Once an astronaut decided to go into unknown space. Dunno on the Moon (with pictures)

one cosmonaut, Leonov, routinely shoved Gagarin back into the spaceship, took off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
and Gagarin was sad at that time, and in his sadness he was beautiful.
almost like Buddha.

Gagarin alone wanted to be as beautiful as Alexei Leonov. But he could not go into outer space. His big helmet did not miss. This made Gagarin sad and even waved his hands.
Then the cosmonauts decided to help him. One night they painted a rocket inside with ink black and glued foil stars everywhere. Only Titov healed his little star. For some reason he did not like Gagarin and sharpened his grudge against him. But Gagarin, without the spiteful star, was even more delighted.

one Jedi somehow flies in space, suddenly sees - and towards the spaceship of Gagarin!
the Jedi looked into the ship, and there in the darkness Gagarin and the starry sky.
the Jedi did not understand anything and flew away, not salty.

of course, where would he, tea, not Buddha, but just a simple Jedishko.

The Jedi were very strong and powerful. They could even fly into space on horseback.
But they always returned to the deli.
Because the Motherland is not an empty phrase.
And Buddha did not fly anywhere. Did not want.

The Buddha stood in a vacant lot at the deli and looked into the dark sky.
the Jedi descended from heaven on their sabers, recovered and walked ceremoniously to the deli.

and sometimes the beautiful Gagarin flew past, playfully waving his hand to the Buddha in a severe space mitten.

When the Jedi huddled in flocks and flew like a wedge into space, the bodhisattvas immediately realized that autumn had come and went to the grocery store.
And Buddha did not go anywhere. And Gagarin too.
Because his big helmet did not release from the rocket.

every Jedi, surfing the vastness of space, knew what the Motherland was.
that the Buddha will certainly meet him at the grocery store and, perhaps, smile.

and Gagarin knew that he would be met by doctors in white coats and laborers, so he most often did not leave the rocket at all.

some, however, believed that it was just a big helmet interfering with him.

Once Gagarin, plowing his rocket, met the Buddha.
True, then he decided that he imagined it because of the big helmet.
But he waved his hand anyway. He loved this business.

one Buddha was sitting under a tree.
and then suddenly from the side of the grocery store a monster comes unprecedented!

although no, thought Buddha, this is not a monster - it is Gagarin in his big helmet walking, waving his arms.
all bodhisattvas were scared away by a simple Russian guy.

The Jedi roamed space all the time in different directions.
And Gagarin was very fond of plowing his rocket.
And the bodhisattvas plowed the deli when the Jedi were not around.
True, one bodhisattva somehow disguised himself as a Buddha and decided to furrow a tree, but we'd better not talk about that.

one cunning bodhisattva somehow stole Gagarin's large cosmonaut helmet, dressed up as Gagarin and went to plow the grocery store as if nothing had happened.
all would be fine, but he blundered - passing by the Buddha, he forgot to wave his hand.

however, Buddha already knew that it was not Gagarin.

When Gagarin got out of his big helmet, he immediately began to smile. From embarrassment.
Jedi with bodhisattvas came to him and were very happy as Gagarin smiles.
And then Alexei Leonov shoved him back into the rocket.

when Gagarin annoyed everyone with his beautiful smile, Leonov drove the rocket directly to the doors of the deli, put on a big helmet on Gagarin and stuffed it with the helmet into the rocket.
the work, I must say, was hard - the helmet clung to the hatches.
the Jedi stood around them, shaking their heads in reproach.

Buddha once got tired of looking at this outrage and taught Leonov how to act.

Once Gagarin plowed his rocket and caught a nail with his big helmet.
He began to disengage - he pinched his finger in the helmet.
I tried to get it with my foot - I got magnetized with a magnetic boot.
Barely waited for Leonov.

once Gagarin tried to go into outer space, but caught his helmet on a solar battery, neither here nor there.
and Leonov, as luck would have it, got lost somewhere.
what to do?!

it's good that a Jedi flew past and rescued a simple Russian guy from trouble, it's a pity that he scratched his helmet a little with a saber.

Once Gagarin dreamed that he was standing on the edge of a large volcano, Titov was jumping around, trying to tear off his big helmet, and Leonov was looking at all this from behind. Then, allegedly, Titov tore off the helmet from Gagarin and fell into the volcano shouting "My charm!"
This is nonsense.

cosmonaut Gagarin sometimes fell asleep in the rocket, and sometimes he had very strange dreams, from weightlessness, it must be.
most often in his sleep Titov offended him, and sometimes even Tereshkov.
this is probably why he disliked Titov and was somehow more friends with Leonov.

The Buddha, of course, knew about this case, but did not show it.

Gagarin alone once ate a cutlet in zero gravity, but dropped it.
And the cutlet flew into a spacesuit to Tereshkova.
Gagarin began to get her, but Tereshkova was indignant.
In general, there was a commotion in the rocket, Tereshkova squeals, Gagarin clicks his teeth, tries to bite a cutlet, Leonov and Titov laugh.
So, in a warm and friendly atmosphere, harsh cosmic everyday life passed.

i must say that Tereshkova herself did not really like Gagarin.
for some reason she thought that he was trying to get into her spacesuit under her skirt.
in fact, Gagarin was pure in spirit, just a little awkward with the ladies, he was such a shy person.

however, none of the Jedi believed Gagarin. they walked around, laughed, waited for the end of this cosmic flirtation.

only Buddha knew the whole truth, that's why he and Buddha.

Gagarin was a great cleanliness and a pedant. Even if he accidentally drops the cutlet, he will not leave him lying around. And he will eat the cutlet, and he will even lick everything up so that they do not fly in zero gravity.
And Tereshkova will embroider him all the time in a uniform spacesuit, then embroider a wolf out of a nupogod, then a boat with a sail.
He was very angry about it, but what can you do about it. Baba - she is a woman.

cosmonaut Leonov, in his free time from flights, often came to the grocery store and got drunk.
sometimes he even quarreled with bodhisattvas, the Jedi then took them away.
but Gagarin still loved and respected cosmonaut Leonov.

but he didn't really like the cosmonaut Titov, and neither did Tereshkova - she was a rare bitch in general, she embroidered flowers and other crap on Gagarin's spacesuit at night.
Gagarin was a serious man, but here, you know, such nonsense!

