Fifth column lurk. What is the Fifth Column? "Fifth Column" in Russia

"The Fifth Column" - this is the name of the internal enemies of the state, who are ready, on orders from outside, to try to strike at the most unprotected place, or gradually undermine society from within.

The history of the concept of "Fifth Column"

According to Wikipedia, during the reign of the odious dictator Mussolini, when the First World War was going on, he claimed that he had a "fifth army" of Germany's supporters in the Allied countries of the Entente.
Some researchers presumably call the creator of this expression Emilio Molu a Spanish general who commanded the entire army of Franco during the most difficult Spanish Civil War in the history of the state.
According to unverified sources during the capture of Madrid in 1936 year, he shared that in addition to four military columns, he also has a fifth column located in the city itself, which has the ability to effectively support the advancing troops.

Examples of using the expression "Fifth Column"

AT 2014 year 18 March, when the documents on the annexation of the Crimean peninsula to the Russian Federation were signed, President Putin noted in his speech: " Some Western politicians are trying to intimidate us not only with serious sanctions, but also with the emergence of big problems within the country. I would like to understand what they mean after all? What are the actions of the national traitors, the "Fifth Column", or maybe they expect that with the deterioration of the economic situation of the state, the people will begin to show their discontent?"

"Representatives of the liberal opposition, or, as they are still rightly called, the "Fifth Column", are currently conducting a systematic and purposeful campaign to discredit the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, the Luhansk and Donetsk people's republics and the values \u200b\u200bof the entire Russian world. For this reason, there are regular injections into the information a space to which we need to react tough."

"If at first the Fifth Column preferred to speak out in a peaceful manner, today it has revealed its true identity to us and began, in fact, not hiding, to conduct subversive activities. There is no need for the Fifth Column to participate in direct armed conflicts against the Russian state. The fact that the enemies are in control is quite enough. almost all media".

Spanish Civil War

The fighting was fought with 1936 years and ended in April 1939 the war was fought between the Conservatives under the leadership of General Franco and the Republicans who represented the "left" Popular Front. If the former were supported only by Nazi Germany and Italy, but the latter - by the entire progressive world community, including the USSR.

During this war, Franco's soldiers shot about 75 thousands of their enemies, and about fifty thousand people were executed by the Republicans. According to estimates of the researchers, about two hundred thousand soldiers died and 25 thousands of non-combatants died of starvation. General Franco was able to win this war.

What is Fifth Column video

"Fifth Column" is a political term that refers to citizens who, in the interests of third states, act against the authorities of their country.

Where did the term "fifth column" come from?

"Attention! The fifth column lies in wait! " (Republican propaganda poster, circa 1936) Photo:

The term "fifth column" originated during the Spanish Civil War. On October 15, 1936, the nationalists prepared for the assault on Madrid, which was then controlled by the Republicans hostile to them. To intimidate the population of the capital,general Emilio Mola, who commanded the Franco army, made a radio address. In it, he announced that in addition to the four army columns at his disposal outside the city, he also has a hidden heel, located in the very heart of the capital:

“On November 7th I will have coffee on Gran Vía ... Four columns are with me, and the fifth is in Madrid,” Mola announced.

Following this, the army of Mola launched an offensive and approached very close to Madrid, occupying one of the airfields 10 km from the Spanish capital. But since the people, as well as ammunition, fuel and weapons, the nationalists had much less than the republicans, Francoand Mola decided not to storm the millionth city. Therefore, it is not known whether the "fifth column" actually took place in Madrid.

Fifth column

Fifth column
From Spanish: Quinta columna.
It is believed that this expression is from a radio speech (autumn, 1936) by the Spanish general Emilio Mola (1887-1937), who during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) led the offensive of the Franco rebels against the republican Madrid. In it, he said, addressing threats to the residents of Republican Madrid, that, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal, going to Madrid, there is also a fifth - in the city itself. These are Franco's secret supporters who will stab the Republicans in the back as the decisive assault on the city begins.
To another version, E. Mola said these words at his headquarters during a meeting with foreign journalists.
There is also a third version of the origin of this turnover: the English journalist Lord St. Oswald claimed that the expression "fifth column" first appeared in his telegram from Madrid sent to the editorial office of the British newspaper Daily Telegraph in September 1936.
But be that as it may, even during the civil war in Spain, the concept of "fifth column" began to be associated with the name of General Maul. So, Dolores Ibarruri in the article "Defense of Madrid - Defense of Spain" (gas. "Mundo Obrero" of October 3, 1936) wrote: "The traitor Mola said that he would throw" four columns "on Madrid, but only the" fifth " offensive. (...) The "Fifth Column" is inside Madrid, and first of all it is necessary to defeat it. "
The popularity of the expression was promoted by Ernest Hemingway's play "The Fifth Column" (1938).
Used: as a collective name for spies, saboteurs - * everyone who acts secretly, treacherously, waiting for an opportunity for an open speech.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

