Specialty "Technosphere Safety" (bachelor's degree). Training "Technosphere safety Technosphere safety exam

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Technosphere safety courses: labor protection. Technosphere safety and labor protection. Specialist in the field of labor protection. State diploma. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.08.2014 No. 524n. Service manager (specialist) for labor protection. Occupational safety training for managers and specialists. Employee training in labor protection requirements. Occupational health and safety courses. Online health and safety courses. Occupational safety training courses. Professional retraining courses in labor protection. Professional development in labor protection 260 hours. Distance learning in labor protection. Rosakademiya website. Online training on labor protection. Training courses for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Labor protection cost. Occupational safety training for workers. Distance learning courses on labor protection. Labor protection legislation requirements. Occupational safety courses. Occupational safety training. Occupational safety and health training. Occupational safety courses. Occupational safety training. Where they train on labor protection. Occupational safety training. Occupational safety training center. Professional retraining in labor protection. Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow. Training in the course of labor protection. Occupational health and safety training. Occupational safety training for specialists. Occupational safety training. Labor protection training for employees. Conducting occupational safety training. Labor protection training cost. Labor protection training price. Inspection of labor protection organizations. Occupational safety courses. Occupational safety training program. Occupational safety training. Occupational safety training is underway. Occupational safety accreditation. Distance learning on labor protection. Russian Academy of Sciences Krasnodar. Training in labor protection requirements. Order on referral to occupational safety training. OT training. Occupational safety training license. Professional retraining in labor protection for 260 and 510 academic hours. Who should be trained in OSH. Download the protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection. Whom to train on labor protection. How to get a diploma in labor protection. Occupational safety training Penza. Occupational safety training in Moscow. Labor protection crust. Inspection of the labor safety inspector. Who is trained in labor protection. Frequently asked questions on labor protection. Occupational safety lectures download free. Training on from and tb. Course training on labor protection. The reason for testing knowledge on labor protection. State diploma. Technosphere safety distance learning. How to open a training center for training technosphere safety. Technosphere safety professional development. Where to take safety courses. Professional retraining of specialists from. State retraining specialist in labor protection. Retraining in labor protection diploma. Professional retraining industrial safety universities. How many hours of professional retraining in labor protection. Technosphere safety 256 hours of training. How many hours of professional retraining in labor protection. Where to undergo professional retraining in labor protection price. Professional retraining programs 500 hours. Retraining specialist in labor protection. Professional retraining in labor protection. St. Petersburg advanced training technosphere safety. Occupational safety retraining. Professional retraining in labor protection in Moscow. Occupational safety specialist professional retraining. Technosphere safety distance master's degree. Retraining for labor protection. Retraining of a labor protection specialist. Professional retraining of labor protection specialists. Professional retraining labor protection. Occupational safety specialist diploma. Professional retraining labor protection full-time correspondence form. Retraining in the field of labor protection. Retraining labor protection. Where to study for a labor protection specialist. Labor protection professional retraining. Occupational safety specialist training 256 hours. Director of Security Courses.

Applicants may be interested in what kind of specialty it is - technosphere safety. It trains professionals who will be responsible for working conditions and the use of technologies at the enterprise. Control over the correct operation of devices and apparatus will fall on their shoulders. The specialist must also propose a solution in the event of an emergency.

A profession is necessary in any large and small production. The specialist monitors fire and environmental safety. The demand for qualified students is high. That is why they can easily take a leadership position.

To date, training involves a detailed study of labor protection issues. Additionally, time is devoted to clarifying the rules and regulations for maintaining documentation and drawing up reports to regulatory authorities.

A professional in this field can submit a resume for the following vacancies:

  • a specialist in control of labor protection at the enterprise;
  • an engineer who must monitor compliance with all norms and rules of environmental safety;
  • a specialist of the fire or other service exercising control at enterprises;
  • specialist in expert assessment of compliance with the rules and regulations of the enterprise.

