Underground boat 1964 g. Underground boats: Secret developments of the USSR and Germany

Talking about the development of this unique super-4, it is impossible not to remember the American fantastic thriller "shivering the Earth". Unlike the cinema monster worm that killed all the living on its path, the Soviet designers managed to create his real mechanical prototype.
However, the Soviet mechanical "Mole" was self-destructed together with those who were inside people.

Without "clock" and life is not

As it happens most often in the scientific world, the development of a car that could freely go deep underground and suddenly commit sabotage in the rear of the enemy, designers of different countries were engaged. It was one of the ideas of Fix XX century. Nevertheless, the leadership in this direction belongs to Muscovite Peter the story, which in 1904 schematically portrayed an underground self-deviating device.

Here it should be immediately noted that everything connected with the invention of the "molding" mechanism from the very beginning is accompanied by numerous and varied deviations that smacking mystics.

The tracks allegedly killed a crazy bullet during the 1905 revolution. Then his drawings were disappeared, and over time miraculized materialized in Germany.

The two global superpowers began to work on a similar project at the same time. In the USSR, at the beginning of the 30s, this project was led by an engineer Alexander Krevuel. On the heels, he was assumed by the German colleague Horner von Werner.

Clever, obsessed with the idea to build a car that would copy genuine mobby skills, allegedly managed to reach a prototype. But this is the case. Nazis, too, their "Midgard Schlage" ("Serpent Midgard", so called the monster from Scandinavian saga) did not launch: the project cost fabrics, for this reason the scrupulous Germans turned it.

Took stolen, but their

The further history of the creation of the Soviet underground submarine the farther, the deeper the conspiramic details, as the documentary justifications of certain events are gradually lost. Probably, in this case, these nuances can be written off to the law of the genre. Or, if you please, on the classicity of the topic as such.

Nevertheless, it was the borrowed experience of foreign developments of the "combat mobots" in Stalin's USSR, it was brought as a basis. About the fact that the Russian scientist laid his foundation, nobody recalled. Churped the topic personally Minister of State Security Soviet Union V. S. Abakumov. On the details of the task that Viktor Semenovich gave to President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov, apparently, it was not yet time to find out - these details are still hidden under the vulture "Top Secret."

Ominous mystery of the Soviet combat "Nautilus": died, biting in the subsoil

It is argued that the Soviet "combat mole" was still created. And the underground combat vehicle endowed unprecedented abilities: allegedly equipped with a nuclear power plant like a classic atomic submarine. The technical characteristics of the Soviet mechanical "trembling of the Earth" are described: 35 meters in length, 3 meters in diameter. He managed all this five man crew, the speed of "combat clock" 7 kilometers per hour.

Soviet "Mole" could venture into the land with 15 paratroopers on board, by 1962 everything was ready for "practical use." In 1964, the pilot copy of the underground submarine created to the degree of "gathering from stocks".

The conspiracy of the creation of "combat clock" is replete with details that today do not have scientific confirmation. In particular, Academician Andrei Sakharov is counted for the founding fathers of the underground combat vehicle.

Descriptions of the practical application of "CROT" are (they are dated 1964), but this experience is more like the final of the fantastic story, rather than on the result of the scientific experiment: allegedly at a ten-meter depth, the underground boat rushed, and it was a nuclear explosion. People who were in the evaporated apparatus died.

... The mystery of the Soviet "Big Crow" reminds the plot with Dyatlov's pass. But if in the case of the death story of the group of Soviet climbers for researchers, today is open, if not all, then very many details of what happened, then with the fate of the underground Soviet submarine, there are still more ambiguities than any textured certainty on which it would be reasonable to build The version of the creation and testing of Soviet scientific and technical development.

This is an article about the secret development of the USSR times a secret project to create an atomic underground spoon

Already after the victory over Germany in 1945, confrontation began on the territory of the defeated country. The once former allies began to actively compete among themselves for the possession of the military secrets of the Third Reich. Among other developments, the German project of the underground boat called "Sea Lion" fell into the hands of Abakumov, General Solodh. The group, led whom Professors G. I. Pokrovsky and G. I. Babat, took up the possibilities of this device. As a result of the research, the following verdict was carried out - the subdirection can be used by Russians for military purposes.

But despite this, our engineers did not lag behind and already their own underground projectile at the same time (in 1948) created an engineer M. Tsiferov. He was even given the author's certificate of the USSR to develop an underground torpedo. This apparatus could move independently in the thickness of the Earth, while developing the speed of up to 1 m / s!

After coming to power, Nikita Sergeich Khrushchev. During the Cold War, the USSR needed powerful trumps engineers and scientists, in front of which the power set the problem of the problem, and a decision was required that the project of creating an underground boat was converted to a new level of development. It was supposed to be done with an atomic engine, according to the type of the first submarines that had an atomic reactor. In a short time for experienced production it was necessary to build another secret factory. By order of Khrushchev, at the beginning of 1962, its construction was launched at the village of Gromovka. Soon Khrushchev publicly announced that it should be obtained from the space, but also from under the ground.

