Monitoring results of Russian universities from the Ministry of Education and Science. Results of monitoring of Russian universities from the Ministry of Education Main indicators of monitoring by districts

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the next monitoring of the effectiveness of Russian universities, which was conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of data provided by educational organizations.

Monitoring the education system - a universal means of control, systematization and development of a constructive line of development in one of the most important sectors of the development of society and the state.

In addition, the research results allow future students to judge the quality of education in a particular university, its prestige and the possibility of obtaining the best knowledge that will really become useful in professional activities.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the next monitoring of the effectiveness of Russian universities, which was conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of data provided by educational organizations.

Why do you need monitoring?

Development and improvement, raising education to a new, higher level is the main goal of regular monitoring the effectiveness of universities.

Monitoring studies show:

  • the quality of work of the teaching staff, as well as the degree of assimilation of the program material by students;
  • consistency, goals and objectives of training, methods of presentation of the material. The use of technical means of teaching and control of knowledge significantly simplifies the educational process and helps to rationally spend the time of the student and teacher allotted for study;
  • structure and forms that make it possible to acquire knowledge in optimal conditions. Monitoring statistics reflect the number of specialized universities in each region, stationary and part-time forms of study, as well as the material conditions created for independent educational and scientific activities;
  • the effectiveness of the educational process, which is reflected in the data on the employment of graduates in the specialty.

Monitoring includes a number of other assessment points related to control and management of the educational process... The regulation of budgetary funds allocated to improve the quality of higher education is also based on research results.

It should be noted that, compared with last year's research results, the number of universities that improved their results in four or more indicators increased by 2.5 times. That is, the monitoring proves its effectiveness and positive impact on improving the quality of education.

Key performance indicators of universities

The 2017 study involved 769 universities and 692 branches of educational organizations of various forms of ownership (state, municipal and private).

Efficiency of universities was evaluated based on indicators characterizing:

  • Educational activity - average USE score;
  • Research activities - the amount of research and development work per employee;
  • International activity - the percentage of foreign students to the total number of students;
  • Financial and economic activity - income of an educational organization per employee;
  • Salary of the teaching staff - the percentage of employees' salaries to the average salary in the region;
  • Employment - the percentage of graduates who are employed in the next year after graduation to the total number of graduates;
  • Additional indicators are the proportion of student athletes, the proportion of employees with state awards, the proportion of students enrolled in advanced training and professional retraining programs, etc.

Main indicators of monitoring by districts

The last monitoring was attended by universities of all sectoral areas, located in eight federal districts and in almost all regional centers of the Russian Federation.

Central District

438 higher education organizations (including 156 branches) took part in the monitoring. 49 universities were able to achieve the required values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, including:

Northwestern District

152 higher education organizations (including 60 branches) took part in the monitoring. 20 universities were able to achieve the required values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, including:

Volga district

273 higher education organizations (including 155 branches) took part in the monitoring. 40 universities were able to achieve the required values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, including:

Southern District

151 higher education organizations (including 92 branches) took part in the monitoring. 16 universities were able to achieve the required values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, including:

North Caucasian district

The monitoring was attended by 95 higher education organizations (including 50 branches). Only 2 universities were able to achieve the necessary values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, namely:

  • Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Ural district

The monitoring was attended by 112 higher education organizations (including 59 branches). 12 universities were able to achieve the required values \u200b\u200bfor all 7 indicators, including.


Over the past five years, a system of external quality assessment of the activities of universities has been functioning. The article is devoted to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the approach to measuring the effectiveness of higher education organizations, as well as an overview of the prospects for introducing an internal system for assessing the quality of education in a university.


Over the past five years, there has been a system of external evaluation of the quality of Higher education institutions. The article is devoted to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the approach to measuring the effectiveness of higher education organizations, as well as to the review of the prospects for the introduction of an internal system for assessing the quality of education in Higher education.

Keywords:performance monitoring, performance criteria, performance thresholds, Roadmap, FSES 3 ++.

Keywords: monitoring the effectiveness, performance criteria, threshold values \u200b\u200bof the effectiveness, roadmap, GEF 3 ++.

On December 30, 2012, the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation entered into force
No. 2620-r., Approving the plan of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science ("Roadmap of the Government of the Russian Federation"). The “road map” is designed to form the main directions of development of education and science from preschool education to training of the highest category personnel. The Roadmap includes the main quantitative characteristics of education systems at all levels for the period from 2012 to 2018. Since in 2018 the Road Map will cease to operate, and monitoring based on its performance criteria has been carried out for five years, it is advisable to summarize and outline the prospects for the last year to analyze the activities of universities.

Among the main directions of the "Roadmap of the Government of the Russian Federation" are the following:

  • conducting annual monitoring of the effectiveness of universities;
  • modernization of the system of licensing and accreditation of educational programs;
  • improvement of the network of educational organizations (reorganization and affiliation).