Technosphere safety and environmental management are professions that have nothing to do with physical labor. Their goal: to monitor compliance with laws and regulations. The employee must strictly follow the job description and all regulations that are in the enterprise. Even a skilled worker may have average analytical skills.

Important!The knowledge gained in a higher education institution is universal. A student can get a job in a specialty at an enterprise, factory or in a private company. As a rule, such an employee must be on their staff.

Demand for the profession

Any student can decide who to work after graduation. It is enough to carefully analyze the supply and demand for a specific specialty.

Occupational safety engineer is considered one of the most demanded positions today. However, during the period of work, you will have to regularly take courses to improve your qualifications. Thanks to them, the employee will always be aware of changes in legislation.

What is an environmental engineer? This specialist at the enterprise is engaged in the creation of production conditions that would not be able to harm the environment. Its task is to assess the state of the land cover and minimize the release of harmful components into the atmosphere. Technosphere safety and environmental management are inextricably linked. There is an ecologist at every large enterprise in the field of education and health care. The problem of preserving the environment is acute. An ecologist must monitor the release of new technologies and actively implement them at the enterprise. In the next few decades, the profession will become even more popular.

The state labor inspector monitors the implementation of norms and rules. His position can be applied for by the student who was easily given technospheric safety. Universities teach the specifics of conducting inspections in the field of labor protection.

Compliance with all norms and rules at the enterprise is also monitored by a specialist expert. Additionally, he must evaluate the working conditions. They should be assessed regularly. This will create optimal working conditions.

Useful video: technosphere safety

Professional knowledge and skills

The subjects of the specialty are perfectly balanced. Thanks to this, it is possible to provide the student with the following knowledge. In the future, the specialist will be able to practically apply all the interaction schemes at the enterprise that are necessary for the organization of safe life.

A person will live comfortably when interacting with the technosphere. In addition, the specialist minimizes the damage to the environment at every stage of the production process. He must apply modern methods of control and forecasting in order to increase the profit of the enterprise.

The faculty provides a body of knowledge that will improve the efficiency of the use of natural resources. In this case, it will be possible to achieve sustainable. Graduates will have the opportunity to participate in projects aimed at increasing the degree of safety and environmental protection in our country. Over time, it is planned to reduce anthropogenic impact to a minimum.

Important! The full-time and part-time departments give the student the opportunity to learn how to develop effective investment projects.

The employee will be responsible for finding dangerous moments in the enterprise. It is also necessary to determine the degree of their harm. His responsibilities will include:

  • Search for areas with increased risk of accident.
  • Registration of all project documentation, which is necessary in the case of the development of new products or the use of electronic computers in their production.
  • Taking additional measures to save and protect natural complexes that suffer from human life.
  • Personnel training in the correct use of special personal protective equipment in the event of an emergency.
  • Elimination and complete elimination of the consequences of emergency situations. Establishing additional methods to prevent them in the future.
  • Drawing up instructions and a set of safety rules at the enterprise. They should be adhered to not only by workers, but also by management personnel.
  • Conducting all necessary briefings and other necessary activities.
  • Drafting of regulations to ensure the required level of security at the enterprise.
  • Control of the main characteristics of protective equipment. If necessary, carrying out their replacement.
  • Monitoring and timely identification of situations that may negatively affect the state of the environment.
  • Conducting expert reviews for environmental and general safety.
  • If the question arises as to whom to work, then it is necessary to go in accordance with individual preferences. For example, a specialist can be directly involved in scientific research and process the results obtained.
  • Study of the human impact on the environment. Minimizing the impact of negative factors.
  • Preparation and presentation of research works in the field of improving human safety equipment.

The salary of a future specialist will directly depend on the list of his duties.
In a private company, it is higher, but there is no opportunity for further career growth. In government institutions, a specialist will be able to hone his skills. All conditions for growth and development will also be created there.

The specialist will be able to present scientific projects that are aimed at improving working conditions. An additional goal is to minimize environmental damage.

