Russian Orthodox Institute. Russian Orthodox University and St. John the Theologian Orthodox Institute

UNIQUE PSTGU Studying at PSTGU, students have the opportunity to simultaneously develop in different directions, taking into account individual needs. On the one hand, the University offers 52 study programs in the field of liberal arts education at 9 faculties in the specialties in demand with the issuance of state diplomas. On the other hand, the proposed programs make it possible not only to obtain an actual specialty, but also to expand the range of competencies by studying foreign languages \u200b\u200band obtaining several professions.INTERNSHIPS AT LEADING UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE PSTGU creates opportunities for gaining first professional experience in the process of internships and internships. The university has partnerships with 12 universities in Europe and the USA, where students of PSTGU can study and practice on exchange programs. Thus, each student can build an individual developmental trajectory, which can include obtaining several specialties at once, good language and theological training. CRITERIA FOR THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION The quality of education is an important criterion for assessing the activities of PSTGU, which is achieved through the scientific activities of the university, its own methods, a high level of qualifications of teachers and renowned invited specialists. PSTGU teachers are high-level experts in their fields, often speak at Russian and international scientific conferences, as well as lectures at other universities. Within the walls of the university, students from Europe and the United States are also trained and trained. PSTGU AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES For those wishing to devote themselves to scientific activities, the university provides the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy and postgraduate studies, publish works in the publications of PSTGU, work in scientific centers, participate in conferences.STUDENT LIFE The university has an active and varied student life; it is a venue for numerous scientific and cultural events. MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE OF PSTGU A good material and technical base of the university allows the use of modern technologies in the learning process. Also, students can use libraries, electronic resources, canteens and even a coworking studio to prepare for classes and rest. A hostel is provided for nonresident students. AVAILABILITY OF BUDGETARY SPACES AND HOSTELS In 2018 the university offers applicants 375 "budgetary" places, some of which are financed from the state budget , part - from own funds, as well as 392 places on a paid basis. For the period of study at PSTGU, young men of military age are given a deferment from the army. Studying at PSTGU requires students to be purposeful, efficient and willing to learn. Only in this case, all the opportunities that the university provides will allow you to get a good base and the benefits necessary for further employment.PSTGU is waiting for its students!

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. The faculties are philosophical theological, biblical theological, historical philological ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. Faculties: Philosophical Theological, Biblical Patrological, Historical Philological, Legal, Economic, Environmental. In 1998 there were about 700 students. * * * RUSSIAN ORTHODOX UNIVERSITY RUSSIAN ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian (RPU of St. John the Theologian) Founded 1993 Rector Hegumen Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) Location Moscow ... Wikipedia

    - (street, 28/2). Established with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II in 1993. It trains specialists in the humanitarian field. The university program includes courses in humanitarian subjects (using the heritage of Russian schools of Slavic studies ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (RosNOU) ... Wikipedia

    Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian (RPI) Founded 1993 Rector Abbot Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) ... Wikipedia

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    Request "RGUITP" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (RGUITP) International name Russian State Unive ... Wikipedia

A modernist institution of higher education, pursuing a policy of radical secularization of the Church by including secular institutions alien to her into its structure.

The university's activities are aimed at training specialists in the fields of economics, law, psychology, religious studies, theology, philology, journalism, advertising and public relations, history, fine arts (graphics, painting, sculpture), applied informatics, ecology and nature management, for their subsequent introduction into the Synodal departments, various Orthodox organizations, as well as into near-church commercial structures and even federal TV channels.

The strategic goal of the Russian Orthodox University is to form the image of a person who is completely alien to Orthodoxy, but who positions himself with it. According to the information posted on the University website, it should be

“A stable and socially active stratum of people with a high level of spiritual, secular, business culture and ethics, leadership qualities, the ability to work in a team, developed communication skills and project management experience”.

The university was founded with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia in 1992. Among the initiators of the creation of the university was metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad Kirill the current Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The first rector of the Russian Orthodox University (from 1992 to 2010) was a professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Moscow Patriarchate (until March 2009) archimandrite John (Economsev) - extreme modernist and occultist (pictured on the right).

As a result of the reform of the higher education system in the Russian Federation, by the beginning of 2010 the university acquired a new name - the Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian. To preserve the heritage of the university and expand its educational opportunities, in January 2011 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, by his decree, recreated the Russian Orthodox University - already as an institution of higher professional religious education of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to the new concept of the development of the university, the ANO VPO "Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian" became part of the Russian Orthodox University.

Currently, the rector of the Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian (since May 2010) and the Russian Orthodox University (since January 2011) is the rector of the Vysoko-Petrovsky monastery in Moscow hegumen Peter (Eremeev).

The first dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology was the infamous protodeacon Andrey Kuraev... Among the teachers: metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), Nikolay Alekseevich Fedorov, Aleksey Georgievich Dunaev, Victor Nikolaevich Trostnikov. For many years, the author's courses on theological and philosophical disciplines at the university have been taught by a participant in many ecumenical contacts - Bishop of Moravich Anthony (Pantelich) - the representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, expelled from MGIMO for the Pro-Bender position, Professor Andrei Borisovich Zubov, amoralist archpriest Lev Shikhlyarov.

