See what the "Book of Enoch" is in other dictionaries. Slavic Book of Enoch

When I was one hundred and sixty-five years old, Enoch said, my son Methuselah was born. Then I lived another two hundred years. And my whole life lasted three hundred and sixty-five years. On one day of the first month, I, Enoch, was alone in my house and lay on my bed, resting. During sleep, profuse sorrow seized my heart, and I said: "Behold my eyes are shedding tears (for in my sleep I could not understand what this sorrow meant). What will become of me?" And there appeared two brightest men, whom no one had seen on earth. Their faces shone like the sun, their eyes like burning candles, and fire emanated from their lips. Their robes resembled the foam of the sea, their bodies shimmered with multi-colored paints, their wings were lighter than gold, and their hands were whiter than snow. They stood at the head of the bed and called my name. I woke up and really saw the men standing before me. I looked at them, bowed and was horrified, and my face was contorted with fear. And they said to me: "Dare Enoch, do not be afraid! The eternal Lord has sent us to you. And even today you will ascend with us to heaven. Punish your sons and households, what they should do without you on earth in your house. And let no one does not seek you until the Lord returns you to them. " After listening to them, I quickly left the house and closed the doors, as I was told. And I called my sons Methuselah, Regim and Gaidad, and told them what those wonderful men had told me.

"Listen, my children! I do not know where I am going and what awaits me. You do not depart from God, walk before God's way and fulfill the commandments. Do not neglect prayers for your salvation, so that the Lord does not diminish the fruits of your labors; for he deprives them of them. those who hoard treasures and do not bear fruit. Dedicate to the Lord the leaders of the flock and the firstborn of your youth, so that you too may be blessed forever and ever. Do not depart from God and do not worship idols that did not create heaven, earth, or any another creature. For both they themselves and those who worship them will perish. May the Lord strengthen your hearts in your fear. And now, my children, let no one seek me until the Lord returns me to you. "

While I was giving instructions to my sons, the men called me, lifted me on their wings, then put me on the clouds that rushed up. And I saw the air, and even further - the air. And so they lifted me up to the first heaven. They showed me a great sea, more than earthly. Then they took me to the elders and rulers of the star ranks and showed me two hundred angels who own the stars, control the movement of the heavens, fly on wings and go around all the planets. And here I saw the snow and ice vaults of angels, vigilant over these terrible vaults, from which huge clouds emerge. And they showed me the vaults of dew and oil, which is much brighter than any color on earth. I also saw the angels guarding their treasures, and how they open the vaults and close them.

And those men took me and raised me to the second heaven. And they showed it to me, and I saw impenetrable darkness there, more than earthly. And here I saw the fornicators hanging in chains, awaiting the Last Judgment. And the angels here were darker-faced than the darkness of the earth, and incessantly emitted weeping. And I asked the husbands who were with me: "Why do they suffer incessantly?" And those men answered: "These are the apostates, who disobeyed the commandments of the Lord, followed their own will and departed from the Lord together with their prince; and they were set in the fifth heaven." I was very sad because of them, and those angels bowed to me and said: "Man of God, pray to the Lord for us!" And I said in reply: "Who am I? How can I, a mere mortal, pray for the angels? Who knows where I am going, what awaits me and who will pray for me?"

And those men took me, and lifted me into the third heaven, and set me in the middle of paradise. And there was that place of indescribable beauty! I saw all sorts of fine trees with ripe and fragrant fruits. In the middle of that place there was a tree of life, on which God rests when he enters paradise. And this tree is indescribable in its beauty and fragrance, and more beautiful than any creation. It is golden from everywhere, red, fiery and covers the whole paradise. It combines the virtues of all growing trees and fruits. Its root is in paradise, at the entrance at the end of the earth. Paradise lies between corruption and incorruption. Two sources emerge from under the root: one exudes honey and milk, and the other - oil and wine. Divided into four parts, they quietly flow and enter Eden between decay and incorruption. They leave from the other side, overflowing into forty streams, and run along the ground, turning in a circle, like the rest of the air elements. And there is no tree that does not bear fruit, but everything gives good fruits. And this place is blessed! Three hundred of the brightest angels guard paradise and serve the Lord with their ceaseless singing day and night. And I exclaimed: "How wonderful this place is!" And the men said to me: "Enoch, this place is prepared for the righteous, who have experienced all kinds of adversity in their lives. Even when their souls were embittered, they turned away from unrighteousness and performed righteous judgment. And they served bread to the hungry, dressed the naked in robes, raised the fallen, helped offended and orphans. They walk without blemish in the face of the Lord and serve Him only. This place is prepared for them for an eternal inheritance. "

