Psychological stress. Children's psychological trauma

Stress - this is the reaction of the human body, which arises in response to the action of the stimulus, regardless of which he carries the charge is negative or positive. The rapid paced of modern life and the emergence of new needs lead to the fact that irritants are becoming more and more, and the load that we have to be transferred is incredibly increasing. Views:

    Useful stress, or eustersa - the concept has two meanings - "stress caused by positive emotions" and "non-stress, mobilizing organism."

    Harmful stress, or distress, occur when the tension reaches a critical point when there is no more strength to fight it. The immune system suffers from stress. In stressful state, people are more likely to be sacrifice, since the products of immune cells decreases significantly during the period of physical or mental stress.

Emotional stress Call emotional processes accompanying stress, and leading to unfavorable changes in the body. During stress, the emotional reaction develops earlier than others, activating the impactative nervous system of its endocrine support. With a long or repeated stress, emotional excitement can be stressed, and the functioning of the body is tolere.

Psychological stress As the type of stress, is understood by different authors in different ways, but many authors define it as stress due to social factors. By the nature of the impact, neuropsychic, thermal or cold, light and other stresses are distinguished.

Adaptive syndrome - A combination of adaptive reactions of the human body, bearing a common protective nature and emerging in response to stressors - a significant effect on strength and duration. The adaptation syndrome is a process that naturally flowing in three stages, which are the name of the stress development stage:

    Stage "Anxiety"(Alarm Reaction, Mobilization Stage) - Mobilization of the body's adaptation resources. It continues from several hours to two days and includes two phases: 1) the shock phase is a general disorder of the body functions due to mental shock or physical damage. 2) Phase "Contrast". With sufficient strength of the stressor, the shock phase ends with the death of the body during the first hours or days. If the adaptive capabilities of the body are able to confront the stressor, it comes the phase of the countercouctor, where the mobilization of protective reactions of the body occurs. Man is in a state of tension and alertness. No organism can constantly be in a state of anxiety. If the stressful factor is too strong or continues its action, the next stage occurs.

    Stage of resistance (Resistance). Includes balanced spending of adaptation reserves, the existence of an organism is maintained in conditions of increased requirements for its adaptation capabilities. "The duration of the resistance period depends on the congenital fitness of the body and on the force of the stressor." This stage leads either to stabilize the state and recovery, or if the stressor continues to act even longer, replaces the last stage - exhaustion.

    Stage of depletion - Loss of resistance, depletion of mental and physical resources of the body. There is a discrepancy between the stressful effects of the environment and the responses of the body on these requirements.

Stressing systems.

Mechanisms of adaptation to the effects of stressors are nonspecific and are common to any stressful effects, which allows us to talk about the overall adaptation syndrome (or stress reaction).

Daily literature mechanisms underlying the stress reaction are called stress-implementing systems.

The first stage in the stress reaction is the activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic links of the autonomous nervous system.

Physiological changes in the body observed at the first stage of stress reaction:

1) the increase in heartbeat;

2) strengthening heart abbreviations;

3) expansion of heart vessels;

4) the narrowing of the abdominal arteries;

5) expansion of pupils;

6) expansion of bronchial tubes;

7) an increase in the strength of skeletal muscles;

8) Glucose generation in the liver;

9) an increase in the productivity of mental activity;

10) the expansion of the arteries passing into the thickness of skeletal muscles;

11) Acceleration of metabolism.

Stresslimitating systems.

The effect of evolution in the human body has mechanisms that impede the development of a stress reaction or reduce its side negative impacts on target organs. Such mechanisms were called stress-limiting systems, or systems of natural prevention of stress.

GAMK ergic system.Gamma-amine-oil acid (GABA) is produced by many NIRONS CNS, including brakes.

Under the influence of enzymes, the GABA turns into the brain in GOMK (gamma-hydroxymalaic acid), which can inhibit the activities of many brain structures, including the hypothalamus.

As a result, the stress reaction is launched.

Endogenous opiates(Enkephalins, endorphins, dinorphins). Food from beta-lipotropin in the pituitary gland under the influence of stress. These substances cause euphoria, reduce pain, increase performance, increase the ability to perform long-term muscle work, reduce the feeling of anxiety. In general, these substances reduce human psychogenic reactions to stimuli, reducing the intensity of the emotional reaction that launches the stress reaction.

Easternandine(mainly group E). Their products increase in stress, as a result of which the sensitivity of a number of tissues to the action of catecholamines is reduced. This is especially expressed regarding the sensitivity of the neurons of the central nervous system to norerange. Thus, the forebanding reduces the severity of the stress reaction.

Antioxidant system.As noted earlier, under the action of glucocorticoids, peroxidation oxidation of lipids is activated, which is the formation of free radicals, which lead to the activation of many biochemical reactions in cells, which violates their livelihoods (adaptation fees). However, in the body there are endogenous "crawls" of these free radical processes, which were called antioxidants. These include vitamin E, sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine, cysteine), superoxiddismutase enzyme.

Trophotropic mechanisms.Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system during the stress reaction is the most important mechanism are sewn from the side effects of glucocorticoids and other participants in the stress reaction.

Psycho-emotional stress is a critical state of personality that is exposed to excessive emotional and social overloads. This concept refers to the adaptive features of the psyche, which are necessary for an adequate response to changes in the surrounding world (positive and negative).

In severe life situations, internal resources are gradually exhausted. If a person has no opportunity to rest over time, switch attention to the traumatic situation, a peculiar "burnout of the soul" occurs.

Aspects characterizing the concept of psycho-emotional stress:

  • decay of physical forces (the failures of the nervous system lead to severe consequences for the whole body);
  • the emergence of a feeling of anxiety increasing for 2 days (changing the brain work, excessive production of hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroid);
  • emergency operation of the body (at the psychic and physical level);
  • the depletion of physical and mental strength, ending with the nervous breakdown and turning into sharp neuroses, depression and other psychological deviations.

Modern psychology describes the concept of psychogenic stress, as a combination of emotional and behavioral reactions of a person to a certain life situation.

The sources of the occurrence of stress can serve as real traumatic events (the death of a close, natural disaster, war, work loss), and the excessive negative perception of the personality of various circumstances by its own life.

Psychology to help - what to do when the forces at the limit?

Popular psychology helps to cope with stress, the reasons for which they lie in the distorted perception of reality, the inability to regulate their own emotions (to express them relevant way, restore sincere equilibrium). If the psychological state allows you to work (albeit in less effective mode), getting knowledge and strive for self-improvement, it will be enough to study aspects of the formation of emotional stress and methods to combat it so that their own forces lead themselves to a harmonious state.

  • symptoms are felt like emotional burnout, loss of life taste;
  • catastrically decreases performance;
  • the state of global fatigue is observed from the very beginning of the day;
  • disorders appear in a cognitive (mental) sphere - the memory is worse, the concentration of attention, ability to analyze, etc.;
  • there is an acute psychological unbalancement (a person ceases to be the master of himself);
  • emotional reactions to any events become overly aggravated (aggression, anger, desire to escape / destroy, fear);
  • joylessness, up to the despondency and disbelief of change for the better, becomes a permanent, background state.

Clinical psychology and competent professionals will come to the rescue, who will help to normalize the physical and mental state. Initially, the impact turns out to be on the symptoms of stress (reduction of their intensity), then for the causes of their occurrence (complete elimination or decrease in the degree of negative impact).

Psychologists and psychotherapists identify all aspects of psycho-emotional disorders and help a person better manage their psyche, increasing adaptive skills.

In the launched cases, the psychological state is so poorly that is on the verge of neurosis or clinical depression. A person needs a medical treatment that has the right to provide only a psychiatrist.

Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personality health

The human psyche is distinguished by an extremely complex structure, so it can be easily unfailed due to the impact of various adverse factors.

The main causes of mental disorders are:

  • cognitive disorders;
  • emotional overload (psychogenic stress);
  • physical diseases.

The concept of psycho-emotional state means the whole set of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. This includes not only what a person is experiencing "here and now", but also a wide range of spiritual scars from forged experiences, depressed emotions and adversely allowed conflicts.

Indebid effect on mental condition

The most vivid feature of a healthy psyche is the ability to experience life difficulties. Causes of failures in may be the most diverse. Each person has a certain situation that has important situations in its presentation. Therefore, the concept of psycho-emotional stress is always associated with the interpretation and assessment of the person of their own life.

The principle of destructive impact is simple:

  • bring the negative emotions of a person to the maximum limit (boiling point);
  • provoke a nervous breakdown or inclusion of emergency braking mode (apathy, emotional burnout, spiritual emptying);
  • exhaust emotional reserves (memories of positive emotions).

The result becomes psychological exhaustion. It is important to remember that the omission of the emotional sphere always accompany the violations of the logical-semantic, cognitive region of the psyche. Therefore, recovery methods always assume an integrated approach to the triad: "body-mind-soul" (harmonization of their interaction).

Common causes of psycho-emotional overload

Psycho-emotional stress arises in two situations:

  1. The emergence of an unexpected negative event in the life of an individual.
  2. Long-term accumulation and suppression of negative emotions (example: lifestyle in background stress mode).

The mental health of a person in obtaining emotionally / sensual stress depends on the scale of the unfavorable events and the real possibilities of a person (mental, financial, temporary, physical) to cope with it at the moment.

Gender interaction

The psychological health of a person directly depends on the implementation of one of the most important needs - to love. The search for a partner begins with the state: "I want to get love", and the creation of a family is "I want to give love." Any failures and delay in this area cause a powerful emotional imbalance.

The death of loved ones

The loss of significant social connections destroys a stable mental state and exposes the personality to the hardest revision of his own picture of the world. Life without this person seems faded, deprived of meaning and hope for happiness. The bright symptoms of depression or neurosis are visible. A suffering person needs competent psychological assistance and support for loved ones. The greatest risk of obtaining the nervous breakdown, the formation of suicidal behavior, entry into the state of clinical depression or the manifestation of psychiatric deviations, is subject to introverts that have a small circle of communication and not receiving assistance from the environment.

Children's psychological trauma

Children are in full dependence on adults and are not able to fully show their emotions and protect their own identity. The result becomes the mass of depressed insults and negative emotions. The causes of most chronic diseases lies in psycho-emotional stress, experienced in childhood. Psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology are best coped with those who have founded children's injuries.

Unsuccessful passage of age crises

Unsuccessful passing over the races of age-related development or jams on them (the concept of "Peter Pan", the eternal student syndrome) generates large-scale intracertal stress. Often the symptoms are so acute that they completely immobilize the volitional and energy resources of a person. Then psychology and centuries-old luggage of human knowledge about emotions and emotional stress comes to the rescue.

Video: "Grafting from stress": how to cope with your emotions?


The concept of "" means "disorder of designs", when the personality is in a situation (real or imaginary), where the satisfaction of significant needs is impossible. In a narrower sense, under frustration it is understood as a psychological response to the inability to get the desired. For example, a man lived for many years for many years, but at the very last moment the bird happiness spoiled him from his hands.

Long physical disease

The psychology of the XXI century pays special attention to psychosomatic diseases, ranging over 60% of existing diseases to them! The influence of the psyche on physical health is impossible to overestimate - the folk surcharge: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" is confirmed by numerous scientific research.

It is sufficient to eliminate destructive so that the person goes on the amendment even in severe, chronic disease.

Video: The first-aid kit "Anti-Stress" - how to get rid of stress with Emotional Freedom technique (EFT)

F. B. Berezin, M. P. Miroshnikov

Systematic study of the influence of emotional reactions to somatic health is an important element of the psychosomatic approach to the disease. The role of emotions in the formation of psychophysiological ratios (i.e., the interaction systems of mental and biological factors) is determined by the fact that emotions, acting as a subjective experience of individually significant incentives, include the reaction from various physiological systems. In view of this circumstance, the mechanisms of pathophysiological effects of emotions were studied, in particular; connection of varieties of emotions with the nature of pathology; Individual features of the emotional response and the significance of personal traits related to them (including their ontogenesis) in exposure to one or another somatic diseases. This article is devoted only to the most general aspects of psychosomatic relations in emotional stress and consideration of their patterns on the example of several characteristic nosologies.

The emotional stress can be said if emotion acquires strength and (or) the duration under which the possibilities of the individual are insufficient to restore mental equilibrium by resolving the stressful situation (by influencing this situation that eliminates stressful factors, or by changing its relations). Methods that an individual copes with emotional problems, and their effectiveness is very important for his state of health. These methods are designated by the term "Coping" (overcoming, consolation). The process of resolution of the stress situation is the essence of mental adaptation. If the process of mental adaptation is not effective enough, the physiological components of emotions in emotional stress acquire a pathogenetic value in the formation of psychosomatic disorders.

In the study of nonspecific adaptation syndrome in relation to psychosomatic disorders, the features of psychological nature of psychological nature, distinguishing them from physical, deserve special attention to psychosomatic disorders. The latter is relatively restricted, they are associated with direct impact on the body. A set of reactions to these stressors in various people mainly coincide, while a set of mental stressors and the nature of the reactions to them is due to the characteristics of individual experience and therefore extremely diverse. The same impact may be stressful, intolerable for one and be indifferent or even desired for another.

Opinions are also expressed about the difference in reactions to physical and mental stressors. As some authors believe, the cardinal difference of the body's reaction to the stressors of a physical or psychosocial nature is that physical stressors, such as infections, fever, thermal impact and intoxication, as a rule, cause vasodilation and blood pressure drop, and sympatholic activation is a secondary protective Reaction to these physiological shifts. On the contrary, psychosocial incentives lead to direct sympathetic activation, without mediating through the drop in the vascular tone and blood pressure, since the biological function of a non-specific reaction to these stressors is, in particular, in the cause of the body to a state optimal for intensive activity. However, this distinction cannot be considered absolute. The reaction to the impact of mental stressors in some cases can also manifest itself mainly in vaginswasular shifts (including in vasodilation and arterial hypotension), in reducing Catecholamin products. However, regardless of the primary reaction, further consequences for the body are the same in both physical and emotional stress.

Since emotional stress is the mobilization of all organism systems, which prepares it to physical activity ("Fighting-flight"), with chronic impact of a stressful factor, the initial stage of stress - the stage of anxiety, characterized by typical changes in humoral regulation and transient vegetative reactions (more often In total, from the side of the cardiovascular system), goes into the resistance stage. Chronic vegetative-humoral activation at the same time is manifested by the symptoms of vegetative dystonia and can serve as the basis for the development of more pronounced psychosomatic disorders. It must be borne in mind that in modern society, mental loads are significantly dominated by physical, especially if we consider that people react not only to real, current situations, but also on imaginary dangers, to painful emotionally rich memories, to many negatively colored messages, in particular Delivered by the media. In addition, the body can react to mental loads much stronger than physical. As a result, resistance is exhausted, and the stage of exhaustion occurs. Under the influence of continuing emotional loads, various psychosomatic disorders develop, the formation and nature of which depend on the genetic predisposition, from the insufficiency acquired in the ontogenesis of certain systems of the body and the characteristics of the personality.

For the development of psychosomatic violations, it is especially important that, with emotional stress, changes are noted in the entire multi-level system of regulating psycho-physiological ratios. At different levels of this system, such regulation is carried out mainly by psychological or mainly physiological mechanisms. Psychological mechanisms are implemented mainly on socio-psychological (interpersonal relationships, social interaction) and psychological (features of the person and the actual mental state) levels, and physiological - at the levels of integrative cerebral systems, peripheral vegetative-humoral and motor mechanisms, executive system or body ( Fig. 1). To form psychosomatic disorders in emotional stress, changes are essential, observed at each of these interrelated levels, and approaches to the treatment of psychosomatic disorders should be determined taking into account these changes.

Fig. one.

Multi-level system of psychophysiological ratios

1 - macrosocial impact; 2 - Individual features of persons with which interaction is carried out; 3 -Character intragroup interaction; 4 - interpersonal relationships; 5 - features of the person and the actual mental state; 6 - neocortex; 7- limbico hypothalamic-reticulous complex; 8- peripheral mechanisms of vegetatively humoral regulation; 9- body or executive system.

