The victory of the Russian army over the Swedes. Battle under Poltava (1709)

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Poltava battle

P.D. Martin. Battle of Poltava. 1720
State Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Village"

The historical attempt of the Russian state to regain the original Russian lands on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and at the mouth of the Neva (Novgorod five) and thereby getting a way out to the Baltic Sea poured into a prolonged Northern War of 1700 - 1721 .. The general battle between Russian and Swedish armies on June 27 (July 8 for a new style) 1709 in Poltava.

In the summer of 1708, the Swedish army of King Karl XII made a campaign to Russia, moving in the Moscow direction. When the Swedes approached the drawing of its state border, they saw that for PP. Vorki and city stands Russian army. Karl XII refused the thought to give her the general battle and turned to the south, to Ukraine, where hetman-traitor Ivan Mazepa was invited.

After the wilderness of the village of the Forest Swedish Corps, General Lewengaupta (Peter I called this battle "Mother of Poltava Batlia"), the king was in a difficult position: the Russian army led the harassment of the enemy, and Mazepa, who promised to lead to Karl XII, all Ukrainian Cossacks brought only about 2 thousand . Man of the Cossack lands and personal shelf "Serdyukov". Those at night ran away from the hetman (about 700 people remained), to which the king for personal security gave 20 Swedes. In addition, General Alexander Menshikov in the Tsarist Decree defeated the Mazebinsky bet Baturin, in which significant reserves were collected for the Swedes, first of all, food.

Karl XII led to Ukraine of the Army of Sweden, which was distinguished by high professional learning, discipline and won a lot of convincing victories on the lands of Denmark, Saxony and Poland. She had a victory over the young regular Petrovsk army in 1700 under the fortress of Narva.

The Swedes accounted for Ukraine not sweet. The partisans met them back in Belarus. The "volatile" detachments of the Russian Dragoon Cavalry and the irregular cavalry, primarily the Cossack, did not give peace of the royal army. The earth burned under the legs of the intervention. King's attempt and hetman use separatist moods of the small part of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks led by Ataman Gordienko did not change the course of events. Ukrainian Cossacks turned away from the hetman - "Lyakh", which in absentia was awarded the King of Peter I cast-iron "Order of Judas". World history does not know anything like that.

During winter 1708 - 1709. Russian troops, avoiding the general battle, continued to exhaust the forces of the Swedish army in the battles of local significance. In the spring of 1709, Karl Xii decided to resume the attack on Moscow through Kharkov and Belgorod. To secure your rear, he decided to take the city-fortress Poltava. To her, the Swedish army triggered by force of 35 thousand people with 32 guns, not counting Mazepins and Cossacks.

Poltava stood on the high bank of the Vorskley River. Its fortress facilities consisted of a shaft with a palico on top with braces for shooting from guns. The garrison, which was commanded by Colonel Alexei Kelin, consisted of 4 thousand 187 soldiers, 2.5 thousand Poltava Cossacks and armed citizens and 91 Pushkrews. There were 28 guns in the fortress.

From the first days of the siege began to storm Poltava once again. Her defenders only in April, 12 enemy attacks reflected 12 enemy attacks, often making cute and successful flaps. Siege works did not stop. On June 21 and 22, the most fierce assaults were repulsed: the attackers who managed to even waters on the fortress shaft, the counterattack was dropped from him. For 2 days, Poltava's garrison lost 1 thousand 258 people killed and wounded, Swedes - 2 thousand 300 people.

King Peter I was able to submit the assistance to a precipitated garrison and powder, the reserves of which in Poltava were on the outcome. Powder "was sent" to the city in hollow bombs that did not explode when they hit the Earth.

In the meantime, the Army of Peter I was tightened to Poltava. She numbered 42 thousand people at 72 guns. It consisted of 58 infantry battalions (infanteria) and 72 squadrons of cavalry (dragoon). The Ukrainian Cossack shelves commanded the new elected hetman Scoropadsky, who erased the Poltava field from the side of small wares, breaking the possible way to the departure of the Swedes to Poland.

The heroic defense of Poltava gave the Russian winnings in time. On June 16, the Military Council, in which the king and his associates decided to give the enemy by General Batalius: "Go for Vorskla near the village of Petrovka and, with the help of God, to seek over the enemy of happiness."

V. P. Psarev. Peter the Great and his associates

The fact that the enemy is going to go to Vorskla, it became known in the Swedish camp. Karl Xii decided to carry out reconnaissance, but the river was fired by Russian sentiers. Then the monarch's retinue appeared on the Cossack picket, and the king was injured with a bullet in the leg. Poltava battle, he had to observe with a stretcher.

Poltava battle has become an exam on the maturity of the young regular army of Russia. And this test she was withstanding with honor. Russian military art surpassed the Swedish, who admired all of Europe. The enemy army was defeated completely, having ceased to exist as such.

Russian command to battle was preparing thoroughly. Peter I ordered to move the army campaign closer to the fortress, about 5 km in a straight line from Swedish. It was reinforced with retranthent (tags) with bastions on the corners. In a kilometer from the camp, in the field of Brahi, a system of field fortifications was created, which military practice had not yet known. The king ordered the line to the camp of the line of 6 front-old Reduts, and 4 more (two fronts did not have time to complete) - perpendicular to them.

Plan of Poltava Victoria from the book "Life and glorious deeds of Peter the Great ..." SPb. 1774 RGAD.

Earthy redoubts had a quadrangular shape and were located apart at a distance of a direct rifle shot. Thereby ensured the tactical interaction between the garrisons of the Reduts. They accommodated two infantry battalions and grenadiers, regimental guns (1 - 2 on Reduce). The Rated system has become an advanced position of the Russian army, which was to break the first enemy attack. It was a new word in the military art of the European armies of the early XVIII century.

Another tactical innovation was the placement of 17 Dragun regiments immediately for the redoubts. Commanded the shelves, the famous cavalry commander of the Northern War, the future Generalissimus A.D. Menshikov. The Dragun Cavalry should have attacked the Swedes on the List of the Reduts and between them in the initial phase of the General Batlia.

