What the drawing on the fingers is talking about. Papillary patterns in chiromantia

The grooves on the pillows of fingers are not only in humans. But, for example, man-like monkeys. True, the primates are decorated with parallel lines, so to identify the orangutan or the gorilla on fingerprints, it is hardly possible - the patterns are almost the same. But the fingerprints of the coal are very similar to human. Even experienced experts sometimes cannot, at first glance, recognize whose imprint to them: human or bearish.

Why do you need fingerprints? Initially, scientists assumed that the grooves on the skin help us tightly hold the items in their hands, creating a good grip between the hand on the car tires and squeezed in it. However, subsequently this theory rejected. A series of experiments showed that if the pillows of our fingers were absolutely smooth, the capture would be stronger.

And then the scientists have created a new theory about the purpose of papillary patterns, which was fully confirmed. It turns out, lines and curls on the fingers improve the touch. When we spend your finger over the surface, the patterns create special vibrations that help better feel the object texture. And the circles and curls created from the grooves lead to the fact that part of the lines on the fingers will always be parallel to the surface of the subject in contact with it. Such a structure of prints enhances tactile abilities.

Why they are different

Fingerprints are formed before birth, approximately the 9-10th week of intrauterine development. The drawing on the fingers is determined by DNA, but not only genes affect it. After all, the single-time twins fingerprints though alike, but still unique. Scientists believe that the position of the embryo is influenced by the position of the pattern, its blood pressure, the rate of development and some other factors that simply cannot coincide with different people. That is why each of us has a unique pattern on the pillows of fingers. However, is it really unique? After all, it is impossible to exclude the theoretical possibility of having people with the same prints. Mathematics were calculated that there is a probability of such a coincidence, but it is negligible and amounts to about 1 chance of 64 million. This successfully enjoys criminals, because fingerprints help identify the personality of criminals.

Erase the person

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unique fingerprint has advanced englishman William Herschel In 1877. He served in the British administration in India (at that time, India was the colony of Great Britain), and in debt of the service he had to deal with the treaties to which the Hindus instead of the signature put the fingerprint. Then William noticed that the prints always differ from each other. And it served Gershel a good service. Indian soldiers were often sculptured: for the European eye, the individuals of the Indians are very similar, and their names often repeated, so the mercenaries came for a salary several times in a row, arguing that they did not receive money. After the Herschel made the soldiers put a fingerprint in the statement to receive a salary, the deception was put an end.

And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the British police began to spend dactioto-creation for the identification of criminals. Since then, criminal personalities have come serious times, because fingerprints could give them to any minute. Therefore, criminals who have shown their fingers in police cards, they tried to get rid of the patterns on the pillows of fingers by all their might.

There are cases when the skin on the fingers simply cut off. However, it turned out that after healing wounds, the same prints appear on the fingers as before.

Famous in the 1930s of the twentieth century american gangster john dillingerTo hide from the guards of the law, I made a plastic surgery and tried to raise fingerprints with acid. But when the police shot a Dillinger, his personality was finally established precisely on imprints - acid did not dissolve unique patterns.

Another American robber came up with an even more exotic way to deceive the police - he made a skin transplant operation. Donor spoke himself - the skin was taken from the bomb of the criminal and transplanted on the pillow of the fingers. However, even this did not help - after a few months, the skin on the fingers was updated and the treacherous lines fascinated again! And there is no way to deceive the creation of a copy of it to this day.

Special science, which is engaged in the study of patterns on the fingers, is called dermatoglyphic. It helps to understand how the drawing on our fingers is associated with character and behavior.

The loop is a common pattern for most Europeans. This drawing speaks a calm, balanced character. Such people are responsive and try to help others, easily start friends. Very punctual and responsible, but the initiative is rarely manifested.
Feelings and information such people are mined mainly from communicating with other people. They are emotionally predictable and open. They differ in good or excellent health, although in childhood they can hurt very often. On temperament, a man with loops is a sanguine. Does not tolerate boring and monotonous work, which he is not interested. If the drawing with hinges on all fingers, this indicates a strongly developed fantasy and some convergence from reality. About such people they say - not from this world.

People with this pattern on the fingers are energetic and confident. Confidence is observed in everything: in posture, gait, manners, gestures. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them and make it acknowledged to be admitted, any decision they defend to the end. Concrete thinking prevails. It is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the surrounding space and listen to the opinions of other people. Feelings are drawn mainly from practical actions. However, to solve their tasks often prefer to use other people.
For temperament, a man with arcs - choleric. He loves and appreciates music, art. And he, as a rule, expressive, artistic facial expressions.
In a difficult moment, he must be something busy, something to do, that is, to distract himself with any practical actions. Does not tolerate in the relationships of tenderness, but is very devoted and will never leave yours.

People who prevailed curls on the fingers, hot-tempered, but depart. Gifted creatively, grabbing everything on the fly, they are quickly trained and analyzing any events. Often begin to several cases immediately, but do not compell and lose interest to them. A freight, unstable psyche. Emotionally unpredictable, hide their feelings and experiences. There is a desire for solitude and self-analysis. Often are unhappy with themselves and in all doubt. Feelings draw inside itself, and information is mainly in writing sources.
On temperament, a person with curls - phlegmatic. We are not very expressive, quiet, slightly slow. If there are curls on the index fingers of the right and left hand, then such a man is a born thinker. And has a predisposition to programming, jurisprudence and scientific papers.
If you make a general conclusion, then people with curls are diverse, complex behavior, they often do not know what they are capable of.

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The basis of the curl is either a spiral or a different kind of circle, in the center of which is located papillar papillary (Figure 1.52). In such a pattern, the presence of two triradius, which are located on different sides of the curl (in Figure 1.52 are highlighted in black). If the curl is a helix, then it can be either a reversible (Figure 1.52-2), i.e., twisting to the thumb, or vice versa - left-hander, which is spinning to the maiden. Energy in such a curl constantly circulates around the center, so this position of papillary lines shows that the energy can enter and exit, since it goes along the spiral and, reaching the center, returns back.

If the curl is a concentric circle, which are removed from each other with a few distances, and it seems to be reminded by the "target" (Fig. 1.52), then the energy in such a curl is maximally concentrated in the center of the drawing. She remains in him constantly, as it has nowhere to go out, and therefore this kind of curl is rightfully considered one of the strongest.

