Self-development and self-improvement, where to start. How to start self-development What is self-development for?

All life is in motion. Time is running inexorably forward. It does not stand still. So the person - either develops and improves, or degrades. It is impossible to stop at a certain point and get stuck there for a while. That is why one cannot exist without self-development and self-improvement of the individual. When life seems gray and boring, home-work-home, a person still does something, meets with someone, communicates, learns something new, develops. Any person strives for self-improvement. If you lock yourself in four walls and isolate yourself from the outside world, a person will begin to gradually degrade, lose skills, become wild, alienated.

Sooner or later, everyone starts about their own significance and solvency. Such thoughts begin to attend when there is no satisfaction with one's own life, goes awry and all efforts are in vain. A strong motivation for self-improvement appears. Thoughts about self-development are visited when a person begins to understand that something urgently needs to be changed, because he cannot continue this way, there is no strength to endure, he wants to live differently. Morality itself reflects a person's desire for self-improvement. And, as one famous person said: "If you want to change the world, start with yourself."

The goal of self-development and improvement is to develop, grow personally and professionally, set great goals and achieve them, overcome obstacles and obstacles, make mistakes and draw conclusions from this, realize your potential and reveal your “I”.

What prevents a person from changing his life?

It is always easier to find those responsible for your own failures and failures. When a person is everywhere and everywhere accompanied by troubles, he, like a magnet, attracts negative to himself, then the root of the problem is in himself. The inability or unwillingness to recognize this truth often leads to degradation. He becomes nervous, dissatisfied, aggressive, quick-tempered. The marriage breaks up, friends are lost, they are fired from work. The person closes in four walls and withdraws into himself. ... Life went downhill. And all the fault is his unwillingness to look the problem in the eyes and look for the cause of his problems in himself.

Fear of change

There is another reason why it is difficult to change your life. This is fear. Fear of the unknown. “I’m tired of work, the boss got it, and they pay a penny there. There is no more strength to live like that! " The way out of this situation is obvious -. But these "kopecks" for a person are much more than a penny. For him, this is stability, a guarantee that tomorrow will not be worse than today. And if a person leaves work, he does not know what awaits him next, how quickly he will find a new source of income, and whether he will find it at all. This fear drives him and does not allow him to decide on a serious step. And he continues to work, counting the days until the next paycheck and patiently listening to the claims and accusations of the boss. But if he did make up his mind, overcame his fear, he would soon find many alternative options, one better than the other. And this is a fact, because everything that is done is for the best.


You need to understand that a person is what surrounds him. The environment plays a significant role in shaping the personality of each person. The set of his qualities, worldview, system of life values, outlook on life and priorities depends on the company in which he spends most of his time. If in a company (colleagues, friends, family) it is customary to drink, smoke, swear, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to improve himself in such an atmosphere where no one will understand and support him. There are two options: either a person leaves everything as it is, or starts life from scratch. Not everyone can break with their past life, abandon their old "friends" in order to start living the way they want.

How to change yourself for the better when there are so many obstacles on the way? Everything is very simple - you only need a great desire and willpower.

How will you decide on radical changes in your life?

If a person has made a firm decision to change his life, then he must understand and realize that it will no longer be the same. Self-development and self-knowledge will help you find strength, reveal your potential and a lot of hidden talents and abilities. Thanks to these "discoveries" it will be much easier to let go of the past, take the first serious step towards a new, better life, overcome your fears and learn to appreciate and love yourself.

When a person is faced with a choice, he is always gnawed by doubts about the correctness of the decision. And, what is most interesting is that the decision has already been made and there is no choice as such. If every person realizes this truth, then life will become easier. You should never reproach yourself for doing this, and not like this. Be aware that there was no choice, the decision was final and not subject to discussion. And the main thing is that the decision was made on an intuitive level, subconsciously, since it was considered the only correct one at the moment. Striving for self-improvement is a need, like a need for health or safety. And the next question is the question of self-improvement of the individual.

Where to start self-development and self-improvement

You need to make a simple plan for self-improvement in various areas of your life.