Titov did not like Gagarin very much. I envied his big helmet and beautiful smile. Therefore, all the time he did nasty things to Gagarin and once healed the foil star.
And one night I even wanted to embroider an indecent word on Gagarin's spacesuit, but only pricked my finger and got tangled in the thread.
The cosmonauts wake up, lo and behold - and in the closet where the spacesuits, Titov hangs, wrapped in threads. Gritting teeth.
Gagarin smiled his beautiful smile, and Titov only gnashed his teeth.

Gagarin was not only beautiful, but also generous. he was respected by the Jedi for this, people are very harsh.
here, for example, Titov once wanted to set up nasty things for Gagarin, but he got caught.
and what about Gagarin?
only smiled.

therefore, local bodhisattvas sometimes confused Gagarin with Buddha.

When Gagarin got tired of plowing his rocket, Leonov pushed him out of the rocket to the gastronome.
And since without a rocket and a helmet, Gagarin was smiling and waving his hands all the time, the local bodhisattvas thought he was a Buddha and, just in case, hid in the bushes.
And only the Jedi did not care who they cracked with their sabers.
At least the one who is under the tree, even the one who is in the tree.
Buddha and Gagarin did not care either.
But from other ideological positions.

once Gagarin was walking along the path to the grocery store, and one drunk Jedi thought it was Buddha, and decided to crack him in the head with a saber.
he was about to run up, but stumbled and hit his head on a stone.
the last thing the Jedi saw was Gagarin's famous smile.

waking up, the Jedi thought - it was definitely Buddha!
this is how legends are born ..

Once a dispute took place at the grocery store about whether Gagarin's smile is beautiful when no one sees it.
Bodhisattvas said she was beautiful, but the Jedi said she was not. And one of the smallest and shabbiest Jedi even said that there really is no Gagarin either, but only a sensual illusion. Word for word - and it came to a fight.
And Gagarin only smiled as he rode his rocket. He knew that he could always look through the glass of his helmet.

often the Jedi and bodhisattvas argued at the grocery store about Gagarin, sometimes it even came to a fight.
one Jedi was even taken to the hospital by ambulance!
Buddha knew about it, but only smiled.
Gagarin knew too, and smiled too.

that's why they were often confused, argued to the point of hoarseness and all that jazz.

Once the Buddha met Gagarin.
And he was very surprised.

once Gagarin was mistakenly called Buddha.
Gagarin blushed deeply.

Gagarin was often called in different words. And a pioneer, and a space falcon, and others.
And what words Titov said when Gagarin got stuck in the window again - and it's awkward to repeat.
And Gagarin only smiled at this and waved his hand.
Maybe I heard badly. I do not know.

some cosmonauts, Titov for example, well, or what Tereshkova is there, envied Gagarin.
envied, and through this they said nasty things behind the back of a simple Russian guy.
Gagarin knew about this case, but did not take offense, considering it beneath his dignity.
on the other hand, when Leonov, a dumb sidekick, called Gagarin great, the first and the rest, Gagarin was shy.

such and such was a contradictory person, yes.

When Leonov got bored in the rocket, he called Gagarin and told him what a great Gagarin he was.
Gagarin was very embarrassed, pinched his ears with his palms, shouted that he still didn’t listen, and then could not stand it and jumped out the window. Well, I got stuck, of course, with my big helmet.
Then Leonov cheerfully winked at Titov with Tereshkova and went out into open space to push Gagarin back.

Why was Gagarin shy?
because he was great, and he was somehow not very good to fly without Leonov.
Leonov, in general, was like his own father to him - he would push him into a rocket if the helmet got stuck, and he was not stingy with a kind word.
Therefore, Gagarin loved Leonova very much, although he was shy.

Gagarin and Leonov were very friendly.
They even somehow happened that a hole was made in the rocket and through this the air contained inside began to evaporate into the surrounding ether. And Leonov gave the suit to the dry cleaner. But Gagarin shared his things with him. Himself in a big helmet curled up, and Leonov was somewhere at his feet.
And when they flew over the Central Russian Upland, Leonov helped Gagarin to lean out through the window and wave his hand. Although he knew that they would be stuck as usual, and there would be no one to push back.
But somehow they managed.
These were the friends.

Gagarin and Leonov loved to play chess. they had such a special space chess set with magnets.
one thing is bad - they always ended in a draw.
Leonov idolized Gagarin and therefore always succumbed.
Gagarin Leonova loved and respected as a professional, he was shy to win, and therefore always succumbed.

that was the case when the two of them played in the towns with Titov and Tereshkova!
hacked harshly, only the crackling was.
even waiting and they came to see.

Gagarin and Leonov sometimes went to the grocery store together.
And in such an original manner that Gagarin is walking, and next to Leonov, jumping on all fours.
They'll get to the grocery store like that, and then Leonov will get up, Gagarin will click on the forehead - well, what, Brother Gagarin says. Yes, that's it, brother Leonov, - Gagarin answers him. And both laugh.
Bodhisattvas from the grocery store after that all ran to the Buddha in tears, glorifying Gagarin and Leonov.

once Gagarin and Leonov came to the grocery store, and there was such a queue, the tail was already on the street.
and closer to the distribution are Titov and Tereshkova.
Tereshkova is waving her hands, let's say, lave, we will take it for you, why are we not cosmonauts, do not understand concepts?

but Gagarin and Leonov turned their backs and continued their leisurely conversation about the new Japanese missiles.
because they never looked for easy ways!

Titov, although he was an unpleasant person, but still with a concept.
Once, when the MCC turned away, he put a dead mouse in Tereshkova's spacesuit for laughter.
Well, when the case was opened, everyone, of course, understood that it was Titov's fault. And he was hit on the fingers by the pointer from the MCC.
But Titov did not make a sound. He only gnashed his teeth.
These are what people were like in the old days.

in general, women, they are very strange creatures.
Gagarin never understood women and for some reason was shy in front of them.
let's say, one day Gagarin was walking through the forest and saw how two drunken Jedi dragged Tereshkova into the bushes.
the brave astronaut stood up for the lady's honor, and slapped the Jedi with pussies.
and Titov once threw Tereshkova's mouse into a spacesuit.
and what do you think? Tereshkova adores Titov, but Gagarin cannot stand it.

here and understand these women.

One day the Jedi started a booze at a grocery store.
But just about that time, Gagarin flew from above in his rocket.
Under the reproachful gaze of his kind eyes, the Jedi really wanted to go to the tree.

two bodhisattvas once came to Buddha and asked what he thought about Gagarin.
At first the Buddha wanted to ask who he was, but then he changed his mind.