As you can see, the first instrument for achieving the indicators of the Roadmap was monitoring the effectiveness of universities. On September 1, 2013, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08/05/2013 No. 662 came into force. "On monitoring the education system", which regulates the rules for monitoring the education system and the list of mandatory information on the education system subject to monitoring. According to the said Resolution, Monitoring the effectiveness of universities is a systematic, standardized observation of the state of education and the dynamics of changes in its results, the conditions for the implementation of educational activities. Having analyzed this definition, one can judge about three main components of the education monitoring system. First, it is systematic. Since 2012, monitoring of the performance of universities has been carried out annually. Secondly, standardization. The system of indicators for monitoring the performance of HEIs is an expression of the need to standardize observation. A logical continuation of the process of developing and approving monitoring indicators was the establishment of threshold values \u200b\u200bfor their implementation. The universal list of indicators, although it met the requirement for standardization of observation, was controversial in terms of setting threshold values \u200b\u200bfor their implementation. In this regard, it was fair to approve threshold values \u200b\u200bdepending on the regional affiliation of the university. The third condition for monitoring the effectiveness of universities is the assessment of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities. In order to fulfill this condition, the system of performance indicators was adjusted. In the period from 2012 to 2017. the performance indicators had qualitative changes, and the threshold values \u200b\u200bof their implementation also changed. The dynamics of changes in performance indicators and their threshold values \u200b\u200bare clearly presented in Table 1.

Table 1 .

Dynamics of changes in indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of universities

Indicator name

Threshold value *




Feb 2016



Educational activities

International activity

PPP salary


The given contingent of students

Share of candidates and doctors of sciences

Additional indicator


* Threshold values \u200b\u200bare given for St. Petersburg

As can be seen from Table 1, starting from 2014, the thresholds for six of the seven indicators for monitoring the performance of HEIs have not changed. An exception was the indicator "PPP salary", the threshold value of which increased to the level regulated by the RF Government's Roadmap. The currently established system of performance indicators is as rational as possible. From the point of view of reaching the threshold levels of monitoring indicators, it is impossible to formulate a “universal recipe” for their achievement, since many of the indicators are interrelated. Thus, the indicator "Educational activity" encourages universities to adhere to a certain standard when admitting students (on a budgetary and paid basis). Achieving the threshold value of this indicator is possible in two cases:

  • if the university has a high passing score for the budgetary basis of education;
  • if the university restricts admission on a paid-contractual basis of study (sets the limit of points required when concluding an agreement for a paid form of study). When choosing the second approach to achieving the indicator, universities inevitably lose financial resources from the main type of activity, which, in turn, leads to difficulties in achieving the indicators "Financial and economic activity", "Salary of teaching staff". Consequently, universities are forced to exist in conditions of tough contradictions between maximizing income and maintaining the required level of the average USE score of applicants. The block of indicators "Financial and economic activity", "Salary of teaching staff", "Research activities" depend not only on the amount of financial resources, but also on the number of teaching staff reduced to rates, which, in order to achieve these indicators, must be minimized. But even here universities are faced with a contradiction in the form of the ratio "Teacher / Student" approved in the Roadmap of the Government of the Russian Federation. The contradiction lies in the fact that, increasing the number of students (in particular, those studying on an extra-budgetary basis), universities are obliged to hire teachers (at extra-budgetary rates). The ratio "Teacher / Student" should be 1/12, therefore, having accepted 12 paid students, at least 1 teacher will appear in the CPD, hired at an extra-budgetary rate. This staffing unit will be subject to all the same requirements for the payment of average wages, the number of contractual research and development projects completed and the total amount of income as for all other research and development workers. In addition, the indicator "Additional" deserves special attention, which actually reflects the level of degree of the teaching staff of the university. Under the conditions of monitoring, it is economically profitable for any university to take on extra-budgetary rates of teaching staff as a teacher and a senior teacher, since their salaries are lower than those of an associate professor and professor, and the amount of classroom teaching load can be maximized. In order not to abuse such economy, there is an indicator "Additional", which stimulates the admission of teachers with PhD and / or Doctor of Science degrees to the number of CPD.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the system of indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of universities is maximally interconnected, rational and forms a fairly rigid framework in the multifaceted activities of the university.

Nevertheless, monitoring the effectiveness of universities has existed for a relatively long time and many educational institutions have found ways to adapt to the approved system of indicators.

Table 2 is devoted to the results of performance monitoring in chronological dynamics.

Table 2.

Results of monitoring the effectiveness of universities in the context of the number of universities recognized as effective

Table 2 shows that the number of universities recognized as ineffective during the monitoring period decreased by more than 10 times. The number of universities that have fulfilled 100% of the indicators has increased 4 times, every 4th university fulfills all performance indicators.

Nevertheless, there is an objective need to identify a list of problematic and difficult-to-achieve performance indicators. For this purpose, table 3 is formed.

Table 3.