Curl is a sign of individuality. Different curls are interpreted differently. For example, the actual spiral testifies to a dynamic and strong personality, and the left-hander reports the spiritual strength and gift of the intuitive foresight, which helps out in emergency situations. At unexpected events that require instant actions, such a person reacts extremely quickly. But this is not a consequence of jewelry solutions, but most likely the gift of intuitive solutions. The concentric circles indicate an understanding of the whole beautiful, and sometimes indicate a tendency to parapsychology and esoteric. When analyzing curls, you should always remember that the more difficult the drawing, the more difficult the psyche of the person. He will never take a hasty decision, and unexpected changes to the plans will be very unpleasant to him. First, such people should be internally tune in to a new wave and mentally play all possible situations in their mind.

When describing the psychological characteristics of curls, I will not stop at each of the drawings separately, and I will describe in general the main features that are present in their owners. Man whose fingerprints are curls, is a bright personality with a clearly formed opinion. The winner of curls always seeks to find their niche in life and become a professional in some kind of specific area. This is a seeker and a leader, theorist and experimenter in one person. Such a person is almost always not satisfied with what is happening both around and inside it, and constantly trying to change something. It has the colossal potential and inexhaustible vital energy, which is aimed to achieve ambitious purposes, but often a person remains incomprehensible in the eyes of the surrounding people. It is at the one who stands out from the crowd, has on all their own judgments and exposes the examination of capital truths, the skin lines form curls. It is difficult to find a common language with such a person, because he always does everything in his own way and does not like interference from the part of his personal affairs. Most likely, he will cease to reckon with the opinion of other people if they stand on the way of his desires and ideas. Therefore, individuals with a lot of curls are often looking for adventures in the sexual sphere and simply love to behave non-standard. In addition, carriers of curls of cunning and artistic, capable of hiding their inner essence and quickly change the "masks". Such people cannot be convicted in marital treason, since they will do everything possible so that their partner did not recognize anything. Independence, freedom and comprehensive gifts include positive characteristics of the personality, and the negative is a tendency to isolation, closure and narrowness. In combination with other signs, curls may indicate the desire to dominate in relations. Very often the predominance of curls indicates a special talent or human ability, which can relate to various areas of life, including a career.

Curls, which are a spiral, talk about the special rhythm of spiritual experiences that are repeated at certain intervals. As a rule, such people have exceptional memory, so they are often able to cause the long-lasting events from the depths of their consciousness. The stunned once they never forget, just like the happiness experienced by them: because of the first man suffers, and he lives the second. Mostly, life values \u200b\u200bare analyzed by subconsciously, and personal impressions for such people becomes the truth in the last instance.

People with concentric curls focus only on their own interests and are less inclined to sacrifice themselves for other people. They are created for the manual, as a last resort, themselves. A person who has a concentric curl is only on the left index finger, passionately is given to his beloved business, and if at the same time the index finger is less than nameless, then this is a sign of painful perception of criticism in his address. Additional concentric curls on the mother's, medium and nameless fingers indicate the achievement of success in those areas for which these fingers correspond.

Thumb Specifies to strong health, well-restored forces and excellent memory. Such a person will never change the decision already taken, and this is especially noticeable if the curls are present on both hands.

Stinking It gives overpriced aspirations that are supported by high self-esteem and, as a rule, differ in individuality and originality. Such people have bad adaptability, but due to their pressure and purposefulness rarely come from a chosen path. Of these, good leaders are obtained, but they need to overcome their natural shyness for this. Such people have their own glance on things and many ideas, defending which they can get others with them to reckon and respect their point of view. Thanks to the energy that focuses as much as possible around the center of the curl, such a person opens truly excellent life opportunities.

Middle-curl It suggests that a person has the opportunity to realize all his ambitious desires. He is able to invest all his ability, but requires that he is assessed by the merit, which gives him peculiar incentives and confidence in their power. Such personalities were initially introverted, but over the years they are becoming increasingly relaxed and less closed. The routine work is not tolerated, as they do not receive the necessary incentives from it, which help to assert themselves in life. The curl takes into the maximum energy of Saturn and gives the necessary harmony and self-imminent. Energy is able to concentrate so much in this finger, which in exceptional cases may not just smooth the negative patterns on the other fingers, but also to endow a person with the ability to learn from their mistakes.

Ring-curled Indicates creativity and testifies to susceptibility in relations with a partner. Such a person appreciates family comfort and comfort, but along with this curling gives its owner with shower and uncertainty.

Mizinz curl Reseats congenital flair and good memory. Since the concentration of energy in such a curl is very strong, it leads to the oppression of the characteristics of both the upper phalanx and the finger as a whole. These are sincere and devotional friends, excellent organizers, very attentive to details and trying to achieve perfection. For such people, it is impossible to influence and impose their opinions on them, and because of a special look at the world, they are able to carefully select only what they are interested in, ignoring everything else.

Peacock eyes (feather)

The central axis of such a pattern consists of radial or elbow loops, which are combined into one curl. This is a simultaneous connection of the loop and curl, so such a drawing has a symmetry axis and only one triuradius. The central axis in the English-language literature is called a peacock eye, because such a figure resembles a drawing on a peacock tail. This type of pattern is especially indicative to explain from the point of view of the flow of energy flows in the finger. Energy enters the loop, it is suitable for the center and concentrates in the center of the pattern, but it cannot be kept there and leaves the center on the delta back from the finger, which indicates the combined qualities of the loop and curl.

"Peacock Eye" (Figures 1.53) is most often found on an indicated or unnamed finger, less often it can be found on the middle finger and the mother's. The fingers on which a similar pattern is located are shown in which area is a man's talent, which, of course, gives the identity of a certain charm. If this pattern is found on an unnamed finger, it gives a developed sense of excellent and limitless creative abilities. On the index finger, this pattern marks managers from God, and on the Mizinza - gives large talents to communication and eloquence. There is also the opinion that the presence of the "peacock eye" even on one finger is a sign of human protection from negative life situations and sudden death, which will undoubtedly be confirmed by other parts of the hand.

Tent arc with loop inside

This type of papillary pattern is combined from the loop that the arc envelopes on top of the arc, inside the axis, as in the example of the tent arc (Figure 1.54). The pattern refers to the arc type, since the largest part of the energy passes along the trajectory of arc papillary lines and only a very small part of it is capable of lingering in the inner loop. Since the loop appears in the pattern, it is necessary to determine its direction, due to the fact that the psychological interpretation of such a picture will proceed from the direction of the loop and the characteristics of the tent arc. For example, in Figure 1.54-1 shows a tent arc with a radial loop, and in Figure 1.54-2 - with an elbow loop.

