Hidden history of an incredibly evil Khazar mafia. Why does the Vatican hides the real history of mankind? Bosnian Pyramid Sun.

Today, any sensible person, thanks to the Internet, knows that the history of mankind written and rewritten hundreds of times in favor of the strengths of this world. At the moment, it is easy to observe even on the example of Ukraine, the authorities of which strongly rewrite history textbooks for their nationalist interests. But not only Ukrainians, if you ask Americans who broke Hitler in the Second World War, then, to their surprise, hear that the US valiant warriors did, about the role of Russia in the liberation of Europe from the brown plague of the twentieth century in America simply did not hear.

However, few people know that the history of mankind is not just rewritten - it is invented from the beginning and to the end, and such "correspondence", which we mentioned above are not more than the "whims" of people who came to power in a particular country. In general, from childhood from childhood (from school bench) they inspire that we have come from the monkey, which I took your hands with a stick and gradually began to turn into a person reasonable relatively recently - no more than one hundred and two hundred thousand years ago.

And no one surprises that the remains of ancient people, such as Petecanthropes and Neanderthal, are extremely rare, we are talking about dozens of bones found at different points of the Earth, of which anthropologists reconstructed (as they could) these supposedly descendants of a modern person. Moreover, dozens of tons of skeletons of giants, people with elongated skulls and so on, destroy or hide into the most hidden corners of museums. Why?

It is believed that the history of mankind is rewritten by the Vatican, which he tried to erase all the memories of the former light civilization from the memory of people, in which there was no today's obscurantist and all-in-macked bunch of brews over billions of powerless people. Moreover, "wild paganism" is represented as a transitional stage to the modern "civilized society".

Since people will gradually cleaner and twist, then since the 20th century, academicians of all stripes have been involved in the foliation of people. These are they any items and archaeological finds that do not fit in the invented history of mankind, they declared "uncomfortable artifacts" and therefore try to hide all their might, destroy, distort their essence.

For example, historians prove to us that the elongated skulls of the Indians are a fashion, following beauty canons. However, the main thing is silent, where did such canons come from, who did the Indians imitated? The same thing happens with six-legged skeletons, the orthodoxes from science cannot explain this fact, and therefore they simply destroy such archaeological finds unwanted. At the same time, the British, for example, still consider all dozens, that is, they do not have 10, but 12 units. Where is it from? And such examples of a lot. Today, for example, it is curious to observe how independent researchers pull out all new and new testimonies of ancient, brighter and developed, civilization into the light of God.

Video: Who hides the true history of mankind?

But why are some conspira studies consider Vatican obeying all this? They proceed from the fact that all Christian temples are addicted to the "pagan objects" - in places of power and, perhaps, even over the spatial portals, which were erected by the aliens, for whom the Vatican deftly turned into his gods, and all their traces - just hid. And the history of mankind - rewrote. It was not by chance that it flew out of it, for example, the highly developed Slavic people - descendants of hyperborei and much more. It remains only that it was necessary for a Vatican for infinite domination over people. So this or not, however, today it is well known that in the secret (huge) library of the Vatican is kept all the wisdom of our Earth, hidden from humanity. At the same time, as conspiraologists say, it is necessary to understand that the Vatican is not a Pope. The last only ashist, the public figure of this dark and enormous strength, which turned humanity into the society of powerless and unfortunate slaves ...

Whether you thought that the "story", which we are taught in schools, is only the fruit of a meager fantasy of the Cabinet Scientists of the 18th and 9th centuries and is generated by their subjective point of view on what and how it should happen in the world.

Then, the efforts of their students, by jogging times and for all the established chain of "facts" and "dates" by many generations of schoolchildren and students, history appeared in the form of relatively slender and unshakable independent scientific discipline. Although someone else and a half hundred years were only a subsection of philology.
In addition, the "Right" history served certain political interests of the ruling elites. This illustrates the saying that the story is a modern policy tilted into the past.

But gradually the most incredible constructions and assumptions of cabinet historians, as well as the consequences of the massive political propaganda of the 18th and 19th centuries begin to be revised. From the most odious concepts and myths refuse the historians themselves, while others appear in a completely new light.

Does humanity ready to take a new look at his own story - this is a question. But, undoubtedly, it will be interesting to look at the well-known facts from another point of view.
So, are you ready to find out that the human story is somewhat shorter than what teachers tell us in schools. And they only repeat the fact that several generations of their predecessors repeated before them.

So, imagine that there are no so-called "ancient Greeces" and "ancient Ryov", but there is a random-medieval story located in the same territories in the 9-14 centuries of the provinces of Byzantine, it is a romeary, she is a real Roman, empire. Mentally, put the circular needle to a point where the current Turkish Istanbul is located, he is Konstantinople, he is the Tsargrad. The arc of the circular circumference described by the Circle will cover the considerable territory of the current Arab world, all the Northern and Eastern Black Sea region, North Africa, including the "Ancient Egypt", as well as Sicily, South Italy and modern Greece. Here we have the territory in which all the so-called "antique" culture appeared. The so-called "Hellenism" also fits here, and everything else attributed by the fantasy of historians solely to the small Greek town of Athens and not having a shipping access to the sea, which is unthinkable for the present capitals, Italian Rome. Yes, and scattered for several millennia on the time scale.

In fact, European history is much more compact: the 9-11th century new era is another stone age.

Fact: In the famous Battle of Hastings (1066), in which the fate of Britain was solved, the warriors were fought by stone axes.

The next fact: the horse stirrup was invented only in the 11th century. And only after that the rider got the opportunity not to be held on the horse, but also fight, sitting in the saddle. From this point on, the history of widespread cavalry begins. And although Wikipedia reports that Europe also knew the iron stirrer in the 5th century, but immediately declares that in the 13th century she stroed from a tree in the 13th century. Nevertheless, it does not leave a stone on the stone from the so-called "antique" in the meaning of the ancient Roman, the ancient-perceid and other heavy cavalry. For it is impossible to stop in the saddle in the armor, without relying on stirrups, it is impossible. And therefore, all the descriptions of the battle cavalry in the "high-time" era are either fantastic, or belong to the Middle Ages, and for some reason were artificially tweed.

The third fact: during systematic scientific observations (about 200 years), the state of the Roman and Athenian "antique" monuments deteriorated much more than those previously preceded observations of two thousand years, which they are attributed to them from the moment of their creation. Conclusion: both the Colosseum and Parfenon are much younger. They are created in the Middle Ages and are aging at a constant speed. For in the 18-19th century, there was not yet industrial smog and automotive exhausts, which could be blamed for the acceleration of the destruction of the monuments of the past architecture.

