Make the same thing. How is "the same" written: ply or separately? Discuss

1. Union so that it is written in a punk (in one word): The editor met with the author,to coordinate changes made to the manuscript.It should be distinguished from a combination that (pronouncing and particle), in which a particle can be rearranged to another place of sentence: what would this is still thinking about?;What else would come up with?; What would i happened, I will not leave him in trouble; I have no idea,what would he did in my place.

Possible and such a case: there is no such force to kept him in place- Here the permutation of the particle would be allowed and, consequently, the separate writing of the union word and particles: there is no such force that it would keep him in place.

Remember: Combination no matter whatwritten in six words.

2. The unions are also written in a punch (in one word), both of the union synonymous and; Wed: You too rested in the Caucasus? - youalso rested in the Caucasus?- I. have you rested in the Caucasus?

Unions also and should also be distinguished from combinations the same (pronoun with a particle) and also (adverb with a particle). When combined, the same is often pronoun most: repeated dailysame. In addition, a combination of the same often follows the allied word that: today the same thing yesterday.

The combination also follows the adverb how: We decided to spend the summerjust like last year (particles can be omitted: We decided to spend the summerso, as last year).

Often only in terms of a wide context, you can distinguish the presence in the proposal of the union or combination (also the same, also - the same). Wed:

The rest also shouted loudly ('and the rest shouted loudly').

The rest shouted loudly ('shouted the same thing loudly').

Teens also ('and teenagers took part in the fight against fascist invaders' - with an intonational pause after the word also).

Teenagers are the same bravely fought with fascist invaders('With the same courage fought' - with an intonational pause after the word bravely).

Note. The particle is also written into one word: Also my adviser!

3. The alliances and moreover have an attachment value ('in addition to this) and are written in a single word: The experiment was successful,and for the first time; Speech meaningful I.trait interesting in shape.

The alliances and moreover should be distinguished from combinations when and when pronouncing with a pretext). The combination is used in question deals: what is he with his claims here?The combination at the time usually determines the following noun: while publishing house There is a small typography.

4. The Union is written in a punk (in one word): Rock up here cool,but the road is beautiful.

Union should be distinguished from a combination for that (pronoun with the pretext): Workers received a premiumfor what finished construction ahead of schedule.

5. Union So (in the meaning 'consequently') is written in a punch (in one word): So, the lesson is terminated. It should be distinguished from the combination and so (union and adverb): and so ends every time.

6. Explanatory alliances, that is, you are written separately (in two words): Drank in ordinarythat is a lot (P.); Third day, then mean that week, I say the older ...(Sleptz.).

7. Complex unions because, because, so, in order to, whereasand others are written separately (in two or three words): From the forest, we returned very soon,because I went raining; As the call rang, everyone had to pass the notebook to the teacher; I drove all holidays,so that skiing failed;In order to learn to swim, you must not be afraid of water;we Early stood and went fishing,whereas our friends wonked all morning.

The spelling of this difficult moment depends entirely on the context, so each version of writing "also" or "the same" should be considered and checked separately.

Literacy on "5"

  • try replace "also" on "also". If it manages to do without loss of meaning, you are the union that is written only to you. Example: I will not go to workout either. Have you too went to the movies yesterday? We also did not find what they were looking for.
  • if a after "the same" you can insert the word "most", So you need to write separately. Example: I see in the picture the same as my friend. I will do the same as my classmates. The same institution we tried to find on the Internet. In all cases, the "most" can be inserted without prejudice to the offer.

Semantic load

The "Same" version answers the question "What?", In most cases, after separate writing, the word "what" is found. The Union "also" cannot be responsible for the question, it serves to designate equality or equivalence.

Important: There is another reception that allows you to determine the correct writing of this complex case: try to omit the particle "same" if it is easy to do, that is, the offer remains concise and competent, it means that separate writing is provided. Example: I also want ice cream (omit it is impossible). Mom screamed the same as yesterday (what and yesterday).

To the question, how is it written correctly: "The same seed" or "the same" ??? Posted by the author Molokosos The best answer is

Much depends on the context

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how is it written correctly: "The same seed" or "the same" ???

Answer from chevron[active]

Answer from 00000 00000 [guru]
the same ... like ..)

Answer from Slip[active]
depends on the context, but in your case I think the same

Answer from Ann Fedko.[active]

Answer from Soviet units[newcomer]
The unions are also written together, they are synonymous and easily replace each other. In addition, they are synonymous with the union and, which can be used as a means of distinguishing these unions and combinations of particles, with adorption, so or with pronoun: it is also the same: yes, no one has seen (s) too (also) Who will tell you a good word about him? (Peak.) - The replacement of unions does not change the meaning of the sentence. The combinations are the same and can not be replaced by the union and, and the particle can be omitted in them, and the sense of the proposal will not change. In addition, often, the same pronoun following the combination of the same) that, and the combination is also adjustable as; Sometimes the specified combinations precedes the location word all (as an amplifying particle): the patient's condition today is the same as yesterday; cf. : The state is what and yesterday; Its strong, the magnificent, the trained body resisted the transition to zero-space is almost the same as the drivers of the HPLC (EPR); cf. : So, like drivers; Stlikely, like drivers; In the failure without depth - how does it live, cute? Lightly, just like me with another? (CV.); cf. : Is it how me with another?
Note 1. In some cases, the general meaning of the proposal or the characteristics of its structure helps delimit such alliances and combinations. Cf. : In the audience also listened carefully. - in the audience they also listened to the same carefully - in the first case, "and listened to the audience carefully", and in the second - "the same listened to the same thing." Only one month later everything was shilled in the immense deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky in the immense deserts, and the earth was beautiful in the marvelous silver brilliance (G.) - in the first part, only separate writing, as in the second, as we are talking about the beauty of impressions , not about enumerating actions.

