Service life in the army. How many serve in the army: by call, under the contract, when passing an alternative service

Every year any recruit, going to the draft board, thinks about how many now serve in the army. Before each next appeal, persistent rumors are spreading about changing the duration of the service. But such statements are not based on the law. The service life is determined according to the Constitution of Russia and legislative acts. There is no reason yet to say that it is planned to change the service life.

According to the application of the Supreme Commander V.V. Putin during the straight line, the duration of service in 2017-2018 will not change. Also, at the request of the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergey Shoigu, which was in 2012, no changes in the appeal periods are planned.

How much are now

According to the legislation, the service in the army in 2017 in Russia continues 1 year. Based on the ministry of defense, the number of "conspicities" in 2018 will be 15% of the total number of all servicemen. Regarding the duration of service in the army in 2018, no changes are foreseen.
But it is also worth noting that the urgent call service has alternatives:

  1. Commission alternatively.
  2. Complete preparation within the military department of the university.
  3. Immediately sign the contract and go to serve in the troops already a contract service.

Passage of service in alternative form (AGS)

Optional service in the form of labor useful for society. The term of this type of service is 1.7 years. The right to take advantage of this type of service have citizens who have achieved a call age. The basis for submitting an application for the desire of the passage is the contradiction of its beliefs and religion, as well as such right have few people who adhere to the traditional lifestyle that is not consistent with the military duty.

In determining the place of passage of AGS, the education of the conscript is taken into account, its medical diagnoses and its marital status. Most often, passing such a service, work in hospitals, boarding schools, in the mail, workers at factories and libraries. Also, such military personnel may continue training on correspondence and evening training forms, in parallel with the passage of AGS.

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Military Department

The military department at the university makes it possible to obtain military training in parallel direct learning. Training to all sentences of military service runs simultaneously with the main student. The training course within the military department takes about 450 hours.

In addition to the ability to replace the urgent service on a call, a military department's student is awarded the title of an order officer at the end of the university, as well as the opportunity to master the skills of a military specialty at the chosen direction. But it is worth considering that not every university provides the possibility of training at the military department. It is necessary to take a very serious approach to the selection of educational institutions and to training in the military department.

The military department is a serious place where they can deduct for failure to commemorate or absenteeism. In this case, in the army, it will still have to go after receiving a specialty in the university. Also, if the educational institution does not offer training at the military department, it will have to be sent to serve after graduation at the university.

Signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense

Since 2017, it was possible to obtain the right to pass a contract for a contract without a mandatory passage of the term service.

The duration of service in this case is 2 years. This service option can be completely replaced by the urgent service for a call for 1 year.
What advantages have a contract service:

  • The conscript concludes a contract with the Ministry of Defense that he voluntarily goes to serve under the contract. The conscript comes to work with the appropriate salary and benefits. But the salary is beginning to pay at the expiration of the probationary period of 3 months. How much do the service pay depends on the specific part.
  • Certain reliances in accommodation and life of the contract service. Less limited movement. It has the right to live beyond the territory of the military unit.
  • Use of benefits provided by the Ministry of Defense for military personnel. Visiting medical institutions.
  • Mortgage programs. The servicemen are provided with a living space with the possibility of paying mortgages on a preferential program. Such servicemen pay contributions for housing at the expense of the state. It is only necessary to consider that not all servicemen fall under this program, but only having certain titles, as well as completed military educational institutions.

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The disadvantages of such a service include a great risk, as they can send anywhere where military conflicts are held. In some military units, poor accommodation conditions for contract soldiers.

What changes in the service life were until 2017

Starting from the moment Russia became a separate state, the service life in the army began to change. Since 1993, in the Ground Forces served 1.5 years and 2 years in the sea fleet. But in 1994, during the Chechen conflict, there was a need to increase the number of recruits. However, the military registration and enlistment offices failed to score the required amount, so the service life in 1996 was increased to 2 years. In 1998, a new law on military duty, signed by B. Helzin, was published.

Will not be an exception. And it is not surprising - because this time can be spent on building a career or family.

From the service life directly depends on how long the conscript will be away from home and at what age he will come back.