The following simple practical exercises will help you choose the path of personal self-improvement:

  • Throw away all doubts, everything goes on as usual.
  • Apperciate things which you have. Even the poorest have a lot to value and cherish - their lives, and this is already a lot.
  • Never complain about your fate. For many, it is more difficult, but they go through life with a smile.
  • Learn to enjoy banal little things - aromatic morning coffee, bright sun, the opportunity to walk, etc.
  • Smile often and think about pleasant things.
  • Set big goals for yourself, break them down into small ones, and gradually, like stairs, achieve them.
  • Don't look back. The past should remain in the past and there is nothing to regret, and there is no time. Everything turned out the way it should have turned out. This is no one's fault, but only your tomorrow and future are in your hands.

Psychology of self-development and self-improvement

Self-development and self-improvement are two processes that are inseparable from each other, without which it is impossible to realize oneself, find one's place in this life, and become a successful and happy person. While developing and improving, a person strives for the ideal, that is, he has an eternal goal that makes him act and move only forward, realizing his plan for self-improvement. After all, only in this way can you become a successful person and an accomplished person. New knowledge, skills, experience, interesting facts, all this expands the horizons and potentialities of a particular individual.

Self-knowledge is the ability to give an objective assessment of oneself, to soberly assess one's capabilities, in order to further set adequate goals and tasks for oneself. Self-knowledge also makes it clear at what level of self-development a person is and in which direction he should move on. Without analyzing his actions, mistakes and opportunities, without revising his views on life and priorities, it will be difficult and almost unrealistic for a person to achieve the desired goal. If you do not draw up a plan for self-improvement, then yours will be chaotic and unsystematic, that is, there will be zero sense from them.

As soon as a person cognizes his inner world, reveals his potential and accepts himself as he is, he will be able to achieve a lot in this life.

5 steps to self-improvement

The maximalist "All at once" happens only in rare exceptional cases, so you should not hope that life will change dramatically if you just make the appropriate decision. It is a long and arduous journey that requires determination, dedication, patience and hard work. This path can be divided into five main stages. This is a kind of self-improvement program:

Stage 1. Determining your own needs

As you remember, striving for self-improvement is a need. At this stage, you need to clearly understand for yourself what exactly does not suit you in life, what you would like to change, what is the reason for failure, what are the ways to solve the problem.

Stage 2. Acceptance and understanding

The second step in this ladder is necessary in order to realize what the need to change something in your life, in your environment and habits is. Understanding why all this is needed, for the sake of which a person makes such “sacrifices”, will give him strength and courage for further steps.

Stage 3. Analysis and self-knowledge

The goals are clearly defined, so it's time for a person to analyze how realistic it is to achieve them with the set of abilities and qualities that are available at the moment. Perhaps there are personality traits or principles that will hinder the achievement of goals. These are the points that need to be worked on.

Stage 4. Planning

When planning, do not be afraid of big goals, since each such goal can be broken down into many small ones that are not so scary. When making a concrete plan, you should rely only on your own capabilities, not on relatives, friends, colleagues, etc., but on yourself.

Stage 5. Moving on to decisive action

Do not wait for the right moment (tomorrow, Monday, or some important date). It's time to start now. If you decide, so please follow through. Remember that whoever wants is looking for opportunities, and who is not looking for reasons. What category do you belong to? Be honest with yourself and you will learn how to change yourself for the better.

Self-knowledge, self-development is a real magic, thanks to which a person goes to a completely new level, where he will have new perspectives and unlimited opportunities for self-realization.

Hello dear readers! Welcome to the blog!

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start? An article answering this question will be short and extremely practical.

I congratulate you - if you ask this question, then you have already decided to change yourself and your life for the better. We decided, so we have already started! The main thing is not to stop so as not to lose inspiration. It is important to start acting right away so that everything does not end with just reading useful advice and “doing nothing again”.

To prevent this from happening, so that you start to act, here is the BEST MOTIVATING PHRASE especially for you: "You are not eternal!"

Best motivating phrase

The famous businessman and writer from the USA Gary Vaynerchuk, at one of the meetings, spoke about his favorite phrase, which he repeats every day when he wakes up. It enables him to remember the most important things in life, and not be distracted by trifles.