And two men led me to the north side and showed a very terrible place where sinners were subjected to all kinds of torments. There lay an impenetrable, gloomy haze, and there was no light. A dark fire burned there, and a river of fire crossed that area. On one side - fire, on the other - ice scorching cold. There I saw a dungeon, a terrible evil and gloomy wicked angels, armed with invisible weapons, with which they tortured sinners without mercy. And I exclaimed: "O bitter grief! How awful is this place!" And the men said to me: "This place, Enoch, is prepared for those who do not honor God and do evil deeds on earth: they engage in sorcery, conspiracies and demonic magic. It is intended for those who boast of their accursed villainy and steal human souls, who oppresses the poor and, taking away their property, enriches themselves through their resentment. Here come those who can feed the hungry, but starve them because of their greed, who can clothe half-naked, but strips them naked. This also awaits those who do not recognize their Creator and worships soulless and vain idols. For, creating idols, they pray to the most abominable man-made. All of them have this place prepared for an eternal destiny. "

And those men took me and raised me to the fourth heaven. And they showed me here all the processions, movements and currents of sunlight and moonlight. Comparing their processions and comparing the light, I saw that the light of the sun is seven times brighter than the moon. The solar chariot, on the other hand, rushes in a circle with incredible speed, like the wind, and it has no rest day or night. To the right and left of the sun chariot I saw four huge stars each; under each of them there were a thousand more stars. There are eight thousand of them in total, and they all depend on the sun. The sun is led by a hundred and fifty thousand angels by day, and by a thousand six-winged angels, walking before the chariot at night. A hundred angels give him fire. And two spirits fly in the form of two birds - one is like a phoenix, the other is like a halkedra. Their faces are lions, their legs, tails and heads are crocodiles, they are painted with the colors of the heavenly rainbow; the size of nine hundred measures, and their wings are angelic. Those who ride the chariot of the sun have twenty wings each, and they carry dew and heat. And as the Lord commands, so it happens: the sun sets and rises with its rays in heaven and on earth.

And two men carried me to the east of that sky and showed the gates, from which the sun comes out all year round at the appointed time after the setting of the moon, when night gives way to day. And I saw six huge gates, each sixty-one stages and a quarter. And I carefully measured this gate, from where the sun comes out and where it always returns, going around the whole earth. And I understood how great they are. From the first gate the sun comes out forty-two days, from the second, third, fourth and fifth - thirty-five, from the sixth - forty-two. And after the expiration of time, it returns again through the sixth gate and enters the fifth, fourth, third and
the next thirty-five days. And so the days of each year pass in accordance with the change of its four times.

And again the men carried me, now to the heavenly west, and showed me a five times large gate, open to the side opposite to the eastern gate. In them the sun sets after three hundred and sixty-five and one-fourth days. This is how it enters the western gate. When the sun comes out of the western gate, four hundred angels take his crown and carry it to the Lord. It then turns its chariot around and spends seven hours in the night without light. At eight o'clock in the morning, four hundred angels bring a crown and crown the sun with it. Then the phoenix and the halkedra begin to sing poetry, and all the birds on the earth beat their wings, rejoice at the Giver of Light, and each sings in her own voice: "The Giver of Light comes and gives it to His creature."

Those men also showed me all the processions and circles of the moon and the twelve enormous gates, eternally facing the east. Through them it enters and ascends at a certain time. Changing the sun, it rises through the first gates thirty-one days, after the second - thirty-five days, after the third and fourth - thirty days each, after the fifth - thirty-one days fairly, after the sixth - thirty-one days, after the seventh - thirty days, after the eighth - thirty-one days fairly, through the ninth gate - thirty-one days with diligence, after the tenth - thirty days probably, after the eleventh - thirty-one days probably, after the twelfth - twenty-two days probably.

So, overtaking the heavenly winds, the moon moves day and night along heavenly circleslocated below all other circles. And spirits fly in front of her, and each angel has six wings. They complete the moon circle in nineteen years. In the middle of the sky I saw armed soldiers who serve the Lord by playing the tympanum and organs and singing incessantly with good voices. And I enjoyed listening to their singing.

Then the men took me and lifted me up on wings to the fifth heaven. And here I saw countless warriors called Grigorei. They look like people in appearance, their height is taller than giants. Their faces were gloomy, their lips were always silent. Service to the Lord in the fifth heaven was not sung. And I asked the husbands with me: "Why are they so gloomy, with sad faces and numb lips, and why is there no service in this heaven?" And the men answered me: "These are the Grigorei, whose number is two hundred thousand. They rejected the Lord together with their prince Satonael. Behind them, they wander, stepping on the trail, hung with chains, those who are now in the second heaven, surrounded by impenetrable darkness. time they descended to earth from the throne of the Lord to the area of \u200b\u200bHermon and broke their vows on the mountains of Hermon. And the land was defiled by their deeds, and their women create them from the greatest evils in life. By committing illegal incest, they give birth to giants, giants and sow great enmity. And for this reason the Lord judged them with great judgment, and they will be rooted in the great day of the Lord. "

And I said to the Gregorians: "I saw your brothers, their deeds, torment and great prayer. And I prayed for them, but the Lord condemned them to dwell underground until the end of heaven and earth." And I said: "Why are you waiting for your brothers, and not doing service in the face of the Lord? Leave your prayers and serve the Lord your God, so as not to anger Him completely." And having obeyed my instruction, they lined up in the sky in volume in four ranks. They sounded four trumpets at once with a great voice, the Gregorians sang harmoniously, and their voice rose before the face of the Lord.