Heat excitement I. incessant rumors that the term will be increased. Survive both the recruits themselves and their parents. Many have already thought of evasion plans from military duty.

However, it is enough just to figure out a little rumor and it will become quite obvious that there is nothing to be afraid of conscripts.

Service life in 2019

Among the conscripts, rumors are constantly growing that the service life in the army will be increased to two years. Such a change in the root changes everything, because a very small part of the employees wish to spend an extra year to fulfill their military debt. Similar so far are at the level of rumors and in fact do not have any real facts.

The fact is that earlier in the Army of Russia served two years. Of these, six months left for the development of theoretical knowledge. The remaining 18 months employee was obliged to spend in the military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. Later, the government came to the conclusion that the period must be reduced.

Among young men, at that time, a fairly large percentage tried to "disappear" from the call and many of them managed. The same who were forced to go, served very reluctantly. Thus, the effectiveness of the army was low. But with the reduction of the deadline, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to the military registration and enlistment office for military service.

At the same time, many types of official defers from the army became irrelevant, so that the methods of "sloping" became much less. Due to this, the army is consistently replenished with young people for each calling campaign. At the same time, the demand for military departments of universities fell - they also give a delay and earlier this method was greatly popular among recruits.

In the State Duma individual personalities several times the question was raised about the return of service to 2 years or at least an increase in it until 18 months. However, these initiatives were not supported. The question of changing the service life was asked to the president, to which he answered categorically, not worth the increase in the service period.

If the president in the country does not change, then there will be no reason to worry about an increase in service life. Therefore, with a huge probability, in 2019, the young men will also serve 12 months.

Contract service

In 2012, Dmitry Medvedev proposed an initiative to gradually introduce the contract service in Russia. The strategy is designed in such a way that the contract soldiers should gradually displace most of the conscripts. This is a rather reasonable solution that has already implemented quite many states.

The advantages of this approach are obvious. First of all, only people who are truly interested in this will be included in the army. Such young men will be completely surrendered both on the exercises and on the battlefield. Becoming the military will be their own decision and they will understand all the responsibility of this profession.

At the same time, the military power of the state will incommensurately increase. Such soldiers will be much better trained. At the same time, they will have the most important enthusiasm, the desire to carry the service and willingness to give up to this case completely.

Changes in unmotivated conscripts, who sometimes have to drag into a military registration and enlistment office, for contractual workers who are being desire to defend their country, the state will receive a very effective army.

The contract service strategy is divided into 3 stages:

  • mass propaganda of the advantages of the contractual service and the installation of the ratio of contractors / conscripts in the army in the proportion of 70/30 or 80/20, respectively;
  • a gradual change in the ratio of contractors / conscripts to the proportion of 85/15, improving the service conditions;
  • increased salaries to contract soldiers, the transition to the ratio of contractors / conscripts to a proportion of 90/10.

It is worth noting that this strategy is in the process of execution. Its final result will not be assessed in the coming years. The army, where 90% of employees work under the contract, will have to wait a little more.

Military Department and Alternative Service in Russia

Don't forget about quite legitimate ways to exemplate from term service. They are not available to everyone and are not quite simple, but still they exist:

  • work instead of service at a special enterprise that has a military status;
  • passage of the military department at the university.

A very few may apply for the first option. Employees of military enterprises can be either indigenous representatives of ethnic groups, the number of representatives of which is limited. Also can claim this option for recruits who do not allow to undergo an urgent religion service. At the same time, the conscript must work at the enterprise 21 months.

Thus, there is every reason to believe that in 2019, the service life in the army will remain unchanged - Conscripts will have to fulfill the duty for 12 months. The change in this period is extremely unlikely, so it's not in vain to worry.

Video news

Any man aged 18 to 27 years old, with the exception of those who have already served or has a delay, is the military-service must know about how long service life in the army will be in 2018, when the call will be called, so the specified information will be interesting for everything Russian population.

The call to the army in 2018 will be in 2 stages - spring and autumn. Their dates are established in such a way that the conscripts ending with school or students in universities have managed to pass all exams.

  • Exact rates of spring call 2018: April 1 - July 15.
  • Exact dates for autumn call 2018: October 1 - December 15.

