Romance Loves Early experience read online. All books about: "Romance of Lust or Early ...

Recently, several Friends do not claim themselves about the eternal, namely - about books. We rarely began to read them (and I am no exception). And now 20 years ago, the book was a mandatory attribute of a bedside table. And I'm not talking about the past past.

Erotic novel 50 shades of grey"It became one of the most sensory events of this winter. The modern public is clearly "hungry" by cliff and sexual revelations. However, few people know that the best samples of the erotic novel were written back in the Victorian era, and their authors talked about sex and bdsm much frank.

Books are placed in the reverse order ...

10. Erotic magazine "Pearl" (1879-1880)

If you draw up the top 10 of the sexiest books of the 19th century, it stands with the monthly journal "Pearl" ("The Pearl"), published throughout the 1879-180s by the Englishman Lazenby (William Lazenby). While the edition was not closed, accusing in immorality, erotic stories were printed on his pages, in which frank scenes were often depicted from the life of the highest light, incest and scourge.

Cover magazine "Pearl"

9. Roman "The Romance Of Lust, Or Early Experiences" (1873-1876)

Most erotic novels went out anonymously, one of these was " THE ROMANCE OF LUST, OR EARLY EXPERIENCES» (« Romance Lust, or Early Experience"). This work has been published William Lezenbi. At the basis of the narrative - confession of a fifteen-year-old guy about its first sexual exploits that were not limited to the deprivation of virginity with two sisters, but continued by a series of familiar guys, girls and governess. For the author of this novel, there is no taboo: homosexuality, incest and pedophilia - the readers of the novel recognize all this and many other things.

Novel Cover * The Romance Of Lust *, 1873-1876

8. Roman "The Sins of the Cities of the Plain" (1881)

William Lezenbi In 1881, the publication of another novel, shocked by primary England, was honored. " The Sins of the Cities of the Plain"- The first work, whose main character became a homosexual. It is noteworthy that in the novel there are not only fictional characters, but the real personalities are also mentioned. In particular, the author writes about two transvestites Erneste Bolton and Frederic Park . By the way, the seller of pornographic literature Charles Hirsch even claimed that this book he had acquired Oscar Wilde In 1890.

Novel Cover * The Sins of the Cities of the Plain *, 1881

7. The book "The Nunnery Tales" (1866)

Book " The Nunnery Tales."(1866) shocked readers not only by frank scenes of group orgies and all sorts of sexual perversions. The author elected a female monastery, whether the nuns and priests "sinned" have a lot and pleasure.

Cover Collection * The Nunnery Tales *, 1866

6. Tale of "Venus in Fur" Leopold von Zaher-Mazoha (1870)

The recognized genius of sexual jepers is considered, of course, the Austrian writer Leopold background Zaher Masoch. His story " Venus in fur"Until today, it remains one of the most reading works, because in it the author first showed a love relationship, in which a man takes the role of a slave, obeying the woman in everything. In fact, this novel is a harbinger of masochism in a broad sense of the word, because the term itself appeared by the name of his "discoverer".

Cover the story of the Zater-Masoha * Venus in furs *

5. Roman "The Autobiogography of a Flea" (1887)

Novel " The Autobiogography of a Flea» (« Autobiography of flea", 1887) is one of the most bold satirical works of the XIX century. His author, London lawyer Stanislas de Rodes., published a product anonymously. Narration is conducted on behalf lobokova Vershi , settled on the body of the nymphs, which is watching the diverse love adventures of its "hostess".

Roman cover * flea autobiography *, 1887

4. Roman "The Lustful TURK" (1828)

Erotic novel " The Lustful Turk.» (« Lustful Turk", 1828) - tribute to the passion of readers by exotic countries and traditions. The work has an epistolar form, these are letters of the English woman who fell into sexual slavery to the Turkish Sultan and doomed to fulfill his all possible whims, living in a harem. The novel won such a huge popularity that it was repeatedly reprinted in the 20th century and even was shielded.

Novel Cover * The Lustful Turk *, 1828

3. Roman "The Mysteries of Verbena House" (1881)

Two-volume novel " THE MYSTERIES OF VERBENA HOUSE", Published in 1881 with numerous illustrations, was inspired by the Love of the British to the discipline and order. At the heart of the storyline - who later became a classic collision: For naughty schoolgirls, the foreman of the boarding school causes a strict teacher who willingly "punishes" the hungry nimble.

