Companions of Krupskaya Magnitsky. Leontii Filippovich Magnitsky, teacher of sciences for the first Russian admirals

Some of the oldest editions owned by the Moscow State Pedagogical University Scientific Library are educational editions of the early 18th century, which were used by both children and adults who wished to get an education sooner or later. it "Grammar" by Meletius Smotritsky (1648)and "Arithmetic" by Leonty Magnitsky (1714)... Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov called these books "the gates of his learning."

The title page of the copy kept in our library has been lost, but according to a number of signs it can be attributed to the 18th century.

Written by "For the sake of teaching wise-loving Russian youths and of every rank and age of people", this book was published in a circulation of 2,400 copies and was available to a wide range of readers. Magnitsky compiled the first educational encyclopedia in mathematics in Russia under the title "Arithmetic"Here is an excerpt from the book that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe language of textbooks from the first third of the 18th century: “What is arithmetic? Arithmetic, or the numerator, is an art honest, unenviable, and convenient for everyone, many-sided, and most praiseworthy from the ancient and the newest, invented and stated at different times.

The author of the book "History of Mathematics in Russia until 1917" A.P. Yushkevich believes that "" Arithmetic "was a link between the traditions of Moscow manuscript literature and the influences of the new, Western European, for about 50 years it had no competitors and played education has an extraordinary role. "

Today it is called an encyclopedic book on various branches of mathematics and natural science. The book contains woodcuts and copper prints, mainly by M. Karnovsky. The content of this book is much wider than its title: it provides initial information on arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, trigonometry and their practical application to mechanics, geodesy, navigation. For the first time in Russia "Arabic" numbers were used in the textbook. All rules are backed up by examples for each action; the book contains a large number of tasks, their conditions are taken from life, everyday life, contemporary to the author. Also on separate loose sheets there are tables, one of them gives the names and comparisons of ancient scales and coins; and at the beginning of the book there are tables of Slavic, Arabic and Roman numbers. Also Magnitsky first introduced the terms "multiplier", "divisor", "product", "root extraction", and also replaced the obsolete words "darkness" and "legion" with the words "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion" ...

Magnitsky divided the entire work into two books. The actual arithmetic information is presented in the first three parts of the first book. Part 1 - "On the numbers of integers", part 2 - "On the numbers of broken lines or with parts", part 3 - "On the rules of the same, in three, five and seven lists", parts 4 and 5th - "On the rules of false and fortune-telling", "On the progression and radixes of square and cubic" - contain, rather, algebraic, not arithmetic material.

It should be noted that between the 1st and 2nd parts there is a section dedicated to the description of ancient measures and coins, measures and weights of the "Moscow state and some of its surroundings." This information was very necessary for business people of that time, especially in connection with the wide development of economic and cultural relations between Russia and European countries. Comparative tables of the old measures and measures of that time, the original comparisons given in the text, undoubtedly testify to the author's wide erudition and that his scientific interests included not only mathematics.

After the 3rd part, there is an extensive supplement "On the various actions required for citizenship through the past parts", in which the author gave a large number of examples of practical content.

The second book is subdivided into three parts: part 1 - "Arithmetic algebraic", part 2 - "About geometric through arithmetic acting", part 3 - "General about earthly dimensions and how does it belong to navigation." In these books, in addition to operations with letter expressions, solutions of quadratic and biquadratic equations, the beginnings of plane and spherical trigonometry, the calculation of areas and volumes are presented. Part 3 contains a lot of positioning information necessary for navigation. The book ends with the addition "On the interpretation of various navigational problems through the above loxodromic tables".

In "Arithmetic" one form of presentation is strictly and consistently carried out: each new rule begins with a simple example, then comes a general formulation, which is reinforced by a large number of examples and tasks. Each action is accompanied by a verification rule ("verification"); this is done for both arithmetic and algebraic operations.

In Magnitsky's "Arithmetic", as in all textbooks of that time, five actions are considered: numbering, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Along with the Russians, Magnitsky also gives their Greek and Latin names in parallel.

Teaching mathematics begins, in fact, only from page 37, with the question: "What is Arithmetic?" - and an unusual answer for us: “ Arithmetic, or the numerator, is an honest, unenviable and comprehensible art, most useful, and most praiseworthy, from the most ancient and newest, at different times living hefty arithmeticists, invented and stated».

