Separating sheep from goats is important. "Biological" idioms

Separate the sheep from the goats

Separate the sheep from the goats

From the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew (ch. 25, v. 31-33): “When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the holy Angels with Him, then he will sit on the throne of His glory, and all nations will be gathered before Him; and he will separate one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and he will put the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left. "

Latin version of the phrase: Ab haedis segregare oves [ab haedis segregare oves].

Allegorically: to separate the good from the bad, the unfit, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what "Separate sheep from goats" is in other dictionaries:

    separate the sheep from the goats - A noun; 96 lawsuit see Appendix II (book to separate good from bad) ... Dictionary of Russian stresses

    Divide, draw a line, divide, delimit, differentiate, separate, separate sheep from goats, define boundaries, distinguish Dictionary of Russian synonyms. demarcate to draw the line between what, divide, delimit, differentiate; ... ... Synonym dictionary

    goat - and a goat. In the old phraseological expression goat, genus. pl. goats. Separate sheep from goats (separate good from bad). In meaning. "Increase. to "goat" "goat, genus. pl. goats ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    To delimit, dismember, delimit, divide, draw a line, separate sheep from goats, separate sheep from goats, draw a line, distinguish, dismember, divide, distinguish, delimit, find a derivative Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. Goat, goat, many others. goats, goats, husband. increase. destroy. goat1 Old goat. 2. Goat, goat, many others. goats, goats, husband. (church and book. obsolete.). Same as goat 1. Separate the sheep from the goats (say from the Gospel expression about ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    GOAT, a, cf .: to separate the sheep from the goats (obsolete book) to separate the good from the bad. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Divide, distribute; dismember, smash, crush; sever, disunite, sawed, seated, chopped, chopped, chopped, cut, severed, graded, chopped, chopped, chopped, chopped, chopped, grated, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    See share ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. delimit delimit, define boundaries, divide, draw a line, distinguish, differentiate; separate, separate ... ... Synonym dictionary

    SHEEP, sheep, pl. sheep, sheep, sheep, wives. A female ram. "Rotten apple injures its neighbors." (last) Separate the sheep from the goats (see the goat). ❖ The lost sheep (rhetorician) about a dissolute person who has gone astray (from the biblical image of a sheep, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Separate the sheep from the goats (outdated book) - to separate the good from the bad. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, "Goat")

Separate the sheep from the goats - a saying from the gospel expression about the separation of the righteous from sinners at the "last judgment". (Explanatory dictionary (1935 - 1940), "Goat")

Kozlische - Male goat. (Explanatory dictionary (1935 - 1940))

Expression from the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25), Jesus said:

"Matthew 25:31 When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy Angels with Him, then he will sit on the throne of His glory,
Matthew 25:32 and all nations will gather before Him; and will separate one from another, as a shepherd separates sheep from goats;
Matthew 25:33 and will put the sheep on His right side, and the goats on His left.
Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those who are on His right hand: Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Matthew 25:35 for I was hungry, and you gave me food; thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in;
Matthew 25:36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to me.
Matthew 25:37 Then the righteous will answer Him: Lord! when did we see you hungry and feed you? or thirsty and made drunk?
Matthew 25:38 when did we see you a stranger and welcome you in? or naked and clothed?
Matthew 25:39 when did we see you sick, or in prison, and came to you?
Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer them: Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.
Matthew 25:41 Then he will say to those on the left side: Depart from Me, you accursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:42 for I was hungry, and you did not give me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink;
Matthew 25:43 was a stranger and did not receive me; I was naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick and in prison, and they did not visit me.
Matthew 25:44 Then they will say to Him in response: Lord! when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve you?
Matthew 25:45 Then he will answer them: Truly, I say to you, since you did not do this to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.
Matthew 25:46 And these will go away into eternal torment, but the righteous into eternal life. "

Separate sheep from goats in foreign languages

The phrase "To separate the sheep from the goats" is also quoted in Latin - Ab haedis segregare oves (ab ghedis segregare oves).