Development of "Combat Crow"

Passed 2 years and the plant released the first Soviet underground boat. She had a nuclear reactor. The underground atomic boat decided to call the "combat mole". This design had a titanium case. Feed and nose was pointed. Underground Battle Mole Boat


In diameter reached 3.8 m,

Length 35 meters.

Crew five people

In addition to this, the underground boat "Combat Mole" was able to take on board a ton of explosives, as well as 15 paratroopers. The nuclear reactor "Combat Crow" allowed the boat to develop speed up to 7 m / h.

The combat task of the clock was, the destruction of missile mines and underground command bunkers of the enemy. The USSR has planned to deliver such "substamines" in the USA, using atomic submarines specifically designed for this. California was chosen as a destination, which was observed due to frequent earthquakes, high seismic activity. She could disguise the movement of the Russian subway.

The Underground Boat of the USSR, in addition, could establish a nuclear charge and, undermining it remotely, cause an artificial earthquake in such a way. His consequences could be written off to the usual natural disaster. This could undermine the power of Americans in financial and material terms.

A man from a long time pulled the bottom to go down to the bottom, then climb into the air, then reach the center of the earth itself. However, it was possible until some time only in fantastic novels and fairy tales. Nowadays, the underground boat is not just a fantasy. Successful development and testing in this area were carried out. After reading our article, you will learn a lot of interesting things about such an apparatus as an underground boat.

Underground boats in literature

It all started with a flight of fantasy. In 1864, Jules Verne published a famous novel called "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Heroes came down to the center of our planet through Zhero Volcano. In 1883, the book "Underground Fire" Shuzi was published. In it, heroes, working by Kirk, laid the mine to the earth's center. True, the book has already mentioned that the core of the planet is hot. Alexey Tolstoy, Russian writer, has achieved greater success. In 1927, he wrote a "Garina's hyperboloid". The hero of the work made his way almost through the thickness of the Earth, at the same time everybody and even with some cynicism.

All these authors were built hypotheses that could not justify. The case remained for inventors and engineers, the rulers of the DUM of the human end of the 19th - early 20th centuries. However, in 1937, Gregory Adamov, published in 1937, Gregory Adamov rectified to the usual achievements of the USSR authority to the problem of the assault of earthly subsoil. The design that the underground boat had in his book was written off with the drawings of the secret KB. Has this coincidence?

First developments

Now no one can answer the question of which formed the basis of the bold guess of Grigoria Adamov. However, judging by the few data, there were still grounds for them. The first engineer, who allegedly created the drawings of the underground apparatus, became Peter stories. This engineer in 1918 was killed by the German intelligence agent, which he kidnapped all the documentation. Americans believe that the first developments began Thomas Edison. However, more reliably, they were carried out at the end of the 20-30s of the 20th century Engineers from the USSR A. Krevlev, A. Baskin and A. Kirilov. It was they who developed the design of the first underground boat.

However, it was intended solely for utilitarian objectives associated with oil production in order to facilitate this process and satisfy the needs of the socialist state. As a basis, they took this Crow or earlier developments in this area of \u200b\u200bRussian or foreign engineers - it is now difficult to say. However, it is known that in the Ural mines located under the grace, trial "swim" boats were carried out. Of course, the sample was an experienced, rather a reduced copy than a full-fledged working device. Apparently, he reminded later combines for coal mining. The presence of flaws, reliable engine, slow vessels was natural for the first model. It was decided to collapse work on the subdirection.

Strakhov renews the project

After some time, the era of the mass terror began. Many specialists who participated in this project were shot. However, on the eve of the war, suddenly remembered the "steel rod". Representatives of power again interested in the underground boat. The Kremlin was called by P. I. Strakhov, a leading person skilled in the art. At that time, he worked as a curator on the construction of the Metropolitan of the city of Moscow. A scientist in a conversation with D. F. Ustinov, who headed the Arms Commissioner, confirmed the opinion of the battle use of the subsemion. He was entrusted to develop an improved experimental sample on the preserved drawings.

War interrupts work

It was urgently highlighted people, funds needed equipment. The Russian underground boat was to be ready if possible in the shortest possible time. However, the Great Patriotic War began, apparently, cut the work. Therefore, the State Commission was not accepted experimental sample. He was prepared by the fate of many other projects - the sample was sawned for metal. The country at this time for defense there were more airplanes, tanks and submarines. And fears did not return more to the underground boat. He was sent to the construction of bunkers.

German submarines

Similar structures, naturally, were also engaged in Germany. Any ullary, which would be able to bring world domination to the Third Reich, was necessary for the leadership. In fascist Germany, according to the information received after the end of the war, there were developing underground military apparatus. The code name of the first one is subterrine (Project R. Zabevetsky and H. Von Verne). By the way, some researchers believe that R. Zabevetsky is A. Trevlev, an engineer who fled from the USSR. The second development is MidGardschlage, which means "Snake Midgard". This is a ritter project.