A technosphere safety specialist must be guided and carry out the following directions in his work:

  • design of advanced structures;
  • improvement of service and operational properties of equipment;
  • organization and management of personnel;
  • conducting trainings and training seminars where safety rules and regulations are stipulated;
  • examination of the necessary technical objects. Additionally, the specialist must carry out a supervisory and audit function;
  • carrying out research work. They are aimed at mastering innovative, safer models of technology.

Useful video: direction of training Technosphere safety


If an applicant in the future dreams of working as a labor protection specialist, then he is recommended to enter the Faculty of Technosphere Safety. Five-year training will allow you to acquire the necessary knowledge that will be useful in the future when working at an industrial enterprise. The specialist is responsible for the organization of safe operation and operation of devices. After graduation, you can also get a job in the supervisory authorities. In this case, it will be necessary to monitor the implementation of the norms and rules of the current legislation. It is allowed to conduct research activities.

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In this article we will tell you how to complete training in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" remotely, how to choose the necessary program in technosphere safety, find out the cost of training, and also get acquainted with the curriculum.

Training in the direction "Technosphere Safety" is the process of gaining knowledge on labor protection, industrial safety and protection of the human environment.

For all specialties of higher educational institutions, including for training in Technosphere Safety, the following levels have been introduced:

1. Bachelor's degree is a basic level of education with a term of study of 4 years;
2. Master's degree is the second level of education with a period of 2 years after the bachelor's degree;
3. Postgraduate studies are the third level of education with a duration of study of 3 years.
4. Retraining is education on the basis of secondary or higher education with a duration of study of at least 250 hours.

Bachelor's degree goes like basic education. The student is taught basic fundamental subjects without special specialization. The master's program provides in-depth knowledge with a specialization in labor protection and technosphere safety. Postgraduate studies - for those who want to devote themselves to scientific and (or) teaching. Retraining is chosen by those persons who need to master a new occupational safety profession in the shortest possible time.

Distance learning "Technosphere safety"

When implementing training programs "Technosphere Safety", the educational organization has the right to use e-learning and distance educational technologies. (see Order 172 dated 06.03.2015 "Educational standard" Technosphere safety ")

To date, distance learning in this area is very much in demand due to the fact that the legislation obliges active labor protection specialists (engineers) who do not have proper education to undergo training (retraining) under the Technosphere Safety program.
Read about the requirements for the education of an active labor protection specialist in, the required text will be highlighted in red.

As for the persons who in the future will work in labor protection services, they are also obliged. By the way, you can learn in a short time.

The Technosphere Safety training process takes place remotely using the Internet connection without visiting the university. For these purposes, a special training portal is provided. Students independently enter it and undergo training, give lectures, listen to audio and video materials and are tested. There is always a connection with the teacher, who always answers the student's questions, and who accompanies him throughout the entire period of study.

What training program to choose for an OSH specialist?

As we have already said, the legislation requires a specialist to have the necessary education in labor protection. Educational institutions, in turn, offer all kinds of training programs. For example, in the training programs of training centers there is a training program "Industrial safety and labor protection", a training program "Technosphere safety", a training program "Safety of technological processes and production", "Environmental protection", etc.

The issue of choosing an educational program is of great concern to labor protection specialists, since it is not clear whether the diploma they will receive after graduation will be valid from the point of view of knowledge of the legislation.
How not to get confused?

To be sure, you need to choose training under the Technosphere Safety program. Only for this type of training there are federal educational standards, only this type of training is in the list of specialties and areas of training for higher education, and most importantly, only this area of \u200b\u200btraining, namely "Technosphere Safety" is spelled out in and

Question: is training in technosphere safety mandatory for an occupational safety specialist?
Answer: it is obligatory to undergo training according to the program “Technosphere Safety” or the direction corresponding to it, if the specialist does not have such education. But it is best to choose the Technosphere Safety training program. Short-term training - from 3 months to six months.

Cost of training "Technosphere Safety"

The cost of a distance learning program in the field of technosphere safety is made up of the costs of the institution of higher education and the demand for services. Since the demand for this program is currently high, the cost of training is slightly overestimated and reaches up to 40 thousand rubles per course. On average, the cost of distance learning "Technosphere Safety" as of 2019 is in the range of 20-30 thousand rubles.

