He was eating a core test soup. Core-Jerasek school maturity orientation test

Full description

Diagnostics of the child's readiness for school (Determination of school maturity according to the Kern-Jirasek test).

This test is widely used and can be used by psychologists, educators, parents and other interested parties. The instruction was developed by the Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the USSR Ministry of Health, but the relevance of the test remains to this day.

The Kern-Jirasek orientation test is used to examine 6-year-old children.

Before the test, the child's name, surname, age and date of the test are recorded on a piece of paper. Samples of written phrases and dots are also being prepared.

1 task. Drawing a human figure.

The child is given a sheet of unlined white paper and a set of colored pencils (or a simple pencil).

The following task is proposed: "Here (it is shown where) draw a full-length uncle, as you can." The child is not given any other explanations. It is not allowed to interfere with the drawing process, comment on, or help an adult. If a child says: “I can't,” the adult encourages: “I understand that you are not an artist. But draw as you can! " If the child wants to draw someone else (for example, an aunt), allow him to do so, but then insist that he draw an uncle.

For an observant person or a specialist, the drawing process itself is of interest, the colors selected by the child, as well as the size and location of the figure on the sheet. If the color is unnatural (for example, the hair is blue or green or red), etc. - this is a reason for additional study of the characteristics of the child.

Assessment of test results:

1 point. The figure drawn should have a head (with eyes, mouth, nose), hair or a hat on the head, ears drawn. The head should not be larger than the body and is connected to it by the neck. 5 fingers are drawn on the hands. Legs are in proportion to the body; often children prepared for school draw shoes. There are signs of men's clothing. The limbs are not painted on by the child, the drawing has a certain integrity and even volume.

2 points. There is a head, torso, arms, legs, but the image is not integral ("synthetic"). The head, body are drawn separately, arms and legs are attached to the body. Three missing body parts are possible: neck, hair, one finger, but no part of the face should be missing.

3 points. There is a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs should be drawn between two lines). There are no neck, hair, clothes, fingers, feet (or shoes) on the legs.

4 points. A primitive head drawing with a torso and limbs. According to the principle "stick-stick-cucumber, so the little man came out."

5 points. There is no clear picture of the trunk and limbs (“scribbles”).

Interpretation of results:

1 point: high level of intellectual development;

2 points: average level;

3 points: below average;

4 points: low level;

5 points: very low level.

2 task. Writing a phrase.

The second task is formulated as follows: “Look, there is something written here. You don't know how to write yet, but try to take a good look at how it is written and write the same thing. " Usually the child is asked to copy a phrase written in writing: "He ate soup" or "She was given tea", sometimes they offer a phrase in a foreign language.

1 point. The written sample is copied well and completely legibly. The letters exceed the size of the sample letters by no more than 2 times. The first letter clearly matches the uppercase letter in height. The letters are clearly linked in 3 words. The copied phrase deviates from the horizontal line by no more than 30 °.

2 points. The sample is still legibly copied. Letter size and horizontal line compliance are not considered.

3 points. Explicit breakdown of the inscription into 3 parts. At least 4 letters of the sample can be understood.

4 points. At least 2 letters match the pattern. The rendered sample still creates the label line.

5 points. "Scribble".

3 task. Drawing a group of points.

The third task can be presented as follows: "Look at the dots in the picture and draw the same thing next to it."

1 point. Almost perfect copying of the sample. A slight deviation of one point (.) From a line or column is allowed. Reducing the sample is acceptable, and the increase should not be more than double.

2 points. The number and location of the points matches the pattern. You can ignore the deviation of no more than 3 points for half the width of the gap between the row and the column.

3 points. The figure as a whole corresponds to the sample, not exceeding it in width and height by more than twice. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7 (if 10 points are given in the sample). Any turn is allowed - even 180 °.

4 points. The contour of the picture does not correspond to the sample, but still consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not included. Other shapes (for example, lines) are not allowed.

5 points. "Scribble".

After testing is completed, the total is calculated for 3 tasks. The development of children who received a total of 3 to 6 points on 3 tasks is considered above average, from 7 to 11 as average, from 12-15 points as below the norm. Children who have received from 12-15 points should be examined in depth, because among them there may be mentally retarded children.

A satisfactory result of the school maturity orientation test is a relatively reliable basis for a conclusion about school maturity with a forecast of good school performance, but an unsatisfactory result cannot serve as a sufficient basis for a conclusion about school immaturity with a forecast of poor performance.

As a rule, the majority of students who showed a level of development above average and average on the test, adapt well to school requirements and successfully master all sections of the school curriculum in grades 1-2. The same students who showed a level of development below average on the test, for the most part, experience difficulties in adapting to school requirements and mastering writing, but by the end of grade 2, almost half of them are doing well in their native language and mathematics. These are probably children with normal intelligence, who by the time they entered school had a weak development of volition and fine motor skills of the hand. Without additional examination, it is difficult to conclude that the reason for the poor performance of the test is low intellectual development, poor development of volition, or underdevelopment of sensorimotor connections and fine motor skills of the hand.