The results of monitoring the effectiveness of universities in St. Petersburg in the context of overcoming the threshold values \u200b\u200bof indicators

Indicator name

Share of organizations that have not met the threshold value of the specified indicator * (%)

According to monitoring data in 2015

According to monitoring data in 2016

According to 2017 monitoring data

Educational activities


PPP salary

Additional indicator

International activity

Financial and economic activities

Research activities

* Indicated is the number of universities that took part in performance monitoring located in the city of St. Petersburg

According to the performance monitoring conducted in 2017, the largest number of universities (35.1%) did not meet such indicators as "Educational activity" and "Employment". These indicators were also among the leading in terms of the difficulty of reaching thresholds in 2016 and 2015. More than a quarter of HEIs still do not fulfill the indicator "PPP salary", and therefore violate the Roadmap of the Government of the Russian Federation; almost 20% of universities do not meet the requirements for the degree of teaching staff. It should be noted that as a result of the monitoring carried out in 2017, for all performance indicators, the proportion of universities that did not fulfill them has decreased.

In 2018, the validity period of the Roadmap of the Government of the Russian Federation ends, and the positive dynamics of achieving performance indicators demonstrates a high level of adaptation of educational institutions to the existing system of external monitoring. Half of the current indicators are financial in nature and have nothing to do with the quality of education. The only fair indicator is employment, the calculation procedure for which has not yet been determined (except that the information is provided by the FIU). The only condition for overcoming it is the availability of full-time graduates who have found a job within one year from the date of graduation. Consequently, universities that implement training programs only by correspondence are recognized as automatically not fulfilling this indicator, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of part-time students are employed, and training and higher education contributes to advancement in the professional field, which positively characterizes the university.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that it is necessary to develop an up-to-date system of performance indicators, relying not only on the activities of the university as an economic entity, but as an organization that performs the most important social function. The consumers of educational services are students and employers, whose opinion is not taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of the university.

It should be expected that the system of self-assessment and self-examination will be reborn in connection with the imminent need to develop an updated system of performance indicators, as well as taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++. In the context of this article, the following innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++ can be made: clause 4.6.1. FGOS VO 3 ++ “The quality of educational activities and training of students under the bachelor's program is determined within the framework of the internal assessment system, as well as the external assessment system, in which the Organization participates on a voluntary basis; p. 4.6.2. FGOS VO 3 ++ “In order to improve the bachelor's program, the Organization, when conducting regular internal assessment of the quality of educational activities and training students for the bachelor's program, involves employers and (or) their associations, other legal entities and (or) individuals, including pedagogical workers of the Organization. Within the framework of the internal system for assessing the quality of educational activities under the bachelor's program, students are given the opportunity to assess the conditions, content, organization and quality of the educational process as a whole and individual disciplines (modules) and practices. " ...

As can be seen from the draft Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, the concept of “internal system for assessing the quality of educational activities” is introduced. The assessment mechanism is not defined, the tools and criteria are also left at the mercy of the leadership of educational organizations. It is only important that the previously devalued self-examination (self-assessment) again occupies a key position in the work of an educational organization.

List of references:
1. Monitoring of VO. - URL: (date of treatment 03/12/2018).
2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2013, No. 662. "On monitoring the education system"
3. Projects of GEF VO 3 ++. - URL: (date of treatment 03/12/2018
4. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2012 No. 2620-r. "On the approval of the action plan (" road map ")" Changes in the sectors of the social sphere, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of education and science. "

In the Russian Federation, monitoring of the performance of higher education institutions is carried out within the framework of monitoring the entire education system, which is carried out on the basis of the RF government decree No. 662 of August 5, 2013 "on monitoring the education system."

According to the above resolution, the monitoring of the education system has the following objectives:

  • information support, development and implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education
  • continuous analysis and assessment of the state of education and the prospects for its development
  • increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system by improving the quality of management decisions made for it
  • identification of violations of legislation in the field of education

Monitoring the education system includes the collection of information, its processing, systematization and storage, as well as continuous system analysis of the state of the education system. At the same time, on the basis of the data obtained, it is possible to determine the prospects for the development of education.

Monitoring is organized:

  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
  • Federal state bodies that have in their jurisdiction organizations carrying out educational activities
  • The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education
  • Local self-government bodies that manage education.

"Indicators for monitoring the education system and the methodology for their calculation are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list of mandatory information on the education system subject to monitoring, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2013 No. 662".

The question of the need to check the quality of education in universities was raised in society a long time ago. So, back in 2004, Professor I.M. Ilyinsky as "one of the greatest secrets of today's Russia is the quality of work of state universities", in some cases which, in his opinion, it is unacceptably low.

However, concrete steps to resolve the problem of the quality of education began to be taken relatively recently. So, in May 2012, Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science", where one of the instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation was to monitor the activities of state educational institutions by the end of 2012 in order to assess the effectiveness of their work. reorganization of ineffective state educational institutions. In July 2012, Dmitry Livanov (from May 21, 2012 to August 19, 2016 - Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) said that “The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plans to reduce the number of state higher educational institutions by 20% and their branches by thirty%" . A little later, Alexander Klimov (from June 14, 2012 to September 13, 2016 - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) noted that "if a university or a branch was included in the list of universities with signs of inefficiency, this is not a sentence." “For some, on the contrary, it can become a road to strengthening, and a transition to a new higher level of educational activity.”