Then those men took me and elevated me to the sixth heaven. There I saw seven glorious and multi-Orthodox angels. Their faces shone brighter than the sun's rays, and they did not differ in appearance, behavior or clothing. These ranks are in charge of the movement of the stars, the rotation of the sun and the changes of the moon. Observing good and evil human deeds, they administer commandments and teachings and perform sweet God-voiced singing and all kinds of glorious praises. These are the archangels standing over the angels and every creature, be it heavenly or earthly. Angels obey them, vigilant over every earthly fruit, every blade of grass and every food that is given to every living creature. They also stand above the angels of all human souls, who write down the deeds and lives of people before the face of the Lord. Among them are seven phoenixes, seven cherubim and seven six-winged ones. And they have one voice, and they sing unanimously, and their singing is impossible to describe. And the Lord rejoices at his foot.

Then those men took me and lifted me up to the seventh heaven. And I saw an immensely bright light and all the fiery host of great archangels, disembodied forces and all the fiery host of great archangels, disembodied forces, ruling principles and powers, cherubim, seraphim, thrones and ten regiments of many-eyed luminosity. And I was afraid and trembled with great fear. Then those men took me, brought me in among the army and said: "Dare Enoch, do not be afraid!" And they showed me from afar the Lord shining on his highest throne. And, approaching him, the heavenly host, lining up in the order of ten degrees, bowed to the Lord and again fell into place in joy and joy and in immeasurable light, singing songs in quiet and meek voices. And they served the Lord, not leaving Him day or night, standing before His face and doing His will. Cherubim and seraphim surrounded His throne, and the six-winged covered Him and sang in a low voice before the face of the Lord. And when I saw all this, the men told me: "Enoch, we are commanded to accompany you only to this place." And they departed, and I did not see them again. Left alone at the edge of heaven, I was frightened and fell on my face, saying to myself: "Why did I get this!" And the Lord sent one of his glorious archangels by the name of Gabriel, and he said to me: "Dare Enoch, do not be afraid! Get up and go with me and appear before the face of the Lord forever." And I answered him, saying to myself: "Lord, my soul has left me with fear and trembling. Call to me those men who brought me here, for in them I trusted and with them I go to the face of the Lord."

And Gabriel lifted me up as the wind lifts a leaf, and set me before the face of the Lord. And I saw the face of the Lord. It was strong and glorious, wonderful and terrifying, formidable and strange. But who am I to describe the immense being of the Lord, His face is marvelous and inscrutable, His face is many-learned and many-voiced? How to tell about the throne of the Lord, great and not made by hands, about the exultation of the cherubim around Him and the army of seraphim, about their incessant singing? Who can convey the unchanging and inscrutable image of His beauty and the greatness of His glory? And I fell on my face and worshiped the Lord. And the Lord said to me with his mouth: "Dare Enoch, do not be afraid! Rise up and appear before my face forever." And the archangel Michael raised me and brought me to the face of the Lord. And the Lord said to his servants, looking at them: "Let Enoch come near to stand before My face forever." And the angels of the Lord bowed down and said: "Let him draw near according to Your word." And the Lord said to Michael: "Come and take off the earthly garments from Enoch, and anoint him with my good myrrh, and clothe him in the garments of my glory." And Michael did as the Lord commanded him: he anointed me and clothed me. And myrrh shone more than the brightest light, but it was like a graceful dew, and its fragrance and aroma of myrrh sparkled like the sun's rays. And I looked at myself - I became like one of His glorious angels and was no different from them.

And the Lord called one of his archangels by the name of Vrevoil, who surpassed the others in quickness of mind and wrote down all the works of the Lord. And the Lord cried out: "Bring the books from My storehouses and show Enoch. Give him a writing reed."

Vrevoil immediately brought elegant aromatic books and handed me a greyhound cane with his hand. And he explained to me all heavenly and earthly affairs: about the sea and all phenomena, movements and revels of natural elements; about the sun, moon, stars, about their movement and change; about the seasons, years, days and hours; about the rising of clouds and the blowing of winds; about angelic numbers and songs of the host; about human life, commandments and teachings; about sweet-voiced singing and everything to learn.

Vrevoil enlightened me for thirty days and thirty nights, and all this time did not stop
his verb mouth. I tirelessly wrote down everything about signs and wonders. And when sixty days and sixty nights had passed, Vrevoil said: "This is all that I had to tell you, and you - write down. And now sit down and write down the souls of unborn people and the places allotted to them forever, for before the creation of the world it was predetermined which to be every soul. "

And I sat exactly sixty days and sixty nights, and wrote everything down exactly. And I have written three hundred and sixty-six books.