Short story

This test was proposed by J. Jirasek as a modification of the existing method of A. Kern and received a unified name. In 1978, the Kern-Jirasek graphic test was first published in Russian, but it was not widely used until 6-10 years later. The exceptional simplicity of testing and maximum accessibility made it a favorite tool not only among psychologists, but also among teachers and even kindergarten teachers.

Unfortunately, some would-be specialists interpreted the survey results quite freely, labeling children who did not score the required number of points, labels “unsuccessful”, “lagging behind,” and even used stronger expressions that put an end to the child who was “unlucky” to perform well test. Meanwhile, J. Jirasek warned against such an interpretation, he provided the technique with very clear instructions and gave precise explanations for the interpretation.

What will the Kern-Jirasek test tell about and for whom is it intended?

This technique is relevant for 5-7-year-old children, its purpose is to test their readiness for schooling. This includes an assessment of the child's personal maturity (task 1), his fine motor skills of hands and visual coordination (task 2), and the test also reveals the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall assessment of the entire test) ...

The test can be applied both individually and in a group.


The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet) at the top, write in advance a short sentence in written (NOT printed!) Letters: “He ate soup”.

At the bottom, you draw a group of dots as shown in my sample letterhead. I have a fold line marked in the middle for greater clarity (of course, you don't need to draw it). The right half of the sheet is for a child who will perform a sketching task.

He should sit in the way he is comfortable with, so that the table and chair are in line with his height.

When everything is ready, sit down the child, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

1. Draw a man. Since you can (we do not say anything else and we repeat the instructions for all the child's remarks without our own explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already begun to draw a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw exactly a man (further I will explain why this can be). Then we do the next task.
2. The child turns over the sheet and sees a sentence at the top left side. You say, “Look, there's something written here. You don't know how to write yet, but try it, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Look carefully and write the same in a free space next to it. " That is, we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another, unknown to him, language, for example, in English: “He eats soup”.
3. Then it goes to the point group. You say, “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try here, next to it, to draw in the same way. " You can point with your finger where he will draw them.

So, we have completed the test. Let's see how to calculate the results.

Each task is evaluated on a five-point scale (1 point is the highest, 5 is the lowest), then the points are summed up and compared with the standard.

The sum of points 3-6 is regarded as a high indicator of development. 7-11 is an average indicator.

12-15 - below normal. If such results were obtained, additional examination is required, since there may be mentally retarded children in this category.
We count points

For the first assignment

* 1 point - the figure of a man has a head, neck, torso, limbs. The head should not be larger than the body. There is hair on the head (or they are covered with a hat or cap), ears; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth. The arms end with a five-fingered hand. Legs, as it were, “grow from the body”, and are not attached to it and are bent below. The figure is dressed in men's clothing. The whole figure is drawn in a synthetic, in other words, contour method, that is, as a whole, and is not composed of separate finished parts and can be outlined without lifting the pencil from the paper.
* 2 points - all the requirements inherent in 1 point, except for the synthetic method (the figure is drawn analytically - from separate parts). You can ignore the three missing details (neck, hair, one finger of the hand, but not part of the face) if the drawing method is synthetic.
* 3 points - the figure has a head, torso, limbs. The arms and legs are drawn in two lines; neck, hair, ears, clothing, fingers and feet are allowed.
* 4 points - a primitive drawing with a head and body. The limbs are drawn with a single line. There can be one pair of them.
* 5 points - there is no clear image of the “cephalopod” type body and both pairs of limbs.

For the second assignment:

* 1 point - the written sample was copied well and completely legibly. The letters exceed the size of the sample letters by no more than 2 times. The first letter is clearly the uppercase letter in height. The letters are clearly linked in three words. The copied phrase deviates from horizontal by no more than 30 degrees.
* 2 points - the sample is copied sufficiently legibly. Letter size and horizontal line compliance are not considered.
* 3 points - an explicit breakdown of the inscription into at least two parts. At least four letters of the pattern can be understood.
* 4 points - at least two letters match the sample. The played sample still creates a record string.
* 5 points - scribbles.

For the third task:

* 1 point - almost perfect copying of a group of points. A slight deviation of one point from a line or column is allowed. The reduction of the sample is allowed, and the increase is no more than 2 times. The drawing should be parallel to the sample.
* 2 points - the number and location of the dots corresponds to the sample, you can ignore the deviation of no more than three dots for half the width of the gap between the line and the column.
* 3 points - the drawing as a whole is similar to the sample, not exceeding more than twice in width and height. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but there should not be more than 20 or less than 7. Any rotation is allowed, even by 180 degrees.
* 4 points - the outline of the picture does not correspond to the sample, but still consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not included. Other shapes (for example, lines) are not allowed.
* 5 points - scribbles.


