Exercises for tutoring in Russian. Tutoring Tips

  • Does a tutor need a license
  • Tutor fees

A quality education is an essential foundation for success in almost any field. A student with good knowledge will enter the university easier, a student will be able to easily overcome examination sessions, and a young specialist with additional and the necessary skills increases your chances of rapid career growth.

Since the demand for tutoring services is great, there are enough offers from various schools and private teachers on the market. Most often, the services of tutors are used by students and pupils of schools. Some of them want to close gaps in certain knowledge, while others want to more thoroughly study a specific area. Often, adults turn to the services of tutors in order to learn a foreign language or take additional professional education courses to master a new profession.

However, the thought “I want to become a tutor” is not enough to be a professional in this field. Let's take a look at what is needed for this.

First, a high-quality teacher must possess considerable psychological skills. At the same time, the tutor should not be devoid of creativity. It is worth remembering that the teacher is for his student, first of all, an assistant and companion. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to become a good tutor.

What it takes to become a good tutor

Few understand that tutoring is a difficult and responsible profession. There is a stereotype that tutoring is a side activity of a school teacher or university teacher. In reality, true masters of their craft are neither the first nor the second.

Experience and higher education are the main requirements for a quality tutor. Skills in the field of pedagogy or psychology will not be superfluous. Moreover, practical skills are also important. It should be understood that the longer a person is employed in this area, the more experienced he becomes and the better he does his job. Accordingly, its tariffs tend to rise over time.

In most cases, it is not easy to trace the duration of an experiment. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to ask each of your students for recommendations. Reviews are a kind of confirmation of your competence in this area.

In fact, tutoring can be done by anyone who has a higher education and a desire to teach. However, it should be understood that this type of activity is not suitable for everyone. In addition to knowledge, you need to have certain personal qualities that are characteristic of a good teacher. These include the following:

  1. A responsibility. It is this quality that will allow you to plan effective lessons and maintain academic discipline during classes;
  2. Interest in the subject of instruction. A good tutor always improves and supplements his knowledge, and also improves teaching methods;
  3. The skill of an accessible and understandable presentation of the material. Despite the fact that many of us understand this or that issue well, it can be difficult to explain it to another person. A quality tutor should easily cope with this task.
  4. Punctuality makes it possible to start and end classes on time;
  5. Ability to establish contact with the student. Personal charm and competence in their subject are the basis for building trusting relationships with the ward;
  6. Patience and loyalty to the student's mistakes.

If you have the above qualities, you need to immediately start looking for students, and as a practice and to gain a certain experience, you can start with lessons with the children of your friends.

What a beginner tutor needs to know

How a tutor looks for students

Today, there are resources on the network where you can post your profile, which indicates the city in which you plan to work, the area where it will be convenient for you to travel to classes, rates, your education, work experience and other useful data.

If you want to distance yourself from middlemen, you might consider posting ads online or in the press. It will not be superfluous to post ads near schools and universities. An original and very effective solution would be to create a website for conducting classes via Skype.

Does a tutor need a license

Tutoring is a form of individual teaching activity that is not subject to licensing. The qualification is confirmed by the corresponding diploma. It is important that the teacher can easily find contact with his students. Skills in the field of pedagogy, psychology, as well as work experience in an educational institution will help you with this.

You need to understand that tutoring is an entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, it is necessary to issue an individual entrepreneur certificate. Naturally, this format of work suggests that you will have to pay taxes, thereby sharing your income with the state. However, this decision has a number of advantages, among which is the growth of profits in the event that you host students at home.

There is also another option. If a tutor has an entrepreneurial streak, he can set up his own training center. It should be borne in mind that non-payment of taxes by a legal entity, which is such an educational institution, is punishable by a fine of 20 to 50 thousand rubles. In this case, the organization needs a license to conduct teaching activities.

Tutor fees

It is worth talking about the issue of rates for tutoring services separately. You don't need to make them very low because you will not have the motivation to do your job well. Moreover, potential customers may have doubts about the quality of your services. If you do your job well, be sure to demand decent wages for it. Lack of experience can be a reason to reduce your tariffs to a level slightly below average, but do not overdo it in this matter.

There are no uniform methods for calculating the cost of tutoring services. There are the following factors affecting the price:

  • Specialized education of a teacher;
  • Experience;
  • Region of residence;
  • Place of lessons;
  • Study intensity;
  • Guarantee provided by the tutor;
  • The uniqueness of the taught subject.