Enoch was born on the sixth day of the month of Pamous and lived for three hundred and sixty-five years. And he took the month of Nisan to heaven on the first day. He stayed in heaven for sixty days, writing down everything about the signs and creatures created by the Lord. And Enoch wrote three hundred sixty-six books and gave them to his sons. And he spent thirty days on earth, telling them everything, and then he was again taken to heaven in the same month of Pamovus, on the same sixth day and hour at which he was born. So every human being possesses the secrets of this life: conception, birth and representation. At what hour it is conceived, at the same time it is born and presented.

Book of Enoch

First Division

1. The words of Enoch's blessing, with which he blessed the elect and the righteous, who will live in the day of trouble, when all the wicked and the wicked will be rejected. And Enoch, a righteous man to whom God had opened his eyes, answered and said that he had seen a holy vision in heaven: “The angels showed him to me, and from them I heard everything and understood what I had seen, but not for this kind, but for distant generations that will appear. I spoke about the elect and talked about them with the Holy and Great, with the God of peace, who will come out of His dwelling. And from there He will come to Mount Sinai, and will appear with His armies, and in the power of His might appear from heaven. And everything will be frightened, and the guards will shudder, and great fear and trembling will surround them to the ends of the earth. The lofty mountains will shake, and the lofty hills will sink and melt like honeycomb from a flame. The earth will submerge, and everything on the earth will perish, and judgment on all the righteous will be accomplished. But He has prepared peace for the righteous, and He will guard the elect, and mercy will rule over them; they will all be God's, and it will be good for them, and they will be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them. And here He comes with the myriads of saints to execute judgment on them, and He will destroy the wicked, and will judge all flesh regarding everything that the sinners and the wicked have done and have done against Him.

2. I watched everything that happens in the sky - like the luminaries that do not change their paths in the sky, how they all ascend and set in order, each in its own time, without breaking their laws. Take a look at the earth and pay attention to the things that are on it, from the first to the last, how every work of God correctly reveals itself! Look at summer and winter, how then (in winter) the whole earth abounds in water, and clouds, and dew, and rain spread over it!

3. I watched and saw how in winter all the trees seem to have dried up, and all their leaves have fallen, except for the fourteen trees, which are not exposed, but wait, remaining with the old foliage, for new foliage to appear for two or three years.

4. And again I watched summer days, how then the sun stands over it (the earth), directly opposite it, and you are looking for cool places and shade from the heat of the sun, and how then even the earth burns with heat, and you cannot step on earth, nor on a rock (stone) due to their heat.

5. I watched the trees grow green and bear fruit; and pay attention to everything and know that He who lives forever has created all these for you; see how His works exist before Him in each new year, and all His works serve Him and do not change, but as God has established, so everything happens! And look how the seas and rivers all together do their job! And you have not endured to the end and have not fulfilled the law of the Lord; but they transgressed him and blasphemed His majesty out of their unclean lips with haughty blasphemy - you hard-hearted ones will not find peace! And therefore you will curse your days and the years of your life will end; eternal condemnation will be great, and you will not find mercy. In those days, you will be deprived of the world in order to be an eternal damnation for all the righteous, and they will always curse you as sinners - you along with all sinners. For the elect, light and joy and peace will come, and they will enjoy the earth; but for you, the wicked, a curse will come. Then wisdom will also be given to the elect, and they will all live and will not sin again through negligence or arrogance, but they will be humble, not sinning again, since they have wisdom. And they will not be punished throughout their lives and will not die in torment and angry condemnation, but they will end the number of days of their lives and grow old in the world, and their years of happiness will be many: they will remain in eternal pleasure and peace throughout their entire life. ...

From the book The Secret of the West: Atlantis - Europe the author

From the Book of Enoch [Apocrypha] the author Religious Studies Author unknown -

KHIGA OF ENOCH Enoch's mystical journey Enoch 11. Words of Enoch's blessing, with which he blessed the chosen and pious, who will live on the day of sorrow, when all the wicked and wicked will be rejected. 2. And Enoch answered and said, - the righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, -

From the book The Secret of the West. Atlantis - Europe the author Dmitry Merezhkovsky

Three parables of Enoch Enoch 61. The second vision of wisdom, which was seen by Enoch, son of Jared, son of Maleleil, son of Cainan, son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam. 2. And here is the beginning of the speech of wisdom, which I began to speak and express to those living on earth; listen to you, dearest ones, and pay attention,

From the book New Bible Commentary Part 3 ( New Testament) by Carson Donald

[Two Visions of Enoch] Enoch 161. And now, my son Methuselah, I want to reveal to you all the visions that I have seen, having told you them.2. I saw two visions before I took my wife, and they are not alike; the first time I studied the scriptures, and the second time before taking