Peter I was planned to urge the enemy at the forefront (Lines of the Reduts) and then split it in an open field battle. He perfectly understood the strength and weakness of a linear combat order. The redoubts were intended to break the linear combat order of the Swedish army, disrupt his spike and bring the troops of Karl Xii under the flank fire from the fortified hiking camp. After that, it was necessary to break the scattered royal army in parts.

At the Military Council on June 25, the Swedes decided the first to attack the enemy. Karl Xii did not wait for help from Poland and from Crimean Khan. He decided at night to suddenly attack the camp of the king's army from all sides before the Russians come out of it and build to battle. It was planned to reset them from the cliff to the river. For the speed of movement, it was decided not to take artillery, but to take with me only 4 guns. For the blockade of the Poltava fortress, 2 infantry battalion was left (1 thousand 300 soldiers) and about 8 thousand Cossacks and Mazepins. The king did not trust the allies. In total, about 22 thousand people were distinguished for the night attack: 24 infantry battalion and 22 cavalry regiment.

On June 27, at two o'clock in the night, the Swedish army under the command of Field Marshal K.G. Renshild (King with a naked sword His bodyguards - Drabants carried onto stretchers) Four columns of infantry and six columns of cavalry was secretive to the position of the enemy. Karl Xii called on the soldiers bravely beat with the Russians and invited them after the victory on the feast into the tents of the Moscow king.

The Swedish army moved towards the Reduce and stopped in the night of 600 meters from the front fortifications. From there, the knuckle of the ax was heard: it hurriedly completed 2 advanced Raduts. Swedes unfold in advance in 2 battle lines: 1st consisted of infantry, 2nd from cavalry. Suddenly, a pistol shot was heard - the Russian equestrian crossing discovered the approach of the enemy. With the Reduts opened a warning fire.

Feldmarshal Renshild, in the fifth hour of the morning, ordered the attack of the redoubts. But the Swedes were able to take two of them who did not have time to complete. The garrisons of the other two - perpendicular fought off the soldiers who have left the fortifications captured by the Swedes. They got an unpleasant surprise: they only knew about the line of six transverse flavors. They did not have to storm: Russian Dragun shelves of the General Menshikov and K.-e were rushed into the combat line Rennes. Swedish cavalry came forward the infantry, the battle began.

The dragoons threw back the royal squadron and by order of Peter I moved over the line of longitudinal redoubts. When the Swedes resumed the attack, they met a strong rifle and cannon fire from field fortifications. The right flank of the royal army, who fell under the cross-fire and laid great losses, retreated in disarray to the forest of the village of Small Boudeshi.

The calculation of Peter I to dismember the enemy army at the beginning of the battle fully justified. Putting up from the main forces during the fight for the Reduta, the right-hand columns of the generals K.G. Ross and V.A. Schlippenbach destroyed the dragoons of General Menshikov.

The main forces of the parties collided at dawn. About 6 hours Peter I built the Russian army ahead of the camp in 2 battle lines. The peculiarity of the construction was that each regiment had his own in the second line, and not someone else's battalion. Thus, the depth of combat order was created and supported the first combat line was reliably. The second infantry line received a tactical appointment, which was a large step forward in the development of linear tactics. The center commanded General Prince. The general command of the troops, the king laid on the Feldmarshal B.P. Tested in War Sheremeteva.

The Swedish army, who broke through the line of the Reduts, to lengthen his battle order, built in one combat line with a weak reserve behind. Cavalry has become on the flanks in two lines. The Swedes were very strongly configured.
At 9 o'clock in the morning the first line of Russians moved forward. The Razdsk Army went to the rapprochement. After a short mutual volley gun (from a distance of a few more than 50 meters), the Swedes, not paying attention to the cannon fire, rushed into the bayonet attack. They sought to get closer to the enemy and avoid the destructive artillery fire.

The right wing of the royal troops, in which Karl Xii was located, sweating the battalion of the Novgorod infantry shelf, which was run by 2 Swedish. There was a threat of a breakthrough of the Russian position almost at its very center. Peter I personally led to the counterattack of the second battalion of the Novgorod residents, who stood in the second line, which the Swedes knocked up with a rapid blow, and closed the breech formed in the first line.

The Swedish frontal attack choked, and the Russians began to close the enemy. The fierce fight went through the entire line of contact of the parties. The line of Russian infantry began to cover the flanks of the battalions of royal infanteria. Swedes panicked, many soldiers began to hurry to leave the battlefield, fearing the environment. Swedish cavalry without resistance was spoiled in the Budschinsky Forest; Behind her rushed there and infantrymen. And only in the center of General Levenga Paul, next to which the king was located (his stretcher was broken by the core) tried to cover the retreat to the sheath.

Russian infantry pursued retreating Swedes to the Budishchensky Forest and built in front of the last forest massif, hiding the fled enemy. The royal army was defeated in the upset composition of Beshal, headed by the king and hetman Mazepa from Poltava to crossing through the Dnieper.

In the battle of Poltava, the winners lost 1,000 345 people killed and 3 thousand 290 wounded. The losses of the Swedes on the battlefield were estimated at 9 thousand 333 killed and 2 thousand 874 prisoners. Among the prisoners were the Feldmarshal Renshild, Chancellor K. Pipe and part of the generals. 4 guns were Russian trophies and 137 banners, enemy traffic and his siege camp.

The remnants of the fledgest Swedish army overcome about 100 km and on June 29 came to the surge. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the exhausted Swedes began to search for funds to cross the river in vain. Then they disassembled the wooden church and built a raft, but he was taken by a river flow. Closer to the night several ferry boats were found, to which the wheels from the carriage and wagon were added: improvised rafts turned out.

But to cross the West Bank of the Dnieper managed only to King Carlo Xii and the lowled hetman Mazepa with about a thousand people of approximate persons and personal security. Pursuers came to the surgery: Guards Brigade led by General Knyazu Mikhail Golitsyn, 6 Dragun regiments of General R.Kh. Bower and, finally, 3 equestrian and 3 hiking regiments led by Menshikov. He accepted at 14 days on June 30, the surrender abandoned by the King of the Swedish army, who did not think about resistance. 142 banners and a standard lay down to the legs of the winners. In total, 18,746 Swedes were taken captured, almost all the generals, their entire artillery, the whole army traffic. King Karl Xii and the hetman-traitor Ivan Mazepa fled to the Turkish limits, sowing in the steppe to fool the pursuit of them.

