She does painfully differently. How to make a person understand what he did to hurt you? Let him see you hurt

- comic-meme from the series "Cyanide and Happiness", in which two people are discussing Doberman. The owner says that the dog "does painfully differently", and she begins to talk offensive or offensive things.


Comic with Doberman first appeared on May 18, 2015 in the series "Cyanide and Happiness" (Cyanide and Happiness). In the original, the guy asks the owner of the dog, does she bite? "Do not worry, her bite is much worse than bites," answers the interlocutor. On the following frames, Doberman bites a man, and it gives him a lot of pain. But then the dog begins to bark, which leads to a much worse result.

In November 2015, the first parody of the comic, in which Doberman, instead of the usual Lai, pronounces offensive words, from which a person bursts half the body.

Only a year later, in October 2016, the meme got to the Reddit and became popular. There comics have cut up to four panels, and phrases changed. It turned out an option in which a person asks whether the dog bites what they answer: "No, but it hurts otherwise" (No, But He Can Hurt You in Oter Ways).

In this form, the meme began to spread over the network and soon reached the Runet.


Mem "She bites?" Or "she does painfully differently" in ironic form shows offensive and offensive phrases that can harm a person stronger than the usual bite.

- "All in the Family" Single Korn C album "Follow The Leader" released 1998 Format ... Wikipedia

See exciting, offend ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Touch ... Synonym dictionary

Touch, offend, hurt, insult, dismissed dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Insult, touching, touching to upset; attack, prick, yelve; hurt, divorce, bypass; cause trouble. He sank me bitterly. There is no living from him (not), he cuts me with a blunt knife, slaughtered without a knife. Touch (lump, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Touching, to be offended, hurt, insult, offend the dictionary of Russian synonyms. Disquires see to offend the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

Soul - simple. Expres Deliberately or inadvertently to do with someone either, touching in the conversation that unpleasant to the interlocutor; Upset, cause mental pain. In the look of this, the pain for lagging farms was mixed, for these silence centners, small ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

- "All in The Family" Single Korn from Album Follow The Leader released 1998 CD Format ... Wikipedia

From under the stick - do that l. For coercion, under the fear of punishment. It is understood that the face, a group of persons (x), not wanting to fulfill their duties or whose l. Task, forced to do it. Speaks with disapproval. Neform. ✦ x does that l. From under the stick. Nearby ... ... ...

From the lantern - do that l. Without any reason, without an understanding of the creature of the case. It is in mind that the person, the group of persons (x) does not consider it a good to understand what l. Affairs, in the essence of which l. Problems; refers to the solution of which l. Question ... ... Russian Language Phrase


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  • Ours, Parhomenko Alexander Vladimirovich. Parhomenko Alexander Vladimirovich, an employee of the research institute of shipbuilding and weapons, captain of the 2nd rank of stock. In 1985, at the age of 14, he entered ...

You may have to learn how to make someone feel guilty to give a person to understand that he actually did. This is how to make it efficiently.

Many people will tell you that it is wrong to try to make someone feel frustrated or guilty. Truth? Not at all, if you need a person to understand your feelings. The only way to do it is to find out how to make someone feel guilty.

If a person is still and he simply enjoys life, he will still continue to act in the same way. He may hurt you again or harm someone else. If you want him to find out how it hurts, show it.

The feeling of guilt is a very strong emotion, if a person, of course, feels it

Many people ignore the guilt. They do not want to recognize what they did something wrong. They simply do not pay attention to it, even forget about it after, if nobody recalls them. But people are very important to feel.

Because the feeling of guilt can teach lessons. The more the person is experiencing about this, the more he realizes what she did. And those who ignore the feeling of guilt often repeat the same mistakes, only with each time their "poles" are manifested by a more ugly and more "toxic" way.

How to make someone feel guilty to realize everything

It is necessary to make a person to feel guilty. But what can hurt you even stronger, so this is when a person is absolutely anyway. This is often the result of his ignorance. If you really want someone to feel guilty, that's how to do it.