The fourth fact: in the "Notes about the Gallic War" attributed to the ancient Roman emperor Yulia Caesar there are mentions of "Raduts", "Chances", lead bullets and nuclei racing in flight from friction about the air. Although earthless field strengthening types are known only from the 16th century and are obliged to their appearance of field artillery, from the fire they also covered the soldiers. The ideas that air are not emptiness and items can be heated by friction about it, appeared in European science even later. Conclusion: Julius Caesar is not ancient Roman, and the medieval ruler will free on the fantasy writers-historians swept over a thousand years ago. Or the text is attributed to him - from the late Middle Ages.

And many such facts. Gradually, we will introduce you to the rest. The main thing is that you have an interest and desire to meet them.


Hello, Alexey. For me personally, it became news only this "Fact: in the famous battle of Hastings (1066), in which the fate of Britain was solved, the warriors were fought by stone axes." The rest to some extent read in the books of Nosovsky and Fomenka. Why did you read - read it! I even wrote one script based on their stories (from myself, though, also invented in an excess). But I personally would be more interesting to read that you personally have established on the basis of your expeditions personally to Olbia? I ask without any irony.
And she began to read your "uchchchka", but I am not quite comfortable in Ukrainian. Do you have a Russian version?

Expeditions in the residents of Mileta (Small Asia, the territory of Turkey, and the previously - the Byzantine Empire), showed that archaeologists, while in captivity of the false paradigm about the so-called. "Ancient Greece" cannot be associated with the head 1 and 1.))) Nosovsky, Fomenko does not write about it. Read the cuckoo with the Valyan's "Other History of the Middle Ages" or the Zhinsokoy "Other Art History" - the story of the so-called. "Ancients" Greece and Rome are the essence of the pains of the Byzantine Empire.
You just need to mentally put the needle of the circulation to the point on the map, signed as Constantinople and spend an arc through the south of Europe and the north of Africa. Byzantium is the original empire. And then in the Middle Ages after the pendulum of history swung in the direction of her decline, the Catholic Europe gave himself the story of Orthodox Byzantium, assigning himself to himself much later on a non-good river (!) Rome of her story.
Colonization of the Black Sea region walked from Constantinople, through Millet and other coastal Byzantine cities. By the way, the heiress of Byzantium, the Ottoman port continued the policy of his preinforce and owned the same territories both in the Balkans and in the Black Sea region as Byzantium.
The recognition of Byzantium is not like the eastern, but as the only Roman, Romary, Ellensochka Empire solves the problem of such a phenomenon as "Hellenism". Traditional historians say that Ole Alexander Macedonsky and it is still all the families of Macedonian men (in comparison with Greece), Macedonia were able to spread the antique culture until India, rebuilding the traditional Asian lifestyle on an antique sample. Incredible, but nonsense! Only the presence of a powerful and stable state, such as Byzantium, has provided cultural and political uniformity on subject grounds. Naturally, amended regional features. And in fact, the main result of my trips to Olbia was a piece of red-chicken Chernolakaya Amphora with the preraized female figures and the script of the fantastic Comedy "Olvia". which is listed on my page on prose.ru))

KLAUS DONA (CD) - Curator Art Exposition of the House of Habsburg, Austria. Mr Dona, being an experienced specialist in organizing art exhibitions around the world, turned out to be a witness to the existence of phenomenal archaeological finds that are unsenongable for explanations of common sense and classification in a modern historical context.

That is, these are artifacts that should not have existed, in accordance with modern science. Claus Don explored these types of artifacts for decades, and after a long and scrupulous preparation, decided to submit them to exposure called "unresolved secrets". The video presents slides from this exhibition with comments by Don Claus. Bill Brian talks with Done claus about the unknown history of the human race. The presentation of archaeological finds and artifacts prepared by Claus Done, these are truly phenomenal research and discoveries conducted worldwide, united in one idea, which can be called like, "Unknown History of the human race. "

Klaus Don will hold you in this exciting journey and you can join him and learn about incredible discoveries in human history. The most burning interest is a pyramid, open in 1984 near the Island of Eonaguni off the shores of Japan in the southern part of the backyard owned by the archipelago at a depth of 25 meters under water. Many specialists are trying to convince us that this is a natural phenomenon, but look carefully on these personnel, isn't nature to create these geometrically correct forms, even the power of the surge waves will not create such.

There is even a stadium similar to the Roman Colosseum, with rows of benches and stone steps. You see in the first frames, many pyramids scattered around the world, on any continent of our planet. The main question: when and who built these pyramids? And why these pyramids scattered around the world are so similar to each other? And the most interesting question: did you really exist in a powerful civilization in the past? Many researchers will say that yes, there existed in the ancient history of mankind, a powerful versatile developed civilization of technical techniques and methods of which we cannot repeat in our present, although we consider our civilization as the most developed in the history of mankind. All the pyramids are similar to each other, and the style of the pyramid is also one, which means there existed and built the pyramids of one powerful civilization that the world ruled to the whole world, but how many hundred or thousands of years ago we do not know.

The most burning interest is a pyramid, open in 1984 near the Island of Eonaguni off the shores of Japan in the southern part of the backyard owned by the archipelago at a depth of 25 meters under water. Many specialists are trying to convince us that this is a natural phenomenon, but look carefully on these personnel, isn't nature to create these geometrically correct forms, even the power of the surge waves will not create such. There is even a stadium similar to the Roman Colosseum, with rows of benches and stone steps.

Ancient street with steps

In the image below you can see the ancient maps of the world, at the top of the right map of the Turkish Admiral Piri flight, which he copied from a more ancient card, on it the continents of America, Europe, Africa, but that the most intriguing on this map shows Antarctic that at the time not even Opened, and this mainland without ice shell. In 1956, after a study of the coastline under the multi-meter strata of ice in Antarctica was conducted, it turned out that the coastline obtained by modern data fully coincides with the outlines of the coastline on the map of Piri Rayis.

It turns out what a map with which I made a copy of Piri flight at least 10-12 thousand years. Who could make such a card that he had such knowledge for civilization. At the top of the left on the map, the mainland of Atlantis is caused between Europe, Africa and America. Below you see photos of an ancient card drawn on the stones, and the map was drawn on all sides of the stone. This card was found gold detectors in 1984 in Ecuador, during the excavation of underground tunnels, together with other 350 artifacts that do not in any way belong to the well-known existing South American Precolumba culture. On this map, white quartz lines are labeled mainland and the Saudi Arabia area, we can see the dedicated picture of the eye,

from which the lines are diverged in different directions, then you can see a huge island in the Indian Ocean, which existed in dopup times, according to Professor Kumura, and this card, accordingly, also refers to the dopup period of time. On the back of the stone, we see the northern and South America applied by the White line and to the right of them in the Atlantic Ocean is the island of Atlantis. Which currently no longer exists.