Kivchenko A.D. Poltavsky Boy
Swedes admire the banners in front of Peter I. 1709

Triumphal entrance of Russian troops to Moscow
December 21, 1709 after the victories in the forest and under Poltava.
Engravings by the etching and cutter A. Zubov. 1711

The prominent commander of Europe highly appreciated the art of the Russian army in battle under Poltava. The largest Austrian commander Moritz Saxon wrote: "Thus, thanks to skillful measures, you can get happiness to be bowed to your side." The French military theorist of the first half of the XVIII century Rokonkur advised to study on the editorial art of Peter I. On the Poltava battle, he wrote the following: "Such a decisive victory over the best disciplined European troops was not a well-known omen of what Russians will do in time ... really should be noted by this battle A new tactical and fortification combination, which would be real progress for both. That is the way that has not been used, although the entire army of the Aventurist Charles Xii was equally convenient for the offensive and defense, should be destroyed.
High estimates of the Russian army's actions in the general battle of the Northern War are given and domestic researchers. So, A. Pubyrevsky noted: "Poltava is the only example in the military history of an offensive fortified position."

Monument of glory in Poltava. 1805-1811 Installed in honor of the victory of the Russian army over Swedish troops in a Poltava battle.
Architect J. Tom de Tonon, sculptor F.F. Shchedrin

Poltava victory meant a native fracture in a coming war. Now the strategic initiative turned out to be completely in the hands of Russia. Victoria under Poltavaya markedly raised the authority of the Russian state, put the king of Peter I in a number of the most skilled commander not only his era. Russian military art was recognized as advanced, innovative.

Alexey Shishov,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Scientific Research Institute of Military History
Military Academy of General Staff
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Before talking about the results of the Poltava battle, it is necessary to consider the battle itself, learn its reasons, describe the short course of the battle, its participants and then summarize.
Poltava battle - A large battle between the forces of the Russian Empire on the one hand and the combined troops of Sweden and Cossacks I. Mazepa on the other. The battle occurred on July 8, 1709 not far from the modern city of Poltava. The Russian Empire won the victory.

The reasons

There was a war between the Russian Empire and Sweden, which in history is called the Northern War. The Swedish king Karla XII managed to collect a powerful army, which he prepared for the invasion of Russia and the emperor of the Russian Empire - Peter I understood it perfectly.
After a difficult winter, the Swedish army lost 1/3 of the entire composition thanks to the action of peasants who hid bread and horses, and the cold winter finished the case. Karl wished to take Poltava, as she saw in her a vulnerable city and a possible base for filing his forces that he was needed for further attack on Moscow.
Karl took more twenty attacks to Poltava, but the garrison of the city did not give up (2 thousand people). Meanwhile, Peter hurried to help Poltava with a large army.

The composition of the forces

The total number of Swedes is 37 thousand people. The troops of the Cossacks-allies numbered 6 thousand people. Commanded the Army of Swedes Karl XII. The Swedes had a few artillery - a little more than 40 guns.
Approximately 80 thousand soldiers (72 thousand Russian soldiers and 8 thousand Cossacks). The Russian army also has an artillery guns - more than 100. Commanded the army Emperor Peter I

Battle's move

The first move in the Poltava battle was made by the Swedish army, attacking Russian redoubts. Taking the Reduta, the Swedish army lost its cavalry, and the infantry of races focused her orders.
The general battle began at 9 am, when the Swedish infantry attacked Russian. Peter met the Swedes with artillery fire, then the army exchanged a volley from the guns, and then the hand-to-hand fight on the bayonets.
At first, the attack for the Swedes was successful, they managed to discard the first line of Russians and turn the left flank. This was facilitated by the presence among the army of the Swedes of their king. But at that moment Peter entered into battle with the second line and was able to discharge the dangerous situation, stopping the attack of the Swedes.
On the right flank, the Russian army drew the Swedes. It was a mistake of a Swedish cavalry, which could not cover the infantry, which was why herself was forced to retreat.
Due to their number, the Russians continued to be powerful ones and 11 o'clock the Swedes began to randomly retreat. The battle was finished, and Karl fled with the remains of cavalry and the Cossacks.

Results of the Poltava battle.

Sweden suffered a crushing defeat, which was the beginning of the collapse of the Swedish combat vehicle, which was still strongest in Europe. The Swedes lost a huge number of soldiers - 12 thousand, and many experienced officers were killed. The Russian army lost less than 5 thousand people killed and wounded.
In the Northern War there was a radical fracture, if earlier the advantage was in the Swedes, now Peter completely intercepted the initiative. The authority of Sweden was undermined, against them entered the war of Denmark, and Saxony concluded peace with Russia. The authority of Russia has grown many times, as they managed to defeat the best army in Europe.
Traitor Peter I - Hetman Ivan Mazepa was expelled, and the Cossacks were now not in the mercy of the Russian sovereign.
The Poltava battle says that in her Peter struck the window to Europe, since he received long-awaited access to the Baltic Sea - an important trading artery in which Russia needed so much.

Swedish Empire The kingdom of russian Commander Karl XII.
Karl Gustav Renshild Peter I.
Alexander Danilovich Menshikov Forces side Common forces :
26,000 Swedes (about 11,000 cavalry and 15,000 infantry), 1000 Valash Gusarov, 41 guns, about 2 thousand Cossacks

Total: About 37,000. 30 thousand Swedes, 6 thousand Cossacks, 1 thousand Valahov.

Forces in the battle:
8270 Infantry, 7800 Dragun and Raitarov, 1000 Hussar, 4 guns

Did not participate in the battle: Cossacks

Common forces :
About 37,000 infantry (87 battalions), 23,700 cavalry (27 regiments and 5 shkvadronov), 102 guns (according to other data, 302 guns)

Total: About 60,000 (according to modern data, 80,000). Of these, 8 thousand Cossacks of Scoropads.

