You and you who are dedicated to anyone. You and you

People, chat on "you",
This is heartfall, ours,
For unearthly height
Your life will be only more beautiful.

The word rumor
You - Your Union strengthens,
Even death is not terrible
Letter T respects us.

Pushkin wrote us about that *
What complicates communication
What to say "you" - with difficulty
The heart will not express opinions.

If you say you "you".
Double souls divide
Trail from the cherished dream
Restate yourself again ...

"You" - Darkness, "You" - light.


* Alexander Pushkin

Empty you heart you
She, prolonged, replaced
And all happy dreams
In the soul of the in love opened.
I stand thoughtfully standing
There is no power to reduce eyes from it;
And I tell her: how are you miles!
And I think: I love you!


I recommend to read what it means Bukova T - in the same version - firmly,
In another - that (aeva)
Just read and think about what people took away, by introducing an appeal. You can find a photo. The photo can be found in the internet - there is no possibility to "opplish" the whole process.))
And Pushkin, as they say now - was "in the subject," therefore, life was bored. Already two it is known that Dantes was a massone.

"Firmly" is a sign of the creation of solidification of solid and competent protection, which is a firmware of the cinema levels and the acquisition of heavenly cinema in the indulgent binder.

Bukova Ta or Aleva, or TOVO.
The one, the first, the initial bukov-symbol of aevavit (alphabet, alphabet, only then appeared a cropped acquisition).

Alevas are those people who, with the help of the word, could penetrate any levels of consciousness. They could travel through the global tree. Therefore, Aleva is Tos Bukova, which makes it possible to create a collective spirit to penetrate new worlds.

Budova is very powerful. Primary solid sign on a triune support for human competent climbing, joy for mirroring, creativity.

This Bukova is to have the goal of climbing a higher space-time continium level (PVK).

Climbing (in the field of walking) - not only lifting at a higher level, it may be going to lower steps. This is a trip to the Tree of Worlds, at different levels of both consciousness and worlds.

What are competent learning? Sitting at the table, the desk (solid, and the most stable solid on three legs) and paint the first markup of the sheet (cross, coordinate system). This is exactly what depicts that Bukkova with a competent consideration (reading) from top to bottom (we read from left to right from top to bottom). And therefore, this is worth this bukova-symbol at the very beginning of a dealer, as a sign of competent climb. And the first character who masters the student in writing is still illiterate - draws a vertical and horizontal line on the markup (draws the line) - cross. So begins to create flat images. In the form of images, secret truths are transmitted to identify with interpretation. (Augustine De Utilitate Credendi; Citizted by McGrath 1995). For illiterate existed, there was such a signature: "put a cross." This cross - Intonov Bukova A.

"You and you" Alexander Pushkin

Empty in trident t s
She, thus replaced,
And all happy dreams
In the soul of the in love opened.
Before it stands thoughtfully;
There is no power to reduce eyes from it;
And I say to her: "As in s miles!"
And I think: "How t e b I love!"

Analysis of Pushkin Pushkin "You and You"

The family house of the deer Pushkin began to visit even to the southern link. Returning to St. Petersburg after the coronation of Nikolai I, he again began to come to the old friends. Visits of these poet were the roads, as they gave the opportunity to see Anna Alekseevna Olenina. Peak of love in her Alexander Sergeevich fell in 1828-29. Contemporaries called her a beautiful girl, non-musical talents. At the same time, the character of the deer was far from the perfect. According to the testimony of people who closely knew Anna Alekseevna, she had a tendency to audit, was distinguished by spoiling and excessive self-confidence. Nevertheless, Pushkin fell to her strong feelings. The poet was going to marry a deer and even made an offer. Answered him a refusal. The exact reason is still unknown. One of the versions - at the time Alexander Sergeevich fell into disfavor to the Emperor due to the investigation associated with Gabrialyady. Anna Alekseevna's father was not needed such an unreliable son-in-law.