The exceptions are some areas of the Far North, where the deadlines are shifted to May 1 - July 15 for a spring call, and October 15 - December 31, respectively, autumn.

Years of birth, falling under the service in the army in 2018: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.

Opinion politicians

Many say, they say, the service life in the army will increase in 2018, and some are called 1.5 years, others - immediately 2. All this is nothing more than rumors. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu back at the end of 2012 stated that everything will remain as it is. The grounds for this are very good. To the decision on the service life for conscripts in 1 year two decades went. As a result, today for 365 (or for 366) days a year of the soldier needs to be trained everything that is required from him, as from Defender of the Fatherland. And no one is going to change the coherent system, which has already taken root.

If you are asked how much you need to serve in the army of the Russian Federation in 2018, you can safely answer: one year. In the same 2012, Sergei Shoigu evened Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov, Head of the General Staff Sun. In his statement made in early December, he noted that the commanders cope with great success with the task to teach conscripts to all the Azam military affairs in just one calendar year.

At the same time, stopping at the statements by Valery Gerasimov, I would like to notice that then he also stressed the following: In order to train the soldiers, how to solve particularly complex tasks properly will be involved in contractors. Every year the number of specialists working under the contract will increase by 50 thousand people. So, in 2017, about half a million were involved in military service.

In addition, in 2017 the number of conspicities was 2/3 of the number of contract soldiers. In 2018, according to about at the same time, Dmitry Medvedev's statements, the current Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the number of conscripts will be approximately 15% of the total number of soldiers in military service.

Will the service will be canceled in the army in 2018

There is information that the service life in the army in 2018 may not even worry people suitable for their age for their immediate joining military service. It is rumored that from this year the service in the army will be only under the contract.

However, such conversations are no longer uncommon. And if we take into account the current state of affairs in the world, leaders of a country who are engaged in state security issues and control its borders, similar to the development of events approaches even more. After all, the contract services receive money for their work, therefore, they have a high stimulus. But this is one of numerous assumptions.

During the year, the Azam military of the recruit will not teach. Therefore, to fulfill complex military tasks and resort to the help of soldiers in the service of the state under the contract.

Military Department in Russian universities

Separately, we note that, as before, the service life in the Army of Russia in 2018, presumably, should not worry students of universities. Alternatively, which is a good alternative service in the army, is a visit to the military department. It is possible to become part of its composition, provided that the person is initially aware of: he will have to simultaneously learn from the specialty and to know the subtleties of military affairs.

The military department makes it possible to get an officer's title, such a necessary for a particular student, and at the same time go to study and attend classes approved according to the selected specialty. The total duration of such training can be expressed in the clock: approximately 450. There is approximately so much the course passes.

Note that, choosing a military department as an alternative to the service in the army, a person also gets the opportunity to give his preference for a particular military specialty. However, be that as it may, anyone gives the right to assign an officer title to a university student immediately at the end of study, in addition to issuing a diploma in a specialty about higher education.

Who does not need to serve in the army in 2018

There is a list of citizens eligible for a delay, or on liberation from military service. Compliance with criteria, as well as non-compliance, is carefully controlled - up to criminal liability.

Among the foundations for a delay in 2018:

  1. Training in school, middle or higher education institution, including graduate school;
  2. Service in the internal affairs bodies;
  3. Temporary deferment for health;
  4. The presence of relatives requiring permanent care;
  5. Raising a child without a mother;
  6. A disabled child up to a three-year-old age;
  7. Two children or more or one child and pregnant wife;
  8. Participation in elections or deputy.

Young people-citizens of the Russian Federation are gained to the urgent service twice a year - in the autumn and spring appeal. Consider the features of the autumn call in 2020, including the timing of the call and service life.

Dates of autumn call

In matters related to the army and a call to the army, the cornerstone is such a concept as a call date. And this is quite justified, because to carry out a medical board in the military registration and enlistment office, it is possible to send to the military part of the young man only within these deadlines. During the day later or during the day earlier, such events / actions are illegal.

When does the autumn call in the army of 2020 begins?