1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

Horse \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 5 points.

2. In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...

We have lunch. We eat soup, meat \u003d 0 points. Having dinner, sleeping and other erroneous answers \u003d - 3 points.

3. It is light during the day, and at night ...

Dark \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 4 points.

4. The sky is blue and the grass ...

Green \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 4 points.

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples are ...?

Fruit \u003d 1 point, wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

6. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes along the track?

To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So that no one gets hit by the train (etc.) \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

7. What is Moscow, Rostov, Kiev?

Cities \u003d 1 point. Stations \u003d 0 points. Wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

8. What time does the clock show (show on the clock)?

Well shown \u003d 4 points. Only quarter, full hour, quarter and hour are shown correctly \u003d 3 points. Doesn't know hours \u003d 0 points.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...?

Puppy, lamb \u003d 4 points, only one answer out of two \u003d O points. Wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

10. Does the dog look more like a chicken or a cat? How is it similar that they have the same?

For a cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) \u003d 0 points. For a cat (without bringing similarity marks) \u003d - 1 point. Chicken \u003d - 3 points.

11. Why are there brakes in all cars?

Two reasons (to brake from a mountain, to brake at a turn, to stop in case of a collision danger, to stop altogether after the end of the ride) \u003d 1 point 1 reason \u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer (for example, he would not have driven without brakes) \u003d - 1 point.

12. How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?

Two common features \u003d 3 points (they are made of wood and iron, they have handles, they are tools, you can hammer in nails with them, they are flat on the back). 1 similarity \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

13. How are squirrels and cats similar to each other?

Determining that these are animals or bringing two common features (they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees) \u003d 3 points. One likeness 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here in front of you?

They have different signs: the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line, around the notch) m 3 points. The screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered, or at the screw - nut \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

15. Football, high jumping, tennis, swimming - is that ...?

Sports, physical education \u003d 3 points. Games (exercises), gymnastics, competitions \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

16. What vehicles do you know?

Three land vehicles, plane or ship \u003d 4 points.

Only three land vehicles or a complete list, with an airplane or with a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are something you can use to get around \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

17. How does an old person differ from a young person? What's the difference between them?

Three signs (gray hair, no hair, wrinkles,

Can't work like that anymore, sees badly, hears badly,

More often he is sick, he will die rather than young) \u003d 4 points.

1 or 2 differences \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes, etc.) \u003d Oh

18. Why do people play sports?

Two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, to be more mobile, to keep straight, not to be fat, they want to achieve a record, etc.) \u003d 4 points.

One reason \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer (to be able to do something) \u003d 0 points.

19. Why is it bad for someone to shy away from work?

Others have to work for him (or another expression of the fact that as a result of this, someone else is harmed). He's lazy. Earns little and cannot buy anything \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

20. Why do I need to put a stamp on the envelope?

So they pay for the postage, the carriage of the letter \u003d 5 points. The other one would have to pay a fine \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

After the survey, the results are calculated according to the number of points achieved on individual questions. The quantitative results of this assignment are divided into five groups:

1 group - plus 24 and more;

Group 2 - plus 14 to 23;

Group 3 - from 0 to 13;

Group 4 - from minus 1 to minus 10;

Group 5 - less than minus 11.

According to the classification, the first three groups are considered positive. Children who score from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered school-ready.

Overall assessment of test results

Children who receive from 3 to 6 points in the first three subtests are considered to be ready for schooling. The group of children who received 7-9 points represents the average level of development of school readiness. Children who received 9-11 points require additional research to obtain more reliable data. Particular attention should be paid to the group of children (usually individual children) who scored 12-15 points, which is below normal development. Such children need a careful individual study of intellectual development, the development of personal, motivational qualities.

There are many other tests and methods to determine school readiness. The school can also create its own package for interviewing or testing children.

The child's memory, attention, logical thinking, the level of his ideas about the world around him, fine motor skills, the level of speech development and the ability to read, the development of mathematical concepts are necessarily examined. Read about it in other sections of the site.

Techniques: "Pattern" (L.I. Tsekhanskaya)

Output: Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. - M .: NGO "Education", 1996

Age: Preschool 5-7 years old

Problem: school failure, mental retardation, willingness to learn

Psychological characteristics:Cognitive sphere

Diagnostic subject: Study of the child's cognitive sphere, identification of the formation of the ability to subordinate their actions to the rule

Areas of use:Determination of the prerequisites for mastering educational activities through the study of the formation of the ability of children to consciously subordinate their actions to a rule that generally determines the mode of action

General description:The test includes a methodological guide, stimulating material, which includes forms with geometric figures drawn on a sheet of paper and arranged in three rows. The top row consists of triangles, the bottom row consists of squares, and the middle row consists of circles. The squares are under the triangles, the circles are in between. All three rows of geometric shapes are called stripes.