This phrase consists of only three words: "You are not eternal." This does not mean that they immediately want to scare you. Not at all. It means only one thing - if you want to be a happy person, then for this you have only one life. Nobody will provide you and me with another one. So, don't be discouraged, lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself! Take action and you will see how everything changes around.

I want to tell you right away that each of us just a few years to build the life we \u200b\u200bdreamed of... You can become better, smarter, more positive, learn new languages, start discovering other countries, do something useful for others.

It is this phrase "you are not eternal" that should raise you in the morning and force you to give all your best to the fullest.

And know no matter how old you are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70! It is never too late to start a new interesting, meaningful life!

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start?

You need to start with the fact that audit your life, because you already have achievements. There is no need to be upset if you set yourself some goal, and having achieved it, you realized that it was a waste of time (for example, you set a goal to graduate from the institute, but it turned out that it was not needed). There is a wonderful Japanese proverb: "If you don't try, you won't know!"

Next, you need to make up the actions that you need to perform every day. Do not think that self-development will be difficult. Learning new things is incredibly interesting and exciting. You will notice that interesting people start to appear around you. You will have new opportunities. As you acquire new knowledge, your life, your environment will begin to change for the better.

Action plan

  • Write a list of goals (from the article you will learn the most popular 50 goals of people from different countries, what are the goals and how to make a list of them). Only a bright, interesting goal can serve as a real motivation for action, for example, getting up early in the morning TO GO TO YOUR LOVED WORK IS DIFFICULT, and getting up early in the morning IF WAITING FOR A TAXI THAT WILL TAKE TO THE AIRPORT TO TRAVEL TO THAILAND IS VERY EASY!
  • Start reading books, be sure to every day... Books on self-development, motivation, business and art. It is fiction books that will become the main source of knowledge and wisdom for self-development and self-improvement. Where can I get the time? In fact, there is time. Instead of liking pictures on social media, read for an hour. Plus, you can listen to books on the way to work and back (download audiobooks). Where can I get the list?
    • Here .
    • You also need a list of books worth reading for self-development and self-motivation. Here a list of books for self-development and personal growth.
  • Be sure to start learning languages. So your opportunities to learn something new will expand, you will start reading books in the original language. It will be very helpful in learning - watching films or cartoons in a foreign language. In this article I have prepared for you.
  • Be sure to start keeping a Personal Diary. In it you will write down your ideas, dreams, plans, describe your feelings. You can make or buy a beautiful Diary. For example, I prefer to keep a paper diary. But it can also be done electronically. Here are the best mobile apps for Personal Diary - Penzu, Diaro.
  • Subscribe to brain training sitesthat will make you smarter and more intelligent, will make you a genius through tests and exercises. Here is a list of such sites 4brain, Wikiumand others like that.
  • Determine your purpose, your life's work, start your own business, and not sit out your pants at an unloved job.
    In this video, the instruction of the famous psychologist, trainer Pavel Kochkin, "How to find yourself (7 stages)." By answering all the questions, you will understand where you are stuck and how you move on.

  • Sign up for one of the online courses in free online training coursesCoursera ... These are courses taught by professors from the world's most renowned universities. Many of the courses have already been translated into Russian. If you strive for excellence, it is important for you to become a professional in your field - the best photographer, marketer, programmer, etc. - the Course has training in all areas of activity.
  • Follow new trends, business ideas, advances in science, technology.In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:
    • Bbc future - IT news, news of modern technologies.
    • - educational site, science and technology news.
    • 99U - a channel about productivity and leadership.
    • YouTube EDU - an educational YouTube channel with useful info.
  • Start reading books on personal finance... This is an important part of self-development and self-education. Unfortunately, this is not taught in our schools. I wrote in detail about where to get this knowledge.
  • Start reading the Bible, this is the Book of Books from which all writers, philosophers and scientists draw their knowledge and inspiration. You need to know her too. If it is difficult to read yourself, there is free orthodox courses . Spirituality is a very important aspect in self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement.


Together with you, we answered the question: where to start in the matter of self-development and self-improvement? We made a plan for what actions to take for personal growth.