At the socio-psychological level of the psycho-physiological regulatory system, the development of psychosomatic disorders contributes to a large massiveness, firstly, psychosocial stressors that depend on macrosocial processes and affect large groups of people, and, secondly, individually significant stressors related to those or other spheres of social Interactions: Psychosomatic disorders are usually found in persons undergoing a large number of mental (psychosocial) stressors. Comparative studies have made it necessary to establish that in psychosomatic disorders there is a steady tendency to increase the number of stressful situations, meaningful life events (and, in particular, events that were regarded as unwanted) not only compared to the control group of healthy subjects, but even compared to the group persons suffering from neurotic disorders, but not detecting pronounced somatic pathology. Situations in which the implementation of current needs (frustrating situations) was blocked, could be noted in any of the essential areas of the patient's life and usually affected several spheres. Differences among the meaningful life events between the control group and a group of persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders were especially great in the family sphere and in the field of work, that is, where the interaction with the environment is most important and is intensively implemented. At the same time, reliably more often than in control, life events were recorded, the perception of which was accompanied by negative emotions. The most characteristic of psychosomatic disorders were stressful situations related to conflicts in various areas of social interaction, off from a social context (for example, migration, retirement, loss of work), loss of loved ones (especially the death of a spouse or the actual gap of marriage), threats to social status and Important life values.

The big intensity and certain specificity of negative influences contributing to the emergence of emotional stress in individuals suffering from psychosomatic disorders (compared to healthy and neurotics) are celebrated in childhood. Disturbance of socialization and negative emotional experiences obtained by these persons in childhood were due to the features of the personality and behavior of parents who causing a shortage of social support and a sense of threats that prevent adaptive expression of emotions and the assimilation of adequate sex stereotypes, 2 as well as the emotional instability of parents, contradictory upbringing trends, Weifies the unpredictability of the future. The lack of social support in childhood was often combined with the fact that parents' health was perceived by children as bad.

Formed reacting stereotypes and emotional experiences that subsequently determine the individual importance of life events, insufficient of the sense of basic safety and inadequate behaviors create sensitization to mental stressors, expand their circle and reduce personality resources necessary to resolve stress situations. The pathogenetic role of factors acting in childhood is also preserved in the future, also because negative emotional experience is reactivated under similar conditions, regardless of how far in the past it lies. Thus, although the influence of stressors in the process of social interaction is essential for the occurrence and neurotic, and psychosomatic disorders, its large intensity is characterized at various stages of life path.

For the formation of psychosomatic disorders, it is important that disorders of the interaction in the family and extraimage surroundings, the relations of an individual with significant persons correlate positively with physiological shifts. These shifts can already perform at one expense of such violations and even more pronounced, especially in situations characterized by uncertainty and unpredictability.

The dependence between stressful influences due to a violation of socio-psychological adaptation, and a change in physiological parameters is mediated in nature and is implemented through psychological mechanisms involved in the formation of psychophysiological relations (psychological level of regulation). The influence of psychosocial stressors, a violation of social interaction is conjugate with the blockade of certain socially significant needs, which causes the state of frustration, manifesting a more or less pronounced feeling of dissatisfaction. To form a mental stress, it is essential that the effects of repeated and consecutive french effects (in which various, often unconscious needs can be blocked), accumulating, cause increasing the total frustration tension, which is closely related to an increase in anxiety and emotional voltage. The severity of total frustration tensions and anxiety in psychosomatic disorders is reliably higher than in a group of healthy. In turn, the level of anxiety correlates with the severity of physiological shifts. The significance of anxiety in the pathogenesis of psychosomatic violations is determined by its role as the main link in the formation of emotional stress and its place in the system of organizing psychophysiological ratios. Not only a high level of anxiety is important for the development of psychosomatic disorders, but also the proportion of physiological parameters in the complex psychophysiological reaction to the stressor, the central element of which is alarm. Conducted in our laboratory (F. B. Berezin, P. E. Dedic) factor analysis showed that the proportion of the dispersion of this complex characteristic, which explains the change in physiological parameters in psychosomatic disorders is twice as high as in the control group.

One of the reasons for increasing the intensity of physiological reactions in psychosomatic disorders may be considered an insufficient ability to adequately reacting emotions in behavior. Violation of this ability leads to a significant increase in vegetative-humoral activation when anxiety and emotional stress occurs. The insufficiency of adequate reacting of emotions may be associated with a pronounced tendency to control their own behavior. This propensity is mostly determined by the need to follow the accepted norm, not to attract attention to their emotional problems, looks like a socially safe, conscious desire to meet social expectations. Conduct control has a dual influence: its high level contributes to the improvement of social interaction and reduce the number of frustrating situations; At the same time, it makes it difficult to adequately responding to emotions, which leads to an increase in vegetative-humoral activation, the increase in physiological shifts. A comparative study shows that in the group of persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders, the level of behavior control is reliably higher than in neurotic or personal disorders.

Difficulties in responding to emotions can also be due to insufficient ability to be awareness and expression, including verbal. This feature (called "Aleksitimia") can play an important role in the pathogenesis of psychosomatic disorders. It is even more important that in psychosomatic disorders, the emotional stress is usually determined by non-isolated emotion, but the simultaneous existence of contradictory emotions, such as anxiety and aggression, wrath and depression, feelings of dependence and ambition. The inconsistency of emotions largely arises due to the disharmony of personality, since the stereotypes of an emotional response are closely related to certain personality features. A combination of the tendency to the "jams" of hostility can be attributed to the number of disharmonious personalities, the tendency to impose on the harmonious development of the situation with anxiety, increased sensitivity to negative environmental signals, sensitivity. There is also a combination of insufficient social norms, a protest readiness with the need to control their behavior in accordance with these norms, maintain close positive connections with the environment.

The disharmonious combination of personal traits contributes to internal contradictions, while the existence of comparable, but incompatible needs (intrapsihical conflict). The intraxihic conflict, on the one hand, enhances the frustration and anxiety, and on the other, it prevents the awareness of emotions and leads to a blockade of reacting each of them. In addition, as a result of an intraxicheskic conflict of behavior, which in effectively mental adaptation is determined by a certain emotion or personal characteristic, mutually inhibited, which makes it difficult (or it impossible) overcoming emotional problems, since it complicates the choice of an adequate behavioral strategy aimed at permitting the traumatic situation. Reducing the ability to build integrated behavior (permission-oriented problem that takes into account the needs of the individual and the requirements of the medium, the nearest and long-term consequences) is one of the risk factors in the event of psychosomatic pathology.

Avoid the consequences of emotional stress, including leading to psychosomatic violations, it is possible, or by eliminating the external source of stressful influences, or by changing the relationship to the situation. The first is achieved or due to the active impact on the environment, or by caring from the fruzing situation (lifestyle change, nature of activity, avoidance of unwanted contacts, etc.). As for the change in attitudes towards the situation, it is implemented with the participation of psychological protection (intractic adaptation mechanisms), thanks to which the perception or aware of the stimulus causing alarm is narrowed, the circle of stressors is narrowed, the intensity of blocked needs is reduced, their significance or satisfaction is changed, the interpretation of what is happening. As a result of the psychological protection, perception, processing and use of received information changes in such a way that the level of anxiety decreases and the likelihood of emotions that are unwanted due to their excessive intensity or negative color is reduced. Psychological protection is largely determined by human mental activity, are important factors involved in the formation of a person and playing a significant role in its adaptation to the social environment. Psychological protection can contribute to the construction of adequate and socially successful behavior. They can also provide relative or temporary mitigation of emotional stress due to restriction of behavior, moderate decrease in the quality of life and socially useful functioning. However, with excessive severity and sustainability, they acquire a pathogenetic role in the development of mental and psychosomatic disorders.

Of the variety of psychological protection, essential for the formation of psychosomatic violations, as one of the most important should be noted the somatization of anxiety, as a result of which anxiety refers to the somatic, and not psychological factors. The somatization of anxiety provides a socially acceptable way out of difficult solvable and emotionally significant problems (usually associated with interpersonal interaction), transferring the center of gravity from these problems on bodily sensations. It can precede the protective blocking of the ability to realize the causes of the stressful situation, resulting in an indefinite ("free floating") anxiety, which is then fixed on somatic sensations and disorders. The psychological genesis of such disorders is often denied, even if the immediate dependence of the deterioration of the state from the stress situation is detected. It is also important that under the influence of psychological protection, there may be depreciation of previously significant needs and a change in the direction of emotional reactions (in particular, the displacement of aggression from the external object on themselves). This is typical for depressive states that can contribute to the development of somatic pathology.

The influence of emotional stress on somatic functions is implemented due to the fact that the inclusion of integrative cerebral systems in the process of psycho-physiological regulation is associated with emotional mechanisms, frustration and anxiety. As a neurophysiological substrate of such regulation at this level, the structures of the limbic-hypothalanethicular complex in close interaction with the front crust (considered as a neocortical continuation of the limbic system), and clinical, and experimental data indicate a special role in this complex of hypothalamic structures. This is due to the fact that the hypothalamus, playing an important role in the formation of motivations and emotions, at the same time is a central link of the system coordinating vegetative-humoral and motor behavioral mechanisms. Emotional tensions arising from mental stress leads to somatic changes due to the implementation of hypothalamic influences through nervous paths, a system of rilizing factors and trop hormones of pituitary glands, which causes changes in vegetative-humoral regulation. Hormones and mediators involved in this regulation, in turn influence the mechanisms for the inclusion and maintenance of certain emotional states. The physiological shifts noted are characterized by an increase in the activity of sympathy-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems with increased products of catecholamines and glucocorticoids, as well as activating the thyroid function with a change in iodine binding by proteins. Noraderenalin and adrenaline reinforce the release of rillation factors by the hypothalamus, and under the influence of the corticotropin-rilizing factor, the ACTH products are increasing, followed by the increase in glucocorticoid products and even greater activation of the synthesis of catecholamines. In parallel, the products of insulin may increase as a result of activating it with an increase in blood sugar content, as well as due to the influence of catecholamines through? -Adrenoreceptors. The strengthening of sympathetic activity is accompanied by hemodynamic (increasing minute and shock volume of the heart, increasing the peripheral resistance of vessels and blood pressure) and metabolic (increase in blood pressure and lipids due to? -Adrenergic lipolysis effect of free fatty acids, as well as low density lipoprotections) shifts. Blood coagulation increases. Thanks to metabolic shifts, the intima of the vessels with the accumulation of neutrophil fats and acidic polysaccharides occurs. This set of shifts, reflecting the preparedness of the body to the action and called the "ergotropic syndrome", is the most typical for emotional stress. In this case, the tensions of the described changes reflect the severity of anxiety, the intensity of which products and exchange of catecholamines and corticosteroids depends, and, respectively, and vegetative, and metabolic shifts, in particular, the intensity of cardiac activity, blood pressure, blood pressure, sugar blood, triglycerides, cholesterol , low density lipoproteins.

In addition to the vegetative-humoral and metabolic shifts, the syndrome described also includes an increase in muscle tone, diffuse or structured, i.e., extending to certain muscle groups depending on the prevalence of poses and movements that would be realized by the stressful situation (for example, flight Or aggression) if they consciously did not hold back in the living conditions of a modern person. The effects of muscle hypertension in the lumbar and cervical areas are especially noticeable, where they contribute to the emergence of dislocations in the spine, as well as spondyltrosis and mositis.

Assessing the effect of stress on the state of vegetative-endocrine regulation, it is important to note that the concentration of glucocorticoids and catecholamines in the blood, which is always increasing in the stage of anxiety, the resistance phase varies widely depending on the severity of the voltage state. In the event that the stable and intensive impact of the stressor continues, their concentration is constant or most of the time remains high. Such a development of the situation in emotional stress is particularly likely, since, as already noted, emotional loads in modern society are characterized by significant intensity. This is due to the severity and speed of changes in social stereotypes, increasing the feeling of the threat, the frequency of adversely painted interactions. The trend towards the reactivation of negative emotional experience to an even greater degree contributes to maintaining the resistance phase of the high concentration of glucocorticoids and catecholamines. Against this background, or after the onset of the exposure stage, certain psychosomatic disorders are developing, the character of which depends on the peculiarities of the psychophysiological response, which is reproduced in each individual case quite constant.

As a result of emotional stress, in addition to the described ergotropic syndrome, vegetative-humoral changes are observed, characterized by the activation of the vagin-insulating system (trophhotropic syndrome). The emergence of such changes may be the result of a reciprocal relationship between sympatho-studary and vagin-insulating systems (when vaginsular shifts are hypercompension of the primary sympathetic reaction) or individual characteristics of psycho-physiological ratios. Somatic shifts are manifested in arterial hypotension, strengthening secretory activity and dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract. In real conditions, often we are not about the exclusively ergotropic or trophhotropic orientation of changes, but only about a more or less significant predominance of these in the reciprocal relations, vegetative-humoral systems. The decrease in the sympathetic and strengthening of vagintic activity is more often observed in persons who, as a result of individual development, prone to dependence and are focused on helping, although in the case of hypercompensation of this trend, they are focused on high personal achievements. A similar complex of reactions may occur if the state of stress is accompanied by a feeling of despair and refusal to overcome behavior.

An important role for the development of psychosomatic disorders plays the influence of emotional stress on the immune system, which is found in the inhibition of immunological reactions with increased hydrocortisone products, in timus atrophy mediated by glucocorticoids, in the change of the T-system of immunity. In chronic emotional stress, changes in the level of immunoglobulins are also noted, the activation of antibody products, the strengthening of autoimmune processes.

All outlined gives reason to believe that the pathogenetic patterns of the development of psychosomatic disorders are associated with a certain stereotype of the organization of psychosomatic relations. Such a stereotype includes the presence of individually significant fruitating situations, an increase in frustration tension, anxiety strengthening, leading to the intensification of psychological protection (with the type and severity of which related features of the psychological state and psychophysiological ratios), insufficient response of emotions, mainly due to disharmonious identity features. An increase in anxiety and emotional stress leads to the inclusion in the described stereotype of the development of psychosomatic disorders considered above integrative cerebral systems, including hypothalamic structures, through which a complex of physiological shifts is being implemented, which is determined, along with the state of the mental sphere, the nature of psychosomatic disorders, general and specific features of psychophysiological reactions. The type of this reaction depends on the peculiarities of the subject, which are based on the combination of genetic prerequisites and factors affecting the individual during the life path, in particular, during early socialization. With the implementation of the described stereotype of the development of psychosomatic disorders, two points are significant: the nature of psychological reactions associated with a certain constellation of personal traits, and the special relationship between the mental and somatic aspects of the response (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

The stereotype of the development of psychosomatic disorders

The variety of physiological changes arising from emotional stress suggests that emotional stress can act as a factor of pathogenesis for a wide variety of forms of somatic pathology. This circumstance, as well as the results of a continuous psychodiagnostic study of patients with various somatic diseases, indicate the inexpediency of the separation of diseases on psychosomatic and unexicoomatic, allocating psychosomatic diseases as a special class of states. At the same time, the proportion of mental factors in the genesis of individual somatic diseases differs significantly. The obtained data suggests that somatic diseases form a certain series ("psychosomatic continuum"), in which the importance of psychological mechanisms in their occurrence and development, the frequency of disorders with mental adaptation decreases gradually, (Fig. 3).

With diseases located at the top of this continuum, such as neurocirculatory dystonium, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, paroxysmal heart rate disorders, bronchial asthma, peptic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, pathogenetically significant mental adaptation disorders are found in the majority (66- 90%) examined. Violations of mental adaptation in diseases in the upper part of the psychosomatic continuum are manifested not only by somatic symptoms, but also neurotic reactions or even outlined neurotic syndromes, which in this case do not represent "second disease", and act as an integral component of psychosomatic disorders. In conditions of chronic emotional stress, their frequency is even more increasing. In case of diseases located at the bottom of the continuum (for example, acute pneumonia or post-traumatic disorders of the musculoskeletal system), such violations are detected significantly less frequently (in 30-40% of the surveys).

The value of psychosomatic relations can be traced on the example of some somatic diseases characterized by various erg-or trophhotropic phenomena, or related to immune changes.