As a result, from August 15 to September 15, 2012, the first monitoring of the performance of universities took place in Russia. It was attended by 541 institutions of higher education, and 994 of their branches. In October - November of the same year, a number of non-state universities were also monitored. “The results of the monitoring shocked the society and were vigorously discussed for a long time”. Thus, among state universities, 27% were found to be ineffective. However, at the same time, it was also said about the imperfection of the criteria for testing the effectiveness of higher educational institutions: for example, such an indicator as "infrastructure", when at a rate of 11 m 2 per student, many state universities had this indicator almost half the norm, thereby the Ministry of Education it discredited itself, since it is the state that should allocate money for the construction of the missing meters. But for non-state universities, such an indicator as "infrastructure" was again very indicative, since non-compliance with the established norms may indicate the indifference of the founders of the university to the learning conditions of their students. In addition, "the lack of its own space, dependence on landlords is the main factor of instability and risk for the university, which reduces the trust in it on the part of applicants." There were also a lot of questions on such a criterion as "educational activity", where the key indicator was the average USE score, which depends to a greater extent on the quality of the school's work, and in no way depends on the work of the university. And finally, another drawback of the first monitoring is that “strong universities” did not take part in it. According to Professor I.M. Ilyinsky, the main reason for this is the poor organization of affairs by the leadership of the Association of Non-State Universities, which was instructed to carry out monitoring work throughout the country.

Be that as it may, some errors of the first monitoring were taken into account, and on August 15, 2013, the second stage of monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of universities was launched. It was attended by 1,054 universities, of which 480 were non-state. The main differences from the first stage of monitoring are:

  • both state and non-state universities took part in the monitoring on a mandatory basis
  • monitoring was carried out for all those indicators that in 2012 (educational activities, research activities, international activities, financial and economic activities, infrastructure), plus such a criterion as employment
  • groups of universities with special specifics (military, creative, transport, medical, agricultural) were identified, which were assessed by additional indicators

If the university reached the values \u200b\u200bof at least three indicators, then it was recognized as effective. According to the monitoring results, "signs of inefficiency were found in 18.4% of state universities and 35% of non-state ones."

In 2014, the third monitoring was carried out, in which 968 universities and 1356 branches took part. The main changes in comparison with previous years are:

  • in contrast to 2013, additional indicators became the same both for assessing the effectiveness of universities and for assessing the effectiveness of their branches
  • the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the criteria for the effectiveness of universities have changed
  • at the same time, the monitoring was carried out according to all the same criteria as in 2013, only such a criterion was added as reduced contingent of students
  • "In accordance with the decision of the interdepartmental commission for monitoring the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education dated February 18, 2014, when assessing the activities of educational organizations and their branches, the terms signs of inefficiencyand ineffective university,as bearing significant reputational risks ”.

In June 2014, the interdepartmental commission compiled a list of organizations that met less than four performance indicators out of seven. It included 1006 higher education organizations, including 17 universities and 477 branches in varying degrees owned by the state, and 159 private universities, as well as 283 branches of non-state universities. As a result, the founders of educational organizations included in this list were recommended to take measures to improve the efficiency of their universities.

In 2015, the fourth monitoring took place, which covered “all institutions of higher education”. The main innovations are:

  • registration of the actual employment of graduates, which was carried out on the basis of data from the pension fund on the deductions by employers of the corresponding contributions
  • as a new criterion of efficiency, the indicator of the average salary of the teaching staff was introduced
  • when making decisions about the effectiveness of universities, they stopped taking into account the indicator characterizing the infrastructure

Of the 900 universities that took part in the monitoring, it turned out that 57 achieved less than four indicators, and most of them (32) are non-state. Among the branches, the indicators were much worse. Thus, among 1232 branches, 142 branches performed less than four indicators, and, quite surprisingly, most of them (134) are state-owned. As a result, the Ministry of Education made a decision “to send the list of higher educational institutions and branches that have fulfilled less than 4 performance indicators to Rosobrnadzor for their inclusion in the plan of measures for state control in the field of education”.

In 2016, the next, fifth in a row, monitoring of the performance of universities was carried out. As for the process of organizing monitoring, as compared to previous years, serious changes have occurred only in relation to the criterion employment, where the interdepartmental commission unanimously supported the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to detail the provision of information obtained in the framework of the study of employment of graduates conducted on the basis of data from the pension fund and Rosobrnadzor. According to the data of the Main Information and Computing Center, 830 universities and 932 branches took part in the monitoring. “Among state universities 11 organizations were recognized as ineffective. Also, 199 branches of state universities, 81 private universities and 156 branches of non-state universities were recognized as ineffective ”.

The latest monitoring of the effectiveness of universities' activities took place in 2017. The following changes have been made to the monitoring process procedure compared to previous years:

  • the threshold value of the employment indicator is brought in line with the calculated average value of the indicated indicator in 2016
  • the threshold value of the indicator is set wageat the level of 150% of the average salary in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

770 state, non-state, municipal, and regional educational institutions of higher education and 691 branches of educational institutions of higher education took part in the monitoring. Of the universities, 664 institutions met four or more indicators, and 483 among the branches.

