PenzaInform - "He left the house on the flight, and alive was no longer returned." Tutorial "Collection of tasks for practical classes on the discipline" Russian about Caucasian hospitality and stereotypes

Death in the form of a wagon "Skania" overtook 33-year-old drivers of "Gazelle" at the 699th kilometer of the federal highway M-5 "Ural".

The first information about the accident appeared on Tuesday, May 15, on the website of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Penza region. The report indicates that on the same day at 10:20 pm on the console of the duty rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Gorodishchensky district received a message about a traffic accident.

To learn details, I called Anna Shupilova on the same day, the head of the information support group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Penza region.

"A collision of two vehicles occurred in the Gorodishchensky district," she told. - As a result of a road accident, unfortunately, there are victims. To eliminate the consequences of an accident from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Penza region, four people were attracted, one unit of technology. "

The next day, on May 16, more detailed information was indicated in the traffic police reports: "According to preliminary data, an accident with the participation of the GAZ-278858 car and the" Skania "car with a semi-trailer" Bong "occurred at the 699th kilometer of the Ural highway . To clarify these information, I contacted Yulia Kuligina, an inspector to promote traffic police traffic.

She said that, according to preliminary data, the driver of gas, a man, born in 1985, hit the "Squach". Four managed a older man, born in 1961. Injuries that the driver of the autofurgon turned out to be fatal. He died on the spot. Check.

This incident was actively discussed on the Internet. For example, on one of the public pages of the social network "Vkontakte", the eyewitnesses of the accident published a photo from the scene. In the course of personal correspondence, he told about what he saw, and provided a photo from the place of the tragedy.

Gazelle crashed into standing "Skania," said Igor Fedorov on May 16 (at the request of the interlocutor, the name is changed. - Approx. Auth). "I don't know how it happened, but there was no chance of the driver" Gazelle "."

In addition to eyewitnesses, the accident, there were those who knew the deceased man personally. So, for example, on May 17, I contacted Ludmila Laurea, a familiar mother of the dead.

"He was an excellent boyfriend, a caring son and a loving husband," a woman told about the driver of Gazelle. - We still can not believe what happened. Literally the day before the tragedy, I saw him, spoke to him. And here is misfortune. For his mother, this news has become a real blow. "

I also managed to chat with a friend of the deceased, also a driver.

"The deceased called Evgeny," said Vitaly Rybin (at the request of the interlocutor, the name was changed. - Approx. Aut.) During personal correspondence. - A very young else, 33 years old. A good responsive person, an excellent friend, neat driver. No one expected that it would happen to him. I am familiar with him for four years, also the driver. Evgeny himself from Penza, driving for more than 10 years, worked for himself. I left the flight from home and lived from there was not returned. He was only 33 years old. On his "Gazelle" himself earned his work. He had a wife, daughter. When the funeral is, we do not know yet. Everything is still shocked by what happened. "

Varvara Ustinova

Sergey Kozlov has already sent a trip to Armenia and nearby regions. Once he left the house with a camera, a tent and a backpack, having only 5,000 rubles in his pocket, and returned with a series of amazing portraits of residents of quiet Caucasian villages. Sergey shared his traveler life and spoke about filming portraits of the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

About photography-winner

By tradition, let's start with the photo of the winner. Tell us about a man with an infernal look that won the competition.

I also seemed interesting to me. It was my first trip, and, of course, one of the strongest impressions was a visit to the monastery choir Virap, where I made this picture. In the photo - not a carrier of religious san, he is a worker of the monastery complex.

Armenia, monastery choir Virap 2013 photo: Sergey Kozlov

- What is his mustache! Is it generally typical for those edges or is it one such original?

I have not seen such a mustache! Their owner probably became a local legend, and this is understandable - he has a textured appearance, very many tourists photographed it. Arriving to Armenia again in a year or two, I handed a man's imprint. It was necessary to see these emotions, he was very surprised. Probably, not many are brought to him photos.

- You specifically chose such a background, with mysterious figures?