The latter, at the end of 2015, took part in a photo session defaming the priesthood and is also the author of the blasphemous work "CHRISTIANITY AND PROBLEMS OF SEXUAL RELATIONS." (in which he equates the concepts of virginity and marriage, considering that sin has penetrated into sexual relations, stating that supposedly the way of reproduction has not changed, the self-perception of a person has changed, etc.)

A quote from the work of Fr. Lev Shikhlyarov:

“The developing masturbation leads to sexual egoism, because a person gets used to being interested in sexuality only in his own feelings; He subconsciously perceives his spouse only as a means of satisfaction, and sometimes even as a hindrance! "

In 1995, the Faculty of Economics was opened at the RPU. The work on the creation of the new faculty was headed by Eduard Vladimirovich Afanasyev. The faculty began to train Orthodox economists with a broad profile in the specialty "National Economy". At present, the Faculty of Economics and Law, along with the training of economists, implements training programs for lawyers.

In 2002 the Faculty of Psychology was opened. The faculty was founded by a Christian psychologist archpriest Andrei Lorgus, who since 1999 has been a member of the organizing committee of the Russian-Austrian Theological Dialogue on Christian Anthropology under the auspices of the PRO-ORIENTE Uniate Foundation, and is currently the Dean of the Faculty father Peter Kolomeitsev is a cleric of the modernist parish of Kosma and Damian in Moscow, a philocatholist and teacher of ecumenical and modernist.

The Faculty of Orthodox Psychology, with the assistance of the psychological school of Moscow State University, trains not only “Orthodox” psychologists, but also practicing “Orthodox” psychotherapists who master such exotic techniques as, for example, “psychocatalysis”.

The Faculty has a Center for Practical Psychology, which is designed to help students and teachers of the institute who need to overcome psychological problems. The motto of the Center is “Psychological help and support for a person on the way to God”.

At present, on the basis of higher educational institutions, a unified history and philological faculty has been created.

In 2005, a department of church journalism was created on the basis of the Faculty of Philology. Its deans were a supporter of the institution of the women's diaconate archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky andprofessor Alexey Sergeevich Georgievsky. Journalism courses were taught by teachers of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov: Professor Luiza Grigorievna Svitich, Associate Professor Galina Viktorovna Lazutina, Associate Professor Andrei Vadimovich Raskin, Vadim Evgenievich Styazhkin. Training and retraining of journalists today is carried out by the Department of Journalism and Public Relations of the Faculty of History and Philology.

Along with the study of disciplines included in the standards of professional training, university students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the field of spiritual culture. Theological and doctrinal subjects at the university are traditionally taught by clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, graduates of the Moscow Theological Academy.

On the basis of the RPU-ANO VPO "Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian" International Graduate School of Social Work, which is the only structure in the direction of social work in the Russian Federation, which is to the North American Association of Christians in Professional Social Work... Among the teachers are names such as MARK ABERLEY CARRY, CHRISTINA LENNEA CARRY.

High school graduation diplomas are awarded directly in the temple (note that the men in the temple are present in hats, and the women in the photo on the right are not)

In addition to the study of secular and spiritual subjects, a lot of attention in the modernist institution is paid to cultural programs, for which a historical ballroom dance studio was organized at the RPU

The following dances are studied in the Studio: polonaise, waltz (Viennese, figured, boston, mignon, rhythmic, gavotte, Paganini waltz, ecossaise), mazurka, quadrille, country dances, dances of the peoples of the world (Hungarian ballroom, Norwegian circular, Greek round dance, polka, English country dances, Bohemian polka) and Russian folk dances (Sudarushka, Russian ballroom, Rechenka, Russian lyric) and many others. Students of the studio are both RPU students and everyone who wants to.

Viennese waltz in front of icons - remembering the story of Zoe's Standing

The Studio hosts balls dedicated to both church and state holidays of our country. Within the framework of the Studio, an ensemble "Harmony" was created, which takes part in demonstration performances at various events, performs at city festivals.

And recently, a group of sports ballroom dancing has been operating at the RPU, where tango, foxtrot, quickstep, rumba and other energetic movements are studied.

Also, within the framework of the project of domestication at the Faculty of Psychology, " psychological film club“Which functions under the motto of Carl Gustav Jung "Cinema makes it possible, without any danger, to experience delight, passions and desires, which in ordinary life are necessarily suppressed!"

RPU is the organizer and participant of many modernist and pseudo-missionary projects, one of such projects was the round table organized with the participation of the Department of Philology and Journalism “Games, gamification and spirituality. Religion and Gaming Space " January 26, 2017 in the conference hall of the Vysoko-Petrovsky monastery. The discussion was attended by experts in the field of media communications, journalists, writers, clergymen, developers of computer games and gamers.

And one of the last pseudo-Orthodox actions was an evening of celtic christianitydedicated to Saint Patrick, the educator of Ireland, which took place at the RPU on March 30, 2017.

Celtic music was performed for the guests of the evening and traditional chants of other Christian peoples , a lecture was held on the role of St. Patrick in the Christian education of Ireland and the British Isles and his influence on the culture of Europe.

