stretched for us to the desert and a long time was clinging to our legs.

On the same day, in the evening I started the journey promised by the old man. The map of that part of Africa, which has almost been almost not investigated, was known to me much better than any European geographer ... Running forward, I am all persistently gathered information about the terrain where it was sent. At first, only the most knowledgeable people could answer me that there was a special damned desert. Then they began to meet persecution who knew about this desert various legends. Everyone spoke reluctantly about her. Through [several] days of the road, we came to countries, adjacent to the damned desert. Here, everyone knew her, everyone saw her, but no one was in her. Previously, the coughs joined the desert, but it seems that no one has returned from them.

The boy, taken by me as a conductor, brought us to the desert closest paths. Over the forest, the path went through a luxurious steppe. In the evening we reached the temporary village of the Bechuians, stretched already at the very turn of the desert. I was met respectfully, I gave me a special hut and sent chick as a gift.

Before sunset, leaving Mstga to watch the property, I went alone to look at the desert. Nothing more strange than the border of this desert, I did not see for my sovereign life. The vegetation disappeared not gradually: there was no conventional transition band from the greenery of the meadows to a fruitless steppe. Immediately for two or three seeds, the pasture turned into a lifeless stony plain. On fat soil, covered with tropical grass, suddenly laminated gray corners not that shale, not the salt marsh layers; Sharoning on each other, they formed a wild toothed plane, which went away into the distance. Cracks and rafts were snake on this surface, often very deep and up to two Arshin wide, but she herself was firm as granite. The rays of the setting sun were reflected there and Xiy from ribs and jar, blind eyes with overflows of light. But still, carefully peering, it was possible to distinguish the pale gray cone on the horizon, whose vertex sparkled like a star. I returned to the cravy thoughtful. Soon the crowd surrounded me: they gathered to look at a white man walking in the damned desert. In the crowd I noticed a local sorcerer. Suddenly, looking towards him, I sent the blood of Winchester to the level with his breast. Sorcerer petrified from fear; It can be seen, the gun was familiar to him. And the crowd fled to the side.

When joining ten years ago in the desert, I believed that it was forever broke up with an educated world. Take on the pen and writing memories made me events completely extraordinary. What I saw, perhaps, did not see any of the people. But even more I survived in the depths of the soul. My beliefs seemed to me non-omitted, destroyed or shocked. With horror I see how much powerful truth is that I always despised. These notes could have a goal: to warn others like me. But, they will probably never find the reader. I write them juice on the leaves, I write in the wilds of Africa, far from the last traces of the enlightenment, under the Shalash of the Bechuana, listening to a small crash of the Mozian OA? Tunya 1
Mozi OA? Tunya - waterfall in Ethiopia.

About Great Waterfall! Beautiful, what is in the world! In this desert one you, perhaps, bend my excitement. And I dedicate these pages.


The sky was dark blue, the stars are large and bright when I opened my eyes. I did not move, only a hand, and in a dream, a squeezing knob of the dagger, rushed to her stronger ... the moan repeated. Then I raised and sat down. Big Bonfire, from the evening laid out against wild animals, I was dead, and my Negrou of Mstega slept, bolding into the ground ...

"Get up," I shouted, "take a spear, go after me!"

We went by the direction where the moans were heard from. For about ten minutes we wandered by a mud. Finally I noticed something bright ahead.

- Who lies here without a fire? - I called. - Answer, or will shoot. - I said these words in English, and then repeated at the local Kafrian adveria 2
The language of one of the numerous peoples - the cafes living in southwestern Ethiopia.

Then again in Dutch, in Portuguese, in French. There was no answer. I approached, holding the revolver at the ready.

On the sand in the puddle of the blood lay a man dressed in European. That was an old man of sixty. Its entire body was wedged by copies. The bloody mark led far to the desert; Wounded for a long time, before it fell completely.

I ordered Msteghe to dilute the fire and tried to bring the old man into the feeling. After half an hour he began to move, his eyelashes raised him, and I was not my eyes, first dull, then cleared.

- Do you understand me? I asked in English.