Determine your feeling

You can't shout about pain if you yourself do not understand how much it hurts you. Are you talking? Offended? Want to hurt this person?

You really need to think about emotions that pose in your head so that you can accurately determine what they represent themselves. As soon as you recognize them, you can argue about why this man made you feel so. Only then can you work on force it to feel guilty.

Take time to make a plan

You cannot approach someone and start shouting about how hurt you hurt. It almost never works and ends with what you look like a crazy. And you really think that a person will feel guilty when he shouts about it in the face?

Not. You must spend some time to make a plan of action first. Sit down and better think about how to attract the attention of this person to be able to talk to them about important things. Realizing how you feel and what you want to say, you can proceed to the next step.

Present arguments

Just do it, but not aggressively. A person will begin to feel guilty when you tell him about his pain. No one wants to admit that he was upset by someone. And therefore he will avoid you if you begin to push the charges.

Instead, make sure that you are in calm condition and you can talk about things civilized. Even if you are really angry in the depths of the soul, try to look nice and adequately, so that you can really hook a person before it starts defending.

Make a person to feel involvement in the situation

Often, people do not feel guilty because they cannot understand what their fault. This misunderstanding arises due to the fact that they consider themselves not involved in what hurts you. In order to fix it, you must talk to them so that they can understand everything.

Therefore, explain the situation is available, understandable. The analogies are well suited for this, as you draw the same situation in the new light. So a person will be clearer.

Let him see you hurt

It is quite normal to show your pain. You do not need to force yourself to hide it. If you want to cry, then cry. Show a man, what pain he caused you.

However, control yourself so that he does not think that you are very dramatic. An attempt to hide how you feel in fact, make a person think that you are deceiving. And all the stories about how hurt you will be perceived as farce.

Attract his attention to yourself

It is not always helpful to indulge dramaturgy, but some people need it. Sometimes you literally need to go crazy to attract the attention of the offender. So arrange a show. If you failed to reach it to it in another way, it may be your only option.

As soon as you realize that they attracted his attention, slow down the turnover. Try to make him understand what you are clone. Otherwise, he will just get angry and refuses you to listen.

Contact him, respectively

It was hurt. The man did something bad to hurt you, and you should treat it accordingly. You can even then not talk to him. Contact him as if he did something terrible, and you don't like it.

Avoid it and even insult if you need. Some people need this kind of "treatment", otherwise they will not understand how badly did it. If you behave in the same way as always, they will think that you did not harm, allegedly everything is in order.

Talk about it logically

Do not say all the time about yourself, discussing why it hurts you. Tell us about what happened logically. Exclude yourself from this equation. Show that someone suffered in this situation, and this is not only you.

Some people think that a person is just too sensitive, and he is not so hurt as he says about it. A logical explanation of why you feel so you can help them understand what the problem is not in your sensitivity.

Chat seriously and find out the opinion of the offender

Most people just want the other to feel guilty, and that's it. They do not care that they pushed them into such actions.

But you must. Perhaps a person did not even want to hurt you. So let him say. Listen to him before attacking with his insults. You will be able to understand much more than if you used any other way.

Accept the fact that he doesn't care

You can not change all. Some people, no matter how trying, never admit that they did wrong. They immediately begin to defend themselves, and they don't care who they hurt.

You can't expect someone to feel guilty, always. After a while you will realize that they really do not care and they never recognize their guilt. Live your life and do not let yourself restrain your feelings.

This information will help you to discover the offender and show how painful and unpleasant what he did. It may be not easy for you, but if you want to stay next to this person, it's worth learning him.

Each person at least once in life avenged to other people. Often we are second, not even realizing, so let's talk ...

Each person at least once in life avenged to other people. Often we are Musty, not even realizing, so let's talk on this topic, so that the processes are further consciously.