From the book Bibliological Dictionary the author Men Alexander

From the book Isagogika. Old Testament the author Men Alexander

14-16 The Relevance of Enoch's Prophecy Jude brings his revelations to a climax by referring to the prophecy attributed to Enoch to show the inevitability of the retribution prepared for these people. 14 Defining Enoch as the seventh from Adam (cf. Gen. 5: 1-18), Jude based on

From the book of Satan. Biography. the author Kelly Henry Ansgar

ENOCH BOOKS - see Apocrypha.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 the author Lopukhin Alexander

Appendix: From the Book of Enoch 1. FAITH IN PRE-DEFINITION. And I examined everything on the heavenly tablets, and read everything that was in them, and noticed for myself, and read the book and everything that was on it, all the deeds of people and all bodily born, who will be on earth until the most distant generations

From the book The Gospel of the World from the Essenes. Books 1-4 the author Shekeli Edmond Bordeaux

2.1 Sins of Men, Sins of Angels: Genesis 1-11 and the Book of Enoch As I noted earlier, a thematic analysis of the Hebrew Bible indicates that sacred history for the Jews originally began with the 12th chapter of Genesis, the story of Abraham, because in further no links to

From the book Lopukhin's Explanatory Bible. THE OLD TESTAMENT THE AUTHOR

18. Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years and begat Enoch. 19. And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. 20. All the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died "Jared ... gave birth to Enoch ..." The name of this patriarch, already known to us from the genealogy of the Cainites,

From the book Heavenly Books in the Apocalypse of John the Divine the author Androsova Veronika Alexandrovna

The piety of Enoch and his taking him alive to heaven 23. All the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, because God took him "and he was not, because God took him ..." "And he was not found" (LXX, Slavs.) - Enoch, i.e. he is not absolutely

From the book Old Testament Apocrypha (collection) the author Bersnev Pavel V.

From the author's book

24. The piety of Enoch and taking him alive to heaven. 23. All the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, because God took him. "And he was not, because God took him ..." "And he was not found" (LXX, Slavs.) - Enoch, ie he is not absolutely

From the author's book

4.1.2. The first book of Enoch A number of inter-Testament pseudo-epigraphic works are united by the name of the biblical patriarch Enoch. In the book of Genesis, the special righteousness of Enoch is noted, and about his death it is said vaguely: “… and he was not, because God took him” (Gen. 5: 23-24). IN

From the author's book

4.1.4. The second book of Enoch The second book of Enoch is also called "Slavic", since it came down to us only in the Slavic translation of the IX-XI centuries. The Slavic version of the book bears traces of Christian processing, probably carried out in the 6th century, but basically it goes back to

From the author's book

Book of Enoch Section 1 1. The words of Enoch's blessing, with which he blessed the elect and righteous, who will live in the day of trouble, when all the wicked and the wicked will be rejected. And Enoch answered and said, the righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, that he

The Book of Enoch is one of the significant apocrypha, to which the apostles refer. The oldest text that miraculously survived to this day.

In the article:

The Book of Enoch and Its Influence

The ancient representative of religious, theological literature dates back to the 1st century BC and tells about the events that happened before the Flood. Scripture reveals a slightly different view of what happened. Despite its cultural significance, the book was not known to most believers until the 18th century, when it was found in ethiopian Bible... The edition was included in the canon, but the fate of the text was not easy.

Ethiopian Orthodox Bible on cowskin.

Why did the holy fathers show stubbornness, not wanting to include scripture in the canon? On this basis, many theories have been derived. The most popular ones are about conspiracy. A conspiracy in the Vatican, because only at this level can decisions be made to include the text in the canon. The Pope and his cardinals did not want to give official status, so as not to confirm some of the facts described in the work.

What is the text about? About the times and causes of the Flood. How two thousand angels came down to earth and began to marry mortal women. They began to have offspring with them. When the Earth was filled with sinners, the Lord God unleashed a great catastrophe on it. The two events are directly related.

One of the first angels who descended into the vale of mortals was. It is not mentioned in the text itself. It says that the angels, having descended to earth, became fallen. That is, they rejected the grace of Heaven in order to become like mortals. One version of the Vatican conspiracy theory refers to this circumstance.

David's battle with the Nephilim Goliath

Although the book is not officially included in the canon, many study it, trying to get into the meaning of what was written. The origin of the giants mentioned in the Bible is interesting. The Book of Enoch is also called the Book of Giants. The point is the story described above. The angels, taking mortal women as their wives, gave birth to offspring - huge giants from 5 to 150 meters in height. They, devoured by eternal malice, attacked and devoured people. Because in their insatiable womb everything that they could find edible had already disappeared.

The fact that the angels passed on to people a lot of knowledge influenced the state of affairs on Earth. Information that brought only pain and suffering. They taught humanity to make weapons, to process and initiate them into terrible, magical practices.

Seeing what horror is happening in the mortal world, the Lord decided to wash everything away with the Great Flood, warning only Noah. But first, God concluded everyone in the Darkness, where they will await the Last Judgment, and the giants destroyed each other. This fate became a new beginning for humanity, which had to prove its right to a better life.