Next, the line goes to the West and crosses the South American continent and rests on Guayaquille Bay, a little up and we see the designated point, place on the map where these artifacts were found. Another very interesting point, an artifact was found here in Ecuador - a 13-speed pyramid with an eye as one dollar bills of the United States.

If the pyramid is considered in ultraviolet lighting, the eye will glow and seem like a living human eye, as it has point plugging of the glowing mineral.

At the bottom of the pyramid on its basis there are point splashes by gold depicting the Constellation of Orion, and an inscription in ancient language is applied. Professor Kurt Schildman Linguist Knowing 40 languages \u200b\u200bwith difficulty transferred this inscription consisting of 4 characters and meaning in translation according to his words "Creator's Son".

Similar letters in the same language were discovered on different stones and artifacts found in various countries, in Colombia, Ecuador, in the United States in the state of the state, in France, in Malta in the Mediterranean, in Turkmenistan, in Australia, in South Calabria in Italy.

From ancient times, terracotta and stones were made and existed on which there were also inscriptions on one defense existed in the world.

Professor Schildman suggests that this letter is a Dosanskrit, a little bit like him of Hindu, and on the writing of Easter Island. Yes, it is the writers of the most ancient language on the ground, which was talked to all living in ancient times, and this language is Praslavyansky, and the writing was Rounic, features and cuts, a verb. Here most likely the Russian rune letter. Two eyes are visible on this stone on its top, below the right hand holding a pyramid, the left top covers the peak of the pyramid. In the hands of the pyramid with the eye, what does this mean?

On another stone, you can see a sitting person holding in the hands in the same way, the pyramid with the eye.

The rays come out of the eye sitting. On the right visible in the womb.

On the head of the sitting is visible the image of some head remove, or a helmet of which sticks out an antenna, and above the head is the strange object similar to UFOs.

Also, a metal artifact was found in the center of which does not get any device, maybe antenna?

Another very strange find from the same place.

The big jade bowl and 12 small, the bowls are made each of its individual size, if you fill all the small bowls to the edge, and then pour water into a large bowl of them, only then the big bowl will be full to the edge, another feature of these bowls on each depicted the number similar On Mayan numbers, but if you compare them with Mayan numbers will be small discrepancies. On the big bowl we see a beautiful inlaid image of the stars and the constellation Orion.

The inner part of the bowl is very highly namagnichene, and the external on the contrary is completely modified. Professional geologists argue that it is not possible if the stone has metal particles inside itself, then it is magnetized on both sides.

It contains an enlarged image of the bowl, it is clearly visible to the well-inlated interspersed with luminous mineral of stellar clusters, constellations, especially it is perfectly visible under the lamps of ultraviolet radiation.

Bowls in more detail. Inlaid glow in ultraviolet.

Here is another jade plate with statuette.

More artifacts.

The center of the triangle is very magnetized.

Before you, the statuette of the Cobra found with the artifacts in Ecuador, but the Cobra in South America was not known, since in a famous historical time it was not found in this region.

On the head of the Cobra, we see the sacred number of lines 33, and seven dots on each side, the point is the designation of the chakras.

Head of Dolphin

Amazing jade snake performed.

Figurine from ceramics.

Pyramid stone with inscriptions found in Ecuador.

Pyramid with an eye on top.

The translated inscriptions narrate the immersion of the MU into the ocean puchin.

Marble pyramid with spiral image inlays.

Another pyramid with the eye.

And one more, below we see the constellation of Orion.

Ceramic statuettes. The pose of a sedentary person is not characteristic of South America to the Columbus era, it is rather a lotus posture characteristic of Asia, a man holds a snake in his mouth. Snake Mystical symbol and very often depicted object. Human ears are disproportionately large and drawn down, apparently this is the statuette of Buddha. It means that it does not belong to any known culture to the Columbus era.

And this statuette is made in a sitting lotus position, which is very strange, for Ecuador.

Two more not characteristic of this region and an unknown era of the statuette. We present to you other artifacts masks from Bolivia, these masks are made for very high growth. They can not be able to see a modern person immediately in both eye holes, it turns out only in one hole, does not allow the size, the heads are seen for which these masks were intended once again, two are more than the size of the head of the modern person.

Statuette with snake on the head and on all body, what does that say that the snake was an important factor in this culture.

The artifact is a stone flute, vibrations reproduced by this flute in frequency coincide with the electroencephologram of a modern person, possibly similar flutes were used for medical purposes, or for meditative practices. By the method of manufacturing, the flute causes bewilderment from specialists, as possible to the primitive tools to perform such perfect holes in solid stone, and even connect some holes at the ends in pairwise. It is done in which tool.

This flute with the properties are very sensitive for artist, that is, you do not need to blow into the holes to cause a sound, like a dolphin cry.

This artifact is incomprehensible to us what it is and for which he was intended we do not know.

Before you the most important and most incredible artifacts that were found in Colombia at different times. The most important artifact is the so-called "genetic disk". It is made of Lidita very strong stone. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to granite, but the structure of the stone is layered, therefore it is impossible to make such a disc into our days. Diameter - 27cm.

On this disk, several images of those processes that in ordinary life can only be considered under the microscope. In the left part of the disk at 11 o'clock, it is possible to consider the image of a male jacket without a spermatozoa and with a spermatozoa, apparently shows the process of the origin of spermatozoa.

On the left in about an hour you can see a few already originating spermatozoa. Longer, the image is incomprehensible while for us. It's a more detailed study of biologists.

On this fragment of the "genetic disk", the images look like in life for comparison is a picture taken by researchers.

On the back of the disk at the top depicted the embryo in several stages of development. And ending with what a newborn baby looks like.

We see also on the disk in the area of \u200b\u200bsix hours. Image of a man and a woman.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe three hours on the disk, the images of a man, a woman and a child are visible, the oddity here in how the head of a person is depicted. If this is not a stylistic image, then what kind of people are.

The knife from the liditis, on the handle, the image of a female head, on the other hand, a children's head is depicted with the neck of the first cord, apparently this knife treated medical instruments and was intended for cutting the umbilical cord and the liberation of babies.

Here are still artifacts, medical instruments from the Liditis, which were used in doping times, and which in modern conditions cannot be made from the same material.

These tools are suitable for the hand of any size, with such accuracy and incredible technology for our time they are made.

Figurines similar to MOAI from Easter Island.

A man sitting in the chair, a figurine from Lidita, why in the manufacture of figurines they depict a person with such convex eyes, a small nose and a big mouth, simple explanations are not suitable here.