Technosphere Safety training program

Technosphere Safety training combines all possible occupational safety disciplines. The Technosphere Safety training program includes the entire range of knowledge on labor protection, industrial environmental, technological and fire safety.

The "Technosphere Safety" program should be developed taking into account the normative document "Professional standard labor protection specialist" and the requirements of the qualification reference book of a labor protection specialist.


"Technosphere Safety" - distance learning. Term of training "Technosphere Safety" - 560 hours. Upon completion of the training, final testing is carried out and a diploma is issued. The qualification (direction of study) "Technosphere Safety" specified in the diploma gives its holder the right to engage in professional labor protection activities.

Name of disciplines, sections and topics Qty. hours
1 . Human physiology
1. Physiology of respiration;
2. Cardiovascular system;
3. Physiology of blood;
4. Physiology of digestion;
5. Isolation. Physiology of the kidney;
6. Male and female sex hormones;
7. Muscle physiology;
8. The doctrine of higher nervous activity;
9. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system;
10. Sensory systems;
11. Metabolism and energy;
12. Physiological foundations of labor activity;
13. Adaptation of the body to various conditions.
2. Medical and biological safety fundamentals
1. The relationship of man with the environment;
2. Toxicology. Basic definitions;
3. Hygienic regulation of chemicals in the environment;
4. Assessment of the impact of hazardous and production factors on the human body;
5. Provision of first aid to the victim.
3. Reliability of technical systems and technogenic risk
1. The main provisions of the theory of risk;
2. The role of external factors and their impact on failures of technical systems;
3. Fundamentals of the theory of calculating the reliability of technical systems;
4. Investigation of the reliability of technical systems from the standpoint of their safety;
5. Engineering studies of the safety of technical systems;
6. Analysis of human errors as a link in a complex technical system;
7. Organization and carrying out of examination of technical systems;
8. Ensuring the safety of technical systems;
9. Ensuring the safety of production processes.
4. Technosphere safety management
1. Organizational and legal foundations of technosphere safety management;
2. Management of safety and health;
3. Occupational safety management;
4. Environmental safety management;
5. Management of Civil Defense and Emergencies.
5. Safety of production and technological processes
1. Manufacturing processes - safety requirements;
2. Safety requirements for equipment in production;
3. Requirements for production equipment;
4. Prevention of pollution in production;
5. Safety requirements for production equipment control bodies;
6. Principles of safe operation of production equipment;
7. Safety and interlocking safety devices;
8. Signal coloring, signs, inscriptions and markings;
9. Equipment of increased danger.
6. Examination of life safety, monitoring
1. Regularities and principles of development of ecology systems;
2. Monitoring of life safety;
3. Purpose of environmental monitoring;
4. Monitoring of industrial safety;
5. Control of the safe state of natural and technical systems;
6. Fundamentals of environmental and economic expertise;
7. Legislation on the examination of life safety.
7. Sanitation, occupational health at work
1. Industrial lighting;
2. Meteorological conditions;
3. Harmful substances;
4. Vibration;
5. Industrial noise;
6. Ionizing radiation;
7. Laser radiation;
8. Electromagnetic fields.
8. Occupational Safety and Health
1. Labor activity of a person;
2. Legislative foundations of labor protection;
3. Management of labor protection at the enterprise, in the institution;
4. Organization of work on labor protection;
5. Training, knowledge testing, instructing workers on labor protection;
6. Special assessment of working conditions;
7. Payment of compensations for working conditions to employees, provision for PPE;
8. Fundamentals of preventing occupational morbidity;
9. Documentation on labor protection;
10. Reporting on labor protection;
11. Responsibility for non-observance of legislative acts on labor protection.
9. Accounting for occupational diseases andidentification of accidents at the enterprise
1. Analysis of occupational diseases in the Russian Federation;
2. Analysis of industrial injuries in the Russian Federation;
3. Industrial accidents;
4. Investigation of accidents at work;
5. Peculiarities of investigation of industrial accidents;
6. Accounting for occupational diseases;
7. Compulsory insurance of accidents.
10. Industrial safety of hazardous facilities in production
1. Licensing in the field of industrial safety;
2. Ensuring the safe operation of technical devices at HIFs;
3. Expertise of industrial safety;
4. Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities;
5. Safety data sheet for a hazardous production facility;
6. Control of industrial safety requirements.
11. electrical safety
1. The effect of electric current on the human body;
2. Factors affecting human injury by electric shock;
3. Hazard analysis, prevention of electric shock in networks;
4. Protection used in electrical installations;
5. Requirements for personnel serving electrical installations;
6. Safety in the repair of overhead power lines;
7. Organization of safe operation of electrical installations;
8. Protection against static, atmospheric electricity.
12. Fire safety
1. Combustion and explosions, the conditions of their flow, indicators of explosiveness;
2. Explosions and fires - prevention and mitigation of their consequences;
3. Methods of fire extinguishing;
4. Organization of the fire protection service;
5. Regulatory framework in the field of fire safety;
6. Types of combustion and explosions, conditions of their flow;
7. Indicators of explosion and fire hazard of combustible substances;
8. Measures to prevent explosions and reduce their consequences;
9. Requirements for the evacuation of people in case of fires. Evacuation time calculation method;
10. Measures for explosion protection of technological equipment;
11. Fire prevention in technological processes;
12. Installations, machines and apparatus for fire extinguishing;
13. Fire-fighting water supply;
14. Devices of fire automatics;
15. Fire safety - declaration, registration procedure
Total: 560