This is the entrance to the church, just a column nearby; There was a very hot September day, strong shadows, and I, realizing that I had a little shooting time, chose a place with a suitable lighting, so as not to spoil the frame. I just asked this person to give me a little time for the photo. As soon as I did everything, he immediately went on his affairs. Unfortunately, it was not possible to talk, because he was doing some economic issues all the time. It was able to distract literally for a few minutes.

About regions and grandmothers

Armenia Noradus. 2013. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- For most people in photographs it is clear that they are not used to the camera. Do you somehow work with models?

Not. When the person's face is interested, I just come out and get acquainted; If you react friendly and acquaintance continues, then by talking photograph. But often the interlocutor, seeing the camera in front of him, makes a passport face and spreads his hands on the seams. Of course, nothing good comes out of this, so if possible, I try to receive some reaction from a person, and as long as I tell me something about yourself or ask questions, at this time I press the descent at this time. At the moments of the dialogue, when a person is distracted from the camera, and bright pictures are obtained.

I see the Caucasian Grandma in your photos of the superstitive view. I would never think that it can be photographed so easily.

I would not say that the snapshot was made easier. When I arrived in Noradus, there was a terrible autumn bad weather. She walked the strongest rain, the drooping wind blown the raincoat. For a walk in Nekropol, the weather is generally amazing, of course. And here I am under a lead sky and penetrating the wind I go to the medieval cemetery. The old chapel squeezes the door. I entered inside, and there the grandmothers knit mittens, the hats for sale and from bad weather are hiding in this broken chapel. I decided to join them to not stand in the cold too. At the same time, he glanced, as far as it turned out, with dim light inside. Later, right in the chapel, I put a tent, so that there was some kind of canopy from the rain, and began to prepare for the night. At that time two workers came running. Seeing the tent, they were very surprised and rushed to ask the Father, is it possible to invite a Russian tourist for the night. So I was called to the house. As a result, we met the family and the next morning together went for a walk. When tourists and grandmothers began to come again, I tried to tie a dialogue with them with the help of a local resident.

I asked to translate to Armenian that just looking for a textured face and could have a good portrait. I would have done a competitive shot ... It seems that it is not very convinced. There was a moment when I literally fled at one of them. If someone had shot me, jumping through the graveyard behind the surprising grandmother, then another question, who would be a steeper frame would turn out (laughs). In 2016, I returned and, taking this opportunity, handed over her photos through neighbors. The woman was sick at that moment and did not leave the house. But with another craftswoman, which he filmed behind knitting in the chapel, was lucky to meet again and donate photos in hand.

- And how did she respond?

Okay. Smiled, remembered.

- was delighted, took a photo?

Yes. And, after seeing the camera, kindly called me cholera.

Noradus 2016. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- That's how!

Yes, it happened in different ways. And not everywhere people photographed eagerly. For example, in Gyumri, it seemed to shoot me harder - the reaction to the camera was sometimes quite sharp. Some delicately spoke "no" or just unfolded and left.

- Grandmother's photo from Gyumri looks very friendly.

Yes, this grandmother very politely gave me to understand that I am not here to the place. I saw her near these old doors. It seems she waited for relatives from the store. In Russian, she understood not very good. I tried to communicate with the help of its Russian-speaking relatives who have already come to the point. And even made the frame five, after which I was extended not clear where the wald walnut had taken out, politely faded the handle and smoothly closed the door in front of my nose.

- Frames Nevertheless, you have done.

Yes, but so delicately to hell have not yet been sent.

Armenia. Yerevan. Market September 2014. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

About Caucasian hospitality and stereotypes

- Have you traveled to some kind of phototour? How much did they spend on the trip?

No, there was no photo. Most often I traveled one, mostly by hitchhiking. In advance, the route was interesting and would allow to meet in the allotted time. And already in place there was often a company. In the whole first trip, I spent five thousand in both ends, while three of them went on the road. I spent the night in a tent or at the locals who were often invited to themselves - in this regard Armenia is quite amazing. Somehow, in Karabakh, I went through the evening village, and a local resident came out of the first door, asked: "Tourist?" - "Yes, tourist. From Russia". - And, having remembered the autumn rains with a strong word, the owner immediately invited: "Let's go, do not sleep on the street ..."