For example, the services of a physics tutor in Samara will cost less than similar lessons in Moscow. At the same time, since this area is less common in comparison with english language, the cost of lessons will be slightly higher than the rates of a foreign teacher.

If at the end of the lesson your student does not remember the payment, you can remind him of the fee. You can ask the question of how it is more convenient for the client to pay - for ten lessons or separately for each, and then clarify that the second option is preferable for you.

Asking yourself the question of how to become a successful tutor, you need to understand that hard work in this direction will allow you to reach considerable heights in this area. You must be well versed in the subject, have considerable work experience, make the lesson interesting and effective, and also constantly update your knowledge.

In addition, you must have a desire to enrich your student with new knowledge. Become a mentor and friend to your charge. Practice the principle that there are no hopeless students.

To understand what it takes to become a tutor,use the following tips:

  • Choose one narrow area and become a quality tutor in it;
  • Practice an individual approach to each student;
  • During the first lesson, try to assess the level of knowledge of the student, the goals pursued, the load that he can withstand;
  • The main goal of the teacher is to make the subject interesting for the student, without forcing him to study anything;
  • In the process of classes, the student should be given the opportunity to express his opinion and be allowed to talk more often about the subject being studied;
  • Get the student to respect you, as this is the foundation of effective business relationships. In the case when it is not possible to do this, you can safely refuse to work with the student. Remember that you can always find more effective and productive use of your skills and abilities.

It's not enough to know how to become a tutor... Remember, reputation is the foundation of any teacher's successful career. You need to understand that one negative review of your services will cost you more than three positive recommendations. This is especially true for teachers who have a main job and attract students for additional training in a specific subject.

These tips will help you overcome a ton of difficulties in building your own business. By following them, you can quickly achieve a good level of income and gain an excellent reputation in your field.

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Many novice tutors ask themselves questions: how to organize classes correctly, what to prepare for a training lesson, how to correctly structure work with a student.

Julia, a beginner tutor, turned to me for advice:

In the past, I am a teacher of chemistry and biology, later I received an additional. education and I was fortunate enough to work as a practical psychologist. For many years now I have been far from my favorite fields of activity. It so happened that I have to become a tutor in chemistry, moreover, after the New Year holidays, a student will come to me (grade 10). He has plans to pass the exam and enroll in a medical university. I rushed to compile a resource catalog (I successfully used yours).

So, if you have never conducted tutoring or other educational activities (trainings, seminars, group meetings), then you need to complete and prepare the following points:

Subject training

To become a more or less decent tutor, you need to have a lot of knowledge and skills, both in the field of teaching, and in the subject and general human.

First pull up all your subject competencies: just read any textbook on preparation for the subject. Take advantage of this list. Even if you did a good job at school and even graduated with honors (and even more so you work as a university teacher), this does not mean that you are a good tutor. You need to repeat and structure your knowledge unambiguously.

I remember how in the first year of tutoring I bought up all possible literature on preparing for final exams and excitedly read all the topics, discovering something new for myself every time in biology and chemistry, drew up mind maps, notes, wrote out facts in a notebook, although on the shelf the diploma of the biology department was gathering dust. This speaks not of my incompetence after training, but only of the discrepancy between the school and university curriculum, the fragmentation and lack of structure of knowledge.

Find such textbooks and manuals on your subject, make a selection according to the complexity of the presentation of the material,

There is nothing difficult in this, just "tighten" yourself first in the subject.

Subject test

Thanks to the subject test, you can determine the initial level of knowledge of the student in the subject. The test result is important

a) to draw up a training program (as far as necessary),

b) to understand how the student grasps and remembers

Take the USE / OGE assignments of previous years or any collection to prepare for exams, throw out the difficult, leave the tests for quick verification.

For this case, I have prepared 5 different types of testing * for each subject (including in electronic form on my blog - here is an example).

* How to prepare trial testing (and why there are 5 of them), if you want, I will tell you in a separate material.

Psychological test

Take the test for educational motivation and development of the hemispheres, the temperamental questionnaire (although this can already be determined), test for memory and attention.

The main thing is that you can interpret the test results and apply them in your practice, otherwise it all loses its meaning.