Without receiving an answer, I repeated the question on all my languages \u200b\u200bfamiliar to me, even in Latin. The old man was silent for a long time, then spoke in French:

- Thank you, my friend. I know all these languages, and if I was silent, then for my reasons. Tell me where did you find me?

I explained.

- Why am I so weak? Did my wounds are dangerous?

- You do not survive the day.

As soon as I uttered these words, dying all the faded, his lips twisted, the bony fingers dug into my hand. His measuring speech was changed by hoarse shouts.

- Can't be! .. Not now, no! .. Pier! .. You are mistaken.

"Perhaps," I said coldly.

"Let Mr go," he dismissed deeply, "the sorcerer says everything, he heard about it from the fathers to the boy. There, in the middle of the damned desert, stands the star of the star, high to the sky. Demons live in it. Sometimes they come out of their country and devour babies in Kralims. Who goes to the desert, he will die. And it is impossible to talk about it ...

I was pretty. I lowered the Winchester and slowly passed among the sword of the crowd in the hut allotted to me. Stay in the village for the night it seemed unsafe. In addition, I understood that the damned desert could only go at night. I ordered Mstegy to prepare on the road. We took with you a stock of days for five days, a bit of provisions and everything you need for a slag to be where to hide from the heat. I buried all the burdens into two equal look, myself and Mshegé. Then he sent to tell the boss of the tribe that we go. All the village came out to accomplish us, but everyone kept at a significant distance. To the border of the desert, I walked, having fun. She climbed a month. The edges of the layers are bizarrely lit up under the lunar rays. At this time I heard someone's voice. Wrapped, I saw that the sorcerer came out of the crowd ahead and also stood on the border of the desert. Stretching his hands in our direction, he clearly pronounced the set words. That was the spell, which circumscribed us to the avengers for the fact that we are disturbing the calm of the desert.

The moon was still low, and the long shadows on the hands of the sorcerer stretched for us to the desert and a long time was clinging to our legs.


On the same day, in the evening I started the journey promised by the old man. The map of that part of Africa, which has almost been almost not investigated, was known to me much better than any European geographer ... Running forward, I am all persistently gathered information about the terrain where it was sent. At first, only the most knowledgeable people could answer me that there was a special damned desert. Then they began to meet persecution who knew about this desert various legends. Everyone spoke reluctantly about her. Through [several] days of the road, we came to countries, adjacent to the damned desert. Here, everyone knew her, everyone saw her, but no one was in her. Previously, the coughs joined the desert, but it seems that no one has returned from them.

The boy, taken by me as a conductor, brought us to the desert closest paths. Over the forest, the path went through a luxurious steppe. In the evening we reached the temporary village of the Bechuians, stretched already at the very turn of the desert. I was met respectfully, I gave me a special hut and sent chick as a gift.

Before sunset, leaving Mstga to watch the property, I went alone to look at the desert. Nothing more strange than the border of this desert, I did not see for my sovereign life. The vegetation disappeared not gradually: there was no conventional transition band from the greenery of the meadows to a fruitless steppe. Immediately for two or three seeds, the pasture turned into a lifeless stony plain. On fat soil, covered with tropical grass, suddenly laminated gray corners not that shale, not the salt marsh layers; Sharoning on each other, they formed a wild toothed plane, which went away into the distance. Cracks and rafts were snake on this surface, often very deep and up to two Arshin wide, but she herself was firm as granite. The rays of the setting sun were reflected there and Xiy from ribs and jar, blind eyes with overflows of light. But still, carefully peering, it was possible to distinguish the pale gray cone on the horizon, whose vertex sparkled like a star. I returned to the cravy thoughtful. Soon the crowd surrounded me: they gathered to look at a white man walking in the damned desert. In the crowd I noticed a local sorcerer. Suddenly, looking towards him, I sent the blood of Winchester to the level with his breast. Sorcerer petrified from fear; It can be seen, the gun was familiar to him. And the crowd fled to the side.

- And what, - I asked slowly, - Does my father know any prayers before death?

"I know," the sorcerer answered unsteadously.

"So let him read them because it will die now."

I clicked with a chicken. Negroes in the distance let the scream.

"You will die," I repeated, "because you hide from me that you know about the damned desert."