Noraduus. 2016. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- And not scary with the technique, with backpacks of highways every time in the separation from civilization?

No, there is not scary at all. I also traveled to Nagorno-Karaba, and nothing bad happened. There was an indicative situation: I came to Stepanakert (the city in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. - Ed.), It was no longer the first day of the road, and the solitar backpack was tired by the shoulders. I went out of the bus, went to inspect the surroundings and recreed to the Publishing Bazarik (Caucasian Bazaar is a separate holiday in general). Someone from local old-timers, looking at me, said: "It's hard, probably? Leave a backpack here, no one will take. " Imagine: Leave a backpack somewhere at the Kazan station, for example.

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. This is a tramp. I liked his look - a gibby, thoughtful, looking into the space. I approached, asked permission, a glass of coffee was stretched in response. We made a few steps to the nearest street, sat down on the shop, talked, starred on the go. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- And you left?

Of course, I took money from it, documents, a camera ... and decided to believe a random acquaintance. A few hours later came back to this patch in the city center and found his backpack, who did not interest anyone for all this time. With understanding of his and someone else, everything is fine there.

- That is, stereotypes about sullen and evil mountaineers - pure fiction?

The so-called "unfavorable" regions, which are more often hearing, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia are not limited. This world is more long and, I think friendly. I communicated with the Dagestanis, and with Azerbaijanis, with many people during my single trips. The best impressions. Some open aggression never happened. Small troubles arose, but extremely rare, and everyone was solved quite easily. Many people living there were rejoiced by meeting live interest in themselves

Armenia, Areni, October 2014. The village of Arzni is known for its winery and an annual international wine festival. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. Road worker. Their brigade stood on the side of the road, people during the break were happy with the spring sun. I approached, asked permission to remove the portrait. Somewhat reluctantly, but he, nevertheless, agreed to make several pictures. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. Seeing a big company of players with sharp gestures and azart in the eyes, I could not pass by. They can last "lunch breaks" can last for hours, so I had time to shoot. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

The task of the path ratios s, time t and the speed of movement V:

S kilometers \u003d t hours * v kilometers per hour.

Kirill planned to get to work on time

Kirill drove on a scooter at a speed of 12 km / h to work in 5 minutes or 5/60 \u003d 1/12 hours before the meeting. That is, he planned to drive a distance of 12 km / h * 1/12 hours \u003d 1 km.

Actually kirill drove

  1. In reality, Kirill was not 5 minutes away, and 5 minutes before the meeting and another 7 minutes, for which he was late: 5 min + 7 min \u003d 12 min \u003d 12/60 h \u003d 1/5 hours.
  2. The distance that Kirill drove is actually: 12 km / h * 1/5 hours \u003d 2.4 km.
  3. The length of the path before Kirill thought about the pass and back to the house is all the distance he drove, for the exception of the distance from the house to work: 2.4 - 1 \u003d 1.4 km.
  4. Thus, Kirill drove until the first time he thought about the pass, half of the previous value: 1.4 / 2 \u003d 0.7 km.

Answer: The distance that Cyril drove to the time he thought about the pass, is 0.7 km.

Cyril speed in km / min:

12 km / h \u003d 12/60 \u003d 0.2 km / min.

Travel time from home to work for X, then time before the meeting of the X + 5 meeting.

In total, he was in the way:

x + 5 + 7 \u003d x + 12 minutes.

Distance to work: x * 0.2 km.

The distance that Cyril drove taking into account the return: (x + 12) * 0.2 km.

Find what distance Kirill drove to the place where I remembered the pass and back:

(x + 12) * 0.2 - 0.2x \u003d 0.2x + 2.4 - 0.2x \u003d 2.4 km.

And since the distances before the place where I remembered the pass and back are equal, then:

2.4 / 2 \u003d 1.2 km.

Answer: Kirill drove before the first time I thought about a pass of 1.2 km.