Many adult young people are afraid of the dates of the fall of the autumn call campaign, for example, in view of the fact that those who have not received after school to the Institute / University and who did not make a deferment from the army to study young people should be designed precisely in this period that starts at this date. When does the autumn appeal begins in 2020? The beginning of the autumn call in Russia remained unchanged, and will take place in the same way as in 2019, that is, October 1. It is from this day to the end of the call, the military commissariats have the right to hold a medical commission, identify the shelf life of young people to the service, send guys to military units.

When does the autumn appeal ends?

Everyone knows that on December 31, all citizens of the Russian Federation meet New Year - a big holiday. And recruits are waiting for this day with a special look. For young people of the draft age, this day is a holiday for another one - the autumn appeal of 2020 ends on this day. Accordingly, if before December 31, the young man was not taken to the army, he can relax for several months - before the start of the next spring call.

Exceptions in the dates of the autumn call

Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation provide for exceptions in the dates of the autumn call for some groups of the inhabitants of our country. Let's deal with what citizens fall under these exceptions.

First, these are people living in the territories of the Far North. The list of such territories is established by a special official document. For these citizens, the autumn appeal in 2020 begins a month later, compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, on November 1, and ends as in other areas of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the young men living in villages engaged in sowing or harvesting are falling for minor exceptions. But the fact of this participation should be officially confirmed, for example, in the form of an employment document (contract / employment record).

Thirdly, young educational workers in connection with the beginning of the next school year are not subject to calling to the autumn call campaign. These young men should appear in the military enlistment office in May-June, when the spring appeal to the army begins.

Autumn Call of 2020, the service life of conscripts

The service life of young people designed to the autumn appeal in 2020 remains unchanged - 12 months (1 year), despite the many rumors on this topic (in particular, an increase in service life up to 1.8 years in 2020).

Innovations in the autumn appeal 2020

There will be no significant innovations in the autumn appeal. There is still a set in scientific companies of graduates of senior institutions / universities. It's not so easy to get into these companies, since it can be said from experience that they are invited to the interview completely randomly. In total, 289 young people are served in these divisions in these units (0.2% of all conscripts). Competition is serious - about 25 people in place - however, the service in the scientific company is significantly different from the "normal" service service.

Is it true that in the autumn appeal 2020, the service life will increase to 1.8 years?

Today there are many rumors about increasing service life in the army in 2020 to 1 year and 8 months (1.8 years). There is also information and service life of 18 months. Young people are looking for an official order that assigns the service life of recruits in 1 year 8 months. At the same time, no one comes into the eyes of information about such an official document. Still, is it true that service life will be 1.8 years or will remain equal to 12 months. To deal with this question, it is necessary to understand the principles of the operation of regulatory documents of Russia.

The fact is that no official order can contradict the federal law, and in the case of such a contradiction - the order is not recognized as valid. First, no order for the service life in the autumn appeal of 2020 does not exist. Secondly, the service life in the army is established by federal law regulating military service in the Russian Federation, namely Article 38, part 1, sub-clause "D", which says that for young people designed to the army in 2008 and later, The service life is 12 months (1 year). This period can change only in the case of amendments to this federal law. In 2020, there will be no such amendments / changes, therefore deadlines will not change. Information on the service life of 1.8 years is false in relation to both autumn, and spring appeals.

We hope you have found an answer to the question when the autumn appeal to the army in 2020 begins. We also reviewed the timing / innovation of the autumn call, the service life and exception for some categories of Russians.

The appeal of 2020 is characterized by a huge amount of useful and useless information, which wanders through the spaces of the Internet and excruits conscripts. The main question that torments all young people of age from 18 to 27 is what service life in the army today. In such a situation, it is important to trust only the sources that distribute official information.

Critical company

The call for urgent service is carried out twice a year - in the fall and spring. Pick up the army in another period can not. There are officially established dates of the beginning and end of the draft company. For the spring period, this is April 1-July 15. For residents of the Far North, as well as conscripts who work in teachers, this period is shifted and begins on May 1. There are those who do not have a spring call. These are young men who live in rural areas and are busy on sowing.

The next company, in the fall begins on October 1, for the majority of conscripts, and lasts until December 31. Later, the appeal starts for residents of the Far North, as well as agricultural workers. For them, the magical date is November 1. Young teachers are generally freed from the autumn campaign.