Every time we make another person hurt, in a little exception, we are Musty. An conscious or unconscious desire to revenge is born out of the offense.

Resentment can be on a particular person, or on the situation, or on life in general.

For example, people who in childhood were not sufficiently loved or offended, often grow uncomfortable in communication, prickly, critically configured, live in mind and remove the mind at the head of the corner, not being able to give love and warm to other people. It is clear that they are often harsh, categorical, intolerable to others, that, in fact, - the manifestation of the subconscious revenge for what they suffered themselves. Such people often do not like children and domestic animals, because In the depths of the soul, it is bitter to see that someone gets love, whereas love is not enough.

How does the desire to take revenge?A man felt offended, and in response he was born a desire to revenge - very often, unconscious.

I.e., if you have a desire to do another hurt, or people are annoyed, successful people surrounded by love Successful, beloved ceased to be).

Freed from resentment, you will automatically free yourself from the need to revenge. The indicator here will have a changed attitude towards people who have previously annoyed you with their successes.

To exemplate from resentment, she needs her, offense, see and recognize. It is not always simple, because the resentment is:

  • deeply hidden (difficult to recognize),
  • stupid (it is difficult to recognize that we have such reasonable, it is),
  • too painful (with the slightest memory of acute mental pain, in which they do not want to go at all. And it is necessary!),
  • soased (a hundred times already unsuccessfully worked out - what to return to them, anyway nothing will happen).

There is a personal choice of everyone - how much do you want change? Is it strong enough to risk getting out of the habitual comfort zone, or are not yet ready?

It is important to still have the courage to see something unpleasant in yourself, to learn something impartial about yourself. After all, we are trying more often to keep some more or less pleasant picture of yourself so that you can relate to yourself well, respect for something. If dark paints are added to this picture, the illusion of equilibrium will break, we will feel shed out of the gauge, you will have to look again somewhere self-esteem, then what you can continue to love yourself. It's Complicated.

The path of change is often similar to the path of destruction. Moreover, sometimes the picture of the world collapses, and yes, it is very difficult to survive.

The choice is for you is to continue to revenge, suffering from it and causing suffering to others, or free yourself from claims to someone (something) and continue to live with a free person.

Suppose, the choice is made, the insult is recognized, is pulled out on the surface and ready to work (remind, on the insanity we went through the desire to cause someone pain).

The most effective way of exemption from the offense, I consider the division of responsibility. This is when you revise the offensive situation and begin to see where it is your responsibility, and where is not yours. Then leave yourself only your responsibility, and someone else will give (most often the resentment occurs when we take someone else's responsibility). Or, on the contrary, take your own, which you have shifted on others.

For example, my wife was offended that her husband gave her birthday not that gift she wanted. The responsibility of his wife here - since she knows what he wants - to convey to her husband information about the desired gift. The responsibility of her husband is to decide, he will follow the desire of his wife or will risky to give something else. If the wife did not bring her desire to her husband, he was not responsible for her discontent. A frequent female argument "might guess" is not counted, because - once he did not guessed, he also could not. In this case, offended, the wife shifts its responsibility (for not reporting information) on her husband. When working with this offense, she takes his responsibility to himself, and disappears.

An example of the reverse when we take someone else's responsibility: You helped someone, and a person ordered your help not as you planned. Helping or not - this is your decision, not it. In what form (form, size) help - also yours. The rest is already it. If you help with the condition that help will be used only in a certain way, then this condition should be sounded, and a person must give him consent. If it did not sound and consent not received, it is not responsible for your disappointment.

These are common examples, in each situation there are nuances and they need to disassemble thoughtfully and in detail to enter the correct division of responsibility.

If you have seen the desire to take revenge, it is only a symptom. It costs the resentment that needs conscious work. He will take offense, the desire to avenge will disappear and the desire will be revenge, and it will be a big victory and relief, believe me. And one more reason for respect and love for yourself, by the way.published