Fifth column

Initially, this was the name of spies, saboteurs and saboteurs who supported the counter-revolutionary Frankists during the years of the struggle against them by the Spanish Republic (1936-1939). This expression belongs to the Spanish general Emilius Mola, who commanded the counter-revolutionary army. Stepping on Madrid, he broadcast on the radio in the fall of 1936 an appeal to the population of the capital, in which he declared that, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal, he had a fifth column in Madrid itself. According to the fifth column, which carried out subversive espionage work in Madrid, this was the name given to the secret agents of the enemy who helped him by espionage, sabotage and sabotage (A. Marjoric Taylor. The Languare of world War II. - New York, 1944, p. 28).

Dictionary of winged words... Plutex. 2004.

See what the "Fifth Column" is in other dictionaries:

    In the Spanish Republic, during the 1936 war, 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, the fifth column is the conditional name of the fascist ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - "FIFTH COLUMN", in the Spanish Republic during the 1936 war 39 the name of General Franco's agents, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, the "fifth column" was a conventional name ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the Spanish Republic, during the 1936 war, 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, "the fifth column" is the conventional name of the fascist ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - ... Wikipedia

    The name of Franco's agents operating in Isp. republic during nat. revolutionary war 1936 39. The term P. to. arose in the beginning. oct. 1936, when the Francoist general. Mola announced on the radio that the rebels were attacking Madrid in four columns ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

    fifth column - The name of the Nazi agents in various countries, which carried out sabotage and espionage activities, sowed panic, engaged in sabotage and helped the capture of these countries by German troops. The term fifth column first came into use in ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    In the Spanish Republic, during the 1936 war, 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II "The Fifth Column" is the conventional name of the fascist ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fifth column - About traitors, traitors who are supported by hostile states and used for espionage, sabotage and corruption of the population of this or that belligerent country. In every country to which Hitlerism had access, an espionage ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    - ("The Fifth Column",) the name of General Franco's agents operating in the Spanish Republic during the National Revolutionary War of 1936 39. The term "P. to." arose at the beginning of October 1936, when the Francoist general E. Mola declared on ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Publ. Disapproved. Secret agents of the enemy are spies, saboteurs, saboteurs, traitors. / i\u003e Expression of the general of the Francoist army Emilio Mola, who announced during the offensive on Madrid (1938) that in addition to four army columns he had in the city ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings


  • The Fifth Column and the Russian Church. The Age of Persecution and Schism, Shambarov Valery Evgenievich. When the USSR collapsed, one of the main organizers of this operation, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said: "We now have one enemy - the Russian Orthodox Church." Although she is from the communist authorities ...

Let's start with the definition. The term "fifth column" was coined by the Spanish general Emilio Mola, who commanded the Franco army during the Spanish civil war in the 1930s. Stepping on Madrid, he broadcast on the radio in early October 1936 an appeal to his relatives, who were not yet intoxicated by the Communist Republicans, the Spaniards: they say, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal, he also has a "fifth column". In Madrid itself! This decisive force will strike from the rear at the right moment.

Action methods? The "fifth column" of the Francoists sowed panic, engaged in sabotage, espionage and sabotage. But even such her actions had then exaggerated, purely "propaganda success", because the Republican Madrid held out against the Franco-fascists for two and a half years.

Foreign observers, who were at that time in Madrid, easily "deciphered" the composition of the Fifth Column: there were opponents of the republican regime and criminals hiding in the city. Most of them were hiding in the territory of the German embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich occupied an entire block. That is - the same fascists, only, like the Russian Maria Ivanovna, "from other doors."

Something similar is happening now in Ukraine.