The method of presenting the actions of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division differs little from the one that is used now: first examples are given, which gradually become more complicated.

After the third part, which is devoted to the presentation of the triple rule (both simple and complex), there is a large addition about the measures and weights of ancient Russia and other countries.

The author explained the inclusion of algebraic parts in the first book of "Arithmetic" in the preface to the section "Progressions", saying that the meaning of these sections "And in citizenship the same butts are required"... And due to the fact that algebra is difficult and accessible only especially The most vain, but not "To the whole people", Magnitsky decided to place the simplest algebraic sections in the arithmetic part of his work. There are no general formulas in the last three parts of the book; the rules are set out in examples.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Magnitsky's "Arithmetic" had an undoubted influence on the arithmetic textbooks of the 18th century.

Satisfying the requirements that could have been presented to a mathematics textbook in Russia in the first half of the 18th century, Magnitsky's Arithmetic was widespread for a long time and fell out of use around the middle of the 1850s.

What has been said about "Arithmetic" by Magnitsky can be concluded with the words of the famous Russian historian of mathematics VV Bobynin: "It is hardly possible to find in the Russian physical and mathematical literature another work with the same historical significance as" Arithmetic "of Magnitsky."

Curriculum Vitae.

Biographical information about Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky (June 9, 1669 - October 19-20, 1739) very
small. according to some sources, he was the son of the peasant Philip Telyatin, according to the other, he was the native nephew of Archimandrite Nektarios (1587 - 1667), the organizer of the Nilov Hermitage near Ostashkov, Tver province, and therefore had access to church books.

Magnitsky was buried in the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God and located in Moscow at the corner of Lubyansky Proezd and Myasnitskaya Street, built presumably at the end of the 15th century. and abolished in 1927. In 1932, during the construction of the first line of the Moscow metro, a slab of strong limestone was discovered (a text written by his son Ivan was engraved on it, from which one can obtain reliable biographical information about Magnitsky), and the next day under the slab at a depth of four meters was found a tomb, lined with good bricks and filled with lime on all sides, There was an oak log in the grave, in it lay the unharmed skeleton of Leonty Filippovich with some covers preserved on it, in particular, boots were relatively well preserved; under his head was a glass ink-pot in the shape of a lamp, and next to it lay a half-rotted quill. Together with the tomb of Leonty Filippovich, there was the tomb of Maria Gavrilovna, the wife of Magnitsky. An inscription was engraved on her tombstone announcing her sudden death upon an unexpected meeting with her son, whom she believed to be dead.

It is not known where Magnitsky received knowledge, especially mathematical (according to the inscription on the tombstone, “he studied the sciences in a marvelous and inconceivable way”), but he so attracted the attention of Peter I to himself that he called him “a magnet” and gave him a nickname-surname Magnitsky ("at the discretion of the disposition to everyone, the most pleasant and attractive to everyone, he was granted the nickname Magnitsky"), with the appointment of a teacher in the Moscow newly organized school of "mathematical and navigational, that is, nautically cunning sciences of learning", where he served until his death ("It was committed to the Russian noble youth by a mathematics teacher, in which the title was zealous, true, honest, diligently and blamelessly serving the four Russian autocrats and having lived in the world for 70 years").

For the new school, appropriate textbooks were needed and Magnitsky was "It was ordered for the sake of the people's benefit to publish through the work of his Slovenian dialect a book of arithmetic"... They were in a hurry to publish a textbook so necessary for the new school, and it was published in the shortest period for such work (11 months). As a reward for compiling it, the author received 49 rubles 31 alyn 4 money, in which he issued a receipt.

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Transbaikal State University"

Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

Report on the topic:

" ArithmeticL.F.Magnitsky"

Completed by: Kolesnikova K.O.

Chita 2014


Our acquaintance with mathematics begins with arithmetic, the science of number. With arithmetic, we enter, as M.V. Lomonosov, into the "gates of learning" and we begin our long and difficult, but fascinating way of knowing the world. arithmetic magnitsky number

The word "arithmetic" comes from the Greek arithmos, which means "number". This science studies actions on numbers, various rules for dealing with them, teaches how to solve problems that reduce to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers. Arithmetic is often thought of as a first step in mathematics, on the basis of which it is possible to study its more complex sections - algebra, mathematical analysis, etc. Even whole numbers - the main object of arithmetic - are referred, when their general properties and patterns are considered, to higher arithmetic, or number theory.