People with such patterns have unusual inclinations or native classes, can make several things at the same time or often change profession. A man with a tent arc and a radial loop inside does not make orders and regulations, so prefers free professions or at least sets its operation mode. Such people can argue their principles, not believing with others, which is very often occurring in the family, among relatives or neighbors.

Such a drawing on the indicated finger indicates an overwhelming feeling of self-esteem, which prevents the personality to fully reveal its natural abilities and talents. Almost all carriers of the tent arc with a loop have an adamant character, the desire for independence and conservative views on life. Very often, such people bring intuition, and illusory ideas and dreams lead to the side.

After we reviewed the description of the psychological traits of the character of a person both in general, and every finger separately, consider all these characteristics in the complex on the most repeated papillary patterns.

The prevailing pattern on the fingers is arc. Those who among papillary patterns dominate arcs differ in purely concrete thinking. These people are predictable and targeted, it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of others. They are true, frank, do not like snack intrigues and easily cut directly in the face of the truth-uterus. In most cases, arc patterns on the fingers indicate that the person is traditional is responsible, honest and, as a rule, everyone is satisfied. These people tend to obey, they appreciate simple things and pleasures, but may be inflexible, powerful and proud. Prefer to deal with familiar people and things, they often have problems with self-expression and there is no ease and spontaneity in character.

The prevailing pattern on the fingers is a loop. People with a predominance on the fingers of loop patterns is the "Golden Middle". They have a wide range of interests, they easily converge with others, tolerate any of their oddities, quite adequately evaluating what is happening. With all their pluses and minuses, these are ideal leaders who are able to at least minimize, but satisfy everyone. Especially since they do not press the surrounding, such as the owners of arc patterns, and do not torment anyone ever-changing ideas as individuals with curls. People who have most of the patterns in the form of loops, uncompressed, susceptible and experiments. Usually they are self-confident, bending and sociable are social reformers, benevolent and practical people. They are very emotionally responsive, but they may be lacking for concentration. The loops on all fingers say that a person feel easily in public and has a very flexible character.

The prevailing pattern on the fingers is curls. Those on whose fingers the curls prevail, differ in a variety of and very complex behavior. Despite its colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances. Constantly unhappy with themselves, prone to self-digging and to painful doubts. If most patterns are curls, then this is a confident, volitional, ambitious and purposeful person. These are individualists, peculiar and stubborn, and are also originals and rebels. Can be closed, incredulous and prone to solitude. These are strong and independent personalities who easily achieve success in everything.

The prevailing pattern on the fingers is tent arcs. People who have most drawings represent tent arcs are enthusiastic, dusting and sincere. They are devoted and selfless, emotional, idealistic and are socially active. In addition, they have a creative mindset, they appreciate art and music, are sensitive and live tense inner life. Both arcs and tent patterns indicate people who value tradition, honor family values \u200b\u200band, despite their creative character and liberal views, may seem old-fashioned.

The prevailing pattern on the fingers is a double loop. Most of these patterns indicate people diplomatic, unsure and susceptible to the arguments of both arguing parties. They are balanced and want to live so as not to interfere with others. At times there are very oppressive. These are landed, realistic and practical people, in the soul remaining incorrigible idealists and dreamers.

And now we will look at the main features of the character during the repeatability of patterns on the fingers and with their full asymmetry. If there are curls on both fingers of Jupiter, this indicates that such a person has a vocation or fate for some kind of activity, for example, in the desire to help others and feel the usefulness of society. It also indicates a strong need to be better than others in the area chosen. Such people will never be ordered or even to say what to do, and in order to achieve something from them, you need politely and without push, just ask for a service.

The curls on the finger of Mercury and the curl on the finger of Apollo indicate an active subconscious. Such a person sees the prophetic dreams, is very impressionable and has a living imagination.

The presence of curls on both thumbs indicates individualism and originality. Their owner will never change the decisions taken and will not act differently. Differs great power, ambition and independence. It is also noticed that the owner of the only curl on the big finger of the right hand is inclined to literally make surrounding long-term arguments, producing an impression of a smart and prudent person.

The loop on the thumb and the curls on the rest indicate that such a person is able to work in a team and thanks to its individuality can realize their ideas in practice.

The curls on the finger of Jupiter of the right hand and the loop on the left finger testify to the lack of decisiveness and independence in the independent embodiment of ideas, and vice versa - the loop on the right of Jupiter and curls on the left, talking about a person who can succeed in any profession, but it never It will take first place for him (for the left the location of papillary patterns should be the opposite).

The curls on the middle finger and the loop on the finger of the other hand indicates that such a person has someone's ideas better than their own.

It is also noticed that when the curls prevail on the right hand, such a person is quick-tempered, but it does not remember the resentment, and vice versa, when the curls prevail on his left hand, their owner is inclined to suppress anger, but for a long time to remember the insult.

Quite often in practice, it will be that a person owns two hands, or does not know what he has active, which can significantly impede the analysis of the personality when searching for a karmic destination. Faced with such a situation, you should know that on the active hand, the papillary pattern will always be more difficult than on passive. So, for example, true left-handed will have a curl on the finger of Jupiter left hand and a loop on the right finger of Jupiter. If the papillar pattern on both fingers of Jupiter is the same, then along the same scheme, the fingers of Saturn and so on.

And in conclusion of this section, I want to appeal to the statistics that specialists in the dermatoglyphika collected. They argue that representatives of various sports are significantly different in papillary patterns. For example, in high-speed-power sports, where it is required to maximize "positive" in a short time, simpler patterns are observed and the smallest combless account (this is the number of lines inside the pattern). On the contrary, the most complex drawing in combination with a high ridge account can be seen among athletes of those sports where complex coordination of movements is necessary. An intermediate position in these indicators occupy sports where endurance and static stability are needed. In play sports, there is a slightly different picture: there, the wider the field of activity of the athlete, the more difficult the pattern on the fingers (for example, more curls, less loops, and the arc does not occur at all).


Nails consist of a substance called keratin, and represent a solid deadly shape of the protein. Nails are not only designed to protect the nerve cells, which are focused on the first phalanx of the finger, but along with it they tell us about the state of the whole organism and in particular about the blood system of the person. In addition to the definition of health on the nail plate, you can learn the main features of the character in the form of a nail, and when you apply this data to each finger, you can understand how a person will be tuned to implement itself in a particular life area. Since in this big topic, we study with what characteristic psychological traits are determined, then we will lower the topic of health, and we will fully focus on how a person's nails complement the quality of personality. In addition, I will show how points under the nail plates learn how to determine future events that will occur in a person in two or three months. The topic of nails is very simple to study and on the ease of perception is about equal to the topic of decorations on the fingers previously considered.

