Relationship between me and you. Between heaven and you

Okay, - he discharged his finger and moved to the bed, - and what, we will now part because of the fact that everything went wrong how you dreamed of? - The look became annoyed, and I froze for a second.

This phrase knocked me out of the gauge. I did not expect him to ask a similar question in the forehead. No, I was not going to diverge, I just beat emotions across the edge, and I could not cope with them at the moment. But immediately the opposite thought burned consciousness, "it's really ready to let me go so just. How are all his words about love. Or it was done, only to drag me into bed. So I'm a fool, "the head thrown back and sobbed. We possess a vulnerable pride, and I wanted to hurt him, yes so that I could not breathe exactly. So much bad as I now.

And I did not meet with you, - threatening the chin, with contempt I threw in my face.

As you like, - rushed the nose, and Daren from anger, already blushed.

And what was it then between us? He glakedly, rounded his eyes. Fit closer, bending.

Nothing, "whispered loudly, poking the index finger," you forced me to everything, but I didn't have a way out, I just endured the instinct of self-preservation, "I bet on one breath and immediately covered my mouth, realizing that too severely selected.

He froze for a second, as if failed inside himself. The glance has become empty and rejected. A painful fold was performed on his forehead - apparently I got into the target, hurt for the living. He pulled away, and the lips nervously trembled.

I understood everything, "I exhaled hoarsely, and I noticed that he had a buoy on the lip. And the cheekbar has already become blue and slightly swell. - Want to be alone, be. I feel good for you, as you wish, - turned to my back and quick steps moved to the exit, - and I swallowed, it was worth stopping him, but the brain did not produce a single word.

The entrance behind it closed with a roar. And I clutched stronger in the blanket, as if it could hide me from trouble.

Why did I say so, - began to bite the cheek on the inside, - because it's not true, I like it. I am with him because I want this myself. Come on, - harmful fears inside. "It's not necessary to regret it, let him suffer, deserved," slowly pulled into the bathroom, but the legs were constantly confused in a long bedspread that bothered to go.

The loin was sick, but not as much as before. "Shower, you need to wash off the whole nightmare night." Everything went terrible, not at all as I imagined, "sighed disappointed and glanced at the door," no, he will not return, my poisoned boom arrows fell into a goal, "sighed.

Going to a spacious bathroom in beige-turquoise tones, I threw my cape on the floor, remaining completely naked. Blood droplets were baked on sleeve legs - evidence that today I said about my childhood, joined adult, complicated, badly, like a cloudy sky at sunrise, life.

Disappointed swallowing, I got up under a warm stream of water. Transparent large droplets beat on the skin, creating a massage effect, but it did not bring relief. Yes, why is so lousy, - I closed the eyelashes and leaned my back on the wall of the shower. "Here it is my" beautiful "reality," rubbed his face with his palm, brushing the hindering splashes, and picked up a lace sponge.

The gel for the soul of groin strawberries, and immediately associations emerged, as he fed me with berries at home. How eternally fired with my health. As I tried to please the gifts. "Whether I did it correctly or it simply exploded the nervous system, I don't know," a cool shampoo was poured into the palm and rubbed in long hair. Turning the hair into a wock confused, lifted up. "Why inside is so cold as if my soul left with him." As I approached this, I put my head under a hot jet of water. Soap paths ran along the face and neck, dissolving the remnants of his aroma on my skin. - How disgusting I feel: the body hurts, the heart hurts. All disgusting!

I turned off the shower and, open the sash, went out into the bathroom. Light towels lay folded on the shelf, I took two at once. One crushed around the wet body, the other threw on his head, building a chalm from him. - I even have no clean linen with me, lived, - Passed lips, - when and in my universe light will light? - lowered her eyes down, considering the eastern ornament on fine square tiles, and their long fingers on the feet. Nails are painted with black varnish - this is the color of my reality.

The hair was already dried, I took the towel from my head. Carefully collecting the terry fabric, lowered the basket next to the woven. Combing the tangled hair and picking up a blanket on the floor, went out into the dark room and was surprised. Fasting hands on the chest, the window was already dressed in shorts and a pensive darling t-shirt.

I was joined with your back at the door of the restroom, convulsively think where to rush in the case of anything. But he did not even frown in my appearance, just silent. At dusk, it was difficult to understand what kind of emotions on his face, in which he mood. After standing a couple of minutes in complete silence, I decided to speak first.