Just do not take questionnaires on 101 questions, it will take 50 minutes to complete, and the result of passing will be 1-2 words. Look for convenient and visual techniques, for example, IQ drawing tests, they will not only give a result, but also entertain the child while performing them.

Training program

I never work with spaces, I always go through everything from A to Z, only lingering in each topic depending on the level. For example, if a student in botany is generally 0, but he remembers anatomy, we study plants, and we walk through a person superficially. This is one of my methods of implementing an individual approach.

You can make a program:

a) based on the school curriculum for each grade, if you work with younger or middle school students;

b) taking into account a special program for some teaching technologies, for example, Elkonin-Davydov or Zaitsev;

c) data of the USE / OGE codifier, if you are working with older students or applicants;

d) develop your training program (Attention! Author's programs are a lot of work, many years of experience and painstaking work. If you rearranged 2 themes and merged 2 more, and dropped 2, this is not the author's program yet!)

Teaching materials and CMMs

It doesn't matter if you teach online or in person, you will need teaching materials to help you lead the lesson.

Here's what will come in handy for classes (especially for the first time):

  • Prepare a thematic lesson plan
  • For each lesson, write an outline, at least in the form of a simple list of what comes after what and what questions to ask the student
  • Lesson notes for the student
  • Printed visual materials (diagrams, tables, figures, IR, maps, portraits, route sheets, cards)
  • Download at least 1 presentation on each topic according to the lesson plan
  • Find YouTube videos for some lessons
  • Assignments and tests for each topic

Tests can be taken online or taken thematic tests, not collections of options for the exam, it makes sense to use them only at the very end of the course.

USE assignments

If you are going to prepare a student for the Unified State Exam / OGE, first read the codifier and demo tasks for these exams, find out the dates and the preparation program. The USE assignments are not fundamentally different from ordinary school ones, they just have their own specifics.


Sometimes it is enough to look at the student, and you will understand how he learned the material, and sometimes (most often) you need to update his new knowledge and skills, repeat, consolidate and pay attention.

I wish you success in your hard work as a tutor!

Want to ask your question? - Email me [email protected]website or fill out the form on the link Contact. I am happy to share my best practices and advise beginner tutors.

The main fundamental part on which success in any professional activity is based is a quality education. At the moment, the provision of tutoring services is very popular. Everyone knows that a perfectly prepared student can easily pass exams at a prestigious university and enter it. Many people who need the services of a tutor want to improve their basic educational level in any subject, and many want to take this issue very seriously. In general, the tutoring field of activity is a fairly promising area of \u200b\u200bbusiness. And in this article, we will tell you about where to start primary school tutoring. Moreover, in this article we will let you know how to turn this business into a profitable field of activity.

What it takes to make money tutoring

Some of you are asking yourself the question: How can you become a tutor? The most important thing is to understand for yourself that your desire alone will not be enough to answer this question. Successful and profitable at home can be created when you adhere to a certain plan of action. Therefore, below we will talk about what you need to be successful in this business?

Basic Requirements

Tutoring is a very responsible and difficult profession. Many believe that this job provides additional income for teachers in universities and schools. But in fact, real professionals in this matter do not teach in these educational institutions. The main and important condition in organizing this home business is an excellent education and vast experience in this work. Another important factor for a tutor is a good knowledge of psychology and teaching skills. The more experience a tutor has in a given area, the better his professional skills. Based on this, we can safely say about the possibility of increasing tariffs for services provided in the future.

Everyone knows that many people have a hard time believing in information about their experience. In order to prove yourself from the good side, you need to ask your students for help in writing letters of recommendation. Any person who has not only excellent knowledge, but also his own personal qualities, which every good teacher should have, can become a tutor.

So how can you become a tutor? In order to achieve success in this, the following personal qualities will help you:

  1. Such a quality as responsibility will help to competently approach the work of maintaining discipline in the lessons and to their planning.
  2. Great interest in their work. A good tutor will always strive to improve personal knowledge and a better teaching method.
  3. The ability to teach and present the necessary material more easily. Even if the teacher knows the answer to a question perfectly, he can always competently explain it to another person.
  4. The quality of punctuality allows the tutor to start and finish his lesson at the right time.
  5. Competent establishment of a common language with students. Personal qualities and charm are the main foundation for excellent relationships with your clients. And competence, in turn, also plays a huge role in building relationships.
  6. Internal composure and tolerance for mistakes.