Before proceeding with the description of the characteristics of the personality on the nail, you need to remember for yourself the same rule: the nail of normal length is usually exactly half the first phalange of the finger. If the nail takes less than half the phalanx, it is considered short, and if more is longer. Normal nail is shown in Figure 1.55.

Short and wide nails. The nail is considered short if its length is less than half the upper phalanx, and wide - if the width of the nail itself exceeds its length, as shown in Figures 1.56 and 1.56-1. The owners of such nails have a very large energy supply, since the energy that comes from the third phalange of the finger to the first, rushes up, quickly reaches the tip of the nail, turns around and goes back into the finger.

A man with such nails has a very hot-tempered, but derived character. He quickly responds to all the events that happens to him is very resourceful and witty. Sexually and emotionally aggressive, prone to jealousy and proprietary quality. Loves to argue and in any case tries to defend his point of view. He may not be interested in feelings of others, especially if it comes to open rivalry. In the case when such a person understands that it is not right, he becomes gloomy, closes and goes into his senses, unable to transfer criticism to his address.

If the nails are too short and at the same time, their owner will be too aggressive, quick-tempered, irreconcilable and picky. Such nails give an avid dispatcher, who, when inability to defend his point of view, can turn into a clogging and put into the course of the fists, if he no longer left for the beliefs of the opponent.

Long and wide nails. The nails of this species occupy most of the top phalange of the finger and are wide, since the width occupy almost the entire phalanx (Figure 1.57). The energy flow has to do a long path in order to reflect from the edge of the nail.

Such nails are a sign of careful, impressionable and prudent people. They may be nervous and possess a very sensitive psyche, but along with this they have an open and kind soul. They cause sympathy, emotional and constant in their attachments, prefer to engage in practical activities and are striving to achieve success in everything they would do. Often these are thinners, but they lack the spirit of rivalry and intellectual power in defending their opinions. As professionals in narrow regions, they have their personal opinion on many issues, and they are very difficult to convince them.

Wide and rounded nails. The nail of such a form has an approximately equal length and width and rounded in the nail bed (Figures 1.58 and 1.58-1). Energy flows smoothly flow such a nail, virtually no obstacles on their path.

Owners of such nails are distinguished by a calm and mild character. They can worry and nervous, but very rarely come out of themselves. It can seem to seem to be fat, but it is not so, and in fact it is thin and vanity. People who have such a look of the nail live feelings, but are able to listen to opinions from the side, and with an unfavorable coating of circumstances can stand up for themselves, showing the courage and power inherent. This is the harmonious appearance of the nail, which agrees all the adverse properties of other nail shapes.

Short spose nails. The main difference of such nails from representatives of other forms is that the nail bed has a triangular shape, expanding to the end of the finger, because of which the nail occupies a smaller half of the first phalanx (Figures 1.59 and 1.59-1). Energy flows around a nail much faster than in the previous case, endowing a person with an explosive character.

People with such nails are ambitious, active, dynamic, intolerant and are often susceptible to mood shifts. They seek to take their niche in society and can let everything into the move all their natural charm in order to become adorable in the team. They have a unstable psyche, and any, even small problems can easily withdraw such people from themselves. In order to remove an excessive stress, they are very often engaged in sports, and if desired and patience, it can achieve good results in it. Also, people with such nails are characterized by all qualities that are inherent in the owners of vopotary fingers, namely: landiness, thirst for money and binding to the whole material to the detriment of spiritual development.

Long and narrow nails. The nails of this species are found only at beautiful gender (Figures 1.60, 1.60-1 and 1.60-2). Energy flows do not go to the nail, and flow around it along the path of the smallest resistance, i.e., on both the edges.

The external attractiveness of such a nail, unfortunately, does not give it the owner of a good, soft and compliant character. A large layer on both sides of the nail indicates egoism. Such women can be charming and even from time to time will behave like children, but behind this mask lies quite ambitious, proprietary, materialistic and very capricious nature. They love everything good and expensive, but will never spend their own efforts to achieve all these goods themselves. The more narrow nails, the more happily the man, and the man, and too long, the nail makes his owner of the carriage. In the extreme manifestation and when confirmed by other signs on hand, it is a nail "bitch", which is characterized by the calculation in the relationship and the use of people around them for their own mercenary purposes. If the owner of such a nail "loses the support under his feet" or somehow changes its familiar lifestyle, it becomes very irritable, nervous and excitable and begins to treat everything with suspicion, anxiety and suffer from doubts.

Almond-shaped nails. The nails of this type are mainly found on the conic fingers or on the hands of the water type (Figures 1.61 and 1.61-1). Energy smoothly flows into the nail, giving such a nail the refinement in the characteristics.

Holders of nail of this type are sensitive and susceptible. They are very subtly feeling all that happens around and have developed intuition. In relations with a partner, such people are devoted and emotional and tend to give more in love than to receive. Often feel the feeling of uncertainty, excessively light and trusting, which is why unscrupulous people can be deceived. Very closed and reluctantly share their inner experiences, and in life they always protect their inner world and almost never reveal completely. Remember that having lost their trust at least once, you will never be able to count on what they will open and completely trust you. Also such nails are inherent in the quality of the conic fingers.

Summing up the total ratio of the ratios of long and short nails, it should be noted that the winners of long nails the character is less critical and more impressionable compared to the owners of the second variety. Long nails are inherent in calmer, polite and priest personalities, which everything in life is relatively easy in life. Holders of short nails are very skeptical and inclined to expose to analytically, logically and analytically investigate any situation. Its point will be defended to the end in any case, despite even that it is not right. In such people, the character of an avid dispatcher, who, however, can be softened by the excellent sense of humor.

And now, knowing the general characteristics of the nails, consider them in relation to your fingers, based on the comparison of their length and width. The tendency to criticism is determined by the nail on the finger of Jupiter, the credulity - the nail on the finger of Saturn, the aggressiveness and the ability for themselves to stand up - a nail on the finger of Apollo, and the insight is a nail on Finger Mercury.