I watched the sorcerer's face to change the moods. His lips were curved, they shifted on his forehead, wrinkles were revealed. I put my finger on the "dog". It could happen that the sorcerer really does not know anything, but in a moment I would definite the trigger. Suddenly the sorcerer fell to the ground.

- I just lost a lot of blood.

I smiled:

- You continue to lose it; I could not stop the bleeding.

The old man was crying, prayed to save him. Finally, his throat went blood, and he again lost consciousness. Waking up a second time, he was calm again.

"Yes, I'm dying," he said, "you are right." It's hard now. But listen. Fate made you by my heir.

"I don't need anything," I objected.

"Oh, do not think," the old man interrupted, "the case is not about the treasure, not about money. Here is another. I own a secret.

He spoke hurriedly, bitchily; It was starting to tell his life, then led to the last events. I did not understand much. Probably, the majority in my place would consider an old man's ax. Since childhood, he fascinated the idea of \u200b\u200binterplanetary intercourse. He dedicated her all his life. In various scientific societies, he did reports on the projectiles invented by him for flight from the ground to another planet. It was raised everywhere. But the sky, according to his expression, kept his old age award. Based on some wonderful documents, he was convinced that the question of interplanetary relations was already resolved by the inhabitants of Mars. At the end of the XIII century of our christies, they sent a ship to Earth. This ship sank in Central Africa. For the assumption of the old man, there were not travelers on this ship, but exiles, bold fugitives to another planet. They did not engage in the study of the Earth, but only tried to get comfortably. Feeding himself from the savages of artificial desert, they lived in her middle of a separate independent society. The old man was convinced that the descendants of these immigrants from Mars still live in that country.

- Do you have accurate place instructions? - I asked.

- I calculated approximately longitude and latitude ... Error no more than ten minutes ... Maybe a quarter of a degree ...

All that happened to the old man after and it was necessary to expect. Not wanting to share a success, he himself went on research ...

"You will assign you to my secret," said me dying, "graduate from my work, graduate from science and humanity.

I laughed:

- I despise science, I do not like humanity.

"Well, for the sake of glory," said the old man with bitterness.

"Complete," I objected. - What do I need fame? But I still wandering around the desert and can look out of curiosity into that country.

The old man whispered offended:

"I don't have a choice ... Let it be so ... but swear that you do everything possible to go there ... that only death will stop you."

I laughed again and said an oath. Then dying with tears in his eyes uttered several digits with a trembling voice - latitude and longitude. I noted them on the goose goal. Soon after noon, the old man died. His last requested that I mentioned his name when I write about my journey. I fulfill this request. His name was Maurice Cardeaux.


Not all the difficulties of the way foresaw [I], entering into the damned desert. From the very first steps, we felt hard to go along this stony, tired soil. The feet were painfully stepped on the jar of layers; The game of the moonlight deceived the eye, and every minute we could stumble in crevice. In the air stood fine dust, cutting his eyes. The monotony of the terrain was such that we were constantly knocked out from the direct direction and circled: it was necessary to go on the stars, because Abris Mountain was not visible in the darkness. At night, it was still cheerful at night, but as soon as the sun was boosted, we were covered by unbearable. The soil rapidly rapidly and shook her legs through shoes. The air became a fiery ferry, as over a melted stove, was painfully breathing. I had to crash to break the tent and lie under it until the evening, almost without moving.