If you have all the qualities that we have listed above, then you can safely start working as a tutor. But, first, you can work with the children of your friends or acquaintances. Through this, you can gain experience. After that, you can look for new clients.

Find students

From this article you can find out about how to make money on tutoring... We have listed above the qualities that every tutor should have. But here it is worth talking about how to find new students for your activities. In the event that you have just started to engage in such activities, now a great help to a newbie repeater can be provided by various resources on which specialists post questionnaires for the opportunity to find a job. This information indicates the place where the training will be carried out, the city of residence, the cost of these services, work experience, training time and personal education. If you do not want to engage in posting your personal resume on these resources, you can print ads and paste them on the entrances of houses or bus stops, near various educational institutions. Creating a personal website is also a great option. At this time, training via Skype has gained immense popularity. Therefore, if you have a computer with a working webcam, then you can study with your students remotely.

Is there a need to get a license

Tutoring is a type of teaching activity that does not need to be licensed. If the tutor has a diploma, then it acts as the main confirmation of your qualifications. Since tutoring is considered an entrepreneurial activity, in order to start working, you must register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur. This action will be an excellent option in the future to increase your income, since most people began to turn to those tutors who work legally.

If you are at the stage of drawing up your business plan, tutoring may not be classified as teaching at home. If you are essentially a businessman, then you can think about the option of creating a training center. In this case, you will definitely need to obtain a license.

Tutor cost

Most tutors ask themselves the most important question: what price to set for their services? Many tutors, trying to attract a large number of clients, set low prices for their services. But this is far from correct. In this case, personally, you will have minimal motivation to do your job at a high level. Among other things, your customers will doubt the quality of the services you provide. It should always be remembered that the work done must be paid accordingly. At the moment there are no established tariffs for these services. Below we describe the facts that will affect the earnings of a tutor teaching at home:

  • Personal experience in this area;
  • Education in this profile;
  • Place of residence (settlement);
  • Number of classes conducted per week;
  • Guarantee provided by the tutor;
  • The uniqueness of the discipline.

"Inconvenient" questions

If the client, for some reason, did not pay for the lesson, there is no need to be afraid to tell him about it. You are doing your services for him, and a monetary reward for this should be mandatory. You can ask the client how it is more convenient for him to pay for the lessons: for each lesson separately or for 6-7 lessons.

How to achieve success

You probably already realized that tutoring as an entrepreneurial activity can bring a good income for every tutor. But in order to be able to bring your plans to life, you need to constantly work on yourself. It is impossible to become a tutor if you do not improve your level of knowledge or are impatient about the mistakes of students. If these qualities are inherent in you, then they will have to be changed. The most important thing in this business is your personal desire to improve the client's knowledge level or give him new ones. The main thing for you is to become a great friend for your student. As you do your job, remember - there are no unsolvable cases!

  1. It is necessary to choose one field of activity as the main one and try to become an excellent professional in it. After you achieve success, you need to start mastering new knowledge.
  2. It is important to apply a special individual approach to each student.
  3. You need to take special responsibility for your first lesson with a specific student. After the lesson, you should assess the level of his knowledge and determine the goals and possible loads.
  4. You need to make your lessons more interesting. If you force the student to simply cram his subject, you will not achieve the effect you need.
  5. Try to empower your trainee client to provide a personal opinion. In the same case, if it differs from your point of view, try to enter into polemics with the student.
  6. Try to get your student to respect yourself. If you still do not succeed in doing this, it is better to refuse to teach lessons with him.

There are different tips for tutoring. It is impossible to describe all the problem cases that tutors face, but the main ones can be identified. What we are going to do now.

Five problems (+ bonus) of the tutor in the first lesson:

The first problem is with the tutor.

The client postpones or reschedules the first session. The reason, in the opinion of the tutor, is disrespectful. Parents could take the child to the theater, cinema, go shopping, the grandmother fell ill. This can be done indefinitely, so the right decision is to warn your parents that you are making a schedule for this year, and you may not have free hours. You can offer to call the next day and discuss the days, time of classes. If the lesson is postponed again, then this client needs to be said goodbye.