If the somatic symptoms arising from emotional stress are limited to polymorphic vegetative manifestations directly reflecting changes in vegetative-humoral regulation, vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia is usually diagnosed. Vegetative symptoms (tachycardia, blood pressure lability, transient hyper or hypotension, functional disorders from the gastrointestinal tract, psychogenic shortness of breath, hyperhydrosis, muscular tremor, cervical syndromes caused by the amplification of muscle tone) are usually combined with fleeting pains and neurotic phenomena . The symptoms described are closely associated with a high level of anxiety (largely somatized) and can be considered as its physiological correlates. The psycho-physiological ratios are also characterized by a decrease in the threshold of frustration and an increase in the specific weight of the psycho-physiological component of a single psychophysiological reaction to the fructuring situation. In the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), the designation "Somatoform Vegetative Dysfunction" is used for the characteristics of this frequent state, although the previously proposed term "general pivotal syndrome" may better reflect its pathogenetic essence.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia by hypertensive type can be maintained indefinitely for a long time. But in the presence of personal and biological predisposition, with certain psycho-physiological ratios, transient hypertension is replaced by stable in the process of developing hypertensive disease (essential hypertension). Fruit effects are most often associated with situations that are characterized by a unmet need to achieve, with the expectation of such situations, with a blocked requirement for self-affirmation and dominance, as a rule, observed in the field of professional activities. Family predisposition to essential hypertension is combined with a tendency to strong and long emotions that are generated in the indicated fruiting situations. Adequate response of aggressive reactions arising from this is blocked, since anxiety, sensitivity and the need for adopted social norms increase in parallel to enhance aggressiveness. The disharmonious personal characteristics and psychological defenses caused by the blockade of aggressive reactions are attached great importance in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. It is also significantly that the emerging anxiety, the level of which, with essential hypertension, is significantly higher than in control, due to the rigidity of the affect, it does not exist for a long time, which helps strengthen emotional stress during repeated frustrations. At the same time, the "stuck" hostility finds a socially acceptable exit due to the somatization mechanism. Reliable correlations between an increase in blood pressure, the severity of the somatization of anxiety, the rigidity of the affect, the blocked aggressiveness is found already at the stage of transient hypertension and are preserved with a stable increase in blood pressure. The results obtained in our laboratory (together with E. M. Kulikova) allow to allocate (based on factor analysis) complex psycho-physiological characteristics, in which the increase in blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance and plasma triglycerides are combined with such psychological indicators as the need for dominance The tendency to continue to record attention on fruiting situations, total frustration voltage and anxiety. The possibility of separation of such a characteristic is confirmed by the considered psycho-physiological dependencies typical of hypertension.

Long effect or re-occurrence of fruiting situations (mainly similar to those noted with hypertension), an increased emotional vulnerability, a high level of anxiety, accompanied by a change in the neurohumoral regulation of the heart activities with the strengthening of sympathetic influences, may underlie paroxysmal heart rate disorders (in particular , paroxysmal flickering arrhythmia) even with intact myocardium. The frequency, duration and severity of paroxysms in these cases correlate with the severity of neurotic phenomena, the level of anxiety, a tendency to long-term processing of situations that cause negative emotions. The intraptsychiatric conflict in this group of patients is largely determined by the combination of demonstrative trends, the desire to attract and keep the attention of others with anxiety, alertness that impede the implementation of these trends. As a result, the ability to build integrated behavior decreases, dissatisfaction increases (with stimulation of negative emotional hypothalamus emotional zones), anxiety and the intensity of sympathetic influences. As the final result of these heartbeats at the level of the heart in a paroxysmal flicker arrhythmia, a re-entry of excitation into myocardium, due to its functional fragmentation and a presenter to the atrial fibrillation. The probable intermediate link in this chain is the occurrence of the functional weakness of the sinus node. A similar mechanism, leading to ventricular fibrillation, apparently lies at the heart of the emotionally caused sudden cardiac death, which is still not studied genesis.

The psychic correlates of coronary heart disease (IBS) were reflected in the classical description of Rosenman and Friedman's behavioral stereotype designated as "Type A", which is characterized by aggressive involvement in continuous struggle for achieving increasing results in less and less time, even contrary to resistance and With constant readiness for competition.

The described behavioral stereotype is associated with an increase in the number of frustrating situations, an increase in emotional stress, and at the physiological level - with chronic sympathetic activation and arising from it the consequences for the cardiovascular system in general and coronary insufficiency, in particular. Sympatheadar activation with IHD increases to an even greater extent due to the fact that adequate reacting of emotions is hampered by a high level of behavior control. The growing anxiety is initially due to the indefinite outcome of the activities and ingenuable interpersonal relations, however, the appearance of angina attacks (or suffered myocardial infarction) is accompanied by the somatization of anxiety, which provides a socially acceptable way out of competition or other activities that cause emotional tension.

With the amplification of emotional voltage and products of catecholamines correlates an increase in vascular resistance, an increase in the plasma of low density lipoprotein plasma and an increase in blood coagulation. Factor analysis made it possible to show that anxiety, emotional instability, the level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins are included in one complex psycho-physiological characteristic with approximately equal to factor load.

Stenicard attacks often occur in direct communication with emotional stress. If this happens with the existing stenosis of coronary vessels, the pathogenic effect of emotional excitation is indirect, indirect character and represents the result of the insufficiency of the blood circulation of myocardium due to an emotioned gain of cardiac activity. At the same time, it provides data on the fact that about 1/3 of all patients with complaints typical for angina patients suffer from its angiospatic (vasomotor) form, i.e., with coronaropasm of pivothegetative origin with organically intact vessels. Clinical studies and modeling of emotional states with simultaneous cardiography have shown that from the emotional states to reproduce vasospaticic reactions under the walls of the most significant anxiety, which appears in situations of the threat of its own existence, well-being of loved ones or other persons, for the fate of which is responsible. In general, in the formation of psychophysiological ratios that play a pathogenetic role in the development of angina phase, it seems that psychophysiological effects that contribute to the atheromatous process and spasm of coronary vessels are equally significant, since in most cases vasoconstrictor reactions are developing against the background of more or less pronounced sclerotic changes of coronary vessels .

In the study of the differences between patients suffering from angina and those who suffered a myocardial infarction, it was shown that the first group of patients was distinguished by more pronounced neurotic traits and emotional instability. Similar results were obtained in our laboratory. The synthesis of studies on the relationship between the state of the emotional sphere, angina and myocardial infarction, suggests that anxiety and neuroticism have a greater prognostic value in relation to angina and cardiac death than in relation to myocardial infarction.

As typical forms of pathology, in which emotional stress, frustration and anxiety are associated with trophhotropic syndrome, peptic disease and bronchial asthma can be considered.

Referring to psycho-physiological ratios for peptic ulcer, it should be noted that the very fact that changes in the gastric secretion and blood supply to the gastric mucosa under the influence of mental factors is doubt and are subject to not only indirect methods, but also direct supervision. Psychophysiological influences are more significant than living conditions, work, food. The incidence of peptic ulcer is similar in Europe, Asia, America with completely different dietary traditions. It is shown that people with a tendency to gastric hypersecretion (determined by the level of pepsinogen in the blood) emotional overload contributes to the appearance of peptic ulcers. Sustainability and repeatability of emotional reactions are so great that serious violations of secretion, motorities, ischemia of the gastric mucosa and duodenum are associated with the weakening of its cytoprotective properties (including in relation to infectious agents and, in particular, Helicobacter pyloris has recently Practices in the occurrence of ulcerative disease).

Features and conditions for the occurrence of emotional reactions with ulcerative disease require special consideration. In accordance with the psychosomatic hypothesis, the character of emotional reactions is due to certain personality features. For patients with duodenal ulcers, a contradictory combination of needs depending on, in support of significant persons and the desire to achieve awards at the expense of their own active activities and social achievements. Since the need for a dependence contradicts the I-concept of such patients, their self-esteem, psychological protection impede its awareness, while the importance of success is usually realized and often accompanied by ambitiousness, underlined by behavior independence and self-sufficiency. The role of such features of the personality in the development of ulcerative disease is confirmed by the possibility of prefictation of the occurrence of peptic ulcers from "Hypersecretors" with the help of projective psychological tests.

The formation of the described type of personality is associated with the peculiarities of early socialization, which are characterized, in particular, pronounced and continuously continued dependence on parents with the feeling that their love depends on the potential achievements and accomplishment of debt. The intraxihic conflict generated by a combination of contradictory personal tendencies underlies the constant frustration, leads to an increase in emotional stress in case of insufficient ability to aware of emotional problems and adequate response of emotions. According to our data, the level of frustration, dissatisfaction, anxiety in a group of suffering from ulcerative disease is reliably higher than in the control group of healthy. The somatization of the alarm noted in these patients can play the role of a protective mechanism that contributes to the satisfaction of the need for dependence and allowing periodically to turn off socially significant interactions without prejudice to self-assessment.

The most stressogenne in the considered form of pathology is the life events in which the need for the need for or need to achieve, or both of these needs. The following events (their frequency in the group suffering from ulcerative disease is reliably higher than in control) related events leading to the loss of the usual social environment (in particular, the loss of loved ones, migration, dismissal from work, the actual gap of marriage, difficulties in married relations) . In all these cases, social support is weakened, the need is not satisfied depending on. On the other hand, such events as a threat of dismissal, reorganization and conflicts at work, changes in the kind of activity lead to frustration needs in achieving or on the occurrence of the threat of such frustration. The frequency of this kind of situations, the features and severity of the emerging emotional reactions were differentiated by a group of patients differing by the clinical course and the nature of the ulcerative defect. In particular, a more pronounced tendency to self-sufficiency, independence of behavior and readiness for activities with an indefinite exodinity, combined with a greater frequency of life events that prevent the implementation of these trends and not allowing the need for the implementation of these trends and not allowing the need to implement the need to be implemented.

The connection was also established between an increase in the frequency of aggravation of ulcerative disease or the transition to the continuously recurrent flow and frequency of unwanted events, mainly in the family sphere, with an increased emotional vulnerability and long-term preservation of negative emotions. The influence of mental factors, the level of anxiety, emotional tensions on the results of treatment is shown. The scarring of ulcers slowed down in patients who celebrated conflicts in the family or high intensity of work in the instability of the work situation, and accelerated with a decrease in the strength of work and socially justified care from responsible duties.

The value of the mental factors in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma shows clinical observations indicating the emergence of asthmatic paroxysms and the weighting of the course of the disease in emotionally significant situations in the occurrence of mental stress. Changes in external respiration indicators characteristic of obstructive syndrome, and attacks of expiratory choking may be associated with emotional load and situational factors, and the dependence between the effects of an allergen-initial attack and conditions in which this impact occurs may be fixed according to the conditional reflector mechanism. In the event that the reproduction of these conditions itself (sometimes even mental) can cause an asthmatic attack, a response stereotype, initially determined somatically, acquires a predominantly psychogenic nature. Mental factors are included in the complex polyethic pathogenetic complex, leading to a change in immunoreactivity and an increase in the reactivity of the bronchial apparatus through mediating mechanisms. Possible changes in immunoreactivity in response to Averexia (negative stimulation) and the dependence of the antigen reaction is an antibody from psycho-physiological sensitization.

In the study of a system of psycho-physiological ratios carried out in our laboratory, together with the clinic of therapy and professional diseases of MMA. I. M. Sechenova, it was shown that in the group of patients with bronchial asthma, negative stimulation associated with an increase in the number of unwanted life events (especially in the family sphere) is significantly higher than in control. At the same time, the high level of anxiety, frustration, emotional tensions is accompanied by a decrease in the ability to organize effective targeted behavior and overcoming vital difficulties without attracting attention to them around. Adequate reacting of emotional stress is complicated by the disharmonicity of emotions and personal traits. The combination of hidden anger, characteristic of this group, "jams" on negative emotions with a sense of symbiotic, the need to be involved in the problems of other people and involve them in their problems prevents not only manifestation, but largely and aware of aggressive trends. In addition, there is a combination of inclinations to consider the situation as unsatisfactory, the internal rejection of social norms with disturbing, psychos-balanced features that cause a high level of internal standard and the need for regulatory behavior. An intraxicheskic conflict that occurs as a result of such disharmoniousness even more strengthens the alarm, which is largely somatized and is accompanied by the enhancement of the severity of its physiological correlates.

Factor analysis made it possible to isolated with bronchial asthma as the most significant (21.1% explained dispersion), a complex psychophysiological factor in which the highest factor loads include indicators reflecting the intensity of anxiety, the total frustration tension and the attitude of this tension to the level of behavior integration. As an increase in this factor, there is a parallel strengthening of frustration and emotional tensions, anxiety, a number of other psychological characteristics discussed above (affective rigidity, psychostective trends, insufficient behavior integration, unsatisfied need for dependence, the inclination to consider the situation as unsatisfactory) and the severity of the complex of somatic phenomena arising from The predominance of trophhotropic activation either during ergotropic activation in the blockade situation? - receptors. The same factor includes with a positive IGA and IGG sign. The nature of the described factor reflects the relationship between the peculiarities of the mental state, typical of the bronchial asthma patients, and the change in immunoreactivity, violations of the function of external respiration (FVD) on obstructive type. Analysis of correlation dependences also allows you to trace the effect of emotional and frustration tensions and related psychophysiological characteristics on the level of immunoglobulins in the blood, changes in the FVD and the indicators of the clinical flow of bronchial asthma: the frequency, duration and severity of attacks. Parallel increase in the alarm and complex of changes in the FVD (a decrease in the forced vital capacity of the lungs and the volumetric rate of exit) that contributes to hypoventilation seems to be specific to psycho-physiological ratios at bronchial asthma, since in other cases anxiety, as a rule, is associated with hyperventive syndrome.

Changes in psycho-physiological ratios due to emotional stress can act as one of the risk factors for diseases, in the pathogenesis of which psychosomatic dependencies are obviously not playing a decisive role. This also applies, in particular, to such severe forms of pathology, as cancer, in the origin of which psychimmune relations may have a certain significance.

The relationship between the emotional state and the likelihood of the occurrence of oncological diseases, as well as the latter, was originally noted on the basis of clinical observations. With the beginning of a systematic study of this problem, a fairly clear picture of both the preceding diseases of the life events, which caused changes in the emotional state, and the predisposing features of the patients's personality were reserved. Epidemiological studies, including prospective, indicate that the states with a feeling of despair, helplessness and hopelessness, as a rule, caused by loss of meaningful person are a risk factor in relation to a cancer. For oncological patients, it was also characterized by the presence of frustrations caused by relations with parents, especially with his mother. It is believed that the sensitization caused by this causes a particularly serious experience of the loss situation throughout their life. Acquired in childhood and used by oncological patients throughout the life of the form of psychological protection, which prevent the release of emotional stresses throughout the life.

In the study of pathogenetic chains: an emotional reaction - the integrative structures of the brain (based on which it is formed) - the oncogenic process focused on the hypothalamus system - the hypophysis - adrenal cortex and immunosuppressive effects. Clinically and experimentally demonstrated the dependence of glucocorticoid products from the severity of negative emotions, depth of depressive states and the influence of glucocorticoids on the state and the function of the thymus, with which the T-system of immunity is connected and, in particular, antitumor immunity. Thus, numerous studies indicate that with a stressful impact that causes a strong affective response and the inability of the individual to cope with it is associated with neuroendocrine changes that can have an immunosuppressive effect and, thereby contribute to the occurrence of oncogenic disease. It is obvious that the described psycho-physiological constellations represent only one of the factors in the complex pathogenesis of oncological states.

Treatment of diseases, in the genesis and clinic of which psychosomatic dependencies play an important role, requires a specialist training in the field of clinical psychology, sufficient experience in assessing emotional situations, in the diagnosis and therapy of mental disorders of the neurotic circle and personal disorders. Such preparation makes it possible to integrate all the information received, to compile a holistic representation of a patient and use it for adequate therapy. The treatment of psychosomatic disorders caused by emotional stress should take into account the described stereotype of psychosomatic disorders and the feasibility of exposure to the psychophysiological regulation system at all its levels. This involves measures aimed at reducing the number and intensity of individually significant frustrating situations by correcting the social environment and restructuring the perception of patients with its relationship with this medium, a decrease in the level of anxiety, the correction of neurotic disorders and personal inadequacy, the restoration of emotional and vegetative-humoral equilibrium. Finally, therapeutic measures should include funds and methods aimed at eliminating somatic pathology at the level of interested bodies or systems. In our laboratory, such a comprehensive treatment, including preliminary personal diagnostics, orienting psychotherapy, psychopharmacological agents (with an individual selection of drugs and doses), the means that normalize the peripheral reaction to the vegetative stimulation was effective for diseases such as a cardiac version of neurocirculatory dystonia (vegetative-endocrine Cardiopathy), paroxysmal heart rate disorders, essential hypertension, ulcerative disease, sometimes even in cases previously resistant to therapy.