Summing up the overall result of monitoring the performance of universities, it can be said that the aspirations of the previous leadership of the Ministry of Education regarding the reduction of the number of universities in the country were generally achieved. So “from 2014 to 2017, the number of branches and universities decreased by 1,097 institutions (in 2014 there were 2,268 higher education institutions). At the same time, the reduction mostly affected branches, and the number of state-owned branches decreased by almost half (from 908 to 428), and about 80% of non-state branches closed (as of January 2018, out of 422 private branches of previously operating branches, only 81 remained in the education system) ".

If we talk about further prospects for monitoring the activities of universities, then they, first of all, can relate to its content and organization. Thus, it can be noted that over 6 years of monitoring the effectiveness of universities' performance, such an important criterion as quality of graduate training.As for the sphere of organizing the monitoring process, it is assumed that as a result of the next stage of monitoring, all universities will fall into one of four categories in terms of risk, in accordance with the violations identified during the audit. Based on these data, further checks will be carried out for those universities where the risks are highest, which will most likely lead, firstly, to “saving nerves” for universities with a good reputation, and secondly, to a further reduction in the number of poorly efficient universities. and, accordingly, to increase the general level of education in the country.

List of references:

  1. On the implementation of the process of monitoring the education system: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2012 No. 662: entered into force on September 1, 2013 // Ros. gas. - 2013 .-- August 19.
  2. Ilyinsky I.M.Non-state universities of Russia: experience of self-identification. M .: Publishing house mos. hum. university. - 2000 .-- 354 p.
  3. The number of state universities will be reduced by 20% by 2015. URL: (date accessed: 01.04.2018)
  4. Shooting list. URL: (date accessed: 02.04.2018)
  5. The Ministry of Education and Science has identified signs of inefficiency in the work of 40 universities in the Central Federal District. URL: (date accessed: 01.04.2018)
  6. Ilyinsky I.M. On the effectiveness of monitoring universities // Education and an educated person in the 21st century. - 2013. - No. 2. - pp. 3-9.
  7. The results of monitoring the effectiveness of universities have been officially published. URL: (date accessed: 04/07/2018)
  8. On monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher education. URL: (date of access 05.04.2018)
  9. Universities that can teach: what you need to know about performance monitoring. URL: (date accessed: 04/07/2018)
  10. The results of monitoring the effectiveness of universities in 2015 have been summed up. URL: https: //minobrnauki.rf/news/6923 (date accessed: 05.04.2018)
  11. In Russia, half of the universities were expelled. URL: (date accessed: 08.04.2018)

Main findings of monitoring

The number of strong students increased: 36% of universities enrolled the majority of excellent students, only 13% - mostly “C-students”.

Out of 21 universities in group 5-100, 18 enrolled the majority of excellent students.

Every sixth university in Russia has at least one direction, in which it attracted the strongest applicants in the country.

Leading universities of the country - leaders in the quality of admission to budgetary places - have also enrolled the strongest "paid students". The reputation effect worked.

The average score of students from leading technical universities has grown at a record.
The first positive shifts have been noted in agricultural universities.

Regions-leaders in the quality of reception by a large margin from the rest - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk.

The population is ready to pay for quality: an increase in the cost of education by an average of 16% did not affect either the demand for paid education, or the quality of paid students.

Applicants began to more rationally assess the prospects in the labor market: paid admission to "Healthcare" and "Informatics and Computer Engineering" increased, decreased to "Economics" and "Management".

Distribution of universities by quality of admission

The general conclusion of the study is that in 2017, positive changes in the quality of work and reputation of Russian universities are consolidated. The number of universities that enrolled more than half of the "excellent" applicants with USE scores above 70 for 1 year of study at budget places has reached 151, an increase of 16 universities. Today it is 36.2% of Russian universities, compared with 31.7% a year ago. Such well-known technical universities as the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), which enrolled 2,648 people on the budget, joined the "green" group. with an average score of 72.8, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (1461 people, average score 71.9), Moscow Technological University (2388 people, average score 71.5), Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (1012 people, average score 71.4). At the same time, the number of universities that received C grade students with scores below 56 for the first year decreased by 12. Now there are only 13.4% of such universities.

Budget receptionShare of universities,%Total universities, units
2017 2016 2017 2016
universities with scores\u003e 80 8,6% 7,5% 36 32
universities with scores from 70 to 80 27,6% 24,2% 115 103
universities with scores from 56 to 70 50,4% 52,2% 210 222
universities with points<56 13,4% 16,0% 56 68
all universities 100,0% 100,0% 417 425

Paid admissionShare of universities,%Total universities, units
2017 2016 2017 2016
universities with scores\u003e 80 1,2% 0,7% 5 3
universities with scores from 70 to 80 4,5% 5,1% 18 21
universities with scores from 56 to 70 58,1% 54,7% 234 223
universities with points<56 36,2% 39,5% 146 161
all universities 100,0% 100,0% 403 408

It is worth noting the universities that showed a record increase in the average score of enrolled students. Among the leading universities is the St. Petersburg University ITMO, which raised the result by 3.4 points and moved from 8th to 5th place in the ranking. The most significant is the success of the Moscow Aviation Institute, which raised the average score by 6.4 and entered, as already noted, in the group of "excellent students". This is all the more remarkable as MAI has one of the largest budgetary tricks in the country.

