Russian language. The list of changes in the Russian language is official and was granted from FII why the exam is being upgraded by the Russian language

The official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - FIPI - published preliminary versions of Kim Ege 2018. In general, measurement materials for unified state exams remain the same as in 2017, but certain changes, nevertheless, are present, sometimes significant. We learn what changes will be expected to expect the Russian language in 2018, which is new in one of the required exams for passing by all graduates.

Changes in the exam in Russian 2018

The task number 20 will have a basic level of complexity, and the meaning of the task is to verify how well the eleventh graders know the lexical standards that are inherent in the modern literary language.

An example of such a task is contained in the demo version of the Russian language 2018:

As follows from the correct answers attached to the demo version, it is superfluous to be the word "main". The essence cannot be the main or secondary, therefore the expression "main essence" is one of the classical examples of tautology, or language redundancy, when two words standing near the words are unreasonable from the point of view of the language repeat the same thing, while having the same meaning. Tautology and other language errors that are committed due to illiteracy and will be the fact that it will be offered to graduates on the discovery exam. Thus, it will be detected as well as well-graduates of Russian schools feel and understand Russian.

In principle, the new task, with due preparation of graduate teachers, it will not be overly difficult for most.

The second small change in the exam in the Russian language, which follows from the first - this is an increase in connection with the advent of the new task of the maximum primary score for all work from 57 to 58.

Since the Russian language is among the subjects that are mandatory for delivery, the indicated changes relate to one hundred percent of eleventh graders graduates in 2018.

So far, the indicated changes are considered preliminary, but it is unlikely that they will not turn out to be final. Therefore, graduates and teachers can focus on published FIPI information as what is waiting for them in the summer of 2018.

Chinese schoolchildren hand over state exams ("Gaocao") two days in a row: on the first day they give mandatory items (Chinese, mathematics and foreign language), and in the second - items on the choice (or three subjects of social sciences, or three subjects on natural sciences ). The Chinese system of a single exam is often associated with a growing number of clinical depression and suicide among young people.

In South Korea, airplanes are not allowed in the days of state exams so that their noise does not distract students. In Brazil, a standardized exam is paid and surrendered at will. In Germany, applicants pass several dozen preparatory courses for admission to universities and pass four exams.

What about us? And we have an exam, and, agree, this is not the worst option compared to some exams of foreign schoolchildren. To successfully pass the unified State Exam, it is enough to know the requirements and follow the changes in the current school year. Methodists of the training center "Five Plus" say that you need to know about the exam in 2018.

What remains the same

2018th year passes quietly, under the sign of stability: Head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov said that the procedure of the USE was already settled that everyone decides to know, and no significant changes are expected.

The official schedule of exams is approved and, as before, will be held in three waves:

Full schedule on objects can be viewed. Applications for participation in the USE are submitted before February 1; Those who did not have time to submit a statement to get the opportunity to pass the ege difficult, but it is possible. But there is nothing to worry schoolchildren - the school took care of their timely registration.

As before, two subjects remain mandatory for school graduates - Russian language and mathematics (basic for certificate, profile for admission to university). Demonstration versions of the exam 2018 can be. Remember that the tasks from the demulsions in the examination blanks will definitely not be, but they will be similar. And to prepare the exam preparation plan, use phi codifiers - in them a full list of necessary for studying themes is shown.

To the room where the exam is happening, you can take:

  • medicines and nutrition (if necessary);

    learning tools (in mathematics - ruler; physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator; in chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator; in geography - a ruler, a transport, an unprogrammed calculator);

    the participants of the EGE with ABS, children with disabilities and people with disabilities can take with them special technical means.

    Check the results of the exam, 2018 it will be possible through the official online service or in public services.

Of the mandatory items, the changes touched the Russian language, but no mathematics did not prevent any surprises. Biology and history remained from the items of choice. In foreign language, changes are also insignificant and concern only the wording and evaluation criteria.