These treatment goals suggest a diagnosis that meets them. The latter, in addition to the methods of examination adopted in somatic medicine, is aimed at identifying stressful situations, emotionally significant problems, an assessment of the actual mental state and the characteristics of the patient's personality. It should be borne in mind that the information obtained from the patient (and its surroundings) should be assessed taking into account the emotionally determined selectivity of its selection, the probability of underestimation or, on the contrary, emphasis on those or other facts due to their emotional processing. The frequent effect of psychological protection is the transformation of the initial attitudes and values \u200b\u200bof the patient (sometimes on the opposite). Acquaintance with the laws of such transformations and mechanisms of psychological protection contributes to the establishment of a source of emotional stress, which may not be realized by the patients themselves. Accordingly, to assess the pathogenetic role of stressful situations to correct them (sociotherapy), not the objective characteristics of the external environment themselves, but to what extent they violate the balance of the relationship between the patient and its environment, impede the satisfaction of its current needs.

To select adequate treatment methods and determining the optimal therapeutic tactics, it is necessary, as already mentioned, it is possible to have a more complete picture of the mental state of the patient, the peculiarities of his personality, the prevailing stereotypes of his personal response. The possibilities of obtaining such a presentation are significantly expanding if, along with a clinical study, standardized methods of psychological diagnostics are used. High value of such methods in the study of patients with psychosomatic violations is confirmed by many years of experience in our laboratory.

The place of psychotherapy in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders is determined by the fact that the elimination of the state of emotional stress, a decrease in the level of frustration and anxiety, the reorientation of the patient in the medium in order to change its attitude to pathogenetically significant situations, the correction of inadequate stereotypes of behavior and personal reactions is the essential objectives of the pathogenetically oriented therapeutic system. events. At the same time, all the variety of psychotherapeutic methods can be used, of which only some will be considered within this article.

An important circumstance that makes it difficult for psychotherapy in psychosomatic disorders and impede the establishment of the necessary cooperation of the patient with the therapist ("the formation of the therapeutic alliance") is that, although emotional violations, the inability to cope with emotional problems are an important link in the occurrence and course of psychosomatic disorders, They, as a rule, are not realized, and are often denied by the patients themselves, which determines its orientation on biological methods of therapy. Typically, psychotherapeutic methods directly aimed at changing somatic functions are perceived more favorably.

Such methods include relaxation, which, as a psychotherapeutic procedure, is widely used in psychosomatic medicine. It is usually carried out in two ways: by Jackobson, when the patient is taught to feel their muscle tone, and then relax muscles, and on Schultz, when the patient, mobilizing the imagination, causes sensations (heat, gravity, etc.), accompanying muscle relaxation As a result, it really happens. The last method in the form of a certain system is called autogenic workout. Meditation techniques can also be used to achieve relaxation. Overall relaxation is an effective anxiolytic (antitrusive) agent, since the alarming syndrome always contains a component of muscle hypertension (especially in the muscles of the shoulder belt and neck). In addition, against the background of relaxation and reducing the level of wakefulness in the process of psychogenic workout, patient training is facilitated by the management of some vegetative functions. Good results gives for this purpose the use of biological feedback, i.e., visualization with the help of technical means of control effects of physiological functions, which gives patients the opportunity to control their changes. Depending on the nature of feedback, this control applies to the frequency and rhythm of heart cuts, blood pressure level, a tone of smooth muscles, gastric secretion. Report a successful application of this method with vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, violations of heart rhythm, ulcerative disease, bronchial asthma.

The use of deep (psychodynamic) therapy becomes appropriate if the source of inadequate emotional response is far abandoned (for example, it is in early childhood) or not realized by patients under the influence of psychological protection due to incompatibility with I-concept. The removal of emotional problems in the sphere of consciousness makes it possible their adequate permit, which can contribute to the elimination and somatic symptoms developed on the basis of emotional stress.

Awareness of their emotional reactions in situations related to difficult soluble problems can be achieved using non-modeistic psychotherapy. The principle of such therapy is that the patient is assisted in self-analysis through directed issues and rephrase the patient's responses in such a way that it can realize and formulate his attitude towards the problem and find ways for its permission.

Pathogenetic significance may have the formation of a sustainable connection between mental stereotypes, emotions and somatic functions. This pathogenetic chain: unreasonable judgment - emotion - somatic symptom, can be broken by cognitive therapy, which is particularly shown by patients capable of introspection and self-analysis. At the same time, the identification of patients with its judgments is achieved, recognizing their unreasonableness, replacing inadequate judgments realistic and verify the correctness of this substitution. The correction of inadequate cognitive designs can be achieved by introducing new elements to these designs, which makes it possible to influence the hierarchy of needs and behavioral stereotypes (orienting psychotherapy) and accordingly cope with emotional problems, the reflection of which was somatic symptoms.

The treatment of emotional disorders of interpersonal relations is sometimes successfully carried out through discussion and (or) modeling of relevant situations in small groups of patients (group psychotherapy), which, as a means of treating emotionally determined somatic disorders, can be quite effective. This is also due to the fact that in the process of group interaction, socially acceptable forms of reacting emotional voltage are being worked out.

To remove functionally fixed psychosomatic monosimptoms, hypnotherapy is sometimes successful. It is used to achieve common relaxation (especially non-modeistic, "soft" hypnosis on M. Erickson).

Psychosomatic disorders use psychosomatic disorders to reduce anxiety and emotional stress (including anxiety physiological correlates) and to transform sustainable non-adaptive reaction forms that psychosomatic phenomena are associated with. At the same time, the basic principles of psychopharmacological therapy, which imply the choice of the drug in accordance with the specifics of the mental state and the peculiarities of the personality, slow and gradual increase in doses, starting with the minimum (which is associated with pronounced individual differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs and the presence of a "therapeutic window", in The limits of which the psychopharmacological effect of maximum), the gradation of the decline in doses at the end of therapy to avoid the "cancellation syndrome".

Since the main types of psychopharmacological effects and the classes of drugs have already been considered in the previous article1, it is advisable to dwell here only at some moments substantial in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

It should be borne in mind that in cases where anxiety and emotional stress determine the mental state, and the physiological correlators of anxiety determine the main somatic symptoms, psychopharmacological therapy may be limited to the use of psychotropic drugs, the action of which is manifested by the rapidly developing tranquilizing effect (mainly by benzodiazepine tranquilizers). However, since the basis of psychosomatic disorders is usually sufficiently persistent and non-adaptive stereotypes of mental response, in most cases, along with tranquilizers, drugs are used, in the action of which are not only a rapid tranquilizing effect, but also slow antipsychotic (tranquilizing neuroleptics). If the specified stereotype is characterized by depressive forms of response, including those expressed disguised depressions, use drugs in which the tranquilizing effect is combined with antidepressant (tranquilizing antidepressants). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the influence of tranquilizers on vegetative-humoral regulation is implemented indirectly through a decrease in the level of anxiety and emotional stress and, accordingly, contributes to the elimination of shifts arising in connection with emotional stress, regardless of their initial sympatho-studary or vaginswasal orientation. In particular, the initial strengthening of secretion and an increase in the intensity of the synthesis of catecholamines under the influence of tranquilizers decrease. In the same case, if the initial secretion of catecholamines was reduced, and their exchange is slowed down, the reverse effect is observed under the influence of tranquilizers.

With the use of drugs with slow effects, their direct impact on vegetative-humoral regulation must be taken into account, associated with both the main effect (with antipsychotic - mainly adrenolytic, with antidepressive - mainly adrenomimetic), and with the action usually considered as a side (in particular, the cholinolitic effect of many neuroleptics and antidepressants). It is important that persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders tend to exaggerate the side effects of drugs due to increased attention to their physical sensations. The value of such a negative setting of the patient is confirmed by the emergence of adverse somatic phenomena against the background of receiving placebo. A positive placebo effect, or the occurrence of deterioration when taking placebo reflect the installation of a patient with respect to treatment and can be used to assess this installation, regardless of whether it is aware of the patients themselves.

In psychosomatic disorders, some of the effects of psychopharmacological agents are usually regardless of how side can be desirable. Thus, the myarlaxizing effect of tranquilizers - benzodiazepine and propanediol derivatives is useful for muscular "clamps", with various spastic conditions. The cholinolitical properties of a number of neuroleptics and antidepressants may be desirable where they need to be antispasmodic, antiemetic and antacid effect.

It can be noted drugs whose influence on vegetative symptoms is so pronounced, which makes it possible to consider their action as a vegetative-stabilizing. To such means among antidepressants include, in particular, opireramol (Insidone), among neuroleptics - sulpyrid (eglonyl), which are purposefully used in some psychosomatic disorders, for example, with ulcerative disease, migranes. The vestibulo and vegetable stabilizing properties are also expressed in Etperazin.

Means acting on peripheral media processes (for example,? -Adrenobloclarts) are not only effective at the level of vegetative regulation, eliminating the vegetative alarms, but, thanks to the feedback mechanism, it is often reduced by emotional stress.

It is important to take into account the interaction between psychotherapy and psychopharmacological treatment, since the use of psychopharmacological agents cannot be considered as purely biological therapy. Modification of behavior under the influence of these funds can lead to a decrease in the active role of the patient in the resolution of its conflicts and emotional problems, without which it is impossible to achieve a persistent therapeutic effect. Directional psychotherapeutic impact allows you to prevent such a development of the situation. At the same time, the use of psychopharmacological preparations creates a more favorable background for psychotherapy, reducing the level of anxiety and contributing to the transformation of psychological protection, weakening the emotionally determined distortions of perception and environmental assessment and own reactions, improving behavioral integration and social interaction. In addition, a decrease in anxiety and alertness makes the interaction of the psychotherapist and the patient more productive.


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Psycho-emotional stress is a difficult state that can cause dangerous diseases: in some cases it provokes a brain vascular attack. Psycho-emotional stress can be overcome, the main thing is to learn how to do it.To avoid stressful situations, you can try many different techniques.

A good option will be the change in the situation.

In modern medicine there are quite a few ways to help cope with such a state.

You can resort to meditation, yoga, relaxation, get rid of the accumulated negative energy using conventional valerns, a good calming agent is mint.

Full impact of stress

When a person experiences such states, it allocates a certain amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine. In large quantities, these hormones are harmful to the body. They contribute to the increase in pressure, as a result of their effects, adrenaline and norepinephrine can damage the vascular wall and cause the spasm of the vessels. After stress, such dangerous ailments can develop as a heart attack and stroke. With a frequent test of negative emotions, a person can develop a hypertensive disease that causes significantly harm to health.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine increase muscle tone, moreover, they contribute to the increase in blood sugar levels. If a person has any problems associated with the activities of the cardiovascular system, or there is a tendency to elevated pressure, stress will have a stronger impact than healthy. If a person has heart problems, vascular spasms, can be very dangerous. This mental state may be caused by various negative factors, such as everyday difficulties, often a person is experiencing tension, being in the workplace. Each person needs to learn to cope with stress.

In some cases, people arise, accompanied by increased fatigue: in this case an insomnia appears, migraine. It is worth knowing: frequent stress can significantly weaken the protective properties of the immune system.

Such a state as chronic stress represents a threat to health: it may cause hypertension at which a frequent increase in pressure occurs. Chronic stress negatively reflects on the state of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels. In this case, there is a considerable risk of sclerotic plaques (especially if the cholesterol level in the blood is increased). Bad mood and depressed condition can easily grow into psycho-emotional stress. These states can lead to violation of organs and all organism systems. If a person is sick, the body will spend the forces on the fight against stress and be distracted by the restoration of mental functions, so the fight against the disease will be reduced to zero.

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Methods of fighting alarming

To facilitate the symptoms of stress, psychologists advise to keep a diary or pronounce thoughts on the recorder. It is important to ensure that the person can explain, characterize, analyze his own mood. Stress level can be reduced by writing thoughts on paper: so as not to leave with your head in your thoughts, try to speak out, listen to your problems dear to you. After that, your mood will change for the better, you will half free from disturbing thoughts. There are many ways and ensure prevention against this mental illness. The most radical option is to care from civilization.

Pet owners argue that it is the last to help cope with stress. When a man strokes a dog or a cat, his well-being is greatly improving. As a result of research, the positive effect of pets has been proven. If a person has a pet home and often strokes him, the psyche becomes stronger, the person himself becomes more restrained, moreover, his pressure is normal. Pets do not just give joy, they are able to reduce hypertensive crises. To avoid daily stress, you need to try to change the external circumstances, for example, change the place of work and even place of residence. Not everyone is solved on such responsible steps, so you can change the attitude to a specific annoying factor.

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Exercise and talk of souls

Some people in testing stress load prefer to be silent, others try to speak. To gradually get out of the intense state, it is recommended to start physical training. Performing exercises, you can calm down and overcome a moderate depression, exercise largely strengthen the cardiovascular system, they normalize pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. Regular training helps to strengthen the immune system and confront stress every time. After an intensive half-hour training, the mood improves significantly: a person for one quarter will decrease the alarming state, in addition to these features, exercise contributes to a favorable mental activity. Remove stress will also help walking: it is recommended to go half an hour a quick step.

As mentioned above, overcoming stress helps the conversation and writing of thoughts on paper. Try to find a person with whom you can discuss your problems, he must listen to you, understand what you feel. To relax and distract from negative thoughts, you can lie on the bed with your eyes closed and imagine that you relax on the sunny beach, inhale crystal clear air. Try to come up with a picture that will be suitable for you. It is important to tune in to a positive wave, while turning on your own imagination. Similar exercises can be done for 30 minutes a day.

In order to avoid stressful situations, you can resort to a technique, which is called progressive relaxation. It is necessary in order for a person to understand the difference between when his muscles are in calm, and when in a tense state. On the sensations of such contrast it is easy to understand when you feel relaxed. It is necessary to realize that the state of relaxation can be achieved almost always when you need it.

The life of a modern person is impossible without stress. Socio-domestic conditions, work, overwork - all this causes emotions. Sometimes a person is subjected to a sharp exit from the comfort zone, which entails the need for psychological adaptation. This is psycho-emotional stress.

Emotional stress

It is impossible to underestimate the danger of stress, as they can cause many diseases of internal organs and systems. The stressors should be identified in a timely manner and exclude their influence to protect their own health.

The concept of stress and stages of its development

The concept of emotional stress for the first time allocated the physiologist Hans Selre in 1936. This concept was denoted by the unusual reaction organism in response to any adverse effect. Due to the influence of irritants (stressors), the adaptation mechanisms of the body are in voltage. The adaptation process itself has three main stages of development - anxiety, resistance and exhaustion.

In the first stage of the reacting phase (anxiety), the body's resources mobilize. The second, resistance, manifests itself in the form of activation of protective mechanisms. The exhaustion occurs in the case of the exhaustion of psycho-emotional resources (the body is handed over). It should be noted that emotions and emotional stress - the concepts are interrelated. But only negative emotions that cause negative stress can lead to serious disorders of the mental state. Such a state of deck called Distress.

The causes of the distress encourage the body to exhaust their energy. This can lead to severe diseases.

The concept of stress may have another character. Some scientists are confident that the manifestation of emotional stress is associated with the generalized distribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic excitations. And appearing as a result of this distribution of the disease individual.

Distress - negative stress

Negative emotions and stress are unpredictable. The manifestation of the body's protective functions on an emerging psychological threat can overcome only small difficulties. A, with a continuous or periodic repetition of stressful situations, emotional initiation acquires chronic. Such a process, like exhaustion, emotional burnout, manifests itself with a long-term founding of a person in a negative psycho-emotional background.

The main causes of emotional stress

Positive emotional reactions rarely carry a threat to human health. And negative emotions, accumulating, lead to chronic stress and pathological disorders of organs and systems. Information and emotional stress affects both the physiological state of the patient and on its emotions and behavior. The most common causes of stress are:

  • resentment, fears and negative and emotional situations;
  • sharp adverse life problems (death of a loved one, loss of work, divorce, etc.);
  • social and domestic conditions;
  • excessive feeling anxiety for yourself and loved ones.

Causes of stress

In addition, even positive emotions may be harmful. Especially if fate presents surprises (the birth of a child, an increase in the career ladder, the execution of dreams, etc.). Physiological factors may be the causes:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • overwork;
  • pathology of the CNS;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal failures;

Stress as a health risk factor is unpredictable. Personality can cope with its impact, but not always. In order to facilitate stress and their diagnosis, specialists tend to share stressors on external and internal.