Next to criticism. If the width of the nail surpasses its length on the first phalange of the finger of Jupiter, then the person is inclined to criticism, petty and conflict. And vice versa, if the length exceeds the width of the nail, then this sign indicates naivety, compromise, reluctance to delve into the situation, simplifying parts and the presets of reality.

Gauntness. If the width of the nail surpasses its length on the first phalange of the finger of Saturn, then the person is not inclined to believe the word and constantly rechecks the information received. He is skeptical, ironic, and he has a tendency to make fun of others. On the contrary, if the length exceeds the width, then such a person is trusting, does not see the partner's meanness and has a very painful response to deception.

Aggressiveness. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalange of the finger of Apollo, then the person in the character is a tendency to objections, increased aggression and vitality. With an increased nail length, there is an inability to protection, aversion to aggression, peacefulness and friendliness. Quite often, such a person occupies a position of conceduce.

Insight. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalange of the Finger of Mercury, then such a person is insightful and the ability on the summer to grab all the details and penetrate into the very essence of things, so that it rarely makes mistakes when making decisions. He is suspicious, but at the same time observed. If the length exceeds the width, then this feature testifies to excessive gulling, so such people are very often becoming victims of intrigue and deception.

Structure of nails. When analyzing the shape of the nail, it is necessary to pay attention to its structure and thickness, since these qualities will complement the psychological portrait of a person. Nails in structure are solid, soft and brittle, and in thickness - thick, normal and thin.

Solid nails Specify the decisive and solid character of a person who has a very large vital energy. Such people are strong, powerful, persistent in achieving their goals and, along with this, have a high excerpt.

Soft nails represent the complete opposite of solid. Their possessors of times lack energy and vitality. They need a number of strong partners who will be able to charge them with energy and in a certain way to stimulate, otherwise the owners of thin nails will quickly lose interest and will experience fatigue. They can often be influenced by the side and manipulation.

Brush nails - The first sign of the nervousness of man. Such people are very important to live in harmony both with the world and with themselves. They are not fighters, but if unforeseen situations occur or problems, they are prone to nervous and worry and worry than harmful to their psyche and health in general. It was noted that the owners of brittle nails are inherent in circle and they may alone and the same mistakes, since they cannot always treat the situation soberly because of the abundance of various emotions.

There is not a single person with the same pattern on the fingers as you. Scientists of dermatoglyphics can tell on the patterns on the fingers not only about the predisposition of a person to diseases, but also about his professional qualities.
Dermatoglification. Start

The man standing at the origins of Dermatoglyphika (this is exactly the name of the science of patterns on the skin) was the cousin of Charles Darwin Francis Galton. It was a scientist with a truly unrestrained burden for science and research. Rodality with Darwin determined the scientific path of Galton, he was a passionate adherent of the brother theory, and therefore it was striving to prove that evolution was not only not over, but also needs correction. Galton is recognized and the founder of Eugene, which gave their terrible fruits in the racial theory of Nazi Germany.
Halton's dermatoglyphik came after early 1888 GUAD, the Royal Institute, the scientific institute ordered him the reservation on the bertillion, which was then to fashion - the method of identifying criminals, which was based on the events of various parts of the body.
Galton was widely looked at things and among identification methods also mentioned "Picturecy". On May 25 of the same year, the scientist read his report in which he presented his vision of the problem.
Four years later, Galton had already published a book about the fingerprint - "Finger Prints". So a dermatoglification appeared in the scientific world. However, I must say that this term itself appeared later, in 1926, at 42 congress of the American Association of Anatoms. It translates as "skin engraving".
Arcs, loops, curls

Dermatoglyphism - discipline is relatively young and rapidly developing. According to Alexei Vladimirovich Vlasov, Chairman of the Council of the International Association of Dermatoglyphika, new frames are constantly coming to the dermatoglyphic. Studying the prints of people helps determine the character, temperament, the type of human behavioral adaptation in society.
Three main types of patterns are distinguished in the dermatoglyphik: loop, arc and curl. It is by their ratio on the fingers of the scientists can make certain conclusions about the carrier of these patterns.
Approximately the third of people on the fingers there are hinges - patterns that resemble Lasso, directed, as a rule towards the mother's. These people are carriers of the norm in terms of socialization, they adapt well to life situations, benevolent, are hidden, and frank moderately.
People who have curls on the fingers are constantly trying to change the world, they can make a brilliant discovery. These are people with great potential, but often they turn out to be placed in their time or their environment, can be inadequate. According to the psychiatrist and psychophysiologist Nikolai Bogdanova "It is at the one who is considered to be" asshole ", most often there are curls on the pillows of fingers."
People with their prevailing arcs are targeted, confident. They know that the problems cannot be avoided, they need to immediately decide. In the methods of solving problems, such people are not shy. They are practically not subject to stress. However, their weakness in weak ability to psychological combinatorics and in weak adaptation. They are more likely to shirt than jewelers.
It should also be said that the meager dermatogly appliance in humans, the harder it is to adapt to the society, the more challenges will be faced with a lot of problems.
Application value

It is clear that any systematic knowledge requires applied application. The dermatoglyphic in this respect is all good - she began with practitioners - Galton collaborated with criminologists and participated in the preparation of dactyloscopic card files. Interestingly, the Galton technique was recognized only in 1911, when, with the help of fingerprints, the Kidnapped from the Museum of Mona Lisa was found. From the time of the dermatogly appliance (its dactyloscopy section) is a recognized discipline that helps find the offender.
Dermatogly appliances today is a recognized method of medical diagnostics. The fact is that the patterns on the fingers are formed in the womb, for 3-5 months of pregnancy, together with the tissues of the nervous system. Skin patterns are individual and do not change throughout their lives, so dermatoglyphic analysis is a very convenient method. In the pattern on the fingers, even before obtaining a chromosomal picture, a child can be diagnosed with Down Syndrome, Sherechezhevsky Syndrome - Turner and Klinfelter and other pathologies.
Finally, the dermatoglyphic studies are carried out in the sphere of human activity, where genetic predisposition means a lot - in professional sports. In the laboratory of the sports anthropology of the All-Russian Institute of Physical Culture, the dermatoglyphic of our Olympic team has been studying for 15 years.
A long-term analysis has already shown that the dermatoglyphic characteristics of athletes in different sports differ. In high-speed-power sports, where you need to do the exercise as quickly as possible, most often there are simple patterns and the smallest combless account (the amount of scallops inside the pattern).
Athletes, for whose sports, complex coordination is characterized by a more complex pattern of patterns.
The median position in these indicators occupy sports for endurance and static stability.
In general, the more complicated in terms of sports coordination, the more difficult combination of patterns is found in athletes.
If we speak conditionally, then people with arcs on the fingers are more suitable in the attackers, and with curls - in defenders.
Ethnic dermatoglika

An ethnic dermatoglification is a separate sector of patterns on the fingers. Anthropologists specializing in dermatoglyphic, a huge layer of material on this discipline is assembled. Interestingly, the poorest dermatoglyphic picture is observed from Europeans, as it removed from Europe to the south, it becomes more complicated. This can explain the extroversion of Western civilization and intravert, characteristic of the east.
It is also noticed that such a pattern as curls on the fingers can most often meet among the peoples living in an extreme situation: the Aborigines of the North - Aleuts, Chukchi, the Aborigines of the Fire Earth, Australia, on Tibeta. People with curls on the fingers easier to survive in severe natural conditions. Their culture is more contemplative.