22 ... After all, his passion - balls, and he misses a single court boy. He went to the big ball in the new helmet. Have you seen new helmets? Very good, easier. Only it is ... No, you are listening. "Yes, I listen," Trying a shaggy towel, answered the Vronsky. - There is a great princess with some ambassador, there was a conversation on his new helmets on his trouble. Great Princess and wanted to show a new cascid ... see, our dove is worth it. (Petritsky presented how he stands with Kaza.) The Great Princess asked to file a helmet, - he does not give. What? Only he blinks, nodding, frowning. Feed. Does not give. Measure You can imagine ... Only this ... how it ... wants to already take from her hard hat ... does not give it! .. He snatched, gives the great princess. "This is a new one," says the Great Princess. Turn the helmet, and you can imagine, from there boil! Pear, candy, two pounds of sweets! .. He scored it, the rogue! Vronsky rolled with laughter. And for a long time, then, he already mentioned, he ordered his healthy laugh, exposing his strong solid teeth when he recalled the helmet. Having learned all the news, Vronsky with the help of Lacey dressed in the uniform and went to be. Waving, he intended to go to his brother, to Betsy and make several visits to start riding the world where he could meet Karenin. As always in St. Petersburg, he left the house in order not to return to late night. Part Two I at the end of winter in Shcherbatsky's house there was a concilium, which had to decide, in which position is KIT's health and what needs to be taken to restore it weakening forces. She was sick, and with the grab of spring health it became worse. The home doctor gave her fish oil, then iron, then the Lapis, but since neither one nor the other, nor the third helped and since he advised from the spring to leave abroad, then the famous doctor was invited. The famous doctor, not an old yet, a very handsome man, demanded inspection of the patient. He with a special assistance seemed to insist on the fact that the maiden women had only the rest of the barbarism and that there was nothing more natural, like that, so that the old man did not feel the young nude girl. He found it natural, because it did it every day and at the same time did not feel anything and did not think it seemed to him, bad, and therefore, he considered the girlfriend not only by the remainder of the barbarism, but also to the insult. It was necessary to submit, because, despite the fact that all the doctors studied in the same school, according to the same books, knew one science, and despite the fact that some said that this famous doctor was a bad donor, in The House of Princess and in her circle was recognized for some reason that this knowledgeable doctor one knows something special and one can save Kity. After attentive inspection and tapping the famous doctor, diligently washing his hands, stood in the living room and spoken the prince jumped with the prince, having listened to the doctor. He, as the most famous, not stupid and not a sick person, did not believe in medicine and was angry with all this comedy, especially since he could hardly alone, did not understand the cause of Kiti's disease. "That's empty," he thought, applying in thoughts this name from the hunting dictionary to the famous doctor and listening to his chatter about signs of daughter's disease. The doctor, meanwhile, with a pipe, held the expression of contempt for this old Barich and hardly descended to the lowland of his understanding. He understood that there was nothing to say with an old man and that the head in this house is a mother. Before it, he intended to scatter his beads. At this time, the princess entered the living room with a home doctor. The prince moved away, trying not to notice how it was funny to be all this comedy. The princess was confused and did not know what to do. She felt guilty to Kitty. "Well, the doctor, decide our fate," said Princess. - Speak me Sun °. - "Is there hope?" She wanted to say, but her lips trembled, and she could not speak out this question. - Well, doctor? .. - Now, the princess, I will talk with your colleague and then I will have the honor to prevent you with your opinion. - So we leave you? - As you wish. Princess, sighing, came out. When the doctors remained alone, the home doctor timidly began to express his opinion, which is that there is the beginning of the tuberculosis process, but ... etc. The famous doctor listened to him and in the middle of his speech looked at his large golden clock. "So," he said. - But ... the home doctor fell silent in the middle of speech - to determine how you know, the beginning of the tuberculosis process we do not mind; Before the appearance of Kavern there is nothing definite. But we can suspect. And the indication is: bad nutrition, nervous excitement and so on. It is worth it: if the tuberculosis process is suspicious, what needs to be done to support power? "But, because you know, moral, spiritual reasons always hide here, - with a thin smile allowed himself to insert a domestic doctor. "Yes, it goes without saying," answered the famous doctor, again looking at the clock. - to blame; What, is the Yauz Bridge delivered, or is it still circling around? - he asked. - BUT! Put. Yes, well, so I can be in twenty minutes. So we said that the question was so set: support food and fix nerves. One in connection with the other, you need to act on both sides of the circle. - But the trip abroad? - asked the home doctor. - I enemy trips abroad. And please see: if there is the beginning of the Tuberculosis process, which we cannot know, then the trip abroad will not help. Such a means must be supported and did not harm. And the famous doctor outlined its treatment plan by the Water Sodelski, when the purpose of which the main goal was obvious, was that they