Looking from a dangerous psycho-emotional state should, eliminating the effect of the disturbing factor on the body. There are no problems with external stressors. But with internal stressors requires a long painstaking work not only a psychologist, but also other specialists.

Signs of stressful state

The resource for the struggle with stress in each person is individual. It is called stress resistance. Therefore, stress as a health risk factor should be considered according to possible symptoms that affect both the emotional and mental state of the body.

With the advent of the distress, the causes of which are associated with external or internal factors, adaptive functions give a failure. When developing a stress situation, a person can feel fear and panic, act inorganized, experience difficulties with mental activity, etc.

Stress itself manifests itself depending on the stress resistance (emotional may cause serious pathological changes in the body). It manifests itself in the form, emotional, physiological, behavioral and psychological changes.

Physiological signs

The most dangerous to health are physiological symptoms. They represent a threat to the normal functioning of the body. Stressful in stress, the patient can abandon meals and suffer from problems with sleep. In physiological reactions, other symptoms are observed:

  • pathological manifestations of an allergic nature (itching, skin rashes, etc.);
  • digestion disorder;
  • headaches;
  • increased sweating.

Physiological stress

Emotional signs

Emotional signs of stress are manifested in the form of a general change in the emotional background. It is easier to get rid of them than from other symptoms, as they are regulated by the desire and will of the person himself. Under the influence of negative emotions, social or biological factors, a person may have:

  • Poor mood, longing, depression, anxiety and feeling of anxiety.
  • Anger, aggression, loneliness, etc. These emotions arise sharply, pronounced.
  • Changes in character - increased introversion, decrease in self-esteem, etc.
  • Pathological states - neurosis.

Emotional stress

It is impossible to experience strong stress without manifestation of emotions. It is emotions that reflect the state of a person, are the main way of determining psychology situations. And in order to prevent hazard for health, it is an important role that the manifestation of one or another emotion and its influence on human behavior is played.

Behavioral signs

Human behavior and reactions that have accompanied by him are signs of emotional stress. To identify them easy:

  • reducing performance, complete loss of interest in employment;
  • changes in speech;
  • completeness of communication with others.

Emotional stress, which is expressed through behavior, is easy to determine with long-term observation of man and when communicating with him. The fact is that he behaves not as usual (it is impulsive, quickly and unintelligible speaks, makes odnumless actions, etc.).

Psychological signs

Psychological symptoms of emotional stress are most often manifested with a long-term residence of a person outside the zone of psycho-emotional comfort, its inability to adapt to new conditions of existence. As a result, biological and physical factors leave their mark on the psychological state of a person:

  • memory problems;
  • problems with concentration when performing work;
  • violation of sexual behavior.

People feel helpless, distinguished from loved ones and plunge into deep depression.

Deep depression

With mental factors, a person succumbed with sharp or chronic psychic injury. A person may have an individual disorder, depressive psychogenic reactions, reactive psychosis, etc. Each of the pathologies is a sign that is a consequence of the influence of psychological injuries. The causes of such states can be like unexpected news (the death of a loved one, loss of housing, etc.), and the long influence of stressors on the body.

What is dangerous stress?

Due to prolonged stress, serious health problems may arise. The fact is that during stress the adrenal glands allocate the volume of adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones force the internal organs to work more active in order to protect the body from the stressor. But this phenomena, such as improving pressure, muscle spasms and vessels, the increase in blood sugar leads to a violation of the functioning of organs and systems. It is because of this that the risk of developing diseases increases:

  • hypertension;
  • stroke;
  • ulcer;
  • heart attack;
  • angina;

The effect of prolonged psycho-emotional stress decreases immunity. The consequences can be different: from colds, viral and infectious diseases to the formation of oncology. The most common pathologies are associated with the cardiovascular system of the second, in the prevalence - the disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effect of stress on health

According to physicians, more than 60% of all contemporary diseases are caused by stressful situations.

Diagnosis of emotional stress

The diagnosis of psycho-emotional state is carried out only in the office of the psychologist. The fact is that each case requires a detailed study on those methods and conditions that a specialist poses with a certain goal. At the same time, the direction of work, the purpose of diagnostics, consideration of a specific situation in the life of the patient, etc.

The identification of the main reasons for stressful behavior occurs at various methods of psychodiagnostics. All of them can be divided into classes:

  1. The current level of stress, the severity of neuropsychiatric tension. The methods of express diagnostics and testing T. Nechina, S. Kuhen, I. Litvintseva, etc. are used.
  2. The forecast of human behavior in stressful situations. Used by both self-assessment scales and questionnaires V. Baranova, A. Volkov, etc.
  3. Negative consequences of the distress. Differential diagnostic methods and questionnaires are used.
  4. Professional stress. Use polls, tests, live dialogue with a specialist.
  5. Stress resistance level. Most often use questionnaires.

The information obtained as a result of psychodiagnostics is the main further struggle with stress. A specialist is looking for a way out of a certain situation, helps the patient to bypass the difficulties (prevention of stress) and is engaged in a further treatment strategy.

Treatment of emotional stress

Treatment of psycho-emotional stress individually for each clinical case. Some patients are sufficiently self-organization, searching for new hobbies and daily analysis and control of their own state, and the reception of medicines, sedative and even tranquilizers is required. According to experts, the first thing to do is to detect stressor and eliminate its influence on the emotional and mental state of the person. Further ways of struggle depend on the severity of the disease, its phases and consequences.

The most effective methods of stress therapy are:

  • Meditation. Allows you to relax, calm the nerves and analyze all the vital difficulties and difficulties.
  • Physical exercises. Physical activity allows you to distract from problems. In addition, during classes, hormones of pleasure are produced - endorphin and serotonin.
  • Medicines. Soothing and sedatives.

Psychological trainings. The passage of group classes with a specialist and home methods not only contribute to the elimination of signs of stress, but also allow to improve the stress resistance of the personality.

Psychological trainings

Therapy is most often based on integrated methods. Psycho-emotional stress often requires a change in the situation, support from outside (both close and psychologist). When problems with sleep, doctors can prescribe sedatives. In serious psychological disorders, tranquilizers may be required.

Sometimes folk methods based on cooking bravery and tinctures are used. Most common - phytotherapy. Successive action possess such plants like Valerian, Oshinitsa and Melis. The main thing is that a person himself wants to change in life and tried to correct his condition by returning to his natural existence.

Prevention of stress

The prevention of psycho-emotional stress is reduced to conducting a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and classes with a favorite thing. You need to limit yourself from stress as much as possible, be able to predict them and "bypass." Psychologists are confident that the risk of stressful situations is reduced if the person is:

  • do sport;
  • set new goals;
  • properly organize your career activities;
  • pay attention to your holiday, especially sleep.

The main thing is to think positively and try to do everything for your own health. If it was not possible to protect yourself from stress, you do not need to succumb to panic or fear. It should be calm, try to think about all possible options for developing events and look for outputs from the current situation. So, the consequences of stress will be more "soft."


Emotional stress is subject to every person. Some succeeds to quickly overcome the feeling of anxiety, fear and subsequent behavioral signs (aggression, disorientation, etc.). But, sometimes, long or often repeated stress leads to the exhaustion of the body, which is dangerous to health.

It is necessary to relate to their own psycho-emotional state, try to predict stresses and find safe ways to express their emotions with creativity or believing a favorite thing. Only so, you can save your body healthy and strong.

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Emotional stress is a psycho-emotional state of a person arising from the impact of stressors - internal or external factors causing negative emotions that contribute to the sharp exit from the comfort zone and require certain physiological and psychological adaptation. In essence, this manifestation can be attributed to the natural protective reactions of the body in response to the change of the conditions familiar to it and the emergence of various kinds of conflict situations.

Causes of occurrence

  1. Feeling of fear.
  2. Resentment.
  3. Emotional concern.
  1. Chronic overwork.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. Adaptation reactions.
  4. Personal decompensation.

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Risk group

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Symptoms and signs

These include:

  1. Increased irritability.
  2. Tears.
  3. Pulse care.
  4. Changing the frequency of breathing.
  5. Anxiety.
  6. Fear, sense of despair.
  7. Weakness.
  8. Increased sweating.
  9. Fatigue.
  10. Headache.

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  1. Hypertension.
  2. Angina.
  3. Stroke.
  4. Heart attack.
  5. Arrhythmia.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Ischemic disease.
  1. Asthma.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Reducing vision.

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Methods of getting rid of ailment

  1. Autogenous workouts.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Meditation activities.
  4. Psychotherapy.
  5. Phytotherapy.
  6. Outcasting.
  7. Physiotherapy.

What are the main symptoms of stress manifest. How to avoid stress?

Stress - the body's response to a dangerous, traumatic situation, excessive physical or emotional load, affecting all its systems

  • What are the main symptoms of stress manifest. How to avoid stress?
  • Symptoms of stress
  • Types of stress
  • How to avoid stress?
  • Psycho-emotional stress - burning soul
  • Psychology to help - what to do when the forces at the limit?
  • Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personality health
  • Indebid effect on mental condition
  • Common causes of psycho-emotional overload
  • Gender interaction
  • The death of loved ones
  • Children's psychological trauma
  • Unsuccessful passage of age crises
  • Frustration
  • Long physical disease
  • The emergence and treatment of emotional stress
  • Causes of occurrence
  • Risk group
  • Classification of psycho-emotional states
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Than dangerous stressful state
  • Methods of getting rid of ailment
  • Stress: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Stress - the main symptoms:
  • Classification
  • The main stages of stress
  • Causes of stress
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Danger of emotional stress
  • Stress-forming factors
  • Causes of occurrence
  • Symptomatics
  • Danger of stress
  • Stages of emotional stress
  • Features of prevention
  • Methods of struggle
  • Splash emotions
  • Conclusion
  • Emotional stress
  • Signs of emotional stress

Appearing as a protective response of flight, the stress by millennia perfectly performed its functions. Meeting with danger demanded immediate active actions. For this, all organism systems were brought to "combat readiness". In the blood, large quantities of stress hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, causing increase in pressure, accelerating heartbeat, expansion of pupils, muscle tension.

In modern conditions, life has become incomparably safer, and the need for immediate flight occurs extremely rarely. But the body's reaction was not changed at all. And in response to reprimand the head, we allocate the same adrenaline as when meeting with a predator millions of years ago. Alas, the natural reaction of flight is impossible. With repeated stressful situations, the changes caused by adrenaline accumulate. They cause characteristic manifestations of stress.

Symptoms of stress

The effect of stress hormones is manifested not only in changing physiological indicators. The emotional and intellectual sphere also turn out to be affected. There are also characteristic behavioral symptoms of stress.

Physiological changes in stress are aimed at maximum mobilization of organism reserves. With a long or frequent release of adrenaline in the body, the following changes occur:

  1. From the side of the cardiovascular system. Dresses of blood pressure, even those who previously did not bother. Often, hypertensive disease begins with stressful situations. Heartbeat and heart rate disorders, sometimes so pronounced that a person feels them without special research. Interruptions in the work of the heart is one of the most frequent reasons for the doctor's appeal in people with chronic stress. One of the manifestations of high pressure and vascular pathology may be noise in the ears.
  2. From the digestive system. The most common symptoms of stress are a decrease or complete absence of appetite. A man in a state of stress dramatically loses weight. Much less often is the inverse situation - an increase in appetite in stress. In addition, pronounced pain in the stomach may be manifestations of stress. Various dyspeptic phenomena arise - heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting, feeling of gravity in the stomach, stool disorders.
  3. Violations in the respiratory system are manifested by the feeling of the lack of air, the inability to take a deep breath, short, occasionally - the attacks of suffusion. Walking colds are rapidly.
  4. In the musculosums, muscle spasms are rapidly student under the action of adrenaline, the muscles are constantly in good shape. Often arise back pain.
  5. On the skin there are various kinds of rash, right up to very pronounced. Even in the absence of allergic manifestations in the past, allergic reactions occur, especially skin. Pottomination is intensified, constantly wet palms are worried.
  6. The involvement of the nervous system is manifested by mental and intelligent symptoms. Headaches are possible from physical manifestations. In the same group, the general asthenization of the body can be attributed, its smaller resistance to the loads. The temperature during stress is often reduced. Episodes of its increase are possible, more often to subfebrile (37-37.5) digits. Short-term increases to higher numbers are not accompanied by inflammatory changes.
  7. From the gender system there is a decrease in libido.

Intellectual symptoms of stress are especially noticeable for students and students during the period of increased loads. These include:

  • Reduced memory.
  • Scatletination, difficult concentration of attention, inorganization, late.
  • Obsessive thoughts, especially with a negative color.
  • Inability to make a decision.

Emotional symptoms, in contrast to previous groups of symptoms, can be regulated to some extent by a person. With pronounced stress, the following changes may be observed in the emotional sphere:

  • Anxiety, anxiety, feeling of impending trouble. Panic attacks arise without pronounced reasons.
  • Irritability, capriciousness, also without visible reasons.
  • Constantly reduced emotional background. Frequent attacks of longing, sadness, up to a depressive state and suicidal tendency. For women, tears is especially characteristic.
  • Low self-esteem in combination with overwhelmed requirements.
  • Passivity and disappearance of interests in life.
  • Permanent tension, a person in a state of stress is extremely difficult to relax.

Changes in behavior are external, behavioral manifestations of stress, which is especially important to know. Not always a person in a state of stress pays sufficient attention to his health. The diagnosis of stress is much easier thanks to the knowledge of the basic external manifestations of this state. You can take steps in time to normalize the state of a loved one, not allowing the occurrence of somatic diseases.

  • Frections attempts to reduce the manifestations of stress using alcohol or cigarettes. A sharp increase in their consumption by an externally prosperous person is an alarming sign.
  • Another option to care from stress - workolism. Immersion to work to the detriment of the family, friends, and sometimes health should alert you.
  • Inattention, scatletination, including in appearance. In this paper, it is manifested by the deterioration of labor results, an increase in the number of errors.
  • Unstable emotional state leads to a large number of conflicts, both at home and at work.

Types of stress

Despite the negative color, characteristic of the word "stress", such a body reaction can be useful. Most of the great achievements of humanity were committed precisely in a state of stress. Athletes, climbers, outstanding warriors, scientists committed their feats and achievements, put records and conquered the peaks due to the highest mobilization of forces in a state of stress. In addition, extremely intense positive emotions can also cause stress. Such a mobilizing and subsequently passing stress is called Estrass. His opposite, that stress, which causes numerous negative symptoms, is called Distress.

In addition, the psychological and physiological form of stress distinguish.

  • Physiological stress is caused by direct impacts on the body. Stress factors can be supercooling or overheating, physical overloads, injuries and pain.
  • Psychological stress arises as a reaction to socially significant events. It is accepted to share information and emotional. The first is caused by excessive information load. Particularly often stress arises, subject to a high person's interest in combination with overloading information. This condition is very characteristic of workers of heuristic professions requiring the analysis of a large number of information and permanent generation of ideas. The inverse situation is possible - the emergence of stress due to monotonous work.

The emotional stress arises after intense or repeated episodes of negative emotions - insults, hatred, anger. The carrier and transmitter of these emotions is the sponner's speech.

The value of the emotional component of stress is so great that a special term appeared - psycho-emotional stress. It is this form of stress that leads to chronic diseases and pronounced physiological violations. The reason in the impossibility of implementing the stressful reaction provided by the nature of the nature in the case of emotional stimuli.

How to avoid stress?

Obviously, the recommendation does not fall into stressful situations or respond to them less emotionally, impossible. Therefore, it is important to learn how to get out of such situations with minimal losses. This will help various psychotechnics of relaxation and banal physical exertion. In physical work, the natural path of adrenaline metabolism is being implemented. It does not accumulate, and accordingly, physiological changes occur related stress.

Therefore, in the case of chronic stress, banal recommendations that we used to ignore from childhood are the most efficient. Morning charging, running, walking, classes in the gym - the best prevention of stress.

Psycho-emotional stress - burning soul

Psycho-emotional stress is a critical state of personality that is exposed to excessive emotional and social overloads. This concept refers to the adaptive features of the psyche, which are necessary for an adequate response to changes in the surrounding world (positive and negative).

In severe life situations, internal resources are gradually exhausted. If a person has no opportunity to rest over time, switch attention to the traumatic situation, a peculiar "burnout of the soul" occurs.