In fact, this is not only your room, - he moved into my direction, and I firmly hug my hands and frightened.

What he needs from me, he swallowed. But he, passed by me, pulled the handle to the restroom, from which I bounced aside. Disappeared in the bathroom, where the shower sound was heard in a minute.

I relaxally exhaled and talked the tongue, on my own stupid fears. It went to bed, and in the heart suddenly bloomed bright yellow dandelions of joy, from what he returned. "He's stronger than me, because when it hurts me, I make a step back, and he, no matter what, moves forward," smiled. - next to me stunning, strong, bold, wise man, - for a minute I was ashamed for my behavior, but only for a moment, while the "harmful Emma" in me again did not lose a thin offended voice that today we were trained as a rooted mare today, - And I went out again.

Sandra May.

Between heaven and you

Once upon a time there were three. Three girlfriends, three angels, three graces - Monica, Abigail and Jessica.

Black hair, blond curls, golden curls. The eyes of black night, the eyes are gray, blue eyes ... for every taste, so to speak. University students in Columbus could be lucky - if these three graces were not in mind that life without men was much more fun, rushing and easier than with them.

Then, a thousand years ago, they organized the "Vadilok Club" and the days were laughing, rejoicing with their wit. There was a lifetime ahead, the future seemed to be a huge rainbow ball, carrying to drag on the dazzling and blue skies ... well, something like this, in short, happiness without end and edge.

Monica washed off the first. Her groom was categorical and therefore, after six months, the acquaintance made an offer in all form. There was a wedding with all the affairs - relatives, children under their feet, the service in the church, confusion in the city hall, a wedding trip to Hawaii ...

They left Abby alone, in the sense of two. And just a week later it turned out that Abby was blocked by the Monica record. What there is half a year! Bangit Rocco Salvatore made an ebigeyl offer a week after the acquaintance, and I introduced them to, by the way, she is Jessica Parker!

True, at that moment she was sincerely sure that Rocco Salvatore was a gangster, and therefore recommended His Abby exclusively from a professional point of view, since the girlfriend just had problems associated with blackmail and different nasty things ...

In short, Rocco Salvatore was not a bandit, but a cop, in just a week, a quiet astronomical rat Ebigeyl Lauri managed to live extremely rich and diverse life, and the day before yesterday, during the wedding of Rocco and Abby, Jessica Parker received a bouquet on his head. That's all gratitude.

Jessica Parker stared at the mirror with a hard sigh in the mirror, thought and showed the reflection of the language. She never admitted to anyone in life that ... no, it is impossible ... but also silence too ...

She desperately envied her girlfriends! And really wanted to marry.

Rocco's wedding and Abby came out noisy, truly cheerful, truly Italian and very soulful. As a result, Jessica Parker, slightly run away the red homemade wine, hung on the eldest brother's brother, Luigi Salvatore, and sobbed by real tears, trying to explain to this beautiful man as herself and alone life of a natural blonde in our cruel world ...

Then an angel was in white, who turned out to be Ebby Lauri, or rather, already Salvatore, and he drove the witness to the ladies room - refresh. Jessica Parker was strictly setting for it is forbidden to drink from clay jugs, because there was a young young wine, knocking on the feet of even hefty men, not the fact that natural blondes. Then there were still dancing, toasts, very beautiful, but incomprehensible songs in Italian - and then Abby came out to the guests for the last time in a wound dress, turned to the audience with his back and he launched a hefty bouquet of white roses to his beloved space ...

Here you yourself try, at home, for example. Ask for you to throw at least a bouquet of violets - but with all the power. Pleasantly? Not really. And if the bouquet consists of thirty-five roses, tightly ripe with a pair tape, and throws his adult woman, not a dystrophic, from a distance of several meters, and even falls into the dark? ..

The only thing that Jessica Parker was capable of, even in a semis-resistant state, not to release a caught bouquet of hands. So it was taken under the white handles to the table in the gazebo and left in a tank in the tank.

After half an hour, Jessica had a vision. Through the green wall of the arbor, she was clearly visible the main table, the one followed by the newlyweds. So, it was that this table suddenly came up suddenly a high widespread pirate in a white tuxedo, took the cup with a dark-handed hand ... Ugh, a fueer with champagne, he threw him in the direction of the young - and immediately went somewhere. Jessica hurriedly climbed out of the gazebo, from excitement forgetting where the exit here, confused in the twigs, almost flick her eyes - in one word, missed the pirate, the ballad!