could not confine. The home doctor was carefully listened attentively. - But in favor of the trip abroad, I would change the change of habits, removing the conditions that cause memories. And then I want my mother, "he said. - BUT! Well, in this case, that, let them go; Just damage these German charlatans ... it is necessary to have listened ... well, so let go ride. He looked at the clock again. - ABOUT! It's time - and went to the door. The famous doctor declared princess (a sense of decency suggested this) that he needed to see once again the patient. - How! Once again inspecting! - Mother exclaimed with horror. - Oh no, I have some details, princess. - Welcome. And the mother, accompanied by the doctor, entered the living room to Kitty. Embumbling and ruddy, with a special shine in the eyes due to the suffering shame, Kity was standing in the middle of the room. When the doctor entered, she broke out, and her eyes filled with tears. All her illness and treatment seemed to her stupid, even a ridiculous thing! Its treatment seemed to her as funny as the compilation of pieces of broken vase. Her heart was broken. What do they want to treat her pills and powders? But it was impossible to insult the mother, especially since the mother considered himself to blame. "Break down to sit down, Princess," said the famous doctor. He sat down with a smile against her, took the pulse and again began to make boring questions. She answered him and suddenly, angry, got up. "Excuse me, doctor, but that's right, I will not lead to anything." You have the same three times the same asking. The famous doctor was not offended. "Painful irritation," he said the princess when Kiti came out. "However, I finished ... And the doctor before the princess, as a prettyly intelligent woman, scientifically defined the position of the princessed and concluded a push on how to drink those waters that were not needed. To the question, whether to go abroad, Dr. Ugly in thought, as if allowing a difficult question. The decision finally was outlined: to go and not believe the charlatans, but in everything to contact some. As if something fun happened after the departure of the doctor. Mother had hung up, returned to her daughter, and Kiti pretended that she had fun. She often, almost always, had to pretend now. - Law, I am healthy, Maman. But if you want to go, go! - She said and, trying to show what was interested in the upcoming trip, began to talk about cooking towards departure. II Following the doctor came dolly. She knew that this day should be a concilium, and despite the fact that she recently rose from childbirth (she gave birth to a girl at the end of winter), despite the fact that it had a lot of sorrow and worries, she leaving A breast child and a sick girl, he drove to learn about the fate of Kiti, which was solved now. - Well, what? - she said; Entering the living room and without removing hats. - You are all fun. Right, good? She was trying to tell what the doctor said, but it turned out that, although the doctor said very folded and for a long time, it was impossible to convey what he said. It was interesting only what was decided to go beyond the grade. Dolly unwittingly sighed. Her best friend, sister, leaving. And her life was not having fun. Relationships towards Stepana Arkadych after reconciliation were deepening. Spike made by Anna turned out to be fragudious, and family consent was again in the same place. There was nothing definite, but Stepana Arkadych was never almost at home, there was never so much money, and the suspicions of infidels constantly tormented Dolly, and she had already distilled them away from themselves, fearing the suffering of jealousy. The first explosion of jealousy, once experienced, could no longer be returned, and even the discovery of infidelity could not have to act like this, as the first time. Such a discovery now only would deprive her family habits, and she allowed himself to deceive, despising him and most of themselves for this weakness. Moreover, the care of a large family is inconspicuously tormented by her: then the feeding of a breast child did not go, then the nannik went, the way, with one of the children. - What, how are you? - asked mother. - Ah, Maman, you have a lot of grief. Lily got sick, and I'm afraid of Scarlatina. I now left to find out, and then Zasya is already idle, if, to save God, Scarlatina. The old prince after the departure of the doctor also left his office and, substituting his cheek Dolly and talking to her, turned to his wife: - How did you decide, go? Well, what do you want to do with me? "I think you stay, Alexander," the wife said. - As you wish. - Maman, why the dad do not go with us? - said Kitty. - And he is very much and us. The old prince got up and stroked the cat's hand. She raised her face and, forcibly smiling, looked at him. It always seemed that he was best in the family to understand her, although he spoke little with her. She was, as a smaller, Father's favorite, and it seemed to her that his love did his insightful to her. When her gaze now met now with his blue, the good eyes looking at her, it seemed to her that he had sees her and understands all that was not good that was done in it. She, blushing, reached for him, waiting for a kiss, but he only sang her hair and said: - These stupid shigns! To the real daughter and you will not get, but you caress the hair of dead women. Well, Dolignka, "he turned to the eldest daughter, - What is your trump card? "Nothing, dad," answered Dolly, realizing that it was about her husband. "Everything goes, I almost don't see him," she could not add a mockery smile. "Well, he didn't leave the village to sell?" - No, everything is going. "That's how!" Prince said. - So me to gather? I listen, with, he reigned to his wife, sitting down. - And you are what, Katya, - he added to a smaller