We hope that in this article you have learned everything about Technosphere Safety training, distance learning, the program and the cost of training. We wish that this knowledge will help in your professional activity and contribute to your career growth!

Technosphere Safety Specialist Is an actual and essential profession in the modern world. Its mission can be compared with divine providence: if God created the world, then a technosphere safety specialist is called to preserve it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, law, life safety and labor and economy (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The technosphere is the habitat of a modern man, "it is a part of the biosphere radically transformed by man through the indirect impact of technical means, as well as technical and man-made objects (buildings, roads, mechanisms) in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of mankind."

Protection of man and the environment from man himself and his man-made activities are the most important professional tasks that ensure OVERALL SECURITY. The modern technosphere is dangerous for both man and nature. The danger comes from technical objects and means, production technologies, objects of the natural environment. For example, malfunctions in the most complex production and industrial complexes can cause environmental or man-made disasters.

On the one hand, a technosphere safety specialist protects the environment from the influence of human activity:

  • controls the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere;
  • determines the permissible norms and limits of the interference of human activity in nature.

On the other hand, it ensures human safety in a technogenic environment:

  • deals with labor protection of production workers; prevention of injuries and occupational diseases;
  • controls all types of safety: fire, radiation, etc.

Technosphere safety specialist is a generalized name for the profession, which includes such specialists as: Technical Supervision Engineer, Safety and Risk Analyst, Health and Safety Engineer, Industrial Safety Engineer, Fire Safety Engineer, Environmental Safety Engineer, State Supervision and Control Inspector, Industrial Safety Manager, Environmental Safety Expert.

In the twentieth century, all such specialists were called occupational safety engineers. But in the modern world of high technologies, there is not enough knowledge of only safety instructions. Greater knowledge of global environmental standards and environmental legislation is required. Modern specialists in this field must have the skills to prevent the consequences of natural disasters - earthquakes, floods, etc.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a technosphere safety specialist depend on the industry in which he works and the position held. Types of work common to all spheres of activity:

  • identification of possible sources of hazards and determination of their level in production;
  • identification of zones in which the technogenic risk is increased;
  • participation in projects to create means of ensuring human safety from these dangers;
  • development of safety requirements, rescue equipment and organizational measures in investment projects;
  • preparation of internal safety instructions for a specific enterprise;
  • regular safety briefing among production employees;
  • control over the state of protective equipment and employees' compliance with safety requirements;
  • environmental impact assessment and control over the rational use of natural resources;
  • study of the impact of man and his activities, as well as natural disasters on industrial facilities.