Novel Cover * The Mysteries of Verbena House *, 1881

2. Collection of poems "The Whippingham Papers" (1887)

« The Whippingham Papers."- Collection of Sado Mazochist poems of authorship Algernon Charles Swinbure.. In most comic poetry, he describes corporal punishments that were applied to the young men at school. Apparently, the memory of the rogues remained in men for a long time, since they read this edition with interest.

Collection Cover * The Whippingham Papers *, 1887

1. Roman "Gynecocracy" (1893)

The best erotic novel of the Victorian era is recognized " Gynecocracy."(1893). Critics believe that it opens up secret desires that did not give rest to the British. In particular, the author describes typical cases when men disguised himself in women's clothing, imitating governess, and served girls, performing any of their whims, sometimes even the most unpredictable.

Novel Cover * Gynecocracy *, 1893

There are many books in the world, and not every one is written well. At the same time, most authors choose the same eternal theme as the basis of the plot, which is calling love. How many tribalities were vain on this score! And every year the number of trivial scribes is growing in geometric progression. However, there are authors who bring something new in this concept, which is completely different from the fact that today is called romantics. Their novels tell about the relationship between a man and a woman, about love between mother and daughter, about narcissism. At the same time, each story is both unique, and to pain acquaintance.

1. "Young Adam" - Alexander Trocca

"Young Adam" was written by the Scottish writer Alexander Trocci, which can be found to the movement of hipsters. Roman himself was shielded, and such decent Hollywood stars were starred, as Yuen McGregor and Tildon, and Tildon.

The narrative is not devoid of extreme and sensuality, glowing passions. The book is a roman-thriller, deeply pessimistic, describing the history of modern Adam, who does not just hit the forbidden fruits, but not paying for it. Instead, others suffer from him, because we live in modern times, and not biblical. He does not need to be afraid of the kara - let others fear her. Happy end will not be.

2. "Expanding the space of struggle" - Michelle Welbek

Michelle Welbek is the rare case when the popular writer of popular novels can also be a deep writer who carefully studies the topic before being taken for the feather. This Frenchman is world famous and worldwide scandal. His last book, "submission", made noise in the European community and split it into two irreconcilable parties.

But earlier Wallbek was no less good. "The expansion of the struggle space" is a novel about sex, about his influence on the mind of a young man and, of course, about love. The main character is easy to try on yourself because of its absolute serness. It works as a programmer in one of numerous computer companies, he is thirty years old, and he earns well. A book about the usual person in the modern world and a liberal model through which this world passes.

3. "The Invention of Morel" - Adolfo Beo Casares

"The invention of Morel is the book of a Latin American writer, a good friend of Borges, by the way. He has not so many books, he wrote reluctantly. But several novels he still created. "The invention of Morel" is a novel that tells about non-darling, deprived of any meaning. The hero chases himself into prison, which, although it looks like a paradise island, but still is a prison.

He falls in love with the image of a girl who sees at the same time on one hill. But it can not approach her - afraid. The girl, meanwhile, does not notice him. Perhaps, specifically, perhaps, really does not see a non-dimensional man of a dicard. Casares shows internal conflicts of the main character and his attempt to get mutual sympathy from the girl, and all this happens against the background of island landscapes.

4. "History of the kidnapper Tel" - Ann Rice

Once novels about vampires were quite respected genre literature. But it seems that good vampire books stopped at Anne Rice, who came up with that very story that was removed "interviews with a vampire". One of the most colorful characters was a vampire Lestat, who was not central - the character of Brad Pitta chalked all the attention. And it seemed unfair.

However, not everything is so bad. Lestat de Liononkur is the main character of many other Rice books, among them "History of the Thief Tel". The story is conducted on behalf of the main character, as is customary from this author. Lestat at the very beginning of the book flows into a serious depression: he no longer wants to be a vampire. It seems terrible to him, but so I want to become a person, to be alive in the full sense of the word. And, to his happiness, this opportunity appears. He becomes a man, mortal man who can be engaged in ordinary sex, love, show feelings. But everything goes awry, because to be a person is not so simple. Good mystic, not without humor. The book has sex, and lust, and narrowing, and, of course, the essence of a person described by.