Once, two bodhisattvas argued about the meaning of Gagarin.
The Jedi who came running wanted to take them in jabs, but it turned out that they were Gagarin and Leonov, disguised as bodhisattvas.
Everyone laughed at such an embarrassment.

one Jedi got lost in space, the battery in the Jedi saber was completely exhausted.
well, everything, he thinks, will be lost for a penny. To whom shall I leave my Padawan?
but Gagarin flew past in his rocket and threw a space lifebuoy to the Jedi.
extended a helping hand.
put up his shoulder.

since then, that Jedi has always skipped Gagarin at the grocery store.
and Leonov too, sometimes.

Gagarin had many unusual habits.
So, for example, he had the habit of going up to the mirror every morning and asking, referring to his reflection, what is the meaning of Gagarin. And then show the reflection to the point.
Titov invariably gnashed his teeth.

once Gagarin disguised himself as a bodhisattva and went to the Buddha to ask what was the meaning of Gagarin.
he asked to ask, but the Buddha did not answer, only gnashed his teeth.

however, it turned out that it was not the Buddha, then Titov Buddha disguised himself and sat under a tree, playing the fool.

On March 7, 1960, the first cosmonaut corps was formed. The 12 people enrolled in it, to which eight more were later added, were selected from three and a half thousand Soviet pilots and went through many tests and trials before they got into this secret detachment. Later, six of the 20 potential astronauts were selected based on the results of new tests. They were to become the first Soviet cosmonauts. This group included Yuri Gagarin, German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Valery Bykovsky and Pavel Popovich, who made their first space flights.

But there was a man in this group whose name is not so widely known: Grigory Nelyubov. At one time, he was considered the third in the first group of astronauts and was a reserve during the first flight of Gagarin in history. But Nelyubov never got into space.

The Soviet space program was developed under the strictest secrecy. It was decided to recruit the future pioneers of space from among the pilots of fighter aircraft. In the spring of 1959, selection began. The personal files of all Soviet fighter pilots were thoroughly examined, as a result, out of three and a half thousand people, it was decided to involve only 347 in the tests.

These people were interviewed directly at the place of service. Of course, in order to avoid leaks, no one told them what was required of them, did not provide any details, because the program was strictly secret. The pilots were simply asked if they wanted to serve the Motherland in a special way and take part in tests of the latest technology.

In addition, at the first stage, the pilots had to meet several criteria: to be no older than 35 years old, have a height of no more than 175 centimeters, since it was problematic to place a larger astronaut on the Vostok spacecraft.

Based on the results of the interviews, a group of 206 pilots was selected. They were to be subjected to an unprecedented in-depth medical examination, as well as preparatory tests. 72 people changed their minds to participate in the tests. Such a serious medical examination could reveal that they had some contraindications for flying, and they would have to say goodbye to their work.

The rest have been tested. By the end of the checks, 29 people remained from the original group. On March 7, 1960, 12 people, the most capable of the group, were enrolled in the first squad, and they had to prepare for the first flights. A little later, eight more were added to this group.

These first 12 people enrolled in the cosmonaut corps became space pioneers. Gagarin, Leonov, Titov, Gorbatko, Shonin, Bykovsky, Anikeev, Volynov, Nikolaev, Komarov, Popovich - all of them have been in space, but there are no Nelyubov.

In the summer of 1960, after the group moved to Zvezdny Gorodok, practical preparations for the flight began. Six people were selected from the entire group, one of whom was to become the first person to travel to space, and the others - to follow him. This group included Gagarin, Titov, Nelyubov, Bykovsky, Nikolaev and Popovich.

For six months, six cosmonauts were preparing for the flight. Finally, in January 1961, they all successfully passed the exams and were admitted to the posts of astronauts. Now it was necessary to assign roles and determine who would be the first.

Experts are still arguing why it was Gagarin who was chosen for the role of the first cosmonaut, because he and Titov showed approximately the same results, and Titov was even preferable, because there was a very high probability of an unsuccessful flight (just in case, even mourning messages about death were prepared in advance the first cosmonaut), and Titov had no children, while Gagarin had two daughters growing up. It is possible that Korolev chose Gagarin thanks to his charisma. In the event of a successful flight, the Soviet cosmonaut would turn into the most recognizable person on planet Earth and a kind of ambassador of the Soviet Union in the world, and from this point of view, the charming and smiling Gagarin, who evoked sympathy among everyone, was preferable to the focused Titov.

One way or another, but two weeks before the first flight, the choice was made. Gagarin becomes the commander of the first cosmonaut corps. German Titov is appointed as Gagarin's backup. He was supposed to fly into space if something happened to Gagarin on the day of launch. Grigory Nelyubov was appointed a reserve cosmonaut. If Titov felt bad, then he would have flown into space. Thus, in the peculiar hierarchy of the detachment, he was considered cosmonaut No. 3 and even received a corresponding certificate. Since all three had a chance to fly into space on April 12 (although Gagarin, of course, was higher than the others), they all wrote down a special appeal to the Soviet people in advance and took pictures together on Red Square.

Grigory Nelyubov was born in 1934, according to some sources, in the Crimea, according to others - in Zaporozhye. With Gagarin they were the same age - Titov was a year younger. Like Gagarin, Nelyubov served in the naval aviation, while Titov in the air defense aviation. But if Gagarin served "in the middle of nowhere" - in the Murmansk region (as part of the Northern Fleet Air Force), then Nelyubov was a pilot of the 966th Aviation Regiment of the 127th Fighter Aviation Division of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force.

By the time of selection, Gagarin had two years of experience as a fighter pilot, and Nelyubov almost three. Titov, on the other hand, served in air defense units in the Leningrad Region and also had two years of experience.

On April 12, 1961, the first manned flight into space took place. Nelyubov, as a reserve cosmonaut, was present at the cosmodrome together with Titov (however, he did not put on a spacesuit) and later, as a reserve for Gagarin, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. While the celebration of Gagarin was going on, the preparation of cosmonaut No. 2 - Titov began. He was to spend a day in orbit. In August 1961, Titov successfully traveled to space and returned to Earth. Astronaut No. 3, Grigory Nelyubov, was to fly next, who began intensive preparations for the flight, but circumstances intervened.

Astronaut No. 3 seemed to be pursued by some evil fate. Every time he was close to flying, circumstances developed in such a way that he ended up staying on the ground. After Titov's flight, Nelyubov spent several months preparing for his flight, since he had to set a record for a man's stay in orbit and go into space for three days.