After the completion of the Great Patriotic War, the bodies of Soviet power found near the Königsberg of the unknown origin of the gallery, next to which the remnants of the blown design were located. It was suggested that this is the remnants of the "Snake Midgard". An equally wonderful project was "Sea Lion" (his name is subterrine). Back in 1933 Horner von Werner, a German engineer, designed a patent on him. By his plan, this device could develop speed up to 7 m / h. On his board could be 5 people, and the weight of the body was up to 300 kg. This device, besides, could move not only under the ground, but also under water. This underwater submarine was immediately classified. The project was in a military archive. He probably would probably not remember if the war did not begin. Hooking military projects Count Graph Staugnenberg extracits him from the archive. He suggested Hitler to take advantage of the invasion of the British submarine. She had to unnoticate La Mans and secretly go under the ground to the right place.

However, these plans were not destined to be implemented. Herman Geering convinced Adolf Hitler that England was forced to force much cheaper to the surrender and faster than simple bombing. Therefore, the operation was not implemented, although Gering was not able to fulfill his promise.

Studying the project "Sea Lion"

After the victory over Germany in 1945 in the territory of this country began a unlawful confrontation. Former allies began to compete among themselves for the possession of German military secrets. Among other developments, the German project of the underground boat called "Sea Lion" fell into the hands of Abakumov, General Solodh. The group, led whom Professors G. I. Pokrovsky and G. I. Babat, took up the possibilities of this device. As a result of the research, the following verdict was carried out - the subdirection can be used by Russians for military purposes.

Development M. Tsiferov

His own underground projectile at the same time (in 1948) created an engineer of M. Tsiferov. He was even given the author's certificate of the USSR to develop an underground torpedo. This apparatus could move independently in the thickness of the Earth, while developing the speed of up to 1 m / s!

Construction of a secret plant

In the USSR, in the meantime, Khrushchev came to power. They were needed in the beginning of the cold war their trumps, military and political. Engineers and scientists faced by this problem were offered a solution that advanced to a new level of development project to create an underground boat. It was supposed to be done with an atomic engine, according to the type of the first submarines that had an atomic reactor. In a short time for experienced production it was necessary to build another secret factory. By order of Khrushchev, at the beginning of 1962, the village of Gromovka (Ukraine) began its construction. Soon Khrushchev publicly announced that it should be obtained from the space, but also from under the ground.

Development of "Combat Crow"

After 2 years, the plant released the first underground boat of the USSR. She had an atomic reactor. The underground atomic boat was named "combat mole." The design had a titanium case. Feed and nose was pointed. The underground boat "Combat Mole" in diameter reached 3.8 m, and its length was 35 meters. Of the five people consisted of a crew. In addition, the underground boat "Combat Mole" was able to take on board a ton of explosives, as well as 15 more paratroopers. The nuclear reactor "Combat Crow" allowed the boat to develop speed up to 7 m / h.

What was the atomic underground boat "Combat Mole"?

The combat task that was put in front of it is the destruction of missile mines and underground team bunkers of the enemy. In the General Staff planned to deliver such "substamines" in the USA, using atomic submarines specifically designed for this. California was chosen as a destination, which was observed due to frequent earthquakes, high seismic activity. She could disguise the movement of the Russian subway. The Underground Boat of the USSR, in addition, could establish a nuclear charge and, undermining it remotely, cause an artificial earthquake in such a way. His consequences could be written off to the usual natural disaster. This could undermine the power of Americans in financial and material terms.

Tests of a new underground boat

In 1964, early autumn, the trials of "combat clock" were held. Not bad results demonstrated the subdirection. He managed to overcome the heterogeneous soil, as well as destroy the team bunker who belonged to the landforn. Several times the prototype was demonstrated by members of government commissions in the Rostov region, in the Urals and in Nakhabino near Moscow. After that, mysterious events began. During the planned tests, the atomic approach was allegedly exploded in the Ural Mountains. The heroic died at the same time the crew led the colonel Semyon Budnikov (it is possible that this is a fictional name). The reason for this is supposedly a sudden breakage, as a result of which "Mole" crushed rocks. According to other versions, there was a sabotage of foreign intelligence agencies or even enter the apparatus into an abnormal zone.

Folding programs

After Khrushchev was removed from senior posts, many programs were minimized, including this project. The underground boat stopped wondering power again. The economy of the Soviet Union cracks on the seams. Therefore, this project, as well as many other developments, such as Soviet screenwhats flying in the 60s -70s, was abandoned. The Soviet Union could be in an ideological war with the United States, but noticeably lost in the arms race. We had to save literally on everything. It felt the simple people on himself and understood Brezhnev. The existence of the state was put on con, so they were tempted for a long time and the advanced bold projects were twisted and minimized.

Does work continue?

In 1976, information about the underground atomic fleet of the Soviet Union was leaked to the press. This was done for the purposes of military-political disinformation. Americans fell on this fishing rod and began to build such devices. It is difficult to say whether the development of such machines is being done in the West and in the USA. Does anyone need a subterranean boat today? The photos presented above, as well as historical facts - arguments in favor of the fact that it is not just a fantasy, but the most real reality. Do we know much about the modern world? Perhaps it is now the thickness of the Earth coming down somewhere underground boats. Secret developments of Russia, as well as other countries, no one is going to advertise.