A lot of interesting characters arrived at the World Cup in Russia. Even Harold, hiding pain, has already managed to celebrate in the instagrams of our compatriots. Some of the fans flew on the plane, someone came by train or by car. And Argentine Juan Matias Amaya came to Moscow by bike. The path of 80 thousand kilometers took five years from him. And this is not the end.

The 33-year-old Matthias drove through 37 countries. If you meet it on the street, do not confuse with anyone: a bearded man on a bicycle, loaded with all sorts of all sorts and decorated with a huge number of flags of different countries. In 2013, Matthias left the Argentine City of San Juan and still continues to wheel in the world by bike.

Previously, Matthias worked in a pharmaceutical company. But at one fine moment discovered that he became too selfish and greedy to money.

"Not only I was dissatisfied with my work, I also felt emptiness inside. I was ready to exchange all the material benefits to live a full life, "he told Romeing in an interview.

At first, Matthias told relatives and friends, which leaves for 15 days. But after that time, he understood that this was not enough.

"At first they thought I was crazy, I leave everything to go on a journey. And now my family and friends thank me, because I share photos and videos, and they can learn more about other cultures. "

Matias says his journey is not easy. In an interview with, he said that he left the house with $ 200 in his pocket, stopped for overnight mainly in nature, he often helped him.

"I am not in that position to choose, so I eat everything. There were even ants, caterpillars and any other strange creatures. "

During the trip, Matthias came across a mass of difficulties: once he ended the water in the wilderness and two days he did not drink anything, slept on the streets of Europe in the winter, he was trying to grow several times and even wounded a knife. Many times Matthias thought about returning home, but continued to go.

And five years later and 80 thousand kilometers a cyclist came to Russia for the World Cup. Especially in Russia, Matias impressed the girls.

"In Russia, very beautiful women, they are very different from those who live in my city in Argentina. Our women have black hair and eyes. I like blue-eyed blondes. When I arrived in Russia, I almost fell from the bike! Everywhere blondes! For me here is paradise! " - told Matias in an interview with TV channel 360.

Russia is not the final point of his journey. But where he goes on, Matias has not yet decided.

"I had no concrete plan, I just wanted to leave home. I had to leave for 15 days, and five years have passed. I infirmly think about the future, I like to live in real. "

"I now have three options. The first is to go to the south of Russia, then to Turkey, drive from Istanbul to the Arab countries, then to India, Laos, Indonesia. After that, I can sit on the ship and sail towards Australia, stopping along the way on different islands. Then you can take a plane and fly to South Africa, and from there go to Qatar to just be there to the World Cup 2022. The second option is to go towards the Russian north, then in Finland, then turn the same as in the first version, go towards Africa and Qatar. Well, the third option is to return to Europe and live with people I already know to get better learn the local culture and habit. In general, I will decide! "