Correspondents specially came to Zvezdny Gorodok to shoot the third Soviet cosmonaut and his wife, whose materials were then planned to be shown in the press after the successful completion of his mission. But unexpectedly, politics intervened, and the cosmonaut was an unwitting hostage.

In the Kremlin, after two successful launches, they thought and decided: what are we launching one person at a time according to the same program? This will not surprise the whole world. We need to come up with something new to continue to demonstrate the high bar. Let's launch several people into space at once - arrange a group flight.

As a result, the flight of Nelyubov, planned for the end of 1961, was first postponed to the spring of 1962, and then canceled altogether. Instead, preparations began for the launch of two ships at once, which will simultaneously be in orbit and maintain communication with each other.

For this flight, a group of seven cosmonauts was selected, which included Nelyubov. But the news of the cancellation of the flight and the need to start all preparations from the beginning, most likely, were a strong blow for him. During the next tests on the centrifuge, Nelyubov showed not the best results and was temporarily suspended from training for health reasons. Andriyan Nikolaev and Pavel Popovich went into space instead.

And after them it was decided to send a woman into space for the first time. This was a propaganda calculation. In the early 60s in Western countries, women still played a traditional role: they sat at home, cooked for their husband, raised children, and here the Soviet Union sends a woman into space - a powerful move. A man was to fly with Tereshkova, selected for flight, on another ship. In the end, they turned out to be Bykovsky, and Nelyubov, because of a minor incident, said goodbye to the dream of the stars.

At the end of March 1963, two members of the detachment, Anikeev and Filatyev, were drinking in the station canteen on Chkalovskaya. Alcohol was not sold in Zvezdnoye, so I had to go to the station to get it. Nelyubov was on vacation at that time and went to the station for champagne. According to one version, he joined his comrades and drank beer with them, according to another, he simply did not have time to leave. Anikeev and Filatyev started an arm wrestling competition, during which, in the heat of a struggle, they dropped dishes from the table. The angry barmaid called a military patrol, which immediately showed up at the buffet.

The patrol tried to take Anikeev and Filatyev, but Nelyubov decided to defend them as the most sober. The conversation quickly turned to raised tones, and all three were taken to the commandant's office, where the instituted Nelyubov said too much to the officer. He got angry and promised to send a report about the obscene behavior of the astronauts "up".

It became known about the incident, but they tried to solve it on their own. The cosmonauts agreed that Nelyubov would apologize to the officer, who would not give the report any progress. However, Nelyubov, as they say, "closed" and he flatly refused to apologize: they say, they behaved rudely and defiantly, and apologize to me? For what? As a result, the report went to Moscow, and although many cosmonauts were against the expulsion of all three, the leadership in Moscow was adamant: to expel everyone.

The head of cosmonaut training Nikolai Kamanin, a very tough and stern man who served practically "from Ilyich to Ilyich" and who became one of the first heroes of the USSR for saving the "Chelyuskinites", recalled the situation with the expulsion of cosmonauts:

"German Titov also came in. I asked him how he relates to the case of Nelyubov, Anikeev and Filatyev. German replied that he was sorry for Nelyubov, that they had said a lot of unnecessary things to the guys. Then I told Titov that the fact of going into the eatery and drinking the rank of astronaut<…> This is not the first time that Nelyubov, Anikeev and Filatyev have been seen drinking. The latter two are of no value as astronauts, and this case gives us the legal right to free ourselves from them. Nelyubov was in the first "Gagarin" six and at one time was a candidate for the third or fourth flight, but then showed not the best results in the centrifuge and faded into the background. In this incident, he is less guilty than others (he was in civilian clothes and tried to persuade his comrades to leave early). Vershinin, Rudenko, Rytov and Odintsov for the dismissal of all three from astronauts. Gagarin believes that only Filatyev should be fired, while Nelyubov and Anikeev should be severely punished, but left in the center. I am for the dismissal of Filatyev and Anikeev from the center and for the last attempt to check Nelyubov, who was recently one of the best cosmonauts of the first set<…> The commander-in-chief signed an order for the expulsion of Filatyev, Anikeev and Nelyubov from the cosmonauts and ordered me to go to the center and personally explain to all officers that this issue was discussed at the Air Force military council, all members of which spoke in favor of their dismissal<…> Valery (Bykovsky. - Ed. Note) and Valya (Tereshkova. - Ed. Note) asked me to reconsider the decision to expel Nelyubov, Anikeev and Filatyev from the detachment. On this issue, the entire six cosmonauts spoke with Vershinin (Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. - Ed.). The commander-in-chief conveyed their request to me and asked me to think about what we can do. I honestly and directly answered both the cosmonauts and the commander-in-chief: "If Nelyubov gets an excellent certification in a year, then I will not object to his return to the detachment, but the way into space is closed for Filatyev and Anikeev."

After being expelled from the cosmonaut corps, Nelyubov was transferred to the Far East. Frankly speaking, Nelyubov ended up at the very end of the earth, in the taiga wilderness - his place of service was the village of Kremovo, Mikhailovsky District, Primorsky Territory. Several houses in which pilots and service personnel lived, an airfield and several tens of kilometers to the nearest city - the contrast with the former life of an astronaut and the Kremlin's receptions, of course, was incredible. Undoubtedly, this was a heavy blow both for Nelyubov himself and for his wife.

Nevertheless, Nelyubov still hoped that he could return. After all, before the expulsion he was reassured that in a year he would be given a chance to rehabilitate. Some sources report that Nelyubov broke down and drank after being expelled, but this is not so. Firstly, he would simply not be allowed to fly if he was carried away by alcohol, and secondly, he managed to master the newest MiG-21 fighter in the shortest possible time, which was not at all easy to do after a three-year pause in piloting.

He tried to transfer to test pilots, even passed the exam perfectly, but at the last moment he was refused - apparently, frightened of possible problems, remembering the incident on Chkalovskaya.

So a year passed, then a second. Nelyubov's train was rapidly leaving. In the cosmonaut corps, completely different people were being prepared for flights, and every month it was more and more difficult to return. In addition, Kamanin was not at all eager to return the cosmonaut who had been fined. The fact is that in the days of the first cosmonauts their profession was not just a profession, albeit a prestigious one, it was a privilege, and a very serious one. The cosmonauts were allowed to be stars and even overshadow the party leaders. They joked at Kremlin receptions, traveled to foreign countries, met with the top officials of states, they seemed to personify the ideal Soviet man and the advantages of the socialist system that allowed humanity to break into space.