In 1891, in the provincial town, one local newspaper "Morrisonville Times" placed a small note on its pages, which, however, soon became a sensation: "In the morning, Mrs. Kalp made the property of publicity with one amazing find. When she broke a piece of coal for the extracts, it discovered a small gold chain in it with a length of 25 cm. Ancient and bizarre work. A piece of coal split almost in the middle, and since the chain was located in it in the form of a circle and two ends were located next to each other, when the piece was split, it was freed, and two ends remained fixed in the corner. It is made of 8-carat gold and weighs 192 grams. " You will think: "What is this here? Lucky old man! What is the sensation here? " The thing is that the coal in which there was a chain was formed on the planet about 300 million years ago. And this, if you believe in all scientific theories, just that time when people and in a lot have not yet been. Where in a piece of such an ancient breed found a skillful decoration, and who did it? This question remains unsolved. And not only this. According to many scientists, our planet is truly a storeroom of lost or related things that have come down to us from those times when they could not have any speech on all scientific estimates. For example, a few more similar stories from the book by the authors Michel Cream and Richard Thomson "Forbidden Archeology": 1928. Once the workers of the coal mine, which was in Hiverene, the state of Oklahoma, sacrificing the exploded coal, stumbled upon an interesting find. The mysterious wall laid out of perfectly polished concrete blocks opened their eyes. The side of the blocks was 30 cm. How at a depth 100m. In the breed, age 280 million appeared perfectly polished wall, and even from concrete? Later it turned out that it was not the first fragment of the wall found by miners. The same wall was found at the same depth of the workers in 1868. In Ohio in the coal mine of Hammondville. Then on the wall of miners managed to distinguish incomprehensible letters. By the way, quarries and coal mines are just the places where at an unthinkable great depth, sometimes exceeding a hundred meters, find the most unusual items. So, in 1844 In the Scottish Quarry Ningugi from Sandstone's Slush, the age of which was 400 million years old ... Metal nail. His hat was driven into a stone to a depth of 2.5 cm, and the tip of the rust was stuck out. When the nail was pulled out, his length was 23 cm. And in 1852 Upon completion of explosive work, among the piles, the workers found a metal vase broken in half. The metal resembled zinc alloy with the addition of silver. On one of the walls, figures were depicted in the form of a flower or a bouquet, and the bottom framed the garland. All these figures were incrouted by silver the highest sample. According to experts, VAZ was a real work of art. This was confirmed by Dr. D.V.K. Smith, Orientalist and the famous traveler after inspecting the find. How do the items fall into the breed, the age of which sometimes reaches 600 million years? And who were those who created them? That these were extraterrestrial civilizations somehow not very similar - arsenal is poor: nails, vases, mugs, chains, coins, in general, all that we use in everyday life. However, someone left obvious traces of his stay. Moreover, traces in the literal sense of the word. The chain of traces of human foot 43 was found in Turkmenistan on the slope of the mountain range Cugitang in the breed of the time of the Jurassic period, when, according to scientists, only dinosaurs reigned on the planet. That is, the traces of about 150 million. years. Identical traces were discovered in 1938. In the states of Kentucky, Texas, as well as in Pennsylvania, Tanzania ... Trails, according to preliminary evaluation of researchers from 150 to 300 million years. In addition, they belong not to "primitive" people, and people who are open, with the same feet as our contemporaries. Everything else, the traces found were not always left by barefoot. There are also those that were left by a shoe. It is this imprint in 1922. Found on the rock geologist John Raid. The fingerprint was clearly visible a thread that joined the rash shoes with the sole. Then there was another seam, and in the center, where the pressure is always the greatest, there was a recess, which is usually left from the bone of the heel, which wear out the sole. The geologist brought Nakhodka to New York, where the final age of the find was agreed - 213-248 million years. Skeptics immediately tried to call the trace of fake, but the specialists in the production of shoes showed the find, confirmed that it was really writing soles of shoes with handmade. This is also confirmed by microphotography. She shown the interweaving of the threads to the smallest details, which also proved the authenticity of the find. Chemists from the Rockefeller Institute also confirmed the age of the suggested shoes - more than 200 million years. And although such finds from year to year are becoming more and more, scientists are in no hurry to explain the reason for their occurrence. After all, then there will have to revise all scientific theories regarding the origin and development of the human race on the planet. However, sooner or later they will have to do this.

Vase from Dorchester

On June 5, 1852, an article of a relica of the left era appeared in the magazine of Santifik America, which described that during the explosive work in the ceremony, a metallic vase was found, broken by an explosion during explosive work in a quarry, after one of the explosions in a pile of stones. Parts. When connecting parts, it turned out a bell-shaped vessel with a height of 12 centimeters with a thickness of 3 millimeters thick. The metal of the vessel metal resembled a zinc or some kind of alloy with a significant proportion of silver. On one of his sides, six figures were depicted in the form of a flower or a bouquet, and the lower part of the garland washing. The image of the figures and garland was beautifully encrusted with pure silver. This amazing vessel was in solid sandstone at a depth of 4.5 meters from the surface. Vessel fell into the possession of Mr. John Kethel. Dr. D.V.K. Smith, a researcher of the East and a traveler, familiar with hundreds of amazing items of home utensils, said he had never seen anything like that.

Finds from the wells of Illinois

In 1871, the employee of the Smithsonian Institute William Dubupa reported on a significant depth of Loun Ridge, Illinois, several subjects made by man. One of these items was a round copper plate, similar to a coin. The depth with which the subject was raised was 35 meters, and the age of the layers of 200400 thousand years. At the same time, except for coins, while drilling in the Whiteside area at a depth of 36.6 meters, workers found a large copper ring, or a rim, similar to what is still used in the ship's shipyt, as well as something that resembled Baggorts. According to W. Dubua, the coin was an almost round rectangle with roughly shown figures and inscriptions on both sides. Language Dubian's inscriptions could not determine. In their appearance, this item was different from any famous coin.

Dubua came to the conclusion that the coin was made by mechanical way. Noting her the same thickness across the entire area, he expressed the view that she passed through the mechanism similar to the rolling mill, and if the ancient Indians had such a device, it should have a prehistoric origin. Dubua also claims that a pointed edge of the coin indicates that it was cut with either scissors for metal, or a check.

From the above, it is suggested that the conclusion about the existence of a civilization in North America at least 200 thousand years ago. According to a generally accepted opinion, creatures are quite reasonable to make and use coins (Homo Sapiens Sapiens), appeared on Earth not earlier than 100 thousand years ago, and the first metal coins were included in the appeal in Malaya Asia in the VIII century BC in 1889 In Nampa (Nampa), Idaho, a skillfully made small clay figure, depicting a person (Fig. 6.4), was found. The statuette was removed when drilling a well with a depth of 300 feet (90 meters). This is what J. Wright wrote in 1912: According to the report on the work of work before reaching the reservoir, in which the figure was discovered, the drillers passed around fifteen feet of the soil, then about the same thickness of the basalt layer, and after him several Intermittent clay and swimming clay ... When the depth of the well reached about three hundred feet, the pump, sucking sand, began to produce a large clay balls coated with a dense layer of iron oxide; Some of them in diameter did not exceed two inches (5 cm). At the bottom of this layer, signs of the underground layer of soil appeared with a small amount of humus. It is from this depth of three hundred twenty feet (97.5 meters) and a figurine was retrieved. Severe breed went out a few feet. Here's how Wright describes a statuette: it was made from the same substance as the mentioned clay balls, about a half inches (3.8 cm) height, and with an astounding perfection depicted a person's figure ... The figure was clearly feminine, and her shapes there, Where the work was completed, would have the honor of the most famous masters of classical art.