The material of the methodology ("stripes") is located on four pages. On the first page, in the center of the upper part, a sample of the pattern is given, which the children will have to draw after explaining the task. At the bottom of the same page there is a "strip" of geometric shapes, on which children learn to draw a pattern under dictation. On the next three pages, one "strip" of figures is given on each, for the corresponding series of experiments.

The child is given the task of drawing a pattern, following the rule (which figures to connect to each other), indicating the method of action (how to connect the figures). For example, connect triangles and squares (rule) through a circle (mode of action). In this case, the child must follow the instructions given by the experimenter, and where it is indicated which figures should be selected and in what order.

First, the child is offered a sample of the pattern and instructions are given. Then follows the stage of teaching the method of action, after which the children move on to the main task. At the learning stage, the adult monitors how each child completes the task, and, if necessary, corrects mistakes and explains to the child what he made a mistake.

The experiment consists of three series, differing from each other in the pattern configuration.

You should dictate slowly so that the children have time to draw the next connection. It is impossible to repeat the same thing twice, because some guys may be prompted to draw unnecessary connections. The experimenter does not provide any assistance during the execution of the main task.

When evaluating the results, the compounds corresponding to the dictation are considered correct. Penalty points are awarded for extra connections not provided for by the dictation, for "breaks" or omissions of "connection zones" between the correct connections.

"Drawing samples" (Z. Mateichik, M. Strnadova)

Designed to diagnose the level of development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills of the hand, the formation of graphic skills in children 5-13 years old

Purpose of the study:to determine the level of development of the child's visual-motor coordination, fine motor skills of the hand, the formation of graphic skills.

Instructions for the subject: “Now you will get an interesting task - to sketch special drawings. Take a simple pencil and draw the same shape on paper. " Try to sketch them as well as you can. Try to keep them the same size as on the sample. If you don't succeed, you can try again. "It is necessary to warn that during work it is not recommended to erase what has been drawn, use a ruler, try to trace the sample by placing it under the paper.

Evaluation of results:each drawing is evaluated in points from 0 (complete non-compliance with the sample) to 3 (exact execution, taking into account the complexity of the sample). One point is awarded for the completion of each item. The total score is the sum of the points scored by the subjects for all samples.

When evaluating, the degree of compliance of the executed drawing with the sample is taken into account: the accuracy of the transmission of proportions, the magnitude of the angles, deviation from the vertical and horizontal axes, the presence of extra or missing lines and other parameters. The assessment takes into account the child's intention: if he corrected something, the corrected drawing is accepted; if he completed the drawing twice or several times, wishing to improve the result, the successful drawing is evaluated. Shortened lines that have not been brought to the required intersection are assessed more strictly, since they most often indicate insufficient development of hand-eye coordination (the interval between lines should not exceed 2 mm).

In primary school children, slight curvatures are allowed when drawing lines, caused by awkwardness or hand shake.

If the curvature occurs after drawing another line, or if a straight line is drawn as a broken line and additional angles appear, this result is assessed as unsuccessful.

The fact that the child receives average and even higher marks when performing this task indicates a sufficient or good level of development of sensorimotor function. Low scores confirm deficiencies in sensorimotor development.

"Square and Circle" (J. Cernacek).

Test "Square and circle"

For children 6-7 years old

Purpose: Revealing the level of development of visual and internal figurative-motor regulation of simultaneous actions of both hands.

On a fixed sheet of paper, the child is asked to draw a circle with both hands with his right hand, and a square with his left. Then vice versa: left - circle, right - square. You need to draw with your eyes closed (or use the screen). At the end, repeat both tests with eyes open (control test).

(1) Very High - Instruction Compliance: Ability to draw two different shapes at the same time with both hands, without stopping. In all 4 figures, it is possible to determine where is the circle and where is the square, despite the distortion of the shape of both figures or their open contour.

(2) High - compliance with instructions. At least in drawings made with one hand (left or right), you can distinguish between the shapes of a square and a circle.

(3) Medium - following the instructions, but it is impossible to discern the shape of the figures in the drawings made

and left and right hand.

(4) Low - inability to follow instructions (draw at the same time without stopping with any hand).

(5) Very low - inability to follow instructions even with open eyes.

The Kern-Jerasek orientation test of school maturity, which is a modification of A. Kern's test, consists of 3 tasks.

First task - drawing a male figure from memory , second - sketching of written letters, third - drawing a group of points. The result of each task is evaluated on a five-point system (1 highest; 5 lowest), and then the total for the 3 tasks is calculated.

The development of children who received a total of 3 tasks:

- from 3 to 6 points are considered above average

- from 7 to 11 points as average

- from 12 to 15 points - below the norm.