The expression is also used in English - separate the sheep from the goats. It is listed in the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer, 1992.

Examples of

(1905 - 1984)

"Quiet Don" (1925 - 1940), book. 2, part 4 chap. 11 - about the Cossacks and officers:

"The revolution is like divided us into sheep and goatsour interests seem to diverge. "

(1853 - 1921)

“” (1885), I. Ruins - about how old Janusz left his entourage in an abandoned castle and drove out other beggars:

"It was Janusz who sorted the population of the ruins, separating sheep from goats... The sheep, still in the castle, helped Janush drive out the unfortunate goats, who resisted, showing desperate, but useless resistance "


One of the most mysterious passages in the Old Testament is the sixth chapter of Genesis. She talks about how in ancient times the "philius" descended to Earth: "When people began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them, then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as wives, which one chose ". The animal bliss of earthly primordial mankind ended and the Game began. The Book of Enoch, found in Qumran, also tells about this:

“When people multiplied, and daughters who were prominent and beautiful in face began to be born to them, the angels, the Sons of Heaven, seeing them, inflamed with love for them and said: 'Come, let us choose wives from the daughters of men and make children with them.' They took wives for themselves, each according to their choice, they went in and lived with them and taught them magic, spells and the use of roots and herbs. In addition, Azazel taught people how to make swords, shields, and shells; he also taught them to make mirrors, bracelets and jewelry, as well as the use of blush, eyebrow tinting, the use of precious stones of graceful appearance and color, so that the world was completely transformed ... ”.

Everything converges: Bulgakov's Azazello Woland - the owner of "elegant gems" - in the next edition of the novel passed his name on to the bodyguard. Azazello gives Margarita a magical herbal cosmetics, and in the last chapter we see him in steel armor. In order for an intelligent reader to pay attention to the Book of Enoch, Bulgakov gives the signs of this patriarch: a foreigner appears at the Patriarch's, approaches the writers and compiles Berlioz's horoscope. It was Enoch who was considered the creator of writing and astrology. He was taken to heaven alive and received a special pen - "greyhound cane" - for writing the history of mankind. Compare: "foreign historian" "... carried a cane with a black knob in the form of a poodle's head"!

"It's time, it's time!" - this is the title of the chapter in which Margarita and her lover leave their basement. It's time for the "Sons of Heaven" and "daughters of men" to return. “The one who loves should share the fate of the one he loves,” says Woland.

Jesus told parables about grains and tares, about lambs and goats, about the first and the last ... “Do you think that I came to give peace to the earth? - He asked his disciples. And he himself answered: "No, I tell you, but division." The same can be read in one of the scrolls of Khirbet Qumran: "Jesus said: Perhaps people think that I have come to give the world peace, and they do not know that I have come to throw divisions, fire, sword, war on the earth." Everything is simple and clear: the horrors of the last twenty centuries have been something like a vibrator that expels air bubbles from concrete.

“Humanity will be divided into two unequal parts according to a parameter unknown to us,” wrote the Strugatskys in “Waves…”, “and the smaller part will forcefully and forever overtake the larger one. The schism is also spoken of in "Burdened with Evil": "But this is the main thing, is it really not clear - the optimal choice! Maximum survival of goats with minimum of lambs! " And in "Lame Destiny" super-genius "biting midges" leave the Earth - ugly ducklings who have become swans ... Open the third chapter of "The Twelve Chairs" - on the page where Father Fyodor sends for a duck cap and takes books out of his travel box. Between "Russian Pilgrim" and "Russian in Italy" the "History of the Schism" is mentioned!