Pros and cons of the profession


The importance of the profession in the modern world and, in this regard, the high demand for technosphere safety specialists. No project can be effectively implemented without an assessment of harmful and hazardous production factors. Stable and prestigious work.


The disadvantages include possible hazards to health and life at work.

Place of work

Bodies of supervision and control of safety, environmental friendliness of production and labor protection (Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Federal Labor Inspectorate, etc.),
industrial safety and labor protection of enterprises, organizations.
Research, expert and design organizations in the field of industrial safety and environmental preservation.
Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Natural Resources.

Important qualities

Personal qualities:

  • responsibility
  • sociability
  • teamwork skills
  • developed forward thinking
  • analytic skills
  • spatial imagination
  • ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • ability to analyze and organize information
  • ability to find non-standard solutions in time trouble
  • the ability to clearly follow the instructions received
  • constant pursuit of professional development
  • mastering technological changes and technical innovations
  • good physical and psychological shape

Professional skills

  • competent knowledge in the field of activity in which he specializes;
  • possession of design software;
  • ability to work with drawings;
  • knowledge of materials and system of safety standards;
  • knowledge of techniques for operating machinery and equipment in production;
  • possession of design software.

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In this article, we will explain in detail what "Technosphere safety" is, give a definition, tell about the history of the specialty, provide legislative acts of the Russian Federation and give recommendations on whether to study in this area. We will also explain who to work in the direction of "Technosphere Safety" and whether to receive a specialty "Technosphere Safety".

Let's start ...

Technosphere safety is the direction of training specialists in the field of labor protection, ensuring industrial safety of technological processes and industries both under normal conditions and in an emergency.

So what is this specialty "Technosphere Safety" and what you need to know first of all?

  • this is the main specialty that a labor protection specialist needs to acquire in order to carry out his activities. You will understand this if you read this article to the end;
  • this is an enlarged area of \u200b\u200btraining among occupational safety specialties such as "Safety of technological processes", "Safety of technological production", "Protection in emergency situations", "Environmental protection" and so on. Therefore, it is this specialty that we recommend to receive, first of all, for future, as well as current, labor protection specialists.

The specialty is suitable for those people who want to deal with issues of ensuring safety at work, industrial safety, fire safety, environmental safety. Graduates in this specialty in a short time occupy leadership positions. For example, they become heads of labor protection services.

Due to the fact that the state pays special attention to labor protection issues at the enterprise, the demand for this specialty significantly exceeds the supply. Therefore, there will be no problems with employment. So, just go to any job site to make sure of this.

What to work with in the specialty "Technosphere safety"?

Persons trained in the specialty "Technosphere Safety" can work in the following professions:

- labor protection specialist;
- environmental engineer;
- specialist of supervisory organizations in the field of labor protection and fire safety
- specialist of expert organizations in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety (expert assessment of working conditions, examination of labor safety, legislation, occupational safety training, etc.)

So, what is this specialty "Technosphere Safety"? All professions in this specialty are not associated with physical labor. The necessary skills are, first of all, to know the legislation in the field of labor protection, to comply with job descriptions and regulations. The analytical skills of the employee should be at an average level. These professions are universal. They combine both humanitarian and technical skills. The choice of who to work in this specialty is yours!

Specialty "Technosphere safety", demand

Occupational safety specialist Is the most demanded profession. You can read about this profession on the page

Environmental engineer Is a specialist who deals with environmental conservation issues. In the course of his activity, the ecologist studies the state of the earth's surface, evaluates the impact of harmful substances on the atmosphere. An ecologist can work both in environmental enterprises, in educational and health care institutions. Currently, the profession of an environmental engineer is considered not very popular, but due to the fact that the state began to pay special attention to environmental problems, the profession of an environmentalist will be more in demand in the future.