How to keep up with everything? To accomplish all this, I write down the days of the week in my diary, for example, English on Tuesdays and Fridays, an online course in Kurser on Mondays and Fridays, books to read (or listen to) every day, and so on. In short, set aside 1-3 hours a day to study all these areas of knowledge.

I also want to add the following. I am a happy person and I enjoy helping others become happier. I tell you my little secret: I noticed that if you want to be surrounded by happy people, you need to become happy yourself. To become happy yourself, you need to do what you love, be inquisitive, learn more and more thoughts, ideas, worlds, countries, help others, love people and be able to appreciate what you have. To be happy, it is important not to lie, but to act. And to act, you do not need to postpone everything for later. Then you won't have time to do everything.

Each of you has only one life, and no one will give you a few more. So, do not sit, stuck in a phone or TV set, do not feel sorry for yourself and do not get depressed. There are so many interesting things around: interesting books, new knowledge, new countries, new meetings! Take action and then you can succeed.

Anyone can become whatever they want. Watch this inspiring video and get started:

I am sure that you will definitely succeed!

Better defeating yourself than winning thousands of battles

Shakyamuni Buddha

The topic of self-development has been of interest to people throughout the entire existence of mankind. How else? From birth, a person is driven by the desire to develop. The child learns to walk, talk, master the skills of mastering his body and mind. Some develop and learn over the years, and some throughout their lives. keeps pace with the desire to develop. All living things in this world are either developing or degrading. Man is no exception: while he is developing, he is alive. As soon as development stops, he inevitably changes the vector of ascent to the opposite.

What is self-development? First of all, it is awareness of oneself as a person and recognition of oneself as a part of the external world. Further, opposing himself to this surrounding world, the person realizes and recognizes his imperfection, realizes that he is able to become better, and decides to develop and strive for the ideal.

The basics of personality self-development

Self-development of a person is based on the need for inner harmony of a person. Rather, the lack of harmony triggers an internal mechanism, which, in turn, is the impetus for a person's personal growth. In addition, the needs for self-expression and self-realization are the faithful companions of self-improvement. A person who has chosen the path of self-improvement is characterized by the desire to independently choose the direction of his life path. Indeed, without self-development, self-education and self-discipline, it is only possible to go with the flow and slowly, and in some cases very rapidly fade away, as everything in nature that does not develop fades away.

The types of self-improvement can be different:

  • professional self-development,
  • physical self-development,
  • creative self-development,
  • intellectual self-development,
  • spiritual self-development, etc.

Self-development includes self-education, the presence and strengthening of willpower, control over your desires and emotions, sober self-esteem and self-discipline.

Today, those who have embarked on the path of self-improvement are offered a lot of different literature on self-development, various trainings on personal growth, all kinds of creative development studios, trainings on meditation and breathing techniques to restore and calm the mind in the rhythm of the modern world.

In this market for means and methods of self-improvement, one of the most ancient and full-fledged areas can be distinguished - this is yoga. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not only the health-improving gymnastics of hermits in the Himalayas. Yoga is nothing more than the most ancient system of human self-improvement that has come down to our times. This is a certain set of rules and actions, consisting of eight steps for a person who has embarked on the path of self-development and self-improvement.

Consider how this manifests itself, and dispel some of the fears associated with yoga.

Yoga itself is a philosophy of life. Anyone can practice yoga, at any age and with absolutely any worldview.

Do you avoid yoga because you are religious? Yoga is not a religion, and at the same time, its teachings do not contradict any of the known religious schools. The principles of morality, purity of body, spirit and intentions underlie the first two steps of the path of self-improvement, or yoga. These are principles such as:

  1. the prohibition of killing and causing harm,
  2. abstinence in sensual pleasures,
  3. truthfulness,
  4. lack of desire to possess someone else's,
  5. freedom from hoarding (collecting trash),
  6. purity of body, purity of soul,
  7. satisfaction (positive thinking and optimism),
  8. self-discipline (resilience, self-restraint and self-education),
  9. self-education and study of your inner world,
  10. devotion to the highest ideals.

In fact, this is a set of ethical norms, without which the path to perfection is impossible.