One of the numerous myths about the secret ultrahthnik of the Third Reich states that there were the development of military underground funds under the code names "subterrine" (project X. von Verne and R. Zabretsky) and "Midgardschlage" ("Snake Midgard"), (Ritter project).

A huge subdirection on the second project consisted of several compartments with dimensions in length 6 meters, wide 6.8 and height - 3.5, a total length from 400 to 524 meters. Weight - 60 thousand tons. There were 14 electric motors with a capacity of 20 thousand horsepower. Speed \u200b\u200b- under water 30 km / h, in the ground - from 2 to 10 km / h. Managed the crew in 30 people. Armament - mines and machine guns, underground torpedoes "Fafnir" (combat) and "Alberich" (intelligence). Auxiliary discharge funds - shells to facilitate the penetrations in the rocky soils "MJOLNIR" and a small vehicle shuttle for communication with the surface "Laurin".

At the end of the Second World War in the area of \u200b\u200bKönigsberg, unknown appointments were found, and near the blown design of incomprehensible destination. There is a chance that these were the remnants of the Midgard Snake developed as one of the incarnations of "retaliation".

Watch movie: Underground boat.

Lost santerina

Throughout the millennium, people dreamed of conquer the elements. Our old ancestors made the first steps in the development of the seas and oceans; Watching the flight of birds - people dreamed of freeing from earthly attraction and learn to fly. And now, it would seem, today a person has made his dreams - the speed-spending ocean liners proudly disseminate the waves of all seas and oceans, the atomic submarines silently steal in the thickness of the water, and the sky is exhausted by the inversion trails of jet aircraft. For the past 20 century, we even managed to overcome the earthly attraction by making the first step into an infinite outer space. All this is the case, but mankind had another intimate dream - to make a trip to the center of the Earth.

The underground world has always been for people with something very mysterious, smearing and at the same time frightening. Mythology and religion of almost all peoples, one way or another, is associated with the underground kingdom and creatures that inhabit it. And if in ancient times the underground world was for a person a forbidden place, then with the development of science and the appearance of the first hypotheses of the structure of the Earth, the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling to her center was becoming increasingly tempting. But how to do that?

Of course, this question could not not worry science fiction writers and, while scientists wondered about the device underground world, in 1864 Jules Verne ends the novel "Journey to the Earth's Center", in which the main characters of his work, Professor Lindenbron and his nephew Axel commit a journey To the center of the earth through the vulcan zhloh. They travel on the raft along the underground sea and return to the surface through the cave. It must be said that in those years the theory was popular about the existence of extensive cavities inside the Earth, which, apparently, Jules Verne as the basis of his novel. However, later scientists have proven the inconsistency of the hypothesis of the "Hollow Earth", and in 1883 the story of the Count Shuzi "Underground Fire" was published. Heroes of his work, with the help of conventional events, punch an ultra-double shaft into the "underground fire" zone. And although no mechanisms are not described in the lead "Underground Fire", its author already realized that the road to the center of the Earth should be done by a person, and that there are no cavities for which you can travel deeply underground. It is also clear, because the earth's core is exposed to tremendous pressure and temperature, and from this it follows that any "underground cavities", and the more existence of life in them, it is not necessary to speak.

In subsequent scientific fiction works, there are descriptions of tools for penetration into earth solid, much more perfect than Kirka from the story of the Count Shuzi "Underground Fire. So, for example, in 1927, the science fiction romance of Count Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Hyperboloid Engineer Garina", in which engineer Garin with his invention - hyperboloid (thermal laser) - punches the multi-kilometer thickness of the earth and reaches the mysterious olivine belt.

As the Earth and Development of Gasket Technologies Improve the Deep Drilling Mines, there was an idea of \u200b\u200ba subway, a certain fantastic car capable of moving in the thicker of solid earthly rocks. So, in the novel Grigory Adamova "Winners of the Nezness", published in 1937, the author sent his heroes to the underground world on the subground, which was a massive rocket-like shell. This fantastic apparatus had in front of the drilling crowns and sharp knives made from heavy-duty metal and capable of splitting any breed in their path. His underground boat could move at a speed of up to 10 km per hour.
I must say, a lot of scientific fiction works devoted to the topic of traveling to the center of the Earth, created and create to this day, and if before they traveled to the depths of our planet, then with the development of equipment and science, underground travelers laid their way with the help of devices in Much reminiscent modern submarines. The existence of such devices in real life is still doubtful, but there are some facts that suggest that a person has once tried to design and build an underground boat.