Forces in the battle:
25,000 infantry, 9000 dragoons, Cossacks and Kalmykov, another 3000 Kalmykov came to the end of the battle

Garrison Poltava:
4200 infantry, 2000 Cossacks, 28 guns

Military losses 6700-9234 killed and wounded,
2874 prisoners during the battle and 15-17 thousand in the surplus 1345 killed, 3290 wounded
Northern War (1700-1721)

Poltava battle - The largest battle of the Northern War between the Russian troops under the command of Peter I and the Swedish army of Charles XII. It took place in the morning of June 27 (July 8), 1709 in 6 versts from the city of Poltava on the Russian lands (Left Bank of the Dnieper). The decisive victory of the Russian army led to a flight in the Northern War in favor of Russia and laid an end to the domination of Sweden as one of the leading military forces in Europe.


In October 1708, Peter I became aware of the treason and transition to Karl Xii Hetman Mazepa, who led the negotiations with the king for quite a long time, promising him, in case of arrival in Ukraine, up to 50,000 Cossack troops, food and comfortable wintering. On October 28, 1708, Mazepa at the head of the Cossack detachment arrived at Karl's bid. After that, Peter I was amnestied and withdrawing from the reference (accused of treason on Mazepa's naval)) Ukrainian colonel Semyon Pali (real name Gurko); Thus, the king lied support for the Cossacks.

From the thousands of Ukrainian Cossacks (registered Cossacks, there were 30 thousand, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks - 10-12 thousand) Mazepés managed to bring only about 10 thousand people, about 3 thousand registry Cossacks and about 7 thousand Cossacks. But they soon began to scatter from the walking camp of the Swedish army. Such unreliable allies that are left about 2 thousand, King Karl XII did not risk used in battle, and therefore left them in the way.

Karl XII, having received information about the soon approach to the Russian large Kalmyk detachment, decided to attack the army of Peter before Kalmyki completely break his communication (allegedly selected the osciller from the Germans. He said that he was not going to the king of Peter - tomorrow The detachment of the Kalmyk cavalry is the number of 18 thousand sabers). The resulting wound during reconnaissance on June 17, the king handed over the command of Field Marshal by K. G. Renshild, who received 20 thousand soldiers at his disposal. About 10 thousand people, including the Cossacks of Mazepa, remained in the camp under Poltava.

On the eve of the battle of Peter I, I traveled all the shelves. His brief patriotic appeals to soldiers and officers formed the basis of the famous order demanding from the warriors to beat not for Peter, but for "Russia and Russian piety ..."

Tried to raise the spirit of his army and Karl XII. Inspiring the soldiers, Karl announced that tomorrow they would have dinner in the Russian weapon, where they expect big mining.

Battle's move

Attack Swedes for Reduta

According to Englund, the greatest losses suffered two battalions of the UPPAKAN regiment, which were surrounded and completely destroyed (from 700 people alive remained 14).

Losses of Party

Church on the site of the battle

In the battle, the Swedes lost over 11 thousand soldiers. Russian losses amounted to 1345 people killed and 3290 wounded.


As a result of the Poltava battle, the Army King Charles XII was so bleeding that he could no longer lead active offensive actions. Menshikov, having received the reinforcement by the 3-thousand Kalmyk Cant, pursued the enemy to the passion on the shore of the Dnieper, where about 16 thousand Swedes were captured.

During the Poltava battle, Peter, a tactic was involved, which is still mentioned in military schools. Shortly before the battle, Peter slept experienced soldiers in the form of young. Karl, knowing that the form of experienced fighters differs from the form of the young, he led his army on young fighters and fell into a trap.


Memory of the event

Museum-Reserve "Field of Poltava Battle"

  • At the site of the battle at the beginning of the 20th century, the Museum-Reserve "Field of Poltava Battle" is founded (now the National Museum-Reserve). The museum was built on its territory, the monuments of Peter I, the Russian and Swedish soldiers, in the place of the camp of Peter I, etc.
  • In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Poltava battle (held on the day of St. Self-Grain Self-Christian) in 1735 in Peterhof, the sculptural group "Samson, bursting down the mouth of the lion, created by the Carlo Rastrelli project was established. The lion was associated with Sweden, the coat of arms of which contains this heraldic beast.
  • In honor of the Poltava battle, the Sampsonievsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg and the Sampsonievsky Church in Poltava are built.
  • To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Poltava battle, the medal "In memory of the 200th anniversary of Poltava battle" was arrested.
  • Monument at the rest of Peter I after the battle
  • Monument to Colonel Kelin and valiant defenders of Poltava.

On coins

In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Poltava battle, the Bank of Russia on June 1 issued the following commemorative coins of silver (only reverses are given):

In artistic literature

  • In the novel "Poltava Peremog" Oleg Kudrina (Nonkonformism-2010 prize short list, "Independent Gazeta", Moscow) The event was "replayed" in the genre of alternative history.

In music

  • Swedish Khevi Power Metal Group Sabaton dedicated to Poltava Battle of his song "Poltava" from Carolus Rex album. The song was recorded in two versions: in English and Swedish.