Pressing a disheveled bouquet to the chest, Jessica also raised from the guests from half an hour among the guests, trying to find Rocco and find out the name of the pirate, but joyful screams rang out, the ringing and crash, tied to the vehicle bampir, - and the young people have picked up The remaining farewell. Jessica's mood strengthened finally, and soon she slipped home, having taken a precious bouquet with him.

In - from ... And this morning she understood that he was very jealous of his friends. And wants to marry. And she is not for whom ...

Jessica Parker is a real blonde with blue eyes. It is medium height, she has a figurine of nymphs, clean skin, good education and a sharp mind. Jessica's parents work in Europe, and she is fully granted to themselves. For his thirty years she tried a lot of professions - from the nurse to Barmenshi - and at the moment he works at the Bar "Alessandro" waitress.

And this beautiful summer morning, Jessica Parker realized that her mood was disgusting, there were no strength, I don't want to see anyone - in general, it is necessary to unwind urgently.

And here you do not need to be particularly smart - in Ohio they do not grow strongly, while the islands in the warm and turquoise ocean are simply created for this. The Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the White Sand, lazily swaying with green feathers of beauty-palm trees and the shadows of handsome pirates in transparent and spicy air.

Jessica Parker did not like the phone of a well-known travel agency and dictated a pre-order. Hotel, bungalow, two weeks, Caribbean. Or Bahamas. You can both.

And let the whole world envy her!

Jessica. Reflections of blondes

If you think that absolutely all blondes are the fools, you do not need to read books at all. Because in the whole world classics, the heroine was most often blondes, and somehow nothing, it happened.

The fact that I am a blonde, I desires others and pleased the most about five years, counting from the day when, during my baptism, a lace glashy threw a lace slam and mumbling to my bald chopper, saved by golden moss. Then - five years of happiness without end, pink dresses, circulars and rushes, dollhouse size with one-room apartment economy-class, pink bicycle, pink skateboard, pink rollers, pink skiing ... ugh, nasty! By five years I'm tired of pink color - and who would not be tired! Childhood ended - as my trainer said in sports gymnastics, calling us, group of five-year-old preparations, in the gym.

Jessica Mikael Kaerven Gwendolen Moira Parker McFarlan is the complete name. There is one more, as my Irish grandmother Morwen says, is true. Guinnikarev. You will laugh - a white crow translated from Gael.

My Pateka is a purebred American, Michael Parker. Diplomat in the third generation. The second generation worked in the UK since the Second World War - in the sense, my grandfast, the kingdom of him

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Bagdasarova Olga Yuryevna
Between me and you ... Chapter 29. Rather!

Between me and you - glare.

Stay on the body of evidence.

Maybe the liberty is made in vain?

From under the feet eludes the earth.

"Let me go now," I inside all squeezed, not allowing me to enter me again. " "Quickly," snapped, karyabyaya novels, trying to turn out of his grip.

Cattle, I hate you, ah as hurt, - swallowed, you have so much squeezing the lips, left his forehead into bed.

"Everything, calmly," Darented from my thighs, retreating, "relax the muscles, you most like discomfort yourself," I threw an aggressive look into it, ready to strangle as a rabbit.

As soon as his hands disappeared from my body, I rolled forward and overturned on my side. In parallel, it began to pull the blanket to hide the naked body from the lustful monster.

- Oh, Yoy Yoy Yoy, - due, picking up his knees to the chest, hackering them with his palms. And inside all the tongs and the burda. So, it turns out that people are feeling, whom they are planted on the colon, - hanged, clutching his teeth in the pillow.

"Emma," Daren sank near the look full of sympathy. He began to stroke on the back. But it is only stronger with himself.

"Get away from me," stuck, connecting to the edges, dragging the covers. - Do not dare even touch. And generally turn away and do not look. In order to you, "the pillow moved and lowered her head, the palm began to climb the loose lower back.

- Cute, so everyone will come through. A pair of pills anesthetic and all, - his calm voice annoyed me.

Is the problem only in my physical sensations. Doesn't he understand anything at all? I am an animal for him to do so with me. Just like a dog, turned and fucked. I hate this bastard.