We walked this damned desert six days. Water, formerly in our furs, was very quickly spoiled, smelling the skin, made a disgusting taste. Such water almost did not satisfy thirst. By the third morning, we had a very small residue of her, muddy late on the bottom of the fur. I decided to divide this balance between us to the end, as it would have finally deteriorated during the day. On the same day, ordinary torments of thirst began: the throat got sick, the tongue became tough, big, were quickly disappearing Mirage. But the fourth night we still walked without stopping. It seemed to me that the star of the star was close, which is closer to her than back, to the border of the desert. In the morning, however, I saw that the mountain silhouette almost did not grown, everything is also unavailable. On this fourth day, I finally mastered nonsense. I began to dream of a lake in palm oasises, angle of antelope on the shore and our Russian rivers with the rayons, where you are bathing braiding branches, I dreamed a month, reflected in the sea, fragmented in the waves, and rest in the boat behind the coastal rock, where everything worried about the surf, The shaft runs out of the shaft, it foams and gets high splashes. In a dream, a vague consciousness remained, it said that all these pictures - the ghost, that they are not available to me. I longed not to dream, defeat my nonsense, but it was not enough forces. And it was painful ... But barely sun rolled up and came the blame, I suddenly woke up, suddenly got up like Lunatic, as if on the secret call. We have not yet collected a tent, as they could not carry it. But we went ahead again, stubbornly stretched to the star of the star. She attracted me as a magnet. I was liked that my life was closely connected with this mountain, which I should, should and against the will to go to her. And I walked, sometimes ran, I was shot down from the way, I found him again, fell, got up and went again. If Musthek lagged behind, I shouted at him, threatened with him a gun. She climbed a decreasing month and illuminated the mountain cone. I welcomed the mountain enthusiastic speech, stretched to her hands, begged to help me, and again went, and again it was, without a report, blindly ...

The night passed, the red sun was revealed to the right. Star on the top of the mountain caught fire brightly. We already had no tent, I shouted Mshegie so that he would not stop.

We continued to go. Probably, about noon, I fell, defeated by heat, but continued to move Clarice. I threw a revolver, hunting knives, charges, jacket. For a long time I dragged my faithful hard drive, but then I threw it. I have plenty of swollen legs on hot soil, cling to bloodied hands for sharp stones. Before each new movement it seemed to me that it would be the last thing that I would not be able to do one more. But in my consciousness there was only one thought: you have to go ahead. And I'm also plenty among nonsense, plenty, shouting with vague words, talking to someone. Once I took fishing some kind of beetles and butterflies, which, as it seemed to me, was again around me. Coming in my senses, I found out the silhouette of the mountain and again began to crawl into it. Night came, but briefly brought calmness to his freshness. Forces left me, I was exhausted to the end. The rumor was filled with a terrible ringing and roaring, the eyes all the more dense froth stood the bloody fog. Consciousness left me finally. The last thing I remember when I woke up: the sun stood low, but already painfully paved me. Musthey was not with me. The first moment I wanted to make an effort to see where the mountain. Then in the next moment I clearly shone my thought, forcing me suddenly laugh. I laughed, although from my crawled lips flowed blood, I phoned on the chin and drops falling on the chest. I laughed because I suddenly understood my madness. Why did I go ahead? What could be near the mountain? Life, water? And what if there is still the same dead, the same damn desert! Yes, of course, it is. Mustga smarter me and, of course, went back. Well! Perhaps ... Feet and bring it to the turn! And I deserved my fate. And, mowing, I closed my eyes and remained still. But my attention was awakened by something dark that I felt through the lowered eyelids. I looked again. Between me and sky Paris Korshun, the African core-vulturer. He fell prey. And, looking straight on him, I began to think how he goes down to me on the chest, turn off the same eyes that I was looking would pull out pieces of meat out of me. And I thought I didn't care. But suddenly a new thought, dazzling bright, poured all my consciousness. Where does Korean come from here? Why should he fly to the desert? Or the star of the star is close, and about her and life, and forests, and water!

Immediately on my cores ran a streast strength. I jumped to my feet. Closely close to the high mountain, and from the side of her faithful Musthek fled to me. He was looking for me and, seeing, shouted joyfully:

- Mr.! Let Mr go! Water is close, I saw her.


I jumped to my feet. I rushed forward with wild jumps. Mstega fled after me, something loudly shouting. Soon it became clear to me that in the middle of the damned desert there was a huge brand, in which the mountain was standing. I only stopped at the edge of the cliff over this hollow.

The amazing picture opened before us. The desert broke up with a plumb of more than a hundred seeding depth. Below, at this depth, the plain of the correct elliptic form was spread. Little diameter Valley was a vert of ten; The opposite edge of the cliff, as high as shelter, was clearly visible behind the mountain.