Are you not flexible and not flexible enough? But yoga is not about that. Or rather, not only about that. The third stage of classical yoga includes physical exercises that develop strength and endurance, strengthen physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people now perceive yoga as gymnastics. However, as we can see, this is only one of the steps leading a person up the path of self-improvement. Physical health itself, or an increase in physical potential, may already be the goal of self-development for an individual. But no matter what other path a person chooses, without physical health and endurance, this is practically impossible. When a person is sick or in poor health, he has no time for self-development. Regular yoga practice will help to activate the body's internal reserves and make the body healthy.

In addition, yoga includes various breathing techniques, self-massage and, of course, meditation. Meditation helps to eliminate the accumulated fatigue and tension, relieves stress, teaches you to manage your emotions, allows you to soberly and consciously look at your problems and find solutions. The practice of meditation helps to get rid of bad habits and passions. With the help of meditation, a person can cope with envy, longing and depression, and it will become a good companion for a person who has embarked on the path of self-development.

Yoga is nothing more than an integral and harmonious system of human self-development. Having become acquainted with yoga and choosing for himself the path of self-improvement, worked out for centuries, a person gains inner harmony, the lack of which initially prompts him to take the path of self-development.

A lot of people are now engaged in self-development. But the trouble is that a very small percentage of people achieve really positive results in independent work on themselves. And there are very serious reasons for this, which we will consider in this article.

Questions to be answered:

  • What is Personality Self-Development?
  • The main mistakes that 90% of people engaged in self-development make
  • The laws of effective self-development - what is needed to achieve super results in development

In order to understand what Self-Development of a Personality is, you first need to understand in more detail what Development is and what a Personality is.

Development - this is a change in a person, his purification and strengthening (disclosure of potential).

  • Cleansing - from delusions, mistakes, vices, weaknesses and evil (negative qualities, emotions, programs, habits and reactions).
  • Gain - the formation and disclosure of the necessary virtues (qualities, talents, abilities, feelings), the growth of the power of Will, the power of the Spirit, energy strength.
  • About what is Personality – .

So Self-development Is a process of independent human development. But I note that this does not mean that a person develops alone, without a mentor or Teacher, which means that he is completely self-sufficient and possesses all the necessary knowledge and techniques to ensure his growth.

Basic illusions and mistakes of Self-Development

The first mistake when Self-development (development) is confused with cognition! Where cognition is the accumulation of knowledge without its purposeful practical application. When a person absorbs tens and hundreds of books on development, but purposefully does not implement anything from what he read in his life, but only accumulates information. This cannot be called development or self-development, it is nothing more than hoarding. I can say that in this way arrogant “smart people” are born, who, in fact, are unsuccessful losers.

  • About what is the Spiritual Development of a Human - see on

The second mistake is the use of multiple sources of information for development. When a person in his head from disparate and contradictory pieces tries to assemble a consistent whole. At all times, only a few people could solve such a problem - these are the great Spiritual Teachers and the founders of Religions. So the majority need to get down from the throne, take off the crown and stop imagining themselves cooler than Jesus Christ, they say, "I'm now pushing for information and blindness to something of my own ..." In order to synthesize knowledge, especially knowledge in the spiritual sphere, you need to be at least a genius, well, or an unreasonable person with megalomania.

The third mistake is when a person bets on one thing, and discards everything else and does not take into account. for example, learned one sacred mantra and is trying to apply it like a magic pill wherever possible and where not, to solve any problems and problems. Of course this won't work. Each law, principle or technique of development works in its own area: somewhere you need strength, somewhere a word, somewhere feelings. Prayer, for example, will not pump up a muscle, you need a barbell and daily workouts. How meditation and thoughtlessness cannot make a career. To make a career, you need other actions and techniques.

The fourth mistake is the rejection of authorities, teachers and mentors. Let me remind you that according to statistics, 99% of all successful people always had a mentor, teacher or coach, and they worked on themselves constantly, many until their death. Probably they understood something in this, since they achieved success. You can indulge your self-esteem as much as you like, but without a look from the outside and the help of professionals (healers, mentors, coaches), it is impossible to move forward and up effectively. Know, no matter how you justify yourself, but if you think that you do not need any mentor, consider yourself “the smartest” - you have problems, the diagnosis is Pride. And pride is the main and most serious obstacle on the path of development, from which big troubles always begin in fate.