General changes

Examing materials for the exam 2018 will print directly in the audience, and not send across schools before exams. Examing forms and measuring materials will be black and white and one-sided. Fill out the forms of the exam participants only on one side - the reverse side will not be checked.

Russian language: plus speech literacy

One task for knowledge of lexical standards and the ability to recognize speech errors was added. Now the tasks have become 26. Another wording is updated: for example, in the composition now it is necessary to specifically formulate the position of the author. The maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work is increased from 57 to 58.

Literature: Plus another topic

The fourth topic was introduced for mini-essay (according to the latest literature) in Job number 17. For tasks with an expanded response No. 9 and 16, you can now get 10 points, and No. 8 and 15 - 5 points. In all these tasks, speech errors are now taken into account. The maximum score in all operations is increased from 42 to 57 points.

Social Studies: Plus Logic

In the social science, the setting system 28 of the task has changed (response plan). It is recommended to pay more attention to the tasks on the logical interconnection of concepts, since one point for logic, the relationship of concepts, was added in task number 29 (essay). Kim as such did not change, the evaluation criteria changed. The maximum primary score for the performance of all operations is increased from 62 to 64.

Physics: plus astrophysics

In the first part of the tasks, it became more - 24 instead of 23. The additional task of the first part checks the assimilation of the basic concepts of astrophysics elements. The correct execution of this task with a response recording in the form of a sequence of numbers is estimated at 2 primary points. In the rest of the thematic affiliation of the tasks of the first and second parts and the task estimation system remains the same. Maximum primary score for the fulfillment of all operations increased from 50 to 52 points.

Chemistry: plus task

The total number of tasks of the exam in chemistry increased to 35 Cerencing the addition of the sixth job in the second part. A tasks with a common context are introduced: No. 30 and No. 31. Here it is checked for the assimilation of the material on the topic of the "Redox reaction" and "ion exchange reactions". But the maximum primary score remains the same due to changes in the estimation scale - 60 points.

Informatics: C ++

In tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, the code examples are now written in the C, but in C ++.

The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has published a draft of the EGE 2018 Changes - will affect this seven school subjects. A single state examination is changing from year to year, and there are two main directions of change: the complication of tasks and clarification of the criteria.

Russian language: 1 new task before the text was added: Task number 20 on knowledge of lexical standards, which checks the ability to find a speech error and correct it. The task is estimated at 1 point, the basic level of complexity. The demonstration version shows an example with a playroom / lexical redundancy, the essence of the task is to find and write down an excess word. Thus, now there will be 26 tasks in the Russian language. We have undergone point meaningful changes. Some classic tasks. In task number 23 (former 22) the wording is clarified with the meaning of the word: its stylistic belonging is indicated ("write down the book word"). In task number 24 (former 23) can now check the knowledge of the digitative discharges. In task number 25 (former 24 - review) expanded a list of terms: the knowledge of the classification of single-part offers is checked (most likely, other similar terms will appear in the tasks No. 23-25). The wording is clarified (Task No. 26). The requirement for the criterion 3 has become more specific: "Word the position of the author (narrator)."

Physics: In the exam in this year's physics, 32 tasks again. The last task of the basic level of complexity is the last task of the first part (24 position), dedicated to the return of astronomy to the school program. The task has a characteristic of the type of "selection of 2 judgments of 5". In accordance with this assignment in the codifier, the subsection "Astrophysics" section "Quantum Physics and Astrophysics" elements ", which includes the following items:

  • Solar system: planets of the earth group and planet-giants, small bodies of the solar system.
  • Stars: a variety of star characteristics and their patterns. Sources of stars.
  • Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun and Stars. Our galaxy. Other galaxies. Spatial scales of the observed universe.
  • Modern views on the structure and evolution of the universe.
Separate attention deserve several tasks of the first part, having a modified format. There was a prototype of the 13th task on electrostatics with the choice of the direction of the acceleration (strength) acting on the charge. That is, now a particle or conductor with a current in a magnetic field is not the only tasks with a choice of direction and writing the word (words) in response. Another change received the 23rd exam position. A prototype of a task was added, in which you need to select two elements that differ only by the variable in the task condition, but to completely collect the installation to carry out experience. Now on the 30 position of the exam, you can expect a task for saturated pairs and humidity. The difference of this task is the characteristic called "Moisturizing Performance". At the 14th examination of the exam, you can meet tasks that check the knowledge of the "law of conservation of an electric charge" and "condenser". The task of the 18th position of the exam (establishing conformity between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas) was added the foundations of a special theory of relativity. The criteria for estimating the first and second part, as well as the maximum number of primary scores and their distribution are changed.

Social science: In task number 3, a list of characteristics, not terms, as before. Probably now, the terms and characteristics can be met.
The wording of the task number 13 is clarified. In task number 26, a refinement was added to the expulsion of the examples of the examples. For task number 28, three evaluation criteria were allocated: the disclosure of the topic, the number of paragraphs of the plan, the correctness of the formulation of items and the sub-clause plan. The maximum score for this task increased to 4. Earlier, the controversial question about the abstract points of the plan is now clearly described in the first criteria; If 0 points are exhibited by criterion 1, the entire task is estimated at 0 points. The wording of task number 29 is expanded, now it fully reflects the requirements of the exam. The list of criteria for evaluation of task number 29 is changed. Now it is: the disclosure of the meaning of statements, theoretical content of mini-essay, the correctness of the use of concepts, theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions and the quality of the facts and examples. The maximum score for the task increased to 6. Thus, the maximum primary score increased to 64.

Chemistry: The format of the former task number 30 has changed, earlier it was given a chain of transformations that it was necessary to supplement, now it is necessary to independently draw up the equation from the proposed substances, a new task appeared. Tasks No. 30 and No. 31 are now estimated at 2 points, previously, the task number 30 was estimated at 3 points. Last thing
The assignment of the exam is now estimated at 3 points instead of 4. The maximum score for the exam has not changed, it is 60 points.

English: The wording of the criteria was specified, they became even more transparent and unambiguous. If earlier there were questions about what to consider violation, there will be no more such issues. Comparison: 2017 (the task is fully fulfilled: the content reflects all aspects specified in the task (given full answers to all questions, three questions are given on the specified topic); The style of speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the goal of statements and addressees; complied with the language of courtesy ) 2018 (the task is fully fulfilled: the content reflects all aspects specified in the task (the full and accurate answers to all questions are given correctly three questions on the specified topic); the style of speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the purpose of statements and addressee; complied with the language adopted in the language The norms of courtesy (1 incomplete or inaccurate aspect is allowed)) the formulation of the task 4 is specified in the "Speaker" block.

Literature: Changed mini-writings and points, respectively. Previously, the tasks No. 8, 9, 15, 16 were obtained by 4 points, now for №№ 8 and 15 - by 5, for №№ 9 and 16 - on 10. This was done in order to dilute these tasks in difficulty because №№ 9 and 16 more complicated than №№ 8 and 15. The criteria for these works were changed: it used to have 2 criteria for №№ 8 and 15 and one for №№ 9 and 16, now they are 3 (added / separated Factology), now everywhere is taken into account by speech errors, before in №№ 9 and 16 they were not taken into account. The 17th essay was added another topic, now there are now 4. The maximum score, now it is 15, and not 14, the criteria increased from 5 to 7. The new topic of the newest literature, which was not before. The maximum score for the exam from 43 to 57 increased.

Analytics was prepared by the Maximum training center.

Ege is one of the most burning topics in Russia. At the beginning of the appearance of such a form of knowledge verification, there were a lot of disputes: to enter or not enter? Now such a form of knowledge check no longer scares students, but discussions around it still do not subside. The main issue of the upcoming school year: will the oral part of the exam in the Russian language?