Of course, Gagarin and the first cosmonauts were allowed a lot of things for which a simple member of the cosmonaut corps could be seriously pulled down, but Gagarin was already a living legend - he did more by his existence alone than all Soviet diplomats put together. But with those who had not yet flown into space, the demand was completely different, they were not going to forgive them even minor sins.

Nelyubov had one last chance: to achieve a meeting with Korolev and ask him to return to the detachment. The word of Korolev then had significant weight, besides, Korolev himself had a good attitude towards Nelyubov and considered him one of the most talented in the detachment (that's why he became cosmonaut No. 3). He managed to arrange a meeting, which was scheduled for February 1966.

But this meeting never took place. On January 14, the father of the Soviet space program died during an operation. The last hope of Nelyubov to fly to the stars collapsed. The cosmonaut had to forever say goodbye to thoughts of fame and honor, the newspapers would not report him, he would not be awarded in the Kremlin, he would not become famous throughout the USSR, he, a man who had only one step left to dream, now had to spend the rest of his life in taiga garrison at the end of the world - and this is after three years of continuous grueling training (the first cosmonauts were very heavily loaded during tests, because they did not yet know how the human body would behave in space).

This finally broke Nelyubov. The last three weeks of his life he was in severe depression and began to drink. On February 18, 1966, he left home and never returned. Soon his body was found on the railroad. Cosmonaut No. 3 was hit by a train. According to the general opinion of most researchers, Nelyubov committed suicide.

Cosmonaut No. 3 was the only one of the first selected six who never went into space. He was one step away from becoming a living legend, but in the end he was forgotten for almost a quarter of a century. The Soviet space program was strictly classified, and it was only during perestroika, in the wake of the glasnost policy, that information about the reserve Yuri Gagarin became known.

The fact that a heroic profession is impossible without humor is demonstrated by the numerous curiosities that occur in astronautics. The conquerors of the Universe are ordinary people, if you do not take into account their exceptional courage and altruism. And, accordingly, they love to joke. This is how the most fearless people on the planet had fun ...

Cosmonaut Georgy Grechko was one of the first to drink cognac in orbit, and the cognac is alien. - He swam out of the department with sports underwear, - Grechko recalled. - It said "Eleutherococcus K" (alcoholic tincture of Eleutherococcus was officially allowed). At first, out of the simplicity of my heart, I began to ask what kind of "Eleutherococcus" was. They said to me with a smile: "Concentrated". It turned out to be a gift from stunt doubles.

Georgy Grechko himself made similar presentations. So, in the 1970s, he first found himself abroad, in Bulgaria. There, for the first time, I saw canned beer and decided to send it to the guys at the station. “We smuggled this beer into space a little bit,” said the astronaut. - True, they could not drink it: the drink spilled over the ship. "

The crew members themselves did not get lost either, they hid alcohol in the logbook, which turned out to be one of the most convenient hidden places for cognac - with strong crusts, and even decorated with the emblem of the USSR. The astronauts tore off the note sheets, inserted a flat canister into the crusts, sealed the butt end with paper, and inspiredly drew the edges of the pages with a pencil. At the entrance to the ship there was an officer who checked everything brought on board for compliance with the weight list, etc.

“Our 'jar for recordings' was allowed through,” recalled Georgiy Mikhailovich. - And only once the officer-controller whispered: "You next time pour the booze to the very cork, otherwise the logbook gurgles very much."

By the way, the cognac that appeared in the form of the "Eleutherococcus K" tincture, which Georgy Grechko was talking about, was never finished by his crew. “Liquid and air in space weigh nothing alike, so they mix and foam forms there, which you can't squeeze out. And no matter how hard we tried to pull it out, we failed,” recalled Georgy Grechko. “We threw this flask.

And the next crew told us later that they finished it after all. We answer: yes it is impossible, we tried all the ways. But, as it turned out, other cosmonauts were more adventurous: they said that, they say, in addition to higher education, one must have at least an average consideration. They say they did it very simply: one went up to the ceiling of the station, and the other hit him on the head. The neck of the flask in the mouth. And by inertia the cognac goes into the mouth, because there is no weight in space, but there is inertia. "

Owen Garriot's most famous prank. This astronaut in 1973, as part of the Skylab crew, worked at the orbital station. Going on a flight, he took a dictaphone with him, on which he recorded several phrases of his wife at home, so that he could hear her voice in orbit.

Once, once again getting in touch with the Mission Control Center, he decided to prank Officer Robert Crippen. Owen brought the recorder to the transmitter and turned it on. As a result, the following dialogue took place between the station and the center:
“Skylab, this is Houston, do you hear?
“Good afternoon, Houston,” a cheerful female voice replied. “Skylab is listening.

The officer on Earth was stunned. He decided to clarify:
- Who is the transmitter?
“Bob, this is Helen, Owen’s wife.
Bob was silent for a while, thinking what was happening, and then asked:
- What are you doing over there?
- I decided to cook a meal for the guys. Fresh, homemade, ”Helen calmed him.
The earth was silent for about a minute, then shut down. Apparently, the officer's nerves could not stand it.

Once Soviet cosmonauts Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Ryumin decided to amaze botanists all over the world by demonstrating a cucumber grown in the greenhouse of the Mir station. The pundits were delighted: before that, the plant did not even give an ovary, but here is a whole fruit. They asked not to eat the cucumber.

They began to think about how to deliver him to Earth. The scientific community was in ecstasy, until the astronauts confessed that the vegetable was brought from Earth, and demonstrated an orange secretly taken into orbit.

Kovalenok on "Salyut-6" was repairing a flabby video recorder, having forgotten to pull out a cassette with a favorite movie of astronauts - "White Sun of the Desert". Having repaired, I started to warm up, and in the meantime went about my business.

Approximately two minutes pass - and suddenly the thunderous voice of Comrade Sukhov goes to the whole station: "Great, fathers!" Kovalenok exchanged glances with flight engineer Ivanchenkov. The first thought was: hallucinations began. Moreover, the phrase "We've been sitting here for a long time" followed, and the crew had a hundredth day of flight ...

Traditionally, the cosmonauts, upon their return from the flight, give their instructor something from the things that have been in orbit. This is often a watch. But a couple of days before the end of the flight, Vladimir Lyakhov discovered that he had lost his watch and tried to find it every free minute.

He checked every interior trim panel, expecting to find it missing. In the end, there was only one untested panel left. It was fastened with fifty bolts. Lyakhov spent several hours to promote them all. When he opened the panel, he found a note inside: “There is no clock here. Kovalenok! " By the way, that time Lyakhov never found his watch.