Sometimes it seems that it is hardly every every whole materialistic science accompanies its occult double. In parallel with astronomy, astrology is prosperously flourishing, numerology is adjacent to the arithmetic, the chemistry gets along with an alchemy ... except that the chiromantia is not duplicated. But no, it turns out, there is a science that studies patterns on the fingers.
It is called dermatoglyphic. An Englishman Francis Galton, who published a monograph on fingerprints at the end of the XIX century. And the term "dermatoglification" appeared less than a century ago - in 1926 and translated as "skin engraving".

How are intelligent people

Dermatoglification is a unique marker system. Marking - Comb Patterns on your fingers is a markup that indicates something very important. There is no more in our organism of the marker of such a level.
- It turns out that we all ... are marked? That is, marked? What for?
- It is still difficult to answer this question. Great leather in man is only in the most remote zones - on hand and legs, and some monkeys - on the tail. The easiest way to assume that scallops increase friction with the surface of the subject and facilitate movement, climbing on trees. But too complex patterns to explain their appearance only by this. By the way, the fingerprints and palms of monkeys are much nithewan than a person.
- And what does that mean?
- Who would know! Maybe this indicates that the monkey's brain is much more complicated in something more complicated than that of a person. Or that man is a flourishing of primates. What is the archaic in art differs from the classic period? It is ridiculously complicated. Apparently, nature, creating primates, laid a very powerful foundation in them, and then it turned out that he was not needed, and the evolution from this "archaic" to the "classics" went along the path of discarding some extra details. Comparison of fingerprints and human palms and monkey makes it possible to understand how the brain evolved.

- It turns out if the monkey has more complex drawings on the fingers and palms, is she smarter than a person? And smart people are "marked" more sophisticated engraving skin?
"When more than twenty years ago I began to engage in prints, I also wanted to understand where the marker of smart people was on the palms, and where is stupid. Who is smarter - people with arcs, loops or curls on the fingers? I found out that with such measurements it is impossible to approach the dermatoglyphika. Each of us is stupid, and in something smart in its own way. And since there are neither absolutely stupid, nor smart, then say who is better, and who is worse, it is impossible.
Most often (about 35 percent of people) there are ulnar loops on the fingers - patterns resembling lasso and directed, as a rule, towards the mother's. The nervous system of these people is arranged so that they are easy to adapt to any situation. They make the impression of normal words in the very condam. They do not hold the fig in his pocket, are good enough, frank and moderately frank. They are executive, but will not make more than entrusted. But a man with curls on the fingers is always not satisfied with what is happening inside and around him, forever tries to change something. He has a colossal potential in order to rebuild the world, make a brilliant discovery. However, in this impulse, it is often inadequate, it turns out to be "not to the place." It is at the one who is considered to be "asshole", more often there are curls on the pillows of fingers.
If the dermatogly is scuba and rare, a person has problems with social adaptation. And the more rare the patterns on his fingers, the sharper these problems. Third type - people with arcs (arches) on the pads of the fingers. They, as psychologists say, are not inclined to change their behavioral programs. Because they don't have them so much. It would seem that it is bad. But a person with curls on the fingers knows a million ways to open the door. Only he ... will not open it. Will suffer which way to choose, doubt. A man with arcs knows one way - a blow to the leg. And take advantage of them. In people who, as daggey knives, pass through difficult circumstances, is just a lot of arcs on the fingers. This is their strength. However, it is important that you say, opening the door. And sometimes nothing to say. This is their weakness.
- And people with curls on the fingers there is something to say?
- Sure! But they won't say that. Because: "And if I am right ...", "And what if ...", "I myself seems to me that it is nonsense" ...
I am not familiar with the dermatoglyphic of Andrei White, but Khodasevich gave him a characteristic as a typical man with curls on his fingers. Khodasevich wrote that White "rushed between the beauty and a disturbed mother and freak, the clever and the purest man of his father. And he understood at every moment that in every truth there is a share of nonsense and inappropriate, in every absolutely absurd thought there is a rational grain, which, maybe not in essence, but in shape and meaning is connected with her ... and therefore his life was the hardest flour ".
- Communicating with someone, you can assume what patterns on his fingers?
- In one provincial town, I introduced me to a person who built a private museum for her money. And here we sit with him on the porch, and he hides: "Lord, and why did I do it, why did all my money hused the museum? Maybe the children will come here, look at all this beauty and will not go, as Chikatilo, cut someone with a knife ... "A strange such person. Word for the word, talked. Can I have your hand? You are welcome. I say: you have drawings on your fingers - like ... Chicatilo. It was advised not to be frightened, because it points to just on the absence of pragmatic behavior inherent to people with curls on the fingers.
- And what, did Chikatilo had any special drawings on the fingers? And inspected the fingers of the child, you can say that he has a tendency to become chikatilo?
- Yes.
- Nightmare! Straight Lombroso some kind!
- Indeed, all the time the ghost of lombrosication arises. But differences - cardinal. First, the criteria for which Lombroso offered to assess the born criminals (widely spaced eyes, hopped ears, low bevel left forehead ...) are pretty naive. And secondly, that Lombroso offered to do with people who are predisposed to the crime? He believed that they should be killed.
A person may have a tender leaning, but she is not fatal. If someone is susceptible to cramps, for example, it creates the conditions so that it does not get sick. It should also be done so that another someone has not committed a crime. In the end, what is a tendency to violence? In some sense, this violation of the psyche. After all, and Chikatilo not at one moment the killer became. When he was executed, the fingerprints were thrown away from the card files, having considered that they would not "appear nowhere", and one operative gave them to me. I often considered them. Chicatilo has a very rare type of dermatoglyphic. According to fingerprints, it is impossible to say - a killer is a person or not, but you can explain why he committed a murder that in my opinion is more important. Drawings on the fingers show how easy it was to bring such a person before he took the knife and began to kill. At one stick - he fear and went further, and another not that spit - Kosos could not look. Kill.
- Chikatilo from those who will not bearing when they are just going to spit?
- Exactly. And it was not easy to spoiled on him - tons of dirt were wrapped. All serial killers are undoubtedly those.
- And on fingerprints you can define half a person?
- Surely no. Men on the fingers more curls, in women - loops. In men, complex patterns are located on the fingers of the right hand, in women - on the contrary. In general, the dermatoglika women are easier. A man with curls on the fingers to the best of his abilities tries to predict the development of the situation and will strive for its permission. A man with hinges acts on the situation, and the man with arcs behaves always equally. So it turns out that a man predicts the situation, and the woman acts in circumstances, which makes it stronger. And bolder, because she simply does not understand many things and does not want to understand, it saves her. Of course, there are women who have ten curls on the fingers, and they predict and analyzing the situation can give one hundred points ahead with most typical men.
- Are the fingerprints of the fingers of homosexuals differ from the drawings on the fingers of "typical men"?
- Their dermatoglification, of course, has its own characteristics, but against the expectation it is not a female type. Homosexuals are rather a "left-handed" of a certain type.