Note 2. Always picked too much in the role of particles: I also invented me! I am also a helper.

It includes words that indicate signs of actions or signs and answer questions. when? as? why? what for? Where? and others. Usually, they are circumstances in the proposal and stand next to the verbs, adverbs, adjectives or nouns. Adcharations can be:

  • derivatives - those that are formed from the adjectives ( gently, careful), nouns, verbs, pronoun;
  • non-derivatives ( now, tomorrow, there etc.).

Dnight and separate writing

Usually, writing these parts of speech is justified by the tradition. But often it depends on how the adverb is formed.

  1. It is necessary to clearly distinguish those adverbs that are written together, and the nareny combinations, which consist of several words. For example: on laughter, piazza, in bulk, jack, sun, on run and others. The main thing is what you need to pay attention to the time of writing adverbs - from which part of speech it is formed.
  2. Adcharations that are formed from different parts of speech with pretexts are usually written together. Among them can be called quite, in fist, forever, everywhere And others. Those adverbs that were formed using nouns with pretexts are a separate group of words that need to be remembered.

Some features of writing

Special attention deserves adverbing with a particle same and pronoun with a particle also. I wonder what unions also and also Always written together. So how do you spell also: Done or separately? They are easily able to replace each other, so they are called synonyms. Another close to the sense of the Union is considered andwhich is often used as a way to distinguish both these unions and combinations also and same. For instance: I, too (also) I have never met him before. In this sentence, the replacement of unions is obvious, which has not affected in any way in the sense of the entire proposal as a whole.

How to prevent an error

In order to figure out how writes also: Plenically or separately, it is necessary to pay attention to which part of speech it acts. It is important to note that the combination of words also and same Change the union and Just impossible. However, if we just miss the part same, the meaning of the proposal from this does not suffer at all. Deciding on how to write also: ply and separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is usually worth the union word what. In this case, it is written separately. And when we think how to write same: pneuing or separately - you need to see if there is no adverb as.If so, we write separately. The following suggestions can be a bright example: How do you live in aunt zina? Hard or just like at home? Yesterday I watched the same movie as a week ago.

Significant differences

Dispel doubts about writing a combination also (pneuing or separately) will help the word everythingwhich stands before the specified combination and only enhances its value. For instance: They described all the same incident as a week ago. Often understand how to write also: Plenically or separately, is very simple. Usually, it is not possible to make a mistake helps the meaning of the sentence. If you carefully look at its structure or look at its features, it is easy to make the right choice. For comparison, you can bring two similar proposals: Children also looked with interest. - The children looked at the same thing. In the first sentence, I mean "and the children also looked with interest," and in the second it means that "the children watched the same thing."

Thus, you can justify how to spell also: ply or separately. If we list the actions, then the word is written together. If a also It acts as a particle, it is always written in a punch. You just need to pay attention to the meaning of the proposal itself. Then the difference will become apparent.

Since both formulations of lexical ways are acceptable, it is important to know that only one can be correct in the selected text design.

  • If "the same" is an index pronoun - the particle "same" we write separately

I repeat the same as in the previous lesson.

  • Compound connecting union ", too," in a complex sentence, write ply

Yesterday all day laughed, today is also a good mood.

  • This pronoun in complex suggestions is written separately

In the book the same as in the dictionary.

In what cases "also" is written in a punch?

  • We apply the rule regarding "also" as the Union. We check with the help of the Union "and". The replacement "too" on "and" says that this is a union - we write to a punch.

For example,

He also loves watermelon. Replace on "and he loves watermelon."

In what cases "the same" is written separately?

Making check
  • If the proposal without "does not lose its semantic load, then the" the same "is an index pronoun. It is written separately

We were asked the same as last time. Surely, they do not remember that we have already been asked.

  • If follows behind the index pronoun "TO", you can put "the most" - we make a separate writing

There was all the same. There was all that (the same).

I love the same bay, which you like. I love that (most) the bay, which you like.

How to write the word too - "not the same thing": ply and separately?

  • Check very easily: we substitute instead of "too" - "also". The meaning of the text does not change - we write ply, changes - separately.

In our case, "also" makes a proposal to Koryaty, that is, "the same" we write separately.

  • You can additionally check with declination. Rephrase: "Not the same", "not the same", "not the same".

How to write the word too - "But at the same time": ply and separately?

  • In this example, there is an index pronoun, and not the Union. Since the absence of the "same" sense of the context does not change
  • We divide them

For example: Mom understood that he risks the life of the only son, but at the same time, knew that if she did differently, he would never forgive her.