The mixture of nations is called. What nationality does the child be born from parents-metis? Child from parents of different nationalities: the origin of methives

Once I began to photograph people with a complex ethnographic pedigree, in other words of persons multinational, or, roughly speaking, methives. I still hardly give this definition.

Anyway. I live mostly in Tashkent, so I photographed mostly Tashkents. Over time, it turned out that "perceived" around is incredibly many, and the penetration is very unexpected. True, not everyone wanted to remove everyone. But this case gathered in a series of portraits, which I called "Melting Kazan". And that's what happened. In the text to the photo - only nationality through commas, since they handed me a picture of a picture.

1. Jewish, Korean, Russian, Tatarka, Sikh.

2. Ukrainian, Spanish.

3. Turkhanka, German, Armenian, Polka, Russian.

4. Uzbekka, Mordovka, Korean.

5. Russian, Chinese, Don Cossack. Maybe someone else, grandfather was from the orphanage.

6. Vietnamese, Frenchwoman.

7. Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian.

8. Jewish, Russian, Don Cossack.

9. Cossack, Jewish, Belarusian, Russian.

10. Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Korean.

11. Russian, Buryat, Don Cossack, Ukrainka, Gypsy.

12. Korean, Russian, Ukrainian.

13. Russian, Uzbek.

14. Gypsy, Kerzhak, Russian, Kyrgyz, Pole, Jew, German.

15. Jewish, Gypsy, Ukrainian.

16. Ukrainka, Tatarka.

17. Russian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Kalmyk.

18. Korean, Russian, Jewish, Mortrea.

19. Russian, Tatar, Azerbaijan, Ukrainian, Pole, Georgian.

20. Russian, German, Ossetian, Armenian, Uzbek, Tatarka, Cossack.

21. Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Ukrainian, Tatar, Pole, Lithuanian, Kazakh, Bashkir.

22. Belarusian, Buryat, Czech, Dwarf, Bulgarian, Romanian, Nanayka, Russian.

23. Mordvin, Russian, Tatar, Uzbek, Pole, Kyrgyz.

24. Syrian Arab, French, Kurd, Russian.

25. Don Ukrainka, Russian, Jewish, Polka.

26. And, finally, clean, minimum in seven generations, Crimean Tatarka.

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The original is taken by W. nSWAP. In mixing races from the point of view of modern science

In everyday consciousness it is believed that mixing is permissible and even useful, and in these cases, usually, covered by the authority of science. From some one you can hear that metis (according to scientific - hybrids) of different races intelligent (option - beautiful), more educated something will say about inbreeding and outbreeding (in relation to anthropogenesis) and, as a consequence of the possible recession of genes of individuals from genetically close populations Understand the "degeneration" of the entire population. But, perhaps, in all cases, I repeat, the authority of science will act as the main argument in favor of defenders of the mixing theory.

But is it? The answer is understandable, only the original sources can give, and if we are talking about the "recent data of science", then preferably the very last time. That's why I would like to present the most small excerpts from the following scientific works: Spitsyn N.Kh. Demographic transition in Russia: anthropogenetic analysis; In-t ethnology and anthropology them. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay wounds. - M.: Science, 2006 and Georgievsky A.B. Evolutionary anthropology (historical and scientific research). SPb.: Nestor-History Publishing House (under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 2009 . Moreover, the links caused by the authors is that the closer to modernity, one or another work that served as the authors of the source, the more these sources are skeptical to the usefulness of outbreeding (and even interethnic marriages, as its extreme manifestation) or generally claim its harm and even destructiveness .

Although there are still assertions of the type "Outbreeding in the near-scientific and popular literature allows you to combine genes in one body responsible for valuable signs of various individuals." But this is not the case, and in my opinion, completely. The same science constantly emphasizes that outbrending leads to a phenomenon when the totality of useful genes is "blurred" (in full accordance with the laws of Mendel) to a heterozygous state, before the inability to manifest phenotypically, i.e. There will be no virtually no "valuable signs". Another argument of Outbreeding defenders (contrary to the first) is that mixing leads to "erosion" of harmful or unnecessary (ie recessive) properties of the genotype. But they "blur" not only recessive signs, which are "suppressed", but also dominant, thanks to which the population and took place in this territory. Moreover, it is clear that the dominant is the advantage of this population in this area. Therefore, to obtain a healthy offspring, it is necessary that the Father and Mother also have a similar genotype gained in the same natural and historical conditions.