Homeless and Stirlitz - Blood Brothers?

When Bogdanov talks about left-handers, he does not mean that people write with her left hand, but the features of their brain. It is believed that the left hemisphere of our brain responsibly for the highest mental functions - speech, understanding of the environment, forecast for the further development of the situation. And the right hemisphere is more closely associated with emotions. Simply put, the left hemisphere is our logic, and the right - emotions. And the left "gives the team" right hand, and the right left.
However, if a person writes with his left hand, does not mean that at the same time he "works" the right hemisphere responsible for intuition, emotions. It turns out that 70 percent of the left (as almost all of us, right-handed), the speech center is also located in the left (and not in the right!) Hemisphere of the brain. That is, it turns out, they seem like "unreal" left-handers.
"Real" - those who processes information entering the brain, too, right hemisphere, and not those who write left hand! Moreover, at the same time they may well be ... right-handed! But it is their neurophysiologist calls left-handers. And looking for signs confirming this, in the drawings of their fingers. According to the dermatoglyphic (a certain asymmetry of patterns on the fingers of different hands, it is possible to accurately allocate people who, not only the hand "controlled" with the right hemisphere, but also speech from there. According to Bogdanov, dermatoglyphic is the only method that allows you to reliably distinguish pathological left-handed from congenital. And why distinguish them?
The fact is that pathological left-handers are those who write left hand as a result of a generic injury, and not because it was so conceived by nature. Bogdanov argues that only dermatoglification today is capable of answering the question, at the expense of which left the left it is becoming more and more. So left left can be not only congenital, but also as a result of poor ecology, heavily protected pregnancy, unsuccessful childbirth. Bogdanov believes that it is precisely such - pathological - left-handed and necessary to move. But it will not be repaid, but rather correction, the development of the right hand.
- Those whom we are accustomed to call left-handers - left-handed in the index finger. Children with Williams syndrome (mental illness) - "left-handers" on the third and fifth fingers. Homosexuals - "left-handers" on the maiden and thumb. It is on these fingers that they have curls indicating the peculiarities of the organization of the brain. I have reason to think that serial killers and homosexuals (I do not merge these groups) process information with right hemispheres. Behavior and those and others are wrong. This is the left-handers who in some sense do not care about what they will think about.

What about Mayakovsky with homeless?

Remember, in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" Muller shows the fingerprints of fingerprints, shot from a suitcase of a Russian radio market? Apparently, there is a large, index and middle fingers. And on all three - drawings of the arc.
- And the "arcs" go slipped, embrood the door with your feet?
- Yes, such a person never become an intelligence! At the real resident on the fingers, ten curls should be, they testify to artistry and tricks.
- Did you know anything new about yourself when I studied your fingers?
- I, thank God, all curls on one hand - on the right, on the Mizinz, index and nameless fingers. Why thank God? If the curls were on the left, it would be talking about very much anxiety, I would have come to you on an interview, then I could not eat, but you will print, but suddenly ...).
I am extremely unbalanced, hot-tempered, I love to govern. Type of Mayakovsky. Dermatoglyphic of great people - my hobby. I first thought that the geniuses necessarily very rare dermatoglyphic, but it turned out that it was not. Mayakovsky has only three curls on the fingers, Mandelstam is four. And excellent, because people who have a lot of peculiarities of the nervous system are very difficult to realize. For the "thin" nervous system (read: a rare dermatoglyphika) a man pays a terrible price. For example ... bimmer. Most homeless people are people with marginal dermatoglyphic.
- What is the point of investing in this word?
- Rare, sharply different from the group of people.
- So, at Stirlitz and homeless people should be similar patterns on the fingers?
- It is not excluded. Breath has a lot of curls on the fingers "on the left type." Explicit evidence of the emotional wealth of nature. Uncommon people, they can afford to be free from society, do not be afraid to live somewhere at stations or in the gentlemen, not to have at home. Yes, I will be in such a situation, I would die!
- How did you get the "fingers" of Mayakovsky?
- From the archive of the Police Department, which was transferred to the State Archive of the Russian Federation. These are imprints taken from the poet during the arrest in 1908. In Russia, prints from all arrested them began to shoot a year earlier - in 1907. On the fingers of Mayakovsky three curls, and everything is on one hand - on the right. The man is extremely unbalanced, but disposable. Usually, signs of the Hands in their hands are told about suicide suicide, signs of certain inadequacy, the extremely emotional perception of the world. I, for example, there are weak signs of the left, and the Mayakovsky does not have them at all. The chief of the poet indicates that he was not inclined to suicide, could not enter the idea of \u200b\u200bself-destruction. In my opinion, his conversations about suicide are just an empty chatter, and no more. Specialists of the Mayakovsky Museum categorically disagree with me. It was alleged that he was leafed, shot himself with his left hand. But he wrote it right! Apparently, something the poet was made with his left hand, once even in the memoirs of Kataeva, it was mentioned that Mayakovsky left-handed. It would be possible to assume that he was "unrealized", forced left-handed, due to the injury of the brain in intrauterine development, in childhood, but it is unlikely, because it would have affected his poetic abilities. My hypothesis: the poet just lightly played Russian roulette. Do not want to kill yourself. Pressed on the trigger, but did not strive for suicide, did not believe that it could die so much. According to the memories of BRIC, it is known that he shot twice, but not in her eyes. She came to him, and he said that the gun was born. Apparently, he just scared a woman.
But Mandelshtam "Lefty" on a comb. There is such a concept in the dermatoglyphic. Comb, this is the number of "scallops" of the skin, "stripes" in the patterns of loops, arcs or curls. He has three curls on his right hand and one on the left. Probably, in order for the person to be realized, another combination is not necessary, everything else will be superfluous. Curls like marking the organization of those brain blocks that give a person the opportunity to create something ingenious. Figuratively speaking, such a drawing on the fingers would be a tick: a person has a treasure that can be spent. As he orders it, what will let it be - another question.