One of the first Russian textbooks on arithmetic, written by L.F. Magnitsky in 1703, began with the words: "Arithmetic, or the numerator, is art that is honest, unenviable, and comprehensible to everyone, most useful and most praiseworthy, from the most ancient and modern, at different times who lived fair arithmetic, invented and stated." It was Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky who initiated the development of Arithmetic in Russia.


Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky was born on June 9, 1669 in the Ostashkovskaya settlement of the Tver province. Russian mathematician, teacher. Author of the first Russian educational reference book on mathematics.

From 1685 to 1694 he studied at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. Mathematics was not taught there, which suggests that he acquired his mathematical knowledge through independent study of manuscripts, both Russian and foreign.

The knowledge of Leonty Filippovich in the field of mathematics surprised many. At the meeting, he made a very strong impression on Tsar Peter I with his outstanding mental development and extensive knowledge. As a sign of respect and recognition of his merits, Peter I "bestowed" upon him the surname Magnitsky "in comparison with how a magnet attracts iron to itself, so he drew attention to himself with his natural and self-educated abilities."

In 1701, by order of Peter I, he was appointed teacher of the school of "mathematical and navigational, that is, cunning nautical sciences of learning", located in the building of the Sukharev Tower.

In 1703 Magnitsky compiled the first educational encyclopedia in mathematics in Russia under the title "Arithmetic, that is, the science of numerals from different dialects into the Slavic language translated and put together, and the circulation of 2,400 copies was divided into two books." As a textbook, this book has been used in schools for more than half a century due to its scientific, methodological and literary merits.

Leonty Filippovich died in Moscow, in October 1739 at the age of 70.

Eastoriya of creation.

"Arithmetic" by L.F. Magnitsky is one of the most famous Russian books, rightfully belonging to the monuments of the national written culture. So, on February 22, 1702 L.F. Magnitsky was ordered a textbook of mathematics, and funds were allocated for its compilation and printing. In an extremely short time - in 9 months - he created an educational mathematical book, unique in its qualities, which was published in a large circulation for that time. It had a magnificent and long name according to the customs of that time: "Arithmetic, that is, the science of numbers. It was translated from different languages \u200b\u200binto the Slavic language, and collected together, and divided into two books."

It was published in Moscow in January 1703 and played an extraordinary role in the history of Russian mathematical education: for half a century it was unusually popular and had no competitors both in the few schools of that time and in wider readership, including among self-taught.

Characteristics of the book.

This extraordinary popularity is largely due to the fact that, despite the indication in the subtitle about the translated nature of the book, in fact it was a rather original essay both in content and methodological terms, which was a link between the traditions of Moscow handwritten educational literature and the influences of the new Western European. Having a good knowledge of foreign languages, Magnitsky studied a large number of European textbooks, books by Greek and Latin authors, Russian mathematical manuscripts and used all these materials in his work on the textbook.

Magnitsky's "arithmetic", directly or indirectly, in turn, had a great influence on all subsequent Russian mathematical literature. Much has been written about Magnitsky's "Arithmetic" in detail. Let's give a brief description of this unique book.

Multifunctionality. Following the traditions of Russian handwritten educational literature, Magnitsky included purely, so to speak, "epic" material in "Arithmetic": it described the "deeds of Peter" and therefore could, to some extent, fulfill the functions of a textbook of modern Russian history.

In addition, "Arithmetic" contained a large number of general philosophical reasoning, advice to the reader, general conclusions, often presented in poetic form, which enhanced its educational impact. Since it was a textbook for future sailors, it contained information on meteorology, astronomy and navigation, as well as numerous data on natural science and technology, which makes it possible to consider "Arithmetic" as the forerunner of Russian printed popular science literature, although the main content of the book is all math.

The title of the book is much narrower than its mathematical content, since in addition to arithmetic information, it also contains significant algebraic, geometric material, elements of flat and spherical trigonometry. Thus, from the substantive point of view, "Arithmetic, that is, the science of numerals ..." is rather an encyclopedia of contemporary mathematical knowledge to the author than a simple textbook of arithmetic.