This year, for the first time, there has been an improvement in admission results in a number of agricultural universities. Ural Agrarian University, Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Michurinsky State Agrarian University, Velikie Luki State Agricultural Academy showed an increase from 5.5 to 7.7 points.

UniversityAverage Unified State Exam score enrolled in budget places 2017Growth compared to 2016
Grozny State Oil Technical University 50,7 8,6 717
Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy 60,3 7,6 312
Michurinsk State Agrarian University 56,7 6,9 367
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) 72,8 6,4 2648
Velikie Luki State Agricultural Academy 53,2 6,2 113
Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg 61,4 5,5 336
Mountain State Agrarian University, Vladikavkaz 50,4 5,1 351
Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozova 64,2 4,9 350
North Caucasus State Humanitarian and Technological Academy 64,3 4,9 321
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation 70,4 4,8 1126
Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg 80,3 4,8 400
Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala 56,1 4,6 726
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University 72,6 4,4 325
Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin, Moscow 67 4 1120
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg 71,2 3,7 332
Chechen State Pedagogical Institute, Grozny 60,2 3,7 706
Perm National Research Polytechnic University 69 3,6 1300
Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkina, Moscow 79,9 3,5 891
National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" 71,9 3,5 1461
Tyumen Industrial University 68,9 3,5 1589
South Ural State Agrarian University, Troitsk 56,1 3,4 409
90,3 3,4 1229
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography 69,1 3,4 443
National Research Tomsk State University 76,1 3,3 1499
Kazan National Research Technological University 65,3 3,3 1485
Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University 61,4 3,3 799
Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa 57,3 3,3 501
85,8 3,2 730
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University 65 3,1 526
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics 69,8 3,1 566
Moscow Polytechnic University 73,8 3 1224
Kostroma State Agricultural Academy 55,2 3 330


The composition of the top 10 universities in terms of the quality of budget admission has not changed since last year, however, there have been changes in the placement of places in it.

The five leaders in terms of the quality of budget admission in 2017 (among universities with a budget of over 300 people) included MGIMO (95.6), MIPT (94.1), NRU HSE - Moscow (93.9), St. Petersburg State University ( 90.7), ITMO University (90.3), which ousted Moscow State University. Lomonosov. This year, all top 5 universities showed 90+ results, last year there were only 3 such universities.

The top 10 also includes NRU HSE (St. Petersburg), Moscow State University. Lomonosov, MEPhI, Moscow Linguistic University and RANEPA (Moscow).

Top 10 universities of the country in terms of the quality of budgetary admission (with the recruitment of more than 300 people for budgetary places)

UniversityAverage USE score of those enrolled in budgetary places, 2017Change in average score compared to 2016Enrolled in budgetary places in 2017, people
1 Moscow State Institute of International Relations 95,6 0,2 454
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 94,1 0,3 860
3 93,9 1,7 1948
4 Saint Petersburg State University 90,7 0,7 1927
5 ITMO University, St. Petersburg 90,3 3,4 1229
6 National Research University Higher School of Economics, branch, St. Petersburg 88,8 1,7 475
7 Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov 88,5 0,7 3727
8 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow 88,4 0,6 513
9 Moscow State Linguistic University 87,0 2,3 547
10 86,9 1,1 600

Another aspect of leadership is the best results in areas of training. In general, approximately every sixth university has at least one direction, in which - among all universities offering education in this direction in the Russian Federation - it attracted the strongest applicants and thus, according to the average score of those enrolled in this direction, took 1-3rd a place. Such universities, which at least in one of their areas of training are leading at the country level, are located in 21 regions: 24 universities in Moscow, 15 in St. Petersburg, 3 universities in Kazan, 2 universities in Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk. One university with at least one strong training area in the following regions: Belgorod Region, Voronezh Region, Irkutsk Region, Kaliningrad Region, Krasnodar Region, Murmansk Region, Orenburg Region, Penza Region, Primorsky Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Dagestan, Sverdlovsk Region, Tambov region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region.

Of course, there are universities that have attracted the strongest applicants in the country to several areas of training at once - or to all of their areas. According to the results of admission in 2017, such a 100% leadership is demonstrated by three universities: MGIMO, MIPT and NRU HSE-Moscow - absolutely in all areas of training in which they were recruited, according to the average score of those credited to the budget, they took 1-3 places among all universities offering training in these areas. At ITMO University there are 80% of such directions, at St. Petersburg State University - 76%, at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov - 55% (for details, see the table in the appendix).

Paid admission

This year, the prices of paid education have increased significantly - by an average of 16%. At the same time, the number of students enrolled in paid places did not decrease, the quality also remained at the same level. This indicates that the population has a significant potential for effective demand for higher education. The fact that the average score for paid admission at 22 universities in Russia exceeds 70, and in 46 others it ranges from 65 to 70 - demonstrates that most of the applicants consciously choose paid education in a priority university and in a priority direction for themselves to enroll in budget place in another university.