Children who have received 12 - 15 points should be examined in depth, since there may be mentally retarded children among them. All three tasks of the graphic test are aimed at determining the development of fine motor skills of the hand and coordination of vision and hand movements. These skills are essential in school to master writing. In addition, the test allows you to determine in general terms the intellectual development of the child. (drawing of a male figure from memory)... The task "tracing written letters" and "tracing a group of points"

Reveal the child's ability to imitate the model - a skill necessary in school education. These tasks also allow you to determine whether the child can concentrate, without distraction, work for some time on a task that is not very attractive to him.

J. Jierasek conducted a study to establish the relationship between the success of the school maturity test and success in further education. It turned out that children who do well on the test tend to do well in school, but children who do not do well on the test tend to do well in school. Therefore, Jerasek emphasizes that the test result can be considered as the basis for the conclusion about school maturity and cannot be interpreted as school immaturity. (for example, there are cases when capable children schematically draw a person, which is significantly reflected in the total score they receive)... The author of the test also notes the limitations of the methodology due to the non-use of non-verbal subtests, which make it possible to draw a conclusion about the development of logical thinking. (the test of school maturity mainly allows you to judge the development of sensorimotor skills).

The Kern-Jieraseka test can be used both in a group and individually.

Instructions for using the test:

To kid (to a group of children) offer a test form. The first side of the form should contain information about the child and leave free space for drawing a male figure, on the back in the upper left part there is a sample of written letters, and in the lower part - a sample of a group of dots. The right side of this side of the paper is left free for the child to reproduce. A sheet of typewritten paper can serve as a form, oriented so that its lower part is longer than the side. Place the pencil in front of the subject so that it is at the same distance from both hands. (if the child turns out to be left-handed, the experimenter must make an appropriate entry in the protocol)... The blank is placed in front of the child with the clean side.

Instructions for task number 1:

"Here (show to each child) draw some man. As you can. " No further clarification, help or drawing attention to errors and deficiencies in the drawing is allowed. If the children still begin to ask how to draw, the experimenter should still limit himself to one phrase: "Draw the way you can." If the child does not start drawing, then you should approach him and encourage him, for example, say: "Draw, you will succeed." Sometimes the guys ask the question, is it possible to draw a woman instead of a man, in this case they must answer that everyone draws a man and they also need to draw a man. If the child has already begun to draw a woman, then he should be allowed to finish drawing her, and then ask him to draw a man next to him. It should be borne in mind that there are times when a child categorically refuses to draw a man. Experience shows that such a refusal can be associated with the trouble in the child's family, when the father is either not in the family at all, or he is there, but some kind of threat comes from him. After drawing the human figure, the children are told to turn the sheet of paper over to the other side.

Instructions for task number 2:

“Look, something is written here. You still don't know how to write, but try it, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Take a good look at how it is written, and here, next to it, write the same in an empty space. " It is suggested to copy the phrase:

"I am eating soup",

written in writing. If any child unsuccessfully guesses the length of a phrase and one word does not fit in a line, you should pay attention to the fact that you can write this word higher or lower. It should be borne in mind that there are children who already know how to read a written text, and then, having read the phrase proposed to them, they write it in block letters. In this case, it is necessary to have a sample of foreign words, also written in written letters.

Instructions for task number 3:

"Look, there are dots drawn here

Try here, next to it, to draw in exactly the same way. "

At the same time, it is necessary to show where the child should draw, since one should reckon with the possible weakening of concentration in some children. While the children are completing assignments, it is necessary to monitor them, while making brief notes about their actions. First of all, they pay attention to what hand the future student is drawing with - right or left, whether he transfers a pencil from one hand to another while drawing. They also note whether the child spins too much, drops the pencil and looks for it under the table, whether he started drawing, despite the instructions, in another place or even outlines the outline of the sample, whether he wants to make sure that he draws beautifully, etc.


Task number 1 - drawing a male figure.

1 point is exposed under the following conditions: the drawn figure must have a head, torso, limbs. The head with the torso is connected to the neck and should not be larger than the torso. There is hair on the head (perhaps they are covered with a hat or cap) and ears, on the face - eyes, nose, mouth, hands end with a five-fingered hand. The legs are bent below. The figure has men's clothing and is drawn in the so-called synthetic way (outline), consisting in the fact that the whole figure (head, neck, torso, arms, legs) are drawn immediately as a whole, and not composed of separate finished parts. With this method of drawing, the entire figure can be outlined in one contour without lifting the pencil from the paper. The figure shows that the arms and legs, as it were, “grow” from the body, and are not attached to it. In contrast to the synthetic, a more primitive analytical method of drawing involves the image separately of each of the constituent parts of the figure. So, for example, first the torso is drawn, and then the arms and legs are attached to it.