- Well, do not run away, I want to help, - it was closer. And the warm palm lay on the stomach, and it became a little easier. But I was not going to confess this, so I put it on, rested him in my chest, repulsed.

All he did now, I was unpleasant. I felt offended, humiliated and blurred. With me cost me as with a litter, brainless little animals, not a man, - I threw off his limb from myself and, snorted, tried to stand up on my feet, but my knees were shaking from the cut inside. I was leaned with my elbow about the sidewall of the bed, wrapped in the blanket, and slowly moved my paws, moved to the bathroom, because something hot and sticky fastened on my feet.

"Emma, \u200b\u200bstop to depict the victim from himself," he also rose and went after me, pulling boxers along the way. "After all, I asked you ... You asked you," he switched to elevated tones, angry. And I just demolished the roof from his words.

The painful past shock wave overwhelmed the mind. Fear, anger, resentment, impotence - all the feelings were filled with a snake tangle. This night has become the last drop of my patience. The hurricane inside me was twisted with the demonic strength and fell on the man who was near.

"Yes, you went," I shouted, turning out, squeezed out the fists. - All of you are the same men. You just need one. I am an inanimate subject, an insensitive doll. This is my first time, as you could have happened to me, - the lips trembled, and tears rod to the exit. But no, I will not allow myself to humiliate even more. "I went out," screamed, flew to him, pushed in the chest with force and immediately clung to the sliding blanket, which almost fell. "Get out of here, I can't see you," Darren's eyebrows questionfully crawled up, and the jaw dug. My behavior caused bewilderment and indignation in it.

"You caught what I'll go, it's not my home," the palm looted to the sides, and I tried to leave it once again on a bare chest, so he annoyed me.

"I don't care," it was rooted, with mad eyes, "Clean it from here," began to stick it out of the door. And do not care that he is in alone shorts, let it want, so twisted, the lover of Khrenov.

"Don't go crazy," I caught both my hands and, the powerfully placed them behind my back, squeezed by one hand, "I set up a storm in a glass of water," his nostrils swelled with indignation. - nothing special happened, you are not the first and not the last one who has lost their virginity. Just drink the medicine and sleep, hysteric, - began to push me to the bed.

Wow, - suffocated, - this is also an abnormal, goat, - flashed an evil look and tried to smear it with his foot, but he deftly dodged my manipulation.

"It hurts me," heathed outminded, trying to free up the squeezed wrists. He closed the eyelashes for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath. Biting the lip, looked guilty.

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm wrong," let go of his palm. Retreated, rubbing forehead. - I decided that so it would not be very painful and scary to you ... - I tried to hug me, but I like the caterpillar - deftly dodged. - Emma, \u200b\u200bplease, enjoy. I love you very much, "his hair was breathing five. "I really didn't want to offend you," I caught the palm again, attracting to myself. And I, taking the nose up, turned my head to the side, not wanting to look into his brazen face. - approached this process from the point of view of physiology, idiot. And now I understand that it is wrong. Well, let's not swear anymore, "the hand slid on my waist. "This is our first night, I wanted it to be unforgettable to you, but lately it fell on us, so it turned out all the cubarem," I kissed me into my hair, for which I frowned. - I hoped that the proximity would link us, and everything turned out, on the contrary, - in his voice flashed notes of despair, but they did not touch my heart.

"Let go," blocked, despite him. I began to break out again, Burlila's insult, not giving peace. "Just leave me alone," you are unpleasant, "I buried, wriggling. And he sighed disappointed.

"Okay," he broke his finger and moved to the bed, "and what, we will now part because of the fact that everything went wrong how you dreamed of?" - The look became annoyed, and I froze for a second.

This phrase knocked me out of the gauge. I did not expect him to ask a similar question in the forehead. No, I was not going to diverge, I just beat emotions across the edge, and I could not cope with them at the moment. But immediately the opposite thought burned consciousness, "it's really ready to let me go so just. How are all his words about love. Or it was done, only to drag me into bed. So I'm a fool, "the head thrown back and sobbed. We possess a vulnerable pride, and I wanted to hurt him, yes so that I could not breathe exactly. So much bad as I now.

"And I didn't meet with you," throwing a chin, she leaned with contempt.

As you like, - rushed the nose, and Daren from anger, already blushed.

- And what was it then between us? He glakedly, rounded his eyes. Fit closer, bending.