In mixed marriages, the established complex of genes is destroyed, and the new complex is obviously biologically weaker - after all, he did not pass the millennial run. Hence the mass dependence of the modern (outbred) population of large cities from medicine, which over time can come closer to absolute. It is a consequence of long-term inbreeding (again, in agreement with the laws of Mendel), there is a liberation of the genome of the population from genetic cargo, refining beneficial properties in homozygous sets. Yes, the connection of two negative alleles, in the recessive form of the characteristic population, most likely, will lead to the appearance of an infallible offspring. But it is obvious that the predominant is the addition of dominant signs. Therefore, various kinds of "yarodovy", infant mortality, etc. And there is a fee of a population for consolidating its best properties. But these "yarodovy", as a rule, do not leave offspring, therefore, "degenerate" only they themselves, having belonging to their "harmful" genes. So there is a natural "conclusion" of recessive genes in a kindred, with each generation an increasingly homozygous population. At the same time, the remaining offspring, if it looks healthy it is also such in contrast to the heterozygous marriage where external health does not guarantee from hidden genetic lesions. Those. Inbreeding If scientifically, this is not in any way "degeneration", but "fixing", and I repeat, consolidate the most adequate requirements of the property environment.

The first work in question belongs to a well-known modern researcher whose name is directly related to the problem of the problem of the Spikes of Naila Hadheyevna. By the way, the spouse of the largest authority in the field of human biochemistry V.A. Spikes, who, in turn, emphasized himself, for example, that "each of the largest races has a characteristic, characteristic of only one gene complex of gamoglobulins and alkaline phosphatase of the placenta" (taken from the Internet). And the fact that, in view of the above, N.Kh. Spitzina exposes the "utility" of interethnic marriages to be the honor of its scientific conscientiousness. Here is just one excerpt from the specified work (p. 156): " Starting from the XX century. In Russia, as well as around the world, the trend of the steady growth of the proportion of interethnic marriages and increase the distance between the births of spouses is intensified. Excerpted technical progress improves means of communication and communication, reduces geographic distances and contributes to the increase in the migration activity of the masses. In turn, changes in the demographic structure associated with outbreeding and marriage assortivity are accompanied by changes in the methods of populations. This process is extremely difficult to study, the genetics of the effects of outbreeding needs further modern studies.

In genetic attitude, the descendant of interethnic marriages is distinguished by an increased degree of individual heterozygility, leading to an increase in the indicators of the general heterozygousness of populations. In this regard, the study of the relationship between genetic-demographic processes with indicators of the reproductive function of women conducted in the city of Alma-Ata (Kuandykov E.O. et al., 1988; 1990).

The results showed expressed in the population the tendency of family size planning. For single-reproductive marriages, a similar frequency of atocal reproducible abortions is also characteristic. Compared to them, the group of mixed marriages revealed significant differences in the reproductive function indicators. Thus, the frequency of early spontaneous abortions in one-nation marriages was 4.19%, in interethnic - 6.25% (χ 2 \u003d 33.90; p< 0,01) и межрасовых - 7,2% (χ 2 = 25,18; Р < 0,01). Различия обнаружены и в частоте поздних спонтанных абортов, которая составила соответственно 1,35; 1,95 и 2,76%.

According to E. Kuandykova, the wedding distance is one of the most important factors affecting the indicators of the reproductive function of individuals. Deviations from the optimal level of genetic polyoformism in the population as towards the decline, which is observed in inbreeding and increasing with the outbreeding contributes to the violation of the reproductive function. In particular, this is evidenced by an increase in frequency of proficiency abortions. A reliable increase in the frequency of congenital defects among children born in interethnic marriages was also identified. The author comes to the conclusion that in modern urban populations of Kazakhstan, along with an inbred depression, there is also an outbred depression. Increased frequency of spontaneous abortions in inter-ethnic marriages, as well as marriages with a maximum marital distance are a consequence of an increase in genetic poly formism and violation of genetic homeostasis».