Documentary film

Art films

In Filateli


  1. A. A. Vasilyev. About the composition of the Russian and Swedish armies in Poltava battle. Military Historical Journal. 1989. № 7.]
  2. see Krotov P. A. Battle when Poltava: To 300-year anniversary. St. Petersburg: Historical Illustration, 2009. 416 p.
  3. All world history wars, according to the Harper Encyclopedia of the Military History of R.Dypeyu and Tyupyui with comments N. Volkovsky and D. Volkovsky. St. Petersburg, 2004, book 3, p.499
  4. The Day of the Military Glory of Russia - the day of victory over the Swedes in Poltava Battle is celebrated not in the eighth, and on July 10. The date of the battle fell on the day of the memory of the Rev. Sampsonia of Stryancimensa, which is considered to be the right to heaven patron of Poltava battle; In memory of which the Sampsonievsky Church under Poltavoy and Sampsonievsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg was built. And the Day of Memorial Self-Self-Recruitment Orthodox Church honors annually on the 8th, and on July 10.
  5. Documentary evidence of the details of the preliminary suggestions of Mazepa Karla was not preserved. However, it is known that negotiations were conducted and for quite a long time. According to the Book of "Mazepa" by the book and inaccuracies, Tairova-Yakovlev, he opened his approximate September 17, 1707. In his book, Tairova-Yakovlevna gives the saying of Mazepa, recorded by him by the faithful follower with an Eagle writer: "I did not want and did not want the Christian bloodshed, but I intended to go to Breadern with the Swedish king, to write a letter to the royal majesty for the letter in it, describing everything Our insults ... " Thus, plans to bring Karl to Baturin existed. In addition, in the signed later agreement with Karl Mazepa, it undertakes to give him as a base for the time of war, besides other cities, Baturin (which is completely burned and is not suitable for these purposes). Apparently, the agreement itself was preparing until Baturin's burning.
  6. Sergey Kululkin. Peter the First. Historic portrait of a commander.
  7. According to research P. A. Krotov, based on comparison of archival documents, the guns in the battle was significantly more - 302 , See Krotov P. A. Battle when Poltava: To 300-year anniversary. St. Petersburg., 2009
  8. All world history wars, according to the Harper Encyclopedia of the Military History of R.Dypeyu and Tyupyui with comments N. Volkovsky and D. Volkovsky. St. Petersburg, 2004, Book 3, p.499-500
  9. Vitailles Svnko. Poltava battle. Orthodox news agency "Russian Line"
  10. V. A. Artamonov Poltava Battle and Eastern Europe -, the magazine "Golden Lion" No. 213-214 - the publication of Russian conservative thought
  11. Englund P. Poltava: a story about the death of one army. - M: New Book Review, 1995. - 288 with ISBN 5-86793-005-x
  12. According to P. Englund, out of 8,000 Swedish infantrymen, 2000 died during the storm of the Reduts, and approximately 2000 separated along with Rosom.
  13. Vladimir Lapin Poltava // "Star". - 2009. - B. 6.


  • Krotov P. A. Battle when Poltava: To 300-year anniversary. - SPb.: Historical Illustration, 2009. - 416 p.
  • Krotov P. A. Peter I and Karl XII in the fields under Poltava (comparative analysis of the colonical art) // Problems of war and peace in the era of the new and the latest time (by the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Tilzit Treaty): Materials of the International Scientific Conference. St. Petersburg, December 2007 - SPb.: Publishing House SPbSU, 2008. - P. 48-57.
  • Krotov P. A. The commander of Peter I and A. D. Menshikov in a Poltava Battle (to the 300th anniversary of Poltava Victory) // Menshikov readings - 2007 / T. ed. P. A. Krotov. - SPb.: Historical Illustration, 2007. - P. 37-92.
  • Molletov V. A. Poltava Battle: Military History Lessons. - M.: OR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; Kuchkovo Field, 2009. - 512 p. ISBN 978-5-9950-0054-9
  • Poltava: To the 300th anniversary of the Poltava battle. Digest of articles. - M.: Kuchkovo Field, 2009. - 400 s. ISBN 978-5-9950-0055-6
  • Pavlenko N. I., Artamonov V. A. June 27, 1709. - M.: Young Guard, 1989. - 272 p. - (memorable dates of history). - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-235-00325-X (region)
  • Englund Peter. Poltava: the story about the death of one army \u003d englund P. poltava. Berattelsen OM EN Armés Undergång. - Stockholm: Atlantis, 1989. - M .: New Book Review, 1995. - ISBN 5-86793-005-X

see also

  • The fraternal grave of Russian soldiers of the fallen in Poltava battle


Poltava battle - The largest general battle of the Northern War between Russian troops under the command of Peter 1 and the Swedish Army of Charles 12.

It was in this connection that July 10 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter first over the Swedes in Poltava battle.

Date of Poltava battle

The battle was held in the morning of June 27 (July 8) of 1709 in 6 versts from the city of Poltava (Russian kingdom).

Peter I in Poltava Battle

The victory of the Russians over the Swedes became a turning point in the war and, ultimately, led to the loss of domination in Europe.

In this article we will look at brief history of Poltava battle And lit the main moments. Fans will be interested.

Causes of Poltava battle

During the Northern War, Sweden led by the monarch-commander Carl 12 won many victories over opponents. Already by the middle of 1708, she proved its superiority over the army of the Commonwealth and Saxony's speech.

Everyone understood that in the near future the decisive battle between Sweden was to take place and, which would put a point in a military conflict.

Poltava battle briefly

Swedish king, painted by victories, planned to complete the war until the end of 1708. He moved by a campaign to Russia, seeking to conquer its territory.

Russian Emperor Peter I perfectly understood that if the Swedes pervocate deep into the state, they are unlikely to beat them. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to 2 important features of the Poltava battle:

  • On September 28, 1708, the village of Lesnaya took place the battle in which the Russian army won winning. And although this victory has not yet spoken about anything, the Swedes then suffered serious losses. They lost most of the food and ammunition. At the same time, they could not fill their losses due to blocking roads from the Russians.
  • In October 1708, Hetman Mazup turned to Karl 12, who, together with the Zaporozhye Cossacks, passed on the side of the Swedes. The king was beneficial to have such an ally, since the Cossacks could help him fill the loss of food and to speak with him in the war against Russia.

The essence of Poltava battle

Karl 12's army approached Poltava and began to besiege in March 1709. Russian detachments did everything possible so as not to give the Swedes to take the fortress.

At the same time, the Poltava garrison consisted of only 2,200 soldiers. Nevertheless, the soldiers managed to heroically hold back tens of attacks by the enemy and kill about 6,000 Swedes.

Poltava detachment understood that soon the additional shelves led to help them, headed by Peter 1. It is worth noting that the emperor tried to find allies, because he understood the entire power of the Swedish army.

Peter the first offered to Crimean Khan and Turkish Sultan to unite with him, but they refused to support him. As a result, a single Russian army was collected, to which part of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks was joined under the command of the hetman of the Scoropads. It is in such a composition that the army went to Poltava to the precipitated fortress.