5. "Door in December" - Dean Kuntz

Dean Kuntz is perhaps the top ten of the best American horror writers. It is highly appreciated by critics, and each new book is sold faster than bullet speed.

"Door in December" let and not a film about love between a man and a woman, but this is a film about love for the family. The old patterns are immediately forgotten, the problems with which they turn to a family psychotherapist, too, when something mysterious threatens the life of a child. In this story, three main characters: Detective Dan Holdane, a courageous mother Laura McCefi and her nine-year-old daughter Melanie. Of course, there is a fourth character who has no relation to humanity is simply "it", which is dangerous that he kills and with which it is impossible to agree. Trinity is just trying to survive, at the same time fastening family bonds. Dean Kuntz, in fact, a very family writer.

The Ukrainian underground scene of the second half of the 90s is firmly associated with such directions as Paganmetal, BlackMetal and its radical branch NSBM. Many of the projects originated in those years exist to this day, having time to gain popularity by this time, but despite this, retaining the radical promise in combination with the national flavor. Against the background of monsters such as Nokturnal Mortum, Lucifugum or Dub Buk, unwittingly forget that it was Ukraine that became the birthplace of one of the most diverse and distinctive teams of the post-Soviet dark scene. We are talking about the "Bumblebee" group, now based in Moscow.

At the turn of the zero anniversary of the XXI century and the dashing 90s for the rapid ears of a young fan of the radical underground scene, the KTRov collections "Punk Revolution" were the real window in a big world. The Internet at the time was still considered luxury, and Troitsky with comrades, using the complete lack of punk music on the target audience, turned most compilations to the musical and ideological Elash.

It would seem that this one can invent, in order to stand out against the background of this colorful obscuration - it does not matter, for the best or worse, - however, the project has already attracted attention to the usual punk rock atypical for this direction by strict industrial rhythms, sometimes switched to Gloomy semi-bouquet. As for lyrics, there was no coarse protest, nor landed dirty domestic, nor the abstract philosophy, which is characteristic of the creativity of an unsvestigative Az, neither more politicians. Instead, there were gloomy mystical images, which interspersed with the elder surrealism of the end of the 80s.

Another business card of bumblebees from the very beginning was the features of vocal. Votes, in fact, in the group there were two, and if for the male component, which is given a secondary role, you can still find analogue if you wish, the vocals of Lyoul combines rudeness and at the same time some infernal femininity, causing associations with Sukubo stuck at the transformation phase.

All this was in the distant 1999, and the history of the Bumblebee group began a year before, in the Ukrainian city, Rivne. This, however, does not mean at all that for the founders of Alexander Shmeleva and Lili the attacker was the first project, but precisely how bumblebees they received recognition and fame.

Contrary to someone's expectations, the name of the group does not have a mystical subtext or something like that. The nickname "Bumblebee" was at Alexander Shmelev, long before the base of the team, and after Lelyla joined him, the newly minted family began to call just "bumblebees." Session musicians came and left, and this awesome couple remained and remains intolerable.

In Ukraine, the first bumble albums were recorded. It happened, by the way, at the Kiev Studio Moon Records, who had released the semi-official publications of rare albums of civil defense and communism on cassettes with some polygraphy. From the very beginning, the bumblebees were actively used by the keyboard section, but there are no-no-no, and there was no typical punk rabnitstaby food, and a dirty guitar sounder was very reminded of the same year of the period of the 80s.

The Moscow stage of the work of the bumblebee began a year later, when their records fell to the eyes of a spider. Heavy Roca Corporation not only published their albums, in parallel, including the songs of the bumblebee, not to all the collections published by the corporation, but also gave bumblebees the opportunity to declare themselves to the Moscow public from the scene.

Cooperation with heavy rock corporation had a double effect for the group. On the one hand, it was the spider who opened the bumblebees for a much broader audience than when the group was based in exactly.