The fifth mistake is problems with motives. Or, when a person has no motives at all, that is, he is engaged in development for the sake of development, in this case he will never have significant results. Or, when a person's motives, why he is developing, are purely selfish, selfish or, even worse, negative (to take revenge on someone, cause harm, etc.).

Self-development motives - this is the first and most important thing that will maximally influence the effectiveness of development and disclosure of human potential. Let me remind you that the Higher Forces give good to the disclosure of all abilities, talents, and all the potential that is in a person. And if a person does not deserve something, for example a third eye, if his motive is not pure, this ability will be blocked and whatever the person does not, is inaccessible.

Of course, these are not all mistakes of self-development, but the most basic ones.

The basic laws of effective self-development

1. Clarity of vision of the final and intermediate results - the goals of your development. You must clearly understand what you want to achieve, who to become, what to feel, what qualities to possess and the abilities to master.

The goals of your self-development - be sure to prescribe in writing and in as much detail as possible so that you clearly see the result you are going to. How to set and achieve the right goal -.

2. The positive motives for your development must also be identified and realized. In fact, this is an answer to the question - where and how you are going to apply, apply and direct the revealed potential, acquired strength, etc. Self-development should always serve a Good Deed: the development of society and people, the creation of something worthy and important for humanity. If the potential is not used for good, its opening will be karmically blocked.

The motive for development, if you want it to be really effective - also form in writing, and at the same time be as sincere as possible with yourself. Article “How to effectively motivate yourself” -.

3. A single source with an integral system of Knowledge (answers to the maximum number of questions), with the depth and breadth of knowledge that satisfy you both theoretically and practically (everything is realizable). The Knowledge should not contain contradictions, something unreasonable, illogical and not practical. Otherwise, why then such knowledge that cannot be applied in life, which is full of contradictions and mistakes.

4. Availability of effective techniques for self-development - to solve all possible problems, to reveal the necessary qualities, abilities and achieve the goals. For effective self-development, you need a whole range of techniques: from the formation of understanding and decision-making, to energetic working out, working with programs, beliefs, feelings, states, roles, emotions and reactions. Only the system provides such a set.

5. Worthy authority, mentor, teacher or healer - the one who can assess, correct your development, the one who goes a few steps ahead and will help you not to crash or not get lost. The one who, among other things, will descend to Earth from heaven, tear him out of the world of illusions, because the path of development is simply strewn with dangerous traps and trials.

I wish you not to be arrogant, and to find the system of knowledge that will give you the maximum!

You will receive an answer to the question where to start self-developmentby reading this article. Here I will share with you a methodology, the classes of which will take you just 40 minutes a day. These classes will be your answer to the question of how to start self-development right now! No lifestyle changes are required from you at the moment, just 40 minutes of practice daily! Almost immediately, you will feel relaxation, improved well-being, and this does not require lengthy preparation from you. But more on that later, first let me start with a preface.

As I print this article, I feel a huge responsibility. Because I am perfectly aware of what a delicate, respectful attitude a person requires at the moment of searching for a starting point from which self-development begins.

How and when to start self-development? How it should NOT be started.

That is why I will try to give the most intelligible and most appropriate answer to the main question of this article. But after all, not every answer may turn out to be successful, no matter how accurately it did not reflect the main stages of self-development, there is always a danger that this answer can scare you away, force you to give up at the very moment that may turn out to be the most responsible, important moment in your life. when it is determined whether you will follow the path of self-improvement or will continue to live the same life. I will explain this a little below.

Many information sources, trying to answer the question “ how to start self-development?“, Heap a lot of advice at the reader. These tips are neither harmful nor wrong. They are simply untimely. Since they propose to start making fundamental changes in the way of life, in habits, in the daily routine, in social relationships, etc., in general, to radically revise the existing, usual state of affairs.

Advice like this, calling for drastic, rapid change, requires tremendous willpower and energy from the person to whom it is addressed. After all, not everyone is able to immediately part with their favorite habits, and start organizing free and working time, stop aimless, unproductive wandering on the Internet and be puzzled by reading books or other sources that contribute to personal self-development along with general erudition.