Number systems. Magnitsky uses in "Arithmetic" the Indo-Arabic decimal positional number system, only casually explaining the Latin one and mentioning the Slavic one. Pagination (page numbering) is also Slavic. When characterizing the number system, Magnitsky uses a kind of terminology that remained in mathematics textbooks until the end of the 18th century. He calls all the numbers in the first ten fingers; tens, hundreds, etc. (numbers like 30, 900, ...) - joints, all other numbers - compositions. Magnitsky calls significant digits signs, in contrast to zero, which is called a digit.

Magnitsky's arithmetic operations have two names - Latin and Russian: numberration, or reckoning; addicio, or addition; subtraction, or subtraction; division, or division. The numbering, as before, is highlighted in a special action.

Magnitsky pays special attention to numbers of the form 10n (n is a positive integer) and their names. The old count of darkness, legions, etc. has been replaced by the generally accepted in Europe millions, billions, trillions and quadrillions (each class contains 6 decimal places).

Here, for the first time in Russian mathematical literature, 0 was raised to the rank of a number: Magnitsky ranks it among the "fingers" (the first 10 numbers), and thus is much ahead of his time.

The structure of the book. A large volume of over 600 pages, Magnitsky's Arithmetic, consists of 2 arithmetic books: The Arithmetic of Politics, or Civil, and The Arithmetic of Logistics, not to citizenship only, but to the movement of the heavenly circles. The third book is about navigation.

The book is unique not only for its history, but also for its content. It is interesting to note that in addition to the addition table, which is surprising for the modern reader, already on the second page of addition examples there are problems to find the sum of six six-digit numbers, and on the third one is an example of adding seventeen four-digit numbers. Squaring arises from the Pythagorean theorem using the example of a 125-foot-long ladder attached to a 117-foot-high tower.

What is Magnitsky's "Arithmetic"? Much has been written about this book. Researchers characterize content in different ways, but always positively. Professor P.N. Berkov calls "Arithmetic" "one of the most important phenomena of the printing activity of Peter's time." Today it is called an encyclopedic book on various branches of mathematics and natural science (geodesy, navigation, astronomy). Researchers still do not have a common opinion on what guidelines Magnitsky used to compose his "Arithmetic". A.P. Yushkevich believes that handwritten and printed material of an earlier time was used, which Leonty Filippovich carefully selected, significantly processed, compiling a new, original work, taking into account the knowledge and needs of the Russian reader.

Magnitsky divided the entire work into two books. The actual arithmetic information is presented in the first three parts of the first book. Part 1 - "On the numbers of integers", part 2 - "On the numbers of broken lines or with parts", part 3 - "On the rules of the same, in three, five and seven lists", parts 4 and 5th - "On the rules of false and fortune-telling", "On progression and radixes of square and cubic" - contain, rather, algebraic, not arithmetic material. The second book is divided into three parts: Part 1 - "Arithmetic Algebraic". Part 2 - "About the geometrical through arithmetic acting", part 3 - "General about the earth's dimensions and how does it belong to navigation". In these books, in addition to operations with letter expressions, solutions of quadratic and biquadratic equations, the beginnings of plane and spherical trigonometry, the calculation of areas and volumes are presented. Part 3 contains a lot of positioning information necessary for navigation. The book ends with the addition "On the interpretation of various navigational problems through the loxodromic tables above".

Magnitsky was the first to introduce the terms "factor", "divisor", "product", "root extraction". Replaced the obsolete words "darkness, legion" with the words "million, billion, trillion, quadrillion."

In "Arithmetic" one form of presentation is strictly and consistently carried out: each new rule begins with a simple example, then comes a general formulation, which is reinforced by a large number of examples and tasks. Each action is accompanied by a verification rule ("verification"); this is done for both arithmetic and algebraic operations.

Examples of tasks and their solution.

1. One person came to a teacher at school and asked the teacher: "How many students do you have? I just want to give you my son to teach you. Will I not embarrass you?" In response, the teacher said: "No, your son will not restrict my class. If only as many as there are, and half that, and a quarter of that, and even your son, came to me, I would have 100 students." How many students did the teacher have?

Let one set of students be X. Then we get the equation:

x + x + 1/2 * x + 1/4 * x + 1 \u003d 100

(2 + 3/4) * x \u003d 99.

Hence x \u003d 36 students. Answer: 36 students.