Humanity is a living staircase along which higher beings descend and ascend - rise from dust and turn into dust. Progressors differ from Conservatives in only one thing: they move into the past. In this ascent, they are helped by personal Saviors - Woland, Drud, Rumata, Vecherovsky, but only correctly understood, without literary makeup. “We are not people at all,” says the chief “people” of the Strugatskikhs. "Don't be confused by the fact that we are born of people and of people." Leonid Leonov made a courageous attempt to tell about the incarnation of the "Filius". He explains that creatures like the "key" Dymkov "... when descending to the lower floors, they spontaneously change their extremely rarefied frame-cyclopean structure, built of stormy showers of ultrashort radiation, a gigantic tension of dark cosmic masses gravitating at an outrageous speed, free stellar winds and not yet disclosed by scientists, hormonal breaths generally from somewhere outside on the local, more modest, just atomic engineering structure. Hence, concentrating on earthly dimensions, galactic longevity acquires the semblance of immortality, and a commensurately compacted creative potential becomes a gift of miracles. But the very appearance of the newcomers from there remains the same standard - once and for all the tested gene that encodes their essence and form will be the same everywhere, which is why, when moving into terrestrial parameters, the local giants become indistinguishable from people. "

Jesus found the one who was Moses fifteen centuries ago and became the fisherman Simon. The teacher named him Peter, and this name began to awaken the dormant memory of the stone tablets, on which were written the simple and understandable terms of His agreement with one of the human tribes. Having lived through several more incarnations, Moses realized what the Master's words about the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven meant, and began to look for other "philius" - rare pearls in the mountain of oysters. At the same time, he himself must return to the past - along the steps of lives, each of which takes the Player into the future. You have to run upstairs faster than this escalator is moving - and the awakened "philiuses" speed up the story as much as possible. That is why Bartini's film story "The Chain" begins in the future and continues in the distant past - with the miraculous birth of Ra-Mega. He is a ray of a star incarnated in a man. The tribe admired the giant's strength and agility, but feared him. Feels his "uglyness and Ra-Meg himself" Among you I was lonely, but I loved you. "A visitor from the future mines ore, smelts metal, builds a pile settlement on the river and dreams of returning to the past -" stand aside, next to this the world in order to walk along it from end to end and collect there fresh flowers of the past centuries. "He says:" Return in time must be associated with the return to the place of the event. "

Peel off like sticky

ABOUT clean robbed man They will say: “They ripped off like sticky! They did not leave anything - it’s good at least he himself remained alive ”. Why did the linden tree become a symbol of such misfortune?

The inner fibrous part of the linden bark is called bast. Bast shoes, boxes, baskets were woven from it, so a lot of bast was required on the farm. That is why it was the linden trees, young ones, who had to suffer: they were literally ripped off in order to extract bast from the torn bark. A sad sight must have been these sticky ones! One will reluctantly rejoice that such a barbaric method of procurement of raw materials is no longer needed by man.

Separating sheep from goats

This expression means to separate the bad from the good, the harmful from the useful. Sheep in ancient times were considered clean, beneficial animals, and goats - unclean. Therefore, the Gospel parable about the judgment of the nations becomes understandable, from where this expression came to us: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the holy Angels with Him, then he will sit on the throne of His glory, and all nations will gather before Him, and separate some from others, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. "

A similar expression - separate the wheat from the chaff (weed) - also came from the Bible.

The first swallow

There are two expressions with almost opposite meaning, in which the swallow is mentioned: the phraseological unit "the first swallow" and the proverb "One swallow does not make spring." In both cases, the swallow is the messenger of spring. But the first expression is always pronounced with hope: after all, we are given a sign that something good and joyful is approaching. And the second one sounds rather skeptical: “Yes, of course, a swallow like a swallow, but is it worth being gullible and unnecessarily hasty? It is too early to judge the renewal by the first timid signs. "

So, hope and faith on the one hand, and discreet wisdom on the other. What's better? It's up to you to choose.

Under the fly

There are many expressive words and expressions used to denote drunk person. One of them is to be under the fly. How is this insect related to strong drinks?