The paid admission to medical universities and in the direction of "Jurisprudence" and "Informatics and Computer Engineering" has significantly increased. Reduced - in the areas of "Economics" and "Management". The paid admission to the leading pedagogical university of the country, MSGU, has almost doubled. This shows that the population has become more rational in assessing the prospects of different professions in the labor market.

The composition of universities with the best paid admission, as in the previous year, completely coincides with the composition of universities with the best budgetary admission:

  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (83.6 points, 133 people)
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations (82.1 points, 752 people)
  • NRU HSE, Moscow (80.6 points, 3795 people)
  • St. Petersburg State University (79.6 points, 1114 people)
  • NRU HSE, St. Petersburg (78 points, 805 people)
  • ITMO University (76 points, 420 people)

A group of universities with a very large paid admission stands out. Approximately every second university in this group has experienced a significant increase in such admission. Among the 10 largest providers of paid education that have enrolled in the parent university more than 2 thousand people, only the leader - NRU HSE-Moscow - has a high quality of admission 80+. Among the rest of the universities in the group, there is not a single one with a quality of 70+. The second result - 68.6 points - has the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow. Third - St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Peter the Great who enrolled 1,730 people. with an average score of 68.1.

UniversityAverage USE score, 2017Enrolled in paid places, people
budgetarypaidGrowth / fall 2016-20172017 2016
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow 93,9 80,6 −0,3 3795 3085
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University 77,3 66,5 0,4 3335 3357
Tyumen State University 74,3 59,8 0,3 3159 1887
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow 86,9 65,2 −0,1 2475 2343
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow 78,8 62,3 −0,4 2437 2385
Ural Federal University B.N. Yeltsin 73,0 63,6 −0,7 2234 1903
Moscow Technological University 71,5 56,1 0,6 2140 1735
Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow 85,8 68,6 1,7 2028 1920
Moscow State Transport University 60,6 55,0 −1,3 1876 1976
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University 78,3 68,1 2,1 1730 1344

It should be noted that the lowest admission quality in this group is distinguished by two Moscow universities. These are Moscow Technological University (56.1) and Moscow State Transport University, recently created on the basis of several universities, which enrolled 1,876 students with an average score of 55.

Directions of training

The highest quality of budget admission is traditionally - in 9 social and humanitarian areas of training, where the average score of those enrolled in the first year exceeded 80. Among them the largest are "Jurisprudence" and "Economics" with budgetary admission from 5 to 6 thousand students. Another 20 directions have an average score of 70 to 80, that is, the vast majority of students are excellent students. Among them are such large ones as "Healthcare" (more than 25 thousand enrolled) and "Mathematics" (10 thousand), as well as "Physics" and "Information security". Literally on the threshold of the "group of excellent students" stopped "Informatics and Computer Engineering" (19.5 thousand) and "Pedagogical Education" (21 thousand)

The quality of admission to "Agriculture and Fisheries" (15.5 thousand budget places, average score 55), "Forestry" (3.3 thousand, 56) and "Transport means" (11.5 thousand places) is still unsatisfactory. , 58 points).

The most noticeable increase in the quality of reception is observed in the group "Technologies of light industry" (+3.6 points) and "Aviation and rocket and space technology" (+3 points). There was a significant decrease only in two groups of directions: "Libraries and Archives" (-1.7 points) and "Geography" (-1.6 points).

The quality of admission by groups of areas of training (recruitment of more than 5 thousand people for budget and / or paid places)

Group of directionsAverage USE score (budget) 2017Change in the average USE score (budget) compared to 2016Credited to budget places, people 2017Average USE score (paid) 2017Enrolled in paid places, people 2017
82,6 0,8 2 956 69,0 7 150
Jurisprudence 82,3 1,8 5 264 61,7 21 252
Economy 80,2 0,3 5 467 61,0 25 086
Management 75,7 1,3 4 365 60,2 10 908
Health care 74,6 −0,1 25 363 62,2 19 156
Maths 73,3 1,5 10 028 63,3 1 495
Physics 72,4 0,3 5 014 67,8 335
Informatics and computer engineering 69,6 1,0 19 566 59,8 4 832
Teacher Education 68,3 1,1 21 092 61,0 9 393
Chemical and biotechnology 67,6 0,9 6 931 56,4 602
Automation and control 67,5 1,1 5 318 54,6 900
Electronic engineering, radio engineering and communication 65,3 0,8 8 691 53,1 828
Energy and power engineering 64,6 0,2 9 920 51,5 1 123
Construction 64,4 −0,1 11 744 51,9 2 544
Geology 62,8 0,8 5 106 52,9 438
Technological machines and equipment 60,9 0,6 5 887 51,9 434
Ecology 60,6 1,0 7 783 50,9 797
Vehicles 57,7 0,5 11 472 47,9 1 328
Agriculture and fisheries 55,3 1,0 15 629 52,2 1 037

In quantitative terms, an increase in both the budgetary and paid enrollment compared to 2016 occurred in the areas of "Healthcare" and "Informatics and Computer Engineering". A noticeable reduction in enrollment - for "Economics" (for budget places minus 748 people, 5467 people were enrolled in total; for paid ones - minus 2 thousand people, in total 25,086 people were enrolled) and "Management" (for budget places minus 628 people, in total 4365 people were enrolled, for paid places - minus 1 thousand people, in total 10,908 people were enrolled). In terms of budgetary places, the enrollment was reduced in the “Energy and Power Engineering Industry” group (minus 1060 people, in total 9920 people were enrolled).