From the difference in patterns to the difference in cultures

The Chinese about the curls on the pillows of the fingers there is a proverb. It sounds like this: one vortex curl means poverty; Two - wealth; Three or four - open Lombard; Five - you will become a commissioner; Six - thief; seven - wait for the misfortune; Nine curls and one loop - at least all their life do not work, you will always be fed, enough food until older. If you contact Indian or Japanese "folklore", it will be found that people with arcs on the fingers were considered tough, conders, cold; people with loops - cute, misintermetative, benevolent; People with curls - cunning, lucky. Einstein had seven curls: on large, index and nameless fingers of both hands and on the middle finger of the left hand, the rest of the drawings are ullable loops.
- I wonder what you would tell about such a person if they did not know that this fingerprints of Einstein?
- High potential is inclined to gaming, rational activities, to the analysis and miscalculation of situations. If we speak in the philistine, then this is a person on his mind, closed, secretive, late forming type, infantile, inclined to gaming behavior, extremely lazy. However, it was, right? Einstein wrote that he was formed late, he studied badly at school.
- Are distinguished pictures on fingers from representatives of different nations?
- Yes. Dermatoglification helps a lot when analyzing the origin of this or that nation. Behind the difference between the patterns on the fingers - the features of the adaptation of a person to nature. Curls on the fingers are more often found among the peoples living in an extreme situation: the Aborigines of the North - Aleuts, Chukchi, the Aborigines of the Fire Earth, Australia, on Tibet. People with curls on the fingers easier to survive in the difficult natural conditions - the kingdom of God, they are trying to build inside all the time, and therefore everything that happens around, they are not interested. Hence the contemplative culture of yoga.
- It can be assumed that among Muscovites who are fond of yoga, many people with curls on the fingers?
- Among the most successful, advanced yogis is definitely. But among those who "do not enter" into this case, people with arcs on the fingers will be. And people with loops are generally unlikely to be interested, they have other tasks, they stand too hard on Earth. If people with the most complicated patterns on the fingers live in Tibet, then with the most simple - in Europe. So the East is really thin. There is nothing to catch the Europeans, people with curls on the fingers will circle them around these most fingers, they will combat them in two bills.
- What is the difference between dermatoglika long-livers?
- simplicity. They usually have a lot of loops on their fingers. And in this mystery, because people who have curls on the fingers are the greatest physical potential. Apparently, the ability to adapt, the plasticity characteristic of the "hinges" is also important. After all, the "loops" will be treated in some complicated life situation "curls", but will be more successful on the long distant. Why? People with curls in their arms are prone to self-dispersion, they quickly burn what nature gave them.

Treradius (Delta) is considered the most significant sign in the dermatoglyphik - the place where the flows of skin scallops are diverted into three sides. It's funny that striped zebras also has delta, and they are individual. What do you think for what is needed by this animal stripes? It turns out to better recognize each other

Doctors do not mind. But not "for"

Once a colleague asked me to watch the family in which he was sick-free schizophrenia. Having become acquainted with the parents of the patient, I said colleague: "It is necessary to talk with my mother, because dad does not decide anything." The colleague was shocked, she watched this family for many years, and I saw them for the first time. Everything is simple: moms on the pads of the fingers are alone arcs, and the dad is curls. It is clear that in this situation he is a rebelnik. Of course, he is smarter, delicate, thinner and might suggest something delomet, but in this case all his subtlety goes to tolerate.
People with arcs on the fingers never combine with each other. And it is clear: neither he nor it is prone to compromise. As a rule, "arcs" find themselves in a couple of people with curls that are extremely compromised.
- Do we really unaware, choose each other by fingerprints?
- It's just amazing! I once had a stunning couple at the reception. My husband has patterns in inter-fellow intervals, which is found from one person out of ten thousand. Imagine my surprise when and my wife I found exactly the same anomaly. This man found himself blindly, but as for sure !!
- So, maybe, when choosing a profession, it is worth looking at the palm?
- Why not? Tatyana Fedorovna Abramova created a unique model of the realization of the physiological potential of man. It is engaged in sports anthropology, predicts the future of athletes highest qualifications. Agree that specialization is needed in sports. Let's say the sprinter is important to be able to completely laid out on a short distance, and the defender in football needs not speed, but completely different dermatoglyphic. It is more important to possess not high-speed, but analytical qualities.
- I understood: the attacker is a man with arcs on the fingers, and the defender - with curls, right?
- In general, so. People with arcs are able to maximize from their place in the quarry to realize their potential. These are ready-made attackers - with explosive temperament and poundness, the ability to open the door with one blow. Dermatoglyphic gives stunning opportunities for a sporting forecast. Boys who came to play football can be immediately painted in drawings of the fingers: to whom in the attackers who are in goalkeepers, and who to stand in defense ...
According to Bogdanov, already in the hospital, without clarifying a chromosomal picture, looking at the fingers of the child, you can absolutely definitely define down disease and other mental illness, detect clear signs of pathological damage to the nervous system.
- Likewise, it is paradoxically, but dermatoglyphism is unpopular among physicians. Why? It is very conclusions specific, and some diagnoses, such as schizophrenia, are non-specific. One doctor will say that it is not, the other - what is, it all arranges. The pattern on the fingers is such a sign, from which you can not get anywhere, he does not suggest the causes of the disease (they can be different), but unequivocally indicates the very fact of the disease. Dermatoglification exposes our ignorance. Therefore scares. We are often lazy and dislike, we better hear a more vague sentence - after all, he gives an opportunity at least some kind of illusory, maneuver.