The Forbidden Book of Enoch

The Forbidden Book of Enoch is the most controversial among believers and practitioners. The reasons for this ban are rather vague, which gives free rein to theories and speculation. Scripture tells how God takes Enoch to Heaven. He gets there at the age of 365, which is mentioned in the book of Genesis.

Enoch could explore the kingdom of God, study the structure of the heavenly kingdom. Including - the device of celestial mechanics. Now the book can be found on the Internet, but for a long time its fate remained unenviable. It caused loud controversy among the holy fathers, who still could not come to a common opinion. Many questions arose that were not destined to be resolved.

The book has become a help to people who put forward theories that God and other deities came from other worlds who visited the Earth in order to populate it with people. Such reasoning runs counter to the main dogma of the Church - God is one, he is omnipotent. If the Lord is a traveler from another universe, then there are his compatriots. What omnipotence to speak of in this case?

The second book of Enoch - seven heavens

The second book of Enoch is detailed. In such detail, as if he was there to describe everything later. What is the structure of the divine abode? It is divided into seven Heavens, each of which has a specific function.

First Heaven - weather sky... Angels live and work here, who are responsible for weather conditions in the mortal world. Beings control the movement of all stars and other luminaries. This place stores stocks of clouds, snow, hail and dew. Everything that settles to the ground in the form of precipitation.

Second, prison sky... Here angels rejected by God languish in captivity. Not fallen angels with no way back, but not living up to the expectations of the Most High. Enoch writes that when he passes next to the Second Heaven, he hears their cries and groans. Angels ask to pray for them.

Third, heavenly sky... Here is the Tree of Life and eternal grace for believers reigns. But in the northern part of this monastery there is a place where people who have sinned during their lifetime are kept. In this place they await a return to divine grace.

Chariot sky, Fourth. The Sun and Moon chariots are kept here, on which angels travel. Angels dwell here who serve the chariots. They monitor their serviceability.

Sky awakeFifth. The awake are a special class of angels. They must grieve forever for brothers who have broken the commandments of God. To grieve and pray that the rejected will understand the whole fallacy of their path. During the journey, Enoch says that it will be more beneficial to end with sorrow and return to the service of the Lord.

Sixth, governing sky... Here are the angels who control aspects of the world order. They make sure that the world order works smoothly, cleanly and smoothly. An angel is responsible for patronage over each nation. Fourteen can be seen in this place.

Seventh, divine sky... Here is the throne of the Lord our God. He is surrounded by a huge army, which consists of seraphim and cherubim. The Almighty calls Enoch directly to his Throne, with help. But the light of God's greatness is so strong that the monk immediately falls. Then the Lord tells him to get up. Not personally, but with the help of Mikhail.

The divine voice is so powerful that it can immediately kill a person who hears it. Michael dresses Enoch in the garment of glory. When finished, the archangel Vereveil appears, who gives the monk writing supplies and for 30 days tells him about the laws of the universe. After which the monk is rewarded with a meeting with the Lord God. Who tells Enoch the story of the creation of the world.

It becomes clear why this text is controversial and generates so many theories. None of the texts known to mankind has penetrated so deeply into the Kingdom of God. And it becomes clear the opinion of people who believe that the Book of Enoch can be used as proof that God is a supreme being who came from another planet.

Everything in his kingdom is rational, there are even workers who monitor the performance of all heavenly machinery. This leads to certain thoughts. Why does the Lord need helpers if he is omnipotent? There are many other questions that arise after reading, without a clear answer. All that remains is to reread the lines of the most ancient scripture over and over again, in an attempt to find the truth between them.

Slavic Book of Enoch

Slavic Book of Enoch, or Book of the Secrets of Enoch, parts and fragments of the general book, which have been preserved in the Old Slavonic language. Scripture has always enjoyed authority among the Slavic saints and was known in the territory of our homeland and beyond its borders. This can be judged by the parts of the speeches that have retained references, and whole clippings from the book of Enoch. For example, as part of the Meril of the Righteous, and the Epistle of the Archbishop of Novgorod Gennady. She was even noted in one of the chronicle texts of Russia - in the Tale of Bygone Years.

The Book of the Mysteries of Enoch is a translated text, but who exactly translated it, and from what language, is unknown.
There are several main versions of this event. A. Wayan believed that the translation was made from Greek, in Macedonia or Pannonia. N.A. Meshchersky gave many arguments in favor of the theory that the Russian text was translated from Hebrew.

The book reached us on different languages... Fragments that are written in one language are different from those written in another. They do not overlap with each other in the plot. Even the composition and writing style vary. This gives rich food for thought, because one gets the impression that the fragments in different languages \u200b\u200binitially described completely different events and were stored in different places.

What sweetness in this life

abides with sorrow not mingled?