Aspects characterizing the concept of psycho-emotional stress:

  • decay of physical forces (the failures of the nervous system lead to severe consequences for the whole body);
  • the emergence of a feeling of anxiety increasing for 2 days (changing the brain work, excessive production of hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroid);
  • emergency operation of the body (at the psychic and physical level);
  • the depletion of physical and mental strength, ending with the nervous breakdown and turning into sharp neuroses, depression and other psychological deviations.

Modern psychology describes the concept of psychogenic stress, as a combination of emotional and behavioral reactions of a person to a certain life situation.

The sources of the occurrence of stress can serve as real traumatic events (the death of a close, natural disaster, war, work loss), and the excessive negative perception of the personality of various circumstances by its own life.

Psychology to help - what to do when the forces at the limit?

Popular psychology helps to cope with stress, the reasons for which they lie in the distorted perception of reality, the inability to regulate their own emotions (to express them relevant way, restore sincere equilibrium). If the psychological state allows you to work (albeit in less effective mode), getting knowledge and strive for self-improvement, it will be enough to study aspects of the formation of emotional stress and methods to combat it so that their own forces lead themselves to a harmonious state.

  • symptoms are felt like emotional burnout, loss of life taste;
  • catastrically decreases performance;
  • the state of global fatigue is observed from the very beginning of the day;
  • disorders appear in a cognitive (mental) sphere - the memory is worse, the concentration of attention, ability to analyze, etc.;
  • there is an acute psychological unbalancement (a person ceases to be the master of himself);
  • emotional reactions to any events become overly aggravated (aggression, anger, desire to escape / destroy, fear);
  • joylessness, up to the despondency and disbelief of change for the better, becomes a permanent, background state.

Clinical psychology and competent professionals will come to the rescue, who will help to normalize the physical and mental state. Initially, the impact turns out to be on the symptoms of stress (reduction of their intensity), then for the causes of their occurrence (complete elimination or decrease in the degree of negative impact).

Psychologists and psychotherapists identify all aspects of psycho-emotional disorders and help a person better manage their psyche, increasing adaptive skills.

In the launched cases, the psychological state is so poorly that is on the verge of neurosis or clinical depression. A person needs a medical treatment that has the right to provide only a psychiatrist.

Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personality health

The human psyche is distinguished by an extremely complex structure, so it can be easily unfailed due to the impact of various adverse factors.

The main causes of mental disorders are:

  • cognitive disorders;
  • emotional overload (psychogenic stress);
  • physical diseases.

The concept of psycho-emotional state means the whole set of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. This includes not only what a person is experiencing "here and now", but also a wide range of spiritual scars from forged experiences, depressed emotions and adversely allowed conflicts.

Indebid effect on mental condition

The most vivid feature of a healthy psyche is the ability to experience life difficulties. The causes of failures in the mechanism of self-regulation can be the most diverse. Each person has a certain situation that has important situations in its presentation. Therefore, the concept of psycho-emotional stress is always associated with the interpretation and assessment of the person of their own life.

The principle of destructive impact is simple:

  • bring the negative emotions of a person to the maximum limit (boiling point);
  • provoke a nervous breakdown or inclusion of emergency braking mode (apathy, emotional burnout, spiritual emptying);
  • exhaust emotional reserves (memories of positive emotions).

The result becomes psychological exhaustion. It is important to remember that the omission of the emotional sphere always accompany the violations of the logical-semantic, cognitive region of the psyche. Therefore, recovery methods always assume an integrated approach to the triad: "body-mind-soul" (harmonization of their interaction).

Common causes of psycho-emotional overload

Psycho-emotional stress arises in two situations:

  1. The emergence of an unexpected negative event in the life of an individual.
  2. Long-term accumulation and suppression of negative emotions (example: lifestyle in background stress mode).

The mental health of a person in obtaining emotionally / sensual stress depends on the scale of the unfavorable events and the real possibilities of a person (mental, financial, temporary, physical) to cope with it at the moment.

Gender interaction

The psychological health of a person directly depends on the implementation of one of the most important needs - to love. The search for a partner begins with the state: "I want to get love", and the creation of a family is "I want to give love." Any failures and delay in this area cause a powerful emotional imbalance.

The death of loved ones

The loss of significant social connections destroys a stable mental state and exposes the personality to the hardest revision of his own picture of the world. Life without this person seems faded, deprived of meaning and hope for happiness. The bright symptoms of depression or neurosis are visible. A suffering person needs competent psychological assistance and support for loved ones. The greatest risk of obtaining the nervous breakdown, the formation of suicidal behavior, entry into the state of clinical depression or the manifestation of psychiatric deviations, is subject to introverts that have a small circle of communication and not receiving assistance from the environment.

Children's psychological trauma

Children are in full dependence on adults and are not able to fully show their emotions and protect their own identity. The result becomes the mass of depressed insults and negative emotions. The causes of most chronic diseases lies in psycho-emotional stress, experienced in childhood. Psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology are best coped with those who have founded children's injuries.

Unsuccessful passage of age crises

Unsuccessful passing over the races of age-related development or jams on them (the concept of "Peter Pan", the eternal student syndrome) generates large-scale intracertal stress. Often the symptoms are so acute that they completely immobilize the volitional and energy resources of a person. Then psychology and centuries-old luggage of human knowledge about emotions and emotional stress comes to the rescue.

Video: "Grafting from Stress": how to cope with your emotions?


The concept of "frustration" means "disorder of designs", when the personality turns out to be in a situation (real or imaginary), where it is impossible to satisfy certain needs at the moment. In a narrower sense, under frustration it is understood as a psychological response to the inability to get the desired. For example, a man lived for many years for many years, but at the very last moment the bird happiness spoiled him from his hands.

Long physical disease

The psychology of the XXI century pays special attention to psychosomatic diseases, ranging over 60% of existing diseases to them! The influence of the psyche on physical health is impossible to overestimate - the folk surcharge: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" is confirmed by numerous scientific research.

It is sufficient to eliminate the destructive emotional experiences so that the person goes to the amendment even in severe, chronic disease.

Video: A first-stress first aid kit - how to get rid of stress with emotional freedom technique (EFT)

The emergence and treatment of emotional stress

Emotional stress is a psycho-emotional state of a person arising from the impact of stressors - internal or external factors causing negative emotions that contribute to the sharp exit from the comfort zone and require certain physiological and psychological adaptation. In essence, this manifestation can be attributed to the natural protective reactions of the body in response to the change of the conditions familiar to it and the emergence of various kinds of conflict situations.

Causes of occurrence

In any stressful condition, the person falls in case of discomfort, if it is impossible to meet its own key social and physiological needs. Scientists and psychologists and psychiatrists revealed a number of reasons that contribute to the development of emotional stress. The most common of them are considered as follows:

  1. Feeling of fear.
  2. Resentment.
  3. Complex life circumstances and situations (divorce, loss of work, severe illness, the death of a close man, etc.).
  4. A sharp change in social or domestic conditions.
  5. Negative and emotional situations.
  6. Positive and emotional situations (moving, work change, childbirth, etc.).
  7. Emotional concern.
  8. Situations carrying a potential threat, danger.
  9. The impact of external emotional stimuli (for example, painful conditions, injuries, infections, excess physical exertion, etc.).

In addition, such physiological reasons may contribute to the development of stressful state:

  1. Chronic overwork.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. Excessive emotional and psychological loads.
  4. Violations in the work of the nervous system.
  5. Some endocrine diseases.
  6. Insufficient, unbalanced nutrition.
  7. Hormonal restructuring of the body.
  8. Adaptation reactions.
  9. Post-traumatic disorders.
  10. Personal decompensation.

Experts argue that the factors provoking the emergence of stress can be divided into external and internal. The first refers to a certain negative impact of surrounding circumstances. The second are the result of mental detail and the imagination of the person himself and are practically not interconnected with the external environment.

Risk group

With emotional stress throughout his life, almost every person is repeatedly faced. However, experts allocate a separate group of persons who are most susceptible to this attack. They often acquire chronic, protracted shape and occurs difficult enough, with the development of a number of accompanying complications and physiological consequences. The risk group includes:

  1. Persons with increased emotional excitability.
  2. Creative identities with well-developed imagination.
  3. People suffering from nervous disorders and diseases.
  4. Representatives of certain professions (policies, businessmen, journalists, police, drivers, military, pilots, air traffic).
  5. People with an increased level of anxiety.
  6. Residents of megalopolis and large cities.

Such people are especially vulnerable to external annoying psycho-emotional factors, and even insignificant, at first glance, the reason causes impaired emotional states.

Classification of psycho-emotional states

According to the medical classification, there are such types of emotional stress:

  1. Eustone is an emotional reaction that promotes the intensification of the mental and adaptive abilities of the human body. This is due to the experience of strong positive emotions.
  2. Distress is a pathological condition, leading to the disorganization of psychological and behavioral personal activity, which negatively affecting the entire body. Development is associated with the influence of negative emotions and conflict situations.

In addition, there are three stress stages:

  1. Perestroika. It is characterized by a number of chemical and biological reactions in the body causing active adrenaline activities and emissions of adrenaline. The person is in a state of strong voltage and emotional arousal. There is a decrease in the reaction, performance.
  2. Stabilization (resistance). The process of adaptation of the adrenal glands to the changed situation, the production of hormones will stabilize. The performance is restored, but the sympathetic system continues to be in a state of increased activity, which, during a protracted stress leads to the transition to the third stage.
  3. Exhaustion. The body loses the ability to oppose the stressful situation. The functional activities of the adrenal glands are extremely limited, there is a violation and failure in the activities of all possible systems. At the physiological level, this stage is characterized by a decrease in glucocorticoid hormones against the background of an elevated insulin level. All this leads to the loss of performance, weakened immunity, the development of numerous pathologies, the formation of mental disadaptation.

Symptoms and signs

It is possible to determine the presence of emotional stress using a number of characteristic physiological and psychological signs.

These include:

  1. Increased irritability.
  2. Tears.
  3. Pulse care.
  4. Changing the frequency of breathing.
  5. The inability to control your behavior and reaction.
  6. Anxiety.
  7. Disorders of memory and ability to concentrate.
  8. Sharp blood pressure jumps.
  9. Fear, sense of despair.
  10. Weakness.
  11. Increased sweating.
  12. Overvoltage of muscle groups.
  13. Lack of air, oxygen deficiency.
  14. Fatigue.
  15. Headache.
  16. Raising or, on the contrary, a decrease in body temperature.

In addition to the above symptoms in a person in stressful state, inadequate reactions occur due to a burst of energy and the impossibility of controlling their own emotions.

Than dangerous stressful state

Emotional stress extremely negatively affects the body and can cause a number of sufficiently severe diseases. This is explained by the physiological nature of stress. During psycho-emotional failures, there is an increased content of such hormones as noranedrenaline and adrenaline. This leads to changes in blood pressure, brain and vascular spasms, an increase in muscle tone, an increase in blood sugar levels and damage to the walls of the vessels.

As a result, a large extent increases the risk of the following diseases:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Angina.
  3. Stroke.
  4. Heart attack.
  5. Arrhythmia.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Ischemic disease.
  8. The formation of oncological tumors.

The severe consequences of the prolonged stress state are manifested in the form of heart attacks, neuroses, mental disorders. In addition, the whole body is depleted, immunity decreases and a person becomes particularly vulnerable to various viral, infectious, colds.

Medical workers identify pathologies that may be provoked by stress. These include:

  1. Asthma.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Reducing vision.

In order to avoid adverse effects, it is important to learn how to control your own emotional state and know the ways of effective struggle.

Methods of getting rid of ailment

How quickly and effectively remove stress? This question is worried about people who have repeatedly encountered this problem. There is no unambiguous answer to it.

The choice of method of therapy is influenced by nature and the cause of stress, phase and the severity of psychological disorder.

Treatment of emotional stressful state should be complex and systematic. The following techniques are applied to fight:

  1. Autogenous workouts.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Meditation activities.
  4. Medical treatment based on sedative and sedative medicines.
  5. Psychological trainings and consultations.
  6. Psychotherapy.
  7. Phytotherapy.
  8. Outcasting.
  9. Physiotherapy.

Emotional stress can lead to the development of serious diseases that threaten health and even the patient's life. Therefore, it is recommended, not postponing, seek help from a specialist.

Stress: Symptoms and Treatment

Stress - the main symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Memory disorder
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Reducing libido
  • Apathy
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Reducing body weight
  • Reduced mood
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract
  • Inattention
  • Depression
  • Feeling internal tension
  • Feeling constant dissatisfaction
  • Delay of menstruation
  • Reduced interest in normal activity

With stress in his life, every person faces, because it is a state of the body that arises when exposed to a person certain negative, or even positive factors leading to various changes in their lives. During this violation, the body produces adrenaline necessary in order to overcome the problem that has arisen, so a small number of stresses require our body - they allow us to move forward and self-improvement. However, the long-term negative impact causes the development of various violations in the body and can even cause chronic stress that is dangerous with its side effects.

As mentioned above, such a disorder may occur both from the excessive impact of negative factors, and in this case it is called the Distress and from the impact of positive factors - in this case, eusters develops. In essence, any events in life may be a stress factor. However, the reaction of each person is individual and depends on its nervous system. For some people, psycho-emotional stress can cause the development of serious psychosomatic violations in the body, and for others it will pass without a trace, becoming only incentive for improving itself and his life.


There are different types of stress. As already mentioned above, Distress and Estrass are distinguished by nature. A positive form usually does not have a negative impact on the state of health and the mental sphere of a person, while negative capable of knocking out a person from the saddle for a long time and leave behind the wounds.

Also, stress species differ in the nature of the impact of certain factors, and may be:

  • temperature;
  • nervous psychic (the most common form);
  • food;
  • light, as well as caused by other stimuli.

In addition, such types of stresses are distinguished as arising due to extreme social conditions or developed due to critical psychological events. The first type includes disorders that arise as a result of hostilities, natural disasters, attacks of bandits, etc. To the second form, you can include disorders that arise as a consequence of various social problems, for example, passing the exam, divorce, the death of a relative, etc. d.

Also, it is also worth identifying the following types of stress - psychological and biological. Psychological disorder or psycho-emotional stress arises due to the reaction of the human nervous system for a real or fictional negative factor. A biological violation arises against the background of a really existing threat. Therefore, the main criterion that makes it possible to determine the type of disorder is the question: "Does this or that effect does the actual harm of the body?". If the answer is "yes", it means that it is a biological disorder if "no" is psycho-emotional. Knowing these varieties makes it possible to understand how to relieve stress and prevent its adverse effect on human health.

Also distinguished post-tramatic stress, that is, a violation that develops after injuries moved or experienced critical events. Stress incontinence of urine is one of the common symptoms of such a pathological disorder. Especially often stressing urinary incontinence is found in children after heavy events.

The main stages of stress

There are three stress stages that are characterized by excitation and braking periods. Each person is expressed in one degree or another, which depends on the first, from the source of the disorder, and, secondly, on the state of the human nervous system.

Three stress stages are interconnected, that is, with the development of the first, the second and third will be followed. During the occurrence of impact, there is a response of the organism on it. This can occur within a few seconds or a few weeks after what happened - it all depends on the state of the nervous system of each particular individual.

In the first stage of stress, the individual loses the ability to control its actions and thoughts, the body's resistance is reduced and the behavior changes to the exact opposite of which it is characteristic. So, if a person was kind, he becomes hot-tempered and irritable, and if he was hotbed - closes in himself.

Second stage - stage of resistance and adaptation. At this stage, the body's resistance increases the stimulus and a person makes decisions allowing it to cope with the situation that has arisen.

The third stage is characterized by the depletion of the nervous system. If the impact is long, for example, when a person develops chronic stress, its body becomes unable to resist the factors that caused disorder. A person develops a sense of guilt, may re-emerge, but, in addition, chronic stress often causes the development of somatic pathologies, up to serious pathological conditions.

Thus, all phases of stress are interconnected between themselves and when the question arises how to remove stress, it is necessary to understand, at what stage there is a person at a certain point in time. It is important to remember that the consequences of stress can be both insignificant and very hard, therefore, the earlier the patient begins to drink tablets from stress, the less the consequences of this disorder.

Causes of stress

Each person in his life faces a variety of negative factors. The reasons for stress are so numerous that they are not allowed to list them. Nevertheless, scientists managed to establish the main causes of stress, or rather, the factors that influence almost any individual.

So, to the main negative factors capable of causing psycho-emotional disorder and even chronic stress include:

  • serious illness;
  • disease or death of close relatives;
  • parting with favorite people, including divorce;
  • attack or emergencies;
  • deterioration of the material situation;
  • birth of a child;
  • moving to another country (or even just a change in place of residence);
  • sexual problems;
  • shift work;
  • retirement;
  • the emergence of problems with the law, etc.