The second testimony was taken from the monograph of the masted specialist in the theory of the evolution of Professor A. B. Georgievsky - Evolutionary Anthropology (Historical and Scientific Research). On page 70-71 The author writes: " In the generalistical literature, it has long been an opinion on the benefits of the outbreaking and the dangers of inbreeding, confirmed, seemingly many experiments and inventory observations. At the same time, there are enough facts of lack of depression and even biological prosperity in inbred micropopulations, including primates. The answer to the question of the benefits or the dangers of inbreeding, thus, remains in alternative embodiments reinforced by very contradictory actual data. There is a long history of a discussion around this issue and in relation to man (MJOEN., 1925; Dahlberg., 1925; Cotterman., 1941; Chorpa., 1972).

In population anthropology there was a paradigm that the outbrending is a positive process to increase the heterozygousness of the gene pool, the enrichment of heredity (heterosis), the shelter of harmful recessive alleles in heterozygotes, strengthening recombination variability (Dubinin, Shevchenko, 1976; Halse, 1957). A more detailed comparative analysis of inbred and outbredes shows that the situation is much more complicated. The consequences of the outbreeding, in particular, with intensive mixing of modern populations, there are few studied, but APRIORI is accepted for quite positive. One of the convinced opponents of this point of view N.P. Bokkov writes: "General considerations on the advantages of heterozygous states for a person leading to a decrease in the frequencies of recessive diseases remain unproved, and these are the opposite nature (destruction of the genes complex, increase the level of spontaneous mutation process during heterosigotization, etc.)" (barrels , 1978, p. 172-173). And then a general conclusion: "Studies of the effects of outbreeding in human populations can and must complement research on inbreeding" (ibid.). From the given words it follows that outbriding can play a negative role and, moreover, quite substantial.

In any case, there is no evidence of the absolute harmfulness of the inbreeding and, on the contrary, there are reverse order data. According to research A.G. Gadzhiyev (1972) of the microeratoids of Dagestan, in the zones of the most intensive inbreeding there is a maximum increase and high level of physical development, i.e. no even traces of degeneration " Further, the author is trying to give the concept of adaptive "norm" in the population to determine the boundary of its optimal state and with reference to I.I. Shmalhausen led as one example " optimal (statistical) viability of newborn children with averaged weight. After numerous confirmations, this pattern became the property of educational literature.

These materials are very significant to resolve disputes about the dangers or benefits of inbreeding. In the study of pedigrees in children with extreme phenotypic options and children in the range of the average reaction rate, it turned out that in the first case their parents were mainly from geographically removed populations, in the second marriages were held within the historically established system of populations, in particular the Russian population in Centrally European territory (Altukhov, 1987)».

Next on page 140 AB Georgievsky referring to the issue of the evolution of Paleoanthropa explains the reason for both the prevalence of ideas about the "utility" of outbreeding and the strengthened introduction of the ideas of the "African" origin of Sapirens (so-called "Concept of monocentrism") domination « ideological installations on the recognition of a monocentric concept, uniting the biological species of a person in one whole on the principle of equality of races" In turn, the author nominates its concept of "wide monocentrism", which provides for further (and after exiting the African "focus") the evolution of man and appearance, therefore, new "foci" of further anthropogenesis. And this concept, in his opinion, must arrange " ideologues from science and not only from science "(Ibid.).

Thus, the "authority of science" not only does not confirm (and with all the many years of pressure of all sorts of "ideologues", incl. And in the most scientific environment) would seem unconditional favor of mixing races. As can be seen higher, it was the modern science who boldly questioned the usefulness of the outbreeding, poured into his skepticity close to the negative consequences of racial mixing.

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"Persistent" is the Ukrainian ethnic documentary and art project of the ART-magazine of ThenOrdar about people with a multinational pedigree. Every week over the age of one and a half years, the photographer and journalist of the project Chris Kulakovskaya chose the heroes, who photographed and interviewed.

AND website I decided to show you several bright representatives of mixed nationalities.