2 points. Fulfillment of all requirements per unit, except for the synthetic drawing method. Three missing pieces (neck, hair, one finger, but not part of the face) can be ignored if the figure is drawn in a synthetic way.

3 points. The figure should have a head, torso, limbs. Hands and feet are drawn with two lines (voluminous)... No neck, hair, ears, clothing, toes or feet are allowed.

4 points. Primitive drawing of a head with a torso. Limbs (one pair is enough) are drawn with one line each.

5 points. There is no clear image of the body ("Cephalopod" or predominance of "cephalopods") or both pairs of limbs. Scribble.

Task number 2 - copying words written in written letters.

1 point. The written sample is copied well and completely legibly.

The letters exceed the size of the sample letters no more than twice. The first letter clearly matches the uppercase letter in height. The letters are clearly linked in three words. The copied phrase deviates from the horizontal line by no more than 30 degrees.

2 points. The sample is still legibly copied. Letter size and horizontal line compliance are not considered.

3 points. Explicit breakdown of the label into at least two parts. At least four letters of the pattern can be understood.

4 points. At least two letters match the pattern. The rendered sample still creates the label line.

5 points. Scribble.

Task number 3 - drawing a group of points.

1 point. Almost perfect copying of the sample. A slight deviation of one point from a line or column is allowed. Reducing the sample is acceptable, and the increase should not be more than double. The drawing should be parallel to the sample.

2 points. The number and location of dots must match the sample. You can ignore the deviation of no more than three points by half the width of the gap between the row and the column.

3 points. The figure as a whole corresponds to the sample, not exceeding it in width and height by more than twice. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7. Any rotation is allowed, even by 180 degrees.

4 points. The outline of the picture does not match the pattern, but still consists of dots. Sample size and number of points are not included. Other forms (like lines) not allowed.

5 points. Scribble.

Working with the verbal subtest

The fourth page is intended for working with the verbal subtest in the answer sheet. The experimenter must fully record the child's response to each question on the subtest.

Instructions for the verbal subtest:

“Now I will ask you questions about a variety of things that you are, of course, familiar with, and therefore you can tell me about them. Listen to question one. "

The subtest is conducted individually. Each question is read only once. The experimenter needs to monitor his speech, it must be benevolent and clear in order to exclude the child's misunderstanding of the issue. You should not allow leading questions, correct if the child answers incorrectly, additionally encourage a more complete answer. Necessary exceptions to this requirement are specially stipulated in the key to the test.

Verbal subtest.

  1. Which animal is bigger - horse or dog?

Horse \u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer \u003d -5 points.

  1. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon

We have lunch. We eat soup, meat \u003d 0 points.

Dinner, sleep, other wrong answers \u003d -3 points.

  1. It's light during the day and at night

Dark \u003d 0 points.

  1. The sky is blue and the grass

Green \u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer \u003d -4 points.

  1. Cherries, pears, plums, apples, what's this?

Fruit \u003d 1 point

  1. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So no one gets hit by a train (etc.)\u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer \u003d -1 point.

  1. What is Moscow, Rostov, Kiev?

Cities \u003d 1 point.

Stations \u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer \u003d -1 point.

  1. What time does the clock show?

Correctly shown \u003d 4 points.

Only quarter, full hour, quarter and hour are shown, correct \u003d 3 points.

Doesn't know hours \u003d 0 points.

  1. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is a little sheep is that?

Puppy, lamb \u003d 4 points.

Only one answer out of two \u003d 0 points.

Wrong answer \u003d -1 point.

  1. Does the dog look more like a chicken or a cat? How is it similar, what do they have in common?

On a cat, because she also has 4 legs, hair, claws, tail (one similarity is enough) \u003d 0 points.

On a cat (without casting similarity marks) \u003d -1 point

Chicken \u003d -3 points.

  1. Why are there brakes in all cars?

Two reasons (brake from a mountain, stop at a turn; stop in case of danger of collision, stop altogether after the end of the ride) \u003d 1 point

1 reason \u003d 0 points.

Incorrect answer (example: he wouldn't drive without brakes) \u003d -1 point

  1. How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?

Two things in common (they are made of wood and iron, they have handles, these are tools, they can drive nails) \u003d 3 points.

1 similarity \u003d 2 points.

  1. How are squirrels and cats similar to each other?

Determining that they are animals or bringing two common signs (they have 4 legs, a tail, wool, they can climb trees) \u003d 3 points.

One similarity \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

  1. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying in front of you?

They have different signs: the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line, around a notch, etc.) \u003d 3 points.

The screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered; the screw has a nut \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

  1. Football, high jump, swimming is it?

Sports, physical education \u003d 3 points.

Games (exercises), gymnastics, competition \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

  1. What vehicles do you know?

Three land vehicles, plane or ship \u003d 4 points.