Very often, women develop stress during pregnancy, as its body and psyche are subject to significant changes.

It must be said that such a disorder has the property to accumulate, that is, with long-term exposure, it is aggravated. For example, stress during pregnancy can increase over time and at the time of birth of the child the usual disorder turns into a heavy postpartum depression or psychosis. If a stress occurs during pregnancy, a woman needs to tell about his symptoms to the gynecologist who assigns it medicines that can be taken without risk for the fetus.


If we talk about the symptoms of stress, then each person can be different - it all depends on the state of the individual's psyche, the stage of the process, as well as the forces of negative impact.

Physical symptoms of stress are few - they can manifest themselves as a reduction in weight due to dysfunction, constant fatigue due to the occurrence of insomnia, irritability, or, on the contrary, Apatia.

Psychological symptoms of stress are more pronounced, which can be attributed to:

  • feeling of internal stress;
  • unfortunate alarm;
  • stressful urinary incontinence;
  • feeling of constant dissatisfaction;
  • depressed condition and bad mood;
  • feeling of the ghost of the surrounding world;
  • reducing interest in ordinary activities, etc.

How to remove stress in case of symptoms appears, you should talk to a psychotherapist at the initial stage of the disease and a psychiatrist with a psychiatrist progression. The consequences of stress can be extremely difficult, so treatment must be started at that time when the first signs of stress appeared.

Sometimes people are trying to independently drown out the symptoms of stress, using alcohol, drugs or becoming a gambling player. All these exposure from the outside are able to significantly aggravate disorder and spoil the life to the patient.

Symptoms, as mentioned above, can be clearly expressed and implicit, so close to the patient should closely follow the behavior and reactions of the patient in order to ask for help from a specialist.

Separately, it should be said about such a symptom as stressful incontinence of urine. It can occur in young and adult women and is characterized by incontinence of urine in physical activity, sneezing, etc. Most often stressful incontinence of urine is found in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, stress incontinence of urine is developing when the fruit presses on the bladder, and after childbirth, it arises due to the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Therefore, in those cases when a woman is experiencing stress during pregnancy, this violation is aggravated, and stressful urinary incontinence becomes a frequent symptom of pathological disorder. In general, in itself stress during pregnancy can cause premature birth and miscarriage.

It is also important to remember that stressful urinary incontinence occurs in children against the background of the effects of adverse factors and is an important sign that the child is experiencing psycho-emotional overload.

The most important question that people ask doctors - how to remove stress? They are interested in prevention of stress and ways to deal with stress. If a person has post-tramatic stress, it is very important to seek help to a good specialist, in other cases you can try to independently drink tablets from stress, which today can be purchased without a recipe (in the case of unselected clinical manifestations).

Methods of struggle with stress are medical or non-medical. Alone, a person can practice relaxation techniques and maintain autotraining. Actually, the prevention of stress is also in the ability to relax.

At the same time, in medical practice, there are many techniques to combat this violation, thanks to which the consequences of stress become imminible for humans. Without the appropriate therapy (psychological counseling and receiving appointed by the doctor of medicines), the consequences of stress can be extremely hard for the body, up to the development of such somatic diseases as a gastric ulcer, oncology, etc.

The prevention of stress is to conduct a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, the correct alternation of recreation and wakefulness. Refusal of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other harmful habits also increases the body's resistance to external influences. A positive attitude makes it possible to "disarm" stress at the initial stage.

If you think that you have stress and characteristic symptoms for this disease, you can help doctors: psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist.

We also offer to take advantage of our services to diagnose diseases online, which, based on the entered symptoms, selects the likely diseases.

Danger of emotional stress

Each person faces stress. The emotions that we experience in life: unpleasant surprises, mental and physical overvoltage, quarrels with loved ones - all this affects the psycho-emotional state of people. Emotional stress displays a person from the comfort zone and requires physiological and psychological adaptation to its new conditions.

Negative emotions - the main cause of myocardial infarction

Psychological state is directly related to human health: myocardial infarction in 70% of cases arises precisely because of stress.

Stress-forming factors

The concept of "emotions" is characterized in psychology as a permitted attitude of an individual to various external factors (facts, events, etc.). Such experience is manifested by various signs: fear, joy, horror, pleasure, etc. Emotions are closely related to the somatic and viscelar sphere. The emerging facial expressions, gestures, distincting of heartbeat and respiration - all this is subject to a psycho-emotional state of a person.

Emotions are formed in the limbic brain system. Their influence on the body is comparable to a certain probability of individual satisfaction. Low probability - characterizes negative emotions, and high - positive. All emotions are behavioral regulators and act as "assessments" of any psychological impacts per person.

Emotional stress is psycho-emotional stress arising due to a negative assessment of the external factors by the brain. In case of it impossible to activate protective reactions of the organism in the threat, which depends on the stress resistance of the person.

It is important to understand the distinction between positive and negative stresses. Strong experiences caused by positive emotions are called eusters. The condition of the body under the destructive effects of negative emotions - Distress. It is characterized by the disorganization of human behavior and psyche.

Fear - stress-forming emotion

Causes of occurrence

Stressful states are natural phenomenon, characteristic not only for humans, but also other animals. The frequency of cases depends on the technological progress, the pace of life, ecology, urbanization. But the main factors affecting stress are the social behavior and characteristics of individual events.

The main reasons for such an emotional state:

  • fears, resentment, quarrels;
  • social and household factors;
  • vital problems associated with the work, the death of a loved one, divorce, etc.;
  • potentially dangerous situations;
  • physiology.

Physiological factors are not almost associated with the external environment. They are a consequence of human mental activity, evaluating its own state, because in case of illness, you are experiencing your own health more.

Common physiological factors affecting the appearance of emotional stress:

  • mental and physical overwork;
  • problems with sleep;
  • pathological disorders of the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • hormonal failures;
  • post-traumatic disorders.

One of the common varieties of emotional stress is "burnout" (overwork). The risk group includes representatives of the workshop. Psychological burden, which experience the workers, contributes to the loss of a large volume of physical and mental energy. Prolonged energy loss leads to overwork.

Do not confuse emotional and informational stress. The latter is characterized by a protective barrier of the body as a reaction to a large flow of information obtained for a long time.

The most common professions subject to burnout is socially responsible positions (teachers, managers of enterprises, doctors, etc.). Causes of burnout: responsibility, uncomfortable work schedule, low wages, etc.


It is possible to determine psycho-emotional stress in physiological and psychological features. The most common symptoms:

  • psycho-emotional reactions (irritability, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.);
  • the increase in heartbeat and respiration;
  • loss of concentration;
  • overvoltage of muscles;
  • fatigue;
  • memory problems.

Sometimes stress symptoms can be conflected with infectious or viral diseases. Internal factors depending on the assessment of a certain situation may cause:

  • digestive disorders;
  • muscle weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • head pains and dizziness.

Often, these symptoms are manifested because of the expectations of important events in a person's life or during them: final exams, an interview at work, creative performance, etc. Stressful stress can carry serious health harm.

Fatigue - one of the symptoms of disorder

Danger of stress

The physiological nature of stress pays danger to a person. Poor regulation of its own state contributes to the emission of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood. In a certain amount, these hormones are negatively reflected on the operation of internal organs and systems and contribute to the emergence of chronic diseases. Like information stress, emotional often leads to such diseases as:

  • peptic diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina;
  • asthma;
  • oncological diseases.

Strong prolonged stress affect the work of organs and systems, lead to the occurrence of nervous disruptions and mental disorders, contribute to the decrease in immunity. People who are most susceptible to psychological loads, more often suffer from viral and infectious diseases.

Long stressful states provoke heart disease

Stages of emotional stress

A person is peculiar to worry and express his emotions. With a stressful situation, the moment of his peak is most often felt characterized by the increase in pulse and breathing. You can also feel gradual relief. Phases of emotional stress:

  1. Perestroika. Physiological response characterized by emissions in the blood of hormones. Man feels strong tension and emotional arousal.
  2. Stabilization. The production of hormones is balanced, but psycho-emotional state does not change.
  3. Exhaustion. Manifests itself with strong or protracted stress. There is a loss of control over the situation, which leads to a failure of the internal organs and systems.

The depletion stage occurs only if the psycho-emotional state of the individual dwells in long-term voltage or continues to succumb to additional loads.

There is an imbalance of glucocorticoid hormones and insulin. As a result, a person feels a decrease in performance, weakness and other signs of stress.

Features of prevention

Prevention of stressful situations is to prepare the body for upcoming changes in external conditions. It is necessary to predict the inevitability of the stressful situation and try to preserve the emotional balance with its onset. There are several prophylactic techniques:

  1. Rationalization of the event. Modeling a possible situation to smallest things (clothes, dialogues, behavior, etc.). This helps to reduce the level of uncertainty and will reduce the elevated level of emotions.
  2. Selective positive retrospection. It is necessary to recall an example of a situation in which a person could find a way out. This will add decisiveness before the upcoming stressful situation.
  3. Selective negative retrospection. Analysis of own failures and substantiation of conclusions. If you identify your own errors, it will be easier to approach the solution of new problems.
  4. Visualization of the end of the event. Representing several options for adverse outcome and planning the way out of it.

Methods of struggle

Psycho-emotional disorders require careful diagnosis and treatment. Methods of combating them may be different. Most often, the normalization of the psychological state depends on the systematic methods of the methods used and their complexity. Individual features are equally important - the stress resistance of the organism, the severity of the psychological disorder. Methods are the most effective:

  • autogenous trainings;
  • physical exercises;
  • meditation;
  • medication therapy;
  • psychotherapy.

Polysystem stress reactions should be reduced before the manifestation of certain pathological conditions. The use of drugs is rarely produced. They are prescribed if other methods are not effective. Antidepressants and tranquilizers are used more often.

The patient is often prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers

Splash emotions

American physiologist U. Frey put forward the theory that tears help the body better endure stressful situations. As an experiment, he made a biochemical analysis of tears of people of different emotional state. The result showed that the tears of those who were in stressful state, contain more protein.

There are many supporters and opponents of Freya theory, but everyone confirm one thing - crying gives the will of emotions and allows you to restore the psychological state faster.

Tears as a protective function of the body is underestimated by modern society, so it is not necessary to treat them as weakness: it is only a way to restore psycho-emotional state.

Tears will help restore psychological equilibrium


The main danger of emotional stress is that its appearance and development can lead to health problems. Myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, circulatory disorders are only part of a possible threat. The risk of a sudden heart stop is not excluded.

All people are subject to stress. To preserve life and health, you should always be ready for sudden stressful situations or avoid them. In the event of the inevitability of stress, it is important to be able to simulate the possible ways to solve problems in the head, which will soften the effect of sudden factors. You can always seek help to a psychologist. It will help to restore the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Emotional stress

It is impossible to avoid stressful situations. Not always, such a manifestation is negative. You can experience stress in a positive setting, on positive emotions. Stress is nothing more than the protective reaction of the body to change the conditions in which the person is used to exist. The so-called "comfort zone", leaving from which we are inconvenient. Psycho-emotional stress arises in the conditions of negative emotional impacts. These include:

Arriving in such a state, a person cannot satisfy primary biological and social needs.

Emotional stress passes several stages:

  • stage anxiety. At this stage there is a sharp response to stimuli;
  • stage of resistance. The person adapted and adapted to the conditions of existence. He can live in a state of constant depression;
  • stage of exhaustion. The level of adaptability decreases, which leads to death.


Emotional stress affects all organism functional systems. It has a greater effect on the vegetative system. The latter, in turn, weakly opposes negative impact is very easily imbued. The vegetative system is part of the nervous system.

Now, what happens at the time of psychological stress:

  • the cerebral cortex receives a signal from the external environment. Studies begin to act;
  • a signal regarded as a threat is transmitted by nervous ways to the hypothalamus departments;
  • in the body there is a powerful emission of adrenaline.

Signs of emotional stress

You can diagnose the presence of stress in the following indicators:

  • possible increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • rapid pulse, heartbeat;
  • sweating;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety, fear, sense of despair;
  • inability to restrain tears;
  • uncontrollable behavior.

The feature of the manifestation of emotional stress is that the emotions are "excavated" and is difficult to control. A person can show an inadequate reaction to what is happening, "breaking" on others, thereby freeing from the oversupply of energy.

The state of emotional stress in any case is treatable. The most efficient and popular options are as follows:

More often, laugh and believe that everything is happening - only for the better.

Stress can be called such a reaction when, after processing some external or internal circumstance, there was a special state of the nervous system, which changed the work of all internal organs. Such a factor may have each other: external - moving, the change of work or the death of a loved one, internal - some kind of own disease that spoils the quality of life. Stress arises only when the impact of this circumstance exceeded the personal stress resistance threshold.

Stress can be acute, developing in the form of a single impact, the consequences of which in some cases can pass spontaneously. It is programmed by nature to fight danger or run away from it. More often in the modern world there is chronic stress when the psychotrauming circumstances "enjoy" one to another. This process is the cause of many chronic diseases.

What is dangerous stress

Scientists argue: more than 150 thousand people from 142 countries of the world now have health problems precisely because of stress. The most frequent of them are heart disease (angina, hypertensive disease, myocardial infarction). Thus, according to the RAS, after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, in 13 years the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases increased from 617 to 900 people per 100 thousand people.

At the same time, the number of smokers, people who are consistently taking alcohol, people with obesity and an increase in cholesterol levels - that is, the reasons because of which the pathology of the heart and vessels develop - remains within the limits of previous values. Then scientists seriously thought about the effect of psycho-emotional state of health.

In the second place of the consequences of life in constant voltage, mental illnesses are at the third - obesity. Chronic stress does not bypass the body and organs of digestive and urogenital systems, but the changes occurring in them are not so fatal. In addition, a person living in uninterrupted psycho-emotional voltage is very much reduced by his own immunity, becoming defenseless in the face of many diseases.

How stress develops

For the first time, the processes occurring after the collision of a person with a psychotracting situation, described the psychologist Cannon in 1932. The broad discussion of this issue, as well as the term "stress", appeared only since 1936, after an article by unknown to the physiologist Hans Selre, who called stress "syndrome developing due to the impact of various damaging agents."

Selre found that when an agent acts on the psyche that exceeds the adaptation resources of the body of this person (in other words, there are such reactions in excess of the stress resistance threshold).

  1. the bark of adrenal glands increases where the "hormone of stress" is produced, the main glucocorticoid hormone cortisol;
  2. the number of lipid granules in the brain layer of adrenal glands decreases, the main task of which is to allocate adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood;
  3. the volume of lymphatic tissue is reduced, which is responsible for immunity: the inverse development of thymus (central organ immunity), spleen, lymph nodes occurs;
  4. the mucous membranes of the stomach and the 12-point intestine are damaged to the formation of an ulcers (stress-ulcers).

Under the influence of cortisol hormones, adrenaline and norepinephrine not only there are stress-ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as well as:

  • the level of glucose in the blood increases and the sensitivity of tissues to insulin decreases (that is, due to chronic stress, you can "earn" type 2 diabetes mellitus);
  • blood pressure increases;
  • heartbeat becomes more frequent;
  • the deposition of adipose tissue in subcutaneous tissue increases;
  • fissure proteins are disintegrated, glucose is formed;
  • sodium delayed, and with it and water in the tissues, and the potassium, which is necessary for the work of the heart and nerves, is displayed faster;

Due to the decrease in the volume of lymphatic tissue, general immunity is reduced. As a result, the body's stability to infections decreases, and any virus may cause severe illness and complicate with bacterial infections.

Stress resistance threshold is individual for every person. It depends on:

  • type of nervous system (it is one of two strong or of two weak), which is determined by the rate of reactions and decision-making, severity and nature of human emotions;
  • human life experience;
  • the stability of the psyche to the influence of adverse factors.

So, choleric and melancholics are easily subjected to stress, balanced Sanguine - less, phlegmatic - even less (for him you need a great power of a stress factor).


Stress is a common name for the reactions described above, when under the influence of the psyche is activated by the work of adrenal glands. He might be:

  • positive. This is a eustess. He is called suddenly happening to joy, for example, from meeting with an old friend or from an unexpected gift, inspiration, thirst for competition. It does not have a negative impact on health. It was in the state of Euskrassa that records were delivered, discoveries and feats were committed;
  • negativewhich is called Distress. About him and will be discussed further, as he is able to destroy health.