Roots: Korean, Ukrainian, Russian

Husband: Artem Kim, Director - Purebred Korean, his family lived in Ukraine

Wife: Mava Kim., director of the Children's Animation Studio "Kex" - Russian and Ukrainian roots
Children: Stephanie and Stephen Kim
"For me, there are 2 nationalities: a conscious and unconscious person," Artem admitted.

Roots: Cuban, Ukrainian

Justin Polyakova, Student Faculty of Sociology. Taras Shevchenko

"I look more like a Cuban, and I have a Ukrainian soul."

Roots: Ukrainian and Arabic

Anis Ettaeb., dentist, rock musician

"Mom spoke to me in Ukrainian, with his father - in Russian, and father with us - on Tunisian. Russian understand, but not saying. In general, I know 7 languages: Arabic (+ Tunisian dialect), Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, French and English.

The minus is that you hesitate and do not know which culture you belong. Who are you? I am a stranger here and there, and you can't do anything about it. I understand that not like that. And in general, I am for the world that is mixed. "

Roots: Austrian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish and Georgian Gypsies

Emil Volski, Graphic Designer

"I love languages \u200b\u200bvery much, so I know Russian, Ukrainian, English, Hebrew in perfection. I speak poorly in Polish, but I understand everything. And in childhood, he spoke with his father on Gypsy, I also know the Russian sign language. Now he has already studied the grammar of French and German and dream of talking in Georgian.

I believe that thanks to symbiosis of cultures, people with mixed national roots are no longer possible. "

Roots: Buryat, Slavic, Ossetian

Dina Bagueva, Creator of Service Sofa 70's, Project Manager in SECRET SERVICE

"Today, almost everything is" perceived ", the pure" Aryan "race can be forgotten. A Buddhist sits somewhere deeply, and I believe that all changes for the better. People with mixed national roots stand out outwardly. But we are all people of the world. "

Roots: Jewish, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Gypsy

Margarita Muradova, Fashion Blogger, Stylist, Personal Shopping Consultant

"I have long learned to stop the topic of inequality of nationalities, so if about my Jewry and joked earlier, then only with me :) I developed a scheme: the first is talking about my nationality. I am me, you are you.

People with mixed national roots are inclined to the deep knowledge of the world, since it is already a considerable part of them. "

Roots: Polish, Spanish, Serbian, Russian, German, Hungarian, Czech

Tata Kepleler., Director of Strategic Development and Network Planning Aroma Espresso Bar, Writer, Producer

"" Persistent "to be beautiful in every sense. You carry a big color spectrum and a beautiful geography of a huge world. You like a globe, you have everything: north, south, west and east. You have mountains, the sea, the oceans that have seen your ancestors, in you admiration for the world, which they experienced, in you with their love and charm. "

Roots: African and Swiss

Morgan Fula., sound engineer, model

"I think that I mixed up all the best from my parents. People sometimes it is very difficult to guess my origin, they most often think that I am a brazilian or cuban. In the character, too, a solid mix - I can be welcoming and friendly, cold and deserted.

People with mixed national roots for me special. I always searched for meetings with "persistent." It seems to me that it is behind them the loudest deeds of the future. "

Roots: Ukrainian, Russian, French and African (Republic of Togo)

Annette Amgelan, clothing designer, owner of the Snatcher Fish & Chips Kiev
Inna Kryar., Mom Annette

"" Associated "to be hard. Choosing a profession, I really wanted to become a doctor, but I refused this venture. I understood the risks: many would be afraid to drive to me. Therefore, I became art historical, leveling racial issues.

On the one hand, you have to go through social pressure and withstand, and on the other - it also makes you stronger. I always wanted to prove that I was better than I think about me. "

Roots: Ukrainian, French, German, Russian, Belarusian

Evgenia Smevskaya, model, wedding manager

"My family's story is my big pride, so I am greatly pleased to take all national signs.