2. Someone sold a horse for 156 rubles. But the buyer, having acquired the horse, changed his mind and returned it to the seller, saying: "There is no calculation for me to buy a horse for this price, which is not worth that much money." Then the seller offered other conditions: "If you think the price of a horse is high, then buy its horseshoe nails, then you will get a horse for free. Nails in each horseshoe 6. For the first nail, give me ј kopecks, for the second - Ѕ kopecks, for the third - 1 kopeck, etc. ". Buyer tempted by the low price. And wanting to get a horse for free, he accepted the seller's terms, hoping that no more than 10 rubles would have to be paid for the nails.

1. Let's compose a sequence of numbers ј; Ѕ; one; 2; 22; ... 221.

2. This sequence is a geometric progression with the denominator q \u003d 2, b \u003d 1/4, n \u003d 24.

4. Knowing the formula

Answer: 42,000 rubles.


The influence of this book on the development of physical and mathematical knowledge and research in Russia was very great. No wonder when they talk about Magnitsky's "Arithmetic", they always remember the words of M.V. Lomonosov, who called it "the gate of his learning." It was the "gateway to learning" not only for Lomonosov, but also for a number of generations of Russian people who did much to educate the country. In addition, it should be taken into account that, in addition to arithmetic knowledge, it also contained algebraic, geometric, trigonometric, astronomical and navigational information, so that Magnitsky's work was in fact a kind of encyclopedia of mathematical knowledge and provided quite extensive applied information.

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One of the stages of work on the "Ancient Mathematical Problems" project was the collection of material about mathematicians of the past. I chose the topic about L.F. Magnitsky. Found interesting material about him, his textbook "Arithmetic".



Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky

Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky is the first teacher of mathematics and marine sciences in Russia. From 1701 until the end of his life he taught mathematics at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences.

Not much is known about Leonty Magnitsky. Most of the information about him refers to the years when he was already teaching at the Navigation School. About his childhood, it is only known that he was born into a peasant family in the Ostashkovsky monastery settlement on the shores of Lake Seliger. The father of the future mathematician was called Philip, his nickname was Telyashin, while the peasants were not entitled to surnames at that time. As a child, the boy learned to read on his own, thanks to which at times he acted as a psalmist in a local church.

The fate of the young man changed dramatically when he was sent from his native settlement with a cart of frozen fish to the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery. Apparently, in the monastery the boy showed an interest in books, and the abbot, convinced of his literacy, left Leonty as a reader. A year later, the abbot blessed the young man to study at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which at that time was the main educational institution in Russia. Leonty studied at the academy for about eight years.

It is curious that mathematics, which Magnitsky then studied until the end of his life, was not taught at the academy. Consequently, Leonty studied it on his own, as well as the basics of navigation and astronomy. After graduating from the academy, Leonty did not become a clergyman, as he had hoped to send him to study, the abbot, but began to teach mathematics, and, possibly, languages, in the families of the Moscow boyars.

In Moscow, he met with Peter I, who knew how to find people useful to Russia, no matter what strata of society they came from. The rootless teacher, who did not even have a surname, who liked the tsar for his deep knowledge, received a kind of gift from the monarch. Peter I loved Magnitsky for his lively mind and great knowledge, and as a sign of deep respect for the mathematical talent of Leonty Filippovich and his educational activities, he invented the name "Magnitsky" for him, since he attracted the youths to him with his scholarship like a magnet. Only representatives of the highest nobility had surnames.

As the best Russian mathematician, LF Magnitsky was entrusted with compiling a textbook on arithmetic, which he did with great talent. Although the textbook was called "Arithmetic", it can be regarded as an encyclopedia of mathematical knowledge of the time. In addition to a detailed presentation of the basics of arithmetic, it provides information on algebra (rules for extracting square and cube roots, progressions), applications of arithmetic and algebra to geometry, concepts of calculating trigonometric tables and trigonometric calculations in general, information on astronomy, geodesy and navigation. The textbook contains many tasks and examples, and most of them are interesting and even exciting in content. The author, in an effort to make arithmetic entertaining, uses poems and drawings.