Iron Circle

On November 27, 1948, someone franc Kenwood from the town of Sadfur Spring, Arkansas, spoke, told the following: in 1912, when I worked in Thomas, Oklahoma, I got a big piece of coal, too big to use it. Therefore, I broke it with a sledgehammer. The iron mug fell out of the piece, and her imprint left on the corner. Worker Jil Stal witnessed all this. I found out that the coal came from Wilburton Mine in Oklahoma. Wilburtian mines place where there were no strange finds. The age of stone coal here is 312 million years. According to the testimony of workers, one day there was a whole silver ingot of the right shape, which had riveting imprints. Finds, finds ... Who made these mysterious items? On the aliens from the space, they are clearly not like the inventory is poor: nails, mugs, coins, chains, clay figures. So, their own, earthlings. What civilization left these traces? Footprints ... Mysterious people who lived hundreds of millions of years ago, it turns out, literally left their traces. A chain of distinct prints of human foot 43 in 1983 discovered on the slope of the mountain range Cugitang in Turkmenistan Corresponding Member of An Turkmenistan K. Amanniezov. The age of these prints of 150 million years of the Jurassic period, the era of dinosaur flourishing. In 1938, similar traces were discovered in Rockcastle, Kentucky. The same traces found in the truncle of the Palaxi River River, Texas, in Pennsylvania, in Tanzania ... The age of these traces from 150 to 300 million years. It has been proven that these traces belong to a person with an opening, the foot of which looks like a feet of a modern man, and not the fossil hominid. And this straight person, it turns out, not only walked barefoot, but ... wore shoes. In October 1922, an article of the mystery of the fossil soles of shoes, written by Dr. Uh, appeared in New York Sandy Ameriken Ballow. It was reported that the famous geologist John Raid discovered on the rock fossil imprint of the soles of shoes. The contour is preserved only two thirds of the sole. It was well a distinguishable thread that connected the shoe rant with the sole. Next, it was one more sew, but in the center, in the place where the pressure of the foot was the greatest, there was a deepening, which would remain from the bone of the heel, erasing and wear soles. John Raid brought this sample to New York, where experts agreed with dating of a mysterious imprint of 213248 million years. Naturally, the sole of the shoes immediately tried to declare the miracle of nature and an amazing fake. However, the manufacturers of shoes characterized this imprint as an imprint of the soles of shoes with an early handmade, and microphotography revealed all the smallest details of the twisting and curvature of the threads and proved the absence of a fake imprint. Analysis conducted by chemists from the Rockefeller Institute has proven that the age of the imprint is more than two hundred million years. Another imprint of the shoes discovered in the clay shale of Utah, the collector of Trilobites William Meister. After breaking a piece of slate, he saw a petrified trail, and next to him the remains of trilobites, fossil seal arthropods. The age of shale with prints is 505590 million years. The imprint of the heel is pressed into the rock by 3.2 millimeters more than the sole, and is undoubtedly a print left by the right foot, judging by the characteristic wear of the heel. Scientists, of course, declared this finding a strange case of erosion. What were people who walked hundreds of millions of years ago in our planet in handmade shoes? On April 2, 1897, Gazeta Daily Nizos from the city of Omaho, Nebraska, published an article by a rugged stone in a mine in which, in particular, it was said: at a depth of 40 meters, one of the miners of the Lehigh coal mine in Iowa stumbled upon a piece of rock, which led him to amazement. This stone was dark gray, 60 centimeters in length, 30 width and 1.2 meters thick. On a very solid surface, it was carried out lines forming the right diamonds. In the center of each rhombus, the face of an elderly person with a special deepening on the forehead attended on all images was well depicted. All persons were similar to each other. Two faces looked left, and all the rest right. As the stone found himself under the sandstone layer at a depth of 40 meters, this is a question for which miners are not able to answer. They are sure that where the stone was found, the earth was never damaged. Coal from the Mine Lechigh formed 280345 million years ago.


Mysterious people left us not only their images. At the end of the summer of 1860, Giuseppe Ragazoni, a professor-geologist from the Technical Institute of the Italian city of Brescia, worked in coral sediments near the village of Castendoll at the foot of Calle de Veto hill. When I was looking for the sinks on the coral apparatus, I got into my hands the upper part of the skull, completely stuck with slices of coral, glued green-blue clay, recalled Ragazoni. Extremely surprised, I continued the search and found the bones of the chest and limbs that, quite obviously belonged to the representative of the human type: Ragazoni showed the bones to geologists. Without experiencing great trust in the circumstances of the discovery, they expressed the opinion that because the bones did not belong to a very ancient individual, they were from modern burial in this terrace. Some burden later, I returned to the same place and was able to find a few more bone fragments in the same condition as the previous ones. In December 1879, January 1880, there was a lot of fragments of several skeletons with Karlo Jermani. All the bones were completely stuck with clay, small fragments of corals and shells so that they even penetrated deep into. All this disperses any doubt that these are bones of people buried in the burial ground, and confirms the fact that they were transferred to sea waves. And on February 16, 1880, Ragazoni and Jermani found a whole skeleton enclosed in a mass of green-blue clay, he belonged to anatomically modern woman. The skeleton was in a layer of blue clay with a thickness of more than meter and retained its integrity. Probably, a person across the tragic chance hit the sea Il, Anna was buried, since then it would be possible to discover the inclusions of the yellow sand and iron-red clay, called Ferreto, writing Ragazoni. The age of blue clay from Castendolllo, in the thickness of which mysterious remains were found, 34 million years ... In 1883, Professor Juseppe Serge from Roman University visited Ragazoni and personally examined the human remains. He determined that they belong to the four individuals: an adult man, adult woman and two children. Then Serge went to Castendolllo: I went there on April 14 with Ragazoni. The trench, diverted in 1880, clearly demonstrated the geological sequence of the layers. With the exception of an almost complete skeleton of a woman, most bones were found among the shells and corals under the blue clay, as if they were scattered along the same plane. This confirms that bone holders drowned at the shores of the sea. When the corpses decomposed, the waves scattered bones along the bottom surface. After making sure the skeletons from Castendoll are the remains of the modern type of people who lived 34 million years ago, Sergi said: a tendency to deny due to biased theoretical concepts Any discoveries that can confirm the existence of a person in deep antiquity, there is, as I consider, a kind of scientific prejudice In the South African mine of Wanderstone where from the middle of the 20th century, pyrophillite ancient mineral, which has about 3 billion years old, is sometimes the ellipsoid balls, joined in diameter with three ring furrows. One of these ellipsoids fell into the British Historical Museum. And there suddenly revealed that, being placed under the glass, he began spontaneously and slowly rotate around his axis, making a full turn for 128 days. In 1993, Philip Reef turned out to be the owner of another amazing find. When paving the tunnel in the mountains of California, two mysterious cylinders were found, they resemble the so-called cylinders of the Egyptian pharaohs. But in their properties are completely different from them. They consist half of platinum, half of the unknown metal. If they heat them, for example, up to 50s, then they retain this temperature for several hours, regardless of the ambient temperature. Then almost instantly cooled to the air temperature. If the electric current is passed through them, then they change the color from silver to black, and after again acquire the original color. Undoubtedly, the cylinders are kept in themselves and other secrets that have yet to be discovered. According to radiocarbon analysis, the age of these artifacts about 25 million years.