Conscripts should know that they can take them into the army only during these two segments of time. The service life in the army can only be deducted from this period.

Military age

The service life must be worried about those who really have a chance to get there. For this, there are a framework of a call age. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, you cannot pick up a young man under 18 and older than 27. At the same time, 18 years old should be at the time of the call, but 27 can be performed in the army. This means that the young man can pick up for military service the next day after the age of majority.

As for adult men, it is important that they are not 27 years at the time of call. If the young man received an agenda, and in a month 27, then it will have to go to serve.

Much information goes to increasing the deadline. There are proposals to increase the top plank of the draft age up to 30 years. But at the moment it is just rumors and in the near future they will not be confirmed. Therefore, those whom in 2020 has already been 27, can sleep well and not wait for the agenda to the draft board.

Agenda's presentation

Each conscript knows what agenda is. But how it should be handed, and which there are no changes in this regard, not everyone knows. First of all, the conscript now must be in the draft board itself. Previously, if for any reason the agenda was not sent, the young man could feel free to pretend that he did not know about his age and the debt to his homeland. Now, if a young man has no reasons for a deferment and has not received an agenda, he must come to the draft board independently. Otherwise, it is equal to the deconstam.

Also, the changes affected the presentation of the document from the military registration and enlistment office. Now it is not necessary to hand it in person, just send a registered letter. Relatives can get it. By the way, if these relatives suddenly forgot to give the agenda to the young man, it does not matter. The young man will still be answered by law.

Call procedure

The deadlines for service in the army begin only after the prison procedure itself. No one young at once in the army will not take. For a start, an agenda comes to passing the medical commission. After that, a young man will cause a meeting of the draft commissions, which, given all the circumstances and health indicators, makes a verdict of military duties. Only then the conscript is awarded the agenda in which it will be written, where and when to arrive for sending to military service.

In addition, the draft committee may adopt the following solutions:

  • Alternative civil service;
  • Liberation from call and military duties;
  • Delay from the service;
  • Enrollment in stock.

After making the final decision, the recruit can appeal it. As part of the commission, except for the staff of the military registration and enlistment office, there is a representative of the administration, as well as an employment service worker and internal affairs officer.

Who is not subject to call

There are groups of young people who do not necessarily know the service life in the army, since they will not appeal there. These categories include:

  1. Persons who have already served in the Russian army or in foreign;
  2. Past alternative service;
  3. Young people who killed relatives during the execution of military duties or due to the injury and injuries obtained in the performance of military debt;
  4. Those who have a scientific degree obtained by all the rules and laws.

It is important to understand that the last group has the right to go serve. They themselves decide this question and can seize the desire to fulfill military debt.

How much to serve

Most questions cause a period of mandatory service in the army in Russia. On this occasion, there are more and more exciting minds of rumors.

First of all, there is information that in the government is offered to increase the term of military service in the Russian army to one and a half years. It is explained by the fact that young people do not have time for 12 months to become full-fledged soldiers who are then credited to the reserve. From year of service, they spend half of the term in school, and soldiers perform their responsibilities for half a year.

But at the moment it is just an offer that is not even discussed at the legislative level. It follows from this that in the near future everything will remain in its place and the term of military service is still 12 months or a year. There is also information on reducing the service period. These are also just rumors.

Enrollment and deadlines in stock

After a citizen is credited to the reserve, a stock group is affixed in his military ticket. This is necessary to create a reserve in the army, which can be used at the beginning of hostilities and emergencies. The stock is credited:

  • Persons who served in the army;
  • Citizens who received a group of health "B";
  • Students of the military departments of universities;
  • Those who did not serve for the reasons for delay;
  • Freed from call.

What is the term of military service in the army in stock? This is the age of a military-battled man. It all depends on the title. Private and sailors, as well as ensigns, are in stock up to 50 years. Junior officers - up to 55. Officers older major and less lieutenant colonel - up to 60 years. The officers from the general - up to 65 years. Upon reaching the specified age, a man is removed from the account.

Delay from the army

If the conscript knows exactly what he is delayed from military service, it is desirable to prepare and collect all the necessary documents. To do this, you must first figure out whether the delay is specifically in your case. At the moment, all reasons are not rushing into the army are divided into three groups. Some are associated with health, others - with family, and there is still work with study.