This turnover reflected the previously widespread ideas about the corruption that evil people can send. It was believed that spoilage is often allowed on livestock - and then the animal begins to behave very restlessly. They can say about him: "Bzik found!" Bzik is a horsefly, a gadfly (listen to the sound of this word - it reminds of an insect itching over the ear). People believed that it was with the help of insects that they sent damage. It is easy to understand why such a notion has arisen: when freaks (gadflies, flies) curl around an animal, sting it, it really becomes slightly possessed.

So a drunk person behaves as if he was also bitten by a fly (or some other quirk).

Add a pig

This expression means to do someone on the sly nasty, to set up a nuisance. Most likely, it is associated with religious prohibitions on eating pork. For example, the Koran does not allow pork professing Islam to eat: a pig is an unclean animal. If such people secretly put pork in their food, then their faith was defiled.

It is curious that in the German language there is an expression "he has a pig", which has the opposite meaning: it means that a person is lucky.

Reap laurels

So they say about a man who enjoys the results of successful work. The verb to reap is related to the verb to reap in agricultural meaning - to harvest, to cut the ears. There is such an expression: reap the benefits... Its origin is clear (the harvest is the fruit) - but what does it mean to reap the laurels?

Laurel is a southern plant. Earlier, in Greece and Rome, winners were crowned with a laurel wreath (from the word laurel, by the way, the word laureate arose). So, the expression to reap the laurels has nothing to do with the harvest: it means deservedly, after many labors, to achieve a laurel wreath, that is, recognition, and possibly awards.

Show where crayfish hibernate

So express a serious threat. This turnover is believed to be associated with serfdom. Many landowners left their estates for the cities for the winter. At dinner parties, they required crayfish, among other delicacies. Gourmets said that crayfish are really tasty only in those months, the names of which contain the first letter of the word crayfish - "r", that is, from September to April. But it is at this time that it is difficult to catch crayfish: the water is cold, the crayfish hide - hibernate - in holes, from where it is very difficult to get them.

Now it is clear why the expression "I'll show you where the crayfish winter!" has become a real threat. It meant: "I will send you to catch crayfish in winter!" Worse, perhaps, just to look for snowdrops before the New Year.

Hit the bull's eye

It may seem to you that hitting the bull's-eye is easy - especially for someone who has learned to hit the mark. After all, even the smallest apple is a much more visible target than a dot.

However, the Swiss peasant, Wilhelm Tell, most likely did not think so. The cruel Austrian governor ordered him to shoot at the apple that his own son was holding on his head. Father and son were punished for not saluting ... the tyrant viceroy's hat, installed on the city square. Wilhelm Tell had to shoot - and he hit the very center of the apple. And he shot the next arrow right into the heart of the governor. The peasants, supporting Tell, raised an uprising against the Austrian conquerors.

So Wilhelm Tell became a legend, and many languages \u200b\u200bof the world were enriched with a figurative expression to hit the bull's-eye.

Get caught like chickens in cabbage soup

About the man who contrived unexpectedly get into an extremely unpleasant situation , we can say that he got like chicken in the cabbage soup. This expression has many interpretations. The hens are the rooster. This means that we are talking about a rooster slaughtered for cooking cabbage soup. However, it is quite possible that no cabbage soup is mentioned here: cabbage soup comes from a pinch - the word meant a special trap for game. There is a third opinion: the phraseological unit sounded like this before: hit like chickens (that is, feathers are plucked from a rooster before cooking).

Simpler than a steamed turnip

Try now to find turnips on store shelves among overseas fruits and vegetables, which, judging by the phraseological unit, is simpler. You will not find it!

And before that it was not like that. Before the appearance of potatoes in Russia, turnip was the most common vegetable. It was grown and eaten everywhere.

especially loved steamed turnips. She was preparing it just couldn't be easier: in a closed clay pot, turnips were placed in a Russian oven, and there it was baked, steamed in its own juice.