On the other hand, Sergey Evgenievich Troitsky by that time has long been played tight with politics, involving in this process and those collectives that took under the wing. Anyway, participation in events under the slogan "British goes" created the bumblebees of a completely definite reputation among the so-called "right" punks. In those years, Russian punk culture has become an accelerated pace to join the oven, so that the "Nazi Punx, Fuck Off" deposits flew in the address of the group constantly.

It was in the Khrovsky period that the epochelty thing "Brito-head Muscovites" was recorded, which became one of the anthem of young fighters for the domination of the Aryan race, in parallel, causing tons of hatred from Pankov-anti-fascists. What the musicians themselves thought, it is not known for certain, but now they confidently argue that it was a subtle banter. However, just once to listen to this track, being in a right mind to believe them.

It is difficult to say, no matter how it all happened if in 2002 the Group did not come out of a heavy rock corporation, in order to begin to conquer the brains and ears of the Russian public on their own. This event was preceded by the release of the first bumblebee CD called "Potory". In essence, it was a collection that made the best things of the Khrovsky period of the Group's existence. The britheads did not turn out there, but the compilation included tracks that really enriched the repertoire of the team, the texts of which the group is also obliged to cooperate with Spider. We are talking about things, initially recorded for the collections of "songs of the Party" to the poems of the scandalous writer Oleg Gastello Abramov, such as "clown" and "skeletons". There is not a drop of politics here, but there is a lyrics, hopelessness and, of course, Horror:

Exactly 5.30 morning slept in the Lipkaya Coma Moscow

And the shadow dropped when trains entered under the ground from the tunnels.

Blue card, red card,

Exactly at 5.30 am skeletons in the train.

One way or another, the first 5 years of the existence of the team were extremely fruitful, since at this time more than 15 releases were released, not counting the participation in compilations. The steps that followed after this can be considered to be considered the second birth of the group. The point here is not only and not so much that our couple once again updated the rest of the composition - yes, now the albums of the bumblebee began to be published on the disks with labels such as Mystery or Moroz Records, but with the departure of the CTR, their concert audience has been seriously reduced. As a result, there was a difficult period in the life of the bumblebee and les, when Alexander was forced to make a living dishwasher and a loader, and Lelya traded at an unfair hillside.

Nevertheless, it was in this complex segment that the work of the bumblebees was rapidly evolved. There is no trace of dirty-punk, both in music and in lyrics, where the Mat has almost completely disappeared, and the style in which the bumblebees began to play, they were not otherwise characterized as Industrial Folk. In the texts, more attention began to be given to feelings and dark aesthetics; It can be said that creativity has become more romantic. The demonic essence of the woman was embodied before this in the characteristic vocal, the demonic essence was now reflected in the whole series of songs, for five years they have invariably included in each of the albums of the team. Taking the start from the "Woman Bird" track, folk semonicastic ballads from the album "Loda", she ended with the track "Woman behind the wheel" from the fuel plate 2010. Between them were the shadow, and baby, and the bat, and even - dramaturgy.

At about the same time, the first car appears in the life of an invalid couple, and since they always were not fools to travel, the attitude towards it was somewhat different than just to a tin on wheels. Anyway, at this time, a new stable image appeared in their songs, first embodied in the tracks "Stroy" and "Black Volga":

You will get me

You will Sogray me

Iron comfort of my car.

I know not in vain,

Know not in vain

We strive with you to the dream of the top.

Past cities and distant countries

Leaving the trail of inflamed wheels, legs

On the bones of love of an unexplored wounds

There, where the last in the life of the intersection is waiting.

At the same time, the stage image of the bumblebees acquires its current gothic aristocratic appearance. The albums are recorded one by one, maximum, two per year, but their quality is incomparably above the first creatures of the team. In a large extent, it contributed to the temporary return to the Keyman of Rostislav Shcherbatko, known as Ross and playing in the composition of the bumblebees in 1998. Being a professional pianist, this person has made a significant contribution to the high quality of the music team performed, which has been preserved and after its final care.

The new period of creativity of the bumblebee begins in 2009. The crisis bursting a year earlier was not only a blow to the welfare of most citizens of the Russian Federation - in culture and contemporary art, this topical topic found a rich embodiment. Not left aside and bumblebees, who recorded at the very beginning of 2009, a truly anti-crisis disc "Moscow Fair of pleasure" (abbreviated meow), which is a caustic ridder over the cruel blessing society of consumption:

In the world, the crisis in the world crisis ... Prodaic revenge!