Forces of the sides on the eve of the Poltava battle

The forces of both sides before the Poltava battle looked as follows:

Karl's army 12:

  • the number of soldiers is 37 thousand people;
  • guns - 41 units;
  • generals - 5 people.

The army of Peter 1:

  • the number of soldiers is 60 thousand people;
  • guns - 102 units;
  • generals - 8 people.

However, the Swedish command did not embarrass the numerical superiority of the Russians: it did the focus on the rapid attack of the selected military expeditionary corps, which was supposed to overturn the enemy's army and turn to flight.

In addition, the infant difference could be compensated by the qualitative advantage of the Swedes in the cavalry.

Stroke Poltava battle

On the eve of the battle, Peter I traveled all the shelves. His brief patriotic appeals to soldiers and officers formed the basis of the famous order demanding from the warriors not to beat Peter, but for "Russia and Russian piety ...".

In turn, inspiring the soldiers, Karl 12 announced that tomorrow they would have dinner in the Russian weapon, where they expect large mining.

On the night of June 26 at 23:00 Karl 12 ordered to immediately bring all his army in combat readiness. However, due to the disunity of the army, the soldiers were able to cooperate only after 3 hours.

Thus, the Swedish commander failed to make a lightning attack on the enemy camp. So for Carl began the Poltava battle, which we now consider in more detail.

Events of Poltava battle

Russian redoubts became the first obstacle to the Swedes in the Poltava battle. The first 2 fortifications were taken almost immediately, however, the rest of the shoes were not able to capture the Swedes.

The reason for this was the Russian cavalry led by Alexander Menshikov, who came to help infantry.

Despite the obvious progress, Peter 1 ordered the troops to retreat back and take the main positions. I performed my own task - they turned the Swedes before the start of the main battle, while the Russian troops remained physically fresh.

In addition, about 3,000 Swedes were killed on the battlefield.

In fact, the commander Karl 12 did not think to attack the strengthening, since they counted just bypass them.

In fact, it turned out to be an impossible task, as a result of which the Swedes were forced to attack the redoubts, without having a suitable military equipment and a tactical plan.

Poltava Battle

Having overcome with big losses of the Reduta, the Swedes were waiting for reinforcements from the cavalry. However, the region of the corona ROS was already captive in Russian.

In this regard, the Army Charles lined up in the line, since the monarch considered such a construction most effective. But, as time will show, it will not help him get an advantage in Poltava battle.

At 9:00 the Swedes began to adopted on the strengthening of Russian troops. They immediately began to fire artillery Peter 1, as a result of which the Swedes suffered serious human and combat losses. They had no way to create an attack line.

In a short time, Carla's army turned out to be fragmented, due to which the Swedes began to panic off the battlefield. The Russian army was enough only 2 hours in order to win the brilliant victory in the Poltava battle.

Losses of Parties in Poltava Battle

According to official estimates, the total loss of Russians amounted to 1345 people killed and 3290 wounded. The losses of the Swedes turned out to be terrifying:

  • all generals were killed and captured;
  • killed soldiers - 9 thousand;
  • captured soldiers - 17 thousand

Pursuit of the enemy

After 11:00, the Poltava battle rather reminded not the battle of two armies, but the flight one from another. Russian troops began to pursue the Swedes and take them in captivity. Interesting the fact that persecution lasted for 3 days.

The value of Poltava battle

As a result of the Poltava battle, the Army King Charles 12 was so bleeding that he could no longer conduct active offensive actions. Sweden's military power was undermined, and in the Northern War there was a fracture in favor of Russia.

Captive Swedish generals give their swords Peter Great after the battle of Poltava

The Military Union of Saxony with Russia was again concluded. The Danish king also again opposed Sweden, and now, thanks to the authority acquired, Russia did not cost any cash subsidies, nor the parcel of the military contingent.

The advantage of Russians in the Poltava battle was so obvious that European monarchs were forced to admit this and get used to the new reality. And indeed, it seems incredible, but the Poltava battle ended 2 hours after the start. For example, the Great was going throughout the whole day (see).

Results of Poltava battle

The unconditional victory of the Russian troops led to the fact that the Swedish infantry ceased to exist along with military equipment. However, it is rightly noticed that the victory in the Poltava battle has not completed the war.

Some historians believe that the reason for this was too emotional reaction of the Russian emperor. Peter 1 ordered to chase the Swedes only at night, that is, last 10-12 hours after the end of the battle.

During this period, the enemy managed to move deep into, and Karl 12 himself, leaving his army, went in to persuade Sultan to go to Russia against Russia.

The Sampsonievsky church on the Poltava battlefield was built in honor of the Great Victory

Be that as it may, but the victory of the Russians over the Swedes in the Poltava battle was of great historical significance. It melted in his immortal creations not only

Poltava battle

Near Poltava, Ukraine

Decisive victory of the Russian army



Karl Gustav Renshild

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov

Forces side

Common forces:
26,000 Swedes (about 11,000 cavalry and 15,000 infantry), 1000 Valash Gusarov, 41 guns, about 2 thousand Cossacks
Total: about 37 000
Forces in the battle:
8270 Infantry, 7800 Dragun and Raitarov, 1000 Hussar, 4 guns
Did not participate in the battle: Cossacks

Common forces:
About 37,000 infantry (87 battalions), 23,700 cavalry (27 regiments and 5 shkvadronov), 102 guns
Total: about 60,000
Forces in the battle:
25,000 infantry, 9,000 dragoons, Cossacks and Kalmykov, another 3,000 Kalmykov came to the end of the battle
Garrison Poltava:
4200 infantry, 2000 Cossacks, 28 guns

Poltava battle - The largest battle of the Northern War between the Russian troops under the command of Peter I and the Swedish army of Charles XII. Held in the morning of June 27 (July 8), 1709 in 6 versts from the city of Poltava on the Ukrainian lands (Left Bank of the Dnieper). The decisive victory of the Russian army led to the Framer in the Northern War in favor of Russia and laid an end to the domination of Sweden as the main military force in Europe.

After the battle of Narva, 1700 Karl XII invaded Europe and the long war was unleashed with the participation of many states in which Karl XII army was able to move far to the south, won victory.