How do I: if I can't get through to the client for a long time, if the client reschedules the first meeting, I immediately refuse the student. In my practice, 95% of such clients begin to cancel classes, and interrupting the educational process is not included in my plans, so I immediately look for punctual clients.

The second problem is with the tutor.

You go to the first lesson, leave the subway not from the exit that we need, wait 20-30 minutes for the minibus, get stuck in a traffic jam, lose another half hour, then get confused in search of a home. An hour or more late? What to do?

How do i: I ask my son to find the desired house on Google maps and print the route. I agree with my parents that for the first time they will meet me in the subway or at the exit from it, they will take me to their apartment (either a student or parents can do this). Next time I already know the way. I also write down several contact numbers. These simple rules allow me not to be late :)

The third problem is with the tutor.

You were invited to conduct classes outside the city, in a cottage village. You are standing by the metro, waiting for a car from a client to pick you up. 10 minutes pass - no one is there. The customer's phone does not answer. Wait 20 minutes - no one is there, the phone is silent.

What do I do in this case: I called the manager of the company in which this client was picked up for me. I call the next client and ask to postpone the lesson (going home, walking, eating). If you work for a large tutoring company, it will protect your interests. Let the angry client call and say that he was only 40 minutes late, we don't care. They pay good money, but my time and confidence are worth more.

The fourth problem the tutor faces.

You have come to teach the first lesson - the door is closed. We call the client - "Oh, we forgot! We left for the zoo. But we can drive up in 2 hours, will you wait?" Your actions?

How do I: I take money for the failed lesson in full. I was preparing for the lesson, the following clients are waiting for me, I cannot lose my job. If the client offers 50% of the cost of the lesson, then I agree, warning that missing a lesson without warning can completely ruin our relationship.

The fifth problem is with the tutor.

You conducted the first lesson, found zero knowledge in a student, talk with parents and hear the following from them:
"What kind of son we have, a stupid fool is growing up. We graduated from two universities and a culinary college with honors, and he ... Who is he like? He just has to go as a janitor."

Why do parents humiliate their children? Why, in my presence, they call them "imperfections" (they did it themselves), "idiots", etc. It will not be possible to convince such parents right away, but it is extremely necessary!

What do i do: I definitely praise their child, I find something (I'm not inventing) positive. I can say: "He sat very calmly and listened attentively. This is a rarity in my practice. Your boy is smart, but his knowledge is weak, you just need to start studying seriously. The results will not be long in coming in a couple of weeks. It is important for your boy to feel your support that you are on his side. Therefore, I ask you to help him feel the strength and confidence in himself. " Etc.

Bonus problem :)

You did the lesson, you should get paid, but the client forgets to give it back. He says goodbye to you, gives you a coat, opens the door ... Stop! The task of the tutor is to tactfully remind about the remuneration.

What i say: Please tell me how it will be more convenient for you to pay for the classes - for each one or a month in advance? It's more convenient for me if for each.

P.s. I hate the money issue, but I have to face it. If people didn't work for money, I would be the happiest person :)

For a person who decides to develop his business, but does not have sufficient funds to start, one of the good options is tutoring. This type of activity does not require any investment, except for your own knowledge and skills. In addition, it is an interesting activity that allows you to feel your usefulness and importance. How to start tutoring? What do you need to know and be able to do for this? How do I find my first students? Let's try to understand these issues.

How to start tutoring: defining a service industry

A tutor is a person who possesses the necessary knowledge and techniques that allow him to work with students individually. It is both about increasing the level of knowledge within the framework of a school or university program, and about mastering a new field, for example, a foreign language.

If you decide to engage in this activity, first of all, you need to understand a number of questions.

1. Determine in which area you would like to offer your tutoring services. You need to proceed from your own knowledge and level of training, but take into account that teachers of a foreign language, mathematics and Russian are most in demand. Other school subjects are less popular, but the opportunity to study them is also there. Especially when it comes to preparing for the USE or working with students.

2. Choose the age of the students with whom you would prefer to study. These can be elementary school students, teenagers or graduates. Classes with preschool children are also in demand to prepare them for school. And if you plan to start teaching a foreign language, then among your students there may well be adults.

3. Prepare a methodological base: textbooks, educational and visual aids, audio and video materials, programs and techniques. To successfully start a tutor's career, you need to have good teaching methods. At first, you can use ready-made programs and techniques that are easy to find on various specialized sites.