Stone Sinks

In 1998, amazing seashells were found in Brazil during the laying of the road walking along the seashore. They resembled conventional shellfish sinks living in coastal waters. Those who found people were interested in what they were covered with the finest layer of gold, worse in some places. When shells fell into arms to scientists, it turned out that these were not real sinks, but a glorious fake! The sinks are hollowed out of stone, yes so plausible that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real. On the stone is not visible traces of treatment, and for applying the existing subtlest layer of gold, installations are needed, not inferior to the complexity of modern. The age of the shells found is quite respectable: more than 500 thousand years. Armanda Quartifat, the author of the book. Human races, writes: There is no serious reasons to doubt the opening of Ragazoni, and if it is made in quaternary deposits, then no one will decide to challenge his correctness. Nothing can be against the preceding theories that are not related to experience. However, the prejudice attitude towards the opening of Ragosin is still maintained. Listed here, non-historical finds and discoveries can be explained only by the fact that live life on earth occurred periodically, developed, improved and then destroyed. After the death of the whole living, it all began again and happened still scenario. It means that the human civilization has already existed several times. That is why our current historical science and does not find any explanations.

The original is taken by W. terrao. Why is the Vatican hides the real story of mankind?

Anyone who will try to spend even a superficial, but independent analysis of modern history, may not pay attention to that the story has been rewritten many times with any extremely powerful forces that not only carefully control the emergence of any archaeological artifacts, but also able to provide " Authoritative opinions "Academics in the form of textbooks for the mass school and advanced" scientific articles ".

However, if the analysis is no longer superficial, but strictly scientific, deep, the researcher will come to an even more terrible conclusion. The conclusion that the story was not rewritten, but was invented, created exclusively on paper, on an empty place from nothing, from scratch. And one of the most powerful forces engaged in travelers was and is still ... Vatican.
Many now believe that no time people were pichecanthrops and Neanderthals, lasted on the trees until they learned to walk. And only then turned into modern people. However, facts indicate the opposite.

To explain such finds, a lot of "theories" was invented, right up to the assumption that some Indians deformed the children of the skull themselves, that they correspond to the canons adopted in the tribe. However, where did such canons of academic appeared from anyone, for some reason they do not explain.
Nevertheless, such skulls (not to mention the skeletons of the giants) there is a lot, in the weight equivalent of their total weight is many tons. At the same time, if you collect from museums, everything that remains from Australopites, the exhibits will fill in just one table. In the case of transitional species, we are talking about collected in ten points of the planet slices of ten bones, on the basis of which anthropologists make the so-called "reconstruction"
Why are there any academicians-Darwinists behind the concealing of humanity, and it is the Vatican? Because all his temples and churches are built over the so-called "pagan objects", that is, another Vatican fiction.
In fact, during construction, it was only about the masking of the residues of the antediluvian civilization, which did not cover with sand and sludge, that is, which were directly on the surface and caused questions from new generations.

Moreover, some of the hidden ancient buildings were definitely (perhaps and still there are!) Supportful portals, erected either by traveling aliens, or high-tech ancestors of modern people. It is possible that with respect to us they were different, a lot of more advanced views. And these ancient highly developed builders on earth undoubtedly lived.
If the wide public knew about this previous civilization, at least in the 19th century, the global state would not have the necessary control over the population. Therefore, first the interpreters of the Bible joined the case, telling about some "wild pagans" and the primitive world "to the flood". Closer to the 20th century, when the flock was somewhat wondered - the role of Popov took over academics, telling everything in other words, but in principle absolutely the same.
Fortunately, gradually all the layers of husk are blown away and today we are very fascinating to obbeatively, as curious independent researchers dig more and more evidence of the Great Ancient Civilization.

Diaries of Hans Nilzer or what does the Vatican hide?
The huge library of the Vatican, founded in 1475, and in fact, much earlier, since at the official opening there was no small book base, keeps the sacred knowledge of mankind.
It can find all the answers to any questions, including questions about the birth of life on Earth. The library is mainly from Mason Meetings. These meetings are the most classified. Why does the Holy Church want to share ancient knowledge with the whole world?
Maybe they are afraid that these knowledge can question the existence of the church?
So it is or not, we are not known, but the fact is that only Pope has access to some scrolls. The rest is forbidden to know. There are in the Vatican Library and secret rooms that the priests themselves do not know.

Dads from ancient times spent huge funds to receive new valuable manuscripts, realizing that all the power is in knowledge. So they collected a huge collection. If you believe official data, there are 70,000 manuscripts in Vatican repositories, 8000 primitive books, a million later printed publications. , more than 100,000 engravings, about 200,000 cards and documents, as well as many works of art that are not permanent by magical accounting.
The clergymen stated many times that they were going to open access to the treasures of the library for everyone, but the case did not go on the promises. In order to get the right to work in the library, you need to have impeccable (from the point of view of the clergy, of course) reputation. Access to very many book collections is closed in principle.
Daily in the library employs no more than 150 researchers who have passed a thorough check; This number includes church figures, which are most. The Vatican Library is one of the most protected objects in the world: its protection is more serious than any of the existing nuclear power plants. In addition to the numerous Swiss Guards Guardians, the library costs ultra-modern automatic systems that generate several levels of sewn.
Perhaps the Vatican contains part of the Alexandria library. (previously wrote that they say it burned the insane religious figures, well, right - and who else write a burning off?)
As the story tells, this library was created by Ptolem Sieter by Ptolamon shortly before the start of our era and was replenished with a shock pace. Egyptian officials took into the library all the Greek parchments imported into the country: each ship arrived in Alexandria if there were literary works on it, should have or sell their library, or provide for copying.