Olenina Pushkin devoted a number of lyrical works, some lines "Eugene Onegin" are associated with its name. It was her a small poem "You and you", created in May 1828 and first printed in the Almana "Northern Flowers". In the diaries, Anna Alekseevna described an episode having a direct attitude to the text in question. According to the memories of the venison, somehow, once she, thoroughly, turned to Pushkin on "you". After some time, the poet brought the above poem, built on opposing the forms of people's appeal to each other. In the Pushkin era, the appeal to "you" between a man and a woman is a mandatory rule of secular etiquette. This can be seen even on numerous letters of Alexander Sergeevich to various fair sex representatives. Not in one of them he does not use the pronoun "you". Exception - Messages to the spouse, which is quite explained. The appeal to "you" was considered a sign of close relationship, if they arose between a man and a woman out of marriage, they did not advertise. In this case, the refusal of "you" initiated only the lady.

The poem can be divided into two parts. In the first quarter, we are talking about a female act. In the second stanza, the feelings of the lyrical hero are broadcast, and antithesis appears in the final - the said is opposed to the subman. "You and you" are an elegant miniature, in just eight rows of Pushkin managed to convey the complex psychological state of a loved man in love with an amazing accuracy.

On the question, the most beautiful poem about love is .... as the author complexed The best answer is Seruoglasian king
Glory to you, hopeless pain!
Died yesterday the seruly king.
Evening evening was soul and al,
My husband, returning, calmly said:
"You know, he was brought from hunting,
The body at the old oak found.
Sorry Queen. So young!. .
For the night she became gray. "
I found my phone on the fireplace
And on the work of the night gone.
My daughter I now wake up,
I will see her gray eyes.
And the window will rustle poplar:
"No on earth of your king ..."

Answer from Olga[newcomer]
Let the page be passed
And blood is broken by half liters,
Love - when they want to marry
Everything else is the types of flirting.
Let it be better to tear where it is fine
Let it hurt and insecure
Love - when they want a child,
Everything else is the world of sympathy.
Let a lot of envy and flattery
On every life page,
Love - when they want to be together
Everything else is just a habit.
Let it be bad, even if everything is not in place,
Go on life next need
Love - when two hearts together
Everything else is friendship.

Answer from Yatyana S.[guru]
Alexander Pushkin
You and you

Empty you heart you
She, thus replaced,
And all happy dreams
In the soul of the in love opened.
I stand thoughtfully standing
There is no power to reduce eyes from it;
And I tell her: how are you miles!
And I think: I love you!

And, of course, Vladimir Mayakovsky

Instead of writing

Smoke tobacco air pulled out.
Room -
chapter in Crochyovsky Ade.
Remember -
behind this window
for the first time
your hands, anced, stroking.
Today you sit here
heart in the gland.
Day more -
you can be quenching.
In the muddy front will not fit long
broken trembling hand in sleeve.
i'll throw the body into the street.
a little
desperate Isshem.
Do not need it
let me say now.
Does not matter
my love -
heavy weight gain -
hanging on you
where neither fled b.
Give in the last scream to peel
bind offended complaints.
If the bull is difficult to scary -
he will leave
wakes up in cold waters.
Besides love your
to me
there is no sea,
and your love and crying will not pour rest.
He wants the tired elephant -
royal will fall in the oily sand.
Besides love your
to me
there is no sun
and I do not know where you and with whom.
If there was a poet of stupid,
is he
favorite for money b and fame replaced,
and me
none is pleased with the ringing,
in addition to the call of your favorite name.
And the span will not quit,
and I will not drink poison
and the trigger can not press above the temple.
I need me,
besides your gaze,
i do not have a single knife with a single knife.
Tomorrow you will forget
what coronated you
that the soul flowering love burned out,
and vanny days stamped carnival
running the pages of my books ...
Words of my dry leaves
make stop
easy breathe?

Dai at least
the last tenderness is alteracted
your outgoing step.