"Nothing," whispered loudly, poking the index finger, "you forced me to everything, and I didn't have a way out, I just endured the instinct of self-preservation," I bet on one breath and immediately covered my mouth, realizing that too severely selected .

He froze for a second, as if failed inside himself. The glance has become empty and rejected. A painful fold was performed on his forehead - apparently I got into the target, hurt for the living. He pulled away, and the lips nervously trembled.

"I understood everything," I exhaled hoarsely, and I noticed that he had a bleeding wound on the lip. And the cheekbar has already become blue and slightly swell. - Want to be alone, be. I feel good for you, as you wish, - turned to my back and quick steps moved to the exit, - and I swallowed, it was worth stopping him, but the brain did not produce a single word.

The entrance behind it closed with a roar. And I clutched stronger in the blanket, as if it could hide me from trouble.

Why did I say so, - began to bite the cheek on the inside, - because it's not true, I like it. I am with him because I want this myself. Come on, - harmful fears inside. "It's not necessary to regret it, let him suffer, deserved," slowly pulled into the bathroom, but the legs were constantly confused in a long bedspread that bothered to go.

The loin was sick, but not as much as before. "Shower, you need to wash off the whole nightmare night." Everything went terrible, not at all as I imagined, "sighed disappointed and glanced at the door," no, he will not return, my poisoned boom arrows fell into a goal, "sighed.

Going to a spacious bathroom in beige-turquoise tones, I threw my cape on the floor, remaining completely naked. Blood droplets were baked on sleeve legs - evidence that today I said about my childhood, joined adult, complicated, badly, like a cloudy sky at sunrise, life.

Disappointed swallowing, I got up under a warm stream of water. Transparent large droplets beat on the skin, creating a massage effect, but it did not bring relief. Yes, why is so lousy, - I closed the eyelashes and leaned my back on the wall of the shower. "Here it is my" beautiful "reality," rubbed his face with his palm, lookscing the hindering splashes, and picked up a lace sponge.

The gel for the soul of groin strawberries, and immediately associations emerged, as he fed me with berries at home. How eternally fired with my health. As I tried to please the gifts. "Whether I did it correctly or it simply exploded the nervous system, I don't know," a cool shampoo was poured into the palm and rubbed in long hair. Turning the hair into a wock confused, lifted up. "Why inside is so cold as if my soul left with him." As I approached this, I put my head under a hot jet of water. Soap paths ran along the face and neck, dissolving the remnants of his aroma on my skin. - How disgusting I feel: the body hurts, the heart hurts. All disgusting!

I turned off the shower and, open the sash, went out into the bathroom. Light towels lay folded on the shelf, I took two at once. One crushed around the wet body, the other threw on his head, building a chalm from him. - I even have no clean linen with me, lived, - Passed lips, - when and in my universe light will light? - lowered her eyes down, considering the eastern ornament on fine square tiles, and their long fingers on the feet. Nails are painted with black varnish - this is the color of my reality.

The hair was already dried, I took the towel from my head. Carefully collecting the terry fabric, lowered the basket next to the woven. Combing the tangled hair and picking up a blanket on the floor, went out into the dark room and was surprised. Fasting hands on the chest, the window was already dressed in shorts and a pensive darling t-shirt.

I was joined with your back at the door of the restroom, convulsively think where to rush in the case of anything. But he did not even frown in my appearance, just silent. At dusk, it was difficult to understand what kind of emotions on his face, in which he mood. After standing a couple of minutes in complete silence, I decided to speak first.

"Actually, this is not only your room," he moved into my direction, and I firmly hugged myself with my hands and frightened.

What he needs from me, he swallowed. But he, passed by me, pulled the handle to the restroom, from which I bounced aside. Disappeared in the bathroom, where the shower sound was heard in a minute.

I relaxally exhaled and talked the tongue, on my own stupid fears. It went to bed, and in the heart suddenly bloomed bright yellow dandelions of joy, from what he returned. "He's stronger than me, because when it hurts me, I make a step back, and he, no matter what, moves forward," smiled. - next to me stunning, strong, bold, wise man, - for a minute I was ashamed for my behavior, but only for a moment, while the "harmful Emma" in me again did not lose a thin offended voice that today we were trained as a rooted mare today, - And I went out again.