Klimuk and Sevastyanov flew on Salyut-4 at a time when there were no visiting expeditions yet. Only double. Klimuk sailed away on business to the ship and closed the hatch behind him. Sevastyanov needed to consult with the commander, he swam to the hatch and knocked on it. Klimuk from behind the hatch: "Who is there?"

The Salyut-6 crew, Popov and Ryumin, decided to play the Mission Control Center. In one of the communication sessions, appearing in front of the cameras, they asked to wait a second. On Earth, they were perplexed: who are they still waiting for? And they were dumbfounded when from the depths of the station came out ... the third cosmonaut! Moreover, accompanied by Ryumin's displeased grumble: "You are always late" ...

As it turned out, it was just a spacesuit inflated with air, in which the astronauts start and return to Earth.

During one of the long flights, it was April 1. The astronauts, loaded with work, somehow forgot about him. But the MCC operator is not. Gave me on board: "We don't like telemetry, ventilate the station." - "How?" - "Open the window for ten minutes!"

At the station, at last, they realized about Fools' Day, and answered in tune. The next day, as luck would have it, the State Commission showed up at the MCC. They listen to the crew's report - and on the phrase “... the station was aired” they literally “go crazy”. "What have you aired?" - “Station. According to the assignment. " - "How???" - "Opened the window for ten minutes."

The State Commission flatly refused to understand the "joke of humor", therefore, upon returning to Earth, the crew flew in.

Flight engineer "Salyut-7" Vladimir Solovyov was once in orbit ... beaten. With fists. It was like this: the visiting expedition cosmonaut Igor Volk woke up before everyone else. I decided to warm up. I noticed in the working compartment among the bags hanging there, one that seemed softer to him, and began to use it as a punching bag. And it turned out to be a sleeping bag in which Solovyov slept in the sleep of a righteous man ...

The unspoken champion of space jokes is the astronaut Owen Garriott, who managed to play the MCC in Houston twice during one flight at the Skylab station.

You can imagine when, in the midst of a stream of boring technical data from the board, the lines suddenly appear: “Hell is in the middle of the sun. We see the dead burning. We see hell ”! And then - as if nothing had happened.

Usually, Soviet television, informing about the next docking of a manned spacecraft with an orbital station, showed the following footage: the docking port hatch opens, and members of the visiting expedition swim into the station, who are happily greeted by local centenarians. Smiles, laughter, hugs, a short briefing on board, greetings to those who remained on Earth ... In reality, the operations after docking the ship with the station and checking the docking station for leaks proceeded according to the following scenario.

The main crew, with the hatch closed, politely asked what the guests had come with. And when from the ship on the intercom it was heard that with nothing, he was also politely advised to continue the flight in the same state. In order for the hatch to be opened, a "pass" to the station was needed. And this pass was carried with them by all visiting expeditions.

After some altercations, the hatch was slightly opened, a bottle of brandy floated into the station, and only then the visiting expedition itself. The cognac went in a circle, and the visiting expedition was "registered" at the station. Naturally, viewers have never seen any of this.

Cosmonaut visited St. Petersburg Alexander Lazutkin... In February 1997, he went into space and spent 184 days 22 hours 7 minutes 40 seconds as a flight engineer on the Soyuz TM-25 spacecraft and the Mir orbital station. It was at this time that a fire occurred at the station, a collision with a cargo ship and other troubles. The hero of Russia spoke about his non-standard flight and space sensations at a meeting with Petersburgers.

About space

Once, in my childhood, at the dacha, I was allowed to climb onto the roof, and I saw from a height the familiar world - neighboring houses, forest, fields and places where I had not yet been. It was an incredible delight. And so I climbed onto the roof much higher than that. However, everything turned out to be a little different than I expected. The first thought that came up when I looked through the porthole at Earth, “Well, I knew it was round” with a feeling of regret. I think if I saw turtles, elephants, a whale or the rope on which it hangs, I would say everything is fine, it should be so.

The first days in zero gravity were hard for Lazutkin. Photo: From personal archive / from A. Lazutkin's archive

An unpleasant feeling when you can't see where the Earth is standing. I felt there was a big difference between what we know and how we feel. I knew that the Earth is round, does not stand on anything, flies in space. And so I saw her in an endless and boundless space. From this it became scary, but also beautiful. In space, you understand how much our world is bigger, and the Earth is just a small point in it. And it is no different from the others we look at on a starry night. And there are many more stars in space than can be seen from Earth. And this is impressive. There is a certainty that there are the same planets, the same worlds as ours, and that one has to fly there. It's a pity life is short.

About weightlessness

I thought weightlessness was bliss. However, in the first week he almost died. I unfastened from the chair an hour and a half after weightlessness came. And then I flew and I think - great. And suddenly I felt nausea coming inside. It developed with each coil, and after a day or two, head and back aches. In weightlessness, blood rushes to the head, and no matter how we turn over, it does not drain. The feeling that he stood on his head, and the vertebrae diverge, since gravity does not act on them. On the fourth or fifth day, I thought: if I knew it would be so bad, I would never have become an astronaut. On the sixth, the prospect of spending six months at the station was not at all pleasing. On the seventh day, I realized that I would die at night. It was some kind of natural state, I didn't want to resist and fight for my life.

Lazutkin was a flight engineer on the Soyuz TM-25 spacecraft. Photo: From personal archive / from A. Lazutkin's archive

On the ground, during experiments in the pressure chamber, if it got bad, you could knock, and everything stopped. In space, I knew that knocking was useless, no one would open it. I have never felt so bad. It seemed that I would definitely die at night. But the next day, I woke up, and I was not sick, my head and back did not hurt. And in the evening I was delighted, as if I was born again. An indescribable feeling of happiness and joy. After that, I was able to enjoy the feeling of weightlessness. And after a month it began to seem to me that walking was somehow even uncomfortable. Flying is much more pleasant.

On the peculiarities of life in space

The day passed usually, as on Earth: you wake up, do exercises, take a shower, have breakfast, work. The only thing that was different was that you didn't have to go to the store or to work. There was some discomfort in this. It seems like I want to go somewhere. Our food was no longer in tubes, but in bags. A very wide range: meat, fish, potatoes. 5-6 first courses and even more second courses. Usually freeze-dried, but delicious. There were also canned food of various types.