What glory stands on earth

indestructible and unshakable?

All shadows are weaker

all ghosts are deceitful

one moment, and the legacy accepts death!

But in the light of your countenance, Christ,

and in the delight of your goodness

rest this deceased,

More humane, chosen by you!

Oh what a struggle the soul faces

what is parted from his body!

Oh, what sadness she will cry

and he will not find a comforter for himself!

Will he turn his eyes to the angels,

prayers will be in vain!

Will he stretch out his hands to people,

no one will give her help!

Therefore, my dear brothers,

thinking about the brevity of the century,

ask Christ for the departed peace

and great mercy to our souls!

Human cares - darkness and sleep,

if their purpose is taken away by death:

neither wealth is worth,

lower glory will not go with us, n

o death, having found, will destroy everything.

Let us cry out to Christ,

To the immortal king:

"Rest him who has departed from us,

where is the abode of the delighted! "

Where is the rapture of this world?

Where are the blessings of the imperishable dream?

Where is gold and where is silver,

where are the crowds of agile ministers?

All dust and dust, and flickering shadows!

But let us pray to the immortal king:

“Your incorruptible blessings, O Lord,

honor the one who departed,

rest him in ageless bliss "

I remembered the prophet crying:

"I am the earth and the ashes";

After that I examined the coffins carefully,

and saw the bones naked,

and cried out: “Who is the king here, and who is the warrior?

who is rich and who is poor?

who is the sinner and who is the righteous? "

but with the righteous, Lord,

rest the soul of your servant

according to your great philanthropy!

My beginning and foundation

thy constructive command was:

admiring bo alive from invisible

and visible nature make me up,

sculpted my body from the ground,

you gave me soul

by Thy life-giving breath.

For the sake of Christ, Thy servant

rest in the land of the living

and in the villages of the righteous!

In Your image and likeness

sculpted a primordial man,

in paradise you put him

to possess Your creatures *;

but, deceived by the envy of the devil

and the forbidden partaker,

he sinned against the commandment.

For this reason you condemned him

to return to the ground, from which he was taken,

and ask for peace!

I cry and cry

when I embrace death

and I see lying in the graves

our human beauty,

created in the image of God,

ugly, decimated,

without a view!

Oh, wondrous mystery,

what is happening over us, people!

How do we indulge in corruption?

Indeed, as revealed in the Scriptures,

by the command of the Lord,

by the goodness of his giver

departed repose!


So the euphony of words dignifies and glorifies sweetly

God's Son, that, for our sake, having come in the flesh,

The ancient grief was stopped by the collective wailing creature;

God, have mercy on us also, who glorify Your name.

You delivered your people of old, O Lord,

By subduing the abyss with a miraculous hand;

And now You are the saving path to Paradise

You open to us, Virgo born into the world,

Although man is entirely, but entirely God.

The gracious womb accepts you,

Burning Bush likeness,

And the bitter curse will come off

From the ill-fated Eve, for with the image

Human nature was combined with God.

The star of the Sun announces clearly

And the Magi points the way to that nativity scene,

Where Thou, wrapped in a veil, rest;

And then the Magi glorify with glee

In Thy face both the mortal and the Lord.

Bless Thy servants singing

And cast down the ancient to the boast of the Enemy,

About philanthropy, sins

Who carried ours; strengthen Thy singers

On the stone is the confession of the right.

Blessed Virgin Child of all bliss

Honored, oh miracle! choir shepherd

Behold, and the hearing was unspeakably amazed

The chant of immaterial heavenly forces,

That Christmas the Lords were singing songs.

You are the King of the mountains, but by great mercy

He revealed Himself to us from the Unskilful;

You have been incorporeal from the ages, but the time has come,

And the Word of God was heavy with the flesh,

May the fallen one raise up the Primordial One.

Providing people with renewal,

Foretelling a great sacrament,

The divine Habakkuk revealed to us a parable:

It is finished, and from the virgin mountain came out

Provider for all languages \u200b\u200bupdates.

You, the Most High, Himself brought down by Your will

Himself to mortals, taking flesh from the Virgin,

In order to cleanse the filth of Zmiev's poison,

And you will draw everyone to the life-giving light

From the gates of the Power of Asshole, for You are our God.

Languages \u200b\u200bdoomed to decay before

But those who have escaped harm from the Evil One,

Clap your hands and sing a song

Praising Christ, the only Savior,

Who came to mortals with compassion.

O Virgin, branch of the root of Jesse,

You have crossed the limit of earthly nature,

The eternal giving birth to the Word of the Father;

The birth did not destroy the seals of virginity;

And God's glorious condescension.

In the asshole of deeds to the soul of destructive

Appear, Christ, forgiveness is generous

Carrying with Him what is awake now

We sing you as our Savior;

And open the way, which builds dust to glory.

Against God malice until the end lord

Cut off the carnal by the power of the coming,

May the Prince of Darkness abolish the dominion,

Combining flesh with fleshless faces,

Revealing the Father, for the beseeching creature.