Reading the verse "You and you" Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, you can track the love lines of the life of an outstanding poet. He is fully dedicated to his unfulfilled love by the Olenina Anna Alekseevna - the daughter of the then President of the Academy of Arts. Pushkin wished to tie his fate with her, but his dreams were not destined to come true - he received a refusal. It was then, in May 1828, this lyrical masterpiece saw the light. The subject of the work introduces the difficulties of love men of that time. What dual feelings master them under the power of public influence and personal installations, pronounced the text of the poem Pushkin "You and you":

And I tell her: "How are you miles!"

And I think: "I love you!"

In grade 9, it is familiar with this poem poem. In the lesson, the children can feel the strength and depth of tenderness and love, which Alexander Sergeevich experienced to Anna, who so clearly appear in every line. "You and you" teach enough simply, because the product is distinguished by melodiousness, ease, as well as a small size. If desired it is available to download or read online, in order to avoid damage to evaluate the beauty of the poem of the classic of domestic literature.

When you love, everything immediately becomes so significant, important. The fleeting look, a smile ... Once, when Pushkin stayed at the deer at the cottage, rebuilt, Anna said "You" ... Pushkin became more infinitely happy, did not pay more attention to the clouds of mosquitoes, who at that summer were angry with might and, rubbed only bites and sorted : "Sweet ...". And then the furtively handed over Anna tightly folded leaf with the poem "You and you".

Empty you heart you
She, thus replaced,
And all happy dreams
In the soul of the in love opened.
I stand thoughtfully standing
There is no power to reduce eyes from it;
And I tell her: how are you miles!
And I think: I love you!

Alexander Sergeevich makes an offer and ... gets a refusal. "I'm leaving for St. Petersburg, because it is not sleepy." Saying goodbye, he entered the album album verses, reading which, she burst into tears and was thoughtfully all evening ... they began to stuff "I loved you ...".
Pushkin first saw Anna Olenina when she was not yet nine years old. Alexander stopped, let go of the exquisite compliment, laughed and slightly rode away from the soul and ran into the living room. He just graduated from a lyceum. Anna's father was glad to see in his art salon of the new hopes of the young poet ...
And in ten years in the Black Notebooks of Pushkin on the fields of the poem "Eugene Onegin", the delicate profile of Anna Alekseyevna became more and more often, the semi-tech feet in the graceful tunnel of Cinderella, and on one of the pages - a carefully crossed inscription "Annette Pouschkine".
Anna is almost twenty, but for all she is just a "cute child of Annette." No one considered adorable, all the time laughing creating with golden curls an adult.
Smart, brilliantly educated, who knew seven languages, a freely supporting conversation on any topic, a beautiful musician and a singer, who had a light, but somewhat hot-tempered character, - Vyazemsky called her a dragon, and Pushkin - Dragchik (both noted her mocking, sharp tongue) - her With beauty, she overthrew all court beauties. Already in seventeen years, she becomes Fralin Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. Many fans, flowers, words of love Snoop ...

She is sweet, I will say between us
Courtic Vitya Thunderstorm,
And you can with southern stars
Compare, especially verses,
Her Circassian eyes.
She owns them boldly
They burn fire live;
But admit it myself, whether
My eyes are my eyes!
What a thoughtful genius in them,
And how many children's simplicity,
And how many languid expressions,
And how many bald and dreams!

Anna Alekseevna thought ... What, however, the brilliant syllable of Pushkin! Not in vain, he is so praised and dad, and Mother, and Ivan Andreevich, and Zhukovsky. His poems are so well remembered ... However, what kind of nonsense! What it was he had the right to write like that - "My" ...
Anna got married after the death of the great poet Alexander Pushkin. It was a brilliant party. But in the evenings, she climbed to himself, opened the piano and sang ... These were romances to the words of the ardent, sometimes funny, in love with Pushkin in her. It was her mystery ...

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
In my soul, I was not completely out;
But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you nothing.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Then timidity, Tom's jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,
How God God for your beloved to be different.

Melnikova Maria