Library's custodians hastily rewrote all books that fell under hand, hundreds of slaves worked daily, copying and sorting thousands of scrolls. Ultimately, by the beginning of our era, the Alexandrian library consisted of 700,000 manuscripts and was considered the largest book assembly of an ancient world. The works of the largest scientists and writers, books on dozens of different languages \u200b\u200bwere kept. They said that there are no valuable literary work in the world, which would not be in the Alexandria library.
What are the priests hide?
Why replaced genuine texts of the Bible handwritten?
That Bible, which we used to keep on the shelf, is nothing more than the "vaccinated" likeness of the real Bible.
Rome gives us those spiritual knowledge that considers it necessary. With the help of the Bible, the Holy Church manages humanity.
Incomplete texts are arrogant with "common use".
Therefore, to interpret the Bible is useless, as it is written "under the dictation" of the Vatican. Having these knowledge, the Masonic Lodge, which was created by Rome, has and still limitless power. There is almost impossible to be a state ruler and not to be a massone. They manage all humanity, solve his fate. Who will die, who will survive, such sentences are pronounced every day ... (and this is not a joke)

How much do we have to wait to solve the riddle?
The time will come when humanity "takes" these knowledge from one-sided use and a lot of myths and legends and the church will lose strength and will become no longer needed.
And I will understand people of the earthly destination in the world and will become clear.
Selected quotes from Devniki Hans Nielzer 1899 in which the secrets of the Vatican are described, the ancient manuscripts with which the author worked. Unknown manuscripts of the Gospels and narratives of the life of Jesus Christ. Vedas and much more, which is so carefully hidden from people.
Hans Nilzer was born in 1849 in a large burgher family and was a zealous Catholic. Since childhood, parents prepared him for the adoption of Sana, and the boy himself expect to devote himself to serving God since childhood. He is extremely lucky: the bishop noticed his ability and sent a talented young man to the Papal Dvor. Since Hans was interested in the first of all the history of the church, he was sent to work in the archives of the Vatican.
April 12, 1899. Today, the senior archivist showed me several funds, which I had no idea. Naturally, I myself should also be silent about what I saw. I watched with a reverent trepidation on these shelves, on which documents belonging to the earliest periods of our church are stored. Just think: all these papers - witnesses of life and the acts of the Holy Apostles, and maybe the Savior! My task for the next few months is to verify, clarify and add directories concerning these funds. The catalogs themselves are placed in a niche in the wall, disguised as witty that I would never guide about their existence.

April 28, 1899 I work for 16-17 hours a day. The senior librarian praises me and warns me with a smile that at such a pace I will converge all the Vatican Foundations in a year. In fact, health problems are already allowed to know about themselves - here, in the dungeon, the temperature and humidity, optimal for books, but destructive for humans. However, in the end, I am doing business, pleasing to the Lord! Nevertheless, my confessor persuaded me to rise to the surface every two hours at least ten minutes.
On May 18, 1899, the treasures that are contained in this Fund are not asked. There are so many materials unknown even to me, diligently studied that era! Why do we keep them secretly, instead of making accessible to theologians? Obviously, materialists, socialists and slanders can pervert these texts, causing irreparable damage to our Holy Cause. This, of course, cannot be allowed. But still...
June 2, 1899 I am in detail in detail in the texts. There is something incomprehensible - the obvious works of heretics in the catalog are standing next to the true creations of the fathers of the church! Absolutely impossible confusion. For example, some livelihood of the Savior, ascribed to the most apostle Pavlu. This is no longer climbing into any gate! I turn to the older librarian.
On June 3, 1899, the senior librarian listened to me, for some reason he thought, looked at the text found by me, and then just advised to leave everything as it was. He said that I should continue to work, he will explain everything later.
June 9, 1899 Long conversation with the main librarian. It turns out a lot of what I considered apocryphs, pure truth! Of course, the gospel is a boggy text, and the Lord himself ordered to hide some documents so that they do not embarrass the minds of believers. After all, a simple person needs as simple as possible, without any unnecessary details, and the existence of discrepania only contributes to the split. The apostles were just people, albeit saints, and each of them could add something from ourselves, invent or simply incorrectly interpret, so many texts were not canonical and did not enter the New Testament. So explained to me the senior librarian. It's all wisely and logical, but something worries me.

June 11, 1899 My confessor said that I should not think too much about what I learned. After all, I am firm in my faith, and human misconceptions should not affect the image of the Savior. Soothed, I continued to work.
On August 12, 1899, quite strange facts multiply with each day of my work. Evangelskaya history appears in a completely new light. However, I do not trust anyone, even my diary.
October 23, 1899. It would be better if I died today's in the morning. For in collections entrusted to me, I discovered many documents telling that the history of the Savior was invented from beginning to end! The senior librarian, to whom I turned, explained to me that the main secret here is hidden: people did not see the parish of the Savior and did not recognize him. And then the Lord taught Paul, how to carry faith to people, and he took the case. Of course, for this he had to compose with God's help, a myth who would attract people. All this is quite logical, but for some reason I do not care: Surely the foundations of our teaching are so running and forelant, what do we need any myths?
January 15, 1900 decided to see what other secrets hides the library. Storages like the one in which I work now, many hundreds. Since I worry alone, I can, albeit with a certain risk, to penetrate the rest. This is a sin, especially since I will not tell my confessor about it. But I swear the name of the Savior, that I pray it!

On March 22, 1900, the senior librarian fell ill, and I was finally able to penetrate other countersunk rooms. I'm afraid I know not all of them. Those I saw filled with the most different books on the languages \u200b\u200bunknown to me. There are among them that look very strange: stone plates, clay 5 tables, multicolored threads woven in bizarre knots. I saw Chinese hieroglyphs and arabic lords. I don't know all these languages, I am only available to Greek, Hebrew, Latina da Aramai.
June 26, 1900 from time to time I continue my research, fearing to be disclosed. Today I found a thick folder with the reports of Fernan Cortes Roman dad. Strange, I never knew that Cortez was closely connected with the church. It turned out that his detachment was almost half consisted of priests and monks. At the same time, I had the impression that Cortes originally knew perfectly, where and why he was going, and deliberately reached the capital of the Aztecs. However, there are many miracles of the Lord! However, why do we make such a great role of our church?
On November 9, 1900, he decided to leave aside the documents related to the medieval. My job in the repository is almost over, and it seems that they do not want to more than let over secret securities. Apparently, some suspicion originated at my bosses, although I try not to attract their attention.

