Wearing a ribbon. In Russia, the rules for wearing St. George ribbons have been tightened

In Russia, the rules for wearing the St.George ribbon have changed. Now Russians are allowed to wear one of the main symbols of Victory Day only on the lapel of their jacket. This is reported by "Life" with reference to the public movement "Victory Volunteers".

The best place for a symbol of memory and respect is at the heart. Therefore, we believe that it is better to fasten the St. George's ribbon on the left side of the chest, - said an employee of the press service to Life.

Earlier, the organization extended the rules for wearing the symbol, according to which the ribbon is not allowed to be attached to a bag or to a car, as well as to be worn below the belt, on the head or in a damaged state. The promotion of distributing ribbons to all comers started throughout Russia on April 24.

Photo: www.facebook.com/Ekaterina.Schulmann

Yeah ... how can a good deed be ruined? Let the fools "streamline" it ... these inventors have nothing else to do? If my dad, who fought with 42, was alive, he would just shrug his shoulders and wave his hand ... zealous eprst! - writes one of the users.

I do not see anything absurd in the fact that the ribbon is tied on a bag or car antenna. How does this humiliate memory? Only deputies are now wearing jackets. If a person has attached a ribbon on a jacket in the chest area - why doesn't he respect memory? Insanity grows stronger, adds another.

But there are those who supported the innovation:

This is the right decision. There is a “Regulation on State Awards of the Russian Federation”, which specifies the rules for wearing awards. The St. George ribbon is related to awards and should be worn in the same way, - wrote one of the commentators.

In 2005, RIA Novosti and the student community, a youth public organization, distributed ribbons on the eve of Victory Day. The motto of the action was "I remember! I am proud!"

The colors of the ribbon correspond to the order ribbons of such awards:

  1. order of St. George. Established by Catherine II in 1769 as a reward for valor displayed on the battlefield;
  2. medal "For the victory over Germany in the Veklika Patriotic War 1941-1945" ... Established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1945 as a reward for all who fought against the Nazis;
  3. guards insignia. Established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1942 for distinguished military units, crews and individual soldiers.

After the coup in Kiev in 2014, the St. George ribbon became a symbol of resistance to violent Ukrainization, nationalism and repression by the usurpers of power.

New rules

Initially, it was suggested to fix the ribbon on clothes, a car, or a bag so that it could be seen. However, the lack of culture among some citizens, who perceived this symbol of the holiday as a fashionable novelty, led to the fact that they began to decorate completely inappropriate parts of the wardrobe. Motorists often forgot about the tape tied to the outside of the car.

The All-Russian public movement "Victory Volunteers", which organizes the "St. George Ribbon" action, has announced new rules for wearing the ribbon. It can only be attached to clothing on the chest. It is desirable that the outfit be appropriate for the holiday. All other options for decorating household items and a costume with a ribbon are not approved.

Everyone who shares the idea of \u200b\u200bthe action and wants to express his respect for the Victory with its help should keep track of whether the ribbon is tied correctly. A volunteer distributing ribbons and just a caring person can make a comment for the incorrect use of the symbol. My advice: additionally tell me how to wear this symbol correctly.

  • From which side to wear the St.George ribbon on clothes?
  • What does the St. George ribbon mean?

Strictly speaking, very conditional. This is one of the most controversial issues that comes up every year before May 9th. Many believe that the symbol of the Great Victory should have become not the St. George ribbon at all, but the Guards ribbon, and they talk about a large-scale falsification.

To understand the connection between the St. George ribbon and the Great Patriotic War, "Victory Volunteers" suggest recalling the history of the orders. For the first time, the St. George ribbon appeared in 1769, it was attached to the soldier's order of St. George the Victorious (established by Catherine II). In 1917, the tape was banned, it was revived only in 1941.

Anastasia Semenovykh, I. about. the head of the Sverdlovsk regional association "Victory Volunteers":

During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory of three degrees was instituted, based on the black and orange guards ribbon - as a reminder of the St. George cross. That is, the St. George ribbon served as the prototype for the Guards ribbon. The colors were different, but only slightly. We can say that they repeated one of the most revered awards in pre-revolutionary Russia ("St. George's Cross" - approx ..

The Guards Ribbon was used in the design of the three-class medal of Glory (established in November 1943) and the medal "For Victory over Germany" (established on May 9, 1945).

On March 2, 1992, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "On state awards of the Russian Federation", it was decided to restore the military order of St. George and the insignia "St. George's Cross".

How did the St. George ribbon become a symbol of the Great Victory?

The organizers of a large-scale ribbon distribution campaign in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory (RIA Novosti and Student Community) chose St. George's, not the Guards' ribbon as a symbol that was supposed to unite several generations.

Anastasia Semenovykh:

Since then, the promotion has been held every year. St. George ribbons began to be worn not only by young people, but also by veterans. They were attached to the lapels of their jackets by top officials of the state during official events. In general, for several years the ribbons have taken root and have become a symbol of memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

What do the colors of the tape mean - black and orange?

It is believed that the color of gunpowder (black) and the color of fire (orange) are combined in the St.George ribbon. In hagiographic literature, these colors symbolize the death and resurrection of St. George.

How to wear the ribbon correctly?

Most often it is fastened to clothes as a badge, for example, on the lapel (just above or below the chest, on the left side). You can also attach the tape to the rearview mirror in the car, where it will be protected from gusts of wind and road dirt.

Where should you not attach the tape?

Do not wear the tape on your head, below the waist, on your bag, or on the body of your car (including the antenna of your car). Also, you do not need to use it as laces or lacing on a corset (there have been such cases too). In addition, it is not allowed to wear a damaged St. George ribbon.

Anastasia Semenovykh:

How long and wide should the tape be?

There are no standards for length and width. It all depends on how you want to tie the ribbon. So, for example, if you have chosen the "eyelet" option, then a short tape will suit you. If you want to make a bow, you need three cuts. For a bow of 15 cm in length and width, you will need two ribbons of 30 cm and one small ribbon.

Is it possible to decorate a St. George ribbon with beads, stones or a brooch?

Nobody can deny you. There are many options on the Web for how to turn a St. George ribbon into an "elegant bow" by decorating it with a brooch or stones. But remember that in this case it can become just a fashion accessory or decorative element and lose its original meaning.

Where to get a tape in Yekaterinburg for free?

Volunteers hand out ribbons in the city center. They can be found on the street. Weiner, 1905 Square, the Embankment of the Working Youth, October Square, at the monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin, in the Historical Square, in the Kharitonovsky Park.