After Peter I dismantled from Karl XII part of the Livonia and founded a new city-fortress in St. Petersburg at the mouth of the Neva, Karl decided to attack Central Russia with the seizure of Moscow. During the campaign, it was decided to lead their army to Malorossee, whose hetman - Mazup - went to the side of Charles, but was not supported by the main mass of the Cossacks. By the time, when Karl's army approached Poltava, he lost to the third of the army, his rear was attacked by the lightweight Connection of Peter - Cossacks and Kalmyks, was injured before the battle itself. The battle of Carl was lost, and he fled to the Ottoman Empire.


In October 1708, Peter I became aware of the treason and transition to Karl Xii Hetman Mazepa, who led the negotiations with the king for quite a long time, promising him, in case of arrival in Ukraine, up to 50,000 Cossack troops, food and comfortable wintering. On October 28, 1708, Mazepa at the head of the Cossack detachment arrived at Karl's bid. It was this year that, by Peter I was amnestied and recalled from the reference (accused of betrayal on the navatami Mazepa) Ukrainian colonel Pali Semen (real name Gurko); Thus, the sovereign of Russia has enlisted the support of the Cossacks.

From the thousands of Ukrainian Cossacks (registered Cossacks, there were 30 thousand, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks - 10-12 thousand) Mazepés managed to lead only to 10 thousand people, about 3 thousand registry Cossacks and about 7 thousand Cossacks. But they soon began to scatter from the walking camp of the Swedish army. Such unreliable allies left for about 2 thousand, King Karl XII was afraid to use in battle, and therefore left them in the way.

In the spring of 1709 Karl XII, being with his army in Russia, decided to resume the attack on Moscow through Kharkov and Belgorod. The forces of his army decreased significantly and accounted for 35 thousand people. In an effort to create profitable prerequisites for the offensive, Karl decides to quickly master Poltava, located on the right bank of Vorskla.

April 30, the Swedish troops began the siege of Poltava. Under the leadership of Colonel A. S. Kelina, her garrison consisting of 4.2 thousand soldiers (Tver and Ustyugovsky soldiers' shelves and one battalion from three regiments - Perm, Apraksin and Fehendheim), 2 thousand Cossacks of the Poltava Cossack regiment (Colonel Ivan Levenz) and 2.6 thousand armed citizens successfully discouched a number of assaults. From April to June, the Swedes took 20 storms of Poltava and lost more than 6 thousand people under her walls. At the end of May, the main forces of the Russian army headed by Peter approached Poltava. They are located on the opposite of Poltava to the left bank of the Vorskla River. After on June 16, at the Military Council, Peter decided on the general battle, on the same day the advanced squad of the Russians forced Vorskla north of Poltava, the village of Petrovka, providing the possibility of crossing the entire army.

On June 19, the main forces of the Russian troops committed a march to crossing and the next day switched Vorskla. Peter I placed the army camp at the village Semenovka. On June 25, the Russian army was replicated even south, taking a position 5 kilometers from Poltava, the village of Yakovtsy. The total number of two armies impressed: the Russian army consisted of 60 thousand soldiers and 102 artillery guns. Karl XII has plenty of up to 37 thousand soldiers (including up to ten thousand Zaporozhye and Ukrainian Cossacks of the hetman Mazepa) and 41 tools (30 guns, 2 wards, 8 Mortira and 1 shotgun). Directly in Poltava battle participated fewer troops. From the Swedish side about 8,000 infantry (18 battalions), 7,800 cavalry and about 1,000 irregular cavalry, and from the Russian side there are about 25,000 infantrymen, some of which, even attending the field, did not participate in the battle. In addition, from the Russian side in battle, equal divisions of 9,000 soldiers and the Cossacks (including Ukrainian, loyal Peter) participated. From the Russian side, 73 artillery implements were involved in the battle against 4 Swedish. Charges for Swedish artillery were almost completely spent during the days of the siege of Poltava.

On June 26, the Russians began to build an advanced position. Ten flavors were erected, which took two battalions of the Belgorod Infantry Regiment of Colonel Savva Aigustov under the command of Lieutenant Colonelov Neklyudov and Nechaeva. Behind the Reduts were 17 cavalry regiments under the command of A. D. Menshikov.

Karl XII, having received information about the soon approach to the Russian large Kalmyk detachment, decided to attack the army of Peter before Kalmyki completely violate his communications. The resulting wound during reconnaissance on June 17, the king handed over the command of Field Marshal by K. G. Renshild, who received 20 thousand soldiers at his disposal. About 10 thousand people, including the Cossacks of Mazepa, remained in the camp under Poltava.

On the eve of the battle of Peter I, I traveled all the shelves. His brief patriotic appeals to soldiers and officers formed the basis of the famous order demanding from the warriors to beat not for Peter, but for "Russia and Russian piety ..."

Tried to raise the spirit of his army and Karl XII. Inspiring the soldiers, Karl announced that tomorrow they would have dinner in the Russian weapon, where they expect big mining.

Battle's move

Attack Swedes for Reduta

At two o'clock in the morning, on June 27, the Swedish infantry was held four columns from under Poltava, six equestrian columns followed it. To the dawn, the Swedes came out on the field before Russian Reduzzi. Prince Menshikov, holding up his dragoons in the battle order, moved towards the Swedes, wanting to meet them as early as possible and the time to win time to prepare for the battle of the main forces.

When the Swedes saw the defendants of Russian dragoons, their cavalry quickly slipped in the intervals between the columns of their infantry and rapidly rushed to the Russian Connection. To three o'clock in the morning before the redoubts, hot battle was already boiling. At first, the Swedish kirassira fastened Russian cavalry, but, quickly recovered, the Russian cavalry pushed the Swedes with repeated blows.

The Swedish cavalry retreated and infantry switched to the attack. The infantry tasks were as follows: One part of the infantry should be able to fully redoubts in the direction of the main camp of Russian troops, another part of Ross should have taken longitudinal redoubts, so as not to give the enemy to lead a destructive fire on the Swedish infantry, which moved to the fortified camp Russians. Swedes took the first and second advanced redoubts. Attacks on the third and other redoubts were repulsed.