December 28, 1900 found a very interesting fund related to my period. Documents on a classic Greek language, read and enjoy. It seems that this is a translation from Egyptian, I can not steal for its accuracy, but one thing is obvious: we are talking about a secret organization, a very powerful, which relies on the authority of the gods and rules the country.
January 17, 1901 is incredible! It just can't be! In the Greek text, I found clear instructions on the fact that the priests of the Egyptian god Amon and the first hierarchs of our holy church belonged to the same secret community! Does the Lord chosen such people in order to bear people the light of their truth in order to carry people? No, no, I do not want to believe it ...
On February 22, 1901, in my opinion, the senior librarian suspected something. At least, I feel a surveillance, so I stopped working with secret funds. However, I have already seen much more than I would like. It turns out that the benefit of the news sent by the Lord was usurped by a handful of pagans who used it to rule the world? How could the Lord tolerate this? Or is it a lie? I'm confused, I do not know what to think.
April 4, 1901 Well, now, now access to secret documents is finally closed to me. I straight asked the senior librarian about the causes. "You are not solid enough spirit, my son," he said, "the treasures of our library will again open before you again. Remember, to all that you see here, you should approach with a clean, deep, unmandant faith. " Yes, but then it turns out that we store a bunch of falsified documents, a heap of lies and slander!
June 11, 1901 No, after all, this is not fake and not lie. I have a chain memory, besides (may the Lord forgive me!) I made many extracts from the documents. I carefully checked them and did not find a single mistake, not a single inaccuracy that would accompany the fake. And they are kept not like cheap and evil hunters, but carefully and with love. I'm afraid I will never be able to become the old man with a clean soul. May the Lord forgive me!
October 25, 1901 I wrote a petition to give me a long holiday home. My health staggered, besides, I wrote, I need to clean my soul alone. The answer has not yet been received.
On November 17, 1901, the petition was made not without hesitation, but, as it seemed to me, and not without relief. Three months later, I can go home. During this time, I followed in different ways to send copies of documents found by me to Augusburg. This, of course, is disgusting to the Lord ... But whether their concealment does not disagree? The senior librarian repeated me repeated me that I should not talk anyone about those mysteries that was narrowed in the library. I solemnly swore. Lord, do not let me become also an oath!
On January 12, 1902, robbers were guided into my apartment. They took all the money and paper. Fortunately, all the more or less valuable I have already secretly sent to Germany. The holy throne generously compensated for me the cost of lost values. Very strange theft ...

February 18, 1902. Finally, I go home! My bosses spent me and without enthusiasm wished me a speedy return. It is unlikely that it will ever happen ...
As we see from these quotes Vatican Popam have, which hide from non-dedicated to secrets ...
The center for falsification of history is in the Vatican?
Such a conclusion suggests itself after analyzing many facts for falsifying our history. It was the monks-Jesuita that fulfilling the mission entrusted to them on them, rewritten the history of China and invented the history of the "Mongol Empire". It was Catholic German historians who rewrote Russian history that falsifying the myth of the wildness and unquilitiousness of the Russian people. Another Catholics - Polish historians, invented the myth of the "Tatar-Mongolian Igé" in Russia. But it is still not all.
After all, many ancient written sources that tell about the real history of humanity were either destroyed, or transported to the extensive library of the Vatican, the storage of which is placed on several floors in depth (at least five) and have a length of up to 3 kilometers. Imagine how many ancient artifacts, how many written evidence from the libraries of Ashurbanapal, Pergamum, Alexandria, etc. there is stored?
That's just a simple mortal, and even known scientist, if they are not part of the priests of the Vatican, it is almost impossible to access these ancient sources. Some sources that do not threaten the plans of falsifiers are stored in the halls of free to access. But this is only the visibility of free access, since the overwhelming part of this unique archive of antiquity remains hidden from the eye of ordinary people.
And it is no coincidence. The Vatican is very painful in everything that contradicts biblical texts and especially - the Old Testament. And it is for the concealment of these contradictions and was organized for whole centuries a surgery for falsifying the history of mankind. A characteristic example of such activities is the history associated with the archive of the Old Tsar Zimmarrim, consisting of several tens of thousands of clay plates.
French colonial authorities brought out this archive from Syria even before the Second World War. And originally most of it is asslaved in the Outpieces of the Louvre. But the most interesting began when French scientists began to translate these ancient texts.

This is what Russian scientist A. Proslaarov tells about this: "He was led by all the works director of the Louvre. When the translations of these texts began, then the descriptions of cities and mention of names that are mentioned in the Old Testament began. These facts began to piano that they were here we found Confirmation that the Old Testament says the truth.
And then it climbed the part of the translations in which the Old Testament was practically crossed. The presentation of a completely different story. As a result, the Vatican was forced to go to an open confrontation, pick up part of the archive, i.e. Now the archive is "discreamed" between the louvrom and the Vatican. And the author of translations, renounced them, saying that he was mistaken and this information quickly "stalled." And now, if translations and continue, it is very sluggish, i.e. There is a concealment of some information that undermines the basics of monotheistic religions. There wrote the story about the times of other gods. "
As you can see that in history with the archive of the Old Tsar Zimlimirma, it was the Vatican manifested extreme activity both in concealing information and in confiscation of artifacts that are now stored in the same famous Vatican Library. Surprises and such intolerance to the information contrary to the Old Testament. It turns out that for the Vatican, as for Jews, the Old Testament is the fundamental dogma of religion.
Not by chance, G. Sidorov has repeatedly noted that it was in the Vatican that the clan of the dark priests, controlled by a non-humanoid mind, was settled, which created all these monotheistic religions to counteract the bright Vedic worldview. This also explains why all representatives of the churches of monotheistic religions so diligently destroyed people of the Vedic worldview, arranged inquisition and religious wars in Western Europe and violent baptism in Russia, grew into a civil war, for concealing which was invented by the "Tatar-Mongol invasion" on Rus .
It is for this "invasion" of the falsifiers of history and wrote up millions of killed in the violent baptism of ancient rules. And in the next centuries, the secular and church authorities of Russia who fell under the influence of the Vatican, the ruthlessly destroyed the old workers and the Old Believers, without reducing not women, no children and invented that they were locked themselves in churches and burned. By the way, such fictions are not reminded of anything in the light of the events that took place in recent years in Ukraine? And if it reminds, it should be made to quite definite conclusions.
It is the clan of the dark priests of Amon-Seta Yakhwe-Jehovah-Satan that the bloody sacrifices of this dark egregor should be organized in all points of Earth. But these dark priests themselves are only pawns in someone else's game.

Look carefully to this symbol located on the territory of the Vatican and you will immediately become clear - who exactly belongs to this "all-seeing eye" of the real owners of the Vatican. And if you can't guess, then look at this emblem inside the Vatican.

Materials on the Vatican (previously)
All roads lead to Rome. (Part 1)