Group of directionsEnrolled in 2017, peopleChange in numbersAverage USE score 2017Change in average score
Computer Science and Comput. equipment 19 566 4 832 671 888 59,8 69,6 1 1,1
Health care 25 363 19 156 543 1508 62,2 74,6 −0,1 0
Management 4 365 10 908 −628 −1049 60,2 75,7 1,3 1,2
Economy 5 467 25 086 −748 −2028 61 80,2 0,3 0,2

And there was a noticeable increase in the paid set - in the areas of "Jurisprudence" (+ 3 thousand people, the total number of people hired for paid places in 2017 was 21.2 thousand people), "Healthcare" (+ 1.5 thousand people). people, 19 thousand enrolled in total), Linguistics and Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(+ 865 people, 7150 enrolled in total), International Relations (+ 708 people, 4092 enrolled in total).

Group of directionsEnrolled
to paid places, people
Average USE score
on paid places
2017 2016 Growth2017 Change
Jurisprudence 21 252 18 082 3170 61,7 −0,1
Linguistics and foreign languages 7150 6285 865 69 0,1
International relationships 4092 3384 708 67,9 −0,7
Advertising and public relations 4434 3893 541 65,6 0

Please note that in the results of the Performance Monitoring 2019, the indicator "Salary of the teaching staff" is not evaluated and data on the indicator "Employment of graduates" are not published. The rating is built on the basis of 5 target indicators.

The universities are sorted in the following order: by league, index J and university name in alphabetical order.

For each of the many values \u200b\u200bof indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of universities (taking into account the specifics), with the exception of the indicator "Wages of teaching staff" and "Employment of graduates", ranking is carried out in descending order of the indicator values

There are 5 areas (A, B, C, D, E). A weight is assigned to each area:

  • Region A - the value of the indicator is higher than the value of the 1st quartile. Weight +5
  • Area B - the value of the indicator is above the threshold and above the median, but is not included in area A. Weight +3
  • Area C - the value of the indicator is above the threshold, but is not included in areas A and B. Weight +1
  • Region D - the value of the indicator is below the threshold, but above the 3rd quartile. Weight 0
  • Area E - the value of the indicator is below the threshold and is not included in area D. Weight -1

Based on the hit of the values \u200b\u200bof indicators in the region, the index J is calculated, as the sum of the weights of membership in the regions.

If the value of the indicator is higher than the threshold, then it is indicated by the icon, otherwise by the icon

If the university has completed 3 or more indicators, then it is indicated by the icon, otherwise by the icon

There are 10 leagues in total:

  • League 1: universities with J \u003d 25 "The salary of the teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 2: universities with 22 ≤ J ≤ 24 "The salary of the teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 3: universities with 19 ≤ J ≤ 21 "Salary of teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 4: universities with 15 ≤ J ≤ 18 "The salary of the teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 5: universities with 11 ≤ J ≤ 14 "Salary of teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 6: universities with 7 ≤ J ≤ 10 "The salary of the teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 7: universities with 1 ≤ J ≤ 6 "The salary of the teaching staff and the number of completed indicators ≥ 3
  • League 8: universities with 3 ≤ J ≤ 9 and the number of indicators achieved
  • League 9: universities with 0 ≤ J ≤ 2 and the number of indicators achieved
  • League 10: universities with J ≤ -1 and the number of indicators achieved

For reference:
The median is the midpoint of the distribution, with half of the observations above it and the other half below it (the median of 3, 4, 5, 6, and 102 is 5).
If there are an even number of observations, the median is the midpoint between the two mean observations.
The median can be divided into quarters, or quartiles, as they are also called. The first quartile consists of the bottom 25% of observations; the second of the next 25% of observations, etc.

League University / branch Completed more than 3 indicators Image activity Scientific research activities International activity / Given contingent Financial and economic activity PPP salary Additional indicator
1 State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Moscow Polytechnic University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) Yes
J \u003d 25
1 National Research Tomsk State University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 National Research Technological University "MISiS" Yes
J \u003d 25
1 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Yes
J \u003d 25
1 First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Privolzhsky Research Medical University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Saint Petersburg State University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Yes
J \u003d 25
1 Branch of the "Russian Customs Academy" in Vladivostok Yes
J \u003d 25
2 State University of Land Management Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Far Eastern Federal University Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev-KAI Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - M.I. Scriabin Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Yes
J \u003d 23
2 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Yes
J \u003d 23