Magnitsky's "arithmetic" as a textbook was in school use almost until the middle of the 18th century. MV Lomonosov also studied using it. An epitaph is carved on the gravestone in memory of L.F. Magnitsky. She tells her descendants about a selfless worker of science, a man of great soul, a faithful son of his fatherland. Here is the inscription:

“In eternal memory ... to the virtuous living Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, the first mathematics teacher in Russia, who was buried here, her husband ... who began the path of this temporary and deplorable life on the 9th day of June 1669, studied the sciences in a wondrous and incredible way, We know his majesty Peter the first for wit in the sciences in 1700 and from his majesty, at the discretion of the most pleasant and attractive disposition to everyone, he was granted, called the nickname Magnitsky and was given to the Russian noble youth by the teacher of mathematics, in which the title is zealous, true, honest , having diligently and blamelessly serving and having lived in the world for 70 years, 4 months and 10 days, 1739, October 19 th day, about midnight at 1 o'clock, leaving his virtuous life the example left by him, he piously died ... Out of office wrote bitter-tearful Ivan, the lowest slave, his dear son»

The main advantage of Magnitsky's "Arithmetic" is the completeness of its content. This is not just arithmetic, but a whole course of mathematics with its application to navigation. True, Magnitsky considered arithmetic to be the cornerstone of mathematical education and processed it in his book extremely carefully. He used novelties in the field of arithmetic, introduced new names; “Million”, “billion”, etc., having thus made a major step forward, raised zero to the rank of a number, reckoning it among the “fingers” (the first ten numbers), and thus far ahead of its time; placed a lot of explanatory examples ("butts"), including examples of "some amusement actions through the arithmetic used", discovered a great pedagogical talent in the presentation of actions with integers and fractions.

Magnitsky's "arithmetic" was the answer to this demand of the time. It possessed major scientific and methodological advantages for its era, and its advantages stand out especially clearly when compared with similar Western European textbooks that are modern to it.

In the preface to "Arithmetic" Magnitsky wrote: "It will be good for all Russian people to use this work." This wish came true. His book helped the pupils of the mathematics and navigation school in 1726-1734 to provide material for the first "general map of All Russia" and the first geographical atlas.

On June 9 (19), 1669, Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, a Russian mathematician and teacher, author of the first Russian printed manual on mathematics - "Arithmetic ..." was born in the family of the peasant Philip Telyashin in the Ostashkovskaya patriarchal settlement (now Ostashkov) of the Tver province. (1703).

Leonty Telyashin grew up on the banks of the Seliger, next to the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Monastery, which at that time was the center of the spiritual culture of Russia. In the manuscript library of the monastery, he acquired his first knowledge. It is noteworthy that the library was collected by the abbot and builder of the Nilov Hermitage, Metropolitan of Siberia and Tobolsk Nektariy, who was Leonty's great-uncle. The talented boy amazed the monks with his hard work and a great desire to "read the tricky and difficult in church." In 1684, to improve his knowledge, he was sent to the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery, and then to the Moscow Simonov Monastery. Given Leonty's strong desire to study, he was soon assigned to the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which had recently opened in Moscow.

At the academy, Leonty Telyashin studied Latin and Greek, and independently - German, Dutch and Italian. He also got the opportunity to independently study the mathematical sciences not taught at the academy, and, moreover, in a volume that far exceeded the level of information reported in Russian arithmetic, land survey and astronomical manuscripts of the 17th century. In 1700 Leonty was introduced to Tsar Peter I and made a strong impression on the sovereign with his extraordinary mental development and extensive knowledge, especially in the field of mathematics. As a sign of respect and recognition of his merits, Peter I bestowed upon him the surname Magnitsky, - “in comparison with how a magnet attracts iron to itself, he drew attention to himself with his natural and self-educated abilities,” said Peter.

In the years 1694-1701. Magnitsky taught children in private homes, and himself was engaged in self-education. In 1701, by order of Peter I he was appointed a teacher at the Moscow Navigation School, or the school of "mathematical and navigational, that is, cunning nautical sciences of learning," located in the building of the Sukharev Tower. Magnitsky began working as an assistant to the Scottish mathematics teacher A.D. Farvarson, and then as a teacher of arithmetic and, most likely, geometry and trigonometry. During these years he was commissioned to write a textbook on mathematics and navigation. "Arithmetic, that is, the science of numerals from different dialects into the Slavic language was translated and collected together, and divided into two books" Leonty Magnitsky - the first educational encyclopedia in mathematics in Russia - was published in 1703 in a huge circulation of 2,400 copies for those years.