Having looked around the floor in the search for switches of panties and nightits, I noticed a jar with some pills and a small plastic bottle with non-carbonated water, and a huge bouquet of flowers, which barely placed on the locker. Breathing stopped, and his mouth enthusiastically opened, - the multicolored buds framed into the rustling grid were so beautiful that my hands themselves reached towards meet. I do not like cut flowers, I think that this is a killed nature. I prefer to enjoy the beauty in which a live soul is felt. But this gift for some reason caused such strong emotions in me, that I unwittingly grinning, took a bouquet in the palm of the hand. Such a delicious fragrance from it scattered on the bedroom, which wanted to just splash a couple of petals and chew. And I almost succumbed to a pernicious impulse.

But then the water stopped in the bathroom, and I strained. It is afraid of thumping a beam back to the end, and almost knocking out the rest of the items, picked up the underwear and pulled out in the blink. With a swing flew into bed. Touching on the ears, turned to Daren back. Pretended to have long sailed to the country of dreams.

The restroom's door was opened, and at that moment the bouquet with noise rumbled into the floor. The wings of buds scattered in different directions, and some thin stems broke. I upset the lips pursed, but continued to silent the sleeping princess. And Daren grunted loudly, apparently decided that I threw flowers.

He went to bed and also climbed under the blanket, which caused a splash of indignation in me. "I am not clear to him to tell him - I don't want to see anymore," I poured like a mouse on the croup.

- Emma, \u200b\u200bdrink a pill, "there was a domineering voice behind his back," I know that you are not sleeping, "oh, as this statement I was outraged, I wanted to turn around and reckon to him with a fear," what a subordinate to talk to me in such a tone . Let it be suppressed by his pills, "his teeth shred out, depicting the attached lan. For truth, even looked smoothly with lips.

- Yes, you went, - jumped out, and, nervously spinning a bubble, two pills puffed out. The eyebrow viciously, threw them into his mouth and washed with liquid.

"Satisfied," I said, turning out, and Daren lazily opened one eye.

"It comes down," grunted and again shut the eyelashes again.

And I am already blushing from anger. "The goat, who he imagined himself, Padishah unfinished," sat down, crossed his hands on his chest, and aggressively threw the "torch."

- You did not hear what I said. I will not sleep next to you. Leave, - Rounded through the teeth, and the hands were already scolding to wander it on a bare back, but he didn't even lend an eye that I was born. "Get up," she rested in his palms in the side, she was staring to shove him off his bed, and Daren raised sharply.

"Stop it to arrange a circus, a focus," turned to my face, and I slightly frightened and reassigned my limbs from him. "We swear with you or not, we will still sleep together, I said," I raised his eyebrows questioningly and went out, not wanting to take such a state of affairs, and he again lay down.

"Emma, \u200b\u200bsleep," Suddenly, his palm clung to my wrist, he pulled me on himself, laying on his chest. I really wanted to sweep. But this wonderful, familiar fragrance of black currant, knocked me off. Control with warm skin, treacherously surrendered by the running goosers along the spine. And I, hopping my breath froze. "Why he has such a strong power over my body," he was offended by himself. And he hugged me tightly.

"I know that I constantly press you and forcing everything," said quietly, and I calmed down. "But then I will still do that way, like not an ori on me," began to stroke through the hair. And I, contrary to common sense, it became so easy and calm inside. - I already told you - you are mine. I will never let you go and give you anyone. Throat overload to anyone who will encroacitate mine, - walked on his fingers on the shoulder, and I relaxedly covered your eyes, taking a simple affection. Madly wanted to sleep, the body is tired of constantly to be on the check, fight. In his arms, I felt protected and oddly free. "You yourself don't know what you need, so I will decide for us for us," she touched his lips to my forehead, and I, turning on my side, hugged him with his hand for the stomach and buried his nose into the neck.

It got angry, I just want to sleep like that in his arms, but with the rest I'll figure it out tomorrow, - coughed, having arranged more comfortably, because the loan was still lying.

- Painfully? - Darefaced to me under the back an air blanket, helping to take a suitable position.

- Yeah, - waved his head, I almost already drown.

"I also hurt from your words," whispered in my hair, and I swallowed, "so in the calculation," it fell silent, and I stopped breathing, "it really truth," she glanced and bit his tongue. "And that's all I did," the phone was blocked on the cabinet next to him, voicing the arrival of SMS, and I quickly drove, "who is it in the middle of the night?"


The chapter has not yet been edited!