By the nature of the impact of stress, or rather, Distress, maybe:

  1. Nervous psychic or psychological. This is the main form that is divided into 2 types:
    • information stress that arises due to the oversupply of information. Usually develops in people whose work lies in the constant processing of a large amount of information;
    • psycho-emotional stress, which arises due to a strong anger, resentment or hatred.
  2. Physical, which is divided into:
    • temperature (for example, in response to the impact of heat or cold);
    • food (with hunger or forced food by those products that cause disgust;
    • pain (due to pain, injury);
    • light (if a person is forced to be in the illuminated space all the time: at work, lying in the hospital, if he fell into the conditions of the polar day).

Distress can be caused by extreme conditions (military actions, hurricanes, floods, landslides) or extremely strong psychological events (this is the death of a relative, breaking of relationships, passing the exam).

There is also a classification of a stressing factor (stressor). In his quality can be:

  1. Event - long-term event: relocation, business trip, divorce, death of a loved one.
  2. Catastrophe. This includes injury, an accident, war, the death of a friend.
  3. Chronic emotional stress. It arises due to unresolved constant conflicts with family members or colleagues.
  4. Small life difficulties that accumulating like a "snowy to" can destroy the normal relationship in the family.

These stressors are the causes of Disteres.

How stress flows

Hans Selre allocated three stages when answering the body for any stress. The speed of their occurrence depends on the strength of the stressor and the state of the central nervous system of a particular person:

  1. Stage anxiety. A person ceases to control his thoughts and actions, the prerequisites for weakening the body are created. Behavior becomes the opposite of the one that is characteristic of this person.
  2. Stage of resistance. The body's resistance increases that the person can make some kind of solution and cope with the situation.
  3. Stage of depletion. It develops with long stress when the organism is "unable to" maintain the stage of resistance. It is at this stage that the defeats of the internal organs are developing - each different.

There is a more advanced description of the stages, made after the work of the village. 4 stages stand out here:

  • Mobilization: the attention and human activity increases, the strength is still spent economically. If at this stage the process fades, then he only temper, and does not destroy a person.
  • Rotatic (active) negative emotion. Anger arise, aggression, rage. To achieve the goal of force begin to be spent uneconomically, and the body becomes on the path of exhaustion
  • Asthenic (i.e. passive) negative emotion. It arises due to excessive spending of their own strength at the previous stage. The man is sad, does not believe in his strength and that this situation can be resolved. He can fall into depression.
  • Full demoralization. It happens when the stressor continues to act on the body. A person is aspiring with defeat, becomes indifferent, does not want to solve the task-stressor, nor any others. About a person who is in this stage of the distress say "broken".

What can cause stress

What is caused by stress in an adult, has already been considered above. These are injuries, and moving, and parting / divorce, and the death of a loved one, and monetary problems, and a constant shortage of time for performing work on time, and illness - their own or loved one. Women experience stress at the birth of a child, even if they believed that for 9 months prepared for this (especially vulnerable to the stress of the women in labor, who were hard to wear her pregnancy, transferred a break with her beloved or had permanent conflicts in this period).

Factors that increase the chance of developing stress are chronic diseases, lack of sleep, lack of friendly environment or friends. More vulnerable to stress people faithful to their beliefs and this word.

The reasons for the occurrence of stress in children may not be so obvious:

  • supercooling;
  • the problem with the appeal in kindergarten;
  • the problem of communicating with peers;
  • change of residence;
  • increased loads at school or last year visiting kindergarten;
  • communication problems;
  • imposing the parents of the hobby;
  • the absence of a person with whom you can discuss your problems;
  • sending to a sanatorium or pioneerlagen without parents;
  • frequent finding in the hospital without parents;
  • initial sexual experience;
  • unfavorable furnishings in the family;
  • loss of a pet;
  • sharp change in the routine of the day;
  • changing time zone;
  • the content of the cartoon, movie, computer game (scenes of murders, violence, erotic nature);
  • accidental observation of intimate communication of parents or other people's people;
  • sharp change of weather conditions.

How to find out that person has stress

There are acute and chronic stress. They appear in different ways, and we will analyze them in detail later.

There is also a diagnosis of "acute reaction to stress". This is the name of the disorder, which arises from a mentally healthy person in response to a very strong psychological and / or physical stressor, when there was a direct threat to the life of this person or close to him. It can be noted after:

  • natural disaster (hurricane, tsunami, flood);
  • fire in the house;
  • rape, especially if it was particularly cruel;
  • death of children;
  • car accidents;
  • how a person got hostage in the terrorist act;
  • participation in hostilities, especially bloody.

Such strong stress is short-term disorder, it lasts several hours or 1-2 days. After it, urgent help (within the first 48 hours) of a competent psychiatrist or psychotherapist, otherwise, stress or will end with a suicidal attempt, or go into a chronic form with all the ensuing consequences.

Above the risk of developing a response to strong stress in people:

  • exhausted after illness or hard work;
  • having a brain disease;
  • which are more than 50 years;
  • who do not see help from the side;
  • for which what happened was a complete surprise;
  • when other people die around.

The symptoms that begin a few minutes after what happened (less often - dozens of minutes) are evidenced by the acute reaction to stress.

  • Such cloudy consciousness when a person ceases to navigate in what is happening, but can pay attention to small details around. Because of this, a person can make strange, meaningless actions, as a result of which others may seem to be crazy.
  • A person can express delusional ideas, talking about non-existent events or talk to someone who is not near. Such behavior lasted a short period of time, can break through.
  • A man with an acute reaction does not understand or poorly understands the address facing it, does not fulfill requests or makes it wrong.
  • Extreme inhibition of both speech and movements. It can be expressed to such an extent that a person freezes in one pose and answers questions only by some sound. It may be less common to reverse reaction: a verbal flow that is difficult to stop, as well as a pronounced motor anxiety. There may be even a panic escape or attempt to apply heavy injury.
  • Reactions from the vegetative nervous system: expansion of pupils, pale or redness of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea. It may even be so sharp drop in blood pressure that a person dies.
  • Often there are such symptoms of stress as: confusion, inability to respond (with full understanding of speech), aggressiveness, despair.

If a person with an unhealthy psyche fell into such a situation (but not mentally ill), the acute response of the body for stress may not be as described above.

If these symptoms are observed for more than 2-3 days, this is not an acute reaction to stress. It is urgently to turn to a neuropathologist, an infectious background, a psychiatrist or a narcologist to search for the real cause of this state.

After the accurauous reaction, the memory of such behavior disappears partially or completely. At the same time, a person remains tense for some time, his sleep is disturbed, behavior. 2-3 weeks it is exhausted, he does not have a desire to do anything, and even the will to life. He can go to work and perform it mechanically.

How to remove stress - 20 ways to read in our article

Acute stress

The fact that there was stress in the life of a person, they say such symptoms arising immediately or after a short time after a collision with stressor:

  • emotional "explosion", which combines or with a sense of uncontrolled anxiety or fear, or with excitation, close to aggression;
  • nausea, there may be one-time vomiting (it is often shown to us in movies);
  • feeling of constraint, discomfort in the chest;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • sweating;
  • founded breathing, which may be accompanied by a sense of light shortage;
  • chills or feeling of heat;
  • abdominal pain;
  • numbness, feeling of "cotton" limbs; Stress incontinence of urine.

If stress was a strong but not reaching a critical mark (when there was a threat to life, after which the acute reaction to stress is usually developing), in person, in addition to the signs listed above, may be:

  • convulsions (muscle cuts) without loss of consciousness;
  • skin rash, identical to the urticarily arising in response to the admission to the allergen body;
  • headache;
  • painful urge to intestinal emptying, after which there is a liquid chair;
  • pronounced sense of hopelessness, despair

Chronic stress

This state of modern people with a rapid rhythm of life is much more common. Symptoms of chronic stress are not so pronounced, as with an acute reaction to stress, so it is often written off on fatigue and do not pay attention until it leads to the development of various diseases. With the appearance of the last, the person appeals to doctors and begins treatment that does not lead to due results because the reason is a life in chronic stress - remains unreasonable.

The fact that a person suffers from chronic stress will say signs that can be divided into several groups:

Associated with a change in human physiology

Because of the stress, a person may experience quite physical suffering, which makes it look for the cause, attend doctors of various specialties, take a large number of medicines. But the presence of the symptoms below, when they develop in a person experiencing frequent or constant stress, does not mean that he does not have ulcerative illness or angina. Therefore, we will list them, and you will know that if you find some of them, examine, but the doctor says that you do not find anything, these are signs of stressful disorder, and it is necessary to treat them accordingly.

Physiological symptoms of chronic stress include:

  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • cutting in the stomach;
  • bruxism (teeth creaking in a dream);
  • sore pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • stuttering;
  • tinnitus;
  • dry mouth;
  • hand cooling;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • periodic muscle spasms: arms spasm, incomprehensible and moving muscle pain;
  • "Twisting" joints;
  • stuffing heat, redness of the face;
  • frequent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, a runny nose;
  • decline in appetite;
  • loss or weight gain;
  • headache;
  • backache;
  • during the next stress, the temperature can increase several dozen;
  • "Racing" of arterial pressure;
  • increasing sweating;
  • strong trembling of the upper extremities;
  • ticks and obsessive movements;
  • rash in the form of red spots or bubbles, which arose "on a scratch";
  • erectile dysfunction, reduced libido.

Symptoms associated with emotions

The presence of chronic stress in humans indicate changes in the nature of a person when a person equifined before this appears:

  • improvement of self-esteem;
  • capriciousness;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • plasticity;
  • explosions anger;
  • impulsive actions;
  • hostility to others;
  • suspicion;
  • fallenness;
  • disappearance of goals, incentives, interests in life;
  • guilt;
  • constant criticism of loved ones;
  • pessimism;
  • sense of unreality of what is happening;
  • pestitude;
  • concentration on unpleasant events;
  • reducing anxiety threshold;
  • tendency to command cries;
  • feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, inexpressible longing;
  • the appearance of suicide thoughts;
  • changing sleep length and violation of its quality (nightmares);
  • improving sensitivity to loud sounds, bright or flashing light;
  • worsening memory;
  • even the slightest trouble can cause panic, anxiety or aggression.

Socio-behavioral symptoms

The fact that a person has chronic stress, will prompt changes in his behavior and communication. It:

  • inattention;
  • loss of interest in appearance;
  • loss of previous interests: to work, to hobby;
  • nervous laughter;
  • a tendency to drink alcohol, drugs, medical drugs;
  • the effort is isolated;
  • constant time shortage;
  • workingolism and constant load at work and at home as an independent attempt to "leave" from the situation;
  • man becomes conflict;
  • in the usual work allows many minor errors;
  • behind the wheel often behaves inadequately, rudely expressing in relation to the surrounding drivers.

Intellectual signs

These include:

  • memory deterioration: a person badly remembers and quickly forgets, there may be dips in memory;
  • difficulty analysis of new information;
  • repetition of the previously said;
  • obsessive thoughts, often negative;
  • speech viscosity;
  • difficulties with decision making.

Features of the flow of stress in women

Women are more vulnerable to stress. In addition, in trying to be an ideal wife and mother, they try not to tell about their experiences, and "wink" them in themselves. This determines the appearance of certain symptoms, most of which are described above, not differing from "male". Of these, if you do not pay attention to it on time, it can grow gynecological, heartfelt, endocrine disease or obesity.

Signs of stress in women, for which it is not always possible to guess that she has stress - it is:

  • headache (most often felt in half of the head);
  • pain in the joints;
  • "Failure" of the monthly cycle;
  • sudden, not characteristic of a woman earlier, mood swings;
  • twitching the century on one eye, which lasts a few minutes;
  • back pain;
  • the appearance of "incomprehensible" red elements of rash and / or uluses;
  • spasms accompanied by pain, then in one, then in the other department of the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • deterioration of coordination;
  • addiction to certain types of food (often it is sweets and dairy products) and alcohol;
  • according to the American Journal of ObStetrics and GynecologyPrinting of stress, developing under the influence of cortisol, it may often be a recurrent vaginal thrush;
  • hair loss (it may not be immediately, but after 3-6 months after stress);
  • "Noise", "whistle", "click" in the ears;
  • reduced performance;
  • reducing the instinct of self-preservation;
  • thoughts about suicide;
  • irritability;
  • change the attitude towards yourself and close (feeling of guilt, emotional coldness).

Especially it is necessary to pay attention to such (mainly the last 4) symptoms after childbirth. They indicate that postpartum depression or more dangerous postpartum psychosis can begin.

Features of stress in children

The signs of stress in the child are also not particularly noticeable, especially if the baby is not yet in conscious age.

If the child is less than 2 years old, that he suffered stress, will testify the refusal of eating, plasticity and irritability. The same symptoms will develop with any inflammatory or non-inflammatory process, so they need to be excluded first.

The child of 2-5 years "declares" about the transferred shock by the return of old habits: sucking the finger, pacifiers, refusal from self-feeding, urine incontinence or feces. The baby can start crying with changing circumstances (for example, from the fact that it is started to wake at night in the toilet) or when new people appear. He can also start stuttering.

About the stress in a child 2-5 years will be evidenced by hyperactivity or, on the contrary, decline in activity, short-term short-term increase in temperature, vomiting, a frequent mood change, the appearance of many fears (darkness, solitude, dogs or people of certain professions). The kid experiencing stress is badly falling asleep.

In a child, 5-9 years old stress is manifested by such symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • reduction of academic performance;
  • nightmares;
  • behavior, like younger children (the child begins to "Sysykaya", groan, like a baby);
  • aggression;
  • caught fears, anxiety;
  • attempts to escape from the house or, on the contrary, the child tries not to leave the house, avoids other children, does not want to attend school;
  • raising or, on the contrary, decreased appetite;
  • nausea and even vomiting;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the chest;
  • snakes in the corners of the mouth;
  • nail bundle;
  • the child can partly forget the stressful events;
  • nervous ticks or the appearance of habits nibble nails or other objects (rules, rubber bands, handles), pull hair, pove into the nose, comb skin;
  • causing behavior within a few days;
  • if the child begins to lie, it can also be a sign of transferred stress.

What symptoms talk about transferred stress

The main symptoms after stress speak of the exhaustion of the body. It:

  • the emergence of heat intolerance;
  • malicious nausea;
  • fatigue that appears faster than before, may not pass even after a long rest;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, but there may be permanent drowsiness of the patient;
  • decline in appetite;
  • reducing libido;
  • indifference to your own appearance;
  • worsening attention, memory;
  • indecision;
  • difficulties with focus;
  • negative thoughts;
  • the person becomes hot-tempered, irritable;
  • the pulse is rapidly, blood pressure is increased, then reduced sweating, headaches, sweating.

But if the stimulus was strong enough, if the sharp reaction to stress was not developed, then in a few weeks or months (until six months), a person can develop post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome. He manifests itself:

  1. alienation from others;
  2. disturbance to others;
  3. aggressiveness;
  4. anxiety;
  5. inadequate (usually - a very weak or complete absence) reaction to current events;
  6. the man "lives" in his problem: during the day he thinks about the stressor, at night he dreams in the form of nightmares;
  7. if a person seems to be a traumatic situation after a combination of some phenomena, then when they are re-occurring in his life, it becomes aggressive, experiencing panic attack;
  8. panic attacks may arise in themselves, they decrease when communicating with other people, so at such moments the patient willingly go to contact even with unfamiliar people;
  9. a person may experience abdominal pain, in the heart, in the head. On this occasion, it is sometimes examined, but he does not find anything. It makes it look for a "competent" doctor, contact many specialists. If none of the medical workers relate symptoms with experienced stress, the patient may lose faith in medicine, to begin to be treated independently, and "to calm down" to take alcohol or narcotic substances.

Thus, symptoms caused by stress are very similar to diseases of internal organs. It is possible to suspect that this is precisely stress, it is possible for the factor that signs affect several organism systems at once (for example, pain in joints and heartburn arise). You can refine the diagnosis only with the help of a survey: then with the help of instrumental (fibrogastroscopy, cardiogram, heart ultrasound, the X-ray of the tract) and laboratory (these analyzes) of studies will not be detected or they will be minimal. The presence of stress will confirm a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist on the basis of a conversation with a person and carrying out some oral tests. The stress reaction will also testify the level in the blood of cortisol and hormone ACTH.