Delay in study is the most common. It is put to students of full-time forms of training in state and accredited universities. Students of colleges may also hope for a deferment if they are less than 20 years old.

Also, the delay is provided to those who study in the magistracy after receiving the bachelor.

Family circumstances are an extensive group of various reasons for delaying. So, they have the right to:

  1. Large fathers who have more than 2 children;
  2. Young people with one child with disabled age up to 3 years;
  3. Single father;
  4. The young man is a guardian of his minor brothers and sisters who remained without parents;
  5. The conscript takes care of a disabled relative in serious condition. In this case, there is one important condition - there should be no other people who can perform this function;
  6. The recruit has one child, and the spouse is in the late pregnancy.

As for the work, the delay is given to young people who work in the power structures, at customs, in firefighters, and are also a deputy of the authorities - state and local. Also, for the time of elections and counting, the votes are exempted from calling candidates for deputies and to the authorities.

If, after passing the medical commission, the young man's health group is set, then he is confirmed temporarily not suitable. In this case, the young man receives a deferment for half a year old and can be treated, as well as undergo a rehabilitation if it is necessary.

How many duration of the mandatory service in the army in those who have received a delay? All the same. They, after the expiration of the Liberation, are called, if there is no reason to extend the delay, and serve 12 months.

It is important to understand that some deferments from temporary automatically turn into life. For example, the presence of children gives a delay to their majority. But by that time, the conscript becomes over 27 years old, which immediately leads to a reserve enrollment.

Responsibility of conscripts

More recently, the term of military service in the Army of the Russian Federation was 2 years. Now give the debt home you need only 12 months. But at the same time there are no less decompositions. Many recruits run over the military office for years. It is necessary to understand that this is not safe in terms of the law. First of all, it is worth remembering that the lack of a military ticket may affect high-quality employment and some other issues.

The initial non-appearance on the agenda is likely to not lead to great problems and the young man will be issued an oral warning. But if the situation is repeated, the code of administrative offenses can be applied. According to this document, the young man has the right to finf by the amount of 500 rubles.

With a repeated and constant violation, it is translated into the discharge of criminal. In this case, the punishment can grow to 200 thousand, and there is also a risk of getting deprivation of freedom to 2 years. In any case, you should not just run, but it is easier to find a legal reason not to go to serve, the benefit of them is enough.

Rights and duties of young people

Young people who are consistent with the call age should prepare in advance to the company. If the recruit is counting on a delay, then it is worth collecting all documents. These must be paper that confirm your right not to go to serve right now. This may be a child's birth certificate, marriage, as well as a medical certificate of pregnancy of the wife's wife or disability.

Often, during a conspiracy company, military registration and enrolls arise problems for a set of soldiers. This is great noticeable in the period of the middle and end of the company. At this time, violations of the conscript are very often observed. There may be "disappearing" important documents, not reducing the diagnoses, as well as to endure unfair solutions.

Therefore, every young man should be able to protect his rights. First of all, experts recommend to ask all the questions in the hotline of the Ministry of Defense, it is also possible to approach the military lawyer, and to familiarize themselves in the draft board to represent copies of documents so that nothing happens with the originals.

After a meeting of the draft commissions, the young man may require a protocol with a final decision. Then it is recommended to collect all the objective reasons for the fact that the service is impossible. You can go through independent health examination. After that, with all the securities you can safely go to court. As long as the court will deal with the actions of the military registration and enlistment office, his decision to appeal will be suspended. Typically, courts give a response within 5 days after circulation.

The duty at the recruit is only one - to appear during the draft company in the Commissariat, even if there is no agenda.


How many conscripts now serve in the army, has long been known - 12 months. No more, no less. Therefore, all kinds of misinformation that the service life in the army increased or decreased, in fact unlikely and misleads, both young guys and their relatives.

Therefore, you should not pay attention, but simply prepare for a draft company. In hand, to confirm the diagnosis, it is important to have as many analyzes, snapshots and other documents as possible. Only so young man can be confident in compliance with his rights. It is recommended not to listen to extraneous information and follow the news in official sources.