According to one version, the championship in creating underground shells belongs to the Soviet Union. Back in the 30s, Engineer A. Trevlev, designers A. Kirilov and A. Baskin created a project of an underground boat. According to their plan, it was supposed to be used as an underground oil miner - to plunge into the ground, find oil deposits, and lay the oil pipeline there. The inventors took the structure of the Living Crow's structure as the basis of the structure of the subway. The testing of the underground boat took place in the Urals in the mines under the grace. Its mills, approximately such as on the coal-mining combines, the subway destroyed strong rocks, slowly moving forward. But the device was unreliable, often faced and the project was recognized as late. However, on this first pre-war development in our country does not end. It is so known that the doctors of technical sciences P. I. Insuez, who was the designer of underground passage combines, in early 1940, while he was engaged in the construction of the Moscow metro, called D. F. Ustinov, the future oppurities of the USSR armament. The conversation between them is more than interesting. Ustinov was interested in insurance, did he hear about the works of his colleague, engineer Zhrevyev, who in the 1930s suggested the idea of \u200b\u200ban underground autonomous self-propelled apparatus? Strahov was known about these works, and he replied affirmatively.

Then Ustinov said that there is a much more important and urgent task than the subway, work on the creation of an underground self-propelled apparatus for the Red Army. According to the insurance itself, he agreed to participate in this project. He was allocated unlimited funds and human resources, and after a year and a half, an experienced instance of the subway was held acceptance tests. The autonomy of the underground boat was designed for a week, it was that the driver of oxygen, food and water was enough to be enough. However, with the beginning of the war, the insurance had to switch to the construction of bunkers and the further fate of the underground boat is unknown to him.

We should not forget about the numerous legends of the third Reich superoperable. According to one of them, in the Nazi Germany, there were projects of military underground apparatus under the code names "Subterrine" (project H. Von Verne and R. Zrevetsky) and "Midgardschlage" ("Snake Midgard", the Ritter project).

The subway "Midgardschlage" was designed as a superchaimfibia, capable of moving on the ground, under the ground and under water at a depth of up to 100 meters. The device was created as a combat universal vehicle and consisted of a large number of the connected midway compartments having a length of 6 meters in a width of 6.8 m and a height of 3.5 m. The total length of the device varied from 400 to 524 meters, depending on the tasks set. The weight of this "underground cruiser" was 60 thousand tons. For some assumptions, it began to develop it in 1939. This combat has a large number of mines and small charges on board, 12 paired machine guns, military underground torpedoes "Fafnir" and reconnaissance "Alberich", a small vehicle shuttle for communication with the surface "Laurin" and discontinued shells for helping in the penetration of difficult soil areas " MJOLNIR. " The crew consisted of 30 people, the inner structure of the hull, reminded the scheme of the arrangement of submarine compartments (residential compartments, galley, radiorbank, etc.). 14 electric motors with a capacity of 20 thousand horsepower and 12 additional engines with a capacity of 3 thousand horsepower, had to provide "Midgard's Snake" with a maximum speed under water 30 km / h, and under the ground - up to 10 km / h.

When the Second World War ended, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Kenigsberg, there were gallets of unknown origin, and a number of blown designs were discovered, perhaps the remains of the "Midgard Snake" - the possible version of the "Raidesty Weapon" of the Third Reich.

Was in Germany and the other, less ambitious than "Serpent Midgard", but from that not less interesting project, and he began much earlier. The project "Sea Lion" was called (another name "subterrine") and a patent for it was registered in 1933 by the German inventor Horner von Werner. According to the background of Werner, his underground apparatus was supposed to have a speed of up to 7 km / h, the crew of 5 people, carry a warhead of 300 kg and move both under the ground and under water. The invention itself was classified and transferred to the archive. Perhaps it would never be remembered if in 1940 in 1940 it was accidentally stumbled Count Von Staugenberg, besides, Germany developed an Operation "Sea Lion" on the invasion of the British Islands and the underground boat with the same name could be very useful . The idea was that the underground boat with saboteurs on board, could unhindered to cross La Mans and, coming to the island, unnoticed under the English land in the right place. However, these plans were not destined to come true. Luftwaffe Chief Herman Gering managed to convince Hitler, in the fact that his aviation alone would be able to put England on his knees. As a result, the Operation "Sea Lion" was canceled, the project was forgotten, and Geering never managed to fulfill his promise.

In 1945, after the victory over the fascist Germany, numerous "trophy teams" of former allies operated on its territory, and the project of the German underground boat "Sea Lion" fell into the hands of General Spear Abakumov. The project was sent to refinement. Professor G. I. Babat and G. I. Pokrovsky were studying the development of the idea of \u200b\u200ba combat underground boat and came to the conclusion that these developments have a big future. Meanwhile, the Secretary General of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, who replaced the deceased Stalin, personally showed interest to the project. Scientists engaged in this problem have already had their own underground boats, and breakthrough science in the field of nuclear energy, led the project to a new level of technological development - the creation of a nuclear underground boat. For their mass production, the country urgently needed a factory, and in 1962 by order of Khrushchev in Ukraine, in the town of Rudovka, the construction of a strategic plant for the production of underground boats is beginning, and Khrushchev gives a public promise to "get imperialists not only from space, but also from under the ground " In 1964, the plant was built and produced the first Soviet atomic underground boat, called the "combat mole". The underground boat had a titanium housing with a pointed nose and feed, a diameter of 3.8 m and a length of 35 m. The crew consisted of 5 people. In addition, she was able to take on board another 15 people of the landing and a ton of explosives. The main energy setting is a nuclear reactor - allowed it to develop speed underground up to 7 km / h. Her combat task was to destroy underground command points and enemy missile mines. Ideas were expressed about the possibility of delivery of such "sanomine", specially designed by nuclear submarines to the shores of the United States, to the California district, where, as the earthquakes often occur. Then "santerina" could establish an underground nuclear charge and, undermining it to cause an artificial earthquake, whose consequences would be written off on a natural disaster.