We all in different degrees of "perceived", and, in my opinion, people with mixed national roots are distinguished by their worldview, the desire to create and change this world. "

Roots: Turkish, Greek, Tatar (Kazan), Ukrainian

Suna Shahan, 5 years

Karina Agmalova, mum

"The" persistent "has a big advantage: the possibility of choice. The choice of a country in which to live, culture, to follow, and religion to confess. We go in life the same way - by choosing, with whom to communicate and to whom to trust. This on the subconscious level makes us more confident and morally stable. Roots give us great power to achieve the goals and immunity from those who are configured against us. "

Roots: Kazakh, Dagestan, Ukrainian, Russian

Timur Karashaev, rock musician, Barely Ice Group leader, photographer

"" Undissed "to be good, because the entire planet is your home, because you have roots from different parts of the world. You look at life wider and you understand what it is like to be different. There is no nationalism in you, because you are a cosmopolitan without restrictions. "

Roots: Korean, Ukrainian

Anna Lee., producer

"" Associated "is freedom. My mother cooks the delicious borsch and the delicious Juicezhan - Korean soup. After different moves, I realized that the home and homeland in your head. You can either concentrate on one, prevailing nationality, or develop in all directions. "

Roots: Ukrainian, Greek, Russian and Polish. "Grandfather is still joking that the Tatars ran"

"People with mixed roots, as science proves, genetically more stable and, it seems to me, see and know something that a person's" clean blood "will never understand."

Roots: Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Latvian, Mordov

Alena Matvienko, Producer ballet "Great Gatsby"

"" Responsiveness "is the norm. I do not like chambers of the purity of race and blood. From a genetic point of view, "persistence" strengthens our gene pool and enriches the nation - both culturally and intellectually. If we talk about the purity of race and nationality, then everything is already mixed and lost. Clean blood can now find except in the Japanese imperial family. "

Roots: Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian and Greek

Lesya Nazarova, musician, poet, children's animator

"" Associated "is distinguished by the fact that they carry a special flavor and national filling. Character is filled with other paints. Nationality affects genetics, and I very much believe in this science - congenital reflexes that are manifested in one situation in a particular situation. The bug of blood is beneficial, it can smooth the roughness of one mentality to others. So it becomes more interesting to live. "

Roots: Georgian, Ukrainian, Polish

Sofie Willie, singer, musician, composer

"" Associated "is a story not only about the mix of nationalities, but also about the exchange of energy you get from different crops."

A person represents one biological species, but why are we all so different? All wines - various subspecies, that is, races. How many of them exist and what is mixed try to understand further.

The concept of race

A human race is a group of people who have a number of similar signs transmitted by inheritance. The concept of race gave the impetus to the movement of racism, which is based on confidence in the genetic difference of representatives of races, mental and physical superiority of some races over others.

Studies in the 20th century have shown that they cannot be genetically distinguished. Most differences are manifested externally, and their diversity can be explained by the features of the habitat. For example, white skin contributes to the best absorption of vitamin D, and it appeared as a consequence of lack of daylight lighting.

Recently, scientists more often support the opinion on the irrelevance of this term. A person is a difficult creature, not only climatic and geographical factors affect its formation, in many respects defining the concept of race, but also cultural, social and political. The latter contributed to the fact that mixed and transition races appeared, even more eroding all borders.

Big races

Despite the overall fuzziness of the concept, scientists are still trying to figure out why we are all so different. There are many classification concepts. All of them agree that a person is a single biological species of Homo Sapiens, which is represented by various subspecies or populations.

Variants of distinction range from two independent races until fifteen, not to mention the set of subras. Most often in the scientific literature, they talk about the existence of three or four large races, which are small. So, according to the external signs, the European-like type, the Mongoloid, Neroid, as well as the Australoid.

Cores are divided into northern - with light hair and leather, gray or blue eyes, and southern - with dark-skinned skin, dark hair, brown eyes. It is characterized by a narrow eye cut, protruding cheeks, hard straight hair, vegetation on the body - insignificant.

Australoid race for a long time considered a disheveled, however, it turned out that they had differences. According to it, it is much closer to the dominant and melainez race. Australoids and neurodes have dark skin, dark eye color. Although some Australoids may have light skin. They differ from blackheads with abundant hair, as well as less wavy hair.

Small and mixed races

Big races are too strong a generalization, because the differences between people are thinner. Therefore, each of them is divided into several anthropological types, or for small races. They allocate a huge amount. For example, in the black, Koisay, Ethiopian, Pigmean types.