The cruel stubborn battle lasted for more than an hour; During this time, the main forces of the Russians managed to prepare for battle, and therefore the Connection and defenders of the Raduts king Peter orders to move back to the main position near the fortified camp. However, Menshikov did not comply with the orders of the king and, dreaming to finish with the Swedes from the Reduts, continued the fight. Soon he was still forced to retreat.

Feldmarshal Renshild produced a regrouping of troops, seeking to bypass Russian redoubts on the left. After the seizure of the two Raduts, the Swedes attacked Cavalry Menshikov, but the Swedish cavalry made her retreat. According to Swedish historiography, Menshikov appealed to flight. However, the Swedish cavalry, obeying the common battle plan, did not develop success.

During the equestrian battle, six right-legged battalions of Ross general stormed the 8th Reduce, but they could not take it, having lost up to half of their personnel during attack. At the left-hand maneuver of the Swedish troops between them and Ross battalions, a gap was formed and the latter were lost. In an effort to find them, Renshild sent on their search for another 2 infantry battalion. However, Ross's troops were broken by Russian cavalry.

Meanwhile, Field Marshal Renshild, seeing the retreat of Russian cavalry and infantry, orders his infantry to break through the line of Russian fortifications. The order is immediately executed.

Having broken through the redoubts, the main part of the Swedes fell under a strong artillery and rifle fire from the Russian camp and moved to the Budyschensky Forest. About six o'clock in the morning, Peter brought the army from the camp and built it in two lines, having in the center of the infantry, on the left flank Cavalry Menshikov, and at the right - the cavalry of General R. H. Bower. The camp was left a reserve from nine infantry battalions. Renshild built the Swedes opposite the Russian army.

Decisive boy

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the remains of the Swedish infantry, the number of which was about 4 thousand people, built in one line, attacked the Russian infantry built into two lines of about 8 thousand each. At first, the opponents entered the firear battle, then began a hand-to-hand fight.

Inspired by the presence of the king, the right wing of the Swedish infantry was violently attacked the left flank of the Russian army. Under the Natius of the Swedes, the first line of Russian troops began to retreat. To the enemy, according to Englund, the Kazan, Pskov, Siberian, Moscow, Butyrsky and Novgorod shelves succumbed to Kazan, Pskovsky, Siberian, Moscow, Butyrsky and Novgorod regiments (advanced battalions of these regiments). In the front line of the Russian infantry, a dangerous gap of a combat order was formed: the Swedes of the T-shone attack "overturned" the 1st battalion of the Novgorod regiment. Tsar Peter I, I noticed this in time, took the 2nd battalion of the Novogorodsky regiment and headed him to be rushed into a dangerous place.

The Arrival of the king laid an end to the success of the Swedes and the order on the left flank was restored. At first two-beds under the onslaught of Russians, Swedes trembled.

The second line of the Russian infantry joined the first, intensifying the head on the enemy, and the thinner of the Swedes did not receive any reinforcements. The flanks of the Russian army embraced the combat order of the Swedes. Swedes are already tired of a tense battle.

Karl Xii tried to inspire his warriors and appeared in the place of the hottest bout. But the kernel broke the king's stretcher, and he fell. According to the ranks of the Swedish army with a lightning speed, the news of the death of the king swell. Among the Swedes began panic.

Waking up from falling, Karl XII orders to put himself on crossed peaks and raise high up to see everyone, but this measure did not help. Under the onslaught of Russian forces, the Swedes have lost a disorderly retreat, which turned to 11 o'clock in the present flight. The king's breathtaking almost managed to take out the battlefield, put in the carriage and send to the duct.

According to Englund, the most tragic fate awaited two battalions of the UPPAKAN regiment, which were surrounded and completely destroyed (several dozen left 700 people remained).

Losses of Party

Menshikov, having received the reinforcement by the 3-thousand Kalmyk cavalry, pursued the enemy to the passion on the shore of the Dnieper, where about 16 thousand Swedes were captured.

In the battle, the Swedes lost over 11 thousand soldiers. Russian losses amounted to 1345 people killed and 3290 wounded.


As a result of the Poltava battle, the Army King Charles XII was so bleeding that he could no longer lead active offensive actions. He himself managed to run and disappeared on the territory of the Ottoman Empire in Bendars. Sweden's military power was undermined, and in the Northern War there was a fracture in favor of Russia. During the Poltava battle, Peter, a tactic was involved, which is still mentioned in military schools. Shortly before the battle, Peter slept experienced soldiers in the form of young. Karl, knowing that the form of experienced fighters differs from the form of the young, he led his army on young fighters and fell into a trap.


The actions of Russian troops are shown since the attempt to liberate Poltava because of Vorskla and before the end of the Poltava battle.

Unfortunately, this most informative scheme cannot be placed here in connection with its dubious legal status - the original is published in the USSR with a total circulation of about 1,000,000 copies (!).

Memory of the event

  • At the site of the battle at the beginning of the 20th century, the Museum-Reserve "Field of Poltava Battle" is founded (now the National Museum-Reserve). The museum was built on its territory, the monuments of Peter I, the Russian and Swedish soldiers, in the place of the camp of Peter I, etc.
  • In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Poltava battle (held on the day of St. Self-Grain Self-Christian) in 1735 in Peterhof, the sculptural group "Samson, bursting down the mouth of the lion, created by the Carlo Rastrelli project was established. The lion was associated with Sweden, the coat of arms of which contains this heraldic beast.

Monuments in Poltava:

  • Monument of Glory
  • Monument at the rest of Peter I after the battle
  • Monument to Colonel Kelin and valiant defenders of Poltava.

On coins

In honor of the 300th anniversary of the Poltava battle, the Bank of Russia June 1, 2009 released the following commemorative coins from silver (only reverse):

In artistic literature

  • A.S. Pushkin, Poltava - in the novel "Poltava Peremoga" Oleg Kudrin (Nonkonformism Prize short list, "Independent Gazeta", Moscow) The event was considered, "replay" in the alternative history genre.


Documentary film

  • "Poltava Batalia. 300 years later. " - Russia, 2008

Art films

  • Servant sovereign (film)
  • Prayer about Hetman Mazepa (film)