Mountain stood in the middle of the valley. The height of the mountain was three times than the height of the cliff, maybe reached half-breed. The form of it was correct, cone-shaped. In several places, the shape of this was broken by small ledges, accounted for around the whole mountain and the terraces. The mountain color was dark gray, a few with a brown tint. At the top, it was possible to consider a flat platform, on which something brightly sparkled as the golden edge.

The valley around the mountain was visible as on the plan. It was all covered with luxurious vegetation. First, near the mountain itself, the groves were cut, cut through narrow alleys. Then there was a wide belt of fields, which occupied most of the entire valley; The fields of these worms have just plowed the earth, since August was a month; There and Syam korozdili their streams and tubes converging in several lakes. At the very edge of the cliff, the palm forest belt began, expanding in the narrow bays of the ellipse; The forest was divided into sections with wide overlooks and someone consisted of old trees, and something else from the young frightened.

We were visible and people. In the fields everywhere we visited a bunch of blacks who worked measly, as if on the team.

Water! Greens! People! What else we needed. Of course, we did not admire the view of the country for a very long time, I barely glanced her eyes, I didn't even understand clearly all the wonders of this picture. I only knew one thing: that the torment is over and the goal is achieved.

However, another test was coming. It was necessary to descend on the sheer cliff in a hundred seeding depth. The cliff in its upper part consisted of the same lifeless shale formations as the desert. Below the latter soil began, shrubs grew, grass. We descended, clinging behind the protrusions of the layers, behind the stones, for spiny branches. The crooks and eagles were circling over us, nests near the ledges. Once my stone slipped out of my feet, and I hung on one hand. I remember my hand struck me, who was gone, on which all muscles and veins performed. I cut off in three from the ground again and this time fell. Fortunately, the grass was high, silky. I did not break, but I still lost consciousness from the blow.

Mustga led me to feel. Nearby was a source, covered with dashest stones, who flew into the middle of the valley. A few drops of water returned me to life. Water! What bliss! I drank water, I breathed fresh air, was lying through juicy grass and looked at the sky through the fan greens of palm trees. I do without thinking, without thought was given to the joy of being.


The noise of steps returned me to reality. I jumped to my feet, sick myself for might forget. In one instant, the vortex swept in my mind the consciousness of our position. We were in the country inhabited by an unknown tribe, no language nor the customs of which we did not know. We were dismissed by the suffering of a grave path and long starvation. We were without weapons, because in the desert, I dispersed everything, everything is even a gun, even your inseparable stiletto ... But I still did not have time to take any decision as a bunch of people appeared on the clearing. One of them was to be tickling in a grayish cloak, the rest were naked Negros of the Bechwaan type. Apparently, they were looking for us. I moved to meet them.

- Hello the lords of this country! - I said loudly and clearly at the adverbs of the Bechuians. - Wanderers ask you a shelter.

Words your own as possible, I explained signs. With my first words, negros stopped. But immediately, the man shouted to them in the raincaster, too, in the Becchuan, although with a special reprimand:

- Slaves, obey and execute.

Then five people with an aggravated roar rushed at me. I thought I was want to kill me, and met the first to the fist's first blow that he rolled down the ground. But I was not able to deal with several enemies. I was poured and tightly knitted with special belts. I saw what the same did both with Mstegy, who was not worn. Then we raised and suffered. I understood that it was useless to shout and talk, and just noticed the road.

We have long carried the fields, perhaps, and an hour. Everywhere there were a bunch of working blacks, who stayed surprised at our approach. Then they carried us through the fishing line near the mountain. In the mountain itself, a dark arch leading in her subsoil was visible. We were deposited under its yellow vaults, and the way began on stone aisles, poorly illuminated by rare torches.

In narrow spirals, we descended somewhere down, and I was re-made dampness of the cellar or graves. Finally, I was thrown on the stone floor in the darkness of the underground dungeon, and I stayed alone. Mxta was taken somewhere in another place.

At first I was stunned, but gradually recovered and began to inspect my premises. That was a dwarf carved in the heart of the mountain; In length and width, it was a solar and a half, in a height of a little higher human growth. The dungeon was empty - there was no bed, nor straw, no mugs with water. Laying, thoroughly threw me, chopped the entrance to a heavy daze stone, which I could not move. I tried to loosen my ways, but it was not for me. Then I decided to wait.