Have beheld people, possessed by darkness,

Light, revealed to them as a sign;

Tongues the Son brings into possession

Father, giving immeasurable grace,

Where before sin abounded without measure.

Jonah, dwelling in the depths of the sea,

I begged You to appear, calming the abyss;

So I, stung by the arrow of the Tormentor,

I sing Christ, overcoming these evil,

Calling laziness to help me.

God has the Word from the beginning,

Our nature, anciently exhausted,

You affirm by visiting graciously;

And you, having fully communed with her,

You manifest it from the passions purified.

For our sake you are from the line of Abraham

Appeared into the world, so that those who fell in disaster

Sons to raise up an ancient fall;

Alive in the light, now descended into a manger,

About our salvation you are pleased.

Moved by Christ's love,

The Wrathful One was put to shame by the youth

The torturer is godless slander;

And the exorbitant fire submitted to the young,

"Forever, - to those who sang the song, - blessed be art."

Furious, the flames devour the servants,

But he observes the young, raising a roar,

Raised by a seventh dilution,

And crowns them with glory, abundantly bo

From the Lord coolness is bestowed on them.

Christ's intercessor, you are our enemy,

Suggesting a riddle of incarnation

He overthrew, creating a mortal tribe by the gods;

This is the hope - to become like the gods - older than us.

From the heights into the abyss lured the hazy.

Behold, fierce gaze, drunk with shame,

Exciting with a dart

The bulk of the world, sin is defeated by You;

You free those who were caught before them,

O Merciful, accepting the flesh by will.

The Old Testament is foretold for us

The youngsters thrown into the environment of fire -

The Virgin that contained unopened fire;

These two miracles are combined, one

Grace calls us to praise.

Hula fleeing false deification,

Sings with trembling to Himself who humbled

All creature, imitating the wise youth,

Fearing that the praise would not be uncommendable;

The nature of flesh is weak, wisdom is eagerness.

You come to the pasture of wandering,

Languages \u200b\u200brenewing and desolate

Creating the flowering nature of mortals,

You quench the enemy's fierce strength,

As a human being, Provider-God.

How safe it is to love silence;

When we, moved by love,

O Virgo, we weave clever tunes,

How unbearable this work is! Give us strength

O Mother, proportionate to the will.

Former shadows, dark likenesses

Baby-Word, Holy One, having seen,

By the gates that entered sealed,

We honor him as open light truths,

Blessing the womb of grace.

Behold, Christ-lovers, having satisfied the desire

And being worthy of God's coming,

Life-giving renewal

Rejoiced, they pray: give grace,

Yes to heavenly glory, Pure, let us bow down.

Article from the encyclopedia "Tree": site

It is considered the earliest apocrypha, reached us in the Ethiopian language and therefore received the name "Ethiopian Enoch".

This book includes several collections written in the centuries BC.

The Book of Enoch develops a kind of concept of the Fall, proceeding not from the story of Adam, but from the sixth chapter of Genesis. According to the Apocrypha, "Sons of God", by which the author understands the angels, succumbing to sensual temptation, came into the world against the will of the Creator and taught people magic and sorceries. For this they were bound and imprisoned in the abyss (Jude 14-15).

The author of the Book of Enoch does not believe in the possibility of repentance for the wicked, which the Book of Daniel allows. He symbolically depicts history in the form of ten weeks, during which evil in the world will prevail. But there are pages in the book that bring it closer to the most exalted sayings of the prophets and even the Gospel: "Woe to you, you who repay their neighbor with evil, for it will be prepared for you according to your works ... Do not be afraid, you who suffer, for there will be healing for you."

The book describes in the form of parables the history of the Old Testament up to Maccabee. She speaks of the death of the Temple, in the place of which a new one will appear, full of beauty and splendor. At this time, the Messiah will be sent into the world, He is the Son of Man, the Chosen One, the Righteous, the Son of the wife. This is not just a descendant of David and not an ordinary human being: "Before the stars of heaven were created, His name was called before the Lord of spirits ... He was chosen and hid before Him, and He will be before Him to eternity."

The Apocrypha considers the messianic era as temporary, followed by the struggle with darkness and the final Manifestation of God - the Judgment of God. Then the righteous will put on "the eternal garment of life", will become like angels and will be inseparable from the Son of Man. They will have access to the mysterious Tree of Life.

Thus, the true prophecies are interspersed in the apocrypha with the products of the Hasidic apocalyptic fantasy. The Kingdom of God is portrayed in him, on the one hand, as a transformation of the world, and on the other, in terms of chiliasm. Enoch predicts that the earth will turn into a garden and a fabulous earthly abundance will come.

Used materials

  • Prot. Alexander Men: "Isagogy. Volume II The Age of the Prophets. Sacred writing of the times of the Second Temple. § 29. Hasmoneans. Apocrypha and non-canonical books (II-I centuries)"