As is known, the Ministry of Education annually modests the examinations of unified state exams. Since in the 11th grade, only Russian and mathematics are mandatory for delivery, then it is particularly particular interest around these items. So, let's see changes in the exam in the Russian language in 2018.

The Russian language ege consists of two parts: a part with brief responses and an essay. According to most teachers, as well as university teachers, graduates of schools often do not know how to competently formulate their thoughts, it is difficult in free reasoning and do not know how to argue their own position. This problem revealed the weaknesses of school education. Despite the fact that several years ago, the test tasks were removed and the December writing was already introduced, which records the tolerance or not to admission to students for the delivery of the state examination, this was not enough. Therefore, it was decided to enter an oral answer.

So, according to experts, the oral part of the exam will allow students to learn:

  • Formulate thoughts literary language.
  • Develop the ability of reasoning.
  • To form an argued communication skills.
  • Expand among school graduates in the field of oratory.
  • Be competitive in the professional sphere.

In fact, this is not an innovation. For a long time, the disciples have mastered the oral part of the OGE in English. It allows you to identify the ability of students to understand the text, allocate the main idea and formulate competent answers.

How will the oral exam be held?

In some areas, training exams in Russian, where students donated the oral part of the computer. Schoolchildren tested new tasks and noted one important disadvantage: the answers of other examinations interfere with focus. Officials promised that in the future they would fix it, and children will be able to hand over a conversational exam in Russian in individual cabinets. As it is implemented in practice - is still unknown.

How will it be in 2018?

In the Russian language, in 2018 there will be no oral partUnlike, where students in many regions of Russia in 2018 still have to talk on the exam.

On the official website of the FII, all innovations were published in the 2018 EGE. In the Russian language, the main change in the tasks of the first part is No. 20. Now this task is aimed at checking the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. Pupils need to be correlated with errors that are allowed there. Same maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work increased from 57 to 58.

Experienced teachers are already advised to prepare the students of the 10th grades to the oral part of the exam in the Russian language, since She probably will appear in 2019. What should I do?

  • Read with an expression loud texts of various styles.
  • Learn to formulate the main thought of the text.
  • Argments to voice your position on the text read.
  • Competently express your own thoughts.

Exam demo

  • Download demo: EGE-2018-RUS-Demo.pdf
  • Download archive with specification and codifier:

What do officials want?

The Minister of Education does not approve of sharp changes. Perhaps this is good. After all, the Unified State Exam is still stressing for graduates. According to statistics, many students do not seek to get into universities only because of the frightening procedure of the USE. At the highest level, the introduction of an additional third compulsory subject to passing in grade 11 is discussed. Presumably, it will be a story. Officials believe that if you increase the number of mandatory items for delivery, then the children will consider it "ordinary affair" and stop being afraid.

Does this benefit schoolchildren? Everyone will answer this question itself. Pupils can only wish good luck in the exams.

Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation, and therefore every citizen of the country should know it at the highest level. Starting from grade 1, children begin to explore the "great, mighty," by the end of the school they own a huge luggage of knowledge in this area.

In graduation classes, all students hand over a national exam on this discipline and receive a cherished certificate, without which further training in the university is impossible. What will be the EGE in the Russian language 2018 and whether we all have serious changes to its format, this article will tell.

For the final exams in the Russian language, the following dates were allocated:

  • starting period - March 23, 2018 (April 11, 2018 - a reserve day);
  • the main period is June 6, 2018 (June 26, 2018 - a reserve day);
  • an additional period - September 4, 2018 (September 15, 2018 - a reserve day).

Future innovations

Over the course of several years, active negotiations are underway to make adjustments to the exam in the Russian language. In the future, experts advocate the separation of tests into two parts: oral and written. Such optimization will allow to assess knowledge at a higher level, and the work of the examination commissions will make a little easier.

If the separation is still approved, then the eleven graders 2017-2018 release will, in some way, the discovers: they can personally experience all the advantages of the updated exam.