We didn't need to wash anything. All clothes are disposable. But, as it turned out, we are pulling all the habits into space. According to the instructions, socks, a T-shirt, shorts should be thrown away after two days. But all the astronauts, including foreigners, tried to wear longer. For some reason, everyone was sorry to throw out their clothes. Even at the end of the flight, you don't readjust. And so with everyone. The same with equipment: computers, fans, cameras were left somewhere, shoved somewhere. Although this is pointless, because you cannot take to Earth with you.

When I flew, our shower did not work and we had to use other methods. The simplest, you pour water into a small tank and squeeze out a little. You catch a drop, press it to the body, it does not repel, but sticks. And you rub it, wipe it with a towel and so on. This took from 250 to 300 ml of water. I wasted a glass somewhere. Now astronauts use napkins.

About accidents

Before the flight, I asked the cosmonauts how many emergency situations should I expect? They said 3-4 months, maximum five. As soon as our ship went into orbit, one of the antennas did not fully unfold. It was not scary, but I pinched one finger. We flew to the station for two days, during which time some block went out of order. Finally, the station is visible. We are approaching, approaching, and suddenly we stop and begin to move away. The commander says: "Sanya, accident." Thank God it was his second flight. He knew all the instructions by heart and calmly said what to do. I do everything, but I myself am in shock. What kind of accident? What's happening? Two days have passed and already three accidents.

The cosmonaut was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Photo: From personal archive / from A. Lazutkin's archive

A week later, a fire broke out at the station. When we extinguished everything, the commander said that such a serious situation is two-fold. And I thought, two weeks have passed, and already five accidents, and there is still six months ahead. Cool. And then it began: the oxygen production system failed, the thermal control system broke down, the lights went out, the kitchen, toilet, shower did not work. The collision already did not know how it was. Towards the end of the flight in the morning you wake up and think: “Probably, there will be something again today. Well, okay".

Even when we were already flying to Earth, a couple of failures happened. We have already entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, the windows are soot, nothing is visible. We were jerked, the signal lit up that the main parachute opened. And I have a sign that the overload continues. Although it should have gone out. The commander and I agreed that the main parachute did not open. And we'll wait for the spare to open. Nothing even trembled in me. After it turned out, the banner was refused. Well, we landed with such a blow that I have never felt in my life, either before or after. It turned out that the soft landing engines did not work. I understood: here it is the last point.

All the emergency situations that were, helped me to feel the station. Every time I fixed something, I felt it stronger. I felt great after the collision, because I knew that we even experienced this and already know how to deal with it. Therefore, I am grateful to fate for everything that happened.

About knowledge about space

The fact that children do not know who the astronauts are is half the trouble. Recently, an incident occurred in Moscow. Young people were preparing an exhibition on space themes. We came to some organization and asked for materials about Gagarin. They are asked, what exactly interests you about Yuriy Alekseevich? And they: "Who is Yuri Alekseevich?"

We need to tell children about space, show good films. And then they will have a desire to become astronauts.

But seriously, I once performed at school. And before the start of the conversation, he also asked who wants to go into space? Few hands were raised. The boy was sitting next to me, I say, what don't you want? And he says - there is nausea. I told them how it was in space and asked again if anyone expressed a desire to fly into space? Most of the children raised their hands, and even a boy who was afraid of nausea. He said he would be patient. Probably, you need to tell children about space, show good films. And then they will have a desire to become astronauts and go there.

(fairy tale - fantasy for children)