Specialist of supervisory organizations - this is actually the profession "State Labor Inspector". A labor inspector is an employee of the labor inspection. He conducts inspections of enterprises for compliance with legislation in the field of labor protection. The profession of a labor inspector with a specialization in Technosphere Safety is in demand.

Expert of expert organizations Is primarily an expert in assessing working conditions at enterprises. Because all enterprises must undergo a special assessment of working conditions, therefore this profession is in demand.

Conclusion: the specialty "Technosphere Safety" is in great demand! You just need to make your choice as to whom to work in the specialty "Technosphere Safety". And then

What is the salary of Technosphere Safety specialists?

When choosing any profession, it is necessary to decide how interesting it will be and what the remuneration will be. "Technosphere safety" - what is this specialty and what is the salary? We have answered the first question. As for wages, we can say that it is higher than in other specialties.

Labor remuneration "Technosphere Safety" as of 2019 according to the websiteHeadHanter:

Average salary of a labor protection specialist:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 50-90 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 50-70 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 25-35 thousand rubles

Average salary of an environmental engineer:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 35-50 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 35-40 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 15-25 thousand rubles

Average salary of a state labor inspector:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 55 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 40 thousand rubles

Average salary of an expert on a special assessment of working conditions:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 45-65 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia - 40-50 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia - 30 thousand rubles

Does an OSH specialist need to be trained in Technosphere Safety?

If you are going to work, or are already working as an occupational safety specialist, you may have a question: Should you receive the specialty "Technosphere Safety"? We will try to answer.

Currently, a labor protection specialist must conduct his activities strictly in accordance with. It contains a mandatory requirement for the position of a specialist. Persons with higher or secondary education in labor protection have the right to hold the position of a labor protection specialist. In the absence of proper education in labor protection, the specialist must


If you want to work as a labor protection specialist, you just need education in labor protection in the direction of "Technosphere safety"!

If you already work as a labor protection specialist in an organization, then you just need to have a specialty in the diploma "Technosphere Safety" or similar in labor protection, for example, "Life Safety", "Safety of Technological Processes and Production" and so on.

The history of the emergence of the specialty "Technosphere safety", its significance

You have already learned what Technosphere Safety is, now let's talk about the history of this specialty. Back in 2003 Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2003 N 276-st put into effect All-Russian classifier of specialties in education (OKSO)OK 009-2003. It was created to streamline and facilitate the accounting of specialties in the Russian Federation.

An occupational safety specialist will be interested in the following OKSO codes:

Specialty code Directions of training

280100 Life safety
280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280102 Safety of technological processes and production
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280201 Environmental protection

At that time, graduates could be awarded the qualifications of "labor protection engineer", "environmental engineer", or simply "engineer" or "technician".

In connection with the transition of higher professional education in the Russian Federation to international educational standards, the terms and names of higher education qualifications have changed. A bachelor's degree with a training period of 4 years and a master's degree + 2 years have appeared. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the specialties specified in the OKSC to the international standard, and indicate which professions from the OKSC would correspond to the bachelor's degree and which to the master's degree.

In this regard, came out Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2009 N 337 "On approval of the lists of directions for the preparation of higher professional education", which lists all possible specialties for undergraduate and graduate programs.

In this order, the first mention of the specialty "Technosphere Safety" with the qualification code 280700 appeared. It is indicated that both bachelors and masters are trained in this direction.

The direction of preparation of higher education "Technosphere Safety" was equated to the occupational safety specialties from the OKSO. So, according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 17.02.2011 N 201 the following correspondence of the direction of training of higher professional education is established:

Order 337 of 17.09.2009. Resolution 276-st of 30.09.2003. (OXO)

Technosphere safety


280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280201 Environmental protection
280102 Process safety
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280200 Environmental Protection
280202 Environmental Engineering

In 2013, Order 337 of 17.09.2009 was replaced by Order 1061 of 12.09.2013 with an updated list of specialties... From the point of view of our specialty, this order has not changed anything, except for the code of the direction of training. The code of the direction of training "Technosphere Safety" 280700 is changed to codes 20.03.01, 20.04.01 and 20.06.01.