Changes in the writing part

As such, the adjustments of the written part in the period under consideration "did not wait." At the moment, the amendments made in 2017 are relevant, namely:

  • the minimum number of points required for passing the exam is 36;
  • the absence of a block with tests where only one answer was required;
  • the division of the form into two sections: the first - questions with brief replies, the second - an essay on a given topic.

Note that after the introduction of the "speaking" block, the number of written tasks may change, for so far the persons responsible for competent preparation of the program of the EGE did not give any comments about this.

What is the essence of the oral part?

Most graduates are already asked about the feasibility of entering the section for the oral exam. But all, invented for no accident.

After long-term research in several regions of our country, experts concluded that many schoolchildren own the Russian language at a rather poor level.

The following factors could lead to such phenomena, according to, scientists.

  1. Poor-quality teaching (not every teacher seeks to hear from the student deployed, and most importantly, the argued answer to the questions asked).
  2. The dissemination of written methods for testing knowledge (colleges and lyceums reduce the number of oral polls).
  3. A caustic decline in children reading books (respectively, graduates do not own a literary speech and have a meager vocabulary).

You should not forget that excellent speech abilities, as well as the ability to competently express their thoughts, is valued in many professional spheres of man. Those who plan to enter higher education institutions are simply obliged to know the Russian high level.

So, the oral part in the exam in the Russian language will allow high school students:

  • express your thoughts literary language;
  • improve the ability to reasoning;
  • develop the skills of reasoned communication;
  • expand knowledge in the sphere of speakers;
  • becoming in the professional sphere.

Will with an oral block in 2018?

Despite the fact that rumors about the division of the exam in the Russian language into two parts have long been twisted on the Internet, the final verdict on this issue has not yet received. The Ministry of Education is not a supporter of sharp changes, so the reform capable of improving the level of ownership of the native language will take place in several stages:

  1. December check retelling.
  2. Convert task structure, as well as final removal of tests with one answer option.
  3. Section of the all-Russian exam for two blocks: oral and written.

"Speaking" and how it will pass

The question of incorporating the "speaking" section already, almost, resolved in the Russian language. Many students have repeatedly encountered such a task in foreign language final exams, which means that they should be morally ready for his appearance.

It is assumed that the student will listen to the audio recording for 20 minutes and at the same time look at the picture that appears on the computer monitor. After the expiration of the specified time, the schoolchild will have to answer asked questions, the answers to which are fixed on the film. This entry listened to the members of the Examination Commission and after which they will lead their verdict.

Thanks to this innovation, the real level of knowledge of students will be established, as well as its level of ownership of the native language. The examiners will first turn their attention to the use of grammatical skills, the ownership of the rules, the argument and the beauty of speaking speaker.

In order not to sow panic, I want to immediately notice that in (according to pre-forecasts) the "speaking" block will not replenish the program of the Russian language. The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergey Kravtsov, said that in the near future the department does not plan to seriously change the format of the exam, in particular to share it on the basic and profile levels. The oral part, at this stage, is developing and testing in grades.

Demonstration option

If you wish to independently prepare for the future test in the Russian language, then at your disposal is the demo version of the exam. It can be found on the official website of the FII.

Thanks to these materials, you will be able to determine the level of complexity of tasks, and also practiced in solving them.


  • Delligence:
  • Specifications:
  • Codifier:

The rules of behavior on the exam

Even the most "courtested" knowledge of the student may not pass the exam in the Russian language. To get covenant points in the certificate, it is not enough to know the material, it is also important to behave correctly in the audience. On the general examination, the student is prohibited:

  • transplane from place to place;
  • talk to the neighbor;
  • bring with you mobile phones, cribs, listening devices, etc.;
  • leave the class without permission of observers.

Exam preparation

Those students who are aimed at obtaining high points on the exams begin to prepare them even in middle classes. But even if you missed this moment - not all is lost.