The term "mixed races" often implies populations of people arising from the recent (from the XVI century) contacts of large races. These include methuses, sambo, mulatto.


In anthropology, all the descendants of the marriages of people belonging to different races are, regardless of what exactly. The process itself is called mohethication. Stories are known to many cases when representatives of mixed races were discriminious, humiliated and even exterminated during Nazi politics in Germany, apartheid in South Africa and other movements.

In many countries, both descendants of specific races are called metis. In America, they are children of the Indians and the Europeanoids, in such a meaning the term came to us. Basically they are common in South and North America.

The number of metots in Canada, in a narrow understanding of this term, is 500-700 thousand people. The active mixing of blood here was occurring during colonization, mostly European men entered into connection with the addicted, methuses formed a separate ethnic group talking in the language of mythic (complex mixture of French and CD).


The descendants of innochoids and the Europeanoids are mulatto. Their skin is light black, which transmits the name of the term. For the first time, the name appeared around the XVI century, coming to Spanish or Portuguese with Arabic. In the word, Mulavalad was previously called unclean Arabs.

In Africa, Moutique lives mainly in Namibia, South Africa. Quite a large number of their number lives in the Caribbean and Latin America. In Brazil, they constitute almost 40% of the total population, in Cuba - more than half. A significant number lives in the Dominican Republic - more than 75% of the population.

Mixed races used to have other names before, depending on generation and shares of the necroid genetic material. If the European-like blood referred to the Negroid as ¼ (second-generation mulatto), then the person was called the quarterson. The 1/8 ratio was called Okton, 7/8 - Marabu, 3/4 - Griff.


The genetic mixture of blacks and indians is called sambo. In Spanish, the term sounds like "Zambo". As in other mixed races, the term periodically changed its meaning. Previously, sambo name meant marriages between representatives of the Negroid race and Mulatts.

For the first time sambo appeared in South America. Indians represented the indigenous population of the mainland, and blacks as slaves were brought to work on plantations of sugar cane. They brought slaves from the beginning of the XVI century until the end of the XIX. During this period, approximately 3 million people crossed from Africa.

Hello, Christina! I believe that the problem of identifying its nationality is disturbing not only you, but a huge number of people around the world. Scientists anthropologists argue that at least 1/5 part of the world's population is methis. Our country is also no exception, because it lives in it (and I hope will always live, despite the completely incomprehensible state policy of our state) people of various nationalities.

For a start, we make clarity to the term "methis". The word "metis" (Metis) translated from French - a mixture, a mixture, it means a man of mixed origin. The second, narrower value is a mix of the European and American Indian. Moutiles are born from the Negro and Europeans, and the offspring of the Negro and the American Indian is called Sambo. In general, we are talking about gravis in a broader sense of the word, i.e. About people born from parents of different races, well distinguishable in biological grounds. There are so-called big races, since the marriage between, say, the Ukrainian and Russian or Englishman and German will be simply interethnic, and they will not be married children. But marriages between the Europeanoids and the Mongoloids, Mongoloids and Negoruds, Correne and Negoruds are considered margins - these groups differ significantly from each other, both in appearance and for a number of other signs.

Would you like to know what nationality to you to attract yourself, and you find it difficult with this definition, because both of your parents do not fully belong to one or another nationality. In this matter, I hope you will be helped by the following conclusions of scientists: "You should know that the nationality is determined by three main parameters. First, this is a realization by the person of his belonging to one or another nationality. Secondly, the presence of its own language. And, thirdly, the presence of self-consciousness in this language. True, the fourth sign introduced by Lvi-Gumilev (scientists - the son of the poetess Anna Akhmatova and the poet Nicholas Gumlev) are stereotypes of behavior, the ethno-psychological characteristics of the person who are very indicative. " That is, you can attribute yourself to that nationality, in whose language you are talking, whose culture is closer to you in spirit, and by whom you feel yourself, regardless of the nationality of parents. I hope these three things will be more than enough to specify themselves to one or another nationality. But it seems to me that it is not the most important thing - to know what kind of nationality you have. The main thing is to respect the people of all nationalities, take their culture and customs, without making anyone to the lower or higher layers.