The process of forming our Fifth Column has already begun. According to our and foreign media reports, State Duma Deputy, Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossack Troops of Russia and Abroad Viktor Vodolatsky said: he is ready to send 15 thousand Cossacks to Ukraine! Well, of course, if there is a request for this "from the Ukrainian Cossacks."

The number of the 5th column of "help to the Ukrainians" from the Cossack formations of Russia seems to be considerable. According to the opinion, the registered Cossacks, which, for example, are headed by the chairman of the Council for Cossack Affairs, a certain Alexander Belov, “only” 760 thousand people. These guys are eager to support the current government and, of course, oppose the Kiev Maidan. They have already shown what they can do in dispersing demonstrators in Lugansk, Donetsk and Zaporozhye.

Behind all this there is a certain more organized force than the still operetta "Cossack Host". In fact, this is the FSB and a significant part, alas, of the same Ukrainian special services. Both of these state special services are the legal successors of the legendary KGB and operate with the same methods (recall the history of the "export of socialist revolutions" to third countries) and pursue the same goals. That is - the strengthening of totalitarianism and the restoration of the empire, its former might.

When I worked for many years in Ukraine, in Poltava, I had to meet quite often and take information “for the public” from the press service of the local administration of the SBU. The impression from this "office" was twofold. On the one hand, I don’t remember a case during these twenty-odd years of independence of our state that the Poltava SSB officers caught and put in a prison cell some venerable spy, saboteur, or, as they used to say, a “pest” of the national economy. Even if not a venerable one, but some kind of creepy agent ... On the other hand, these people, many of whom joined the SBU after 1991, expressed patriotic sentiments and swore allegiance and loyalty to the "cause of Nezalezhnosti."

It is necessary to assess the actions of the SBU (as well as similar special-purpose organizations) not by words, but by deeds. The affairs of our "knights of the cloak and dagger" have always been quite secret. And the Poltava public, for example, learned about their exploits only from their own laconic newsletters and rare public appearances.

But on the basis of indirect signs it was possible to draw ... um ... rather unusual, paradoxical conclusions about the "patriotically directed" activities of the secret department.

Just take even the external surroundings. Over the Poltava building of the SBU headquarters for decades "proudly soar" ... red stars, a symbol of the Bolshevik empire of evil! This is no less strange than the numerous monuments of Lenin that adorn the squares of our cities - and no matter how they oblige to anything, to any special worship.

God bless them, with monuments so far (more precisely, to hell with them)!

But about the pentagram signs on all four turrets of our SBU, I even turned personally to one of the heads of this regional department. The answer was this. They say that for this - for the elimination of the symbols of the totalitarian regime - the SS forces have no money, they say, they are a poor organization, budgetary ...

Then I waited for the moment when the roof of the SBU building finally began to be repaired. Have you finally found the money to replace the facade? And I called my boss again. His answer was evasive. The stars remained on the towers.

According to some indirect answers of unofficial persons (I also have informants in this office), these stars, they say, if we are to restore the historical accuracy (and before the revolution the building of the KGB-SBU belonged to the Peasant Bank), it would be necessary to change it to ... cockerels! Under "cockerels" our special services, of course, did not want to walk! And yet this whole plot seems to me symptomatic. And in this context, rumors and conversations about the ongoing close cooperation of former KGB agents of both post-Soviet republics seem not accidental and natural. And it's understandable: the SBU agents are unlikely to play for their own, for the Ukrainian "gates", most likely, they carry out special orders of "older brothers" ...

From recent media reports ...

The Russians in Cossack uniforms managed to take part, together with the so-called "titushki", in the raid on the local Euromaidan on January 27, the day before the above-mentioned statement of Ataman of the Russian Cossack troops. They are also expected to arrive in Sevastopol, where a group of representatives of the Russian biker club "Night Wolves" has already been quartered. This social group is, in fact, one of the pro-Putin organizations. "Night Wolves" are ready to die on Ukrainian barricades, "the club's website reports. These militants from the Fifth Ukrainian Column have their own camp near Sevastopol. “We will do everything possible to prevent aggressive protest movements in Crimea,” the “wolves” say.

A few days before these events, almost simultaneously, a propaganda campaign was launched in all Russian media to justify such an invasion of Ukraine. One after another, materials began to appear, which say: Ukrainians and Russians, they say, are one people. They say, Russia ... well, it is simply obliged to provide assistance to the Ukrainians in repelling the attempts of the "fascist Bandera" to seize power. Etc...