The business dies, business dies ... But there is always money on vodka!

However, this does not mean that all images in their songs have become so landed. Found on the record place and gloomy philosophy, and an abstract mysticism. The track is the "Zoya" track, where under the synthesized sounds of the body of the bumblebee set out their version of the once-sensational story about the "stone zoe", the girl who decided to dance with the icon of St. Nicholas and cruelly spent.

The following collective disk came out already in 2010. The album "Mechanical Ballerina" was notable for a variety of reasons. On topics, he continued to the line set on meow, but the problem of the society of consumption, turning people into soulless mannequins, is considered much more globally:

Soon there will be no subculture,

In the Mig Apocalypse, except one.

Subculture called "People",

People, Go, Go! People, hauy!

Gods painted our eyes

We are not people - we are live masks,

We do not need not love, not caress,

We would longer, so that the paint does not erase

We are porcelain dolls,

And say nothing

Just if you too with us

Rushing? So with!

Most of the things entered on the plate was originally intended for the next Side project of the Bumblebee and Les called U.L.A. I must say that this is not the first attempt to create a parallel project.

Back in 2001, together with the musicians of the Tetraider group, the Bumblebee creates a project "Klochy", within which the album "Drawings in the Soul" comes out. Later, together with Alan Waters, they recorded in 2003 the "Stop humanity" disk, which is already in the framework of the formation of "Antivirus", and the Album "Eight Women on Raduga" in 2005 in the artist's column means: "Bumblebees & Alan Waters. By the way, the last of the listed disks is first involved in a live violin.

There was another butt album of 2006, which indicated as Solnik Bumblebee and Les, but the only release of U.L.A. "The sky is against" and was not officially published. However, this Side project was the richest in terms of using bumblebees of exotic tools. From the first things there are attention to the living violes, causing associations with tireless Germans Tanzwut. In addition, the album was used to use the flute, which, however, can hardly be surprised by the connoisseur of heavy music, seasoned with folk, and even hubls and dombré. The last tool appeared at the bumblebees after the trip to Kazakhstan and was used to record one of the most remarkable tracks on the album called "Ael Ahua". Lyrics for the song inspired by Kazakh legends and legends, and at the very thing was removed a very worthy clip.

I must say that the clips of the bumblebee have been removed for a long time and regularly. As if in counterweight collectives, which makes it an expensive and labor-intensive occupation, initially the group used only accessible tools for creating a video. Sometimes the clips were created in Flash cartoons or filmed an amateur chamber to then be included on the first CDs as a free bonus. Such an approach in which the group was not afraid to practice and gain experience, gave his fruits, since for several years any new clip of the bumblebee invariably causes interest.

Completes the period of the social and antiglamor released at the end of 2010, the "fuel" disk. In parallel, he became a real anthem desperate travelers who were not afraid to go "only on the signs of a deserted track" towards adventure.

Following the "workshop of the rehabilitation of paranoids", the listener returns the listener during the time of dirty-outcast images, characteristic of the Rivne and Ktrovsky periods of the group's creativity. After such a reboot, two more disks have been recorded - "freak theater" (2012) and "pair of corpses" (2013), but it is still difficult to talk about the emerging trends at the new stage of creativity. Perhaps the answer to this question will give the nearest albums of bumblebees, but still remains only to wait and build guesses.

For a long time, the Moscow, the Bumblebee group was and remains atypical for the underpot scene as an example of the fact that enthusiasm and creative fertility are far from always leaving age. Both mesh, and Les have already exceeded 40, but this awesome couple continues to do his beloved thing and please their fans, both fresh plates and regular live performances, many of which are colorful shows.

In conclusion, it remains only to give a quote from one of the tracks from the "Theater of freaks", which is essentially a good metaphor for the creative position of this original team with an unusual history:


Forget years

Dying on weekdays

Past worries.

Laugh and silently melted.

Hyena, Dance, Hyena, sing!

Siren, kiss lips in hellish syrup.

Skeletons will wake up underground

And he comes to the tattoo itself on the pope.