The first tests of the "combat crot" took place in the fall of 1964. The underground boat showed the striking results, having passed the complex soil "as a knife through the oil" and destroying the underground bunker of the conventional enemy.

In the future, the test continued in the Urals, in the Rostov region and in the Moscow region of Nakhabino ... However, during the next tests, an accident occurred, which resulted in an explosion and an underground boat with a crew, including paratroopers and commander - Colonel Seeds Budnikov, remained forever stamped in the thickness of the stone The breeds of the Ural Mountains. In this regard, the test incident was discontinued, and after the arrival of the Brezhnev, the project was closed, and all the materials are strictly classified.

In 1976, at the initiative of the head of the Main Department of Gostin Antonov, the press began to slip reports about this project, well, and the remains of the underground atomicity, meanwhile, rust under the open-air to the 90s. Are research and testing underground boats in our time and if so, where? All this will remain a mystery to which we are unlikely to get a satisfactory answer in the foreseeable future. One thing is that a person just partly accomplished the dream of a journey to the center of the Earth, and let the projects of "sanomine" created by scientists, cannot be compared with the apparatus from scientific and fiction works and capable of reaching the earthly nucleus, yet humanity made their first timid step in Mastering the underworld.

It was, it turns out that in the Soviet Union such a project: a tank-santerrine, capable of moving at a small depth of earth, as. Thus, to emerge on the surface in the rear of the enemy and sow chaos and destruction there. Energy installation, naturally, atomic.

Mentioned in the transmission of secret tanks:

Judging by the scattered sources, the project was fulfilled. Although the estimated combat efficiency is unlikely to have received confirmation (modern tunnel-proporting machines have the speed of moving under the ground within a maximum of a pair of tens of meters per day. I doubt that even the atomic drive and the lack of necessity allowed to achieve acceptable speed).

A group of persons in Wikipedia reports:

There are assertions about the creation of a nuclear underground boat "Combat Mole" in the USSR in 1962-1964. She worked on the principle of machines laying tunnels in the subway. Energy boat provided an onboard atomic reactor. There was a titanium case with a pointed nose and feed, a diameter of 3.8 meters and a length of 35 meters. Crew - 16 people. Movement speed under Earth - up to 15 km / h. Combat task - the destruction of underground command points and enemy missile mines.

Atomic underground boats "Combat Mole" were allegedly produced at a specially constructed factory in Romovka (Ukraine) and were tested in the Urals, in the Rostov region, in the Moscow region of Nakhabino. Under Earth, a total of 30 kilometers are completed. Tests were discontinued due to the explosion of one of the devices. After the shift of the USSR leadership in 1964, the project was closed.

There is an article and on the site "Popular Mechanics" - "nuclear underground cruiser and other ways to travel in the depths of the earth" (see Khrushchov's dream):
Several options for the created subdractions were sent for testing in the Ural Mountains. The first cycle was successful - the underground boat with a pedestrian speed confidently did a move from one slope of the mountain to another. What, of course, immediately was reported to the government. Perhaps this is this news and gave Nikita Sergeyevich the grounds for his public statement. But he hurried. During the second series of tests, a mysterious explosion occurred, and the underground boat was died with all its crew, being closed deeply in the earthly thicker.
See also:

Perhaps one of you watched once the film "Earth's core" directed by John Emisel. According to the plot of the film, the earthly kernel ceases to rotate, which threatens the death of all mankind. In order to save everyone from the impending end of the world, a group of American scientists and engineers build an underground boat that is sent straight to the core of the Earth in order to restore its rotation by a subsection of several atomic bombs. What nonsense, you ask, and you will be right. However, in the XX century, several states immediately worked on the possibility of building underground boats (by analogy with underwater), or subternrine. Thus, the well-known phrase about the "submarine in the steppes of Ukraine" even acquires some sense.

The XX century as a whole was rich in strange, at first glance, development, many of whom were eventually able to change our idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. Even before the Second World War, several states, including the USSR, Germany and the United Kingdom, worked on the creation of santernry. The prototype for all projects was the so-called passing shield. For the first time, such a shield was used in a foggy albion when building a tunnel under the Thames in 1825. Metro tunnels in Moscow and St. Petersburg were built with the help of a passage shield.