“St. Patrick's Day is a popular youth holiday in many countries around the world. In recent years, he has gained fame in Russia as well. Now, after the decision of the Synod, Saint Patrick, a saint of the ancient Church, seemed to become even closer to all Russian Orthodox people. We decided to celebrate this day with a prayer service to St. Patrick in our university church - and, of course, to organize a good musical evening, thereby supporting the tradition of musical celebration of the memory of the saint ”, - said the day before the rector of the University, Father Peter (Eremeev).

Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University is a non-state educational institution of higher professional education that implements educational programs for professional higher and postgraduate, pre-university and additional professional education, performing fundamental and applied research in a wide range of sciences, educational areas and specialties.

The University was founded by the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) represented by His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992 as the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute.

Full-time education is free (upon receipt of the first higher education)

The university accepts citizens for full-time studies on the basis of contracts without paying tuition fees, on part-time and part-time forms on the basis of contracts with payment of tuition fees by legal entities and (or) individuals.

PSTGU became the first secular university in the history of Russia, where a layman can receive a complete higher theological education. According to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, "St. Tikhon's University opens up an opportunity for people, regardless of their social status and gender, to receive a theological education and become useful to the Church."

Education at all faculties is based on the principle of basic fundamental university education, based on a deep study of Russian history, philosophy and foreign languages. (17 modern and ancient foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught at PSTGU).

Master's degree

After completing a four-year bachelor's degree, the student has the opportunity to continue their studies for a master's degree. The master's program operates in 9 areas:

  • Theology,
  • Religious studies,
  • History,
  • Philology,
  • Teacher Education,
  • Economy,
  • Art history,
  • Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts,
  • Conducting.

Second degree

PSTGU provides an opportunity to receive theological education for people who already have a higher secular education. Among our graduates are the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov; Director of the Department of Interethnic Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Zhuravsky; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.K. Zhirov, etc.

Directions of training:

The University has 10 faculties:

Faculty of theology - directions (bachelor's degree) "Philology", "Philosophy", directions (bachelor's and master's degrees) "Theology" and "Religious studies" ..

Missionary Faculty - directions (bachelor's degree) "Religious studies", "Culturology", "Tourism", "Social work".

Faculty of Education - direction (bachelor's and master's degrees) "Pedagogical education (primary education)".

Faculty of Philology - direction (bachelor's and master's degrees) "Philology" (domestic and foreign philology).

History department - direction (bachelor's and master's degrees) "History".

Faculty of Church Arts - specialty "Painting" (departments of restoration, icon painting, monumental art); directions (bachelor's and master's degrees) "History of art", "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

Church Singing Faculty - specialty "Artistic direction of the opera - symphony orchestra and academic choir", direction (bachelor's degree) "Conducting";

Department of secondary vocational education - Choir School - specialty "Choral conducting".

Social Sciences - direction (bachelor's and master's degrees) "Economics", "Sociology".

Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics - direction (bachelor's degree) "Mathematical support and administration of information systems".

Faculty of Further Education - professional retraining programs, advanced training programs, short-term distance courses for advanced training in theology and the basics of Orthodox theology and culture.

Department of pre-university training carries out training of applicants in all areas of the University.

Students from all faculties receive basic theological education. The list of theological disciplines and their content correspond to the programs adopted in the higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Postgraduate studies and a dissertation Scientific Council for the defense of theological and church-historical dissertations for the degree of candidate, master, doctor of theology, doctor of church history are opened.

Lectures and seminars are held in the buildings of the University at the addresses: st. Novokuznetskaya, 23 B; st. Ilovaiskaya, 9; 1st Novokuznetskiy per., 4; st. Bakhrushin, 8, etc. The University has 6 icon painting workshops, 2 workshops for mosaics and frescoes, 3 workshops for church sewing, 1 workshop for the restoration of icons.

International activity

PSTGU carries out wide international cooperation. The geography of international contacts of the university includes the countries of Eastern, Western and Northern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and Australia. The University has a number of joint scientific and educational programs with such foreign universities as the Orthodox St. Sergius Theological Institute (Paris, France), St. Vladimir Theological Academy (USA), the University. Humboldt (Berlin, Germany), University of Friborg (Switzerland), Catholic University of Milan (Italy), Catholic University of Paris (France), Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (Niemengen, Holland), Patriarchal University. Andrew the First-Called (Georgia).

The most successful students of PSTGU undergo additional training, internships and practice in foreign educational centers. University teachers travel to lecture, conduct academic and scientific work in foreign educational and scientific institutions. Foreign experts give lectures to our students.

student life

In 2010, the consecration of the campus at 9 Ilovaiskaya Street (metro Maryino, Bratislavskaya) took place. It includes a hostel, an academic building, a refectory, a library and a chapel.

In their free time, our students lead an active student life. From the first year, everyone participates in the liturgical life, organized by faculty. Festive performances, concerts, meetings with famous hierarchs, learned theologians, etc. are held at the faculties. The university-wide mini-football team successfully takes part in various competitions.

We are waiting for you at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University!