Magnitsky's "Arithmetic" contained a lengthy exposition of arithmetic, articles of elementary algebra, the applications of arithmetic and algebra to geometry, practical geometry, concepts of calculating trigonometric tables and trigonometric calculations in general, and the necessary initial information from astronomy, geodesy and navigation, which were essential for practical applications. The educational book was compiled from sources, which, in addition to foreign books, included Russian arithmetic manuscripts of the 17th century.

Leonty Magnitsky was a scientist who possessed deep theological knowledge. In his "Arithmetic", he linked science with the Holy Scriptures, proving that the "acceptance of sciences" "reveals God unsearchable" beauty. " Using numerous examples, the mathematician explained that "sciences" do not contradict the "law of God" - such an interpretation of the question of "science and religion" was very progressive for that time. Many of the information contained in "Arithmetic" was reported for the first time in Russian literature. Thanks to its scientific, methodological and literary merits, this book played a significant role in the dissemination of mathematical knowledge in Russia: MV Lomonosov also studied Arithmetic and called it the “gate of learning”.

In 1715, the Naval Academy was opened in St. Petersburg, where training in military sciences was transferred, and in the Moscow Navigation School, they began to teach only arithmetic, geometry and trigonometry. From that moment on, Magnitsky was appointed a senior teacher of the school, and from 1732 until the last days of his life he was the head of the educational part of the school.

Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky died on October 19 (30), 1739 and was buried in the Church of the Grebnev Icon of the Mother of God at the Nikolsky Gate in Moscow.

Lit .: Andronov I.K.The first teacher of mathematics of the Russian youth Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky // Mathematics at school. No. 6. 1969; Magnitsky's arithmetic. Accurate reproduction of the original. With the attachment of the article by P. Baranov. M., 1914; Galanin D. D. Magnitsky and his arithmetic: Vol. 1-3. M., 1914; Gnedenko B.V., Pogrebyssky I. B. Leonty Magnitsky and his "Arithmetic" // Mathematics at school. No. 6. 1969; Zyablitsky V.V., Balashova K.A. Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky (300 years old). Kalinin, 1969; Kameneva T. N. On the history of the publication of "Arithmetic" by Magnitsky // Book. Research and materials. 1984. Sat. 48. S. 72-82; Magnitsky LF Arithmetic, that is, the science of the numeral, has been translated from different dialects into the Slavic language and collected into one. 1703; Prudnikov V.E.Russian pedagogues-mathematicians of the 18th-19th centuries. M., 1956; The author of the first Russian arithmetic Leonty Magnitsky // Moskovskie vedomosti. No. 76.1836.

See also in the Presidential Library:

Bobynin V. Magnitsky Leonty Filippovich // Encyclopedic Dictionary / ed. prof. I. E. Andreevsky. T. 18.SPb., 1896.S. 327-328 .