In our country, to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of an underground boat, they turned back at the very beginning of the 20th century. So, in 1904, the Russian engineer Peter stories sent a material to the British Technical Journal, which described the possibility of developing a special capsule, which could overcome long distances, moving under the ground. However, later during excitement in Moscow, he was killed by a crazy bullet. In addition to the story, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an underground boat is attributed to another our compatriot Evgeny Tolkalinsky. As an engineer-colonel of the royal army, in the winter of 1918 he fled from the country through the Gulf of Finland. He did a career in Sweden, where the already mentioned looping shield was improved on one of the firms.

But truly attention to such projects drew only in the 1930s. The first underground self-propelled apparatus in those years was created by the Soviet engineer A. Trevlev, who helped by A. Baskin and A. Kirilov. It is curious that the principle of work of its device, he largely copied from the actions of the famous builder of underground holes. Before the work on the project, the designer studied a biomechanic action and animal movements under the ground. He paid special attention to the paws and the head of the clock, and then on the basis of the results obtained, designed its mechanical device.

Suterrine Alexander Zreveva

It is worth noting that, like any inventor, Alexander Krevuelov was obsessed with his brainchild, but even he did not think about the use of an underground submarine for military purposes. Shelev believed that santerrine would be used to dig tunnels for communal needs, geological exploration, mineral mining. For example, his santerrine could come to the reserves of oil, stretching the pipeline to them, which would start digging black gold to the surface. Even now the invention of Treveva seems to us fantastic.

Sterrina Vusoteva had a capsule shape and moved under the ground at the expense of the borax, auger and 4 feed jacks, which pushed it like the back of the crot. In this case, the underground boat could be controlled both outside - from the surface of the earth with cables and directly from the inside. On the same, the sub-earth cable had to receive the necessary power. The average speed of its movement underground was supposed to be 10 meters per hour. However, due to frequent failures and a number of flaws, this project was still closed.

According to one of the versions, the unity of the car was proved as a result of the first tests. According to another version, before the war, the underground boat was still trying to refine on the initiative of the future militant of weapons of the USSR D. Ustinov. If you are guided by the second version, in the 1940s, the designer P. fears on the personal quest of Ustinova managed to finalize and improve the Krevetyev project. At the same time, this project was immediately designed for military purposes, and Suterrine had to act already without communication with the surface. For 1.5 years, it was possible to create one experienced instance. It was assumed that the underground boat would be able to work out autonomously under the ground for several days. At this time, the boat was supplied with a necessary fuel reserve, and the crew, which consisted of only one person, the necessary reserve of oxygen, food and water. But the Great Patriotic War prevented over this project, the fate of the experienced instance of the underground boat insurance is now unknown.

Martial trenches of the United Kingdom

Similar projects and in the UK were developed. In this country they were supposed to be used to grow tunnels on the front line. According to such tunnels, the infantry and tanks were to suddenly go to the arrangement of the enemy, while avoiding direct assault of land fortifications. The work in this direction was due to the sad English experience of the Equal War during the First World War. The order to develop underground boats was submitted personally Winston Churchill, which was based on the bloody experience of the storming of well fortified positions. By the beginning of 1940, 200 such underground boats were supposed to build. All of them were denoted by NLE abbreviation (Naval Land Equipment - naval and land equipment). To disguise military assignments of the machines created by the machines, the developers gave them their names: White Rabbit 6 ("White Rabbit 6"), Nellie ("Nellie"), Cultivator 6 ("Cultivator 6"), No Mans Land Excavator ("Excavator without person participation" ).

The trenchers created in England possessed the following dimensions: length - 23.47 meters, width - 1.98 meters, height - 2.44 meters and had two sections. The main section was on the caterpillar. In its appearance, it resembled a very long tank with a weighing of 100 tons. The front section of weighed less - 30 tons and could dig 2.28 meters wide and 1.5 meters in depth. The machine's dumping machine conveyors were transferred to the surface and lay on both sides of the trench, forming dumps whose height was 1 meter. The speed of the device was more than 8 km / h. After reaching a given point, the santerrine stopped and was transformed into a platform designed to exit tracked drugs from the breakthrough trench to open space.

Initially, this car was going to put one Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, which developed a capacity of 1000 hp But then due to the lack of data of these engines, they decided to replace them. For each underground boat, two PAXMAN 12TP engines were installed, developed power in 600 hp. everyone. One engine led the entire design in motion, and the second was used for the cutter and the conveyor in the front section. Fast defeat of France in war and a visual demonstration of modern warning motors slowed down the implementation of this project. As a result, Sternrin's tests were held only in June 1941, and in 1943 the project was closed. By this time in England, 5 such devices managed to collect. All of them after the war were dismantled, the last combat trench in the early 1950s. In fairness, it is worth noting that the English project though it turned out to be useless, but was quite real. Another thing is that it was all the same "perverted" vision of the trencher, and not a complete underground boat.