Only three land vehicles or a complete list with an airplane and a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can move on \u003d 1 point.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

  1. How does an old person differ from a young person? What's the difference between them?

Three signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, can no longer work like that, sees poorly, does not hear well, would rather die than young) \u003d 4 points.

One or two differences \u003d 2 points.

Incorrect answer (he has a stick, he smokes) \u003d 0 points.

  1. Why do people play sports?

For two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, so that they are more mobile, so that they keep upright, so as not to be fat, in order to achieve a record, etc.) \u003d 4 points.

One reason \u003d 2 points.

Incorrect answer (to be able to do something) \u003d 0 points.

  1. Why is it bad for someone to shy away from work?

The rest must work for him (or an expression that someone else is harmed as a result)... He's lazy. Earns little and cannot buy anything \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

  1. Why do I need to put a stamp on the envelope?

So they pay for the postage, the carriage of the letter \u003d 5 points.

The other one had to pay a fine \u003d 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

After the survey, the results are calculated according to the number of points achieved on individual questions. The quantitative results of this task are divided into the following 5 groups:

1 group - plus 24 and more

Group 2 - plus 14 to 23

Group 3 - from 0 to 13

4 group - from -1 to -10

5 group - less than -11

By classification positive are considered first three groups ... Children who score from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered school-ready.

Overall assessment of test results.

Children who have received the first three subtests are considered to be ready for schooling. from 3 to 6 points.

7-9 points - children represent the average level of development of readiness for schooling.

9-11 points - children require additional research to obtain more objective data.

12-15 points - special attention should be paid to this group of children (usually these are individual guys)as this constitutes development below the burrow. Such children need a thorough individual examination of intelligence, the development of personal, motivational qualities.

Thus, we can say that the Kern-Jierasek methodology provides a preliminary orientation in the level of development of readiness for schooling.

Julia Borodkina
Kern-Jirasek Indicative School Maturity Test

Kern-Jirasek Indicative School Maturity Test

This technique is relevant for 5-7-year-old children, its purpose is to check their readiness for schooling... This includes assessing personal maturity of the child(task 1, his fine motor skills of hands and visual coordination (task 2, also test allows you to identify the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall assessment of all test) .

Test can be used both individually and in a group.


The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet) at the top, write a short sentence in advance in writing (NOT printed) letters: "He ate soup."

At the bottom, you draw a group of dots as shown in my sample letterhead. I have a fold line marked in the middle for greater clarity. (naturally, you don't need to draw it)... The right half of the sheet is for a child who will perform a sketching task.

He should sit in the way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair are in line with his height.

When everything is ready, sit the child down, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

1. Draw a man. Since you can (we don't say anything else and we repeat the instructions for all the child's remarks without our own explanation). If he asks if it is possible to draw a woman, speak: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already begun to draw a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man. (further I will explain why it can be)... Then we do the next task.

2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left side. You speak: “Look, there is something written here. You still don't know how to write, but try it, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Look carefully and write the same in a free space next to it. " That is, we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another, unknown to him, language, for example, in english: “He eats soup”.

3. Then it goes to the point group. You speak: “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try here, next to, draw in the same way. ”You can point with your finger where he will draw them.

So we have executed test... Let's see how to calculate the results.

Each task is evaluated on a five-point scale (1 point is the highest, 5 is the lowest, then the points are summed up and compared with the standard.

The sum of points 3-6 is regarded as a high indicator of development. 7-11 is the average.

12-15 - below normal. If such results were obtained, additional examination is required, since there may be mentally retarded children in this category.

We count points

For the first assignment

* 1 point - the figure of a man has a head, neck, torso, limbs. The head should not be larger than the body. There is hair on the head (or they are covered with a hat or cap, ears; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth. Hands end with a five-fingered hand. The whole figure is drawn in a synthetic, in other words, contour method, that is, as a single whole, and is not composed of separate finished parts and can be outlined without lifting the pencil from the paper.

* 2 points - all requirements inherent in 1 point, except for the synthetic method (the figure is drawn analytically - from separate parts)... You can ignore three missing details (neck, hair, one finger of the hand, but not part of the face, if the drawing method is synthetic.

* 3 points - the figure has a head, torso, limbs. The arms and legs are drawn in two lines; neck, hair, ears, clothing, fingers and feet are allowed.

* 4 points - a primitive drawing with a head and body. The limbs are drawn with a single line. There can be one pair of them.

* 5 points - there is no clear image of the “cephalopod” type body and both pairs of limbs.

For the second assignment:

* 1 point - the written sample was copied well and completely legibly. The letters exceed the size of the sample letters by no more than 2 times. The first letter clearly matches the uppercase letter in height. The letters are clearly linked in three words. The copied phrase deviates from horizontal by no more than 30 degrees.

* 2 points - the sample was copied sufficiently legibly. Letter size and horizontal line compliance are not considered.

* 3 points - an explicit breakdown of the inscription into at least two parts. At least four letters of the pattern can be understood.