One boy lives in the city of Sosnovoborsk, and his name is Sasha. Sasha's birthday is April 12, just on Cosmonautics Day. Therefore, when the boy was six years old, his parents gave Sasha a robot - an astronaut, and his sister Olya - a toy rocket. Sasha liked the gifts very much, and when the guests left, he began to play with pleasure. But the time has come to go to bed, so the boy put the gift next to him ...
... And Sasha has an unusual dream, how once something happened in space !!!
Sasha's rocket came to life and said in a human voice: “Sasha, I invite you on a space journey to other worlds. Boldly sit in me and I will show you the unknown. And now Sasha sees from the window of the rocket the Beauty Earth and the brightly glowing stars.
Suddenly Rocket opened her eyes wide. In the stellar space, next to the stars and planets, multicolored butterflies, pigeons, Fire-Bird and even a talking Kolobok flew. He smiled at everyone and said: - "BIG THANKS !!!" The rocket was very surprised. For all the time that she flew in space, this was the first time. And Sasha even opened his mouth in surprise.
And then, among the brightly sparkling stars, Sasha saw a falling comet, and a little further away something very large and smiling. The boy could read, so he read SUN through the window in the rocket.
The yellow luminary smiled affectionately and invited me to get acquainted with the planets of the solar system. “We have a very large family,” the sun said cordially.
Then the sun continued - these are the planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, the beautiful Earth, and of course, I am the Sun. Each of the planets has its own properties and characteristics. But, unfortunately, only on Earth there is life, and I think that you came from there. The rocket spoke again in human language and confirmed that this was indeed the case. And from the window Sasha saw how the planets revolve one after another around the Sun.
And so the rocket picked up speed and flew forward. The sun was far behind, when suddenly Sasha saw a planet with the inscription MERCURY. This planet is the closest to the Sun, so it shines on Mercury 7 times stronger than on other planets. And it also turns out that where the day is real hell, right up to 430 degrees. But where the night is bitter cold, the temperature reaches minus 180 degrees. Sasha even shivered, it was hard for him to imagine such a frost, because when it is thirty degrees below zero in Sosnovoborsk, his mother always ties him with a scarf so that he does not catch a cold and does not freeze his nose. And it was hard for Sasha to imagine such heat, but in MERCURY it turns out that way. And yet there are no forests or cities, only solid deserts. You can see this planet only in the fall, and even then just before dawn. But Sasha was lucky, he saw her. “And as soon as the rocket didn’t melt, apparently I have it very strong” - so the boy thought.
Indeed, the walls of Sasha's rocket were very thick, otherwise nothing would have been left from the heat and cold of Mercury. But fortunately, the rocket rushed Sasha forward, without fear of any difficulties in space travel.
“How interesting it is to travel among the stars” - thought Sasha. But before he had time to recover, the EARTH appeared ahead. “How beautiful she is! I am very glad that I live on this planet, because here is my city, my relatives and my kindergarten! "
And indeed from space, the Earth is very beautiful. Sasha also learned that the Earth has a moon moon. It turned out that the Earth revolves around the Sun, so it happens day and night. And in a day, that is, in 24 hours, the Earth makes one turn. And on Earth there are also MATERIALS, OCEANS, RIVERS and LAKES.
Suddenly, something flashed outside the windows. "The Martians!" The rocket shouted loudly. They don't want to let us into their planet MARS.
"What will happen now ?!" - Sasha thought with horror.
The inhabitants of the Universe came to the aid of our heroes. They destroyed the evil Martians. And the cosmonaut decided to continue the rocket with the boy.
Finally, the path to the planet MARS is clear. “What will I learn about this planet,” Sasha thought to himself. And I learned this ...
Mars is also called the red planet, around which two moons fly - PHOBOS and DIMOS.
Mars has many giant volcanoes and vast deserts. And the boy was amazed that it is possible to fly to Mars with the help of modern rockets in 4 years. “Wow how far away! - Sasha was surprised, - and we have already flown on my rocket.
In general, as many as 25 ships have already been sent to Mars. In ancient times, large rivers flowed on this planet, but now there are huge blocks of ice, but not from water, but from carbon dioxide.
And only the rocket with Sasha wanted to leave the surface of Mars, when suddenly a huge cosmic STRONG ROBOT reappeared among the shining stars near the planet. He rushed across the rocket to block its path. Fortunately, at that very time, a space defender with her rocket appeared next to the ROBOT. And now the way to Sasha's rocket is closed. The ardent heart of the protector of space will melt the ROBOT-POWERFUL, so that nothing of it remains in all the vastness of the Universe. And so it happened, the way to further planets is open. "Forward to JUPITER!" - shouted the boy's rocket and flew to the next planet with a vengeance.
Here, finally, and JUPITER. The rocket told Sasha that this is the largest planet in the solar system and that, unlike others, it is not at all solid, but is a huge ball of gas. JUPITER, as it turned out, rotates very quickly, because strong, strong winds blow nearby. Therefore, the rocket decided to quickly go further. “Otherwise we might be blown out,” she said emphatically. And Sasha, of course, absolutely agreed with her.
And then, in the vast expanses of the Universe, SATURN appeared - the sixth planet of the solar system. From the rocket window, he looked very cool. And also at SATURN, many different rings revolved around very quickly at a speed of 1800 km. in hour. Sasha even took his breath away from this, but the rocket added that it was necessary to continue the journey to the next planet as soon as possible.
This planet turned out to be Uranus. Rocket said she didn't know much about this planet. She only knows that URANA has 15 satellites, and that there is also fierce cold up to minus 220 degrees. And in the center of the planet is a huge core made of stone and iron. “Sasha, you and I still have an acquaintance with two planets, so we need to hurry,” the rocket said judiciously. Sasha nodded in the affirmative and, together with his iron friend, they rushed on.
The rocket sped Sasha forward and forward. "NEPTUNE" - Sasha read through the window, - that's good, we arrived, I wonder what kind of planet is this? And why was she named that? After all, in my kindergarten, the boy continued to reflect, in the summer passed the DAY of NEPTUNE. And the NEPTUNE was an old uncle with a beard. But Sasha's thoughts were interrupted by a rocket, which told about the planet that it was the penultimate in the solar system and that it was discovered in 1846. NEPTUNE is not visible without a huge telescope. "Therefore, you, Sasha, just won't be able to see it in the sky!" - finished the rocket.
"Nothing, I've already looked at it!" - answered the boy. And NEPTUNE in Greek mythology is the GOD OF THE SEAS! Like this!
“So our space journey ends, and now you, my young friend, are going to get acquainted with the last planet called PLUTO. Sasha moved closer to the window and with all his eyes began to look at this planet. It turned out to be the smallest of all the planets in the solar system. And it consists of stone and ice, but this ice is also not water, as, for example, on EARTH, but gas. PLUTO has a twin planet, whose name is CHARON. And Sasha saw it. The rocket said that PLUTO is also very cold and there is no life, as on other planets, except for EARTH, of course. “Sasha, it's time for us to return home to EARTH, I’m already running out of fuel,” said the rocket. But for some reason Sasha wanted to look at something else. “Then I invite you to make a real LUNAR trip. I have friends on the MOON who will help me and give me fuel, and they will show you something interesting! " "I really want to go there, forward, my dear rocket!"
The huge yellow ball of the MOON was getting closer and closer, and now it flashed through the window of the rocket very close. Sasha even held his breath, so much he wanted to visit the EARTH satellite.
Sasha really liked the view of the clearing, everything was so unusual and mysterious there. The moon girl saw the amazed eyes of the guest and invited him to the moon palace to introduce him to her sister LUNATA. Sasha, of course, accepted this invitation with pleasure.
Here is the palace! How beautiful it is! LUNATA warmly welcomed the guests. At that time she was making moon drawings to give them to the mistress LUNA, but when she saw Sasha, she changed her mind. And in addition to the drawings, the boy also received a New Year's gift, because everyone in the lunar palace was celebrating the New Year. What do you think the young traveler said? Well of course he said: -
Well, after the rocket received a new portion of fuel for itself, it came for Sasha. He had no choice but to go home to EARTH. LUNATA volunteered to accompany them, as the LUNA mistress had a lot to do. At this time, the ROBOT, which was presented to Sasha for his birthday, also woke up in the rocket. He was very surprised that he slept for so long and flew into starry space to unwind. But the boy told him: - "I'm waiting for you at home!" And the ROBOT agreed. " I will definitely be back!" - a little retired, he replied.
The newly fueled rocket very quickly passed space, and now Sasha saw a sunset of striking beauty outside its windows. It was as if someone had laid an orange, burgundy and bluish carpet across the sky and on the water of the Yenisei. Sasha could not take his eyes off, because he had never seen anything like it. “How great it is on the EARTH, there is nothing like it in space! Therefore, I will tell all the children in the kindergarten to take care of our LAND and not offend it. It is never necessary to spoil forests and litter rivers, because they are of great benefit! " - so thought Sasha, looking around from the window of his rocket.
Oh, what happiness
Here is my dear Sosnovoborsk!
Oh, what happiness
No sooner had Sasha come to his senses, as he was at home in his room. There was a rocket on the couch, and a robot next to it on a pillow. And then Sasha understood everything. "Space travel is nothing but my dream, and the Firebird, Kolobok and Butterflies dreamed in space because shortly before their birthday, my mother read interesting fairy tales about them" - our young cosmonaut thought so and finally calmed down. an interesting story happened once in space. And you guys love to travel, if not, then be sure to try, because it's so great. And no matter where you go to space or our beautiful Earth, you will learn a lot of interesting things. And I, as the author of this story, I very much wish you that! But for now - GOOD BYE!