People get used to their way of life, for this reason they are not able to rebuild it and begin to change for the better with a wave of a magic wand. Moreover, such a radical transition to new habits, as well as a routine, requires such things as willpower, character, determination, focus on goals, the ability to make decisions, and be responsible for them. But these things are components of personality development, develop as the stages of self-development go.

And if someone asks “ where to start self-development", Then it is concluded that this" someone "is still only at the origins of this path and, therefore, may not possess some of the above qualities.

It turns out that the wrong approach was in the service of a good cause. My task is harmonious self-improvement, which I understand as the balanced development of intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social and spiritual qualities. We're not going to rush anywhere yet. After all, I do not offer any quick solutions, but I am aimed at the progressive gradual formation of you as a person.

How to start self-development today

Therefore, I am not going to expect any rapid changes from you, but I will suggest starting small. Such a “small” one, which will not be a challenge to your usual way of life, will not take much of your time and energy (you only need 40 minutes of time a day). But later, with regular practice, it will bring a lot of life benefits. And only then, gradually, when the time comes, you begin to make changes in your life, in your character, in your environment.

You will have time to decide what you really want, what qualities to develop, what to focus on and where to move, but this still requires some help, a foothold. You can start with the formation of this "bridgehead" today, without postponing for the future, because it does not require special training or special skills.

I emphasize once again that the application of this eastern practice has been successfully reflected in Western culture, having proved its effectiveness in the framework of exercises on relaxation, mind control and neutralization of states of mental discomfortmaintaining discipline, moving from the field of esoteric knowledge to the field of scientific knowledge. Meditation is an effective tool for self-development!

But there should be a clear understanding that this practice is not an end in itself, just as the development of leg muscles is not the final goal for a runner, it is just a tool to achieve the desired result: for a runner, it is a victory in a running competition, and for you, it is harmonious and balanced. self-development. You meditate not in order to ideally master the technique of meditation (although it would be quite nice to master it, it’s even necessary), but in order to make it easier to grow, develop as a person.

Probably, personal growth is possible without meditation, but since I rely on my own experience, I am talking about what helped me. I do not know other ways. For me, meditation served as an impetus for moving forward and the beginning of self-development. Finally, a long prelude was followed by a specific and intelligible answer to the question of how to start self-development: "start meditating!"

Firstly, as I already wrote, it will not take more than 40 minutes a day, it does not require any special conditions (it is not necessary to give up all collecting money and go to Tibet :-)). You can even do it on public transport on your way to work / school. Although it is advisable to do this in calm atmosphere... But if there is no possibility, then even the subway will do).

Is meditation difficult?

You don't need to be highly trained to start meditating! You will master the technique as you practice, it will come with time. Also, you don't have to change your habits right away, just add meditation in the morning and evening to your daily routine. The main condition is to do it regularly, do not forget and do not score, only then will you feel the beneficial effect.

The effect is different for everyone. I have it in six months. Do not be afraid of this period: there will be no instant result!... This you must firmly understand for yourself, come to terms with this thought. In my opinion, the instant result is a myth, a phantom. All important, fundamental personality changes are long and gradual character) So where to start?

Meditation is your practice that will provide you with the necessary skills for self-development, it is some kind of fundamental exercise that you need to start doing first. This is also necessary, as a beginner gymnast should do stretching first before moving on to the rest.

First, familiarize yourself with the theory in, and then you can proceed to the actual practice. Remember, no one is rushing you, you do not need to have time to read all this in the shortest possible time. If you are too lazy to study all these theoretical materials, then proceed immediately to practice, but at least read the conclusions outlined in the first step.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although the main long-term effect of meditation does not appear immediately, you will feel some positive changes almost immediately after starting the practice. This is because you will just be regular relax and put your thoughts in order (this refers to instant effects) which is good. In addition, you introduce into your routine a compulsory exercise that you will do daily, strictly twice a day for 20 minutes per session, this already brings some minimal additional order into your life (whatever you do every day, meditation is not important this, exercise or everyday jogging). This teaches you to keep promises made to yourself, maintain discipline, which is perhaps one of the most significant stages of self-development.

Hope you're ready to get started. Wish you luck!