* 4 points - at least two letters match the sample. The played sample still creates a record string.

* 5 points - scribbles.

For the third task:

* 1 point - almost perfect copying of a group of points. A slight deviation of one point from a line or column is allowed. The reduction of the sample is allowed, and the increase is no more than 2 times. The drawing should be parallel to the sample.

* 2 points - the number and location of the dots corresponds to the sample, you can ignore the deviation of no more than three dots for half the width of the gap between the line and the column.

* 3 points - the drawing as a whole is similar to the sample, not exceeding more than twice in width and height. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but there should not be more than 20 or less than 7. Any rotation is allowed, even by 180 degrees.

* 4 points - the outline of the picture does not correspond to the sample, but still consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not included. Other forms (like lines) - are not allowed.

* 5 points - scribbles.


1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

Horse \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 5 points.

2. In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon.

We have lunch. We eat soup, meat \u003d 0 points. Having dinner, sleeping and other erroneous answers \u003d - 3 points.

3. It is light during the day and at night.

Dark \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 4 points.

4. The sky is blue and the grass.

Green \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 4 points.

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples - this is. ?

Fruit \u003d 1 point, wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

6. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes along the track?

To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So no one gets hit by a train (etc.) \u003d 0 points, wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

7. What is Moscow, Rostov, Kiev?

Cities \u003d 1 point. Stations \u003d 0 points. Wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

8. What time does the clock show (show on the clock?

Well shown \u003d 4 points. Only quarter, full hour, quarter and hour are shown correctly \u003d 3 points. Doesn't know hours \u003d 0 points.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is. A small sheep is. ?

Puppy, lamb \u003d 4 points, only one answer out of two \u003d O points. Wrong answer \u003d - 1 point.

10. Does the dog look more like a chicken or a cat? How is it similar, what is the same?

On a cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) \u003d 0 points. On the cat (without casting similarity marks) \u003d - 1 point. For chicken \u003d - 3 points.

11. Why are there brakes in all cars?

Two reasons (to brake from a mountain, to brake at a turn, to stop in case of a collision danger, to stop altogether after the end of the ride) \u003d 1 point. 1 reason \u003d 0 points.

Incorrect answer (for example, he would not drive without brakes) \u003d - 1 point.

12. How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?

Two common features \u003d 3 points (they are made of wood and iron, they have handles, these are tools, you can hammer in nails with them, they are flat on the back). 1 similarity \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

13. How are squirrels and cats similar to each other?

Determining that they are animals or bringing two common signs (they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees) \u003d 3 points. One likeness 2 points.

Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here in front of you?

They have different signs: screw thread (thread, such a twisted line, around the notch) m 3 points. The screw is screwed in, and the nail is hammered, or at the screw - nut \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

15. Football, high jumping, tennis, swimming - that is. ?

Sports, physical education \u003d 3 points. Games (exercises, gymnastics, competition \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

16. What vehicles do you know?

Three land vehicles, plane or ship \u003d 4 points.

Only three land vehicles or a complete list, with an airplane or a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are something you can use to move somewhere \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

17. How does an old person differ from a young person? What's the difference between them?

Three signs (gray hair, no hair, wrinkles,

can no longer work like that, sees poorly, hears poorly,

is sick more often, will die rather than young) \u003d 4 points.

1 or 2 differences \u003d 2 points.

Incorrect answer (he has a stick, he smokes, etc.) \u003d Oballov.

18. Why do people play sports?

Two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, to be more mobile, to keep straight, not to be fat, they want to achieve a record, etc.) \u003d 4 points.

One reason \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer (to be able to do something) \u003d 0 points.

19. Why is it bad for someone to shy away from work?

Others have to work for him (or another expression of the fact that as a result, someone else is harmed). He's lazy. Earns little and cannot buy anything \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

20. Why do I need to put a stamp on the envelope?

So they pay for the postage, the carriage of the letter \u003d 5 points. The other one would have to pay a fine \u003d 2 points. Wrong answer \u003d 0 points.

After the survey, the results are calculated according to the number of points achieved on individual questions. The quantitative results of this assignment are distributed over five groups:

1 group - plus 24 and more;

Group 2 - plus 14 to 23;

Group 3 - from 0 to 13;

Group 4 - from minus 1 to minus 10;

Group 5 - less than minus 11.

According to the classification, the first three groups are considered positive. Children who score from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered ready for schooling.

Overall assessment of results testing

Ready for school education is considered children who received the first three subtests from 3 to 6 points... The group of children who received 7-9 points represents the average level of development of readiness for schooling... Children who received 9-11 points require additional research to obtain more reliable data. Particular attention should be paid to the group of children (usually these are individual children who have scored 12-15 points, which is development below the norm. Such children need a careful individual study of intellectual development, development of personal, motivational qualities.