Sterrina Germany

Interest in such an unusual project showed in Germany. Before World War II, the sunrine was designed here. In the 30s of the twentieth century, an engineer von Verne (according to other data - Verner Verner) received a patent for underwater-underground amphibia, which she called SUBTERRINE. The car suggested to them had the opportunity to move both in water and under the earth's surface. At the same time, according to the calculations, the background is true, when driving under the ground, its subterrine could develop speed up to 7 km / h. At the same time, the underground boat was designed for the transportation of the crew and the landing as part of 5 people, as well as 300 kg. Explosives, it was originally a military project.

In 1940, in Nazi Germany, the project was seriously considered, such devices could be useful in hostilities against Great Britain. The plans developed by the Operation "Sea Lion", which provided for the landing of German troops to the British Islands, there would be a place and underwater-underground frames of the design of the background. His shakes should have been unnoticed to swim to the shores of Great Britain and continue the movement already under the ground in English territory, in order to then apply a sudden blow to the opponent in the area as unexpected for the English troops.

The German project SUBTERRINE fell victim to the arrogance of Gering, who led the Luftwaffe and believed that the British was able to defeat the British in the air war without any help. As a result, the project of the underground boat the background is true and remained in the image of the idea unrealized in practice, as, however, and the fantasies of his famous namesake - the French writer Jules Verne, long before the first projects of the underground boat writing their famous novel "Journey to the Earth Center".

Another much more informal project of the German designer of the Ritter was with a fair fraction of Paphos named Midgard Schlage ("Snake Midgard"). Such an unusual name project was received in honor of the mythical reptile - the world snake, who washing all the living land. As of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creator, his car should have moved and over and underground, as well as on water and under water at a depth of 100 meters. At the same time, Ritter believed that under the ground in a soft ground, his underground boat will be able to develop a speed of up to 10 km / h, in solid ground - 2 km / h, on the earth's surface - up to 30 km / h, under water - 3 km / h.

However, the most imagination is striking the size of this huge amphibian car. Midgard Schlage has conceived the creator, as a full underground train, which included a large number of cargo compartments on a caterpillar. Every carriage has 6 meters long. The total length of such an underground train ranged from 400 meters to 500 meters in the longest configuration. The path of this Machine under the ground was to punch at once four one-and-half meter bora. Also in the car there were 3 additional drill kit, and the total weight reached 60,000 tons. In order to manage such a mechanical monster, 12 pairs of steering wheel and crew were needed from 30 people. Impressed and design armament of huge subterry: up to two thousand 250-kg and 10-kg min, 12 paired machine guns and special underground torpedoes 6 m long.

Initially, this project was planned to be used to destroy strategic facilities and fortifications in Belgium and France, as well as for disruptive work in English ports. However, as a result, this delusional project of a gloomy German genius has not been implemented in at least some acceptable form. But some technical information concerning underground boats developed in Germany still got at the end of the war in the hands of Soviet intelligence officers.

Soviet "combat mole"

Another semi-imaging design of Suterrin is the Soviet post-war project called "Combat Mole". Immediately after the completion of the Second World War to the implementation of the project on the construction of an underground submarine, the head of Smerman V. Abakumov attracted Professors of Babat and the city of Pokrovsky, they had to work with trophy drawings. However, truly advance in this direction succeeded after Stalin's death in the 1960s. Nikita Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev, liked the idea of \u200b\u200b"get imperialists from under the ground." Moreover, Chrushchev declared about their plans even publicly, perhaps he had some reason.

It is known about this development, it was mentioned only in a number of books on the accuracy of non-claims. According to available information, the Soviet subterrine "Combat Mole" should have obtained a nuclear reactor. The underground boat had an elongated cylindrically housing from titanium with a pointed end and a powerful brown in front. The dimensions of such atomic sunrine could be from 25 to 35 meters in length and from 3 to 4 meters in diameter. The speed of movement of the apparatus underground lay in the range from 7 km / h to 15 km / h.

The crew of "combat clock" consisted of 5 people. In addition, this device could be transported immediately to a ton of various goods (arms or explosives) or 15 paratroopers with their equipment. It was assumed that such underground boats would successfully affect underground bunkers, fortification structures, command items and strategic mine basing missiles. Such devices were prepared and to solve a special mission.

In case of exacerbation of the relationship between the USSR and the United States, according to the plan of the Soviet command, the santerry could be used to apply a full underground strike through the United States. With the help of Soviet submarines, the subterry should have been delivered to the American coast in the area of \u200b\u200bseismically unstable California, after which it was drilled into the American territory and establish underground nuclear charges in areas where the strategic objects of the enemy were located. It was assumed that the undermining of atomic mines can act as a powerful earthquake and tsunami, which in the case of which it would be possible to write off on ordinary natural catastrophes.

According to some information, the tests of the Soviet atomic underground boat were carried out in different soils - in the Rostov and Moscow regions, as well as in the Urals. At the same time, the strongest impressions atomic santerrine delivered test participants in the Ural Mountains. "Combat Mole" easily passed the hard rock breed, destroying at the end of the training goal. However, during repeated tests, a tragedy occurred: the subterrine for an unknown reason exploded, and its crew died. After this case, the project was closed.