Many people have heard about "Arithmetic" by Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, according to which Russian youths studied for two centuries, but not everyone knows that it was created as a textbook for future trained in.
Not much is known about the creator of the unique textbook, Leonty Magnitsky. Most of the information about him refers to the years when he was already teaching at the Navigation School. About his childhood, it is only known that he was born into a peasant family in the Ostashkovsky monastery settlement on the shores of Lake Seliger. The father of the future mathematician was called Philip, his nickname was Telyashin, while the peasants were not entitled to surnames at that time. As a child, the boy learned to read on his own, thanks to which at times he acted as a psalmist in a local church.
The fate of the young man changed dramatically when he was sent from his native settlement with a cart of frozen fish to the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery. Apparently, in the monastery the boy showed an interest in books, and the abbot, convinced of his literacy, left Leonty as a reader. A year later, the abbot blessed the young man to study at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which at that time was the main educational institution in Russia. Leonty studied at the academy for about eight years.
It is curious that mathematics, which Magnitsky then studied until the end of his life, was not taught at the academy. Consequently, Leonty studied it on his own, as well as the basics of navigation and astronomy. After graduating from the academy, Leonty did not become a clergyman, as the hegumen who had sent him to study had hoped, but began to teach mathematics, and, possibly, languages, in families
It was in Moscow that he met with
who knew how to find people useful for Russia, no matter what strata of society they came from. The rootless teacher, who did not even have a surname, who liked the tsar for his deep knowledge, received a kind of gift from the monarch. Peter commanded him to henceforth be called Magnitsky, since he attracted the youths to him with his learning, like a magnet. For modern people, the significance of this gift is not entirely clear, but at that time only representatives of .
In the literature, there are mentions that Leonty was protected by Archimandrite Nektariy (Telyashin), allegedly familiar with the king. This is a mistake, the coincidence of the surname of the archimandrite and the nickname of Father Leonty does not mean that they were relatives, and Nektariy died two years before the birth of the future mathematician.
The tsarist gift of Magnitsky did not lead to the number of the Russian nobility, but soon he was appointed to the civil service, about which the entry was preserved: work your own Slovenian dialect book arithmetic. And he wants to have it with him with the help of the Kadashite Vasily Kiprianov for the sake of the speedy in the publication of the book. Please note that he is not only instructed to create a textbook, but is also allowed to hire an assistant at public expense.
At the time of the preparation of the textbook, Magnitsky was assigned fodder money at the rate of 5 altyn per day, which makes almost 50 rubles a year - a lot of money at that time. Apparently, Magnitsky got down to business zealously, since already at the beginning of March, on the instructions of the tsar, a one-time cash award follows from the income of the Armory - 12 rubles from Magnitsky and 8 rubles from Kiprianov. Peter was interested not just in a textbook of arithmetic, but in a comprehensive book with an accessible presentation of the main sections of mathematics, focused on the needs of naval and military affairs. Therefore, he worked on the textbook Magnitsky at the Navigation School, opened this year in Moscow in
... Here he could use the library, manuals and navigation tools, as well as advice and help from foreign teachers and , who, apparently, controlled the course of writing the textbook.
Surprisingly, the textbook was written and published in just two years. At the same time, it was not simply a translation of foreign textbooks, in terms of structure and content it was a completely independent work, and even remotely similar textbooks did not exist in Europe at that time. Naturally, the author used European textbooks and works on mathematics and took some of them, but presented it as he saw fit. In fact, Magnitsky did not create a textbook, but an encyclopedia of mathematical and navigational sciences. Moreover, the book was written in a simple, figurative and understandable language, it was possible to study mathematics using it, with certain initial knowledge, independently.
According to the tradition of that time, the author gave the book a long title - “Arithmetic, that is, the science of numerals. Translated from different dialects into the Slavic language, and collected into one, and divided into two books. " The author did not forget to mention himself - "Compose this book through the works of Leonty Magnitsky", soon everyone began to call the book shortly and simply - "Magnitsky's Mathematics."
In the book, containing more than 600 pages, the author analyzed in detail arithmetic operations with whole and fractional numbers, gave information about the monetary account, measures and weights, led many practical tasks, applied to the realities of Russian life. Then he outlined algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In the last section, entitled "General about the earth's dimensions and even to navigation should be", considered the applied application of mathematics in maritime affairs.
Magnitsky in his textbook not only tried to intelligibly
clarify mathematical rules, but also to encourage students' interest in learning. He constantly emphasized the importance of knowledge of mathematics using specific examples from everyday life, military and naval practice. I even tried to formulate the problems so that they aroused interest, they often resembled anecdotes with an intricate mathematical plot.

Photo from the site
The textbook was so successful that it spread throughout Russia over the course of several years. Apparently, even at the time of writing the textbook, Magnitsky began teaching at the Navigation School, with which he had to associate his whole life. Until 1739, Leonty Filippovich first taught and then headed the Navigation School, raising a whole galaxy of students, many of whom became prominent military and state leaders of Russia.
Magnitsky's authority among his contemporaries was enormous. Poet and philologist V.K. Trediakovsky wrote about him as a conscientious and dishonest person, the first Russian publisher and teacher of arithmetic and geometry. Admiral V.Ya. Chichagov called Magnitsky a great mathematician, and spoke of his book as an example of learning. He considered "Magnitsky's Arithmetic" to be the "gateway to his learning"
Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky died in 1739 at the age of 70. In the early 30s of the last century, during the construction of a metro in Moscow, a grave was discovered at the corner of Lubyansky Proezd and Myasnitskaya. The half-erased inscription on the tombstone proclaimed the eternal memory of Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, the first mathematics teacher in Russia, who was born on June 9, 1669, and who died at 1 am from October 19 to October 20, 1739. Already in our time in Ostashkov in memory of his a small monument was erected to the famous compatriot Magnitsky.